MADISON PARK TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL HS SATURDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM PROGRAM COMPONENTS: Freshmen ELA & Mathematics MCAS ELA, Mathematics, & Biology Prep SAT Prep ELA, Mathematics, & Science courses (Credit recovery & enrichment) Career Technical Education Enrichment Middle School Exploratory Program Attendance remediation CRITERIA FOR ATTENDANCE: Student & Parent request Students not on grade level in core content areas Students who have not passed MCAS Students requiring credit recovery Students interesting in elective credits Students interesting in improving SAT preparation Middle School students interesting in exploring career technical education & STEM opportunities Students requiring attendance remediation due to excessive tardiness/absenteeism ASSESSMENT: Students participating in the academic programs will be assessed three (3) times during the program (Pre, mid-program, post) to gauge improvement Students taking actual coursework will be assessed similarly as assessed in core content taught during regular school hours Career technical participation will be assessed on project-based learning opportunities presented by instructors in related fields Middle School students will be given an ELA & Math pre- & post test to measure baselines and improvement CAPACITY The Madison Park Technical Vocational HS will accommodate 200-250 students per session WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY: Effective schools research describes effective schools as maximizing instructional time, including, when necessary, the use of non-academic time (out of school time). To maximize student outcomes, programming is offered at various times (in this case Saturday) to reach as many students as possible. Effective programming will incorporate the following: Small class size, A variety of learning centers within classrooms integrating literacy and mathematical tools and tasks. Teaching practices and strategies based on each student's performance on standards; Scaffolded teaching that follows a sequence of modeling, guiding, observing, and practicing skills for students; and A thematic curriculum reflected in each learning center. LENGTH/DURATION The Madison Park Technical Vocational HS Saturday School Program will be a 20-24 week program that will run for three hours per session (9-12 PM). HIGH QUALITY INSTRUCTORS Program teachers will be interviewed and must demonstrate an ability to enhance and improve student performance. SCHEDULES 8:00 – 8:55 Breakfast Freshmen tutorial: 9 – 10:20 AM ELA/Mathematics (students split into sections to minimize large groupings) 10:20 – 10:30 AM Break 10:30 – 11:50 ELA/Mathematics 11:50 – 12 PM Summarizing activities MCAS Prep, SAT Prep, Saturday School courses, Career Technical Education enrichment, Middle School Exploratory, Attendance remediation: 9 – 11:50 AM ADULT/STUDENT RATIO 15-18:1 Academic 10:1 Career Technical Education EXPECTED STUDENT OUTCOMES Increased levels of proficiency in core content areas Enhanced career technical skill mastery Increased SAT & MCAS performance Increase in credit attainment Increased enrollment through middle school component Improved student attendance HOW WILL WE MEASURE OUTCOMES Scheduled assessments Opportunities to showcase mastery (i.e. Career Technical projects) Saturday School attendance as it correlates to individual student performance