Thursday, October 13 - University of Oklahoma Health Sciences

Thursday, October 13, 2011, 5:30pm, DLB Student Union Room 205
"THINK BIG! Because every journey begins with a desire to go somewhere and do something.” – The Energy Bus
New Business
a. Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI)
i. College organized blood drives update Encourage more collages to do blood drives
1. Interest from Nursing, Pharmacy, PA, Dentistry, Graduate College
a. Mon. in November for Nursing (Shelby contact person)
b. OBI meeting to discuss plans
c. Pairing up colleges to do joint blood drive
2. Months available: November, February, March
b. Campus wide service drives
i. Adopt-A-Child at Children’s Hospital: Sign up November 14-29, gifts turned in by December 9. Stay tuned!
Geneva to send out more info this week
Try and get colleges more involved in service drive
c. Upcoming Campus Events (see back side of agenda)
Reports from Executive Board
a. President- Geneva Whitney,
i. Leadership Retreat: Largest to date – 65 attendees!
b. Vice President/Senate Chair- Aimee Barrett,
i. Senate Meeting: Tuesday, Oct 18, 12:00pm, DLB Student Union Room 262 – join us for lunch!
ii. Working on objectives set in Leadership Retreat
iii. This Tuesday (10/18) next senate meeting to work on objectives
c. Secretary- Jessica Mucci,
i. Executive Council Composite Got a few more photos at meeting today, will find out shortly who still missing
d. Treasurer- Maggie Cochrane,
e. Campus Activities Board Chair- Ryan Northup,
i. Sponsorship for CAB Happy Hours
ii. Fall for OU Week- October 24-28! OBI Blood Drive on Wednesday, 26th, Happy Hour on Friday, 28th!
1. Blood drive that Wednesday 10/26, Happy Hour that Friday 10/28
2. Funds to get more food (grilled cheese and tomato soup)
3. Cover band or DJ in the works
4. Tshirts for CAB board members for identification
5. Email from Ryan about sponsorship for fall activities (CAB to help out with promoting events)
Reports from Executive Council
a. College Presidents
i. College of Allied Health- Bess Jackson,
1. Grand Rounds with speakers, next Thursday (10/20) on tobacco
a. Free lunch
2. 10/31 Chili Cookoff- $5 at College of Allied Health (Iris to send out email)
ii. College of Dentistry- Coty Shores,
1. Halloween party sponsored by Dental school, entry fee $5 with student id ($10 without student
id), located at Camps Deli on 10/28, 8 p.m.-2 a.m., cash & credit bar
2. Students interested in teeth cleanings (once a semester)?
a. Spread info on HSC Daily News
iii. College of Medicine- Abbey Arthur,
iv. College of Nursing- Shelby Yanus,
1. Collecting personal hygiene products for health fair event on 28th
2. Also working towards Blood Drive
v. College of Pharmacy- Laura Tarrh,
1. Leukemia & Lymphoma Week next week (10/17-10/21)
2. Tues. and Wed. (10/18 - 10/19) bake sale, Thurs. (10/20) wearing yellow and taking pic in front of
vi. College of Public Health- Ellie ail,
vii. Graduate College- Jordi Lanis,
1. Drive for health fair (cold weather clothing) donation boxes in Union, working with Nursing, etc.
2. Fundraiser (acrylic cups), online sale with link on HSC Daily News
viii. Physician Associates- Michael Crawford,
1. OAPA conference in Tulsa planning still going on
b. Multicultural Presidents
i. African American Student Association (AASA)- Nickolas Sumpter,
1. 12/03 hosting event to raise funds for program
2. Also Millwood High School, programs to lets kids know about what goes on in various colleges at
3. Brown Bag partnering
ii. Asian American Professional Student Association (AAPSA)- Grace Jun,, and Melissa
iii. Hispanic American Student Association (HASA)- Iris Jaquez,
1. This Friday (10/14) Latin Ball Fiesta on Norman Campus 9 p.m., $5 with student id
a. Iris to send out email with info
iv. International Student Organization (ISO)- Kaustuv Sahoo,
v. Native American Student Association (NASA)- Jonathan Babbitt,
1. Nov. Native American Heritage Week 11/5-11/11- speaker an artist who did a lot of paintings in
Union and other speaker from OU, also taco sales ($7 and comes with a drink), proceeds to
Children’s Cancer Fund
vi. Oklahoma City Chinese Student’s and Scholar’s Association (OKCCSSA)- Xuemin He,
c. Committee Chairs and Liaisons
i. Student Housing no updates
ii. Diversity Celebration Week – MaKaya met with Tanya
iii. Discrimination and Harassment no updates
HSC Student Affairs
a. Kate Stanton,
i. OU HSC Police Department Crosswalk Initiative- citing students for not using crosswalk
ii. Between PA entrance and library request for crosswalk
iii. Group of people who won bells contest in leadership retreat going to get pizza 10/14
iv. Yoga Union 262 every Wednesday free (just bring own yoga mat)
b. Carlos Rodriguez,
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 10, at 5:30, David L Boren Student Union 205
Upcoming Campus Events
Student (free) Flu Shots | Oct 13 & 27| SU 262 | see home page for details
Waffles with the Writing Center | Oct 19 | Noon | SU First Floor
Leadership Lunch with Dr. Victoria Christofi | Oct 20 | Noon| SU 262
Fall for OU Week | Oct 24-28
SEE HSC Day | Oct 27 | for prospective HSC students
Leadership Lunch with Provost Andrews | Nov 2 | Noon | SU 262
Veterans Day | Nov 11 | SU First Floor
Sexual Assault Awareness Week | Nov 11-14 | SU
Global Thanksgiving for HSC1 & Cousins | Nov 17 | Noon | SU 262
Mini-DeStress Fest | Nov 21 | SU First Floor
Senate Meetings @ Noon
HSC Student Union, Room 262
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Holiday Event, Tuesday, December 6, 2011*
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Tuesday,, March 20, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Executive Council Meetings @ 5:15 p.m.
HSC Student Union, Room 205
Thursday, August 18, 2011*
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Holiday Event, Tuesday, December 6, 2011*
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
2011-2012 HSC Student Association Senate and Executive Council Meetings