4th Quarter Math Scoring Scale 4th Quarter L Limited Progress

4th Quarter Math Scoring Scale
4th Quarter
K.CC.1 Count to 100 by 1’s
Limited Progress toward
Grade Level Standard
Is unable to count by ones
to 100
Progressing toward
Grade Level Standard
Meets Grade
Level Standard
Exceeds Grade Level
Knows the concept of the
number to 100 but may skip
numbers or is inconsistent
Consistently counts by ones
to 100
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability to count by ones
to 120
Consistently counts on to
100 starting with numbers
other than 1
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability count on to 120
starting with numbers other
than 1
Consistently represents a
number of objects, up to 20
using numerals.
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability to represent
numbers to 50 using
numerals, pictures and
Consistently counts objects
to 20
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability to count objects
to 100
Consistently counts a set of
20 objects that are
arranged and identifies
“How Many.”
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability to count a set of
objects to 100 and identify
“How Many”
Can count by ones to ≤50
K.CC.2 Count forward
beginning from a given
number within the known
sequence (instead of
having to begin at 1).
K.CC.3 Write numbers from
0 to 20. Represent a
number of objects with a
written numeral 0-20 (with 0
representing a count of no
K.CC.4 Understand the
relationship between
numbers and quantities;
connect counting to
K.CC.5 Count to answer
“how many?” questions
about as many as 20 things
arranged in a line, a
rectangular array, or a
circle, or as many as 10
things in a scattered
configuration; given a
number from 1–20, count
out that many objects.
Is unable to count on to 100
starting with numbers other
than 1
Can count by ones to 75
Inconsistently counts on to
100 starting with numbers
other than 1
Can count on to ≤10
starting with numbers other
than 1
Is unable to represent
numbers to 20 using
numerals, pictures and
Can count on to 20 starting
with numbers other than 1
Can represent numbers to
Is unable to count objects to
Can count objects to ≤10
Can represent numbers to
Has an understanding of
counting objects but is
inconsistent when counting
objects to 20
Is unable to count a set of
objects to 20 and identify
“How Many”
Can count objects to 15
Inconsistently counts a set
of objects to 20 and identify
“How Many”
Can count a set of objects
to ≤10
Can count a set of objects
to 15
Inconsistently represents
numbers to 20 using
numerals, pictures and
Student can count to
answer with up to 10
scattered objects.
Student can count out a set
of 20 objects.
4th Quarter Math Scoring Scale
K.OA.1 Represent addition
and subtraction with
objects, fingers, mental
images, drawings, sounds
(e.g., claps), acting out
situations, verbal
explanations, expressions,
or equations. (Note:
Drawings need not
show details, but should
show the mathematics in
the problem
K.OA.2 Consistently solves
addition and subtraction
word problems, and can
add and subtract within 10
using objects or drawings to
represent the problem.
Cannot solve addition and
subtraction equations to 5
Can solve addition and
subtraction equations to 5
Consistently represents
addition and subtraction
with objects, fingers, mental
images, drawings, or
equations within 10
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability to solves addition
and subtraction equations
to 20
Student is unable to solve
both addition and
subtraction word problems.
With teacher support and
guidance, student is able to
solve word problems by
adding or subtracting within
10. Student is unable to
understand the problem
and represent it with objects
or a drawing independently.
Consistently solves both
addition and subtraction
word problems using
numbers within 10 and can
use counting to solve the all
problem types by acting out
the situation and/or with
objects, fingers, and
K.OA.3 Decompose
numbers less than or equal
to 10 into pairs in more
than one way, e.g., by using
objects or drawings, and
record each
decomposition by a drawing
or equation (e.g., 5 = 2 + 3
and 5 = 4 + 1).
K.OA.4 For any number
from 1 to 9, find the number
that makes 10 when
added to the given number,
e.g., by using objects or
drawings, and
record the answer with a
drawing or equation.
Is unable to decompose
numbers ≤5
Inconsistently decomposes
numbers ≤10
Consistently decomposes
numbers less than or equal
to 10
Student is able to prove that
his or her word problem
solution is correct by
explaining the solution in
more than one way
by acting out the situation
and/or with objects, fingers,
and drawings.
Student is able to use these
strategies to work with
numbers within 15.
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability to decompose
numbers less than or equal
to 10 by writing equations
using the appropriate
Can decompose numbers
Is unable to solve how
many to 10
Inconsistently solves how
many to 10
Consistently solves how
many to 10
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability to solve how
many to10 using 3 whole
4th Quarter Math Scoring Scale
K.OA.5 Fluently add and
subtract within 5.
Is unable to add and
subtract fluently within 5
Inconsistently adds and
subtracts fluently within 5
Consistently adds and
subtracts fluently within 5
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability to adds and
subtracts fluently within 10
K.NBT.1 Compose and
decompose numbers from
11 to 19 into ten ones and
some further ones, e.g., by
using objects or drawings,
and record
each composition or
decomposition by a drawing
or equation (e.g.,
18 = 10 +8); understand
that these numbers are
composed of ten
ones and one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight,
or nine ones.
Is unable to compose and
decompose 11-19 into tens
and ones
Inconsistently composes
and decomposes 11-19 into
tens and ones
Consistently composes and
decomposes 11-19 into
tens and ones
Meets quarterly grade level
standard and; demonstrates
the ability to composes and
decomposes 11-19 into
tens and ones writing
addition and subtraction