Determination of Sulfites in Grape Juice and Cooking Wine by Differential Pulse Polarography Badrinath Dhakal November 29, 2009 Abstract Differential pulse polarography was employed to determine the amount of sulfites in the Marsala cooking wine and Welch’s white grape juice. The voltametric cell consisted of a hanging mercury drop as a working electrode, Ag/AgCl a reference electrode and platinum as auxiliary electrode. Sodium bisulfite was used as a standard substance and the amount of sulfites in the samples was calculated using the standard addition method. The sulphur dioxide concentrations in the cooking wine and white grape juice were found to be 15.82ppm and 26.90ppm respectively. 1|Page 1. Introduction Sulfites (in the forms of sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, potassium bisulfite and potassium metabisulfite) are commonly used in foods and beverages as preservatives. Sulfites are added to the food mainly to reduce the spoilage by bacteria, slow down the browning of fruits, vegetable, and seafood, and to inhibit the growth of bacteria during fermentation of wines. Sulfites also occur naturally in foods like fermented beverages and wines. People with allergies and asthma are more sensitive to sulfites. Sulfites are known to increase asthma symptoms in approximately 5 % of the asthmatics (1). The mechanism of how sulfite causes reactions in certain people is not still known completely. However, it is supposed that the gases generated from sulfites might cause muscle spasms in the lungs of asthmatics, or could it be related to the inability in some people to metabolize the sulfites appropriately. The sulfite sensitivity may be caused by a relative deficiency of the enzyme sulfite oxidase which breaks down sulfites and requires molybdenum as a co-factor (2). Taking the effect of sulfites on the health of people into account, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the use of sulfites in fresh foods in 1986. The FDA now requires that any food containing more than 10 parts per million (ppm) concentration of sulfites to be declared on the label (3). Foods that contain less than 10ppm of sulfites have not been shown to cause symptoms. Food stuffs like dried fruits, wine, grape juice, bottled lime juice (non-frozen), bottled lemon juice (non-frozen), etc are reported containing sulfites greater than 100 ppm (1). 2|Page Owing to its allergic and asthmatic effects in higher concentrations, it is necessary to monitor and analyze the concentration of sulfites in various food products. Several techniques have been reported in the literature. Iodometric titration is one of the oldest methods of determining sulfites in food and beverages (4). In this method the sample solution adjusted at pH 12 with the help of sodium hydroxide is titrated with iodine solution. The starch present in the sample affects the sharpness of the end point. The non-sulfur dioxide iodine reducing species present in the sample would affect the result. This technique suffers from the low reproducibility. The sulfites in foods and beverages could also be determined by the modified Pararosaniline-formaldehyde method. Kim and Kim developed an Ion chromatography with electrochemical detection technique to measure the total sulfites in food (5). With this technique sulfites equivalent to 0.1ppm SO2 in the extract could be detected with detector response linear up to 6ppm SO2. In the present work sulfites in cooking wine (Marsala cooking wine) and grape juice (Welch’s white grape juice) was determined by using special type of voltametry called “differential pulse polarography” (DPP). This technique is very sensitive, reproducible, efficient and free from major sources of interferences. Standard addition method was used to determine the sulfite concentration in the samples. Small known amounts of analyte were added to the sample and increased voltametric signals were observed. A calibration curve was constructed after the series of additions of standard to the sample. The equivalent amount of analyte in the sample was determined by setting the linear regression equation to y = 0 and solving for x. 2. Experimental 3|Page 2.1. Reagents and materials: Sodium bisulfite (MW = 104.05 g/mol) was used as a standard. The wine sample was obtained from Marshal cooking wine (16 FL oz) and grape juice from Welch’s white Grape juice. All the chemicals and reagents used were of analytical grade. The instrument used was Princeton Applied Research Model 303A with SMDA Electromechanical Trace Analyzer Model 394. The voltametric cell consisted of three electrodes: dropping mercury electrode as working electrode, platinum electrode as auxiliary electrode and Ag/AgCl electrode as reference electrode. Polarographic analysis was performed adjusting following parameters as shown in table 1. Table 1 Instrumental parameters Mode Differential pulse polarography Initial potential -0.25 V Final potential - 0.9 V Scan increment 2 mV Step/drop time 0.5 sec Purge time 240 sec Drop size Small 2.2. Preparation of standard solution A 0.6499 g of sample sodium bisulfite (MW 104.05 g/mol) was accurately weighed out into a 100mL volumetric flask with 80mL of buffer solution ( pH 8.3) and diluted to the volume with deionized water. 4|Page 2.3. Preparation of sample solution Ten milliliters of each of the samples (cooking wine and white grape juice) were taken in separate 50mL volumetric flasks. Twenty milliliters of buffer solution was added to both the flasks and diluted to the volume with deionized water. 2.4. Instrumentation and analysis Ten milliliters of the wine sample was pipetted into a clean polarographic cell and a small stirrer bar was added. The solution was purged with nitrogen gas at 1 psig for 240 seconds. Five hundred micro liters of hydrochloric acid (10%) was added to the cell and again the data were collected. Then, data were collected for the addition of every 10 µL of the standard sodium bisulfite solution up to 50 µL of the standard solution. Data were collected for the grape juice sample exactly in the same way. 4. Result and discussion 450 400 y = 5.8052x + 89.174 R² = 0.9819 350 current,nA 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 volume of std. added,µL Fig 1. Calibration curve for the sulfite in juice. 5|Page 50 60 The calibration curve for the sulfite in juice is shown in Fig.1. The line does not pass through the origin because there is already some sulfite in the sample. But, the signal is proportional to the concentration of the sulfite in the solution. Using the equation 1, the equivalent volume of sulfite solution was calculated. X = -b/m …………… (1) Equation (2) was used to calculate the ppm of sulphur dioxide in the juice sample. Ppm of SO2 = 13.4540µL/10mL*3999.36 mg/106µL*50 mL/10 mL*1000mL/1 L …..(2) The slope, intercept and calculated values of equivalent volume of sulfite in juice and wine and the ppm of sulfites in both the samples are summarized in tables 2 and 3 respectively. Table 2. Some parameters derived from the standard addition curve for juice. Slope 6.019 Intercept 80.98 Equivalent volume of sulfite /10µL juice 13.45406 µL Ppm of SO2 26.90812 Table 3. Some parameters derived from the standard addition curve for sulfite in wine. Slope 9.590571 Intercept 75.88571 Equivalent volume of sulfite/ 10µLwine 7.912533µL Ppm of SO2 15.82507 6|Page 600 y = 9.5906x + 75.886 R² = 0.942 currrent,nA 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 volume of std.added, µL Fig 2. Calibration curve for sulfite (wine). Fig 3. Polarogram for wine sample without acid and std. 7|Page 50 60 Fig 4. Polarogram for the juice upon addition of 10µL std. Fig5.Polarogram for the wine (acidified) The standard addition curve for sulfite is shown in fig 2. The line here too does not pass through the origin because there is already some sulfite in the sample. The signal, however, is proportional to the concentration of sulfites. Figures 3, 4 and 5 represent the polarograms obtained for the sample only, with acid and std.(10µL) and acidified sample respectively. The amount of sulphur dioxide in ppm was calculated in the same way as calculated in the juice sample. The results are tabulated in table 1 and 2. The amounts of sulfites in wine and grape juice are reported to be greater than 100ppm in the literature (1). There was no label indicating the exact sulfite in the samples. The results obtained in this 8|Page experiment exceed 10ppm in both the sample and as per the FDA requirement the manufacturer labeled the sulfites in their products. Conclusion Differential pulse polarography was successfully employed to determine the amount of sulfites in the white grape juice and cooking wine samples. The amount of sulphur dioxide in each of the sample found to be greater than 10ppm and less than 100ppm. The results obtained are far below than those of the values reported in the literatures. It is very hard to compare the results to the literature values because there was no quantitative labeling in the samples and it could be exactly the same what we found in the experiment. References 1. 2. Yongjie L; Meiping Z simple methods for rapid determination of sulfite in food products, Food control, 17, 12, 2006, 975-980. 3. Armitage R.A. CHEM481 Laboratory Manual Fall-2009(Revised). 4. Joslyn M.A. SO2 content of wine, Iodometric Titration, Am.J.Enol.Vitic.6:3:1- 10 (1955). 5. Kim H.J.; Kim Y.K. Analysis of Free and Total sulfites in Food by Ion Chromatography with electrochemical Detection, Journal of Food Science,51:5:1360-1361,2006(online). 9|Page