Minutes - 109th meeting

European Economic and Social Committee
Brussels, 12 June 2015
To the members of the
Communication Group
The secretary-general of the European Economic and Social Committee is pleased to enclose the
of the 109th meeting
of the
Communication Group
held in Brussels, EESC, room JDE 63
30 April 2015, from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË
Tel. +32 25469011 — Fax +32 25134893 — Internet: http://www.eesc.europa.eu
Members present
Jane Morrice (Gr. III – Chair)
Alexander Graf von Schwerin (Gr. II)
Tomasz Jasiński (Gr. II – replacing Béatrice Ouin)
Thierry Libaert (Gr. III)
Cveto Stantič (Gr. I)
Monica Taylor (Gr. II)
Indrė Vareikytė (Gr. III)
Marie Zvolská (Gr. I)
Members absent
Stefano Mallia (Gr. I)
Beatrice Ouin (Gr. II)
Guest speakers
Mr Ian Barber (European Commission, DG Communication, HoU Strategy, Corporate
Communication Actions and Eurobarometer)
Mr Guy Vaerman (European Services Network, ESN)
Mr Lindvald Nielsen, Head of Communication (Secretariat)
Ms Berdys, Press Unit
Ms Comi, Communication Department
Ms Di Nicolantonio, Head of the Visits and Publications Unit
Ms Füssl, Head of the Online Information Unit
Ms Gavanas, Group II Secretariat
Ms Giraldo Restrepo, Visits and Publications Unit
Ms Glouharova, Press Unit
Ms Hocquet, Communication Department
Mr Jarosz, Group I Secretariat
Mr Knoblach, Online Information Unit
Ms Lahousse, Press Unit
Mr Minchev, President's Private Office
Mr Nellissen, Online Information Unit
Mr O'Bradaigh, Group III Secretariat
Ms Pedersen, Visits and Publications Unit
Ms Ramstedt, Online Information Unit
Mr Sarno, Visits and Publications Unit
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Adoption of the draft agenda
Approval of the minutes of the 108th meeting of the Communication Group held in Riga on
12 March 2015.
Opening remarks of the chair (VP Morrice)
Thank you to the Latvian hosts for their hospitality during the March meeting in Riga.
New staff in the Communication Department: Mr Porfirione and Mr Sarno (VIP, audio-visual
team); Ms Marangoni (PRE, seconded for 6 months from the Translation Directorate);
Ms Lahousse moved to PRE (half-time, shared with the Directorate for Human Resources and
Internal Services (DIR E)). Press HoU Mr Jones will start on 1 June; he is currently working with
the United Nations in Vienna.
Noteworthy events in March-April:
 Culture: Sami exhibition, with representatives of the Sami from Sweden, Norway and Finland
attending the EESC plenary on 18 March; 50 paintings by Romanian arts students on the
theme "space" (So long ago in the future – Dreams for future odysseys); 5 years "Your
Europe, Your Say" (Europe through the eyes of young people, open until 25 May).
 Seminar on the Independence of media in enlargement countries in cooperation with the
European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and the REX section; follow-up via the Western
Balkans Forum (Belgrade, 2-3 June 2015) to which VP Morrice is invited and a study on the
European public broadcasting space (contract to be awarded in due course).
 Your Europe, Your Say. A big success; level of pupils impressive. Three priorities for the
youngsters: 1) environment: going beyond the 2020 goals; 2) Youth unemployment: getting
experience; 3) International recognition of qualifications. Mr Stantič and Ms Zvolská
appreciated the level of the pupils and their awareness of Europe, as well as the excellent
organisation of the event. VP Morrice thanked the organisers.
 Spring of Optimism: President's initiative, with the participation of YEYS students.
The civil society media seminar will take place in Luxembourg on 3-4 December 2015.
The EESC Annual Activity Report 2013 is now available for distribution in English, French and
German. This is a pilot project that matches a requirement set out in the action plan for the
communication strategy implementation and aims at making a useful but rather indigestible
administrative document more attractive for stakeholders.
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Going Local activities
VP Morrice informed members about the following activities on her agenda: on 22-23 June she
will be member of a panel session on peacebuilding in Bonn (Deutsche Welle). In June she will
go to Prague (Going Local activity organised by Czech members). In July she will visit EBU in
Geneva. She has been invited to the Eurovision song contest and will attend as a private citizen.
Ms Zvolská informed members that Czech EESC members met the Czech State Secretary for
European Affairs. As a result of the meeting, information about EESC opinions and what is going
on at the EESC will be regularly published on the homepage of the Czech government. Several
round tables on European topics are planned in the framework of VP Morrice's visit to Prague.
Ms Vareikytė informed members about the excellent event with Ariane Rodert in Lithuania in
April and about the conference on the Eastern Partnership and the media which will take place in
Statement by Ian Barber (European Commission, HoU, on the "EU working for you"
EU working for you is a corporate communication pilot project carried out in the media in six
Member States (Finland, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Spain) and online.
The starting point is the fact that trust in the EU and, more generally, trust in politics has
decreased. 80% of EU citizens think that the EU needs clearer messages.
Corporate communication needs to be relevant to the target audience, coherent and cost-effective.
The European Commission therefore decided to focus communication resources rather than
promoting programme by programme. Given the importance of having a single and clear visual
identity, the Commission also reduced the number of logos.
The EU working for you pilot project shows individual success stories from EU programmes (real
cases). The main target audience are the EU "neutrals". The aim is to raise awareness of the EU
and to regain trust.
KAPI: 115 million people reached, 937 140 unique web visitors, 27-30 million people remember
the campaign.
An exchange of views followed i.a. on the corporate logic of choosing what should be promoted at
corporate level (Mr Stantič), on qualitative studies such as "The promise of Europe" (Mr Libaert),
on the outreach of the EU working for you project (Ms Taylor, Mr Jasiński) and on the involvement
of Commission Representations and the Latvian government (Ms Vareikytė, VP Morrice).
Going Local framework
The Communication Group took note of the updated framework for Going Local, which will be
presented to the May Bureau.
Following a discussion in the April Bureau, VP Morrice reminded members that the EESC-EP
cooperation agreement opens new possibilities for cooperation between the EESC and the EP
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information offices in Member States. Mr Lindvald Nielsen pointed to the resources constraints as
regards the possible attachment of EESC staff to EP information offices and reminded members that
the EESC secretariat supports Going Local activities of members. The Communication Group took
note of the possibility to launch a survey among communication contact points on the cooperation
with Commission and Parliament offices in Member States.
New online EESCinfo newsletter
Mr Guy Vaerman from the European Service Network (ESN) presented the results of the assessment
made by ESN and concluded that the EESC newsletter is a good communication product published on
time and has a professional layout and interesting articles written in a good style. Its weakness is the
poor legibility on electronic devices. He then presented two possible options for further development:
(a) print-first option: three language versions on paper and a simple digital version, which will
reinforce visibility online and on social media; (b) web-first option: a specific responsive platform
easily accessible on all devices and regularly updated in minimum three languages, and printed copies
only if needed.
The Communication Group decided to go for a print-first version, the printed newsletter still being
very useful, especially for Going Local.
Audiovisual products
HoU Ms Di Nicolantonio explained that the majority of videos are currently produced in-house,
while a limited number of bigger projects are externalised via a framework contract. With the new
organisational chart, audiovisual capacities are now available within the Communication Department.
After an exchange of views, the Communication Group agreed that videos in the plenaries should
continue. Focus should be on quality.
New EESC website project
HoU Ms Füssl informed members that the current website has been in place for five years and its
mobile version is being used more and more. Significant progress has been made in accessibility. The
new website should be operational in 2017, have a responsive design and use open source (Drupal
technology). The project will need a lot of human and financial resources. Several issues – such as
accessibility, the interinstitutional open data project and integration with social media – have to be
taken into account. A task force will be established and all relevant EESC services will be involved in
the project.
The Communication Group took note of the project and reminded members of the importance of
making opinions easily accessible and searchable on the Web (Ms Vareikytė) and to increase
webstreaming of hearings and events (Ms Morrice). This message should be passed on to the
responsible services outside the Communication Department.
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Video competition "Europe in Harmony"
HoU Karin Füssl gave an update on the project: over 60 contributions were received; over 10 000
people participated in the public vote. The public voter prize (a trip to the Latvian song festival) went
to an Irish medical student/piano teacher. A clip produced by the INF unit based on the 10 best videos
was shown. On the award day there will be a short presentation by VP Morrice in the plenary and the
ranking of the three winners will be announced. The award ceremony will take place in the evening
after the plenary.
Open Doors Day, 9 May 2015
Ms Giraldo Restrepo informed members that the open day will take place in the JDE building,
ground floor and 6th floor on 9 May. The EESC will also have a stand at the European Parliament.
Focus will be on the European Year for Development. 21 members and around 50 members of staff
will attend. On 10 May (celebration of the Brussels region), the EESC will have a stand at the
European village in front of Brussels Central Station. Members are invited to attend.
Rolling programme for Culture in 2015
Ms Vareikytė reminded members that an exhibition on five years "Your Europe, Your Say" is
currently ongoing in the JDE building, 6th floor. She informed members that about half of the 2015
budget for culture has been spent so far and announced following forthcoming cultural events: True
Colours (in cooperation with the Latvian Permanent Representation) from 27 May; Women and Space
from 29 June; Faces of Europe in September.
The Communication Group decided that the request for financing the retrospective exhibition on the
Group II presidency with the cultural budget should be discussed in the enlarged presidency.
Presentation of Russian propaganda
Ms Vareikytė presented her information report (REX/432) on how media is used to influence social
and political processes in the EU and in neighbouring countries. She presented the current situation in
the EU, the Russian Federation and the Eastern Partnership countries and explained the consequences
of propaganda splitting society. She concluded with some recommendations.
An exchange of views followed, in which Mr Stantič pointed out that the EESC was the first
institution raising the issue and that the aim of this very comprehensive information report and its
valuable recommendations is to raise awareness. He reminded members that, since it is an information
report, it will be presented in the plenary, without vote.
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The agenda for the next meeting, scheduled in Brussels on 25 June 2015, was approved.
Any other business
EESC support for CoR EuroPCom conference: The Communication Group agreed to host a
lunch for approximately 400-500 conference participants in the JDE building on 22 October 2015.
EESC members are encouraged to attend the conference.
Framework contracts for communication: The Communication Group took note that a call for
tenders will be launched in due course.
2014 statistics: The Communication Group decided to postpone this agenda item to the next
Declaration from the presidency: VP Morrice underlined that this is a political issue that needs
further discussion and suggested to take it up in the next Communication Group meeting.
Renewal/September plenary: The Communication Group agreed to discuss this item in the next
Communication Group meeting in the presence of deputy secretary-general Mr Alexopoulos.
VP Morrice informed members that she will present an end-of-term report and underlined that
the end-of-term-of-office ceremony in the September plenary should focus on members.
The meeting ended at 1 p.m.
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