Reindeer herding is Right § 1 A person who is of Sami origin (Sami) may, subject to the provisions of this Act to use land and water for maintenance for themselves and their reindeer. The right under paragraph (reindeer herding right) is for the Sami population and based on immemorial custom. Reindeer herding rights may be exercised by the member of the village. Lag (1993:36). § 2 has been repealed through Act (1993:36). The reindeer herding area m. m. 3 § husbandry must be conducted in the following areas (reindeer) 1st throughout the year (year-round areas) in Norrbotten and Västerbotten County Lappmarks well above the cultivation and partly below the limit of land where forest reindeer of age conducted in the spring, summer or fall and land either belongs to or at the end of June 1992 belonged to the state (Crown land) or are grazing land, of reindeer grazing mountains of Jämtland, in the areas in Jämtland and Dalarna as at end-June 1992 belonged to the state and was particularly upplåtna to grazing, 2nd October 1 - April 30 (winter pastures) in other parts of Lapland below the cultivation, in such areas outside the Lapland reindeer and mountains where the reindeer of age are conducted at certain times of the year. With grazing land means land that the delimitation declared as grazing land or the age used by such country. With reindeer grazing mountains, of course, the delimitation of the Sami reindeer Assigned mountains and the areas which later granted the extension of these mountains. Act (1996:949). 4 § Betestid under § 3 first paragraph 2, by the provincial government extended, if necessary due to unfavorable weather and grazing conditions or other special reason. Lag (1990:1490). § 5 If the right to a special state drive reindeer throughout the year in some areas below the patch of land border are provisions in the 85-89 § §. § 6 The reindeer are Sami villages. Mark mentioned in § 3 first paragraph a divided among Sami villages in special municipal boundaries. Byområde may include land set out in § 3 first paragraph 2. If there are special circumstances, may be part of byområde be common to Sami villages. 7 § Division within municipal boundaries are made by the Sami Parliament. Classification shall be designed so that areas become suitable for its purpose with regard to access to grazing and other circumstances. The Sami villages that may be affected by a decision on change of classification should be given the opportunity to comment on the proposed subdivision. The same applies to property owners who may be affected by the decision. Before Sami Parliament decides to change the classification to be meeting be held with the Sami villages. Affected property owners are entitled to attend the meeting. Meeting is not required if 1st the affected villages agrees to the amendment, and 2nd meeting is not requested by interested property owners. Act (2006:802). § 8 The Sami village grazing area course byområdet and other areas sameby exercises for herding. Sami village Purpose and members m. m. 9 § Sami has the objective to under this Act for the members' common good arrange reindeer in the village grazing area. It is incumbent village in particular to respond to reindeer drives the best economical way and to carry out, maintain and operate facilities needed for the reindeer. Sami village can not drive other economic activities than reindeer herding. § 10 village may acquire rights and assume obligations on registration under § 39. Sami village representing members on issues related to reindeer herding rights, or their common interests within the reindeer industry in general. 11 § Member of the village is 1st Sami involved in reindeer husbandry in the village grazing area; 2nd Sami who have participated in herding the village grazing area and had this as a permanent occupation and has not migrated to other main professional activity; 3rd the person's spouse or dependent child of a member referred to in 1 or 2 or who are surviving spouse or minor child of deceased such member. Lag (1993:36). § 12 A village may adopt another member Sami than those specified in § 11, if he intends to run their own reindeer herding in the village grazing area. If the applicant is refused admission as a member, the Sami Parliament grant the applicant admission if there are special reasons. Act (2006:802). 13 § The reindeer-herding Sami of course a member of the member himself or through his household drives reindeer with their reindeer in the village grazing area. Reindeer belonging to reindeer member household is considered in this Act belong to the reindeer member. 14 § A reindeer member's estate may be for three years from death to continue the reindeer that has been conducted by the member. Is an estate owner for 18 years, the time is counted from the estate of the partner's 18th birthday. The requirement in § 1, third subparagraph a member of the village is not the right to reindeer herding is meant here. Act (2006:802). Reindeer herding law practice 15 § sameby get for their common need to use the village grazing area for reindeer grazing. The County Board determines the maximum number of reindeer that can be kept at pasture in the village grazing area. Shall have regard to other interests. If necessary to preserve reindeer grazing or otherwise promote reindeer husbandry, the County Board order a reduction in grazing right. About the Sami village in breach of a decision under the second or third paragraph, the County Administrative Board of the default fine, the village to comply with it. Has the Sami village under § 35 first paragraph decided how many reindeer one member may hold a maximum, may be an order to reduce the number of reindeer is also directed against a member who does not follow the Sami village decisions. Lag (1993:36). § 16 village may, within the village grazing area to perform work or other pasture fence for the reindeer, renslakteri or other facility required for reindeer herding. Sami village or a member of the village get the outfield in the village grazing area behave renvaktarstuga, horny, förvaringsbod or other small building that is needed for the reindeer. Is the facility set out in the first paragraph intended for permanent use, it shall be at the location specified by the landowner. The same applies to the building referred to in the second paragraph, if it is built for permanent use below the cultivation or outside the reindeer grazing mountains on land that is neither such Crown land that is or at the end of June 1992 was under the State immediate disposal or land at the erosion has laid the common forest. Do village or, if building be erected by a member of the village, this man accept the designated place, determines the county board seat. Act (1992:785). 17 § If necessary timber for a plant or a building referred to in § 16 first or second paragraph, the forest is harvested on the parts of the grazing area as part of Lapland, reindeer grazing mountains or the areas in Jämtland and Dalarna as at end-June 1992 belonged to the state and was particularly upplåtna to reindeer grazing. Within the same parts of the pasture area, members of the Sami village for their own needs to take fuel and wood crafts. The county administrative boards in the Västerbotten and Norrbotten county may authorize a county resident Sami who are not members of any village in the county permission to take wood crafts for their own use on land in Lapland belonging to or at the end of June 1992 belonged to the state. Jämtland county may issue one in this county or in Dalarna County resident Sami who are not members of any village such a state of reindeer grazing mountains and in areas in Jämtland and Dalarna County, which at the end of June 1992 belonged to the state and was particularly upplåtna to reindeer grazing . May be granted only Sami who in a not inconsiderable extent engaged in handicrafts. The permit may be revoked when the conditions for authorization no longer exist. Growing conifers may be harvested only after instructions from the landowner or operator, if he does not allow anything else. On such land outside Lapland and grazing the mountains that belongs to a Sami village grazing area may be village or members of the village for the purpose specified in the first paragraph take only dry trees, fallen trees, forest residues, pine and spruce bull or, for temporary needs, deciduous trees that grow on outfield. Act (1996:949). 18 § Member of the village is entitled, in the village grazing area on Crown land that is or at the end of June 1992 was under the State immediate disposal or land in erosion outsourced to common forest take timber for the construction or conversion of family housing. Harvesting may take place only after instruction by the landowners. Act (1992:785). 19 § Member of the village who are temporarily staying in another village grazing area for reindeer herding or other purposes related to reindeer management get there take the fuel for their own needs. 20 § If it is absolutely necessary to obtain fodder for the reindeer, the Sami village trap lavbevuxna trees, mainly arid or oväxtliga tree in the village grazing area. Such removal shall, insofar as possible after the designation of the land owner or operator. § 21 The forest that is harvested on Crown land that is or at the end of June 1992 was under the State immediate disposal or land in erosion outsourced to common forest need not be given compensation. The same applies to growing trees that otherwise is taken in Lapland, the reindeer grazing mountains and in areas in Jämtland and Dalarna County, which at the end of June 1992 belonged to the state and was particularly upplåtna to reindeer grazing. In cases other than those referred to in the first paragraph, the remuneration paid for rotvärdet of growing trees that will be taken. If an agreement is not reached on compensation, appointed by the County Board at the request of any party to seek to reconcile the parties. Act (1996:949). 22 § The Government or the authority appointed by the Government may for some time prohibit logging under 17 or § 18 of the growing pine, spruce and birch, if necessary to preserve the forest or forest regrowth. 23 § village has the right to move the village's reindeer between different parts of the village grazing area. § 24 Transfer Road route determined by the county, if requested by the village or on the route otherwise arise. Is there specific reasons for the change of fixed or otherwise existing migration route and the change may be effected without significant inconvenience to the reindeer, the County Board order a modification of the road's route. Lag (1990:1490). 25 § A member of the village may hunt and fish in the outfield in the parts of the village grazing area belonging to reindeer grazing mountains or Lapland, where reindeer herding is permitted there. It is said in the first paragraph also applies when a member of the village temporarily residing in another Sami village grazing area for reindeer or other purposes related to reindeer management. In such cases, the member hunt and fish only for subsistence. Stays bears, wolves, wolverines and lynx is demonstrably in the neighborhood, the hunt for such animals conducted on such land as set out in the first paragraph in a different Sami village grazing area, where the government or authority by the Government allows it. In the areas in Jämtland and Dalarna County, which at the end of June 1992 belonged to the state and was particularly upplåtna to reindeer, a member of the village within the village grazing area to fish for subsistence and hunting predators, to the extent that government or authority by the Government allows it. Act (2006:802). Reindeer husbandry rights shall expire, in some cases, etc. 26 § The Government may order a suspension of the reindeer herding right for a particular land area, when the area needed for the purposes of Chapter 2. Expropriation Act (1972:719). Suspension may be limited to certain time or some of the reindeer herding right input powers. Lag (1993:36). § 27 announced an order under § 26, the Government may prescribe measures to prevent injury or harm to reindeer herding. § 28 Co-suspension of the reindeer herding right harm or inconvenience to the reindeer, or for such right to hunt or fish referred to in § 25, compensation is paid therefore. Compensation for damage or inconvenience that do not affect specific person to fall to half the village affected by the suspension and half Sami Fund, unless special circumstances exist. 29 § In case of cancellation of reindeer herding rights and compensation on account thereof, in addition to the provisions of § § 26-28, mutatis mutandis the provisions of the Expropriation Act (1972:719) concerning the expropriation of a special right to the property. In the case of an order revoking the reindeer herding right that the government has announced before 1 August 2010, the reference to the Expropriation Act in the first paragraph refers to the law in force at the end of July 2010. Act (2010:817). 30 § Anyone who in the year-round areas owns or uses land where reindeer are not in the use of the land act that causes considerable inconvenience to the reindeer in man other than imposed by an order under § 26. The first paragraph does not prevent the land used in accordance with a detailed plan or for companies whose admissibility must be examined in a certain manner. Lag (1993:36). Yns grazing area to fish for subsistence hunting and predators, to the extent that government or authority by the Government allows it. Act (2006:802). Transfer of land and water m. m. § 31 village or a member of the village may not grant rights that are part of the reindeer herding right. Sami village may be to him who has been a member of the village grant the right, without charge to their subsistence hunt or fish in the village area under § 25. 32 § In such a crown land above the cultivation under the state immediate disposition and the reindeer grazing mountains, access rights may be granted only if the transferee can be done without considerable inconvenience to the reindeer. Of granting the right to hunt or fish, also requires that the grant is consistent with good wildlife or fisheries conservation and can be done without disturbing intrusion into the right to hunt or fish under § 25. Grant of the fishing in certain waters may take place only if the Sami village permits. Act (2000:595). 33 § Ask about lease under § 32 considered by the Government or the authority appointed by the Government. § 34 Transfer under § 32, not relating to utilization of natural resources and deforestation, should be done for a fee, unless there are special reasons for fee waivers. Fee is allocated among the Sami Foundation and village affected by the grant in accordance with rules issued by the Government. Refers to the grant utilization of natural resources, the State shall pay compensation for the damage or harm to reindeer herding as the grant entails. In terms of distribution of compensation is not paid to the particular person owns 28 § second paragraph apply correspondingly. general Provisions 35 § If necessary, in view of what determined the highest pure speech under § 15 second paragraph, or as needed to promote reindeer husbandry, Sami village can decide how many reindeer member maximum may hold or order any other conditions for possession. Sami village can exclude specific area of members' USE for hunting or fishing, if necessary, for the sake of hunting or fishing care or for other special reasons. Decision under the first or second paragraph may not be given any additional content that reindeer member's continued operation is made impossible or significantly more difficult. Lag (1993:36). 36 § If the village provides, may, within the village grazing area be kept clean of any party other than reindeer member of the village (skötesrenar). Ask if such consent be decided after consultation with the provincial government. The management of skötesrenar managed by Sami village. Lag (1990:1490). 37 § village only if the Member permits to slaughter their reindeer or sell the meat derived products. Renmärkning are conducted by the Sami village, unless the village decides otherwise. Reindeer owners, however, following notification to the village board self mark their reindeer. statutes § 38 village shall adopt bylaws for the village. The statute shall define 1st Sami village name; 2nd the locality of the village grazing area, where the village board shall have its seat, 3rd number of directors and auditors, the time of their mission and, if alternates exist, corresponding data concerning them; 4th Sami village's fiscal year, 5th how often ordinary bystämma be held and the time of such meeting; 6th the summons to bystämma is due, and other notices to members shall be sent to them and when prescribed as measures to be taken later, 7th Time for payment of billed advance payment, 8th Time for payment of amounts under § 44, the Sami village or reindeer member benefit, 9th which funds the village must have, their purpose and how the allocations to them shall be made, 10th the details of the reindeer are needed. § 39 villages and their by-laws filed with the Sami Parliament. Before statutes registered, they are not valid. Sami Parliament examines the association to come in a proper manner and they do not contain anything contrary to law or constitution. The first and second paragraphs also apply to the amendment of the statute. Act (2006:802). Economic conditions 40 § The cost of reindeer distributed among the reindeer-herding members after reninnehavet. About the Sami village decides it may cost that does not refer to all the reindeer distributed among the owners of the reindeer on which the cost is attributable in proportion to their holdings of these reindeer. Such a decision may not cover costs incurred before the decision. 41 § A reindeer member leaving reindeer is not liable for costs relating to the period thereafter. The same applies to a new reindeer member for the period before the member starts to drive reindeer Act (2006:802). 42 § The reindeer members to advance the funds needed for the reindeer. The board is collected such funds on the basis of charge length. Tax rate is made according to what is reasonable in view of a member's reninnehav and scope of the work that the member and the member's household likely to be out of town during the fiscal year. The charge length shall specify the amount that is collected, how that relates each member of reindeer and timetable for payment. Act (2006:802). 43 § If available funds do not propose the payment of finished and due debt for which the Sami village accounts, the Board shall promptly advance is collected in accordance with § 42. Neglects the board what to it by the first paragraph, the members jointly and severally liable for the debt. Is obvious omission, the County Board on the creditor's application, order DEACON charging and collection required amount. MANAGER shall be entitled to receive remuneration of the Sami village, as determined by the county. 44 § A Sami village costs for the reindeer finally distributed among the reindeer-herding members for each financial year. When the distribution of costs determined the amounts of each reindeer member for the fiscal year shall pay to the village or take the village. Final cost will be based on recognition by the Board shall establish in accordance with § 53 third paragraph. The costs are allocated as set out in 40 and 41 § §. In allocating credited reindeer member is paid the advance and the value of the work that the member and the member's household performed for the village. Sameby determine in advance the value of the day or hour of such work. Act (2006:802). 45 § Can advance or final settlement imposed a reindeer member under § 42-44 is not charged with the member, shared the lack of the other reindeer members in relation to their mutual obligation to provide for the proceeds. The shortage is collected by billing length according to § 42. To the extent that such proceeds subsequently paid, the amount paid be credited to those who covered the lack of proportion to what they paid. The settlement has been charged and due for payment shall be applied under the provisions of the Enforcement Code of claims for which liability imposed by final sentence, unless otherwise decided in connection with the appeal. Act (2006:802). 46 § Sami may not raise loans to be repaid later than the next financial year, unless amortization schedule for loan repayment has been adopted by bystämma. The loan period may not exceed ten years or such longer period for which the state credit guarantee for the loan can be granted. Warrant for loans under the first paragraph is valid only if the bystämma is assisted by at least two thirds of the Meeting of reindeer members represented the number of votes and the majority of those members of the village. § 47 Compensation awarded to the village under 28 or § 34 or otherwise by reason of infringement of reindeer herding law must be used to cover the village's expenses for the fiscal year or funded. Board 48 § The village must be board. The Board shall, in accordance with members 'decision, insofar as they are not inconsistent with law or Sami village bylaws, lead reindeer in the village grazing area, arrange for the joint work needed for the village, ensuring that members' common interests to be is taken without any member at a disadvantage, levying the funds as reindeer member is obligated to pay and otherwise manage village affairs. Board representing the Sami village against third parties and for the village's action before the courts and other agencies. § 49 The board consists of chairman and one or more additional members appointed at bystämma. A director may not be a minor or under guardianship under chapter 11. 7 § Parental Code. A director may be removed from office before expiry of the period for which the member is appointed. Election of directors or change of its composition must be notified to the Sami Parliament. Act (2006:802). 50 § If the board is missing, the Sami Parliament at the request of any person whose right is dependent on competent board is DEACON order to be in charge of village affairs, and represent the village as the Board of Directors. A MANAGER has the right to the village receive fees determined by the Sami Parliament. Act (2006:802). 51 § Same Village Board meets as often as necessary. As the Board's decision in the sense that more than half of those present voting in favor. Event of a tie, the opinion supported by the President. A director may not take title to matters where the member has a substantial interest that is contrary to the Sami village. Act (2006:802). § 52 Board may appoint a special supervisors to the Board's supervision lead reindeer. Board may appoint a specific person to represent the Sami village, otherwise decided. Such a mission, and recall it to be notified to the Sami Parliament. Act (2006:802). 53 § For each fiscal year, the Management Board in the administration account for its management. In the annual report statement of operations for the fiscal year and for the village's financial position. In the story, in particular, reported 1st owners of the reindeer during the year remained at the village grazing area and the number of reindeer for each owner, 2nd year's expenditure of labor in herding, 3rd what year was paid in respect of damage by reindeer and what in this regard at the end of the year still to demand of another village, 4th During the year, investments made and the manner of their financing, 5th sameby other expenses during the year; 6th the amounts in the year earned and paid from the village funds, 7th during the year occurred changes in the village's borrowing, 8th size of the advances utdebiterats under 42 or § 43; 9th sameby other income during the year; 10th the amount of each reindeer member charged in the contribution to the village's expenses during the year. The report must also include recognition for each reindeer member showing the balance of the year which will or Sami village member benefit. 54 § At least one month before the first regular bystämman after the end of the Board shall submit the annual report to the auditor. The story must be signed by all board members. Revision 55 § The Board's administration and accounts shall be audited annually by one or more auditors. Auditor appointed in bystämma. Member, as the Board of Directors warrant examination of the Sami village books, accounts or other documents, are entitled to benefit from these as appropriate. 56 § Auditor shall make a report, which will include an explanation of the results of the examination and a statement of whether the note is produced or not in terms of keeping the accounts or administration in general. Prepared remarks, the reason why it appears in the story. The audit report should also contain a specific statement on the issue of discharge to the Board. Act (2006:802). § 57 Auditor's report shall be submitted to the Board no later than two weeks before the first regular bystämman after year-end.