Northwest Children’s Advance Care Planning Implementation Group 27th January 2015, NWTS Headquarters, Warrington Minutes Present Name Peter-Marc Fortune (chair) Lynda Brook (minutes) Gillian Moreton Lucy Lees Fauzia Paize Liz Finnegan Jane Hopewell Lisa Kauffmann Lis Meates Rachel Taylor Lesley Fellows Becky Male Diana Jellinek Gillian Bevin David Ireland Anna Oddy Apologies Gaby Lipshen Helen Leahey Clare Grady Smith Liz Catterall Job title and organisation Paediatric Intensivist Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Palliative Care Consultant, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Pennine Acute Trust Pennine Acute Trust Consultant Neonatologist Liverpool Women’s hospital Brian House Children’s Hospice Consultant Paediatrician, Blackpool Victoria Hospital Consultant in Community Paediatrics and Palliative Care, Greater Manchester Star Team Greater Manchester Francis House Children’s Hospice Hospice to home leader, Claire House Children’s Hospice Shadowing Lesley Fellows Consultant Community Paediatrician, Trafford (Pennine Care) Director of Nursing, Francis House Children’s Hospice Chief Executive, Francis House Children’s Hospice Community Nursing Sister, Pennine Care Consultant Paediatrician, Bolton Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Derian House Children’s hospice Children's Community Nurse, Continuing Care Team, Bolton Agenda item Main discussion points Welcome and apologies Minutes of the previous meeting Background As above Contact No minutes available for review The background to the Unified Advance Care Plan and DNA-CPR Policy was outlined. Unified Childrens Advance Care Plan and DNA-CPR Policy briefing Apr 2015.doc Initially it was hoped that there would be a dedicated Neonatal Advance Care Plan document to be launched Actions/ Outcomes Owner/ timescale Northwest Children’s Advance Care Planning Implementation Group 27th January 2015, NWTS Headquarters, Warrington Agenda item Main discussion points Advance Care Plan document at the same time as the updated Collaborative Children and Young People’s Advance Care Plan. However work has been delayed and a decision was made to proceed with the Children and Young People’s Advance Care Plan. Locally it was agreed that this could be used for babies and that it would be acceptable to add the word “baby” to the Advance Care Plan and policy across the Northwest. Currently there is around 66% adoption in region for the adult policy and DNA-CPR document. Implementation in other areas covered by the South Central model is up to 99% The original South Central Children and Young People’s Advance Care Plan and Unified DNA-CPR policy has been extensively reviewed and updated. This process has taken over 18 months. The latest versions of the documents were circulated and discussed. It is hoped that these will be the final documents. The intention is that once these have been ratified they will be implemented across the whole area covered by the Children and Young Peoples Advance Care Plan Collaborative. Any additional changes will need to wait until the next revision in 18 months to 2 years’ time (2017). CYPACP Form Jan 2015 v1.1.pdf Advance Care Plan presentation and storage It was noted that the Alder Hey team had created an interim version of the Advance Care Plan document from the Collaborative version issued in Autumn 2012 and incorporating the key features of the previous Alder Hey Emergency Care Plan and LIFE form. These changes have been recognised the by the Collaborative and provision has been made for extra information held in the Alder Hey plans through two extra pages (4 sides) to be populated according to local requirements There was some discussion regarding which particular logos were required locally. The NWAS logo can be added to the front of the document but Peter-Marc explained that the NWAS Logo is not required as the NWAS ambulance crews have been briefed about the Advance Care Plans and know to look out for them It was agreed that the word “baby” could be added to the Northwest Advance Care Plan and supporting policy document There was some discussion about electronic versions of the documentation. Uptake for paper versus electronic versions is variable across the Collaborative footprint. It was recognised that local IT systems differ. Ideally the same document format would be used either as an editable PDF or Word document with editing restrictions. However there may still need to be some local variations depending on local IT provision The main priority is that the document is instantly recognisable, easy to navigate, un-ambiguous and can be used by treating clinicians in an emergency situation The document should be printed out on lilac paper if at all possible. However some centres have struggled to access suitable paper. The suggested alternative is that the Advance Care Plan is stored in a specific purple folder in the patient’s home. For adults it is suggested that a “message in a bottle” stored in the patients’ fridge can give details of where the Advance Care Plan is stored Actions/ Outcomes Fauzia to link with neonatal group Owner/ timescale Northwest Children’s Advance Care Planning Implementation Group 27th January 2015, NWTS Headquarters, Warrington Agenda item Main discussion points Policy Actions/ Outcomes Owner/ timescale Ensure all details of the Northwest training programme are on the Website Encourage people to share links Develop outline level 1 training LB/P-MF Apr 2015 All the teams and services present at the meeting said that they would be completing the form electronically and then printing it off for signing and distribution. Therefore there was no call for a local handwritten booklet The Collaborative Children and Young People’s policy has also been revised and updated. It was suggested that when this policy is being implemented within local teams and services some specific wording should be added to ensure that the Policy is updated when the master document from the Children and Young People’s Advance Care Planning Collaborative is revised or updated CYPACP Policy Final Jan 2015.pdf Logo Website Guidance The policy is next due for review in 2017 in line with the Advance Care Planning document New Children and Young People’s Advance Care Planning collaborative logo was welcomed as an important unifying visual image and should reduce the need for lots of other logos The website ( will be live soon. All key documents will be available on the website The aim is for the website to develop as a central resource for children’s advance care planning including copies of key documents, a discussion forum etc Children and Young People’s Advance Care Planning collaborative has produced leaflets and guidelines to support Advance Care Planning and local implementation CYPACP guide Jan CYPACP Parent Info CYPACP Young 15.pdf Final Jan 2015.pdf Person Guide Final Jan 2015.pdf Implementation These should be useful to support the Northwest training programme The aim is to make it easy for organisations to collaborate and implement the Unified Advance Care Plan and DNA-CPR Policy. As there is no overarching body for approval this will need to be through clinical governance in each organisation. Hopefully if the Advance Care Plan and policy are adopted by the Tertiary Paediatric Units within the Northwest this will make it easier for the other organisations to implement the policy It is anticipated that each organisation that adopts the Unified Advance Care Plan and DNA-CPR Policy will implement these as a complete package with no substantive changes to the content or format. However some minor differences will be inevitable in view of local differences in policy format and the need to put the host organisation logo on the local Advance Care Plan template All Apr 2015 LB Apr 2015 Northwest Children’s Advance Care Planning Implementation Group 27th January 2015, NWTS Headquarters, Warrington Agenda item Main discussion points Local awareness raising workshops It was discussed that ideally each organisation or Zonal Network would have a register of Advance Care Plans for children known to their organisation. This will facilitate updating and ensure that if there are any changes that need to be made to the Advance Care Plans for patient safety or clinical governance reasons the Plans can be recalled and amended. Ultimately it was suggested that there would be a National central electronic database to store this information A half day introduction to Advance Care planning outlining what Advance Care Planning I, the opportunity to review the documentation and an interactive demonstration introducing the concept of Advance Care Planning to a family aimed at professionals caring for children with life threatening or life limiting conditions Advance Care Planning local awareness raising.docx Training programme Funding Implementation updates Greater Manchester (Lisa Kauffmann) Workshops have already been held in Pennine Acute, Salford and Oldham Further workshops are planned Merseyside and Cheshire (Lynda Brook) Workshops are in the early stages of planning at Warrington, Arrowe Park, Chester and Leighton Lancashire and South Cumbria (Lynda Brook/ Jane Houghton temporary chairs) Workshops are likely to be set up once the Network is re-established Level 2 training courses will be on 24th March and 20th October at the ManCEL centre. Uptake is likely to increase following Awareness-Raising workshops The Advance Life Support group will attend one of these courses to assess the programme with a view to adopting it as part of their portfolio It is hoped that the level 3 training programme will be set up this year Organisations adopting the Unified Advance Care Plan and DNA-CPR policy will need to contribute around £100 per year to pay for maintenance of the website. Alternatively this might be better funded on a Network basis There was also discussion of an Advance Care Plan co-ordinator role. This has been essential for implementation elsewhere in the UK and some areas have made funding for this type of role an essential requirement for implementation. At Alder Hey this role has been taken on by the Palliative Care Team Coordinator but this is not formally commissioned or funded. The aim is to identify an Advance Care Planning Lead for each organisation across the Northwest. These contact details will also be put on the website. Organisations present at the meeting fed back regarding their local implementation o Claire House commented on the new Advance Care Plan format. The aim is to get the policy Actions/ Outcomes Owner/ timescale Northwest Children’s Advance Care Planning Implementation Group 27th January 2015, NWTS Headquarters, Warrington Agenda item Main discussion points through the hospice Clinical Governance committee Pennine Acute are already using the previously circulated Advance Care Plan document. The policy is currently going through Clinical Governance. There is a lot of local interest from doctors and nurses o Liverpool Women’s Hospital is yet to formally review the documentation. Fauzia will take it back to the team for discussion o Blackpool have a similar Advance Care Plan in use and don’t anticipate major problems adopting the new format. The aim will be to take this to the management team within the hospice and then to the hospital o Francis House expressed anxiety about clinical governance. As the hospice has a young person’s unit there may be a need to adapt the Advance Care Plan for the older age group or adopt the Adult and Children’s documents simultaneously o The Star team are using the previously circulated Advance Care Plan document and it is working well. The challenge will be level 1 training. Trafford will get together with Pennine for this. It was suggested that the next meeting should include more detailed discussion of level 1 training Friday 24th April, 10:00 – 12:00 NWTS, Birchwood, Warrington o Any other business Date and time of next meeting Actions/ Outcomes Owner/ timescale