Pertanika Vol. 11 No. 3, December 1988 PERT-0499-1988 Identification of Soybean Genotypes in Wide Rows for use in Narrow-row Culture Ghizan Saleh and Earl T. Gritton Keywords Breeding nurseries; response to row spacing; Glycine max (L.) Merr.. Abstract Thirty lines and six cultivars of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) were evaluated in wide-row (76 cm) and narrow-row (18cm)spacingsat two locations in 1982 and one in 1983. The objective of the study was to determine if evaluation of lines in wide rows can be used to identify superior lines for narrow-row culture. Yield in narrow rows was 27.0% higher than wide rows at both locations in 1982 and 20.8% higher in 1983. In general, the high yielding entries in wide rows were also the highest yielding ones in narrow rows, although they did not necessarily include all the highest yielding ones in narrow rows. One cultivar and two lines were, however, consistent in exhibiting a moderate to high response to narrowing of row spacing, over years and locations. No trait was identified as being associated with the response. In general, selection of lines superior in wide row nurseries will identify lines that will perform best in narrow-row culture. PERT-0500-1988 Seed-borne Infection and Development of Colletotrichum capsici in Naturally Infected Chili Seed Sariah Meon & W. Zainun W. Nik Keywords Colletotrichum capsici; chili seed; site of infection. Abstract The testing of seeds using both the blotter and potato dextrose agar showed infection of Colletotrichum capsici to be well established both within and on the external surfaces of chilli seeds. Microtome sections showed that mycelia were present in the outer and inner layers of the testa and in the endosperm region. Formation of the acervulus was initiated below the seed coat and also in the endosperm and emerged to the surface after disrupting the seed coat. Parenchymatous tissues were also distorted. The pathogen finally grows on the seed surface. PERT-0501-1988 The Induction and Evaluation of Productive Semidwarf Mutants of Basmati-370 M. Siddique Sajjad and MA. Awan Keywords Induction; evaluation; productive semidwarf mutants; Basmati-370. Abstract Dry, uniform seeds of Basmati 370 with about 14% moisture content were exposed to 0, 15, 20 and 25kR doses of gamma rays (60Co source). Twenty one semi-dwarf mutants were selected from 36,000 M2 plants originating from about 12,000 Ml plants. The breeding behaviour of these mutants was studied in M3 and consequently 6 mutants were selected. The comparative yield test of mutants with mother cultivar Basmati-370, established the high yield potential and semidwarf plant posture of mutant strains. The other plant attributes as well as physico-chemical traits of the mutants and parent cultivar are also presented. PERT-0502-1988 Studies on Some Sooty Moulds on Guava in Malaysia Lim Tong Kwee Keywords Corcyra cephalonica; kupu-kupu beras; klorpirifos; diklorvos, malathion; permethrin fos-metii. Abstract Sooty moulds proliferate in abundance on the foliage of guava, subsisting on the honeydew secreted by scale insects aphids, whiteflies, and mealy bugs. Nine species, five Ascomycetes species namely, Phragmocapnias betle, Scorias philippensis, Trichomerium grandisporum, Limacinula musicola and Aithaloderma clavatisporum; and four Deuteromycetes genera viz. Tripospermum sp., Polychaeton sp., Leptoxyphium sp. and Conidiocarpus sp., are described and reported as new records on guava for Peninsular Malaysia. PERT-0503-1988 Media for Embryo Culture of Some Tropical Recalcitrant Species H.F. Chin, B. Krishnapillay and Z.C. Alang Keywords Embryo culture, recalcitrant species, media formulation. Abstract In this studyf the excised embryos of 11 recalcitrant species were studied to determine suitable media and cultural conditions for their development into whole plants. Murashige and Skoog's medium formulation modified slightly by the addition of 0.17 gl~l NaH2PO4 was found to be a suitable basal medium for all the species studied. The basal medium supplemented with 2 gl"1 activated charcoal and 1.0 mgl"1 NAA or IAA in combination with 1 mgl"1 Kinetin, BAP or 2iP was found to be suitable for all the 11 species where the embryos developed normally to form whole plants. For some of the species, soaking the sterile excised embryos in an antioxidant (10 mgl~l ascorbic acid and 5 mgl~^ citric acid) solution for 10-45 minutes prior to culture enhanced the normal development of embryos. PERT-0504-1988 Progress of Crop in Some Rhizophora Stands before First Thinning in Matang Mangrove Reserve of Peninsular Malaysia P.B.L. Srivastava, Saw Leng Guan and Ashari Muktar Keywords Mangrove; stocking density; diameter; height. Abstract The study reports the composition and growth pattern of the crops dominated by Rhizophora species in terms of stocking density, diameter and height growth in some wellYnanaged stands in Matang Mangrove Reserve of Peninsular Malaysia. In all, 10 stands representing 6 years (4), 9 years (3) and 12 years (3) were studied. On an average there were 8371, 4661 and 4181 stems/ha of Rhizophora in 6, 9 and 12 year-old crops respectively. Mean DBH and height for the respective age crops were 3.26 cm and 6.34 m, 5.50 cm and 10.96 m and 6.91 cm and 12.62 m. Highest mortality occurred in 6-9 year-old crop. This period also showed best growth both in diameter and height. These studies indicate the need for silvicultural thinning in 6-9 year-old crop. The climber Derris trifoliata may seriously affect growth and survival in some areas. PERT-0505-1988 Properties of Soils Derived from Some Metamorphic Rocks in Peninsular Malaysia S. Zauyah Keywords Soil properties; parent materials; pedofeatures. Abstract The morphological physical, chemical, mineralogical and micromorphological properties of five soils developed over some metamorphic rocks (quartz-mica schist, phyllite, graphitic sericite schist, amphibole schist and serpentinite) were examined. These properties were found to be influenced by the parent materials. Soils developed over rocks with low amounts of weatherable minerals (ferromagnesian) and low total iron content (quartz-mica schist, sericite schist and phyllite) are reddish yellow, have silty clay textures and blocky structures, low CEC and base saturation and low free iron oxide content. The diagnostic horizon is argillic. Soils formed over rocks with high amounts of weatherable minerals (amphibole schist and serpentinite) are red to brown, have clayey textures, granular structures, low CEC, moderate base saturation and high free iron oxide content The diagnostic horizon is oxic. Pedofeatures in the first group of soils are dominated by clay and excremental infillings whilst in the second group, only excremental infillings are dominant. PERT-0506-1988 Some Changes in Chemical Characteristics of a Paddy and Mangrove Soil Sample during Submergence in Water J. Marcus, M. Faridawati, and M.L. Zalma Keywords Submergence; reduction; paddy, mangrove Abstract This study was conducted to determine the changes of some chemical characteristics of a dry paddy and mangrove soil sample when submerged in water for a 0 - to 10 - week’s period. The redox potential of the soils and the pH, EC, concentrations of cations (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe and Mn) and concentrations of nitrogen, phosphate and sulphate of the soil solutions changed due to submergence. The changes were most significant during the first two weeks of submergence. PERT-0507-1988 Evaluation of Potato Crisps Fried in Market Samples of Palm Olein, Corn Oil and Soya Oil M.A. Augustin, L.K. Heng And Nor Aini Idris Keywords frying, potato crisps, shelf-life, palm olein, corn oil, soya oil. Abstract The shelf life of potato crisps fried in market samples of palm olein, corn oil and soya oil was evaluated by a sensory panel comprising Malaysian panelists. The shelf-life of crisps fried in palm olein was significantly longer than those fried in soya oil (p<0.05). There were no significant differences (p < 0.05) between the shelf-life of crisps fried in palm olein and those fried in corn oil In each oil system, the shelf-life of the crisps fried in the oils decreased with an increase in fry number. The shelf life of the crisps fried in each oil was infuenced by the level of % polar components and the acid value of the oil. PERT-0508-1988 The Digestion, Absorption and Utilization of Refined Palm Oil, Palm Olein and Palm Stearin in the Rat T.K.W. Ng, H.T. Khor and Y.H. Chong Keywords Palm oil; palm olein; palm stearin; soybean oil, digestibility; rate of absorption; utilization; food efficiency. Abstract A nutritional evaluation of refined, bleached and deodorised (RBD) palm oil and its fractionation products, RBD palm olein and RBD palm stearin in terms of their digestibility, rate of absorption and food efficiency in rats, shows that RBD palm olein is a better oil by these criteria than RBD palm stearin and the unfractionated RBD palm oil. Nevertheless, the nutritional indices reported for RBD palm oil and RBD palm stearin are well within the range reported for most cooking oils and fats. The digestibility and food efficiency of RBD palm olein are comparable to that of soybean oil, being 97% and 98% respectively of the values found for the latter oil, although the absorption rate of RBD palm olein is 10% less than that obtained for soybean oil. PERT-0509-1988 Effect of Chemical Treatments on the Shelf Life of Rambutans (Nephelium lappaceum )II Suhaila Mohamed, Eshah Othman and Fauziah Abdullah Keywords Rambutans; calcium chloride; sodium metabisulphite; benomyl dips and sulfur dioxide treatment. Abstract Dipping rambutans for 5 minutes in sodium metabisulphite, calcium chloride and metabisulphite or calcium chloride and ascorbic acid solutions helped reduce % unacceptable fruits by up to 30% when fruits were stored packaged at 8 C. Chemical dipping of rambutans and sulfur dioxide treatments were found to be less effective in prolonging the shelf life compared to low temperature storage. Techniques which slow down respiration rafe and dehydration rate were found to be more effective in prolonging the shelf life of rambutans than methods to inhibit enzymic browning. Fruits treated with sodium metabisulphite + calcium chloride in PE at 8 C with soaking time of 5-10 minutes, remained sweet and firm on the 17th day. Shelf life of treated fruits stored at room temperature is not significantly different from untreated fruits. PERT-0510-1988 Topographic Anatomy of the Abdomen of the Lesser Mousedeer (Tragulus javanicus) K.C. Richardson, M.K. Vidyadaran, N.H. Fuzina and T.L Azmi. Keywords Mousedeer; Tragulus Javanicus; anatomy; gastrointestinal tract; stomach; rumen; intestine; kidney. Abstract A description is given of the gross anatomy supplemented by radiographic studies of the abdominal structures of (1. javanicus/ The large sacculated stomach complex is the dominant feature of the abdomen, it occupies most of the left side and extends across to fill the ventral right side. The intestine is primarily relegated to the dorsal caudal quadrant immediately cranial to the cranial pelvic aperture. The multilobed liver lies entirely on the right. The kidneys are not lobed, with the cranial pole of the right kidney abutting the caudate lobe of the liver and the left kidney lying adjacent but immediately caudal to its fellow. The small triangular spleen lies on the dorsal cranial aspect of the dorsal sac of the rumen. PERT-0511-1988 The Radiographic Anatomy of the Gastrointestinal Tract of the Lesser Mousedeer (Tragulus javanicus) K.C. Richardson, M.K. Vidyadaran*, T.L Azmi and N.H. Fuzina Keywords Mousedeer; Tragulus javanicus; anatomy; gastrointestinal tract; rumen; reticulum; intestine; passage rate; barium sulphate; radiopaque markers; contrast agent. Abstract The radiographic anatomy of the Lesser Mousedeer (Tragulus javanicus) is described. The mousedeer has an extremely large stomach complex which fills the left and the ventral right of the abdomen. No omasum or caudodorsal blind sac were found. The reticulum usually lay cranioventrally on the left side abutting the diaphragm. The abomasal fundus lay caudal and ventral to the reticulum. The rate of passage of radiopaque substances along the alimentary tract is given. Faeces was first noted to form in the spiral colon. Small particles and fluid passed rapidly through the alimentary tract /x = 44.5 hr). Particles with densities approaching that of straw remained in the rumen whilst heavy metals were retained in the reticulum. PERT-0512-1988 Preparation of Arsenobetaine hydrobromide Hazar Ismail and Robert F. Toia Keywords Arsenobetaine hydrobromide; arsenobetaine: marine organoarsenicals.. Abstract Crystalline arsenobetaine hydrobromide is deposited directly on addition of trimethylarsine to a benzene solution of bromoacetic acid. The product is stable, non-deliquescent and may be readily converted into the free betaine by passage through basic ion exchange resin. PERT-0513-1988 Malaysian Natural Rubber Market Model Mohammed Bin Yusof Keywords Natural rubber; model; simulations.. Abstract This study is an attempt to formulate a simultaneous equations model of the Malaysian natural rubber market. The regression results suggest that the model is quite satisfactory in terms of correct signs, high R2, and significance of variables concerned. A simulation exercise was done to ascertain the adequacy of the model in tracking the actual values. It was found that, in general, the model has the ability to trace, at least, the directions of the movements of certain selected endogenous variables. The model developed here could be used to forecast the effect of a change in an endogenous variable, such as export duty, exchange rates, or recession on endogenous variables. PERT-0514-1988 Real Money Balances in the Production Function of a Developing Economy: A Preliminary Study of the Malaysian Agricultural Sector Muzafar Shah Habibullah Abstract Recent empirical evidence suggests that real money balances can be treated as a productive input in production. The reason for incorporating real money balances as a factor of production is because real money balances as a medium of exchange facilitate adjustments between capital and labour for specialization purposes and thus increase productivity. This study is an attempt to empirically test the evidence that real money balances is an input in the production function of the Malaysian agricultural sector. The results suggest that real money balances play a significant role as a productive input in the production function of the Malaysian agricultural sector. PERT-0515-1988 Some Stream Water Quality Characteristics of Two Small Logged Over Watersheds in Selangor Lai F.S. and Norajiki AJ Keywords Watersheds; water temperature; dissolved oxygen; pH; conductivity; suspended solids; dissolved solids. Abstract A study of selected stream water quality parameters was carried out in two forested watersheds with varying degrees of disturbance. The study period of six months from August 1983 to January 1984 involved regular sampling at between 1400 and 1500 hours. Results indicate all parameters observed from the relatively more disturbed watershed WA were higher than the less disturbed basin WB. Mean values of stream water quality parameters of WA and WB respectively areas follows: water temperature - 25.3 and 25.2°C; dissolved oxygen - 6.7 and 6.4 ppm; pH - 5.55 and 5.25; conductivity 16.0 and 1L3 ymhos/cm; suspended solids - 22 and 7 mg/l and; total dissolved solids - 36 and 31 mg/l The findings suggest logging operations had varying influences on the water quality parameters. Although affected, the water quality remains good, aided by environmental considerations during logging operations. PERT-0516-1988 Effect of Salinity and Light Intensity on the Growth of Chlorella virginica Abdullah Zaini Alias Keywords Saliniti; keamatan cahaya; Chlorella virginica Abstract A study on the effects of salinity and light intensity on the growth of Chlorella virginica was conducted in an environmental control room at a temperature of 22 ± 2°C Salinities were set at 15 ppt, 20 ppt, 25 ppt and 30 ppt while light intensities were at 1140 lux, 2260 lux and 3040 lux. The effect of salinity and light intensity was found to be significantly different (P <0.01 - 0.05). Optimum salinity for the growth of Chlorella virginica was at 15 ppt whilst optimum light intensity was at 3040 lux. Interaction between salinity and light intensity was also significantly different (P K0.01 - 0.05) whereby maximum growth (39375 cells/yi) was obtained at a salinity of 15 ppt and light intensity of 3040 lux. PERT-0517-1988 The Improved Interval Forms of the Gradient in Newton's Method for a Class of Functions with One Variable Ismail Bin Mohd Keywords Kaedah Newton; aritmetik selang; bentuk tersarang Abstract Variation in cultural and morphological characteristics existed in both the parent isolates and Improved forms of some interval Newton methods which are described by Hansen (Hansen, 1978b) for computing and bounding the zeros of f:Rl -• Rl are given. In order to improve the convergence properties of the methods, the nested form has been used for computing and bounding the derivative ƒ1 : R1 –R1 PERT-0518-1988 COMMUNICATION I Survival and Isolation of Avian Mycoplasmas from Drinking Water of Infected Chickens. Abstract Mycoplasma was inoculated into the drinking water of chicken and sampled at different time intervals. At a higher concentration, the organisms could be recovered from the water 24 hours post inoculation. Mycoplasma could not be recovered from the drinking water of infected chickens. PERT-0519-1988 COMMUNICATION II Preliminary Estimates of Growth and Mortality in Nemipterus bathybus Snyder (Pisces: Nemipteridae) from the Coast off Sarawak, South China Sea Abstract Length-frequency samples of Nemipterus bathybus Snyder (Pisces: Nemipteridae) obtained in a trawl survey off the coast of Sarawak, East Malaysia (South China Sea) were separated into components using the Bhattacharya method. The mean length of adjacent components, assumed to represent year classes, were used to estimate the parameters Loo and K of the von Bertalanffy equation, while the numbers of fisah in these components were used to estimate total mortality. Results were: TLOO =31.2, K = 0.36 year~ and Z = IA year. The results are discussed in relation to other estimates o/N. bathybus and other species of threadfin breams.