2015/16 Atom Program Introduction Letter

2015/16 Atom Program Introduction Letter
Parents of Atom Category Players:
North SEERA Hockey welcomes new and returning 2005 & 2006 born players for the upcoming
2015/16 season.
My name is Jim Herbers and I’m the North SEERA Atom Director.
For new athletes just entering into North Seera – welcome aboard. We are a proud organization with
a great sense of community. North SEERA is committed to assembling fair and balanced teams,
providing good coaches and in keeping registration costs as low as practical.
Stay tuned into www.northseera.ca for information about the evaluation skates.
Information about the evaluation process can also be reviewed on our website in the parent
Evaluation Volunteers
Easily the toughest part of being a category director – is the task of organizing the evaluation process
and picking teams. It’s a lot of work and a few restless nights condensed into a short period of
time. Our many evaluation volunteers from last year did however make the task much easier by
providing good unbiased input, showing up when they committed to and generally making the process
It’s not always fun – evaluating hockey when it’s beautiful outside, often watching a group skate in
which your own child may not be partaking. Despite this, the evaluations are something we really
need to get right. Your help and input will graciously be accepted.
I encourage anyone who is able to assist with evaluations, in any capacity, to contact me (drop a line
or phone). I need to compile a list well ahead of time to prepare for the frantic action of the
evaluation process.
Players interested in the position of goaltender should make arrangements with the Equipment
Manager (equipment@northseera.ca) to arrange for use of equipment.
To help prepare your young athlete, there will be a Goalie Camp to be held in late August – time and
location to be verified on the website.
Please be sure to make arrangements for goalie equipment in advance of this clinic or the evaluation
sessions. The supply of equipment is somewhat limited, so don’t delay.
Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches
Those interested in coaching are required to fill out the Coaches Application (available at the
registration or online). This application will be submitted to the North SEERA executive. It is best to
do this during registrations (early registrations).
In addition, coaches are required to undergo a Criminal Records Check through the Edmonton Police
Service and will be required to obtain any and all qualifications, certifications or education as set out
by Hockey Alberta. One such requirement is the Coaches Respect-In-Sport Course. This on-line
course can be completed at any time in preparation for the upcoming season.
The final decision regarding coaches will be made once teams have been finalized. Hint: Evaluation
volunteering (on or off ice) is a very good way to demonstrate your desire to be a dependable coach.
I took the position of Atom Director because North SEERA has been a positive part of our family’s
fall/winter activities. I’m willing to do my best in this role contributing what I can to the North SEERA
Let’s all help ensure the 2015/16 season is another great year by getting involved.
Be sure to check the North SEERA website regularly for information, programs and dates. Should you
need any information you can contact me: my information is below.
Have a great summer – see you soon.
Jim Herbers
(780) 915-1834 (cell)
(780) 465-4496 (hm)