Instructions for Primary and Secondary Reviewers Completing Expedited Reviews All expedited review of IRB protocols are to be completed in accordance with the provisions of 45CFR46.110. In order for a protocol to be reviewed under an expedited procedure, it must present no more than minimal risk to subjects. A primary and secondary reviewer system will be used for the expedited review process. After an initial administrative review has been completed by the Research Compliance Coordinator, the IRB Chair will assign a primary and secondary reviewer to each protocol undergoing an expedited review procedure based on the topic of the research and the subject matter expertise of board members, experience level, and a determination that there is no conflict of interest present. Once assigned, the protocol should be reviewed within five working days. As part of the review process, each reviewer should use the following checklists as a guide in determining whether to approve a protocol: Criteria for IRB Approval of Research, Expedited Review Checklist, Informed Consent Checklist. If an investigator is requesting a Waiver of Informed Consent or a Waiver of Documentation of Informed Consent, then the protocol is to be referred to the full board for review. If, during the conduct of the review, it is determined that a protocol presents more than minimal risk to subjects, it must be referred to the full board for review. Once checklists have been completed, they are to be uploaded into IRBNet. Be sure to enter review comments on both the checklists and into the comments section of IRBNet. Select the appropriate protocol status (i.e. approved, request for information, modifications required, etc) and mark your review complete (even if information is requested or modifications are required). Conditional approvals are not used for the expedited review process. Special Note for Continuing Reviews completed using an expedited review procedure: Continuing review is designed to ensure that risks to subjects continue to be minimized and that research is being conducted in accordance with IRB approval of the initial protocol and any subsequently approved modifications. Therefore, when a protocol undergoes continuing review, the following statement is to be included in the comments section of the review checklist: “This protocol was evaluated to ensure risks to subjects continue to be minimized and remain reasonable in relation to any anticipated benefits and the knowledge expected to result. The information provided by the investigator is consistent with the research protocol.” Suffolk University Instructions for Primary and Secondary Reviewers Completing Expedited Reviews Version 6.18.13 If information or modifications are required, the IRB Chair will consolidate the comments from any administrative reviews with those of both primary and secondary reviewers, and send a project email to the investigator requesting information and/or modifications. When a response is received from the investigator, the primary and secondary reviewer should review again to ensure all issues noted in their respective reviews have been adequately addressed. At this time, reviewers can revise their comments entered into IRB Net and if the investigator has sufficiently responded to concerns, mark the protocol as approved. The primary reviewer must send a project email through IRB Net to the Research Compliance Coordinator and copy the IRB Chair and Administrative Assistant with the following review information for the minutes: the protocol IRBNet ID, the title of the protocol, type of review (i.e. new, continuing review, modification, etc), the category under which the expedited review was approved (list all that may apply), and a brief summary of the protocol. The format and content example of what the project email should include is provided below: IRBNet ID – Title of Protocol – Type of Review (i.e. New) – Approved under category (determine category of review) of the expedited review process by Name of Primary Reviewer and Name of Secondary Reviewer Submitted by: Investigator Name Protocol Summary: (e.g.) This study consists of a household survey which includes demographic and consumption data to determine the impact of participation in the microcredit organization Zidisha. Zidisha is an online peer-to-peer micro-lender that offers loans in various African countries, the majority of lending occurs in Kenya. Individuals voluntarily apply for Zidisha loans through its website to improve their small businesses. Human Subjects include both borrowers and non-borrowers of Zidisha to compare the impact of Zidisha borrowing on the economic, nutritional, and self-reported “happiness” levels of those surveyed. Four-hundred to 800 participants aged 20+ will be recruited in person. Participants will be interviewed about their satisfaction regarding particular types of loans. The data will be used for program evaluation, as well as an assessment of microloans as opposed to other types of loans. This is a minimal risk study that involves no deception. Request for a waiver of consent is appropriate due to cultural sensitivities involved. This information will be entered by ORSP into the comments section of IRB Net for what will appear in the minutes. Suffolk University Instructions for Primary and Secondary Reviewers Completing Expedited Reviews Version 6.18.13 ORSP will complete and upload all protocol approval letters and make assignments to the IRB Meeting agenda. Please note: protocols cannot be assigned to a meeting agenda until the primary reviewer sends a project email through IRBNet with his or her protocol summary to ORSP for upload into the minutes. Suffolk University Instructions for Primary and Secondary Reviewers Completing Expedited Reviews Version 6.18.13