THE POWER OF ACCOUNTABILITY! Accountable! It is one of those terms people have a love/hate relationship with. They want others to be held accountable, but when it comes to their own accountability, they some times get upset. Here is the challenge I see today! We have replaced “accountability” with “entitlement!” Many don’t want to be held “accountable” for their behavior, but feel they are “entitled” to whatever they want. To me, this is not only a growing issue, but one we have to address. The lack of accountability means anything goes! First and foremost, let’s seek to understand what “Accountability” is! This is my definition: Being responsible for your behavior and all the results that behavior creates. I think you can see from that short but pointed definition why people would react to being held accountable. Here is a truth we must understand: Where there is no accountability there is permission to continue the behaviors without any concern or repercussions to what they might do. That means one has the right to: blame others reason their way of being accountable excuse their way out justify because no one told them any differently The result is a person who has free reign to do whatever they want to do with there being any consequences. We must get back to holding people accountable for what they have done; we must face what the lack of accountability is doing to our society. Accountability makes one responsible for their behavior! There is Power In Accountability! P personal responsibility is in place O order is established W wrong is viewed as wrong E expectations about behavior become clear R responsibility THIS IS OUR TOPIC FOR THIS POWER TO BE SESSION – THE POWER OF ACCOUNTABILITY! Until a person has to be responsible for their behavior, there is no reason for them to face or be concerned about their behavior! That creates a free for all! Nothing is their fault; they can walk away without an consequences, because the devil made them do it! The devil he did! Behavior is a choice and with choice goes responsibility and with in responsibility there is accountability. It is as simple as that! Yet, in our world today we want to excuse the behavior of people; we want to allow them to continue to do those things that shouldn’t be acceptable. People want to blame everyone and everything for their behavior! As long as they can get away with that, there will be no accountability. The fact is life is your choice, and whatever choice you make, you should be accountable for. Why Won’t We Hold A Person Accountable For Their Behavior? Addressing something they may have learned from you If their behavior is something you have taught them through your actions, then, yes, are part of the issue Confrontation is not something you are comfortable doing Whatever you don’t confront, you validate! Consequences that might have to be put in place Don’t want to hurt or punish people. Yet, if there are no consequences, then anything goes and everything is ok. Others are doing it; so what’s the problem If others are doing it, it must be ok! Unleashes the fear of “what if” “What if” is just another form of avoidance behavior. Not hurting anyone; what’s the issue All behavior has an attachment to others. Someone will be affected. They may not like you It is not about “being liked;” It is about right and wrong. Always been this way That doesn’t mean it always has to be that way. Believe things will work their own self out Things that are left to solve their self just collect more emotions and create more conflict. Leads to other issues that might need to be addressed So be it! If they need to be addressed, they need to be addressed. Emotions are just too much to deal with Avoiding will not remove the emotions; they will just stack others on top of those that are already there. Better to clear what is, rather than create more emotional collisions for tomorrow. Here is what we must understand –WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY Any thing goes! Where there are no rules, there is only chaos! Confusion is given free reign Without accountability no one knows the difference between right and wrong. Correct behavior doesn’t really matter When one can do whatever they want, whatever they do must be ok! Operates at a level of no respect for others The lack of accountability says, “I don’t have to listen to you,” which says I don’t have to respect you or your words. Unacceptable behavior becomes ok If a behavior is unacceptable, but not confronted, then, in reality, it must be ok. No consequences; just permission Where there are no consequences for the wrong behavior, then there is permission to continue it. Truth doesn’t matter Without accountability and permission to do whatever you want, then there is no place for truth. Without truth there is no foundation for right and wrong. Allows one to make wrong seem right When “wrong” can be made to be “right,” the result is the loss of values. Blame becomes an ok justification for behavior When I can blame you and get by with it, why should I feel responsible for what I did? That’s dangerous!!! Leaves pain and damage every where Without accountability there is human destruction that can’t be repaired! Establishes a sense of entitlement Put all this together and you think I won’t feel entitled to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it? Let’s go back to our definition to Accountability: Being responsible for your behavior and all the results that behavior creates. This raises a critical question: HOW DO YOU CREATE ACCOUNTABILITY THAT HOLDS PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR BEHAVIOR? 11 STEPS!!!!! STEP #1: ALWAYS HAVE RULES, AND YOU DON’T COMPROMISE THEM Rules have a purpose and that is to create guidelines; without there being consistency with the rules, there are only words people don’t believe in. Rules: P provide clear direction O order is in place W work with a set of clear understandings E R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #2: CONFRONT BEHAVIOR, DON’T AVOID IT What you don’t confront you validate! Once you validate, it is no longer the other person’s issue; they are only doing what you have given them permission to do. Confrontation: P provides a pathway to resolution O openly addresses cause for conversation W won’t let things continue the way they are E erases excuses and reasons; just facts R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #3: CLEAR ON CONSEQUENCES AND DON’T BACK DOWN When people know you mean what you say, they listen. When they listen, test and see you back down, their respect goes away and you just become a joke! Consequences: P paints a clear picture of “what is” and what “will be” O options are discussed W whether you agree or not, this is what will happen E ends any discussion about “what was done yesterday” R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #4: OPEN WITH GENTLE FIRMNESS, BUT IF THAT DOESN’T WORK MOVE TO STRICT DISCIPLINE There must always be an understood approach to the situation, but there must never be just one option. Start, but always be willing to adapt as necessary. Action: P plan is in place O open with one thought, but afraid to adapt W willing to do what is necessary to face behavior E expression is about how serious this is R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #5: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES LET THEM TAKE CONTROL Whoever is in control, is creating the direction the conversation is going. Remember, you don’t lose control; you give it away. Maintaining Control: P provides a manageable pace O opinions replaced with facts W won’t let distractions and detours happen E energy remains positive R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #6: NEVER LET “WRONG” BECOME “RIGHT” There is always right and wrong; if wrong is made to sound right, there is only a circle of confusion. Right: P pushes things forward, not in circles O opinions replaced with facts W won’t let negative take over E enhances one’s foundation of beliefs R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #7: TAKE NO EXCUSES Excuses are designed to avoid taking responsibility; don’t let one weasel out of being accountability for their behavior. Allow No Excuses: P provides a clear message of intent O others not allowed to be reflection point W wrongs not allowed to overshadow facts E emotional outburst controlled R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #8: AVOID GETTING TOO MANY ISSUES ON THE TABLE The more issues there are in front of you, the less there will be that gets completed. Stay with the issue at hand! Controlling The Number of Issue: P provides a manageable pace O order to the process is in place W won’t let things get bogged down E emotions can be focused on one issue R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #9: BEHAVIOR MUST STATE THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE, NOT MERELY A CONVERSATION. Your mental, emotional and physical must say, in no uncertain terms, that is not just a time to chat, but to confront a serious behavior. Being Serious: P provides a clear understanding of expected outcome O openly shows this is not game W works with facts, not opinion E expressions show strength and take control R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #10: LISTEN FOR THE RATIONALIZATIONS AND THEN, ADDRESS THEM An excuse that isn’t addressed becomes permission to continue. Addressing Rationalizations: P puts the emphasis on resolution O openly calls behavior into question W won’t let things drag on E ends their ability to control through excuses R refuses to let “just anything” be ok STEP #11: ENTER WITH A “WHATEVER IT TAKES” ATTITUDE TO GET THIS RESOLVED If you don’t enter with the commitment to confront and resolve, you will leave with things still needing to be addressed and completed. “Whatever It Takes” Attitude: P pushes toward resolution O offers no escape route W won’t settle for what is not right E entertains suggestions, but not excuses R refuses to let “just anything” be ok Remember: Accountability is: Being responsible for your behavior and all the results that behavior creates. Closing Thought: Holding one accountable for their behavior is both a visual and vocal statement that says, “Your behavior is no longer acceptable and will not be allowed to continue.” Remember, once you had held them accountable for their behavior, you must be strong in carrying through with holding them accountable. If you don’t, they are back in control.