Assessment Brief: Essay Outline INTRODUCTORY PHYSIOLOGY

Assessment Brief: Essay Outline INTRODUCTORY PHYSIOLOGY
1. Module number
2. Module title
3. Module leader
4. Tutor with responsibility
for this Assessment
Student’s first point of contact
5. Assessment
Introductory Physiology
Dr Claire Garden
Claire Garden
6. Weighting
20% module assessment; 1/3rd of component 1. You must pass
both components to pass the module.
300 words
7. Size and/or time limits for
8. Deadline of submission
Your attention is drawn to the
penalties for late submission
9. Arrangements for
10. Assessment Regulations
All assessments are subject to
the University Regulations.
11. The requirements for the
12. Special instructions
13. Return of work
Essay Outline
12pm Friday 8th October (week 5).
Submit a paper copy of your assessment to the coursework box
outside F16 Merchiston by the deadline. Submit an electronic
copy of your work through Turnitin on the Web CT site prior to
handing in the paper copy. This may take up to 1 day to
process and IS NOT a valid excuse for late submission of your
paper copy to the coursework box.
Your work must be submitted with the appropriate cover sheet
which must confirm that the assignment is your own and has not
been submitted for another assessment.
You are advised to keep your own copy of the assessment.
Please tell the module leader before the deadline if you have a
good reason for submitting late and require an extension.
Otherwise the usual penalties for late submission apply (up to a
week late – capped at 40%, over one week late – 0%).
300 word essay outline. Choose from titles given in your first
tutorial – these are also available on Web CT and in the module
handbook. Essay outline must include at least one paragraph of
introduction, an indication of final essay structure and
demonstration of understanding of referencing practise. You
must submit essay outline through Turnitin on Web CT site prior
to handing it in.
Supporting teaching: the week 4 lecture will deal with what is
expected in your essay and outline. You will receive feedback
on the outline and your Turnitin report in tutorials 3 and 4 (weeks
6-9), in order to improve your essay. You will have opportunities
to practise and ask questions. For useful books and resources
on writing about biology, see the ‘useful resources’ document on
the Web CT site.
If you have any questions after this time, please ask C Garden
via the Web CT discussion board.
The Student Charter specifies an entitlement to written feedback
for coursework within 3 weeks of submission. Your work will be
returned to you in tutorials in week 6/7 where you will have an
opportunity to discuss feedback with your tutor.
14. Assessment criteria
The mark scheme for the essay outline is available on Web CT.
The aim is to demonstrate that you have an appreciation of the
importance of paraphrasing by giving at least one full paragraph
of introduction. You should also show that you understand how
a scientific essay should be structured, using the appropriate
language and referencing conventions. It is very important that
the work is all your own and that you know what plagiarism is
and how to avoid it.
You will be allocated marks for organisation and sequencing,
content, style and for following normal academic conventions for
acknowledging sources. You should read the mark scheme
before beginning to write the essay outline and use it to mark
your own work before you submit it.
1. Module number
2. Module title
3. Module leader
4. Tutor with responsibility
for this Assessment
Student’s first point of contact
5. Assessment
Introductory Physiology
Dr Claire Garden
Claire Garden.
6. Weighting
40% module assessment; 2/3rd of component 1. You must pass
both components to pass the module.
1000 words
7. Size and/or time limits for
8. Deadline of submission
Your attention is drawn to the
penalties for late submission
9. Arrangements for
10. Assessment Regulations
All assessments are subject to
the University Regulations.
11. The requirements for the
12. Special instructions
13. Return of work
12pm 5th November 2010 (week 9).
Submit a paper copy of your assessment to the coursework box
outside F16 Merchiston by the deadline. Submit an electronic
copy of your work through Turnitin on the Web CT site prior to
handing in the paper copy. This may take up to 1 day to
process and IS NOT a valid excuse for late submission of your
paper copy to the coursework box.
Your work must be submitted with the appropriate cover sheet
which must confirm that the assignment is your own and has not
been submitted for another assessment.
You are advised to keep your own copy of the assessment.
Please tell the module leader before the deadline if you have a
good reason for submitting late and require an extension.
Otherwise the usual penalties for late submission will apply (up
to a week late – capped at 40%, over one week late – 0%).
1000 word essay. Should be an extension of the essay outline
submitted in week 5 incorporating tutor feedback. Choose from
titles given in your first tutorial – these are also available on Web
CT and in the module handbook. Essays must include good
structure and referencing practise. You must submit essay
through Turnitin on Web CT site prior to handing it in.
Essay title: this is THE SAME as for the essay outline – this
essay is an extension of the outline incorporating tutor feedback.
Supporting teaching: week 4 lecture and tutorial 3/4 (weeks 6-9)
will deal with what is expected in your essay and how to read
your Turnitin report. You will have opportunities ask questions
about your essay outline and should incorporate a response to
your feedback in this essay. For useful books and resources on
writing about biology, see the ‘useful resources’ document on
the Web CT site.
If you have any questions after this time, please ask C Garden
via the Web CT discussion board.
The Student Charter specifies an entitlement to written feedback
for coursework within 3 weeks of submission. Your work will be
returned to you in a lecture in week 12 where you will have an
opportunity to discuss feedback.
14. Assessment criteria
The mark scheme for the essay is available on Web CT. The
aim is to demonstrate that you have an appreciation of the
relationship between cells, tissues and organs and the structurefunction relationship of organ systems. You should also show
that you understand how a scientific essay should be structured,
using the appropriate language and referencing conventions. It
is very important that the work is all your own and that you know
what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.
You will be allocated marks for organisation and sequencing,
content, use of diagrams and tables, style and for following
normal academic conventions for acknowledging sources. You
should read the mark scheme before beginning to write the
essay and use it to mark your own essay before you submit it.