Biggest, smallest, fastest, longest

Tallest man made structure
Tallest mountain
The tallest man made structure in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai,
United Arab Emirates, which is 829.8 metres tall, has 163 floors and 67
The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, whose summit is
8,848 metres above sea level. Mount Everest is part of the Himalayas in
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.
The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends
from the Arctic in the north to Antarctica in the south, bounded by Asia
and Australia in the west, and the Americas in the east.
Largest ocean
At 165.25 million square kilometres in area, the ocean covers about 46% of
the Earth's water surface and about one-third of its total surface area,
making it larger than all of the Earth's land area combined.
Largest country
The biggest country in the world in area is Russia, which is more than 17
million kilometres squared in size.
Largest volcano
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is a gas giant with mass
one-thousandth of that of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of
all the other planets in the Solar System combined. It has a diameter of
142,984 kilometres
The largest volcano on earth was recently discovered off the coast of
Japan submerged under the Pacific Ocean. Discovered in September
2013, Tamu Massif is estimated to be larger than the whole of the British
Isles although not the tallest volcano in the world.
Tallest volcano
Until recently, the largest but now just the tallest volcano on Earth is
Mauna Loa in Hawaii, which measures 30,000 metres from the base to the
top, although much of the volcano is submerged beneath the sea.
Fastest man
Usain Bolt from Jamaica is the fastest man on earth with his 100 metre
record currently standing at 9.58 seconds
Largest planet in our solar system
Fastest land animal
Most spoken language
The cheetah is the fastest animal on land and can run as fast as 95 to
105kms per hour.
The language spoken by more people than any other in the world is
Chinese (Mandarin). More than 1 billion people speak Mandarin,
compared to the second most spoken language, which is English, at 500
million people.
Fastest bird in flight
When diving, the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in flight and reaches
speeds of 320 kms per hour or faster.
Smallest country in the world
The smallest independent state in the world is Vatican City in Europe,
which is 0.4 square kms in area with a population of just 830 people.
Most sparsely populated county in
the world
The country with the largest population is China with over 1.3 billion
citizens, which is more than 19% of the world's population.
The most sparsely populated country in the world (with the least people
per square mile) is Mongolia – with just 4 people per square mile.
Compare this to Monaco, which, although a small country, is the most
densely populated in the world, with 40,719 people per square mile.
Largest continent
The largest continent in the world is Asia, which at 44 million kms
squared is 4 times larger than Europe.
Country with the highest population
Smallest ocean
The largest hot desert is the world is the Sahara which is over 9.4 million
kms squared in area.
The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean in the world, with an area of 15
million kms squared. It extends between Europe, Asia and North
America and most of its waters are north of the Arctic Circle. Throughout
most of the year, much of the Arctic Ocean is covered by a drifting polar
icepack that is an average of ten feet thick.
Largest mammal
The largest mammal on earth is the Blue Whale. At 30 metres in length
and 170 tonnes or more in weight, it is the largest known animal ever to
have existed.
Deepest ocean
The deepest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean, in which the Mariana
Trench (located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean) is just under 11
kilometers at its deepest known point.
Longest bridge
The Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge in China is the longest bridge in the
world. At 164,800 metres in length and completed in 2010, it is used as a
high speed railway.
Tallest tree in the world
The tallest tree in the world is the Coast Redwood, which can grow up to
116m in height. The tallest known living redwood, named Hyperion, is
115.55 m (measured in 2006)
The driest place on earth
The driest place on earth is the Dry Valleys in Antarctica, which has seen
no rain for nearly 2 million years.
Largest hot desert
Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.
The hottest planet in the solar
Where the Earth has an average surface temperature of 57 degrees
Fahrenheit, the average temperature of Venus is 860 degrees Fahrenheit.
That is 770 degrees hotter than the hottest deserts on our planet.
The largest moon in our solar system is Ganymede.
Largest moon in our solar system
It is the seventh moon outward from Jupiter. It has a diameter of
5,268 km (3,273 mi), 8% larger than that of the planet Mercury.
The largest pyramid in the world is the Great Pyramid of Cholula, which
is in Mexico.
Largest pyramid in the world
The pyramid stands at 55 metres (180 ft) above the surrounding plain but
in its original form it measured 400 by 400 metres in size.
The tallest bridge in the world is the Millau Viaduct in France.
Tallest bridge in the world
It is the tallest bridge in the world with one mast's summit at 343.0 metres
(1,125 ft) above the base of the structure. It is the 12th highest bridge deck
in the world, being 270 metres (890 ft) between the road deck and the
ground below.
Longest mountain range in the
The Andes is the longest mountain range in the world and stretches
through seven countries in South America.
Highest waterfall in the world
Angel Falls in Venezuela is the highest waterfall in the world at 979
metres in height.
The greatest waterfall in terms of the amount of water flowing over it, is
the Boyoma Falls in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which on average
has 600,000 cubic feet squared of water pouring over it every second.
This is equivalent to 30 million pints of milk every second.
The greatest waterfall
Compare this to Niagara Falls, which although spectacular, only has an
average of 195,000 cubic feet squared of water running over it per second.
Deepest freshwater lake
Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest freshwater lake in the world. The
lake contains roughly one fifth of the world's freshwater, was formed 25
million years ago and is so deep, it requires the use of a submarine to
explore it's depths
Most active volcano
The world's most active volcano is Mount Etna in Sicily which is recorded
as having been active for the past 3500 years and may well have been
active for up to half a million years with occasional dormant periods.
Most venomous reptile
The reptile with the most venomous poison is the Indian Cobra. 1mg of
it's venom would be enough to kill over 100 people.
Country with the largest areas of
The country with the largest areas of forest in the world is Russia with
more than 8 million square kilometres of forest - almost 62 times the size
of England!
Most populated city
The most populated city in the world is Tokyo in Japan with 34 million
Smallest continent
The smallest continent in the world is Australia.
Smallest planet in our solar system
The smallest planet in our solar system is Mercury
Largest eggs
The ostrich lays the largest eggs of any bird. The ostrich is the largest
living bird and can run at up to 43 miles per hour. On average, their eggs
are 6 inches long and 5 inches wide.
Largest island in the world
The largest island in the world is Greenland which is 2.2 million square
kilometres in size. The United Kingdom is just 243,000 square kilometres,
making Greenland 9 times bigger than the whole of the UK.
The current world land speed record stands at 763.035 mph, as set in
October 1997 by British Royal Air Force pilot Andy Green driving the jetpowered Thrust SSC.
World land speed record
The fastest plane in the world
Highest skydive
Green is now looking to break his own record and has a new team and a
new car behind him. The car he plans to use is the Bloodhound SSC,
which in addition to a jet engine comes with a rocket-propulsion system
which could take him to 1,000 mph on his attempt in 2015.
The fastest recorded flight airspeed record is that of the Lockheed SR71
Blackbird, which achieved an airspeed of 2193.2 miles per hour in July
1976. Compare this to Wilbur Wright’s first recorded flight in 1903,
where he achieved the speed of 6 miles per hour and you realise how far
air flight has come.
Felix Baumgartner went supersonic, breaking the sound barrier (going
faster than the speed of sound) when he made the highest skydive ever
from 24 miles above the earth, reaching an airspeed of 844 miles per hour
on 14th October 2012