Week Three Lesson Plan Lindsay Wisser Day 11: Monday, July 1, 2013 7th and 8th Grade Writing Lesson 11: Peer Editing and Teacher Conferences Objectives: 1. Students will practice using transitions. 2. Students will evaluate one another’s research papers through guided peer editing. 3. Students will be evaluated on their research papers by the teacher through individual conferences. Procedures: 1. Bell Ringer & Attendance (8 minutes) a. Students will pick up a bell ringer for practice with transitions before editing their peer’s work. b. We will go over the transitions sheet before the presentation. 2. Paragraph Structure and Transitions Lesson (15 minutes) a. A transitions Prezi will be shown including activities for the students to work with transitions. b. We will also discuss how an essay should be structured, and how to incorporate transition words into our paragraphs. 3. Peer Editing & Teacher Conferences (18 minutes) a. Students will be paired with a partner for peer editing. Each student will receive a checklist of what to look for on their partner’s paper. b. Students will be asked what constructive criticism is, and how it is used in peer editing. c. During this time, I will have the opportunity to meet with students individually to discuss their research papers before they complete a final copy. d. If students are finished peer editing early, they may work with another partner for more feedback, and/or go back over their own papers and add transitions or make revisions where necessary. 4. Homework Explanation (2 minutes) a. Create a final draft! Lined paper will be provided. 5. Closure: Exit Ticket (2 minutes) a. Students will evaluate what they told their partner to revise, and what they individually need to revise on their papers before turning in a final copy tomorrow. Materials: 1. Transitions bell ringer / handout 2. Transitions presentation http://prezi.com/awghzbwsn1yl/edit/#7_127472 + Transitions handout 3. Peer editing handout / Exit ticket. 4. Homework handout + Lined paper for final drafts (homework) Name: Bell Ringer: Transitions Practice with Transitions Fill in the blank with a transition from your transition list to make the sentences flow together properly. Feel free to use the transitions list on the back of this sheet to help you! 1. Molly thought she saw a ghost. ________________, it turned out to be only the shadow of a lamp. 2. Josh couldn’t throw a ball well. ________________, he didn’t want to join the Little League team. 3. Jason loved hamburgers. ________________, the doctor told him not to eat fried foods. 4. I wanted the dress in the store window. ________________, I didn’t have enough money to buy it. 5. Andrew opened the door. ________________ he went into the room. 6. We ate dinner at seven o’clock. ________________, we cleared the table. 7. Mark’s bicycle was broken. ________________, he couldn’t ride it to his friend’s house. Transitions to Try: To compare or contrast: o Although o However o In comparison o In contrast o Likewise o Nonetheless o On the other hand o Similarly o Yet To indicate more information: o Besides o Furthermore o In addition o In fact o Second … Third … To indicate a cause or reason: o As o Because (of) o Due to o For the reason that o Since To indicate a purpose or reason why: o For fear that o In the hope that o In order to o So that o With this in mind To indicate an example: o For example o For instance o In particular o To demonstrate To indicate a result or an effect: o Accordingly o Finally o Therefore o So To indicate a change in time: o After o Before o Currently Name: Partner’s Name: Characteristics of a Research Paper—Please put a Checkmark +, a Checkmark, or a Check – based on your partner’s completion of the following: Paper focuses a clear, well-defined thesis Revels something about the student Grabs the reader’s attention Contains interesting language Establishes and maintains a tone Uses a logical and effective pattern of organization Uses transitional words and phrases to maintain coherence Exit Ticket – Peer Review 1. Write two things that you noted for your partner to revise. 2. Write two things that your partner noted that you will revise. Name: Due: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 HOMEWORK 1) Go back and revise your Introductory, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusion. Be sure to: 1. _____ Reread your work! Maybe even have someone else read it, too. 2. _____ Add transitions where necessary! You may reference your Transitions handout. 3. _____ REPLACE trashcan words (words that just belong in the trash!) 4. _____ Check for punctuation, capitalization, and grammar errors. 5. _____ Check the organization of your paragraphs and sentences. Does the order of your ideas make sense? 6. _____ Make sure you have a hook and a thesis statement. Underline them. 7. _____ Check to make sure your CONCLUSION restates your thesis statement. 8. _____ MAKE SURE EACH PARAGRAPH CONTAINS 5 + sentences! 9. _____ Include your bibliography! *SHOW me evidence of revision. 2) Create a FINAL DRAFT on separate lined paper. 3) BRING everything to class tomorrow that you have written! 4) BRING a visual aid for your presentation tomorrow if possible! Week Three Lesson Plan Lindsay Wisser Day 12: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 7th and 8th Grade Writing Lesson 12: Research Paper Presentations Objectives: 1. Students will present their research to the entire class in two minutes. 2. Students will evaluate their own performance of writing and presenting. 3. Students will evaluate one another’s performance of writing and presenting. Procedures: 1. Bell Ringer & Attendance (5 minutes) a. Students will have the opportunity to prepare what they would like to share from the research they performed and the research papers that they wrote. b. Notecards will be given out, and students will be asked to write down what they have learned and would like to share. c. Students will also gather their visual aid materials together during this time if necessary. 2. Student Presentations (25 minutes) a. Students will each have two minutes to present their research, using notecards and visual aids as they see fit. b. Following each presenter, students will fill out a peer evaluation form. c. After presenting, students will turn in the final copy of their research paper including a bibliography page. 3. Homework (5 minutes) a. Students will be asked to brainstorm what they already know about persuasion in writing. b. Students will be asked what they want to learn about persuasion in writing. c. Students will be asked to brainstorm what they already know about debates. d. Students will be asked what they want to learn about debates. 4. Closure: Self-Evaluations and Sharing (10 minutes) a. After all presentations have concluded, students will take about 8 minutes to write a self-evaluation paragraph describing their experiences with writing their research paper and presenting it. b. Two minutes will be set aside to allow students to present their selfevaluations. c. Students will then hand in their Constructive Criticism / Self-Evaluation Handouts before leaving class. Materials: 1. Notecards 2. Constructive criticism / Self-Evaluation handouts 3. Persuasion & Debate Brainstorm Homework handouts Name: Peer Evaluations Directions: In the space below, please provide your classmates with praise and constructive criticism. Be sure to identify who it is you are evaluating and BE SPECIFIC with your comments! Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name of Presenter: _______________________________________ Comments: Name: Self-Evaluation of Research Project Directions: On the lines below, please evaluate your own writing and performance in one paragraph. (Did you have enough information? Was it easy or difficult to write this paper? What would have made this a better paper? What would you have done differently in your presentation?) Name: Persuasion and Debates Brainstorming Homework Due: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 1. In the space below, please brainstorm what you already know about persuasive writing. You can write sentences, list ideas, or draw a web diagram. 2. On the lines below, please write what you want to learn about persuasive writing in 4-5 sentences. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. In the space below, please brainstorm what you already know about debates. You can write sentences, list ideas, or draw a web diagram. 4. On the lines below, please write what you want to learn about debates in 4-5 sentences. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Week Three Lesson Plan Lindsay Wisser Day 13: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 7th and 8th Grade Writing Lesson 12: Introduction to Persuasion Objectives: 1. Students will practice persuasion writing through attempting to convince me to agree with their opinion. 2. Students will determine the three parts of an argument. 3. Students will be introduced to the Sunrise Over Fallujah debate project. Procedures: 1. Bell Ringer & Attendance (5 minutes): a. Students will be asked to share their responses for last night’s homework during this time, including: i. What they know about persuasive writing and what they wish to learn; and ii. What they know about debates and what they wish to learn b. Attendance will also be taken during this time 2. Introduction: Convince Me! Writing Exercise (15 minutes): a. A photo of an “Uncrustables” sandwich will be shown on the Smartboard. b. Students will be asked to convince me that either “Uncrustables” are the best meal at Summerbridge, or that they are not in writing. c. After writing for 8 minutes, students will have the opportunity to share their writing. 3. Persuasion & Debate Presentation (18 minutes): a. Students will be shown a Prezi that demonstrates how a persuasive argument works. Included in the Prezi are: i. Two commercials (one from Windows and one from Apple), which will allow students to determine which is more convincing ii. The structure of a persuasive essay iii. How debates work in persuasion b. Throughout the presentation, students will be asked questions pertaining to it. They will also receive a handout to follow along with the presentation. c. A simulated debate on whether Unicorns would make a good pet or not will take place within the presentation. 4. Homework Explanation (2 minutes): a. Students will be asked to take a stand on whether, based on the novel Sunrise Over Fallujah, it is a good idea to build relationships with fellow comrades while in the army. b. They will be required to brainstorm at least four facts for each side of the argument. 5. Closure: Questions about Persuasion (5 minutes): a. What are the three argument forms to include in a persuasive paper? i. Ethos- Ethics ii. Logos- Logic iii. Pathos- Emotions Materials: 1. “Uncrustables” photo and lined paper for writing 2. Presentation handout + Persuasion Prezi: http://prezi.com/j_wf2ln6ow71/edit/#19_14586512 3. Persuasion Debate: Argument Planning homework handout Name: Persuasion Guide Directions: Fill out the following worksheet along with the presentation on Persuasive Writing. Persuasion is: o Backing yourself up with ______________________________ o Providing the opponent is wrong with ___________________ In addition, consider: o ___________________ o Use emotions, ethics and logic Techniques of Persuasion: Jot down 2-3 techniques and explain what they are. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Three Forms of Argument: Explain what each form of argument is. (Fun fact: These were created by the Greeks!) Ethos: ____________________________________________________________ Pathos: ___________________________________________________________ Logos: ____________________________________________________________ Name: Debate Argument Planning Homework- Part 1 Due: Monday, July 8, 2013 Directions: Based on what you have read in Sunrise Over Fallujah, decide whether it is a good idea or not a good idea to build relationships with fellow comrades in the army. List at least 4 ideas that support this (say that it IS a good idea), AND at least 4 ideas that do not support this (say that it is a BAD idea). Please write in COMPLETE SENTENCES! It is a good idea to make friends in the army because… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It is a bad idea to make friends in the army because… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.