Saunders County Newsletter

County 2014
May 1
Saunders County
2014 Fairbook is posted on our Website!
Saunders County News
May 2014
The Summer Workshop Registration Forms are posted!
To download all registration forms go to our website at
Summer Workshops
Changes for 2014
Fair Superintendent’s Needed
4-H Enrollments are DUE
Fremont 4-H Fair
ATV Training Sign-Up
New Tractor Manuals
Silent Auction at Fair
Scholarship Recipients
Big Red Academic Camps
4-H Camping Opportunities
4-H Communication
2014 Photography Themes
Dates to Focus on
Beef Show to be Blow & Go in 2014
Livestock Quality Assurance
Nebraska 4-H & PEDV – Swine Exhibitors
Horse ID Deadline
Livestock ID Deadline & Tagging/Tattooing
District Horse Show Dates
Nearby Progress Shows
We have some exciting opportunities for youth to learn
new skills and to complete projects this summer.
Babysitting Basics
Date: June 3rd, 4th and 5th
Time: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Cost: $40
Location: ARDC
Participants must be 11 years or older to attend but do
NOT need to be a 4-H member. Participants will learn
skills needed to help them gain confidence, CPR training
and skills in caring for small children. Registration forms
and fee are due to the Extension Office no later than
May 23rd, 2014.
Clover Kid Daycamp
Date: Tuesday, June 10th
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Cost: $35
Location: ARDC
Open to 4-H Clover Kids age 5 – 7. During this day
camp, participants will make five (5) projects they can
exhibit at the county fair. All supplies as well as lunch
and a snack are provided. Registration forms and fee
are due to the Extension Office no later than May 30th,
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Sr. Home Environment Workshop
Date: Tuesday, June 17th
Ages: 12 & up
Time: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Cost: $35
Location: ARDC
Participants will design and create several home
environment projects. Stained Glass, Painted Screens,
Coasters and a Designer Floor Covering are on the
agenda. Those participating will need to bring an old
screen door, window or any screen surface of your
choice to paint. Registration forms and fee are due to
the Extension Office no later than May 30th, 2014.
Jr. Home Environment Workshop
Date: Thursday, June 19th
Ages: 8 - 11
Time: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Cost: $35
Location: ARDC
Participants will design and create several home
environment projects. Recycled exhibit, Designer Floor
Covering, Home Accessory and others are all on the
agenda. Registration forms and fee are due to the
Extension Office no later than May 30th, 2014.
Photography Workshop
Date: Tuesday, June 24th
Level 1: 9:00 am to Noon
Level 2: 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
(You may attend both sessions for an additional fee.)
Cost: $15
Location: ARDC
Youth will need to bring their own camera, digital
transfer cord, fully charged or new batteries, working
knowledge of how to use your camera, and a 4x6 photo
that can be matted. Registration forms and fee are due
to the Extension Office no later than May 30th, 2014. If
you want to attend both sessions there is an additional
$10 fee with will include lunch and additional materials.
Let’s Paint Run-a-Ways
Date: Wednesday, June 25th
Time: 9:00 am – Noon
Cost: $35
Location: ARDC
Get excited about acrylic painting on canvas and paint
like a pro! No experience necessary! Open to both
Youth and Adults. Instructors provide step-by-step
teaching that will have you amazed at your own talent.
All supplies are provided. If participants wish to
purchase a frame for their print there is an additional
$15 fee (due during class time). Registration forms and
$35 fee are due to the Extension Office no later than
May 30th, 2014.
Fishing Clinic
Date: Tuesday, July 1st
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Cost: $20
Location: Lake Wanahoo
Youth 16 and older will be required to purchase a single
day fishing permit unless you have one. Youth under 16
years of age are not required to have a fishing permit.
Participants may bring their own fishing pole but not
required. Poles, bait and other supplies will be provided
for all participants. Adults are welcome to participate
with their child and will be asked to pay $5 lunch fee. A
fishing permit is also required if adult is participating. If
you plan to stay you will need a Nebraska Park Sticker
for your car. Nebraska Game and Parks along with
AkSarBen Aquarium will be conducting this workshop.
Participants will learn fish identification, basic fishing
skills and techniques along with many other fishing
adventure skills. Participants must be 8 years old or
older to attend this clinic. Please bring sunscreen and
dress appropriately for the weather. Hats are
encouraged. Registration forms and fee are due to the
Extension Office no later than May 30th, 2014.
Parent Workshop
Date: Wednesday, July 2nd
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: ARDC
Are you wondering where to place an item in the fair?
Not sure what class or department it goes under? Well
this class is designed for parents or 4-Her’s to ask those
last minute fair questions!
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1) Best Dressed Critter Contest: Previously known as
the Best Dressed Goat contest has expanded to include
any and all species of animals that are exhibited animals
at the fair. If you would like to participate in the Best
Dressed Critter contest on Thursday evening of county
fair following the parade, then start thinking now. You
will need a costume for yourself and your animal.
Participants will write a short narration that will be read
as they enter the show ring. Participants will enter
individually so that we don’t have mixed species in the
show ring at the same time. Additional details will be
coming out on this, but start planning now to
2) Favorite Foods Contest and Fashion Review Judging
FLIP!: We are going to flip the schedule with Favorite
Foods Contest and Fashion Review Judging this year.
This will hopefully help alleviate some of our scheduling
issues with those of you who show dogs and cats and
also do fashion review. Favorite Foods Contest will be
held in the morning with participants signing up for an
interview time. Then we will begin the Fashion Review
judging at 1:00 pm with the public review at 7:00 pm.
3) Poultry exhibitors will be limited to 8 total entries in
4) There are slight modifications to the show day
schedule for Poultry and Rabbits that should help to
streamline both of those shows. The schedule will be
posted soon on our website. Both shows still are on
Friday beginning in the morning, so no major changes.
5) Swine Carcass Contest OPTIONAL: In 2014
participation in the Swine Carcass Contest will be
optional. Exhibitors may choose to participate or not,
or they may choose to only have one of their pigs in the
contest. You will need to make this decision before you
get to the scale.
6) County Bred and Fed will be remodeled and offered
again in 2014 for exhibitors. Complete details will be
coming out soon.
7) Tagging and Tattooing: A reminder that all Feeder
Calves, Bucket Calves, Lambs, Goats and Rabbits must
be Tagged or Tattooed by June 15th. Rabbits can be
tattooed at either of the set tattooing dates or by
appointment. Lambs and Goats can be tagged at either
of the set tattooing dates or by appointment. Feeder
Calves: If you would like to show feeder calves, I will try
and make your life a little easier (and mine too). If you
would like to check out ear tags and put them in your
calves yourself at home. I will be glad to do that.
HOWEVER, before June 15th you will still need to load
them and run them through for visual verification by a
member of the extension staff. I know that many of
you send cattle to pasture as soon as the grass is ready.
Ear tags are available NOW and can be put in your
calves anytime. You don’t have to wait until June to do
this. Visit with Karna if you need to make
We are looking for volunteers to be a Fair
Superintendent! If you would like to volunteer for
Rabbit, Ice Cream Rolling, Sheep or Horticulture please
contact Sharron Ankersen at the Saunders County
Extension Office at 402-624-8030.
Everyone should have received a copy of the 4-H
Enrollment form in the mail in middle January along
with a new Pocket calendar. Once again this year
instead of having you complete the enrollment forms
with each club that you are a member of, we are
attempting to make your life easier by only having you
complete the form once. Please note the following
items when completing your enrollment forms:
•Make sure that you complete all information on the
•Make sure that your email address(es) are clearly
written and correct as this is our primary method of
communicating with you.
•Make sure to complete all parent signatures.
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•List all of your clubs that you are a member of. When
it asks for primary club, if you are a member of a
livestock club please list that club first.
•Mark all projects for all of the clubs you are enrolled in
that you are interested in participating in this year.
•Send your enrollment form and your enrollment fee
($5 = Clover Kid or $10 = 4-H member) to the Saunders
4-H Council, PO Box 126, Ithaca, NE 68033
•Make all checks Payable to “Saunders County 4-H
Council”. You only need to pay one enrollment fee even
if you belong to more than one Club.
•If you accidentally misplaced your enrollment form
and need another one, you may print one from our
website at:
We get a lot of questions each year as to what the
Fremont 4-H Fair is. This is an area fair that includes
participation from 9 counties and is held in Fremont at
Christensen Field. The Fremont 4-H Fair is a great
opportunity for you to get some judge’s feedback on
your projects before the county fair. The animal shows
are conducted throughout the week, as well as contests
and a full menu of static entries. Saunders County will
have their own booth space where our static entries are
displayed. You are responsible for having your projects
there to be entered as well as to be there to pick them
up at the end of the fair.
I would encourage you to explore their schedule at:
I hope to see many of you there and let me challenge
you this year to see just how many static entries we can
We are taking names of those who would like to take an
ATV Rider Training Course again this year but have not
set a date and time. If you have youth and would like to
schedule please contact the Saunders County Extension
determine how many sessions we need to schedule.
These sessions will be sometime in May and/or June
depending on how many youth are interested in taking
the class.
For those individuals who are planning to attend the
ATV Training you will need to complete the online
portion of the training before attending the Rider
Course training. To do this, go to:
Once you complete the initial information, you will get
the ATV website address where you can then complete
the online course work.
The 4-H Tractor manual has not been updated in many
years. We have found a better resource for youth who
will be participating in the 4-H Tractor Driving contest
this year. If you would like to get an updated manual,
they will be $7 and are available at the Extension office.
You may want to call first if you are needing a quantity
of the manuals.
Friends of Saunders County 4-H and Extension
Foundation Silent Auction: The Friends of Saunders
County 4-H and Extension Foundation are asking for
your help with one of their fundraisers. They would like
4-H Clubs to create and donate items that will be placed
on a silent auction during the Saunders County Fair.
Items should be for the outdoors and may include but
are not limited to: Decorated Rain Barrels, Decorated
Flower Pots or any other items your club might be
interested in donating.
The foundation is generating funds to provide financial
opportunities for 4-H and Extension programming in the
future. 100% of the funds raised will go back into the
local 4-H and Extension program. If you have questions
or would like more information about providing items
for the Silent Auction, please feel free to contact Karna.
If you want to attend the ATV Training this summer,
please contact the Saunders County Extension office at
402-624-8030 and leave your name. We are trying to
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Congratulations to the Scholarship Winners: There
were 7 applicants for this year’s 4-H Council
Scholarship. Those receiving scholarships include:
Maddy Nygren
Katie Richards
Kelsey Chapek
Stephanie Draper
Brooklynn Sensibaugh
Stephanie Cernik
Just a reminder to all 4-H families… We need accurate
email addresses from you. Since we have gone
paperless, it is important that we have accurate contact
information. If you have changed your email, let us
know immediately so that we can get you changed in
our system.
Facebook has become a very quick method for us to let
you know of important information and also a way for
us to send you those quick reminders about upcoming
If you have not joined our Facebook page yet, please do
so. You will want to join: Saunders County 4-H
Bailey McGrath
The 2014 Big Red Summer Academic Camps, to be held
June 8 – 13 are just around the corner! New camps for
2014 include: Animal Science, Engineering and Outdoor
Nebraska. Also offered are the focus areas of Crop
Science, Culinary Arts and Food Science, Education,
Fashion Design, Filmmaking, Unicameral Youth
Legislature, and Veterinary Science. More information
regarding Big Red Camps is also available online at
4-H offers youth of all ages the opportunity to
experience the world of camping. With the privilege of
having three camp locations across the state, 4-H camp
offers youth many unique camp experiences. Eastern
Nebraska 4-H Center is located near Gretna, Nebraska
State 4-H Camp is located near Halsey and Destination
4-H Camps at Camp Comeca, Calamus Reservoir and
Niobrara River. To view all of the camping options with
details, go to:
Saunders County Website: We work hard to make sure
that as much information as possible is easily accessible
to you via the Saunders County Extension webpage.
Please familiarize yourself with it and make it a regular
visit as you are seeking information. Go to:
UNIT II: CAREER EXHIBIT PRINT: Explore a career as a
pet photographer. Pet photographers know just how
much pet owners love their animals and capturing pets
in print is a great way to honor that relationship.
Capture photos of your favorite pets and consider
creative locations and whimsical props for your photo
UNIT III: CAREER EXHIBIT PRINT: Explore a career as an
editorial photographer. Editorial photographers take
pictures that highlight the topics being written about in
books, magazines, and newspapers. Editorial photos
should be creative, powerful images that tell an
intriguing story. Capture editorial photos that tell
Nebraska’s story.
your cameras ready! The theme for the 2014 Special
Photography exhibit was introduced during the county
fair, but we will be reminding you regularly so that you
continue to take pictures to find just the right shot!
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Please mark your calendars so that you don’t miss any
of the important upcoming deadlines:
May 5 – District and State Horse Show Entries
and ID sheets Due
May 20 – Tagging & Tattooing, Fairgrounds
May 30th – Horse ID Sheets Due
June 3 – 5th – Babysitting Basics
June 10th – Clover Kid Daycamp
June 12th – Tagging and Tattooing, ARDC
June 13th – Livestock ID sheets and LQA
certificates are Due
June 17th – Sr. Home Environment Workshop
June 19th – Jr. Home Environment Workshop
June 24th – Photography Workshop
June 25th – Let’s Paint Run-a-Ways Workshop
July 1st – County Fair ONLINE Entries are Due
July 2nd – Parent Workshop
July 9 – 12th – Fremont 4-H Fair, Fremont
July 14 – 17th – State 4-H Horse Show
July 19th – County Fair Clean-Up Day
July 27th – Fair Starts
do three modules you have not done before. You may
not repeat modules.
Please email your certificates to Alyssa Rojas this year
For those of you who are new to the livestock program:
All livestock exhibitors are required to complete a
minimum of 3 modules from the online course.
Accompanying this newsletter and also found on our
website is a “How To” sheet with additional Q&A’s
regarding the material.
The program is designed in an age appropriate manner
that allows 4-H members to learn production skills that
enable their knowledge and ability to grow with them
as they advance through the program. This is a
requirement set forth by the Nebraska 4-H program.
Questions may be directed to Karna, Lindsay or Alyssa
at the Extension Office.
For instructions on how to get started go to:
The Saunders County Fair will be making the transition
to a Blow and Go Beef show in 2014. Blow and Go is
defined as: No adhesives, waxes, coloring agents,
paints, natural or synthetic fibers, or any other items
that would change the basic appearance of any animal.
Coat dressing compounds (ie: Final Bloom) are
What is PEDV?
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) was first
identified in the United States in May of 2013 and has
since spread through most states and affected millions
of pigs. Clinical signs include severe diarrhea and
vomiting, leading to mortality rates near 100% in preweaned pigs, while the effect on older pigs is typically
less severe.
How does this affect my 4-H project?
The biggest concern to 4-H exhibitors in Nebraska right
now is limiting disease transmission. The PED virus is
extremely virulent and capable of surviving in the
environment for extended periods of time. Infected
animals can shed the virus in feces for up to 3 weeks.
Transmission of the PED virus from pig-to-pig or farmto-farm can occur via contamination of pigs, boots,
clothing, tires, vehicles, trailers, shovels, sorting panels,
and many other items that come into contact with
infected pigs. Fully understanding the risks associated
We will once again be using the online Livestock Quality
Assurance Training for all individuals who will be
exhibiting Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy, Dairy Goats, Meat
Goats, Rabbits and Poultry this year. The online
program is currently open and available for you to fulfill
your requirements at your convenience. There are new
videos, some new activities and more videos will be
posted by the end of March. Remember that you must
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with PEDV and implementing proper biosecurity
measures will help ensure that 4-H project animals
remain healthy and help limit additional disease spread.
What can 4-H’ers do to improve biosecurity?
It is important that every 4-H member involved in a
swine project understand that they can be a part of the
solution. The most effective way to manage the spread
of PEDV is by keeping your project isolated from other
pigs and limiting your own exposure to other pigs. The
elimination of early tagging’s and weigh-ins is a step in
that direction. However, we understand that this
approach may not work for everyone. If an Educator,
Assistant, or Volunteer is asked to come to a premise
they should always wear disposable plastic boots and
leave them at the premise when departing. Upon
leaving the premise, extension personnel or 4-H
volunteers should not travel to another swine farm or 4H swine project for at least 24 hours and should
undergo a complete change of clothing, shower, and
disinfection of all equipment. If taggers need to be
exchanged and used between families, please be sure
to properly disinfect. Products such as Clorox®, Virkon
S®, Tek-Trol®, or 1 Stroke Environ® have been shown to
properly disinfect, but cannot be considered the only
means of biosecurity.
More information can also be found on the web at:
It is labeled “PEDV” and found under the Swine
References and Forms heading.
If you are exhibiting horses this year you need to make
sure you meet the appropriate entry deadlines.
Unfortunately, we do not have flexibility on this, so
mark your calendars now and get your necessary
paperwork in.
If you are showing at District or State Horse Show:
All entries and ID sheets must be into the Extension
office by May 5th at 5:00 pm.
Please click the link below to download the entry form,
schedule and map.
If you are showing at County Fair, Fremont 4-H Fair,
All entries and ID sheets must be into the Extension
office by May 30th at 5:00 pm.
ID Sheets may be downloaded at:
If you are exhibiting Breeding Beef, Feeder Calves,
Bucket Calves, Market Lambs, Breeding Ewes, Meat
Goats, Dairy Goats, Dairy Cattle, Swine or Rabbits you
need to have ID sheets submitted to the Extension
office by JUNE 13th at 5:00 pm.
If you are planning to show market animals or feeder
calves at Ak-Sar-Ben or State Fair you will also need to
have DNA pulled. DNA samples are $6/animal.
DON’T FORGET that if you plan to show Feeder Calves,
Market Lambs, Breeding Ewes, Meat Goats or Rabbits
this year, all of those animals need to be tagged or
tattooed. If you tattooed your rabbit in a previous year,
please check and make sure the tattoo is still legible.
Breeding Ewes and Breeding Does that were tagged last
year still need to be verified by bringing them to one of
the tagging days. If you have questions, please contact
the Extension Office:
May 20
5:00 – 6:30
at Saunders County Fairgrounds
June 12
9:00 – 4:00
Please call for appointment. If you are unable to make
it to the scheduled tagging days, please contact Karna
to make a special appointment.
ID sheets may be downloaded at:
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May 5th – District and State Horse Show Entry
Deadline to Extension Office
District Show Dates
June 9 – Sidney
June 10 – North Platte
June 11 – Leigh
June 12 – Neligh
June 13 – Clay Center
June 14 – Beatrice
Remember to visit our website for all nearby
Progress Show Information at:
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