Document Information
David Williamson, Coordinator Young Communities
Responsible Director: Pauline Gordon, Director Community Wellbeing
To advise Council on plans to construct a new Early Learning Centre adjoining the
Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre as part of the proposed Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub
Policy Context
Council Plan Reference
Theme: Sustainability
Existing infrastructure and assets are well maintained and appropriately
upgraded to sustain them for future generations.
Maintain investment in renewal of existing infrastructure assets so they
remain safe, sound and fit for purpose.
Background Information
In 2009 the Strathfieldsaye Town Plan (STP) was developed by the CoGB in
consultation with the local community. The STP identified the importance of further
services and encouraged the development of a community precinct in the western
part of the Town Centre to create opportunities for integration with the major
community facilities that exist in the area including two Primary Schools and the
Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre.
The STP objectives guiding the planning and development of the proposed
Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub Project include:
a) To provide a range of community facilities, services and education centres that
meet the needs of the community,
b) To encourage the co-location and integration of community facilities in
accordance with Federal and State government policies to make efficient and
effective use of infrastructure and provide a high level of services to the
community; and
c) To encourage the location of community facilities close to existing services to
create benefits from shared infrastructure.
The Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub Project responds to both the need:
 For a new Early Learning Centre to replace the current Strathfieldsaye
Preschool Centre in Club Court which has structural problems and needs to
be demolished; and
 To rejuvenate community access and participation in the Strathfieldsaye
Sports Centre facility, a significant community asset with the potential to
accommodate increased community participation, programs and activities as
the local population grows.
The Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre is a CoGB building. The Sports Centre and
surrounding recreation reserve is managed by the Strathfieldsaye Recreation
Reserve – Management Committee Inc. under a CoGB Management Agreement.
The Management Committee comprises representatives of the clubs who use the
Proposed Early Learning Centre
The need to develop a new Early Learning Centre responds to projected population
growth in Strathfieldsaye from: 4,802 in 2011 to 10,875 by 2031, an increase of 6,073
people or 126%. This increase includes projected growth in the 0-4 age group from
443 in 2011 to 931 in 2031, an increase of 488 children or 90%.
The existing Strathfieldsaye Preschool Centre in Club Court has a capacity for 26
places with 65 children attending the service. The Preschool is managed by the
Loddon Mallee Pre-school Association and provides the only stand-alone
Kindergarten in Strathfieldsaye. The Preschool, the Maternal and Child Health
service and the Playgroup all currently operate at the Preschool Centre and will
relocate to the proposed Early Learning Centre.
The two long day care services in the area, Goodstart Early Learning Centre in
Wellington Street and Jenny’s Early Learning Centre in Regent Street also operate
Kindergarten programs. It is anticipated that the additional future demand for
Kindergarten places will be met by the new Early Learning Centre together with both
private operators.
Planning Process and Grant Application
In the 2013/14 CoGB budget, $60,000.00 was allocated to prepare the Concept
Design and Quantity Survey for a proposed new Early Learning Centre in
In addition, an Expression of Interest (EOI) was forwarded to the Department of
Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) for a ‘New Early Learning
Facility Grant’ to assist plan and construct the Early Learning Centre as part of the
Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub Project.
Correspondence was subsequently received from the DEECD (28 January 2014)
inviting the CoGB to submit a detailed application by 28 February 2014 for a grant to
part-fund construction of a new Early Learning Centre. In particular, the DEECD
requested information regarding the proposed governance structure, partnerships
and service model for the Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub Project.
Following consultations with key stakeholders including the Strathfieldsaye
Recreation Reserve Facility Management Committee, Loddon Mallee Preschool
Association and the services that operate from the preschool, a grant application for
$650,000.00, the maximum allowable, was lodged with the DEECD. The grant
application included:
a) A detailed Concept Plan comprising elevations, schematics and Quantity
Survey that combines a new Early Learning Centre with the Sports Centre.
b) A Cost Plan for $1,789,481.00 not including loose furniture, equipment,
window coverings and excavation and remediation as required (Projected cost
= $205, 519.00) = total projected cost of $1,994,000.00.
c) Details of the CoGB’s CAPEX New Business Case with an overall total budget
of $1,994,000.00 for the planning, construction and fit-out of the rejuvenated
facility and proposed income comprising:
$650,000.00 from DEECD,
$1,284,000.00 from CoGB; and
$30,000.00 per annum from community sources over the next two
financial years.
For further details in regards to the grant application please see Attachments 1, 2
and 3 to this report.
On 2 June 2014, the Hon Wendy Lovell, MLC, Minister for Housing and Minister for
Children and Early Childhood Development visited the Strathfieldsaye Preschool to
announce the CoGB had been successful in its application to the State Government
for $650,000.00 to plan and construct the new Strathfieldsaye Early Learning Centre
as part of the Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub Project.
The Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub Project proposes to bring together users of the
Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre and the existing Strathfieldsaye Preschool Centre by
constructing a new Early Learning Centre as an extension of the Sports Centre. The
development of the Integrated Hub approach aims to include:
a) A collaborative ‘one centre’ model to be achieved via a shared governance
process involving CoGB, Strathfieldsaye Recreation Reserve Management
Committee Inc. and Strathfieldsaye Early Learning Centre; and
b) A unified approach to design which features a shared main entrance,
incorporating the front social clubroom as the Early Learning Centre’s entry
and foyer, redesigned parking and road access works; and joint signage etc.
The proposed Early Learning Centre will help meet future demand for kindergarten
places in Strathfieldsaye and surrounds by lifting four year old places from 65 to 132
and providing a three year old kinder program for up to 66 children. In addition, the
new facility will improve access for new parents to Maternal and Child Health
Services and opportunities for a range of other early years activities including a
playgroup, allied health service and toy library.
The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub
model will require a facilitated process by CoGB with key stakeholders to develop a
joint governance structure, collaborative services, partnership processes to manage
and coordinate the hub; and links with local primary schools, agencies, community
groups and residents. Issues such as traffic management, amenity and an
appropriate governance arrangement will be included in this process.
The current Strathfieldsaye Preschool facility including the Loddon Mallee Preschool
Association, its staff and parents, the Playgroup and Maternal and Child Health
Service have existing links with the Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre. An amalgamation
of these current partnerships will provide the opportunity for all stakeholders to work
collaboratively to offer crossover and new services to the community.
Governance and Service Model
The governance and service model that will set out the responsibilities and
obligations of each party in regards to the management of the site will be developed
following extensive consultation and discussions with all key stakeholders to ensure
that the model that is entered into is workable and beneficial for all stakeholders and
the effective management of the site.
It will be important for the partnership development process to commence with an
understanding of the complexities involved and the differing needs of all parties. It is
envisaged that the development of collaborative understandings and communicative
relationships will be important and lead to more formal agreements provided via, for
example: mutually agreed management principles and a joint Memorandum of
The existing Strathfieldsaye Preschool Centre is at the end of its useful life and in
extremely poor condition.
The construction of a new Early Learning Centre as part of the Strathfieldsaye
Integrated Hub will help address expected increased demands for kindergarten
places in Strathfieldsaye and surrounds, at the same time as addressing the
objectives of the STP.
The City of Greater Bendigo has allocated funding as part of the draft 2014/15
Council Budget in addition to State Funding for continued design work for the
preferred option and to commence works. The CoGB’s capital investment will be
applied over the 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial years with the aim of completing the
project within eighteen months.
Internal Consultation:
Project Steering Group: An internal Project Steering Group has been formed to
oversee the planning of the Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub Project. The Steering
Group comprises representatives from the Community Planning Unit, Active
Communities Unit, Early Years Services and Building and Property Services.
External Consultation:
Consultations have been held with:
 Strathfieldsaye Recreation Reserve Management Committee Inc. comprising
community and sporting club representatives.
 Loddon Mallee Preschool
Strathfieldsaye Pre-school.
 Staff of the Strathfieldsaye Pre-school and Playgroup and Maternal and Child
Health service.
Letters of support for the grant application to DEECD were received from Loddon
Mallee Preschool Association, Strathfieldsaye Playgroup Association and Bendigo
Community Health Services. Verbal support was offered by the Principal of
Strathfieldsaye Primary School.
Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre
Meetings have been held with the Strathfieldsaye Recreation Reserve Management
Committee to discuss the Concept Plan, project budget estimates and the
implications of constructing the new Early Learning Centre as an addition of the
Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre.
In particular, follow-up discussions have focussed on the need to redesign the
existing Sports Bar Room to be an integrated part of the entry and foyer for the new
Early Learning Centre. Currently the Sports Bar Room is used by the Sedgwick
Cricket Club and Strathfieldsaye Colts Soccer Club as their social club rooms.
Resource Implications
Project cost estimates:
A 2014/15 CAPEX New Business Case was prepared for the planning and
construction of the new Strathfieldsaye Early Learning Centre as part of the
Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub Project with an overall Project budget estimate of
$2,004,000.00, including $10,000 already spent in 2013/14 on design work.
The Project Budget estimate covers the planning, construction and fit-out of the new
Early Learning Centre which includes Traffic Impact Assessment, planning and
building permit approval, car parking and road access works; and landscaping.
The CoGB’s capital investment has been initially calculated at $1,264.000.00 which
will be applied over the 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial years with the aim of
completing the project within eighteen months.
Project Budget to Date:
In 2013/14:
In the 2013/14 CoGB budget, $60,000.00 was allocated to prepare the Concept
Design and Quantity Survey for the proposed new Early Learning Centre in
Strathfieldsaye. Approximately $10,000.00 has been expended to date with the
remaining $50,000 to be carried forward in the 2014/15 budget.
In 2014/15:
Carried forward from 2013/2014 budget for further Concept
Design work
Allocated in Council’s 2014/15 draft budget
State Government funding (part of DEECD’s ‘New Early
Learning Facility’ grant program)
Projected Community contribution
In 2015/16:
Total projected Council budget for 2015/16
Projected Community contribution
Total Estimated Project Cost
The Strathfieldsaye Integrated Hub Project proposal responds to the CoGB’s
Strathfieldsaye Town Plan objectives (2009) to create opportunities for integration
with the major community facilities that exist in the area including the Strathfieldsaye
Sports Centre.
The construction of the new Strathfieldsaye Early Learning Centre as an extension of
the Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre responds to the future needs of the area’s growing
population to access and utilise a range of childcare, early learning, sport, recreation,
community development and meeting spaces in the one combined facility.
The new Early Learning Centre will replace the existing Strathfieldsaye Preschool
facility which is in poor condition and at the end of its useful life.
The current budget estimate to plan, construct and fit-out the new Early Learning
Centre as an extension of the Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre is $2,004,000.00.
The next step to be undertaken is the formation of a Community Reference Group to
assist with further consultation between CoGB and the key stakeholders. This
consultation will cover issues such as traffic management, amenity, final design of
the project and the creation of an appropriate governance arrangement and this
consultation will help inform future progress reports to be prepared for Council. It is
proposed that Council will nominate a Ward Councillor to chair this Community
Reference Group.
Draft Concept Plan Documentation
Cost plan including projected income and expenditure.
Aerial of Strathfieldsaye Sports Centre with outline of proposed Early Learning
Centre building footprint.
That the City of Greater Bendigo Council:
1. Nominate a Ward Councillor to act as the chair of the Community Reference
2. Accept future progress reports on the proposed Early Childhood Centre every
3 months.