6th Grade AUG 17 Necessary Papers Weekly Planner Review Assignment due Thursday Weekly Planner 18 ¿Review Questions? clicker # assigned Introduce textbook Introduce FOLDABLES 31 SEP 7 LABOR DAY 8 Weekly Planner Factors & Multiples 14 Inquiry: unit rates HW: pp29-30 Lesson 1.3 Rates discussion: d=rt Weekly Planner 22 3 QUIZ 1.1 9 10 QUIZ 1.1 16 CLOSE 1.4 QUIZ 1.2/1.3 ZAP 29 5 6 7 8 Lesson 2.5 Compare and Order Fractions Decimals & Percents HW: pp133-134 12 Lesson 2.7 Percent of a Number 13 HW: pp159-160 ZAP = good conduct = no red card = no blue slips prepared daily blue slip =loss of point =no amnesty card FINISH ALL WORK HW: review convert grade: fractionpercent 10·10100 25· 4 100 20· 5100 50· 2100 15 QUIZ 2.7/2.8 percent problems NO HW PDC LAB BILLY BUG 9 Quiz 2.1-2.5 decimals fractions percents ALL ANSWERS AVAILABLE 14 CLOSE CH2 HW: pp151-152 Weekly Planner HW: XP 95/107/115 XP 123/135 ALL ANSWERS AVAILABLE Lesson 2.8 Solve % Problems 2 30 OCT 1 Quiz 2.1-2.3 decimals fractions percents pp 147-162 18 25 24 QUIZ 1.4 QUIZ 1.4 Lesson 2.3 Percents & Decimals HW: pp113-114 pp 117-136 11 Lesson 1.4 Ratio Tables HW: pp43-44 Lesson 2.1 Decimals & Fractions HW: pp 93-94 Lesson 2.4 <1% Percents >100% HW: pp121-122 SUDOKU 17 Inquiry: model % Lesson 2.2 Percents & Fractions HW: pp105-106 pp 85-116 4 Lesson 1.2 Ratios HW: pp23-24 ratios/rates HW: WS 23 SUDOKU Inquiry Lab: unit rates GCF/LCM on paper POP QUIZ HW: WS due Friday tape diagrams HW:WS 28 Billy Bug introduce: Battle Boat HW: WS 28 Ratios GCF/LCM on DEA double number lines tape diagrams bar diagrams 21 finish everything finish QUIZ & correct introduce: SUDOKU 27 SUDOKU Inquiry Lab: REVIEW QUIZ 2 2 double number lines tape diagrams bar diagrams 15 Early Release double number lines bar (tape) diagrams 21 26 Lesson 1.1 Factors & Multiples 1 20 REVIEW QUIZ Billy Bug introduce BW Lesson 1.1 Factors & Multiples HW: pp11-12 seat/group work CoC: review TB5 test TB6 25 introduce: my website Billy Bug 6th grade pictures Weekly Planner 19 ¿Review Questions? Code of Conduct TB1-TB4 24 Pemdas Q1 2015-2016 SUDOKU/BB 16 introduce: tangrams NO HW Fridays make up work basic skills review reteaching challenges Mrs. Wolpoff rev 10/3/15