October 18, 2004 - Building a Presence for

January, 2015
Science Matters Network in Michigan eBlast
In this E-Blast
The Science Matters Network in Michigan
Another FREE Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – Data Manipulation
b. What is Science Matters?
Next Generation Science Standards
NGSS@NSTA Hub: A New Year, a New Look
b. Status of the NGSS in Michigan
NGSS Parent Guide: Hablas Espanol? No Problem!
d. Hands-on Science Lessons are Not a Guarantee of Alignment to NGSS
Michigan Department of Education
Upcoming Deadlines and MDE Websites of Interest
Information for Students (and Parents too!)
International Space Station Research Design Challenge: Capillary Effects on Liquids
b. G3: Grandparents, Grandkids, Grand Valley
Call for Poster Abstracts for the 2015 Fate of the Earth Symposium for High School Students
d. Call for Video Submissions: 2015 E4U2 Video Competition
Experience the Science Fair in Cyberspace for 6th – 9th Grade Students
Upcoming Deadlines
Grants and Opportunities for K-12 Teachers
Grades 8-12 STEM Grant Application Deadline is Nearing
b. PBS is Looking for America’s Most Innovative Educators
Apply Now foe EPA’s Environmental Educator Award
d. Upcoming Deadlines
Information for K-12 Teachers
FREE Soil Science Curriculum for Grades K-12
b. Great Lakes Conference Celebrates 25 Years
Seminars on Science from the American Museum of Natural History
d. MSELA Dinner at MSTA-Special Guest: Page Keeley
MSTA Conference-Early Registration Rates Until February 9
Michigan Robotics Day—FREE Event
g. Upcoming Deadlines
Ideas from the Twitterverse
Information for High School Teachers
b. NGSS Evidence Statements
Upcoming Deadlines
Information for Middle and High School Teachers
Michigan Modeling Workshops for Summer 2015
b. Involve Your Students in a Citizen Science Project in Sun Spotting
Explore Chemical Elements in a New Way
Information for Middle School Teachers
Amusement Park Physics
b. Upcoming Deadlines
Information for Elementary School Teachers
Encouraging Young Scientists
Science Humor – Conversions
December Contest Winners
January Contest – Win a $10 Subway Gift Card
Here are your science education resources and announcements for January, 2015 provided by the Michigan Science
Matters Network. Please forward this eBlast on to other science educators in your school/district. If you have
questions or comments, please forward them to:
David Bydlowski
Michigan Coordinator—Science Matters Network
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
Sue Campbell
MSTA Representative
Please Note: If you do not receive the full e-blast you can view it at:
or request a Word/pdf version by emailing: bydlowd@resa.net
----------------------------------------------------------------1. Leadership
"What you want is to follow and be followed by human beings who care about issues you care about. This thing we
make together. This thing is about hearts and minds, not eyeballs”
Jeffrey Zeldman
Thank you to Herm Boatin, Science Consultant, for contributing this leadership quote.
----------------------------------------------------------------The Science Matters Network In Michigan
----------------------------------------------------------------2a. Another Free Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – Data Manipulation
I hope you will enjoy this free gift that you can access in the NSTA Learning Center. The gift is a set of resources
on the topic of “Data Manipulation.” To access just visit:
Resources include:
 Acquiring Online Data for Scientific Analysis
 Editor’s Roundtable: Essential Data
 Experimental Design
 Graphical Representations
 How Accurate Are Student Collected Data?
 Idea Bank: Effective Data Representation
 Roadkill Data Analysis: Using Spreadsheets to Integrate Math and Science
 And many more………….
If you have not joined the NSTA Learning Center yet, you can have an invitation to join sent directly to you, just
send an email to:
and an invitation will be sent directly to you.
----------------------------------------------------------------2b. What is Science Matters?
Science Matters is an initiative from the National Science Teachers Association that promotes quality science
education, resources, and professional development opportunities. Each state has a Science Matters Coordinator
whose primary role is to be the point of contact for distribution of science resources and opportunities to the state
network. Your state coordinator is David Bydlowski. You can contact him at:
----------------------------------------------------------------Next Generation Science Standards
----------------------------------------------------------------3a. NGSS@NSTA Hub: A New Year, a New Look
The NGSS@NSTA Hub is better than ever with a new look and plenty of new resources and tools tailored for
teachers. The Hub is your one-stop source for information, resources, news, professional learning opportunities, and
expert advice in understanding and implementing the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Please visit:
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
----------------------------------------------------------------3b. Status of the NGSS in Michigan
The Michigan Science Standards, based on the Next Generation Science Standards will be presented to the MDE
Board of Education during their March, 2015 meeting. It is expected that they will take action on the Standards at
the April, 2015 MDE Board of Education meeting. Stay tuned!
----------------------------------------------------------------3c. NGSS Parent Guide: Hablas Espanol? No Problem!
NSTA's hugely popular resource for parents on the NGSS is now available in numerous languages. The NGSS Q&A
helps parents understand the importance of standards and the role they play in education. It's a great tool for science
teachers, principals, and other administrators to distribute to and discuss with parents. Download the Q&A in
numerous languages, including Amharic, Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese, from the
NGSS@NSTA Hub. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------3d. Hands-on Science Lessons Are Not a Guarantee of Alignment to NGSS
Hands-on science lessons are not a guarantee of alignment to the NGSS. Although lessons that keep students
engaged and get them excited about science is key to strong NGSS implementation, classroom activities also need to
engage students in three dimensional learning in order to fulfill the vision of the NGSS.
For example, a traditional lab experiment may involve students collecting data to investigate a phenomenon. Unless
this activity engages students in an NGSS practice (e.g., they could be planning as well as carrying out the
investigation) in a way that deeply connects to at least one disciplinary core idea and explicitly identifies how
crosscutting concepts help students to make sense of their findings, then the lab activity is unlikely to be fullyaligned to the NGSS despite engaging students in an exciting investigation. In other words, engagement is
necessary but not sufficient.
----------------------------------------------------------------Michigan Department of Education
----------------------------------------------------------------4a. Upcoming Deadlines and MDE Websites of Interest
MDE Websites of Interest
Academic Standards: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-28753_64839_65510---,00.html
Instruction: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-28753_65803---,00.html
M-STEP: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-22709_70117---,00.html
Interim Assessments: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-22709_63192---,00.html
Michigan Merit Examination: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-22709_35150---,00.html
Michigan School Scorecards: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-22709_25058---,00.html
April 27 – May 11, 2015: Grade 4 Science
April 27 – May 11, 2015: Grade 7 Science
May 4 – June 1, 2015: Grade 11 (Including Science) Michigan Merit Exam
For more information, please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Students (and Parents too!)
-------------------------------------------------------5a. International Space Station Research Design Challenge: Capillary Effects on Liquids
NASA and Portland State University are seeking participants for the International Space Station Research Design
Challenge: Capillary Effects on Liquids Exploratory Research Experiments, or CELERE. This design challenge
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
enables students to participate in microgravity research on capillary action, similar to that conducted on the space
Teams or individuals create their own experiment using computer-aided design, or CAD, with a provided template.
Short experiment proposals are submitted, and test cells are manufactured by Portland State University using the
CAD drawings and a computer-controlled laser cutter. Each experiment is conducted in a drop tower. Video of the
drop is provided for student analysis and reporting of results.
CELERE is open to individuals and teams in grades 8-12 Teams may include younger students as long as there is at
least one team member in grades 8-12 to facilitate the participation of informal science clubs, Scouts, etc. Teams
may be of any size and may include an entire class or science club. The program is limited to students from the
United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the
U.S. Virgin Islands.
Design proposals are now being accepted. Deadlines for submissions are Feb. 1, March 1 and April 1, 2015.
For more information about this opportunity, visit http://spaceflightsystems.grc.nasa.gov/CELERE
-------------------------------------------------------5b. G3: Grandparents, Grandkids, Grand Valley
June 23-25, 2015 for G3: Grandparents, Grandkids, Grand Valley
Registration is now open! www.gvsu.edu/g3
G3 is for grandparents and grandchildren (ages 8-12) to share a three-day educational experience while spending
time together on the GVSU campus. Participants will enjoy the college experience of living and dining on campus
and attending classes while sampling many of the great opportunities that Grand Valley State University has to
Grandparents and grandkids attend hands-on classes together, which will be taught by GVSU faculty in a range of
disciplines. Full descriptions of the classes are available at:
Evening activities will include swimming, the climbing wall, volleyball, biking, and games.
NEW this year: Scholarships (limited number based on need) are available thanks to United Bank. Scholarship
information and application can be found at:
-------------------------------------------------------5c. Call for Poster Abstracts for the 2015 Fate of the Earth Symposium for High School Students
Michigan State University's Environmental Science and Policy Program has added a poster session to its premier
annual event, the Fate of the Earth Symposium. This multi-day event brings together interdisciplinary researchers,
communicators, stakeholders and academics to discuss the most pressing environmental problems we face as a
global society.
This year, for the first time, they invite all students (high school, undergraduate and graduate) as well as postdoctoral
researchers to submit their best research posters. The poster display will be held and judged at the Fate of the Earth
Scientific Colloquium held on Thursday April 2, 2015.
The theme for this year's meeting is: Tipping Points, Crises and Solutions. Posters may reflect this theme but posters
on any aspect of environmental science and policy, sustainability and the fate of the Earth are welcome.
Organizations that would like to share their activities are also welcome to submit posters but will not be eligible for
Those submitting posters are also encouraged to attend the Public Symposium on April 1. Details on both days,
including a list of speakers, are at:
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
Posters can be eligible for a cash prize. To enter the competition, please submit an abstract of not more than 250
words explaining your research and how it aligns with the Fate of the Earth theme of "challenges and opportunities
we face in enhancing human well-being while protecting the environment," on this website:
The deadline to apply is March 1, 2015.
There will be prizes for:
* Best Poster by High School Student, $400
* Best Overall Poster, $400
* Best Poster on the theme "Tipping Points, Crises and Solutions," $400
* Two posters in the High School category will also receive "Honorable Mentions" and $250 prizes.
The posters will be judged by faculty members affiliated with ESPP. If you have any questions, please contact
Karessa Weir at weirkare@msu.edu
-------------------------------------------------------5d. Call for Video Submissions: 2015 E4U2 Video Competition
Throughout history, engineering has advanced civilization from the way we connect with each other, to the way we
heal, to how we get around, and simply have fun. But society still faces major obstacles. The National Academy of
Engineering has outlined 14 game-changing opportunities for the 21st century called the Grand Challenges for
Engineering. We are looking for individuals or teams to review the 14 Grand Challenges, and then create and submit
a 1- to 2-minute video that shows how achieving one or more of the NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering will
lead to a more sustainable, healthy, secure, and/or joyous world.
$5,000 prizes are available for the winners in each of the following four categories:
* Middle School or Younger
* High School
* Tertiary Education Students (2-year college through graduate school, part- or full-time)
* General Public
The Grand Prize of $25,000 will go to the most inspiring 1- to 2-minute video. We hope that you will participate in
the contest and also encourage those in your communities to enter as well. The E4U2 Video Contest is open for
video submissions from January 5, 2015 to March 2, 2015. Visit:
to learn more. If you have additional questions, please e-mail E4Uvideocontest@nae.edu.
-------------------------------------------------------5e. Experience the Science Fair in Cyberspace for 6th – 9th Grade Students
eCYBERMISSION, a free web-based STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) competition
offered by the Army Educational Outreach Program, challenges students in grades 6–9 to identify a problem in their
community and then propose a solution by using scientific practices or engineering design processes. Students have
a chance to be awarded up to $9,000 in savings bonds. Teams are composed of three to four students and one adult
Team Advisor, all from the same grade and same state, which compete against thousands of their peers to be named
as a State First-Place Winning Team, which may allow them a chance to compete at the regional level and possibly
the national level. The awards will be presented during the 2015 eCYBERMISSION National Judging and
Educational Event (NJ&EE). Teams that make it to the regional level have an additional chance of competing for the
STEM in Action Grant (up to $5,000 per team) to implement their solution in their community and are chosen
independent of the selection of eCYBERMISSION national winners. Students, educators and volunteers are
encouraged to get involved with the eCYBERMISSION STEM competition and help make a real-life difference.
Deadlines: Submission of Mission Folders: February 25, 2015, at 11:59 p.m. (EST). Visit website for full
competition timeline and full information.
----------------------------------------------------------------5f. Upcoming Deadlines
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) offers a variety of fun and friendly competitions to engage your
students in the pleasures of science beyond the curriculum. Please visit:
February 25, 2015: Deadline for 6th – 9th Grade Students to enter the eCYBERMISSION competition. Please visit:
March 1, 2015: Deadline for girls to enter the 2015 EngineerGirl Essay Contest. Please visit:
March 1, 2015: Deadline for Elementary – High Students to enter the DuPont Challenge Science Essay
Competition. Please visit:
March 1, 2015: Deadline for High School students to enter the Fate of the Earth Symposium Poster Contest. Please
March 2, 2015: Deadline for K-12 Students to enter the 2015 E4U2 Video Competition. Please visit:
June 23-25, 2015: G3: Grandparents, Grandkids and Grand Valley, at Grand Valley State University. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Grants and Opportunities For K-12 Teachers
---------------------------------------------------6a. Grades 8 – 12 STEM Grant Application Deadline is Nearing
STEM Grant application deadline is Feb. 16, 2015
Please visit:
to see the MDE Memo announcing STEM grant opportunity.
The State School Aid Act Section 99(b) Professional Development (PD) Support for Teachers in STEM Instruction,
has allocated $330,000 for 2014-2015 to districts to support teacher professional development in STEM instruction
utilizing training programs approved by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). Funds awarded cannot
exceed $3,200 per participant.
They are inviting all Local Education Agencies and Public School Academies that wish to apply to review the
approved professional development list and submit an application in MEGS+. An interested district must complete
the following steps:
1) Access the Section 99(b) Application, approved PD provider list, and other instructional documents at:
http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140- 5236-343832--,00.html
2) After reviewing the approved PD provider list and instructional materials, complete the application, which is
available as a Microsoft Excel document.
3) The application must be uploaded into MEGS+ at:
between the dates of February 2, 2015 and February 16, 2015. Further instructions on this process are available at
the Section 99(b) website referenced above.

Content questions regarding this grant program should be directed to Megan Schrauben,
schraubenm1@michigan.gov, 517-335-3199 or Ruth Anne Hodges, hodgesr3@michigan.gov, 517-241-2219.
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
Technical questions regarding submission in MEGS+ or completion of the Excel application should be directed to
Eric Lipinski, lipinskie@michigan.gov, 517-241-6895
---------------------------------------------------6b. PBS is Looking for America’s Most Innovative Educators
If you are creatively integrating digital media and technology in your classroom, you are encouraged to apply to the
2015 PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators Program. This year-long professional development program is
designed to reward, foster and grow a community of 100 tech-savvy educators making an impact in their
Acceptance into this program offers access to exclusive virtual trainings and resources; exposure to innovative
instructional strategies, best practices, and tools that can be immediately applied to the classroom; national
recognition in press and marketing communications; and membership into a robust professional learning
30 of the top applicants will be designated as Lead PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators and will also receive a
three-day, all-expense paid trip to Philadelphia to participate in the PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators Summit
and the prestigious ISTE Conference from June 26-28, 2015. Plus, each Lead PBS Digital Innovator will receive a
Samsung Galaxy® tablet.
All 100 PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators are required to complete a set of responsibilities.
Application is open from December 3, 2014 to February 11, 2015. Please visit:
---------------------------------------------------6c. Apply Now for EPA’s Environmental Educator Award
Are you raising environmental literacy levels in your school? Are you inspiring members of your community to be
environmental stewards?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in partnership with the White House Council on Environmental
Quality, is now accepting applications for the 2014-2015 Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental
Educators. Applications will be accepted through March 13, 2015.
This award recognizes outstanding K-12 teachers who demonstrate leadership, service, innovation and achievement
in environmental education (EE). Winning teachers will receive an award of up to $2,500 to further their
professional development in EE. The teacher's local education agency will also receive an award of up to $2,500 to
fund EE activities and programs.
Apply at:
---------------------------------------------------6d. Upcoming Deadlines
Would you like a complete list of grants that has been provided by the National Science Teachers Association?
NSTA has put these grant and their deadlines in an easy to follow calendar. It includes: deadline date, description,
category, and grade level. To view this list, please visit:
Free grant finding resources for educators and educational institutions, just visit:
February 11, 2015: Deadline to apply for the PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators Program. Please visit:
February 16, 2015: Deadline to apply for Michigan STEM Grants. Please visit:
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
February 27, 2015: Deadline for PreK Teachers and Schools to Apply for the Together Counts Grant. Please visit:
March 1, 2015: Deadline to apply for the $1000 Scholarships for Amazon Rainforest PD Workshop. Please visit:
March 6, 2015: Deadline for MS Science Teachers to apply for the Real World Science PD Workshop. Please visit:
March 13, 2015: Deadline for K-12 Teachers to apply for EPA’s Environmental Educator Award. Please visit:
May 1, 2015: Deadline for secondary teachers to apply for the 2015 Presidential Award for Excellence in
Mathematics and Science Teaching. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for K-12 Science Teachers
----------------------------------------------------------------7a. Free Soil Science Curriculum for K-12
The modules for elementary, middle and high school classrooms provide STEM activities and lessons to show how
the challenge to feed our world's growing population can be solved with science. Please visit:
-------------------------------------------------------7b. Great Lakes Conference Celebrates 25 Years
The Great Lakes are a valued resource to Michigan, providing water for recreation, consumption, and power; a
world-class fisheries, and multiple other uses. They are subject to a variety of challenges including invasive species,
conservation and restoration; tributary impacts, habitat loss, harmful algal blooms, and other water quality issues.
Celebrating its 25th year, the conference will address many of these key topic areas and highlight some of the latest
research and management efforts being developed for the Great Lakes and its surrounding watershed. The
conference will be held in the Auditorium of the Kellogg Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI on
Tuesday, March 10, 2015.
It is free and open to the public; however, advanced registration by Thursday, March 5 is requested. Visit:
to see a complete agenda and registration link. The conference is sponsored by Michigan State University
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, MSU Institute of Water Research, Michigan Sea Grant Extension, and the
Office of the Great Lakes, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. For further information, contact: Lois
Wolfson <wolfson1@msu.edu>, 517-353-9222.
-------------------------------------------------------7c. Seminars on Science from the American Museum of Natural History
The next session of Seminars on Science, the American Museum of Natural History’s online professional learning
program for educators begins March 16th. Graduate credit is available. Enroll now at:
The six-week online courses co-taught by experienced scientists and educators include Evolution; Genetics,
Genomics, Genethics; The Solar System, Water and many more. Get access to cutting-edge research, rich content,
and powerful classroom resources. Sign up today and receive $50 off your registration cost! Use code
If you have any questions, send them an email at learn@amnh.org, or call us at 800-649-6715.
-------------------------------------------------------David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
7d. MSELA Dinner at MSTA – Special Guest Page Keeley
MSELA will be hosting Page Keeley, author of Science Formative Assessment, for a Dinner & Dialogue at the
Amway Grand Hotel titled, "(Trans)formative Assessment: What Leaders Can Do to Transform Science" on
Thursday, February 26th from 5 - 8 pm.
Page, a national leader in science education, will lead a discussion of how formative assessment can transform the
teaching and learning of science through practical suggestions leaders can use to support K-12 teachers. The
Michigan Department of Education will also be joining us for important statewide updates. The evening will be
kicked off by a fabulous cocktail hour sponsored McGraw-Hill Education
Website for registration and more information:
-------------------------------------------------------7e. MSTA Conference – Early Registration Rates Until February 9
HURRY! EARLY REGISTRATION RATES UNTIL FEBRUARY 9TH! After that, registration can still be done,
but needs to be done on-site, and at a HIGHER rate!
Thursday, February 26, 2015 – Professional Development sessions on:
- Traditional to Transformed - take a traditional lab & transform it to a student-focused lab!
- Using the EQUIP Rubric - be introduced to & practice using the EQUIP Rubric for science!
- Getting to Know NGSS - explore in depth the NGSS disciplinary core ideas (DCIs).
- Human Cadaver workshop at Grand Rapids Community College (space limited to 20) - reinforce your knowledge
of human anatomy & physiology through examination of actual preserved & plastinated human cadavers!
FULL details on Thursday sessions can be found at www.msta-mich.org
NOTE: Registration for Thursday is separate from the Friday/Saturday conference & includes one year MSTA
OVER 200 sessions offered on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 27-28, 2015!
Sessions on:
- Engineering
- Chemistry, Biology
- 3D printing
Just to name a few!
Exhibits with the latest science information/products, the famous Rock Shop, MSTA Bookstore, information from
museums, vendors with FREE lesson plans/information, and MUCH more!
Time is flying!!! Only a little over three weeks till the conference and ONLY two weeks until the EARLY
registration deadline! After February 9, 2015, registrations fees are increased, and need to be done on-site.
For full details and to register, go to:
and check out all that is being offered!
Questions? Call 734-973-0433, or email scampbell@managedbyamr.com
-------------------------------------------------------7f. Michigan Robotics Day – FREE Event
Thursday April 9, 2015- Ann Arbor, Michigan
Please join in at the North Campus Research Complex (NCRC) for an event co-hosted by the National Center for
Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) and the University of Michigan. This free event (registration required) is open to
all ages and has been recognized as the premier national event celebrating National Robotics Week.
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
Come experience the cutting-edge advances made by Michigan robotics’ companies and research organizations,
hear from leading minds in the field, and see how students at the collegiate and high school levels are involved with
these exciting new technologies!
Hundreds of flying, rolling, and swimming robots
Breakout sessions for educators and industry
Interested in exhibiting? please contact philc@ncms.org
For more information and to register for this free event, please visit:
---------------------------------------------------------------7g. Upcoming Deadlines
Have you checked out the National Science Teachers Association’s Freebies for Science Teachers webpage? It is
filled with free materials and resources. Check it out regularly at:
January 1 – December 31, 2015: The International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies. Please visit:
February 26, 2015: MSELA Dinner Meeting with Page Keeley in Grand Rapids, MI at the MSTA Conference.
Please visit:
February 26 – 28, 2015: MSTA Conference in Grand Rapids, MI. Please visit:
March 10, 2015: Great Lakes Conference in East Lansing, MI. Please visit:
March 12 – 15, 2015: National Science Teachers Association’s National Conference in Chicago, IL. Please visit:
March 18 – 20, 2015: Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Conference at COBO
Center in Detroit, MI. Please visit:
April 9, 2015: Michigan Robotics Day at the North Campus Research Complex at the U of M in Ann Arbor. Please
----------------------------------------------------------------8a. Ideas from the Twitterverse
Phil Plait
Another stunner from @shainblum: Milky Way Moonset. slate.com/blogs/bad_astr…
Nature Conservancy
"Economic development cannot happen without water." nature.ly/1CCnJHO blog by
@G_Boccaletti #wef15
Michele Corbat In order to accept a new idea, I have to first admit what I was doing was less effective than my
@MicheleCorbat ego thought it was.
@rickwormeli2 #COLchat
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
HuffPost Green
Verified account
William McDonough says stopping carbon emissions is a "fundamental issue of human rights"
ICYMI: What Influences a Child's Ability to Learn? via Inservice: ow.ly/HPapH #wholechild
ActivateLearning Literacy in the Context of NGSS: Where to Begin? LeeAnn Sutherland, PhD., Chief Academic
@ActivateScience Officer #NGSS #STEM ow.ly/HSa28
Dr. Phil Metzger New 2-story robot at @NASA_Langley for making spacecraft bit.ly/1yz0sCP bit.ly/1yz0r1U
Education Week
Keeping "the big picture in mind" while managing classrooms:
blogs.edweek.org/teachers/class… #ewopinion
Darlene Cavalier Propose or Join a #CitizenScience Hackfest Project! shar.es/1bPszI via @SciStarter
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for High School Science Teachers
----------------------------------------------------------------9a. BLOSSOMS Through MIT
BLOSSOMS video lessons are enriching students' learning experiences in high school classrooms from Brooklyn to
Beirut to Bangalore. Their Video Library contains over 100 math and science lessons, all freely available to teachers
as streaming video and Internet downloads and as DVDs and videotapes. Find interesting ways to teach math,
science, problem solving, and critical thinking (for high school classes).
----------------------------------------------------------------9b. NGSS Evidence Statements
NGSS Evidence Statements for High School:
were just released (evidence statements for elementary and middle school are under development). These statements
are available for each high school NGSS performance expectation and provide additional detail on what students
should know and be able to do in order to satisfy that performance expectation. Given that each performance
expectation is three dimensional, these statements detail what students have to do to demonstrate an integrated
understanding of all three dimensions in the PE simultaneously. For more information, please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------9c. Upcoming Deadlines
March 6 – 24, 2015: Regional Michigan Envirothon Competitions around the State of Michigan. Please visit:
May 6 – 8, 2015: State of Michigan Envirothon Competition. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Middle and High School Science Teachers
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
----------------------------------------------------------------10a. Michigan Modeling Workshops for Summer 2015
Modeling™ Instruction was developed under the leadership of Dr. David Hestenes when a high school teacher
realized that his students, after successfully passing his physics class, had no genuine and deep understanding of the
concepts. In the traditional physics classroom, the students are exposed to many formulas and theories and will
practice solving problems. In the Modeling classroom, students will do experiments and analyze the collected data
to find relationships which will be presented in graphical, mathematical and pictorial representations. The students
will ‘discover’ the relations themselves and will have a deeper understanding of the concepts taught.
Modeling Instruction was developed for high school physics teachers and has since expanded to physical science,
chemistry and biology. Each year, Modeling workshops are held at universities and high schools across the United
States. Last year, more than 60 Modeling workshops were offered to high school and middle school teachers in more
than 20 states.
For information on the 2015 Modeling workshops, please visit the American Modeling Teachers Association
(AMTA) website on:
Information on the workshops can be found on:
Locally, the following workshop will be offered (subject to change):
Oakland Science, Mathematics and Technology Center, Waterford
Dates: June 22 – July 10
Content: mechanics
Content: chemistry
Dates: June 15 – July 3
Content: biology
Leaders: Angela Gard and Julie Maimes
Dates: June 29-July 17
Content: Middle school Modeling
Leaders: Colleen Megowan and George Nelson
MAISD Regional Mathematics and Science Center, Muskegon
Dates: June 22 – July 10
Content: chemistry
Kent ISD, Grand Rapids
Dates: June 17 – July 9
Content: mechanics
Dates: July 27 – August 14
Content: biology
Leaders: Angela Gard and Julie Maimes
COOR ISD Mathematics and Science Center, Roscommon
Dates: July 27-August 14
Content: chemistry
Seaborg Mathematics and Science Center, Marquette
Dates: July 6-24
Content: physics
----------------------------------------------------------------David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
10b. Involve Your Students in a Citizen Science Project in Sun Spotting
Rob and the Zooniverse Team need your help to organize sunspot images in order of complexity to better
understand and predict how the Sun's magnetic activity affects us on Earth. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------10c. Explore Chemical Elements in a New Way
The team at Periodic Videos has created a TED-Ed lesson for every element of the periodic table. For example,
students can view the video on aluminium (aluminum), a metal once as precious as gold, now used for wrapping a
sandwich. Or the video about hydrogen and an exploding balloon. What makes the fireball?
Please visit:
Plus: Engage students with the new Periodic Table Song in this video from AsapSCIENCE. Also find the lyrics
under the “More” link.
Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Middle School Science Teachers
-------------------------------------------------------11a. Amusement Park Physics
The MAISD Regional Mathematics and Science Center will be hosting an Amusement Park Physics program for
students in grades 5-8 on May 20th, 2015. This is a great learning opportunity for your students to apply
mathematics, measuring, and physics to solve problems in a real world setting. The registration deadline is April
24th, 2015.
Please visit:
to register for the day at the park.
----------------------------------------------------------------11b. Upcoming Deadlines
April 24, 2015: Deadline to register for the MAISD Amusement Park Physics Program to be held on May 20.
Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Elementary School Science Teachers
-------------------------------------------------------12a. Encouraging Young Scientists
Your young scientists will be getting some great ideas about who does science, what it is, where it is done, why it is
done, and how it is done with your help in the classroom. You can also encourage the adults in their lives to take
part in science learning and doing outside the classroom, and you should.
Many local libraries have passes to area museums and science centers available for families to check out. This is an
under-utilized resource, and telling your young scientists’ families about it will open up this opportunity for science
learning outside of the classroom. The libraries that participate will have a list of the local institutions at which the
passes are honored. Science centers, children’s museums, and zoos or aquariums are often among the offerings.
To read the rest of this blog, including links to citizen science, online resources, and activities to do with young
learners, please visit:
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
----------------------------------------------------------------Science Humor
----------------------------------------------------------------13. Conversions
Basic unit of Laryngitis = The Hoarsepower
1 Mole = 007 Secret Agents
1 Dog Pound = 16 oz. of Alpo
2.4 statute miles of surgical tubing at Yale U. = 1 I.V.League
2000 pounds of chinese soup = 1 Won Ton
10 to the minus 6th power mouthwashes = 1 Microscope
One half large intestine = 1 Semicolon
1000 pains = 1 Megahertz
1 Word = 1 Millipicture
----------------------------------------------------------------14. December Contest Winners
In December, we gave away three $10 Starbucks gift cards. Here is a list of the winners:
Rebecca Mattia, Chippewa Valley High School – Chippewa Valley Schools
Faten Fawaz, Dearborn High School – Dearborn Public Schools
Michael Berenkowski, Oscoda High School – Oscoda Public Schools
If you didn’t win, try again this month. Thanks to everyone for being part of the Michigan Science Matters
----------------------------------------------------------------15. January Contest – Win a $10 Subway Gift Card
This month we have three great prizes to give away. The prizes are $10 Subway Gift Cards.
To win one of these prizes, send an email to:
David Bydlowski
State Coordinator for the Michigan Science Matters Network
You MUST INCLUDE your name AND mailing address AND your school name/district. (If you want the card,
sent to your home, please provide your home address.)
You may only enter once and only one entry per email address. Respondents 2, 12, and 22 will receive a prize. We
will post all of the winners in our next E-Blast. Good luck to you and thank you for being part of the Michigan
Science Matters Network.
If you don’t win, try again next month. Thanks to everyone for being part of the Michigan Science Matters
----------------------------------------------------------------To subscribe to the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please visit:
Click on Teachers, and then click on Become a Point of Contact.
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
To unsubscribe from the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please email David Bydlowski, Michigan
Coordinator for the Science Matters Network, at bydlowd@resa.net.
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn