Protocol for Using Mesocosms I. To use/reserve the mesocosms, researchers must make a formal request to the Director by completing the Request for Mesocosms form. Reservations for the mesocosms will be made based on availability; however, priority will be given to projects involving CMUBS researchers and grant sponsored projects. To determine whether the mesocosms are available for a specific time period, check the calendar in the CMUBS manager’s office. Once a reservation is granted final approval, then it will have priority over all other requests during the approved time interval. II. Prior to submitting the Request for Mesocosm form, researchers must meet with the director to determine if the Mesocosm is operationally/legally (state and federal permits) appropriate for their project. III. Researchers should plan on the following fees for using the mesocosm facility (see Table 1). The actual costs of using the mesocosm may differ from those listed in Table 1 based on involvement of CMUBS researcher, CMU-student involvement, and funding available to the researchers. Table 1. Costs and fees for using the mesocosm facility at CMUBS. Fees for internal users apply to faculty members that are at, or affiliated with, CMUBS; Fees for external users apply to researchers that are not affiliated with CMUBS or CMU. Cost Internal Users External Users 1 Start-up or turnover (one time per occurrence) $300 $300 Weekly Use Fee $75 $75 Maintenance2 $15/day Electricity (when lights are on) $30/hour *In addition, researchers should have contingency funds available, if at all possible, to cover the pro-rated replacement costs of any pumps or bulbs that fail during the experiment. IV. If researchers not affiliated with CMUBS wish to use the mesocosm facility, then a faculty member at CMUBS must agree to sponsor their application. The faculty-member sponsor will be responsible for ensuring that the mesocosms are used appropriately. 1 2 Start-up/turnover includes 8 hours of John Work’s time for training and starting the mesocosm system. Maintenance includes 1 hour/day of technician time for record keeping and general upkeep. Request For Using Mesocosms (Complete form and submit to station manager, 1. Project title: 2. Researchers Name & Affiliation: 3. Faculty-Member Sponsor (If researcher is not affiliated with CMUBS): 4. Is the research project sponsored by a research grant? (check one): Yes If yes, please list funding sources: No 5. Are funds available to pay for use of the facility (check one): If yes, please give your account number: Yes No 6. What level of costs do you anticipate for using the mesocosms (based on Table 1): 7. Are funds available to cover pro-rated replacement costs of any pumps or bulb that fail during experiment: Yes No 8. Do you plan to use the artificial lights during the experiment: If yes, how many hours per day? 9. Check any specific conditions that will be part of the experiment: Nutrient Additions Contaminants Exotic Species Vertebrates Yes No 10. Describe the specific conditions: 11. Start Date of Research: 12. End Date of Research: 13. How many of the mesocosm tanks will you use for the experiment? 14. Do you agree to meet with John Works to learn how to set-up, maintain, drain, and clean the mesocosm system? Yes No 15. Attach a 1-page summary of the proposed research. 16. Acknowledgment of responsibility for this project. ___________________________________ Signature of Principal Investigator (CMUBS) 17. Approval of Request: Yes ___________________________________ Signature of Director _______________ Date No _______________ Date Note: Once project is approved you will be sent a Specific Parameters form to complete.