APPLICATION for Abstract Entry

JPS 2014
APPLICATION for Abstract Entry
Presenting Author
First Name
Middle Name
Family Name
Affiliation :
Address :
Postal Code :
Country :
E-Mail :
“Annual Meeting Outstanding Presentation Prize” Entry :
□I wish to enter
□I wish NOT to enter
-All presentation titles must be typed in BOLD CAPITAL letters from the left margin (No
-First name, Middle initial and Family name of the author(s) should follow the next line of the
-After each presenter’s name, place superscript number (i.e. Michael White1) to indicate
presenter’s affiliation. In case all presenters belong to the same affiliation, the superscript is
not necessary.
-Underline the speaker’s name.
-In the case there are more than two affiliations, place superscript numbers before the affiliation
names. (i.e.1xxxx Department)
-Submit the form and abstract as an e-mail attachment to:
Industrial Property Right:
In case you are considering applying for Industrial Property Right in Japan, please note the
publishing date of the abstract will be the date listed in the Abstract Book as the publishing
The Society reserves all rights to include and publish a part of the papers and/or the papers in
their entirety on the Web page.
Moreover, the Society reserves all rights to include and publish any works which been approved
of by the Society, such as net-work mediums, other mediums, and/or publications (including
digital publications).
Write your Abstract in the following page.
Enquires on Abstract Entry:
c/o Convention Linkage, Inc.
SS30 Bldg.,4-6-1 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-6020 JAPAN
TEL: +81-22-722-1657 FAX: +81-22-722-1658 Email:
JPS 2014
PRESENTATION TITLE (within 250 letters):
Name of First Author Affiliation Number of the First Author
Name of Second Author Affiliation Number of the Second Author
Name of Third Author Affiliation Number of the third Author
Add if necessary
Name of the Affiliation
2 Name
of the Affiliation
Name of the Affiliation
Add if necessary
BODY OF ABSTRACT (within 1350 letters):
Enquires on Abstract Entry:
c/o Convention Linkage, Inc.
SS30 Bldg.,4-6-1 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-6020 JAPAN
TEL: +81-22-722-1657 FAX: +81-22-722-1658 Email: