4/30/2013 PUNAM ANAND KELLER (http://www.tuck.dartmouth.edu) Tuck School of Business 100 Tuck Hall Hanover, NH 03755-9011 603-646-1336 10 Morgan Road Etna, NH 03750 603-643-9811 EDUCATION Institution Degree Date Field Elphinstone College, Bombay University, India BA 1977 Economics & Statistics Bajaj Institute of Management Bombay University, India MBA 1979 Marketing Northwestern University Ph.D. 1984 Marketing ACADEMIC POSITIONS September 1983 - August 1987 Assistant Professor, New York University September 1987 - June 1995 Assistant/Associate Professor, Columbia University July 1993 - June 1995 Visiting Associate Professor, Stanford University July 1995 - April 1997 Associate Professor, University of North Carolina May 1997 - June 1998 Visiting Associate Professor, Duke University, Adjunct Faculty, Duke Medical Center July 1998 – May 2004 Professor, Tuck School, Dartmouth College, Adjunct Faculty, DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center June 2002 – present Member, Cancer Control Research Program, Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon, NH. June 2002 – present Charles Henry Jones Third Century Professor of Management TEACHING EXPERIENCE MBA Program: Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior, and Social Marketing. Ph.D. Program: Seminar in Consumer Behavior. Executive Program: Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy, Social Marketing, and Services Marketing. RESEARCH INTERESTS Application of social marketing principles and behavioral theory to consumer and employee wellness programs. PUBLICATIONS Batra, R., P. Anand Keller, and V. J. Strecher (eds.), (2011), “Leveraging Consumer Psychology for Effective Health Communications: The Obesity Challenge,” Armonk, N.Y.: M.E.Sharpe. Keller, P. Anand, B. Harlam, G. Loewenstein, and K. Volpp (2011), “Enhanced Active Choice: A New Method to Motivate Behavior Change,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21, 4, 376-383. Scammon, D., P. Anand Keller, et al. (2011), “Transforming Consumer Health,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 30, 1, 14-22. Keller, P. Anand, and Annamaria Lusardi (2010), “Employee Retirement Savings: What We Know and What We are Discovering for Helping People to Prepare for Life After Work,” book chapter in “Transformative Consumer Research for Personal and Collective Well Being: Reviews and Frontiers” David Mick, Simone Pettigrew, Connie Pechmann, and Julie Ozanne (eds.), Taylor and Francis Group. Jing et al. (2010), “A Review of Financial Behavior Research: Implications for Financial Education, NEFE (National Foundation for Financial Education) Series. Lee, A. Y., P. Anand Keller, and B. Sternthal (2009), “Value from Regulatory Construal Fit: The Persuasive Impact of Fit between Consumer Goals and Message Concreteness.” Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (5), February, 735-748. Keller, Punam A. and Donald R. Lehmann (2009), “Effectiveness of Corporate Well-Being Programs: A Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Macromarketing, 29(3), September, 279-302. -2- Keller, Anand P. and D. R. Lehmann (2008), “Designing Effective Health Communications: A Meta Analysis of Experimental Results,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 27 (2), 117-130. Ratner, R., et al. (2008), “How Behavioral Decision Research can Enhance Consumer Welfare: From Freedom of Choice to Paternalistic Intervention,” Marketing Letters, 19 (3-4), December, 383-397. Lusardi, A., P. Anand Keller, and A. Keller (2008), “New Ways to Make People Save: A Social Marketing Approach,” Chapter, Overcoming the Saving Slump: How to Increase the Effectiveness of Financial Education and Saving Programs, University of Chicago Press. Keller, Anand, P. (2006), “Regulatory Focus and Efficacy of Health Messages,” Journal of Consumer Research, 33 (June), 109-114. Keller, Anand, P., Lipkus, I, M., and B. K. Rimer (2003), “Affect, Framing and Persuasion,” Journal of Marketing Research, 40 (1), (February), 54-64. Keller, Anand P. and D. W. Rook (2003), Advances in Consumer Research, Volume XXX, Association for Consumer Research. Keller, Anand, P., Lipkus, I, M., and B. K. Rimer (2002), “Depressive Realism and Health Risk Accuracy: The Negative Consequences of Positive Mood,” Journal of Consumer Research, 29 (June), 57-69. Lipkus, I., M., Biradavolu, M., Fenn, K., Keller, P. A., and B. K. Rimer (2001), “Informing Women about their Breast Cancer Risks: Truth and Consequences,” Health Communication, 13 (2), 205-226. Keller Anand, P. and L.G. Block (1999), “The Effect of Affect-Based Dissonance versus Cognition-Based Dissonance on Motivated Reasoning and Health-Related Persuasion,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, vol. 5, 3, 1-12. Keller, Anand, P. (1999), “Converting the Unconverted: The Effect of Inclination and Opportunity to Discount Health-Related Fear Appeals,” Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 84, 3, 403-415. Block, L. G. and P. Anand Keller (1998),”Beyond Protection Motivation: An Integrative Theory of Health Appeals,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28 (17), 1584-1608. Keller Anand, P. and L. G. Block (1997), “Vividness Effects: A Resource Matching Perspective,” Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (December), 295-304. Block, L.G. and P. Anand Keller (1997), “Effects of Self-Efficacy and Vividness on the Persuasiveness of Health Communications,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 6(1), 31-54. Keller Anand, P. and L. G. Block (1996), "Increasing the Persuasiveness of Fear Appeals: The Effect of Arousal and Elaboration," Journal of Consumer Research, 22 (March), 448-59. -3- Block, L. G. and P. Anand Keller (1995), "When to Accentuate the Negative: The Effects of Perceived Efficacy and Message Framing on Intentions to Perform a Health-Related Behavior," Journal of Marketing Research, 32 (May), 192-203. Keller Anand, P. and A. McGill (1994), "Differences in the Relative Influence of Product Attributes Under Alternative Processing Conditions: Attribute Importance Versus Attribute Ease of Imageability," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 3(1), 29-49. Anand, P. and B. Sternthal (1992), "The Effects of Program Involvement and Ease of Message Counterarguing on Advertising Persuasiveness," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1 (3), 225-38. Holbrook, M. B. and P. Anand (1992), "The Effects of Situation, Sequence, and Features on Perceptual and Affective Responses to Product Designs: The Case of Aesthetic Consumption," Empirical Studies of the Arts, 10:1, 19-31. Anand, P. and B. Sternthal (1991), "Perceptual Fluency and Affect without Recognition," Memory and Cognition, 19 (3), 293-300. Holbrook, M. B. and P. Anand (1990), "Effects of Tempo and Situational Arousal on the Listener's Perceptual and Affective Responses to Music," Psychology and Music, 18, 150-62. Anand, P. and B. Sternthal (1990), "Ease of Message Processing as a Moderator of Repetition Effects in Advertising," Journal of Marketing Research, 27 (August), 345-53. McGill, A. and P. Anand (1990), "The Effect of Imagery on Information Processing strategy in a Multiattribute Choice Task," Marketing Letters, 1, 7-16. Anand, P. and M. B. Holbrook (1990), "Reinterpretation of Mere Exposure or Exposure of Mere Reinterpretation," Journal of Consumer Research, 17 (September), 242-44. McGill, A. and P. Anand (1989), "The Effect of Vivid Attributes on the Evaluation of Alternatives: The Role of Differential Attention and Cognitive Elaboration," Journal of Consumer Research, 16 (September), 188-96. Anand, P. and M. B. Holbrook (1989), "The Convergent Validity of Dichotic Listening and Hemispheric Priming as Methods for Studying Lateralized Differences in Affective Responses," Marketing Letters, 3, 199-208. Anand, P. and B. Sternthal (1988), "Strategies for Designing Persuasive Messages: Deductions from the Resources Matching Hypothesis," in Patricia Cafferata and Alice Tybout (eds.), Cognitive and Affective Responses to Advertising, Lexington, Mass. 135-60. Anand, P., M. B. Holbrook, and D. Stephens (1988), "The Formation of Affective Judgments: The Cognitive-Affective Model Versus the Independence Hypothesis," Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (November), 386-91. -4- Anand, P. (1987), "Inducing Franchisees to Relinquish Control: An Attribution Analysis," Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (May), 215-21. Anand, P. and L. W. Stern (1985), "A Socio-Psychological Explanation for Why Marketing Channel Members Relinquish Control," Journal of Marketing Research, 22 (November), 365-77. WORKING PAPERS Shah, A. J. Bettman, P. A. Keller, P. Anand, and P. Ubel (2013), “Can Behavioral Economics Reduce Demand for Unhealthy Products?” Submitted to the Policy Forum Section of Science. Keller, P. A. et al. (2013), “ENABLE: Efficient, Novel, Active, Behavioral Levers,” ed. David Stewart, Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing. Cole, Galen, E., P. A. Keller et al. (2012), “A Message Development Tool for Health Communication: An Audience-Centered Design,” invited revision Social Marketing Quarterly. Keller, Anand, P. and Annamaria Lusardi, “Message Design to Change Behavior,” Working Paper. Lee, Pamela, C. Gaffney, A. L. Olson, and P. A. Keller, “It’s the Genes. There is Not Much We Can do About That: Mothers’ Perceptions of Factors that Influence Childhood Overweight,” Working Paper. Keller, Anand P., and A. L. Olson, “Sadness and Preferences for Risky Options: Gender Differences,” Working Paper. Keller, Anand, P. “Using Need for Control to Change Preventative Health Behaviors,” Working Paper. Keller, Anand P., and A. L. Olson, “Negative Emotions and Coping Health Appraisal,” Working Paper. Keller, Anand P. and L. G. Block, “How Source of Arousal Affects Memory for Health Communications,” Working Paper. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS Anand, P. and B. Sternthal (1984), "The Persuasive Impact of Music in Advertising," presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Elizabeth C. Hirschman and Morris B. Holbrook (Chairpersons). -5- Anand, P. and B. Sternthal (1985), "The Effect of Resource Availability on Learning," presented at the Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, Pat Cafferata and Alice Tybout (Chairpersons). Anand, P., M. Holbrook, and D. Stephens (1986), "Lateral Asymmetry in the Formation of Preference Judgments," presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Paul Anderson and Melanie Wallendorf (Chairpersons). Anand, P. and M. B. Holbrook (1986), "Chasing the Wundt Curve: An Adventure in Consumer Esthetics," in Richard Lutz (ed.), Advances in Consumer Research, 13, 655-57. Anand, P. and A. McGill (1987), "The Effect of Imagery on Information Processing Strategy in a Multiattribute Choice Task," Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Michael Houston (Chairperson). McGill, A. and P. Anand (1988), "Processing by Attribute Versus Brand: The Mediating Role of Imagery," in Michael Houston (ed.), Advances in Consumer Research, 15, 184. Anand, P. (1989), "The Role of Hemispheric Lateralization on Affective Responses," WhartonColumbia Colloquium. Anand, P. (1989), "The Convergent Validity of Dichotic Listening and Hemispheric Priming as Methods for Studying Lateralized Differences in Affective Responses," Rutgers University. Anand, P. and R. Batra (1990), "The Role of Repetition and Mood in the Processing of Preference Judgments," presented at the Association for Consumer Research conference, Michael Solomon and Rebecca Holman (Chairpersons). Anand, P. (1990), "The Role of Prior Knowledge and Vividness on the Evaluation of Alternatives," INSEAD, France. Anand, P. and L. Goldberg (1991), "The Role of Imagery and Other Referencing on the Persuasiveness of Fear Appeals in Advertising," Yale/NYU/Columbia Colloquium. Anand, P. (1992), "The Differing Effects of Imagery and Self-Referencing on the Persuasiveness of Fear and Non Fear Appeals," USC, UCLA, University of Arizona. Anand, P. (1992), "Differing Effects of Self-Referencing and Imagery on the Persuasiveness of Low and High Fear Appeals," Stanford University, MIT. Anand, P. and L. Goldberg (1992), "The Role of Arousal and Elaboration on the Persuasiveness of Fear Appeals," presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Leigh McAlister and Michael Rothschild (Chairpersons). -6- Goldberg, L. and P. Anand Keller (1994), "When to Accentuate the Negative in Fear Appeals," presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Deborah Roedder John and Chris T. Allen (Chairpersons). Drolet, A., P. Anand Keller and A. McGill (1995), "The Effect of the Service Provider's Opinion of the Customer on the Customer’s Evaluation of the Service," presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Kim P. Corfman and John G. Lynch (Chairpersons). Anand, P. (1996), “Vividness Effects: A Resource Allocation Perspective,” Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Stern School of Business, New York University, Anderson School of Management, UCLA. Keller, Anand, P. (1997), “Logic and Imagination: Almost World’s Apart,” American Marketing Association, Chicago. Keller, Anand, P. (1997), “Converting the Unconverted: The Effect of Inclination and Opportunity to Discount the Message on Persuasion,” Duke Medical Center, Tuck School of Business. Keller, Anand, P. (1998), “Converting the Unconverted: The Effect of Inclination and Opportunity to Discount Health-Related Fear Appeals,” Harvard Business School, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Keller, Anand, P. (1999), “Depressive Realism and Health-Risk Accuracy,” Dartmouth College, Department of Psychology, Fuqua School of Business-Duke University, Duke Medical Center, Wharton School of Finance, and University of Chicago. Keller, Anand, P. (1999), “The Role of Emotions on Motivation to Protect Oneself,” Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Keller, Anand, P. (1999), “Affective States, Framing Preferences and Perceived Risk,” presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Steve Hoch and Robert Meyer (Chairpersons). Keller, Anand, P., Lipkus, I, M., and B. K. Rimer (2000), “Mood, Framing and Health-Related Persuasion,” presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Joan Meyers-Levy and Mary Gilly (Chairpersons). Keller, Anand, P., Olson, A. L., and D. Shields (2000), “Emotional Antecedents of Protection Motivation in Adolescents,” presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Joan Meyers-Levy and Mary Gilly (Chairpersons). Keller, Anand, P., Lipkus, I, M., and B. K. Rimer (2001), “Depressive Realism and Health Risk Accuracy: The Negative Consequences of Positive Mood,” presented at Cornell and University of Houston, and the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Susan M. Broniarczyk and Kent Nakamoto (Chairpersons). -7- Keller, Anand, P., Lee, A. Y., and B. Sternthal (2002), “Stability versus Change: The Effects of Regulatory Focus Compatibility on Behavior Change,” presented at University of Colorado, Boulder. Keller, Anand P. and I. Lipkus (2003), “Risk Information: Truth and Consequences,” presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Barbara Kahn and Mary Frances Luce (Chairpersons). Keller, Anand P. and A. L. Olson (2003), “Negative Emotions and Coping Appraisal,” presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Barbara Kahn and Mary Frances Luce (Chairpersons). Keller, Anand P., and A. L. Olson (2004), “Negative Emotions and Coping Appraisal,” presented at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University of Washington, St. Louis, and at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Keller, Anand P. (2004), “Regulatory Focus and Efficacy,” presented at Tulane University and at the University of Chicago. Keller, Anand P. (2005), “Health Communications: A Meta-Analysis,” presented at USC. Keller, Anand P. (2007), Keynote Speaker, “Advisor for Risk Communication,” Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Financial Education and Saving Programs, Dartmouth College. Keller, Anand P. (2006), “The Path to Strong Intentions is not Paved with Positive Attitudes,” presented at University of Florida, Gainsville, Social Psychology and Sociology group at Dartmouth College. Keller, Anand P. (2006), “Changing Health Behavior: Message Frames Revisited,” presented at NYU, Georgetown, Risk Workshop, USC. Keller, Anand P. (2007), “Emotions and Risk: Gender Differences,” presented at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Keller, Anand P. (2007), “Transformative Marketing: Helping Consumers and Employees Help Themselves,” Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, MA. Keller, Anand P. (2007), Keynote Speaker, “New Ways to Make People Save: A Social Marketing Approach,” NBER Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Financial Education and Saving Programs, Cambridge, MA. Keller, Anand P. (2008), “Affect and Risk: Gender Differences,” presented at University of Texas, SA. Keller, Anand P. (2008), “Role of Opportunity and Planning Costs on Inter Temporal Discounting,” presented at University of Miami, Arizona State University, Duke University, Yale University. -8- Keller, Anand P. (2008), “Marketing Consumer Research,” Harvard University, University of Arizona. Keller, Anand P. (2008), “Leveraging Consumer Psychology for Effective Communications,” Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference: Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Co-Chair. Keller, Anand P. (2009), Keynote Speaker, “Designing Effective Health Communications,” National Conference for Health Marketing, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA. Keller, Anand P. (2010), “Hug ‘em, Nudge ‘em, Sludge ‘em,” National Conference for Health Marketing, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA. Keller, Anand P. (2010), “The Importance of Marketing for Financial Literacy,” Financial Literacy Research Consortium, Washington, DC. Keller, Anand P. (2011), “Customizing Consumer Choice in Financial Services,” Filene’s Research Institute, Washington, DC. Keller, Anand P. (2011), “Cultivating Well-Being: The Necessary Role of Business Leaders, Researchers, and Educators,” McIntire School of Business, Virginia. RESEARCH SUPPORT Grant: National Cancer Institute (# 5 PO1 CA72099-01) Improving Cancer Risk Communication Major Goal: To enhance informed decision-making and mammography for women by correcting misperceptions about breast cancer risk and the risks and benefits of mammography. Grant: National Cancer Institute (# 530464) Increasing Sun Screen Adolescent Behavior Major Goal: To educate adolescents about solar protection and influence sun protection behaviors among parents, coaches and adolescents. Grant: National Endowment for Financial Education (# 20137) Tailoring Retirement Savings Communication Major Goal: To provide an implementation plan to enhance retirement savings among employees. Grant: Social Security Administration (#19-F-10002-9-01) Marketing Financial Literacy Major Goal: To create and market audience-friendly financial literacy products. INSTITUTION SERVICE Area Chair, 2002 to present -9- Tuck Executive Committee, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 Tuck Research Committee, 2000 Tuck Admission Committee, 2004 Tuck Executive Education Committee, 1999, 2000, 2006 Dartmouth Capital Fund Raising Committee, 2000 Dartmouth Provost Search Committee, 2001 Dartmouth, Director of Business Development, ISTS, 2002-2003 Dartmouth, Vice President of Equity and Diversity Search Committee, 2007-2008 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Area Editor, Journal of Consumer Research, 1999 to 2003. Review Board, Journal of Consumer Research, 1994 to present. Review Board, Journal of Marketing Research, 1999 to present. Review Board, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2002 to present. Review Board, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 2008 to present. Review Board, Marketing Letters, 1990 to 2003. Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing. Ad Hoc Reviewer, Marketing Science. Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. Ad Hoc Reviewer, Psychology and Health. Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Psychologist. Reviewer, American Marketing Association Conference, 1984 to 1992, 1997. Reviewer, Association for Consumer Research Conference, 1983 to present. Reviewer, AMA Doctoral Dissertation Competition, 1988, 1990, 1996, 1997. Reviewer, MSI Doctoral Dissertation Competition, 1995 - 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007. Reviewer ACR/Sheth Dissertation Award 2006 - 2008 Doctoral Consortium Faculty 1986, 1990, 1996, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008. Program Committee, Association for Consumer Research Conference, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2007. Member ACR/TCR Advisory Committee, 2005 – 2010. Co-Chairperson, Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2002. C-Chairperson, Transformative Consumer Research Conference, 2007. President-Elect, Association for Consumer Research, January 2007. Member, Board of Academic Trustees, Marketing Science Institute, 2006 – present. President, Association for Consumer Research, 2008. Health Communication Advisor, Center for Disease Control, 2009 to present. Co-Chairperson, Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, 2009. Co-Chairperson, Advisory Board Member, CDC Annual Health Marketing Conference, 2010. - 10 -