Survivor Biome Presentation Rubric Due Date: 2014 Student Name: Category Introduction 4 points Climatic and Geographic Characteristics 20 points Plants 16 points Animals 16 points Environmental Impact 24 points Sources of Energy 5 points Food Chain 10 points Scoring Criteria Points Biome definition. 4 Average yearly rainfall. 4 Seasonal temperature range. 4 Where is your biome found? 4 Name at least two countries where your biome exists. 4 Climatogram 4 4 key plant species and interesting facts about them. 8 Adaptations of plants to the biome (traits that help them survive). 8 6 key animal species and interesting facts about them. 8 Adaptations of animals to the biome (how they survive). 8 Why is your biome good for the planet? 6 What would the loss of this biome do to the world? 6 What economical benefits does your biome provide? 6 What kind of environmental damage (Ex: air and water pollution, ozone layer) has occurred in your biome? 6 Energy source is appropriate to biome. 5 Make a food web 5 Levels of the food web explained 5 (producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, etc.) Survival Items 5 points Appropriate for biome 5 Add Up Your Points Total Points 100 Feb 3rd Student Teacher Evaluation Evaluation