Teacher Induction WOOD COUNTY SCHOOLS 1210 13TH STREET PARKERSBURG, WV 26101 Plan 2013-2014 Support for Improving Professional Practice WVSSIP District Plan Robert K. Harris, Assistant Superintendent – Human Resources; Judy Johnson, Director of Curriculum and Instruction What data did you analyze to determine district professional development, trainings and support? A district team of teachers and administrators was organized to review assessment data and develop the TIP program. Our needs assessment was based on past staff development experiences, surveys, and evaluations from our county Professional Staff Development Council, teachers and administrators. The team also analyzed WESTEST 2, DIBELS, STAR Enterprise, and ACT Plan and Explore to determine professional development needs. Data not available at this time includes attrition rates, retention rate for new teachers/administrators by school for the previous 3 years, and student teacher employment rates. A lack of data has been noted because WVEIS and Wood County Schools have not been required to keep this data so that it is readily accessible. The Human Resources department will collect attrition and retention data beginning the year 2013-2014. COUNTY: Wood County Schools SUBMITTED BY: Identify strengths and weaknesses as determined by the educator evaluation system and explain how these findings guided your professional development plan. Strengths include: • Embedded staff development presented by Wood County Schools instructional coaches and collaborative teams. Collaborative teams include teams at the school level in addition to a district collaborative team made up of representatives from each school. • The large number of National Board Certified Teachers (67) in Wood County provides a resource for quality instructional practices and knowledge in a variety of content areas. • A co-hort established each year for teachers attempting to certify as NBCT provides collaboration, reflection on instructional practices, content knowledge and professional growth. • A focus on evidence-based professional development. The TIP will correct the following weaknesses in our professional development plan for new teachers: • Ongoing support to teachers after the first year. • Mentor teachers assigned to teachers outside the content area or field of specialization, such as special education. The findings were considered and provided direction for the TIP. Wood County’s TIP appreciates the combined efforts of the following people: teachers, students, and administrators in all of its schools, central office administrators, curriculum supervisors, instructional coaches, technology integration specialists, and board members. The education departments at Ohio Valley University and West Virginia University at Parkersburg, work collaboratively with Wood County Schools to develop topWest Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice quality pre-service for teachers. Articles of Agreement between WCS and colleges and universities must be approved prior to any student observers or student teachers are approved by the Board of Education. Three schools are piloting the new educator evaluation system. Definitions: • Summer Introduction Session: A meeting held for one day prior to the opening of school. Staff development sessions are required for new teachers. See discussion of the session. • TIP: An acronym for Teacher Induction Program which is provided for first through third-year teachers. • Scheduled Follow-Up: TIP Facilitators and Leaders determine needs and provide one-to-one resources and modeling lessons. • Revisiting Strategies: Determined by TIP Facilitators and TIP Leaders, providing support and re-teaching of strategies that are proven effective by the research. • TIP Facilitator: These educators are Technology Integration Specialists, Instructional Coaches, Interventionists, county supervisors, and countywide coordinators who will provide individual help in identified weaknesses. • TIP Leaders: May include mentors at schools providing one to one relationship with TIP teachers, staff development presenters, and county Curriculum and Instruction personnel. • TIP teachers: May include 1st, 2nd and/or 3rd year teachers new to Wood County Schools. • Instructional coaches and Technology Integration Specialist (TIS): Educators who are selected to spend time in classrooms with new teachers conducting lessons, observing, collecting data about individual needs of new teachers which is shared with TIP Leaders. • Group Networking Meetings: Meetings held during year two for TIP teachers to present lessons, share ideas, and provide data for TIP activities for sharing with TIP Leaders and TIP Facilitators. • Reflection and Feedback: An activity whereby TIP Facilitators and TIP Leaders work with the school administrator to identify future needs for staff development for TIP teachers. • Interventions: Activity where TIP teacher needs additional assistance. • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): Opportunities for staff development among TIP teachers. • End of Year debriefing: Meeting held between TIP Facilitators, TIP Leaders, and principals to determine successful completion of the Teacher Induction Program. Program Goals • Providing support for the transition into teaching • Improving teacher effectiveness • Assuring quality teachers for Wood County’s student population • Increasing the retention rate of highly qualified teachers in the school district • Providing direction for Professional Staff Development. Pre-planning activities for the 2012-2013 school year assessment data were based on past staff development experiences, surveys, and data obtained from our county Professional Staff Development Council. Budgets were developed and job responsibilities for leaders, facilitators and West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice principals were identified. Flow-charts for year 1, year 2, and year 3 were developed to outline the induction program. Program Description Wood County typically hires an average of 20-40 first-year teachers yearly to fill positions in its K-12 schools. Retirements and resignations were calculated to be 26 for year 09-10; 16 for year 10-11, and 39 for year 11-12. The success of the TIP Program will be measured using past years data combined with available data for this year. The program consists of three years of ongoing training and support. It commences with a highly structured training session for all new teachers in their first year in early August, before school begins. Year 1- Proposal Teachers are greeted and welcomed by coordinators, supervisors, principals, and TIP teachers from previous years at a half-day meeting. Representatives of the Human Resources Department give a short introduction to the basics of employment and how to access pertinent information on the county’s web-site. The new teachers are seated in cooperative groups and they immediately begin an “icebreaker” assignment, which allows everyone to get to know one another. Each participant receives a copy of The First Days of School (or another pertinent book) along with a new teacher folder that may include the following: • A letter of welcome from the superintendent • The district’s philosophy and mission statements • Staff and faculty rosters for each school • Checklists of things that must be in place before school begins • Tips on parent communication and teacher/parent relations • Tips on classroom management • A “success journal” for teachers’ daily classroom experiences • System-wide training programs requiring review • Description of Portfolio of successful teachers and their learning experiences • Contact numbers for Central Office personnel. • How to begin the school year: Discipline, instructional strategies, assessment techniques, working with parents, and meeting individual learner needs. Though a variety of topics are addressed during this session, the primary focus remains on classroom management. • Short talk by a former TIP teacher about the value of the induction process. This teacher West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice • entertains questions from the inductees and shares personal first-year experiences. Instructional Coaches, TISes, et.al. who are available delineate their particular area of responsibility and share contact information. TIP Facilitators will complete an interactive overview of the expectations from the County and specifically from the TIP Program. Included in this time will be a short overview which may include the following: • • • • Explanation of the Teacher Induction Program: Presented by TIP Facilitators. Local policies and procedures affecting the TIP. Human Resources will present this session. Center for Professional Development (CPD) scheduled support sessions are shared. RESA Training Components Sessions influenced by needs expressed by this county will be identified for TIP Teachers. Later in the year the school district may hire more first-year teachers. For those new teachers, a “streamlined” one-day initial induction session is conducted. Additional support will be provided by teacher coaches, TIP Facilitators and TIP Leaders. In April, all Year 1 and Year 2 TIP Teachers attend a one/half day Review and Reflection meeting. On this day TIP Teachers present their “showcase” Portfolio of student work, lesson plans or activities that they have saved throughout the year. They have a combined reflection time where they may address ongoing concerns, share first-year teaching experiences, and receive additional materials. Participation in this meeting is required for the receipt of the Certificate which verifies their participation in the Mentoring Program mandated by WV State Law. Senate Bill 4236 legislation overrides past mentoring requirements for it is now a county wide approach instead of a school level program. During the second and third years of the induction process, the TIP Facilitators continue to work closely with the TIP Teachers. Classroom review and reflection are ongoing. In addition, second- and third-year teachers attend one session to receive further training in county sanctioned technology, authentic assessment, high-stakes testing, instructional strategies, and instructional planning/decision making. During one segment of each session, participants pose questions, voice concerns, seek solutions to common classroom problems, and share personal classroom experiences. The Teacher Induction Program will absorb costs for subs, and for materials presented to participants. Second-and third-year teachers still have the option of contacting either the Curriculum and Instruction Department or the Human Resources Department for any assistance they may need in their classrooms, and for access to resources for special projects, etc. Referrals to TIP Facilitators and teacher coaches are expected. TIP Leaders At each school site there will be a paid teacher, who offers guidance and assistance, and who will act as a liaison between the new teacher and the TIP Facilitators. At most schools, this will be a former TIP teacher who has completed training by the Center for Professional development and is West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice considered trained in the mentoring process. The new teacher’s particular grade level and content area are all considered in matching these on-site TIP Leaders with new teachers. These TIP Leaders are encouraged to attend the CPD training in order to obtain a “Master Mentor” certification. These “liaison” jobs will be posted and filled according to the requirements of WV Code §18A-4-7a. The TIP Leaders work collaboratively with TIP Facilitators in supporting the newly-hired teachers offering prepared resources. The intent is to provide new teachers with specific, immediate, nonthreatening feedback on their teaching performance. TIP FACILITATORS: Instructional Coaches/TISes/Central Office Staff Wood County has Instructional Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists assigned for its K-12 schools. These educators spend their time in classrooms conducting demonstration lessons, observing, providing feedback, assisting teachers with classroom management plans, and lending their expertise to new teachers. Instructional Coaches will serve the TIP Program as TIP facilitators offering support and resources for the beginning teacher. Central Office staff will use their expertise to provide the “Wood County” way to coaches and specialists. Wood County is fortunate, in that these educators make the program much more effective than just with the Teacher Leaders or “mentors” alone. New teachers are not always trained in the strategies that the County has instituted and need the county-wide perspective. The Instructional Coaches and TISes also provide training on Best Practice Strategies that are part of the county staff development plan. West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice PLAN COMPONENT PERSON(S) RESPONSIBL E ACTION STEPS Year 1 Activities 1. Summer Introduction Session - Estimated 50 teachers ½ Day Session - August Beginning Teachers (Years 1 – 2) Human Resources Topics: Introduction of administrators, central office staff, TIP facilitators and others Explanation of TIP and expectations for completion District policies, county procedures, strategic plan District philosophy and mission statements Folder of vital information prepared by Human Resources Department Contacts at Central Office - who to go to for information Management Information Systems Topics: Technology Program Preview Edline Email addresses Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources FUNDING SOURCE ☐Title I ☐ Title II ☐Sp. Ed. ☐CTE xCounty xMentoring ☐Other: Click to explain other source(s) Technology Integration Specialists West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen EVIDENCE OF IMPACT Evidence: 1. Attendance rosters and materials 2. Agenda and attendance rosters 3. Workshop attendance roster 4. Strategies identified by TIP Leaders and TIP facilitators 5. TIP Facilitators identify strategies to be retaught to beginning teachers 6. TIP Facilitators identify modeling/demo of strategies based upon needs identified 7. Review of work and feedback to determine further needs Support for Improving Professional Practice Full day session - August The following topics will be introduced: Each training contains components from Domain 1 - Planning and Preparation, Domain 2 - The Classroom Environment, Domain 3 - Instruction and Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities from Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Mentoring. Domain 1 will be continuously addressed by their TIP leaders throughout the induction process. Instructional Coaches C&I Team Planning and Preparation Demonstrating Knowledge of Student o Knowledge of the Learning Process o Knowledge of Students’ Interest Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources o Resources for Classroom Use o Resources for Students Designing Coherent Instruction o Learning Activity o Instructional Materials and Resources o Instructional Groups o Lessons and Unit Structure The Classroom Environment Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport o Teacher interaction with students o Student interactions with one another Managing Classroom Procedures West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice o Management of Instruction groups o Management of transitions o Management of materials and supplies Instruction Communicating with Students o Expectations for Learning o Directions and procedures Engaging Students in Learning o Activities and Assignments o Grouping of Students o Instructional Materials and Resources o Standards based instruction o Structure and Pacing o Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum Professional Responsibilities Communicating with Families o Information About the Instructional Program o Information About Individual Students o Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program Reflecting on Teaching o Beginning a professional portfolio First week’s planning How to have your classroom ready Getting to know your students How to teach procedures Setting positive expectations Lesson planning Where to go for help White book (Wood County curriculum/instruction expectations) and New Teacher Survival guide resources West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice Review of resources included in these texts Many of the resources included in the texts will be referenced when addressing the topics above. 2. Train Building Principals on TIP Plan 3. Review Workshop for TIP teachers ½ Day, 1st Semester Revisit the topics introduced during the initial full day session with specific emphasis in areas of need as determined by the TIP facilitators and TIP leaders. In addition, the following topics may be revisited. Total $: 26,955.00 The Classroom Environment Managing Student Behavior Expectations Monitoring of Student Behavior Response to Student Misbehavior Instruction Using Assessment to guide Instruction Assessment Criteria Monitoring Student Learning Feedback to Students (feed forward instead of feedback) Student Self-Assessment and West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice Monitoring of Progress Professional Responsibilities Maintaining a professional portfolio o Documentation Maintaining Accurate Records o Student Completion of Assignments o Student Progress in Learning o Non-Instructional records (i.e. attendance) Assistance with Instructional and Assessment Programs Math Talks Number Worlds Everyday Math Dibels WV Writes TechSteps Acuity SPL Technology Integration STAR assessments Teacher Reflection: Classroom management: strengths and weaknesses 4. Revisit strategies in individual meetings West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice 5. Planning with TIP Facilitator 6. Modeling/Teacher Demo of Strategy 7. Review Workshop ½ day, 2nd Semester Revisit the topics introduced during the initial full day session with specific emphasis in areas of need as determined by the TIP facilitators and TIP leaders. In addition, the following topics may be revisited. The Classroom Environment Establishing a Culture for Learning o The importance of content o Expectations for learning and Achievement o Student Pride in Work Instruction Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques o Quality of Questions o Discussion Techniques o Student participation Professional Responsibilities Maintaining a professional portfolio documentation Growing and Developing West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice Professionally o Enhancement of Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Skill o Receptivity to Feedback (feed forward: dialogue to move the teacher forward) from Colleagues o Service to the Profession Teacher Reflection: Assessment: Strengths and Weaknesses Mentor Teacher 8. Ongoing embedded support at the school level TIP Team Year Two Activities 1. Ongoing support w/ induction team and administration 2. Half day informal meeting with TIP facilitators at school 3. Interventions as necessary for struggling teachers 4. Half day group networking meetings each semester 5. Reflection and Feedback West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice Professional Development Offerings Teachers will choose and/or be assigned sessions from the professional development menu according to his/her professional growth and development plan. Sessions will be offered throughout 2013-2014. Menu items may include, but will not be limited: Implementation of the NxG Standards Technology Integration Classroom Management Instructional and Assessment Programs Content Seminars SPL Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum Content Literacy Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks Judy Johnson, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Year Three Activities Experienced Teachers (3+ Years) 1. Summer Induction Meeting for those not successfully completing Year 1 and Year 2 Robert K. Harris Assistant Superintendent ☐Title I ☐ Title II ☐Sp. Ed. ☐ CTE xCounty xMentoring ☐Other: Click to explain other West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Evidence: 1. Agenda and Attendance Roster 2. Professional Learning Communities expected to showcase beginning teacher. Staff development needs determined from this meeting. 3. Staff development needs determined by debriefing session Support for Improving Professional Practice , Human Resources source(s) 2. TIP Leaders meet for Professional learning communities ½ day Total $: 14,970 3. Tip Facilitators and administrator meet for end of year debriefing to determine if the teacher is awarded tenure. 1. Student teachers in need of intervention will be added to the Year 1 staff development Student Teachers 2. Pull College Supervisor of Student Teachers into Professional Learning Communities of Year 1 activities to see need for training in the education program. ☐Title I ☐ Title II ☐Sp. Ed. ☐ CTE Robert K. xCounty Harris, xMentoring ,Assistant Superintendent ☐Other: Click to explain Judy Johnson – other source(s) Director of Curriculum and Instruction Total $: 5,000.00 Evidence: 1. Supplied by persons responsible for staff development. 2. College provided copy of needs assessments for beginning teachers. Attachments to the Support for Improving Professional Practice: Detailed Budget; Flow-chart of Years 1,2,and 3 activities, Outline of Professional Staff development activities, Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3. West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice Wood County Schools Support for Improving Professional Practice 2013-2014 Budget Considerations The budgeted cost for substitutes is estimated to be $133.00 per day. The estimated cost for .5 days of workshops for 1st year teachers (estimate of 50) computed at .5 days ($199.5.00 per teacher)……. $9,975.00 First year payment for Teacher Leaders is estimated to be…………………………………………………………………………………….. 5,000.00 Additional days for staff development for 2nd year new teachers is estimated to be (.5 day sessions per semester for 40 beginning teachers…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7,980.00 Second year payment for Teacher Leaders is estimated to be…………………………………………………………………………………. 4,000.00 3rd year teachers (substitute meetings for Professional Learning Communities………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11,970.00 Third year payment for Teacher Leaders (30 at $100 from state supplemental appropriation)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 3,000.00 TOTAL COST FOR THREE YEARS BEGINNING 2013-2014 ……………………………………………………………………………….. $41,925.00 For 50 new teachers the state will supply an estimated………………………………………………………………………………………… -$30,000.00 Estimated local share cost for subs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. $11,925.00 Additional expenditures for supplies, resource books and materials……………………………………………………………………….... West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen $1,825.00 Support for Improving Professional Practice Travel to CPD training sessions for beginning teachers and TIP Leaders………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. $ 3,000.00 Student Teachers (materials for training and stipends for presenters)……………………………………………………………………….... $ 5,000.00 The total ESTIMATED LEA SHARE for this program for 2013-2014 is estimated at……………………………………………………….. $21,750.00 DISTRICT PLANNING COMMITTEE Robert K. Harris, Assistant Superintendent – Human Resources Judy Johnson, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Kim Mathews, Curriculum Coordinator Tammy McKnight, Curriculum Coordinator Kevin Campbell, Principal – Hamilton Middle School Joe Oliverio, Principal – Worthington Elementary Robin Stout, Teacher Coach Mary Weber, Teacher Coach Robin Goldsberry, Teacher Coach Mindy Wilson, Principal – Waverly School Karen Brunicardi, Director of Elementary Schools Mike Winland, Director of Secondary Schools West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen Support for Improving Professional Practice ENTER TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM SUMMER INTRO SESSION TRAINING FOR ON THE TIP PROCESS SCHEDULED WORKSHOP PULLOUTS .5 DAY PER SEMESTER SCHEDULE FOLLOW- UP - .5 day UNSUCCESSFUL USE OF STRATEGIES WOOD COUNTY SCHOOLS TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM YEAR ONE CONTINUED REVISIT STRATEGY IN INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS INTERVENTIONS FOR YEAR 2 PLANNING W/TIP FACILITATOR MODELING/ TEACHER DEMO CONTINUED INTERVENTIONS FOR YEAR 2 West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen REFLECTION AND FEEDBACK SUCCESS FUL COMPLETION YEAR 1 Support for Improving Professional Practice WOOD COUNTY SCHOOLS TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM YEAR TWO ONE DAY SUMMER SESSION ONE INFORMAL MEETING WITH INDUCTION FACILITATORS ONGOING SUPPORT AND COMMUNICATION W/INDUCTION TEAM AND ADMINISTRATION INTERVENTIONS AS NECESSARY FOR STRUGGLING TEACHERS REFLECTION AND FEEDBACK INTERVENTIONS AS NECESSARY FOR STRUGGLING TEACHERS SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION West Virginia Department of Education OF YEAR TWO Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen GROUP NETWORKING MEETINGS—.5 DAY EACH SEMESTER NON-REHIRE PROBATIONARY DETERMINED BY ADMINISTRATION AND TIP FACILITATOR Support for Improving Professional Practice WOOD COUNTY SCHOOLS TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM SELECTED THIRD YEAR TIP PARTICIPANTS “MENTOR” AT SUMMER INDUCTION MEETING YEAR THREE TIP LEADEERS MEET AS PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES TIP FACILITATOR AND ADMINISTRATOR MEET FOR END OF YEAR DEBRIEFING AND DECISION MAKING PROBATIONARY UNSUCCESSFUL NOT REHIRED West Virginia Department of Education Division of Educator Quality and System Support Office of School Improvemen END OF YEAR CELEBRATION FOR TEACHERS WHO ARE AWARDED TENURE