Sligo Tennis Club`s Newsletter The Monthly Racket May edition

Sligo Tennis Club’s Newsletter
The Monthly Racket May
News from around the club and all the latest
Dear Members,
Welcome to the award winning (subject to independent verification) May
edition of our Monthly Racket newsletter containing all the news from
Sligo Tennis Club. Lots and lots of news to catch up with this month, so I
had better get cracking then…
1. 200 Club Draw results for March and April
Winners for March
€250 Gerry Nicholson
€100 Tony Comiskey
€50 Pauline & Noel Gilmartin
€50 Glenn O’Brien
€50 Kathleen Healy
Winners for April
€250 Fergal Burke
€100 Shirley Reynolds
€50 Joe O’Brien
€50 Ken Higgins
€50 Kay Curley
Congratulations to all the winners, next draw is this
coming Thursday at 10pm in the our Club bartickets are still available, and remember if you’re not
in you cannot win (according to the best legal advice I
could get anyway)
2. Golf Classic
We recently had our golf classic at Co. Sligo
Golf Club and it was a great success. A huge
amount of work went into it in an attempt to
raise much needed funds for the club, a big thank you to Eamonn
McCafferty, John Scanlon, Dave Fleming, Christy Hennessy, Ger
Lowry and Edel McDermott (apologies if I have failed to mention
anyone else involved) who worked extremely hard, rolled up their
sleeves and generously gave of their time to help the club.
Sincere thanks also to the many people who entered
teams or who sponsored a tee, your goodwill and
kindness toward our club in these tough economic times
is much appreciated.
Photos from the event can be seen on our website (big thank you to Jeff Kaye who does such a great job
maintaining the site- I have received a small gratuity for plugging Jeff’s
3. Tennis News
‘Headlines from the Tramlines’
The West of Ireland Tennis Championships 2012 was a huge success,
sincere thanks to the West of Ireland tournament Committee and the
Tennis Committee for all their hard work in promoting the Club and
organising such a fantastic event. Sincere thanks to the sponsors of
the West of Ireland, George Mullan SIS Support in Sport (main
sponsor) and Dermot McDermott Solicitors I have included a report
on the weekend from Stephen Cunningham (I was going to say I
wrote it but I know he reads this) thanks Steve;
The eyes of the Irish Tennis Circuit were on Sligo last May bank holiday
weekend once again as players came from all over Ireland and beyond to
witness the highlight for tennis in the North West; the SIS Sports and
Dermot McDermott Solicitors West of Ireland Tennis Tournament. Sligo
Tennis Club has never looked as well thanks to its fantastic bunch of
volunteers which have helped to keep tennis rallying under Benbulben.
The tennis at all three levels of completion was of the highest level with
some of the best players in the country battling it out to be the West of
Ireland champion of 2012.
Congratulations must once again go to competition directors Marie
Farrell and Edel McDermott, and captain Liam Farrell and his hard
working team for a super human effort in organising 180 competitors who
played over three action pack days which concluded on time by Monday
It’s hard to pick out star players over the weekend but one cannot look
further than the impressive winners of the Ladies A and Men’s A singles
titles, who to quote a few very good club players seem to be playing a
different sport to the rest of us. It’s an example to anyone taking up the
game at any age that there are levels and standards for everyone to aim
for, and that the average club player can enjoy the level of tennis that the
top players were playing at over the weekend but should also get out on
court with the club coach so as to reach the best possible personal
performance levels.
In the Ladies A final the impressive number 1 seed Patricia Callen took
the title with some outstanding serving and baseline play from the
returning to form Kellie 0'Flynn .
The West of Ireland Men's title was won for a second year in a row by
Federico Raffo with some of the most impressive tennis seen at Sligo
Tennis Club for years, with Sligo man Glenn Norman who is currently
playing in Dublin a gallant runner up. A name for the future is local lad,
Noah Fleming. Noah was given a wild card and gave the fantastic
Federico Raffo his toughest game in the tournament. His performance
will give Noah real confidence when returning to the junior ranks over
the next few weeks. Noah's style manner and gracefulness in defeat will
also stand to him, and we look forward to more battles with Conor
Caheny, Frederico and co over the next few years.
The other single winners were as follows: - Chris Neill-Smith taking the
Men’s Singles from James Gillen 6-2 6-1; Matthew Flanagan won the
singles 3 defeating Rafal Ordan from the Cavan Club
The ladies B saw the very impressive Ann-Marie Breen power her way to
victory winning 6-3 6-2 in the final over the gutsy Therese Ruane; We
expect to see Ann-Marie in the top tier in 2013. Joy Cox was equally
impressive in the C section where she carried the tag of number 1 seed,
and impressively won the final 6-1 6-0 in the final over Jean Whyte .
There were some fine performances and winners in the doubles by local
Three Sligo men and a Donegal man made up the men’s doubles finals
when Glenn Norman and Francis Venzon took the Men’s A doubles from
Conor Caheny and Keith Hopkins. Marina Swann and Alex Esclante were
the club house favourites going into the final of the Mixed and they didn't
disappoint the spectators on the balcony taking the B doubles title from
the experienced duo of Billy Smith and Oonagh Colton.
Alex Esclante won many friends putting in large commutes for last year’s
tournament, and won even more this year doubling up with the ever
popular Stephen Cuthbertson to take the men’s B final in a thrilling
In the C section the Sligo brother and sister pairing of Katie and John
Hennessy took the Mixed C section and will be swiftly moving up to the
B section. They are looking forward to taking on other relatives next
year in what will have to be named the Hennessy mixed doubles section.
James Doyle and Mark Tully took the Men’s C doubles, and have been a
terrific combination in both club championships and West of Ireland over
the last three years.
Captain Liam Farrell thanked George and Jo Mullan of SIS Group for the
generous support, as well as Dermot Mc Dermott who continued as cosponsor.
All in all, the 2012 West was deemed a very successful event by both
local and visiting players, and is a tribute to the Sligo Tennis Club which
continues to go from strength to strength. Photos from the tournament
can be viewed on our website
More Tennis news!
In other Tennis News Stephen Cunningham has kindly supplied me with
some more tennis news (I think a career in
sports journalism beckons Steve)
After some of the closest Winter Leagues for year with all but one of the
4 sections going to the last day in some fantastic last day action .
The Ladies B was the exception to the rule with the Kay Curley in
sparkling form throughout the change of racket and string tension has
reinvented Kay's overall game (with Kay's scones
finishing top of the pile).Joan Grennan on 77 points just
held of the challenge of Elaine Kivlehan .The ladies A
saw Ann Mc Kiernan finish third but it was the big
hitting Noreen Cassidy that took the honours from Ger
Lowry with only 3 points separating these after a real ding dong battle
over the last few months .
The men’s B was another fantastic section and there were 5 or 6 men
trying to get on the honours list come the final day Patsy Elhinney
finished a creditable third with Micheal o Halloran and Conor o Grady
battling for the winners enclosure but it was the wise experienced
Michael O Halloran who took the title with a great scoring average
throughout the weeks, Conor o Grady returning to the sport finishing
second is one to keep an eye on.
The men’s A was the tightest section of all and the milder weather seen a
return of Winter League action for John Burke and he showed he has lost
no hunger for the sport where the stylish John took the title with his
lovely serve and punched volleyed tennis .Eammon Mc Cafferty had to
settle for second despite a great score of 77 with the Captain Liam Farrell
playing some of his best tennis finishing third .Many thanks to Ulster
Bank for their kind sponsorship once again.
Singles ladder
The singles ladder is now up and running and we have had a huge
response. So if you are taking part then thank you, if not, then tut
tut, stop watching TV and grab that racket and sign up for a group
ASAP. Many thanks to Padraig Hackett who organises the ladder
each year and who puts so much hard work into it. I would also
like to congratulate Padraig on his recent charity cycle in aid of
Haiti, raising vital money for the suffering people of Haiti in the
3.3 Junior Tennis Coaching- Summer Camps
We are now taking bookings for our summer camps (first two
weeks in July) suitable for children 5-11. Application forms can be
downloaded from our website or you can get them from reception
or if you hate using computers and have a dislike for driving or
walking I will post one out to you 
Summer camps are a great introduction to tennis for the childer
and will set them up nicely for our coaching programme which
will begin again in September. Full details can be seen on our
website for the summer camps. Cost is €75 for members and €85
euro for non –members for one week- times 10-2pm.
There next follows a shameless attempt at emotional blackmail;
Remember parents! tennis is a skill that your children will have
for life, so get them started by signing them up for our summer
camps and avoid any recriminations from them in the distant
future that ‘you didn’t care about them’  (ah the happy face, it
lets you get away with oh so much)
Cardio Tennis in association with Mullan’s
Spar, Bundoran Road
Cardio tennis has now started at the tennis club. Contact Alan
McCormack on 086-1957038. Full details can be got on Here’s the science bit;
It’s here and its cheap activity for members and non-members get
fit have fun and join the fun which is one of Europe s fastest
growing fitness programmes for all the family
Cardio Tennis is a series of tennis-based drills and activities played
to up-tempo music on a tennis court. It does not require tennis
skills, but is all about keeping your heart rate up, burning calories
and having fun. Whether the ball goes in or out is irrelevant as the
main purpose is to get fit.
Cardio Tennis includes a warm-up, cardio work out, and cool
down phases. If you are looking for a great new way to get in
shape and to burn calories, why not try Cardio Tennis?
There are drills for absolute beginners through to advanced
players, all of which provide you with a great cardio work out
while improving skill. Cardio Tennis is more fun than working out
in a gym or other forms of exercise.
Impressed? Then give Alan a bell, no wait you’d better ring him
instead as he doesn’t collect bells anymore
4. Badminton Bizz
Congratulations to the Badminton section and all
who took part on their fantastic achievements at the
national league finals. This was the culmination of
a great year for the badminton players at Sligo
Tennis Club- well done everyone
Thank you to Graeme Watt for providing the
following report;
Two teams from Sligo Tennis Club’s badminton section travelled to Badminton Ireland’s
National Headquarters in Baldoyle, Dublin on May 13th to compete in the Badminton Ireland
National Interleague Finals at Division 1 and Division 3 level.
This gathering of teams from all around the country represents the climax of the season for
badminton players and akin to any team setting foot on Croke Park soil it is an honour and
testament to a season of hard work and training for any team to reach the National
Interleague Finals in Baldoyle. STC badminton teams were not strangers to this hallowed turf
by any means though as the Club were Title holders from 2011 at Division 1 and Division 5
Levels. On this occasion the STC teams were vying to re-capture the Division 1 Title and to
attempt a fresh challenge at Division 3 level.
First up for STC’s Division 1 team was the Leinster champions, Mount Pleasant. Sligo got
off to a slow start with both Men’s Singles and Ladies Singles going to Mount Pleasant. Joseph
Keown and Fionnuala Scanlon both made brave attempts in these matches but the matchhardy opponents came through. The Men’s Doubles pairing of Jonathon Dolan and Graeme
Watt defeated Mount Pleasant’s Jonathon Ruddy and Mark Cobbe in 2 sets while the Ladies
Doubles pairing of Paula Watt and Victoria Stevens could not overcome the experienced
Mount Pleasant pair, Kirsty Kelly and Siobhan Grehan. Things looked grim for Sligo as they
were now 3-1 down going into the final 3 Mixed Doubles matches of the tie. This did not
dampen Sligo’s determination and they took 2 out of the 3 Mixed Doubles. Jonathon Dolan
and Francie Mahon took 1st Mixed Doubles in 2 sets and Paula Watt and Graeme Watt came
through a close 3 set match to capture 2nd Mixed Doubles. Victoria Stevens and Joseph
Keown were unlucky to be defeated in a tight encounter at 3rd Mixed.
Final result; Mount Pleasant 4 – Sligo 3.
The reigning Munster champions, UCC, awaited Sligo’s attention next. With 4 points already
under UCC’s belt upon defeating Mount Pleasant earlier, Sligo knew a win against UCC was
essential to be in contention to defend their Division 1 Title. Paula Watt took Ladies Singles in
fine form for Sligo. Men’s Singles went to UCC despite Danny Keown’s best efforts, as did
Ladies Doubles. Men’s Doubles again went to Sligo. This time it was 2 – 2 prior to the 3 Mixed
Doubles matches. The writing was on the wall, a win was required. The 1st Mixed pairing of
Francie Mahon and Jonathon Dolan really dug deep to triumph in a tough 3 set match against
UCC’s Ciara O’Connor and Colm Kelly. Paula Watt and Graeme Watt had a similar situation
and battled hard in a 3 set match only to lose narrowly in the end. Fortunately the 3rd Mixed
pairing of Victoria Stevens and Joseph Keown took their match in 2 sets. Final result; Sligo 4
– UCC 3.
This created the unusual situation of all 3 teams; UCC, Mount Pleasant and Sligo being on 7
points each. It was a tense time as the adjudicators performed a count-back on sets won by all
teams. The Sligo team could be heard in relief and celebration as it was announced that Sligo
had won with 18 sets, 2 sets clear of Mount Pleasant. What an achievement to retain this
coveted Title 2 years in a row.
It wasn’t all about Division 1 in Baldoyle, however, as Sligo’s Division 3 team were
simultaneously embroiled in their own battles further down the sports arena. The Sligo
Division 3 team were not caught in the traps by any means though as they defeated their
Munster opponents from Cork City, Melbourne, 7 – 0. Danny Keown and Claire Finnegan
both won their respective Singles matches. Similarly, in the Doubles ties, Conor Caheny and
Conor Scanlon, and Siobhan Parker and Rebecca McGillen overcame their opponents in 2
sets. Sligo also took the 3 Mixed Doubles matches with Rebecca McGillen and Conor Scanlon
in 1st Mixed and Marie McTiernan and Danny Keown in 3rd Mixed winning comfortably.
Sligo’s 2nd Mixed pairing of Siobhan Parker and Brian Caliendo had to battle hard to
overcome their Melbourne opponents and the tie was decided in a close 3rd set which Sligo
won 21 – 17.
With 7 points secured, Sligo were hot favourites going into the 2nd match against Leinster
Club, Carlow YM. This time, however, Sligo did not get it all their own way. Conor Caheny lost
out in Men’s Singles, as did Siobhan Parker and Rebecca McGillen in a long 3 set battle for
Ladies Doubles. The score levelled at 2 – 2 when Claire Finnegan took Ladies Singles along
with Danny Keown and Conor Scanlon in Men’s Doubles. Sligo needed only one out of the 3
Mixed ties to guarantee the Division 3 Title for the Connaught Club. As it happened, Sligo
took all 3 Mixed ties to defeat Carlow YM by a score line of 5-2 and capture the Division 3
National Interleague Title for Sligo.
Many thanks to John Dolan for Managing both teams on the day and to the Sligo
travelling supporters. Both teams greatly appreciated the support and management efforts.
The double National Interleague wins for STC Badminton has come as a result of a season
which seen a lot of competition, tournaments and training by the players. As always much
work is done off the court too to facilitate both Club and competitive events.
Many thanks to the Badminton Club Captain Victoria Stevens, Vice-Captain John
Dolan and Connaught representative Paul Dolan for their persistent efforts throughout
the 2011/2012 badminton season. This is to mention only a few of the active organisers within
STC Badminton as many others also have given their time and efforts to keep the Club active
and dynamic.
The sponsors who support the Club are crucial to the Club’s survival, without them Club
competitions would not be possible – thanks to Third Wave Music (O’Connell Street),
Maple Moose (Strandhill) and Voya (Strandhill) for their on-going support.
For more information on badminton in Sligo go to
or contact
Function room use for
The Member’s function room is free to all
members when you have 25 guests are
more for an event – so please think of your
club as THE VENUE for upcoming work functions or personal
celebrations. So if you are thinking of having a party then why not
have it here and help support the club.
6. Gift Vouchers
Membership Gift vouchers are now
available for purchase at the club. Green
fee vouchers also available see reception or
call 071-9162580 for details.
And finally, I would like to introduce a new section called ‘Joke of the
month’ here’s one to start you off;
What did the dog say when it sat on some sandpaper? ... Rufffffffff
If you can better that ‘cracker’ then email me one for the next ‘issue’, the
best one will get a voucher and lots and lots of fake praise…probably best
to send sport related jokes as it will help me keep my job
And finally yet again, follow the tennis club on Facebook and Twitter as
it helps me to sell you things- damn that truth serum I took earlier!
Till next time, happy tennis, badminton and squash playing to ye all and
good luck in the 200 draw
Management committee at Sligo Tennis Club
Eamonn McCafferty, Siobhan McDermott, Joe O'Brien, Edel McDermott,
Ger Lowry, James Doyle, Stephen Cunningham, John Burke, Martin
Captains: Liam Farrell (Tennis), John Kielty (Squash), Victoria Stevens