Supplemental information Literature values for mature, native or naturalised Eucalyptus trees of 28 species growing in a range of localities across the Australian continent as assembled for Table 1. Each species value for leaf P, K, Ca, Mg and S concentrations were derived from the following sources in the literature: Species E. agglomerata E. arenacea E. bosistoana E. botryoides E. cladocalyx E. consideniana E. crebra E. cypellocarpa E. diversicolor E. elata, E. fraxinoides E. globoidea E. gomphocephala E. grandis E. haemastoma E. marginata E. miniata E. moluccana E. muellerana E. obliqua E. pilularis E. piperita E. racemosa E. radiata E. sideroxylon E. sieberi E. tetrodonta E. viminalis Source Lambert and Turner (1983) Wright et al. (2013) Lambert and Turner (1983) Radho-Toly et al. (2001); Turner and Lambert (1983) Radho-Toly et al. (2001) Lambert and Turner (1983) Majer et al. (1992) Lambert and Turner (1983) Hingston et al. (1979), averaged for two stands on different soils Lambert and Turner (1983) Lambert and Turner (1983) (Lambert and Turner (1983) Radho-Toly et al. (2001) Turner and Lambert (2008) Turner and Lambert (1987) Hingston et al. (1981); Majer et al. (1992); O'Connell and Mendham (2004); Radho-Toly et al. (2001) Fensham and Bowman (1995) Majer et al. (1992) Lambert and Turner (1983) Lambert and Turner (1983) Lambert and Turner (1987); Turner and Lambert (2008) Lambert and Turner (1987) Westman and Rogers (1977) Turner and Lambert 2008, Lambert and Turner 1987) Lambert and Turner (1983) Lambert and Turner (1983; 1987) Fensham and Bowman (1995) Lambert and Turner (1983) References: Fensham RJ, Bowman DMJS (1995) A comparison of foliar nutrient concentration in trees from monsoon rainforest and savanna in northern Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 20: 335-339. Hingston FJ, Dimmock GM, Turton AG (1981) Nutrient distribution in a Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn Ex Sm) Ecosystem in southwest Western Australia. For Ecol Manage 3: 183-207. Hingston FJ, Turton AG, Dimmock GM (1979) Nutrient distribution in karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.) ecosystems in southwest Western Australia. For Ecol Manage 2: 133-158. Lambert MJ, Turner J (1983) Soil nutrient-vegetation relationships in the Eden area, N.S.W.: III. Foliage nutrient relationships with particular reference to Eucalyptus subgenera. Australian Forestry 46: 200– 209. Lambert MJ, Turner J (1987) Suburban development and change in vegetation nutrient status. Australian Journal of Botany 12: 193-196. Majer JD, Recher HF, Ganeshanadam S (1992) Variation in foliar nutrients in Eucalytpus trees in eastern and Western Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 17: 383-393. O'Connell AM, Mendham DS (2004) Impact of N and P fertilizer application on nutrient cycling in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forests of southwestern Australia. Biology and Fertility of Soils 40: 136-143. Radho-Toly S, Majer JD, Yates C (2001) Impact of fire on leaf nutrients, arthropod fauna and herbivory of native and exotic eucalypts in Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia. Austral Ecology 26: 500-506. Turner J, Lambert MJ (1983) Nutrient cycling within a 27-year old Eucalyptus grandis plantation in New South Wales. . For Ecol Manage 6: 155–168. Turner J, Lambert MJ (2008) Nutrient cycling in age sequences of two Eucalyptus plantation species. For Ecol Manage 255: 1701–1712. Westman WE, Rogers RW (1977) Nutrient stocks in a sub-tropical Eucalypt forest, North Stradbroke Island. Australian Journal of Ecology 2: 447-460. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1977.tb01160.x. Wright TE, Kasel S, Tausz M, Bennett LT (2013) Leaf traits of Eucalyptus arenacea (Myrtaceae) as indicators of edge effects in temperate woodlands of south-eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 61: 365-375.