Química Biorgânica – 2009 Programa Horário: 4 feiras: 14:30-17:30 hs. Local: Instituto de Química, Sala 03 Bl. 06 Inferior aula 1 Data Tópicos 07/10 Apresentação do curso. Aspectos gerais da química de produtos naturais. Evolução biológica. Biossíntese de lipídeos. 2 14/10 Seminários de alunos. 4 21/10 Policetídeos aromáticos. Reações de condensação. Uso de marcação isotópica em estudos de biossíntese. Discussão de problemas. 5 23/10 Seminários de alunos (continuação). (9:00 h) 5 28/10 Via do ácido chiquímico. Compostos fenólicos em geral. Flavonóides. Fenilpropanóides, lignanas, neolignanas e análogos. Reações de acoplamento oxidativo. Discussão de problemas. 6 04/11 Biossíntese de terpenóides: mono- e sesquiterpenos. Biossíntese de terpenóides: triterpenos, tetraterpenos e esteróides. Discussão de problemas. 7 06/11 Discussão de problemas. (9:00 h) 8 18/11 Alcalóides derivados da ornitina e lisina. Reações de Mannich. Alcalóides derivados de aminoácidos aromáticos. Discussão de problemas. 9 25/11 Não haverá aulas. 10 02/12 Seminários de alunos. e-mail: majokato@iq.usp.br; 3818-3813 Referências Croteau, R., Kutchan T. M. and Lewis N. G. (2000) Natural Products (Secondary Metabolites). In Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants, B. Buchanan, W. Gruissem, R. Jones, Eds., American Society of Plant Physiologists. Dewick, P. M. (2002) Medicinal Natural Products - A Biosynthetic Approach. Second Edition John Wiley & Sons Ltd. England. Geissman, T.A. & Crout, D.H.G (1969) Organic Chemistry of Secondary Plant Metabolism. Freeman, Cooper & Company. California. 591 p. Luckner, M. (1990) Secondary Metabolism in Microorganism, Plants and Animals. VEB Gustav Fisher Verlag Jena. Mann J. (1994) Chemical Aspects of Biosynthesis. Oxford Science Publications, p. 92. Aula 1 (evolução biológica): Orgel, L. E., 1998. The origin of life - a review of facts and speculations. Trends Biochem. Sci. 23, 491-495. Segre, D., Lancet, D., 2000. Composing life. EMBO Rep. 1, 217-222. Torchet, C., Maurel, M.-C., 2007. RNAs in Extreme Environments. Chem. Biodiversity 4, 1957-1971. Anet, F. A., 2004. The place of metabolism in the origin of life. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 8, 654659. Trevors, J. T., 2003. Early assembly of cellular life. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 81, 201-217. Deamer, D., Dworkin, J. P., Sandford, S. A., Bernstein, M. P., Allamandola, L. J., 2002. The first cell membranes. Astrobiology 2, 371-381. Koonin, E. V., 2007. The Biological Big Bang model for the major transitions in evolution. Biol. Direct 2:21. Deamer, D., 2009. On the origin of systems - Systems biology, synthetic biology and the origin of life. EMBO Rep. 10, S1-S4. Firn, R. D., Jones, C. G., 2009. A Darwinian view of metabolism: molecular properties determine fitness. J. Exp. Bot. 60, 719-726. Hartmann, T., 2007. From waste products to ecochemicals: Fifty years research of plant secondary metabolism. Phytochemistry 68, 2831-2846. Aula 4 (policetídeos): Bentley, R., Bennett, J. W., 1999. Constructing polyketides: From Collie to combinatorial biosynthesis. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 53, 411-446. Hertweck, C., 2009. The Biosynthetic Logic of Polyketide Diversity. Angewandte ChemieInternational Edition 48, 4688-4716. Yu, O., Jez, J. M., 2008. Nature's assembly line: biosynthesis of simple phenylpropanoids and polyketides. Plant J. 54, 750-762. Staunton, J., Weissman, K. J., 2001. Polyketide biosynthesis: a millennium review. Nat. Prod. Rep. 18, 380-416. Aula 5 (via do ácido chiquímico): Ferrer, J. L., Austin, M. B., Stewart, C., Noe, J. P., 2008. Structure and function of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46, 356-370. Boudet, A.-M., Evolution and current status of research in phenolic compounds. Phytochemistry 68, 2722-2735. Wilson, D. J., Patton, S., Florova, G., Hale, V., Reynolds, K. A., 1998. The shikimic acid pathway and polyketide biosynthesis. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 20, 299-303. Aula 6 (terpenoides): Eisenreich, W., Rohdich, F., Bacher, A., 2001. Deoxyxylulose phosphate pathway to terpenoids. Trends Plant Sci. 6, 78-84. Kuzuyama, T., 2002. Mevalonate and nonmevalonate pathways for the biosynthesis of isoprene units. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 66, 1619-1627. Eisenreich, W., Bacher, A., Arigoni, D., Rohdich, F., 2004. Biosynthesis of isoprenoids via the non-mevalonate pathway. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 61, 1401-1426. Withers, S. T., Keasling, J. D., 2007. Biosynthesis and engineering of isoprenoid small molecules. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 73, 980-990. Aula 8 (alcaloides): Kutchan, T. M., 1995. Alkaloid biosynthesis - The basis for metabolic engineering of medicinal plants. Plant Cell 7, 1059-1070. Facchini, P. J., 2001. Alkaloid biosynthesis in plants: Biochemistry, cell biology, molecular regulation, and metabolic engineering applications. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 52, 29-66. Facchini, P., Bird, D., Bourgault, R., Hagel, J. M., Liscombe, D., MacLeod, B. P., Zulak, K. G., 2005. Opium poppy: a model system to investigate alkaloid biosynthesis in plants. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique 83, 1189-1206. Zenk, M. H., Juenger, M., 2007. Evolution and current status of the phytochemistry of nitrogenous compounds. Phytochemistry 68, 2757-2772. Referências complementares: Bentley, R., 1999. Secondary metabolite biosynthesis: The first century. Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. 19, 1-40. Scott, A. I., 1996. Travels of an organic chemist along nature's pathways. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 4, 965-985. Battersby, A. R., 1996. The marvels of biosynthesis: Tracking nature's pathways. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 4, 937-964.