Finite Mathematics Ms. Paton 727-5900 ext. 363 eChalk Directory Class Pages Mathematics Finite Course Goal: To teach the mathematical skills and applications needed to help you succeed in college mathematics and life. Requirements: Textbook: Finite Mathematics Notebook (including graph paper) Graphing Calculator: TI 83+/TI84+ HOMEWORK POLICY Powerschool “100” indicates that student completed homework satisfactorily “0” indicates that student either did not do or did not complete homework assignment satisfactorily 1 Missing Assignment = Make-up during lunch (no credit) 3 Missing Assignments = After School Detention NO MAKE-UP FOR CREDIT UNLESS ABSENT Grading Policy: 20% Participation 20% Homework 20% Quizzes 20% Tests/Projects 20% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% Failure = Summer School 1st Marking Period 2nd Marking Period 3rd Marking Period 4th Marking Period Midterm Final **Seniors are required to complete all assigned work and obtain a passing grade in order to graduate Extra Help available period 7 or after school by appointment.