Curriculum report July 2014 - Allerton Bywater Primary School

Rationale for ‘New Curriculum’ Our Mission Statement
At Allerton Bywater Primary School we believe it is a place where everyone is valued and
cared for as an individual, their views are respected and where children are at the centre of
all we do. We allow the uniqueness in each individual to flourish through a happy, safe and
stimulating environment where everyone can meet their personal goals and full potential:
intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally, morally and spiritually. Through a positive
community ethos we listen, engage and nurture a can-do attitude in order to prepare our
children for their future lives, enabling enjoyable learning within the context of a rapidly
changing technological society.
In the mission statement (above) it is stated that ABPS is a ‘place where everyone is valued
and cared for as an individual, their views are respected and where children are at the
centre of all we do.’ So when reviewing the curriculum to draw it in line with the ‘New
National Curriculum 2014’ the needs of our children were paramount.
For the previous two years the school had followed a ‘two year’ circular curriculum. When
reviewing this it did not fit in with the ‘New National Curriculum’ (Statutory Sept 2014)
Looking at the ‘New National Curriculum’, considering the needs of our children (slightly
more boys than girls), identifying the history of our locality and the demographics of the
‘Millennium Village’ alongside our traditional catchment area, a new curriculum needed to
be put together.
Starting with the needs of our children, asking them what they wanted to learn, looking at
the different areas of the curriculum it was decided to alternate History and Geography
every half term. As well as alternating Art and DT. In Art we covered through the year the
different techniques of, drawing, painting and collage (Cycle 1). In DT coverage was
designing, making and evaluation.
To share this plan it was decided to give every member of staff a comprehensive half term
plan. Every plan given was following the same theme across the school but differentiated
for every year group. These differentiated objectives for every subject were taken from the
‘NNC’ document. The ‘Curriculum Planning Team’ ensured that there was progression and
As the curriculum was developed throughout cycle 1 it was decided that within the context
of History and Geography it should always start with where our children are. Using our links
within the community (Sliver Friends became especially important) this enabled our children
to ‘Time line’ events linking with what they know with what has happened before.
This was also the same with Geography starting within our own village its mining history and
following this with wider implications of mining history not only in Yorkshire but across the
country for our older children.
The children were asked their opinion of the topics and as well asking them for their own
topics they would like to study. It is this list we are using to feed into our planning meetings.
At the end of this first year (July 2014) speaking to staff they have felt all the changes have
been positive. Our children have engaged in learning, been on trips, experienced practical
learning, enjoyed asking and answering questions and produced some quality display work
as well as interesting ‘show’ assemblies.
Questions need to be asked regarding the second year of this curriculum. How do we
develop and include more of the statutory topics as well as ensuring we are meeting the
needs of our children. How do we ensure coverage of the whole curriculum over the 2
years? Are we ensuring our children are answering all the questions, who, when, why,
what, where and how? Are all subjects covered equally? Are we sure we have adequate
‘Teacher Knowledge?’ With also the new ICT curriculum we need to ensure coverage of both
specific ICT subjects as well as ICT across the curriculum?
LF July 14