Policies—Rockford Health Medical Laboratories (RHML) Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) for Medicare Coverage The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has established a standardized ABN that ensures that the patient understands that he/she may be responsible for payment if the test is considered to be medically unnecessary by Medicare. The ABN identifies the limited coverage laboratory test(s) and gives the reason(s) the test(s) is likely to be denied. In order for the patient to make an informed decision whether or not to receive the service, the ABN provides 2 options. • States that the patient chooses to have the service performed and understands that he/she is personally responsible for payment in the event Medicare denies payment. • States that the patient refuses to have the service performed and will notify his/her doctor of that decision. If a Medicare patient seen at a Rockford Health Medical Laboratory (RHML) patient service center refuses to sign an ABN, the service generally will not be performed. If reimbursement is denied due to lack of medical necessity documentation, Medicare rules prohibit the laboratory or health care provider from billing the patient unless an ABN has been signed and dated prior to the service. As applicable, an ABN must be completed each time services are ordered. A blanket ABN is not acceptable to the Medicare program. Billing—CPT Codes The CPT codes published in this directory are provided for informational purposes only. The codes reflect our interpretation of CPT coding requirements and should be individually assessed prior to adoption by any other billing agency. Customer Service The customer service specialists can provide you with information regarding: • Specimen requirements, including special handling procedures • Test results • Status of testing in progress • Fees or billing policies • Availability of unlisted tests • Procedures for adding tests to specimens that have already been received in the laboratory • Outpatient facilities Please call RHML Customer Service Department at 815-971LABS (5227). Your questions will receive immediate attention. When necessary, our customer service specialists will promptly direct your call to a medical technologist or to one of our pathologists Courier Services Courier service is provided to our clients. We will tailor a schedule to meet the individual needs of your office. We offer STAT pick-up and testing. Critical Values Critical values are defined as test results that may present a lifethreatening risk to the patient requiring immediate communication. All critical values will be called to the direct care giver (clinically responsible person) as soon as the laboratory becomes aware of the results. The person receiving the result is required to read-back the critical value result(s) and identify themselves. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) RHML has implemented policies, processes, and procedures designed to ensure compliance with HIPAA. Medicare Coverage of Laboratory Services When ordering tests that are billed to Medicare/Medicaid, the following requirements apply: • Only tests that are medically necessary for diagnosis or treatment of patient should be ordered. Medicare does not pay for screening tests except for certain approved procedures. A Medicare fee schedule is available upon request. Medicaid reimbursement amount will be equal or less than the amount of Medicare reimbursement. • If a test is considered medically unnecessary by Medicare, the patient must be informed and must sign an Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) indicating that he or she will be responsible for cost of test (See Advance Beneficiary Notice for more information). A copy of the signed ABN must accompany the specimen. • All test orders must have an ICD-9 diagnosis code, or sign and symptom description. • Organ or disease related panels should be ordered and billed only when all components of panel are medically necessary and justified by ICD-9 code. Release of Results to Patients Specimen Labeling It is preferred that the ordering physician office release patient results. However, results may be released directly to the patient if the patient signs a release authorization form at one of our patient service centers. Please contact our Customer Service Department at 815-971-LABS (5227) for more information. Each specimen received at RHML is carefully inspected for proper labeling prior to testing. To ensure specimen integrity, patient safety, and adhere to the requirements of various regulatory and accrediting agencies, it is essential that proper specimen labeling procedures be followed. Each specimen submitted for testing must be labeled with the following information: Reporting Most frequently ordered tests are completed and reported within 24 hours after receipt of specimens in our laboratories. Those requiring longer testing time are reported as soon as results are available. RHML uses computerized reporting systems including chartready printouts with age and sex-adjusted reference ranges for comparison. For most procedures, abnormal quantitative results are “flagged.” Test results may be delivered by various means. Please consult with our sales representative. • Electronic Reports: All results are displayed in the Rockford Health System Clinical Data Repository (CDR). Many clients will receive results via online software in their offices. • Telephone: When the client specifies “Call Results” in writing on the test request form, or when laboratory personnel determine that telephoned results will provide optimal service. (Printed results follow with regularly scheduled report deliveries.) • Telecommunications From Our Central Computer: RHML operates a network of remote tele-printers. We welcome the opportunity to install a printer in qualified client locations to enable on-site printing of reports. • First-class mail • Facsimile: Please specify “Fax Results” in writing on the test requisition. Scheduled Tests The following tests must be scheduled: • Sweat chloride • Osmotic fragility • Semen analysis Please call Rockford Health Laboratories at 815-971-LABS (5227) to schedule an appointment. • Patient name • Unique identifier such as medical record number • Date of birth • Date and time of collection and collector’s initials • Culture specimens, please indicate source and site (ie, source-wound, site-left arm) Specimen Rejection Our goal is to ensure that all specimens submitted to the laboratory are of the highest quality and are collected, labeled, and transported in the proper manner. Upon receipt, each specimen is carefully inspected for specimen acceptability. The laboratory reserves the right to reject specimens, which may affect the quality of results. Reasons for specimen rejection, include the following: • • • • Unlabeled or improperly labeled specimen container Grossly hemolyzed specimen Specimens collected in the incorrect tube or container Specimens not accompanied by the proper completed test request form • Specimens not collected with proper patient preparation • Specimens not delivered to the laboratory within the required time frame or at proper temperature If a mislabeled or unlabeled specimen is one that cannot be recollected (ie, spinal fluid, biopsy specimen), the laboratory will allow re-labeling by the person who collected the specimen. In all other cases, the ordering physician office will be notified of the specimen problem or rejection. This may result in reporting delays. Specimen Transport To assure the highest quality of laboratory testing, all specimens should be delivered promptly to the laboratory after collection. Please refer to specific transport information for individual tests, including allowable transport time, proper containers, and temperature. A convenient courier schedule will be supplied to all clients. In order to follow all federal and health system guidelines regarding patient and worker safety, all specimens must be transported in a proper manner. Specimens must be transported in a tightly sealed container with no external contamination or spillage within a closed biohazard bag. Centrifuged specimens need to remain upright at all times. The test requisition should be placed in the pocket of biohazard bag. Standing Orders RHML will accept standing orders, and they will be tracked electronically. Required information includes: • • • • • • • • • • • Date order is written Patient’s complete name Patient’s date of birth Patient’s medical record number, if applicable Physician’s name Physicians signature Test(s) Frequency of testing Test-specific ICD 9 codes Any special instructions or other pertinent information Stop date if less than one year All standing orders are only valid for one year from the date order is written. Test Requisition Many RHML clients are able to submit orders to the laboratory and patient service centers via online software. Please consult the connectivity solution manual or call our Customer Service Department for assistance. For clients who do not utilize online connectivity, printed requisition forms are available for routine clinical, histological, and cytological testing. Printed requisition forms are available by calling our Customer Service Department at 815-971-LABS (5227). Using these forms ensures timely and accurate processing of your order, specimens, and results. Orders not sent with the patient may be forwarded to an outpatient service center by mail or facsimile (see “Locations and Hours of Operation” [p. 4] for a listing of addresses and fax numbers). Please include the following information on all test requisitions: • Date specimens are to be collected (include time if applicable) • For collected specimens: — Date and time of collection and source of specimen — Patient’s complete name — Patient’s gender — Patient’s date of birth — Patient’s complete mailing address — Responsible party’s/insured’s name and address if other than patient — Ordering physician’s name, address, and signature — Ordering physician’s NPI number — List all applicable ICD-9 diagnosis codes to their highest level of specificity for each test ordered — Complete name of the insurance company and address — Medicare, Medicaid, or insurance/managed care (HMO) insured ID member number as it appears on the insurance card — Group/policy number as it appears on the insurance card (a copy of both sides of the insurance card may be provided) Test Turnaround Time Turnaround time is critical to patient care and is an important component to our quality assurance program. Turnaround time is the interval between specimen receipt in the laboratory and results reporting. STAT Testing • Whole blood: <30 minutes • Plasma: <45 minutes • Serum: <60 minutes • Gram Stain: <60 minutes • Rapid infectious antigen tests: <60 minutes Verbal Orders Verbal or telephone orders are allowed in situations in which the patient requires immediate treatment. We require that all verbal/telephone orders be given to our Customer Service Representatives at 815-971-LABS (5227). All verbal and telephone orders will be read back to the caller for verification and accuracy. These orders are followed up with a letter to the ordering physician requesting written authorization within 30 days of the oral request. Please phone all verbal orders to our Customer Service Representatives at 815-971-LABS (5227).