Oct. 26 Syllabus

26th October 2015
AP Lang, Period 5 Syllabus
Oct 22 (Th)
(Mrs. M. Late—
Field Trip)
Oct 23 (F)
Oct 26 (M)
HW: Solidify topic IDEA for Argument Essay (to hand in for
feedback!) and begin research
Yet more Toulmin: “When Did Compromise Become a Dirty
Word?” + Worksheet (to hand in)
Vocab Review H & J in teams
Share topic idea with a partner, who will offer any suggestions
for improvement
HW: Revise your topic and begin filling in a Toulmin outline with
specific ideas for essay. Bring three sources and rough outlines
for Monday.(Type your own, separate outline.)
 Vocab H & J Quiz
HW: PCAR; Continue to work on Argument Essay—REVISED
outlines due
 PCAR due
 Work with partner to peer edit outlines and evaluate each
other’s sources. Search for additional research
 Writing conferences
 Doggie draft pair and share activity
 Writing conference with instructor
 Vocabulary Activity: A and B word roots (Kaplan)—quiz next
 Practice exercises and reverse paragraphing using Civil War
medicine article
 Revise use of quotations in rough drafts. Citations as needed.
HW: Vocabulary Quiz #1
 Individual and team quiz on A and B word roots
 Freewrite #4
HW: Read “A Modest Proposal” and “A Nation in Need of
Vacation” and complete PCAR chart
 Collect HW PCARs.
 Mini-lesson on varying sentence structure (Purdue Online
Writing Lab). Sentence analysis sheet to attach to rough draft.
 In-class reading of Chapter 3 on voice (pp. 59-63). Write a brief
description of the voice that is used in each of the two
homework readings and how they affect the arguments
 Select exercises from the textbook (pp. 63-65)
 Go back to your rough draft. In pairs, read aloud own work.
Partners characterize the voice used.
HW: Journal—How did your partner characterize the voice used
in your draft? Is this what you expected/intended? What about
your writing expressed this voice? Does that voice make your
argument more/less effective? Non-fiction PCAR due.
 Collect Non-fiction PCAR
 Punctuating and interacting with text as reading strategies.
 Students read and punctuate series of readings on
homelessness (pp. 582-589)
 In teams, fill out a PCAR for each essay and then decide which
of the two essays is more effective in its arguments, and be
able to say why using the vocabulary of rhetoric and academic
 HW: Final drafts of persuasive essay due, with all preceding
drafts attached, due on October 2.
 Freewrite #5
 Revisit student Kundera responses. Journal: Knowing now
what you do about argument and persuasive writing in
general, how would you change/revise how you responded to
this prompt? What did you do effectively at the start?
 In-class response to AP argument prompt. Be sure to preplan!!
 HW: Final drafts of persuasive essay due Sept. 30. Bring digital
version tomorrow for activity.
 Mini-lesson: Grammar Diagnostic follow-up Parts of Speech
 Gunning Fog Index introduction and calculation. Discuss the
 Work Session: Persuasive Essay
HW: All drafts of persuasive essay (final on top)
 Collect persuasive essay final drafts (with prior drafts attached;
turnitin.com submission before midnight). Label Toulmin
 Freewrite/Journal #6: Reflection on process of writing
persuasive essay. Which lessons/concepts did you have the
most difficulty with? Which class activity/lesson helped you
improve your essay the most? What do you think is the
biggest strength in your persuasive writing at this point?
HW: PCAR (Thursday this week!)
 Collect PCAR
 Freewrite #7
 Discussion on importance of analysis, and definition of
“literacy history”
 Read Mulvaney essay on analysis, and write a journal entry
sharing your “literacy history” (finish for HW)
 Individual and team quiz on Mulvaney essay. Follow-up
 Voluntary sharing of literacy histories
 Vocabulary Activity: C and E word roots (Kaplan)
HW: Vocabulary Quiz