Template 2: Qualification Change Template 2011 (for 2012)

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Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Template 2: Qualification Change Template 2011 (for 2012)
Proposal Description
Purpose of the proposal
The purpose of this proposal is to permit students who hold an undergraduate honours degree in a related discipline to
enrol for the MSc in Speech and Language Sciences.
The existing structure of the MSc degree consists of one course and a thesis totalling 1.00 EFTS. The MSc thesis
“CMDS695” (0.875 EFTS) requires students to undertake intensive research in a chosen area of speech and language
sciences. The topic of theses completed for CMDS 695 can be wide-ranging covering normal or disordered aspects of
communication sciences and disorders. The course, CMDS 605 “Advanced Clinical Practicum, Supervision and
Administration” (0.125 EFTS), provides students with administrative and research training in speech and language
therapy. As part of CMDS 605, students are required to complete a clinical research project directed towards a specific
area of clinical supervision or administration in the field of speech and language therapy. It is the CMDS 605 component
of the existing MSc degree that necessitates a student hold an undergraduate honours degree in speech and language
therapy as a prerequisite for entry.
The purpose of this proposal is to permit students who hold an undergraduate honours degree in a related discipline to
enrol for the MSc in Speech and Language Sciences by adding a non-clinical course to the degree regulations.
Specifically, CMDS 605 will be replaced with CMDS 604 “Research Design” (0.09 EFTS), which is a course currently
offered within the Department of Communication Disorders to first-year students enrolled in the Master of Audiology
(MAud) degree programme. This course focuses on the development of research questions and the design of research
projects in communication sciences and disorders. Most of the students currently enrolled in this course do not hold an
undergraduate degree in speech and language therapy. Students admitted into the MSc in Speech and Language
Sciences who choose to enrol for CMDS 604 (0.09 EFTS) would also enrol for CMDS 696 with a higher EFTS weighting
(0.91 EFTS). The focus and delivery of the thesis research will remain unchanged.
This alternative MSc option would be open to students who hold an undergraduate honours degree (or equivalent) in
related disciplines such as biology, engineering, psychology, linguistics, physics, education, and health sciences or other
areas deemed acceptable by the Head of Department. Students who hold an existing undergraduate qualification in
speech and language therapy may also choose this alternative option.
The MSc in Speech and Language Sciences is not a degree in “speech therapy.” Students who pursue an MSc in Speech
and Language Sciences are interested in obtaining a focused research experience in one of the many areas
encompassing the field of communication sciences and disorders. This research is not confined to disorders of speech
and language. Examining normal aspects of speech and language is also highly relevant, particularly within the
framework of establishing a baseline of normalcy in which to evaluate speech and language disorders. At present, the
MSc degree is confined to individuals who hold a clinical qualification in speech and language therapy. The degree was
originally structured to provide qualified speech-language therapists with a concentrated thesis experience (i.e., CMDS
695), as well as further in-depth training in clinical supervision and administration (i.e.CMDS 605). Upon completion of
the MSc, students have acquired specialised knowledge in a particular facet of speech and language, as well as obtaining
additional clinical experience. The majority of these graduates re-enter the workforce as speech-language therapists,
some of whom take leadership roles within various health and educational work settings. A small portion of these
graduates enrol for a PhD in Speech and Language Sciences.
There has been continuous demand both nationally and internationally from students who do not hold a clinical
qualification in speech and language therapy to obtain a postgraduate degree in speech and language sciences. At
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present, this option is only available at the PhD level. However, these students typically do not have sufficient research
experience in speech and language sciences for direct entry to the PhD. The educational background of these students is
suitable for a wide range of research possibilities in speech and language sciences. Yet, these students are prevented
from pursuing an MSc in Speech and Language Sciences because of the current entry restrictions. By replacing the
clinical research component of the degree (CMDS 605) with a non-clinic research component (CMDS 604), the entry
requirements for the MSc in Speech and Language Sciences would be modified so as to permit suitably qualified
students into the programme. There is a high likelihood that many of these students would eventually enrol for a PhD in
Speech and Language Sciences.
This proposal reflects the UC Statement of Strategic Intent and the UC Strategic Plan 2011-2013,
Challenge/Concentrate/Connect, by promoting research opportunities for students and staff.
Consultation on this proposal was obtained from the Department of Communication Disorders Teaching & Learning
Committee and the University of Canterbury Student Association. Both groups were supportive of the proposal. This
proposal builds on consultation from 2010 for the change from a Master of Speech and Language Therapy (MSLT) to an
MSc in Speech and Language Sciences.
Goals of the programme
The goal of the MSc in Speech and Language Sciences is to offer students who hold either a 4-year qualification in
Speech and Language Therapy or students with an undergraduate honours degree in a related discipline to undertake
concentrated research in a specific area of speech and language sciences.
Graduate profile
The graduate profile is compatible with the existing graduate profile for graduates for the MSc:
Personal attributes:
 Demonstrate advanced knowledge of a subject of science and an ability to apply scientific principles and
 Independently solve problems through the application of scientific knowledge and methods
 Demonstrate the ability to think independently
 Demonstrate an understanding of advanced theoretical concepts within a specialist area of science
 Effectively access and use information relevant to the subject
 Apply knowledge and skills to new situations
 Demonstrate skills for lifelong learning
 Work independently
 Understand, evaluate, access and critically review new information, including findings and discussion in the
 Research, analyse, evaluate, and argue from evidence
 Plan and carry out a specific programme of scientific research
 Demonstrate an understanding of sophisticated theoretical subject matter
 Work collaboratively on tasks and show leadership
 Engage in rigorous intellectual analysis, criticism and problem solving
Interactive attributes:
 Communicate effectively both in written and spoken English
 Communicate concepts, results and conclusions related to research findings
 Design and carry out fieldwork and/or work collaboratively on research to a level required by the discipline in
which the degree programme was completed
Outcome statement
Graduates have advanced knowledge and skill in speech and language sciences and an ability to carry out research on
issues and problems to a publishable quality. Graduates may apply to pursue doctoral study and a career in academia or
assume leadership roles within the profession.
Programme overview
The Speech and Language Sciences programme consists of MSc Part II only consisting of one course and a thesis totalling
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1.00EFTS (120 points), normally completed in one year.
Proposed new regulations and prescriptions (use the Calendar Form at the end of Section A)
Please refer to Calendar Form at the end of Section A.
Proposed teaching/delivery methods
The proposed delivery of CMDS 604, CMDS 605 and CMDS 695 will remain unchanged.
Assessment procedures
The assessment procedures will remain unchanged.
Predicted student numbers/EFTS
The current number of EFTS enrolled in the MSc in Speech and Language Sciences ranges from approximately 5-10 per
year. The predicted student numbers resulting from this change will likely increase by approximately 5 per year.
No additional resources will be necessary. Space is available within the Department of Communication Disorders to
accommodate the anticipated increase in postgraduate enrolment.
Calendar Form
Degree Regulations
2011 Calendar
Page 419. Amend the entry for Speech and Language Sciences to read:
The Speech and Language Sciences programme consists of MSc Part II only consisting of one course and a thesis totalling
1.00 EFTS (120 points), normally completed in one year.
Part II
(a) CMDS 605 “Advanced Clinical Practicum, Supervision, and Administration (0.125 EFTS) or
CMDS 604 “Research Design” (0.09 EFTS)
(b) CMDS 695 “MSc Thesis (Clinical)” (0.875 EFTS)
P: Four-year Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy degree or a Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology
CMDS696 ‘MSc Thesis (Non-clinical)’ (0.91 EFTS)
P: Four-year Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy degree or an approved undergraduate honours degree
qualification in a related discipline.
Note: A ‘B’ average or above is normally required.
Page 421 Time Limits and the Weighting of Parts 1 and 11
Amend the entry in the subject column as follows:
Speech and Language Science (Clinical and Non-clinical)
Pg. 527, Course Catalogue
CMDS 605 Advanced Clinical Practicum, Supervision and Administration
Entry to this course is only available to students who have completed a Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy or
Pathology with Honours. This course will prepare postgraduate students to supervise other professionals and monitor
programmatic efficacy as administrators in speech-language settings.
P: Subject to approval of Head of Department
Insert the following after entry for CMDS 695 MSc Thesis (Clinical) 0.875 EFTS
CMDS 696 MSc Thesis (Non-clinical)
0.91 EFTS
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P: Subject to approval of Head of Department
CMDS 696-12A (A)
Starts Anytime