Wendell Kempton Medical Center Medical Equipment and Furnishings June 2012 Code: Yellow = UPS power, $=NEW item, #Refurbished OK Source of Equipment Equipment List Designated Room Price/un it Total Comments MEDICAL GASES $ Oxygen Generator: Air Sep Oxygen Concentrator Parts Source (PS) thru Bill Wright* O2 Generator Bldg 18,000 18,000 Backup Oxygen Generator Airsep System International Aid O2 Bldg 16,300 16,300 $ Suction system; Keasar air compressor $ Manifolds, alarms, transducers, fittings Medical gas piping PS via Bill Wright* Compressor Bldg OR/medical gas bldgs ICU’s, OR, medical gas bldgs 17,500 17,500 23,000 23,000 7,500 7,500 $ Wall Oxygen/Suction units: PS PS via Bill Wright* PS via Bill Wright* OR, ICU’s 7 double: 1 each NICU, peds ICU, Male ICU, Female ICU, Stabilization, 2 in OR post op recovery 250 1750* 175 1575* 850 6800.00 9 single: Pvt ICU, Delivery Rm, Isolation OR x 3 plus 1 extra OR #3 for CS # Portable Oxygen concentrators, Airsep x 10: Pvt room x 1 Peds x 2 NICU x 2 Isolation x 1 ER x 1 Backup x 1 IA Wards It would be good to have ample oxygen storage capacity so that the O2 concentrator could run at night when it is cheaper and also flatten the peak electrical usage during the day which determines the monthly electrical bill. Optional Small, high pressure unit that can fill two large cylinders/da. Back up unit if main O2 generator fails; also allows us to fill small portable oxygen tanks for transport Bill Wright strongly recommends fewer system wall units in main hospital to cut down on the huge expense of piping and running main 02 generator by using portable O2 concentrators New machines Item____________________ Source________________ Room______ $/unit Line $$ Comment_____________ DREVentura CS2 Anesth new OR 1 24,900 25,000 New/refurbished with autoclavable CO2 absorber, Adult, peds, neonatal modes Monitoring system upgrade OR 2 & 3 gift OR THEATRE (3 major rooms, 1 minor) Anesthesia Equipment: Anesthesia machine x 3 USP source for monitors on main unit protected from bad current Concept: one modern machine for doing more sophisticated, critical surgery on adults and peds patients; Two basic machines for less critical patients. Anesthesia cart x 3 Concept: Each anesthesia person has a personal cart for anesth. Supplies/equip Anesthesia small frig (for meds) 220/50 Monitoring equip X 2, Welch Alllyn Portable Jim Arney, Multicare (senior biomed tech, Tacoma, WA) Basic unit checked by Jim Arney (senior biomed tech), will need to sit in storage for 2-3 years – will need to be rechecked by Boyd in Togo before going into service. Ohmeda Modulus SE purchased in 1997 29” X 32” footprint by 68” tall approx. 200lbs Each unit has 1 ISOflurane vaporizer and 1 SEVOflurane One has Philips physiologic monitoring, the other has no monitoring PS or Amazon OR 1-3 (http://www.amazon.com /Premium-Locking-RollingTrolleyPockets/dp/B007ROCZC8/ ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid =1343313145&sr=811&keywords=three+draw er+tool+cart+on+wheels) Purchase In country OR 1 100 300 150 150 IA 400 800 OR 1 Laryngeal scope sets x 6 IA Fiberoptic lighted stylette x 2 In special cart Defibrillator/monitor http://www.discountlaryn goscope.com/ PS Cardiac Direct (Biil Wright) OR1-3, urgent care, stabilization cart, Peds cart OR 1 75.00 300.00 Other donated used sets in warehouse 67.00 134.00 For difficult intubations OR Post Op 1540.00 1540.00 OR Room equipment # OR Table: Standard (manual) Marseille x 2 Chosen/DRE OR 3, 4 3,000 6,000 #OR Table: Radiolucent Marseille OR table x1 Chosen/DRE OR 1 4,000 4,000 # Minor OR table/gurney X 1 IA OR 4 250.00 250.00 Useful for imaging studies in the OR including cholangiograms, etc. Hydraulic, adjustable gurney to function as minor OR table OR Warehouse Lansing (There is an old OR table in Lansing warehouse from Oregon as well) gift Chic Orthopedic Fracture Table #Rolling tourniquet machine # Instrument tables 24”x48” x4 # Mayo stands x4 Mango Container OR 2 gift 0.00 Older style Chic table in good condition Ortho room Stainless steel PS IA OR 2 OR 1-4 150 250 IA OR 1-4 125 150.00 1,000.0 0 500 $ OR lights Dual Head fixed base Halogen high efficiency lights x 3 # OR light, Single head fixed base halogen x 1 Infant warmer x 1 Chosen/DRE Vision Light OR 1-3 4,000 12,000 Available at Chosen, new, ½ price of LEDS Chosen/PS Vision Light OR- 4 3000 IA OR 3, L&D 750 1500 C-section rm Neonate resuscitation table x 1 # 2 panel X-ray box x 6 PS OR 3 PS/DRE 60.00 360.00 220/50 D&C Suction: IPAS MVA Plus Aspirator PS OR 1-5, recovery, surgeons lounge OR 4 Easily adjustable 220/50 OR rolling stool x 8 *# 60 “ Scrub sink x2 IA PS –refurb donated sinks from Oregon OR 1, 2, 3, 4 Scrub area 50.00 400.00 Complete laparoscopic setup Stryker Tower DRE OR 1 11,850 Cystoscopic setup PS/DRE OR 3 #Endoscopy cart with Flexible sigmoidoscope Flexible colonoscope Flexible gastroscope (Peds and adult) PS Minor surgery Rm $ Electrocautery x 4 Ligasure x 1 (220/50) Surgical Instruments sets General surgery set major refurb) x 8 General surgery set Minor – x 10 CS set x 6 D&C set x 4 Ortho set general x 3 Orthopedic large frag, x3 Small frag set x` Hip fx set x 1 Hip arthroplasty set x1 Knee arthroplasty set x1 Stryker drill set x2 PS PS Room 1-4 Rm 1 IA OR supply=F119 F-119 2375.00 19,000 623.00 6,230 IA IA PS PS PS PS PS PS PS F-119 300.00 687.00 1800.00 2748.00 Urologic set with scopes/monitors x 1 Neuro set with craniotomy instruments x1 PS F-119 PS F-119 Stainless steel Specialty Equipment 11,850 To include cart with light source flat panel monitor, complete scope set up Seeking donation from Stryker Peds and adult sets to do cytoscopy, biopsy, transurethral resections, placement of ureteral catheters Seeking donation, Dr. Bill Harmon PS F-119 F-119 F-119 Seeking donation Dr. Larson 1850 7400 Seeking donation Seeking donation Seeking donation Seeking donation On Hold On Hold Seeking donation Padgett dermatome x1 Weck Knife x1 External fixator x 6 sets Thompson retractor set PS PS PS Mango, Container F-119 F-119 F-119 F-119 #OR supply cart x 1 PS/DRE Fluid warming unit x 1 PS/DRE Donated 0.00 Company donaton, Brand new OR supply rm F-119 OR corridor 200 200 Supplies for restocking rooms 100 100 IA Post op recovery 400 2000 Lansing storage Pre & Post Op 0.00 CSR 1,000 20” Autoclave x 2 MediTech Wisconsin 75X-240 per Bill Wright MediTech Primus Autoclave Rm 16,000 32,000 Bill Wright’s recommendation in lieu of one large 24”x48; more energy efficient and provides a back up if one breaks down; set up with a shared boiler. Will allow sterilization of multiple packs in 4 – 6 hr block of time with generator power. Also big enough for sterilizing IV fluids Autoclave rolling shelf Gas sterilizer PS PS CSR CSR Mango container F-119 0.00 0.00 Donation from Ft. Wayne Estimate F-119 2500 2500 Mount on the outside wall of autoclave room in IV prep area of CSR. Recovery Room # Adult/peds Monitors, Welch Allyn x 5 OR Gurney x 8 0.00 Waiting to be shipped CSR/STERILAZATION Table top autoclave x 2 2,000 Bill Wright’s recommendation for quick instrument flashes IV Prep area IV Prep table, stainless steel 36” x 60” Reverse Osmosis System for IV Processing IV Transport Cart Glass liter bottles x 500 and supplies HOSPITAL STABLIZATION F-119 Use HBB source for ordering This area will also function as an acute ER and pre-op prep after Clinic hours Monitors x 3 (Portable) VS Monitor by Welch Allyn Defibrillator/Crash cart adult w/ peds paddles Life Pak 9 Portable EKG IA Stabilization 400 1200.00 BP, Pulse, O2, temp IA Stablization 900.00 900.00 220/50 Warehouse Gift 00.0 Post-op Pump, Emerson 55JS IA Nursing station Post op Recovery, Stablization 400.00 400.00 Portable refurbished unit from SP High volume suction for CT or abd. 220v 100 BP cuffs Gurneys x 4 Warehouse/Container Warehouse Gift 0.00 Stablization RADIOLOGY 4 panel x-ray box x1 PS X-ray PS via Bill Wright E-104-105 34,500 34,500 E-104 1000.00 1000.00 E-104 35,000 35,000 15,000 19,000 4500 15,000 19,000 9000 3000 3000 1050 20.00 2100 120.00 150 100 1500 100 811. 811.00 100 100 $ CR X-ray Processing Equip.; Viztek OPAL RAD ME system with Agfa 30X scanner (CR) w/international cord set $ X-ray dark room accessories * X-ray table, head & accessories; Quantum medical Imaging 30 KW stored Energy X-ray room PS via Bill Wright Donation from Oregon Superior Eelctic SEG3000X Trued Online UPSPortable X-ray Machine C-arm X-ray unit USN machine HDI 5000 with 4 probes x2 Table top x-ray Alphateck Processor x1 PEDIATRICS PS PS PS IV Pumps 2 BP cuffs X 6 PS IA Cribs 10* Resuscitation table* PS PS Rolling light, Welch Allyn GS600 Peds resus. Cart/w. equip PS ?PS OR 2 OB Clinic, Ward exam X-ray F-107, F110, F123 Peds Peds workroom Peds workroom J-123 Portable USN also needed in Labor and Delivery Infant scales x 4 IA NICU Clinic, 150.00 NICU,peds ward, OR #3 600.00 Peds workroom NICU 900 1800 Peds/NICU 100 1050 800 2100 100 400 1000 800 PS L&D L&D 811.90 811.90 IA L&D 142.00 284.00 Delivery Vac Set Bassenet x 10* Nursing station Defibrillator, Lifepak 9 IA PS L&D Maternity 350 20 350 200 IA 900.00 900.00 Chart rack for 50 charts Digital Thermometer x 4 PS IA 75.00 300.00 Pixis med cart -2 Refrig 14-16 cu ft PS Lome OR supply rm j-121 Men’s ward, women’s ward Peds ward OR J-121 J-121 J-121 J-121 or J119 500 500 Incubators , Air Shield c100 x 2 IA Warmers x 8 Infusion feeding pumps (2) Hand built in Togo MATERNITY OB USN , portable Delivery Sets 10 Delivery beds 2 Labor Beds x 2 Infant resus table 1* Rolling OR light; Welch-Allyn Procedure light GS600 Fetal Doppler x 2 Adult ICU/ISOLATION F-119 PS PS 1 used bed in warehouse Regular beds Mounted on wall next to resus. table Shared between two delivery tables & wall nest to resus table 220v/50 Monitors, table top x 7, Solar 8000M ICU Beds (4), Hill-Rom PS Isolation ICU beds x 3 Standard bed Bedside stand (7) Mango container Chairs (7) PEDS ICU/PEDS IV pumps (6) On site Peds cribs (10) Peds monitors w/Pulse ox:Welch Allyn x4 5,600 Gift Gift 4 refurbished beds, donated high end beds Electric bed J-111, 112, 130, 131 “ Gift Gift From Portland Ore 20 140.00 300 1800 PS IA OR, recovery, stabilization Peds, NICU, ICU J-123 Peds ICU 395.00 1580 PS PS IA Peds 134.00 268.00 IA Warehouse, Lansing J-123 x 8 Infusion pump x 4 IA NICU Neonatal monitors/pulse ox (portable) x 4 Bili light (1) Nebulizer x 2 IV poles 6 Bedside bassinets/stands (6) IA Oxygen/suction x 3 (double units for 2 patients) Isolettes x 4 Feeding pumps x 2 PS IV pumps x 6 PS Oxygen/suction x 4 Peds oto/opthy (portable) x 2 Nebulizer x 4 Chairs (10) NEONATAL ICU Pvt Rooms (2) Monitors (Portable) Welch allyn Beds (2) Bedside stands (2) WARDS Warehouse Lansing 800 Warehouse IA PS IA PS PS J-111, 112, 130, 131 75.00 J-137 J-123 J-123 J-123 x 8 J-123 x 8 300.00 300 1200 400 1600 75 150 400 800 PS PS IA PS PS Wall units 2x price but don’t walk so easy 220/50 IA Suction machines x 6 IA 333.00 1998.00 Gomoco suction x 4 Beds 40 PS Container, Mango X 32 Warehouse Lansing x 8 110 Gift 440 Gift Bedside Stands (40) IV poles 40, rolling LAUNDRY Maytag backup washer x 2 Warehouse Warehouse Gift Gift 750 $1500 5000 5000 500 400 Sears Male, female wards Adult beds Laundry Laundry Large commercial washer; Huebsch GC40NB2/CU60004 Steam Dryer Folding table (2) Laundry linen cart (2) Dirty laundry cart (2) Chosen On site fabrication Warehouse Warehouse Laundry G-104 x 2 G-104 G-101 500 200 gift gift warehouse IA IA Clinic Clinic Clinic gift 90 134.00 720.00 1340.00 IA On site On site Clinic Clinic 50.00 25.00 20.00 500.00 225.00 600.00 Eye exam chair x 1 Slit lamp unit x1 Eye chart x1 Dental Chair PS PS On site PS Gift gift Gift gift Suture removal kits –non disposable x100 ER room adjustable height gurney x1 Mayo stand x 3 1 ER, 2 dressing room 2 Panel x-ray view boxes x 4 MedShare Eye room Eye room Eye room Dental Room Clinic ER IA Clinic ER Warehouse Rolling OR light , WelchAllyn GS600 Suture cart Dressing cart x 2 PS ER, dressing rms Clinic exam rooms, central ER rm Amazon Amazon ER rm Dressing CLINIC Exam tables x 9 Goose neck lamps x 8 Welch Allen oto/opthy (portable) x 9 Rolling exam stools x 10 Desk 30 x 36”x 9 Chairs x 30 PS 220v./50 H, continuous suction Metal preferred Made in Mango workshop Chairs for patient $ family member plus conf. room If not a gift, will wait Package deal 250 250 60.00 240.00 811.90 811.90 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 Rolling ConMed Hyfrecator 2000 PS rooms for men and women ER rm