REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH THE TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY "CONFIRM" The pro-rector on study Prof. Teshaev O.R ____________________ «________» ___________ 2014y. CHAIR OF FOLK MEDICINE, REHABILITOLOGY AND A PHYSICAL CULTURE SUBJECT: REHABILITOLOGY FOR STUDENTS 4TH COURSES OF TREATMENT AND MEDICOPEDAGOGICAL FACULTIES CURRICULUM TASHKENT - 2014 1 CONTENT OF APPROACH № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Content Pattern of curricular program Working program Study technologies Set of exercises and activities Test and quizzes Control questions General tests Sharing materials Glossary Themes of abstracts List of Aknowledgements Foundamental conspectus Litureture Foreign books Themes of course works Annotation About authors Useful suggestions Normative documentaries Evaluation criterias БЕТЛАР 3-21 22-41 42-185 186-191 191-198 198-202 202-203 203-213 214-218 218-219 219-221 222-259 259-260 260-261 261 262-317 318-322 2 REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HIGH AND AVERAGE EDUCATION REGISTRATED REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HIGH AND AVERAGE EDUCATION201_YEAR CONFIRMED IN “____” _________ORDER № “____”- №________________ 201_YEAR “___” ____ CURRICULUM OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, GERIATRICS AND REHABILITOLOGY Knowledge part: 500000 – health and social support Study part: 510000 – Health Study direction: 5510100 – Treatment work 5111000 – professional education (5510100 – treatment work) Tashkent - 2013 3 The technology of training is discussed and confirmed on therapeutic section CMC of the Tashkent medical academy № ____ from _________ 2014 Curriculum made in Tashkent Medical Academy Authors: Nurillayeva N.M CMS AP Head of department internal medicine and allergology for GP in treatment faculty Рустамова М.Т. Professor of department internal medicine and endocrinology for GP in treatment faculty Гадаев А.Г. Professor of department internal medicine and endocrinology for GP in medical pedagogical faculty Усманходжаева А.А. CMS AP Head of folk medicine, rehabilitation and physical culture Reviewers: Alavi A.L –Professor of department faculty, hospital therapy of medical pedagogical faculty and department internal medicine of stomatological faculty in TMA Zakhidova M.Z. -Professor of department retraining GP in institute of doctors retraining in Tashkent The technology of training is discussed and confirmed on therapeutic section CMC of the Tashkent medical academy № ____ from _________ 2014 4 Introduction «Даволаш иши» мутахассислиги бўйича «УАШ малакавий тавсифномаси» талабларига асосан кўриб чиқилган ҳолда – Соғлиқни сақлаш биринчи босқичида шифокор ёрдамини кўрсатиш асосий билим ва амалий кўникмаларига кирувчи : касалликлар профилактикаси, ички касалликлари бор беморларни эрта ва қиёсий ташхиси ва уларни режали равишда олиб бориш кўникмаларини тўлиқ эгаллаган УАШ тайёрлаш. The purpose and subject problem Фанни ўқитишдан мақсад – Соғлиқни сақлаш бирламчи бўғинида асосий билим, шифокор ёрдамини кўрсата олиш кўникмаларини: эрта ташхис, қиёсий ташхис, профилактика ва беморларни олиб бориш тактикасини ўз ичига олувчи умумий амалиёт шифокори квалификацион характеристикасига «Даволаш иши» ихтисослиги талабларига жавоб берувчи УАШ тайёрлаш. Фаниннг вазифалари: - Профилактика ва ахоли соғлигини сақлаш учун бирламчи ёрдам кўрсатиш бўйича билимларни эгалаш - КШП/КВП шароитида малакали шифокор ёрдамини кўрсата олиш билим ва кўникмаларини ўзлаштириш - Диспансеризация ва реабилитация ўтқазиш чора тадбирларни билим ва кўникмаларини ўзлаштириш Фан бўйича талабаларнинг билимига, кўникма ва малакасига қўйиладиган талаблар -«УАШ тайёрлаш ички касалликлар» ўқув фанини ўзлаштириш жараёнида амалга ошириладиган масалалар доирасида бакалавр: - УАШ амалиётида кўп учрайдиган асосий клиник синдромларни билиш. - «УАШ малакавий тавсифномаси»да кўрсатилган ички касалликлар ташхис мезонлари ва хавф омилларини билиш. «УАШ малакавий тавсифномаси»да кўрсатилган ички касалликларклиникаси ва эрта ташхисини билиш. - УАШ тактикаси. - Даволаш стандартлари. - Меҳнатга лаёқатлилик экспертизаси, диспансеризацияси вареабилитацияси асосларини билиш билиши керак; - ҚВП/ШВП даражасида УАШ имкониятига қараб баъзи касалликларнинг эрта ташхисини мустақил равишда тўлиқ амалга ошириши керак; фақат айрим ҳоллардагина, яъни бемор аҳволи яхшиланмасагина бошқа соғлиқни сақлаш ташкилотига (поликлиника, шифохона) қўшимча маслахат ва даво олиш учун юборилади. (КВХ, 1 тоифали хизмат) - ҚВП/ШВП шароитида имкониятига қараб УАШ ўткир ҳолатлар ва касалликларни ажрата билиши ва уларни даволаб, лозим бўлса қўшимча маслаҳат ва даво олиш учун мутахассис кўригига юбориши керак. (КВХ, 2 тоифали хизмат) 5 - ҚВП/ШВП шароитида УАШ беморларга адекват текшириш ва муолажаларни малакали ва мустақил равишда амалга ошириши керак (КВХ, 3.1 тоифали хизмат). - ҚВП/ШВП ва бошқа муассасаларга юбориш орқали керакли мувофиқ бўлган муолажа ва текширувлар ўтказиш.(КВХ, 3.2 тоифали хизмат) - ҚВП/ШВПга ҳар хил сабаблар туфайли мурожаат қилаётган беморлар ва специфик хавф омилларига мойил бўлган шахсларга соғлом инсонларга профилактик оқартув ёрдамини тақдим этиш кўникмаларига эга бўлиши керак. -Соғлом турмуш тарзини ташвиқот қилиш - Бемор ва соғлом аҳолига маслахат бериш - Аҳолининг алоҳида гуруҳларига индивидуал ёрдам кўрсатиш - Мижозларни мустақил қабул қилиш - Тиббиёт этикаси ва деонтологиясини сақлаш - Беморларда клиник текшириш ўтказиш, анамнез йиғиш, тизим ва органлар бўйича кўриш - Қиёсий ташхис ўтказиш - Тахминий ташхис қўйиш - Мақсадга йўналтирилган текширувларни буюриш - Якуний ташхисни қўйиш - Ҳаракат режим ива пархезларни буюриш - Рационал даволашни рецептура кўринишда белгилаш - Зарур тиббий муолажаларни ўтказиб, шошилинч тиббий ёрдамни кўрсатиш - Меҳнатга лаёқатлилик масаласини ҳал қилиш - Керакли тиббий ҳужжатларни тўлдира билиш - Қўшимча тиббий кўрикларга юбориш, ўтказиш ва шифохонага ётқизиш масалаларини ҳал қилиш - Қайта тиклаш ва санатор дам олишларга юбориш - Аҳолини ижтимоий ҳимояланмаган гурухларга ва беморларга парваришни ташкиллаштириш - Диспансеризация ишларни ўтказиш - Профилактик, соғломлаштириш сангигиеник ва эпидемияга қарши тадбирларни инфекцион ва ноинфекцион касалларда қўллаш - Қилинган ишлар аудитери - Тиббий адабиётлар билан ишлаш - Компьютер билан ишлаш малакаларига эга бўлиши керак. Фаннинг ўқув режадаги бошқа фанлар билан ўзаро боғлиқлиги ва услубий жиҳатдан узвий кетма-кетлиги Ички касалликлар фани клиник фан ҳисобланиб, 11,12,13,14 семестрларда ўқитилади. Дастурни амалга ошириш ўқув режасида режалаштирилган табиий-илмий ва клиник (биология, биофизика, биохимия, нормал анатомия, патологик анатомия, микробиология ва иммунология, умумий гигиена, ижтимоий гигиена, соғлиқни сақлашниташкиллаштириш, тиббий техника, фармакология, клиник фармакология, шифокор ва бемор, ички касалликлар 6 пропедевтикаси, факултет терапия, госпитал терапия, халқ тиббиёти, реабилитология, нур ташхиси ва нур терапияси) фанлардан етарли билим ва кўникмаларга эга бўлишлик талаб этилади. Соғлиқни сақлаш тизимидаги ўрни УАШ тайерлаш соғлиқни сақлаш бирламчи бўғинида асосий ахамиятга эга. УАШ ахоли орасидаги ўрни: касалликларни эрта босқичларида аниқлаш, профилактик чора-тадбирларни ўтказиш, зарурат бўлганда тор мутахассисларга юбориш, айрим касалликларни тарқалиши ва асоратларини олдини олиш ва диспансеризация, реабилитация ўтқазиш. УАШ оилавий шифокор бўлиши билан бирга ёши катта ва ёш болаларгача бўлган ахолига хизмат кўрсатади хамда касалликларни олдини олиш билан шуғулланади. Соғлиқни сақлаш тизимидаги муассасаларида тиббий реабилитация бўлимларида олиб бориладиган даволовчи тадбирлар асосан бузилган функцияларни кайта тиклайдиган ва компенсация киладиган махсус усулларни беморларга индивидуал холда ишлаб чикариш, уларни асосий мулжали тургун ногиронликни ва асоратларни бартараф килишига каратилган. Бунда беморни хар томонлама тиббий, жисмоний, психологик, ижтимоий ва касбий вазифаларини тулик кайта тиклаб жамиятда уз урнини эгаллашига имкон яратади. Фанни ўқитишда замонавий ахборот ва педагогик технологиялар Талабаларнинг ички касалликлар фанини ўзлаштиришлари учун ўқитишнинг илғор ва замонавий усулларидан фойдаланиш, янги информацион-педагогик технологияларни татбиқ қилиш муҳим ахамиятга эгадир. Фанни ўзлаштиришда дарслик, ўқув ва услубий қўлланмалар, маъруза матнлари, тарқатма материаллар, компьютер дастурлари, электрон материаллар фойдаланилади. Маъруза ва амалий дарсларда мос равишдаги илғор педагогик технологиялар қўлланилади. Асосий қисм Фаннинг назарий машғулотлари мазмуни 6-курс талабалари учун амалий машғулотлар учун кўрсатма Ўпка касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот, юрак қон томир касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот,ошқозон ичак касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот,ревматологик касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот,сийдик ажратиш тизими касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот 7-курс талабалари учун амалий машғулотлар учун кўрсатма Оилавий тиббиёт асослари, юрак қон томир касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот, упка касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот, ревматологик касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот, ошқозон ичак касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот, сийдик ажратиш тизими касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот, иситмада таққослама ташхисни ўтқазиш Ички касалликлар фани ва унинг таркибий қисмлари. 6-курс талабалари учун амалий машғулотлар учун кўрсатма 7 Ўпка касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Йўтал балғам ажралиши билан. Бўлакли ва сегментар ўпка зарарланишининг таққослама ташхиси.Бўлакли пневмония, инфильтратив ўпка сили, ўпка инфаркти. Касалхона ташқари ва касалхона ичи пневмонияси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Халқали ўпка зараланишларида таққослама ташхис: ўчоқли пневмония, туберкулема, ўпка абсцеси, ўпка ўсмаси, ўпка эхинококи. Турли этиологияли пневмония (бактериал, вирусли, микоаплазмали). УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Диффуз диссеминациянинг таққослама ташхиси. Ўчоқли пневмония. Ўпка силининг гематоген диссеминирлашган формаси. Пневмокониоз, рак метастазлари. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Ўпка касалликлар билан боғлиқ кўкрак қафасидаги оғриқлар. Қуруқ ва эксудатив плевритнинг таққослама ташхиси. Эксудатив плевритнинг турлари. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Ҳансираш, нафас сиқиш. Бронхообструкция билан кечувчи касалликларнинг таққослама ташхиси. (бронхиал астма, ЎСОК, ўпка ўсмаси). УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Ўпка ва юрак касалликларда ҳансирашнинг таққослама ташхиси. Ўпка етишмовчилиги ва қон айланиш етишмовчилиги. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Юрак қон томир касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Аритмиялар. Ритм бошловчи кўчишининг, синус тугунини заифлик синдроми. экстрасистолия турларининг таққослама ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Бўлмачалар ҳилпирашининг ва титрашининг, пароксизмал тахикардия, WPW синдроми таққослама ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Блокадаларнинг таққослама ташхиси: булмачалар аро, атриовентрикуляр, коринчалараро. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Артериал гипертензия. Буйракли АГ билан гипертония касаллигини таққослама ташхиси. Ҳавф омиллари. ГК босқичлари, буйракли АГ турлари (паренхиматоз, реноваскуляр). УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Эндокрин АГ билан гипертония касаллигини таққослама ташхиси. Эндокрин АГ турлари (феохромацитома, Кон синдроми, Иценго-Кушинг синдроми, 8 тиреотоксикоз). УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Гемодинамик АГ билан гипертоник касалликни таққослама ташхиси. Гемодинамик АГ турлари (атеросклероз, аорта коарктацияси, аорта клапани етишмовчилиги, димланиш гипертензияси, тўлиқ АВ блокада). УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Гипертония касаллиги билан марказий артериал гипертензияни таққослама ташхиси. Марказий АГ ни келтириб чиқарувчи сабаблар (БМЖ, арахноидит, энцефалит, мия ўсмаси). УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Юрак соҳасидаги оғриқлар. ЮИК зўриқиш стенокардияни барча функционал синфлараро оғриқ синдромини қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. ЮИК ностабил стенокардияни барча турлари (илк пайдо бўлган, ривожланиб борувчи, спонтан, эрта инфарктан кейин, эрта операциядан кейин) оғриқ синдромини киёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. ЮИК стенокардия ва миокард инфарктини оғриқ синдромини қиёсий ташхиси (клиник, лаборатор, ЭКГ). УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Миокард инфарктинингтурли клиник вариантларини қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Турли этиологияли миокардит ва миокардиодистрофияларнинг қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Перикардит, аорта аневризмаси ва ЎАТЭ қиёсий ташхиси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Кардиомегалия ва юрак шовқинлари. Юрак чўққи турткисида эшитилувчи функционал (анемик, қон оқимининг ўзгариши, иситмада) ва органик (митрал клапан етишмовчилиги, митрал ёриқ стенози, митрал клапан пролапси) шовқинларнинг қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Аорта устида эшитилувчи юрак нуқсонларидаги ( ревматик, инфекцион эндокардит, атеросклероз) шовқинларнинг қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Туғма ва орттирилган юрак нуқсонлариниқиёсий ташхиси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси.Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Кардиомиопатиянинг турли шакилларини (дилятацион, рестриктив, гипертрофик, ўнг қоринча аритмоген дисплазияси) қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ 9 тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Кардиомиопатия, юрак нуқсонлари, ЮИК, гипертония касалликларини қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Ошқозон ичак касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Дисфагия Эзофагит, рефлюкс эзофагит, склеродермиядаги дисфагия, қизилўнгач ўсмаларини қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Қориндаги оғриқ Гастрит ва яра касаллиги (ошқозон ва ўн икки бармоқли ичак) ни қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Сурункали холецистит ва сурункали панкреатитни қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Носпецифик ярали колит ва Крон касаллигини қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Гепатомегалия Актив ва ноактив сурункали гепатитни қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Сурункали гепатит ва жигар циррозини қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Сариқлик. Ўт-тош касаллиги ва билиар-панкреатик соҳа ўсмалари (жигар, ўт қопи, ошқозон ости бези ўсмалари) ни қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Ревматологик касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Бўғим синдроми. Ревматизм ва ревматоид артритни қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Серонегатив спондилоартрит (реактив артрит, Бехтерев касаллиги, псориатик артрит) ларниқиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Бириктирувчи тўқиманинг диффуз касалликларини (тизимли қизил бўрича, тизимли склеродермия) қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. 10 Тизимли васкулитларни (носпецифик аортоартериит, тугунли периартрит) қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Сийдик ажратиш тизими касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Сийдик чўкмасини ўзгаришлари. Пиелонефрит, гломерулонефрит ва интерстициал нефритни қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Амилоидоз ва нефропатияларни қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Шиш синдроми. Турли этиологияли махаллий (аллергик, қон томирли, яллиғланишли) ва умумий (қон айланиш етишмовчилигидаги, буйракка боғлиқ, эндокрин, оч қоринга) шишларни қиёсий ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. 7-курс талабалари учун амалий машғулотлар учун кўрсатма Оилавий тиббиёт асослари. УАШ вазифалари.Ишлашнинг ўзига хос томонлари. Тиббий хужжатлар. Беморлардан ўз уйида хабар олиш. Жамоатни жалб этиш. Врач ва беморларнинг хуқуқлари. УАШ ишида этика ва деонтология. Ишлашнинг ўзига ҳос томонлари. Оилада руҳий муҳит. Дин ва урф одат муаммолари. Оилани маслаҳат қилиш. Мулокотга алоқадор факторлар. Мулоқотдаги кийинчиликлар. Хахслараро мулоқот. Амалий маслаҳатлар. Маслахат бериш турлари. Маслахат бериш принциплари. Беморни ўз соғлигига жавобгарлиги. Профилактика турлари. Соғлом турмуш тарзини тадбиқ этиш. Озиқланиш ва рўзғор гигиенаси. Профилактик кўрик, скрининг. Инфекцион ва ноинфекцион касалликлар профилактикаси. Иммунизация. Дастурлар ва тадбирлар. Болалар, ўсмирлар, аёллар (фертил ёшдаги аёллар, хомиладорлар), эркаклар, кексалар. Ишлаб чиқариш ва қишлоқ хўжалигидаги ишчилар. Ижтимоий ҳимояланган инсонлар. Беморлар, оғир беморлар, ўлаётган беморлар. Реабилитация ва диспансеризация муаммолари. Ишга лаёқатликни экспертизаси. Санитар оқартув. Касалланиш ва ўлимнинг асосий сабабларига таъсир этиш. Руҳий ҳолатни мустаҳкамлаш. Экология ва касб омиллари. Беморларни ўқитиш, “мактаблар”. Саёҳатчига маслахат бериш. Саёхатдан кейин маслахат бериш. Иммунизация. Иқлим ва соат ўзгаришларини алмашиниши. Чайқалиш ва тоғ касаллиги. Йўл тиббиёт анжомларни йиғиндиси. Тахминий ташхис. Хавфли касалликлар. Ташхисий хатоликлар. Имитатор касалликлар. Руҳий бузилишва симуляция. 11 Юрак қон томир касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Кўкрак қафасидаги оғриқ. НЦД, ЮИК стенокардия, ИККС, миокардит ва миокардиодистрофияни таққослама ташхиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Умуртқа кўкракқисмини остеохондрози,қовурғааро нервларнинг невралгияси, кўкрак қафаси жарохати, ўраб олувчи темиратки таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Юрак уриб кетиши. Аритмияларни таққослама ташхиси. Синусли тахикардия, нафас аритмияси, экстрасистолия. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Қон айланиш етишмовчилиги, анемия, тиреотоксикоздаги юрак уриб кетишининг таққослама ташхиси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Бош оғриғи. Гипертония касаллиги ва склеротик артериал гипертензиянинг таққослама ташхиси. Ўпка касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Йўтал балғам ажралиши билан. ЎРК, ЎРВК, ўткир бронхит ва пневмониянингтаққослама ташхиси. Сурункали бронхит ва бронхоэктатик касалликнинг таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Хансираш, бўғилиш. Бронхиал астма,эмфизема, пневмосклерознинг таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси.Сурункали нафас етишмовчилиги. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Ревматологик касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Бўғим синдроми (артралгия, артритлар). Ревматизм, ревматоид артрит ва инфекцион артритларнинг таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Остеоартроз ва подагранингтаққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси.Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Ошқозон ичак касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Диспепсия (жиғилдон қайнаши, кўнгил айниш, қайт қилиш). УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. 12 Гастрит, дуоденит ва яра касаллигининг таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Ўт йўллари дискинезияси ва холециститнинг таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси.Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Постхолецистэктомик синдром ва жаррохлик амалиёти бажарилган ошқозон касаллигини таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси.Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Қориндаги оғриқ. Эпи-, мезо- ва гипогастрал соҳадаги оғриқлар билан кечувчи касалликларнинг таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Диарея. Инфекцион ва ноинфекцион этиологияли диареянингтаққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Қабзият. Таъсирланган ичак синдроми, қариялардаги қабзият ва йўғон ичак ўсмаларининг таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Гепатомегалия. Ўткир гепатит, сурункали гепатит, жигарнинг алкогол касаллигини таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Сийдик ажратиш тизими касалликларида таққослама ташҳисот Дизурия. Ўткир ва сурункали холециститнинг таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси.Цистит ва сийдик кислотали диатезнинг таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Иситмада таққослама ташхисни ўтқазиш Номаълум генезли иситма. Иситма турлари ва характери, иситмада текшириш режаси. УАШ тактикаси.Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Инфекцион касалликлардаги (бактериал, вирусли) иситмани таққослама ташҳиси. УАШ тактикаси. Бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. Амалий машғулотларни ташкил этиш бўйича кўрсатма ва тавсиялар Амалий машғулотларда талабаларўрганиш ва ўзлаштириши, уларда клиник фикрлаш, турли гурух касалликларини дифференциал диагностикасини, профилактикасини билиш, хамда кейинчалик соғликни сақлашнинг бирламчи бўғинида ишлашларини ўрганадилар. 13 Амалий машғулотларнинг тахминий тавсия этиладиган мавзулари: 6-курс талабалари учун амалий машғулотлар учун кўрсатма 1. Оилавий тиббиёт асослари. 2. Оила билан ишлаш. 3. Мулоқот санъати. 4. Маслахат бериш. 5. УАШ ишида профилактика. 6. Йўтал балғам ажралиши билан. 7. Ўпка касалликлар билан боғлиқ кўкрак қафасидаги оғриқлар. 8. Ҳансираш, нафас сиқиш. 9. Аритмиялар. 10.Артериал гипертензия. 11.Юрак соҳасидаги оғриқлар. 12.Кардиомегалия ва юрак шовқинлари. 13.Дисфагия. 14.Қориндаги оғриқ. 15.Гепатомегалия. 16.Сариқлик. 17.Бўғим синдроми. 18.Сийдик чўкмасини ўзгаришлари. 19.Шиш синдроми. 7-курс талабалари учун амалий машғулотлар учун кўрсатма 1. Аҳолининг турли гуруҳлар билан ишлаш. 2. Ҳавф омилларига таъсир қилиш. 3. Саёҳатчилар учун тиббиёт. 4. УАШ амалиётига таққослама ташҳисот. 5. Кўкрак қафасидаги оғриқ.. 6. Юрак уриб кетиши. 7. Бош оғриғи. 8. Йўтал балғам ажралиши билан. 9. Хансираш, бўғилиш. 10. Бўғим синдроми (артралгия, артритлар). 11. Диспепсия (жиғилдон қайнаши, кўнгил айниш, қайт қилиш). 12. Қориндаги оғриқ. 13. Диарея. 14. Қабзият. 15. Гепатомегалия. 16. Дизурия. 17. Иситма. Амалий машғулотларни ташкил этиш бўйича кафедра профессорўқитувчилари томонидан кўрсатма ва тавсиялар ишлаб чиқилади. Унда талабалар асосий маъруза мавзулари бўйича олган билим ва кўникмаларини амалий масалалар ечиш орқали янада бойитадилар. Шунингдек, дарслик ва 14 ўқув қўлланмалар асосида талабалар билимларини мустаҳкамлашга эришиш, тарқатма материаллардан фойдаланиш, илмий мақолалар ва тезисларни чоп этиш орқали талабалар билимини ошириш, масалалар ечиш, мавзулар бўйича кўргазмали қуроллар тайёрлаш ва бошқалар тавсия этилади. Лаборатория ишларини ташкил этиш бўйича кўрсатмалар кўзда тутилмаган Мустақил ишни ташкил этишнинг шакли ва мазмуни Талаба мустақил ишини тайёрлашда фаннинг хусусиятларини ҳисобга олган ҳолда қуйидаги шакллардан фойдаланиш тавсия этилади: дарслик ва ўқув қўлланмалар бўйича фан боблари ва мавзуларини ўрганиш; тарқатма материаллар бўйича маърузалар қисмини ўзлаштириш; автоматлаштирилган ўргатувчи ва назорат қилувчи тизимлар билан ишлаш; махсус адабиётлар бўйича фанлар бўлимлари ёки мавзулари устида ишлаш; янги техникаларни, аппаратураларни, жараёнлар ва технологияларни ўрганиш; талабанинг ўқув-илмий-тадқиқот ишларини бажариш билан боғлиқ бўлган фанлар бўлимлари ва мавзуларни чуқур ўрганиш; фаол ва муаммоли ўқитиш услубидан фойдаланиладиган ўқув машғулотлари; масофавий (дистанцион) таълим. Тавсия этилаётган мустақил ишларнинг мавзулари: VI-курс талабалари учун 1. Қиёсий ташхис алгоритми 2. Қиёсий ташхисот (жадвал, схема ва слайдлар) 3. Хавф омиллари 4. Ташхис қўйишда ва даволашда янгиликлар (интернет,монографиялар, қўлланмалар, журнал мақолалари) 5. Ташхиснинг замонавий тамойиллари 6. Хомиладорларда даволаш ва кечишнинг ўзига хос томонлари 7. Кексаларда даволаш ва кечишнинг ўзига хос томонлари 8. Асоратлар 9. УАШ тактикаси (мутахассис кўриги ва госпитализация қилиш учун йўлланмага кўрсатмалар). 10.Ички касалликларнинг бирламчи, иккиламчи, училамчи профилактикаси ва диспансеризацияси. 11.Стандарт даволашлар (жадвал, схема, кроссворд) 12.Дори воситаларини презентацияси 13.Беморга тавсиялар (превентив кўникмалар) 14.Тестлар (10 тадан кам эмас) 15.Карта-масалалар (2 тадан кам эмас) 16.Врач аудит ишлари 15 VII-курс талабалари учун 1. Қиёсий ташхис алгоритми 2. Қиёсий ташхисот (жадвал, схема ва слайдлар) 3. Ташхис қўйишда ва даволашда янгиликлар (интернет,монографиялар, қўлланмалар, журнал мақолалари) 4. Хав омиллари ва эрта ташхисот 5. Скрининг дастурлар 6. УАШ тактикаси (мутахассис кўриги ва госпитализация қилиш учун йўлланмага кўрсатмалар) 7. Стандарт даволашлар (жадвал, схема, кроссворд) 8. Реабилитация 9. Диспансеризация 10.Беморга тавсиялар (превентив кўникмалар) 11.Меҳнатга лаёқатлилик экспертизаси 12.Тестлар (10 тадан кам эмас) 13.Карта-масалалар (2 тадан кам эмас) 14.ВОП аудит ишлари 6-курс талабалари учун реабилитолгия фанидан амалий машғулотлар учун кўрсатма Юрак-қон томир ва нафас тизимлари касалликларидатиббий реабилитация тадбирлари Юрак ишемик касаллиги, миокард инфаркти, гипертония ва гипотония касаллиги, НЦД, атеросклероз билан касалланган беморларнинг комплекс реабилитацияси, юрак-кон томир тизимида операциялардан кейинги реабилитация усуллари; (тикланувчи даволашнинг турли босқичларида физиотерапия, даволовчи жисмоний тарбия ва реабилитациянинг ноанъанавий усулларини қўллаш). Босқичларида гипоксияни йўқотувчи, қон суюлтируви, спазмолитик, седатив, қон айланишини яхшиловчи, микроциркуляцияни ва модда алмашувни кучайтировчи физик муолажаларни ва жисмоний реабилитация қулланилади. Психологик ва ижтимоий аспектларни ўрганиш. Зотилжам, бронхит, бронхиал астма, бронхоэктатик касаллик, эмфизема билан касалланган беморларнинг комплекс реабилитацияси (тиқланувчи даволашнинг турли босқичларида физиотерапия, даволовчи жисмоний тарбия ва реабилитациянинг ноанъанавий усулларини қўллаш). Физик муолажалар ялиғланишга қарши, сўрилтирувчи, қон айланишни яхшиловчи, бронхларни кенгайтирувчи, нафас олишни меъерловчи, седатив 16 таъсир кўрсатувчи, мода алмашинувини, буюрак усти безни фаолиятини яхшиловчи қаратирилган. Беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичиларида йўлланма бериш, бунда курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. Овкат ҳазм килиш тизими, сийдик чиқариш йўллари ва буйрак касалликларида, эндокрин системаси касалликлари билан касалланган беморларнинг реабилитацияси Гастрит, ошқозон ва ўн икки бармоқ ичак яраси касаллиги, энтероколит, сапроғ чиқариш йўллари ва жигар касалликлари, буйракнинг яллиғланиш жараёнлари билан касалланган, эндокрин системаси ва модда алмашинуви (қандли диабет, метаболик синдроми, семириш, қалқонсимон без касалликлари, подагра) беморларнинг комплекс реабилитацияси (тиқланувчи даволашнинг турли босқичларида физиотерапия, даволовчи жисмоний тарбия ва реабилитациянинг ноанъанавий усулларини қўллаш). Босқичларида: оғриқ қолдирувчи, яллиғланишга қарши, регенерацияни кучайтирувчи, сўрилтиручи, ошқозон ичак перисталтикасини нормалаштирувчи ва модда алмашинувини яхшиловчи, қондаги қанд миқдорини пасайтирувчи, микроциркуляцияни яхшиловчи, тана вазнини камайтирувчи, мода алмашинувини кучайтирувчи, яхшиловчи, седатив таъсир этувчи, туқима трофикасини яхшиловчи физиотерапевтик муолажаларни тавсия қилиш. . Беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичиларида йўлланма бериш, бунда курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. Нерв тизимлари, таянч-ҳаракат аппаратининг деструктив-дистрофик касалликлари билан касалланган беморларнинг реабилитацияси. Периферик ва марказий нерв тизимлари патологияларида (неврит, невралгия, умуртқа поғона чурраси, инсульт, МНС функционал касаликларида) яллиғланишга қарши, дегидратацияни кучайтиручи, шишни қайтарувчи, буғимлар функционал холатини яхшиловчи, сурилтирувчи, буйрак усти бези фаолиятини яхшиловчи, седатив таъсир курсатувчи физиотерапия, даволовчи жисмоний тарбия ва реабилитациянинг ноанъанавий усулларини қўлланилади; таянч-ҳаракат аппаратининг деструктив-дистрофик ва ялиғланиш касалликлари (полиартритлар, ДОА, Бехтерев касаллиги), билан касалланган беморларнинг комплекс реабилитацияси; Беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичиларида йўлланма бериш, бунда курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш Гинекологик касалликларда, акушерлик ва педиатрияда учрайдиган баъзи патологик ҳолатларда реабилитация Гинекологик яллиғланиш жараёнларида сурункали инфекция ўчоғи санацияси, яллиғлниш сўрилиши, бузилган функцияларни тиклаш, оғриқни қолдириш ва асоратларнинг олдини олиш мақсадида физиотерапевтик омиллар ва реабилитация усулларини қўллаш; акушерликда кузтиладиган баъзи патологик ҳолатларда физик омилларни профилактик мақсадда 17 қўллаш; болалар ва ўспиринларда кузатиладиган нафас системаси ва таянчҳаракат аппарати касалликларида қўлланилдиган физиотерапевтик омиллар ва реабилитация усулларининг ўзига хослиги. Хирургик касалликларни реабилитацияси Травмотологияда ва умумий хирургик касалликларида комплекс реабилитациясида: яллиғланишга қарши, бактериоцид, бактериостатик, сўрилтирувчи, дегидратацияни яхшиловчи, спазмолитик, микроциркуляцияни ва туқима трофикасини яхшиловчи, регенерацияни кучайтирувчи, шишишни қайтарувчи; травматологияда иммобилизация ва иммобилизациядан сунги босқичларида контрактурани олдини олувчи, бўғим функционал холатини яхшиловчи, асоратини олдини олувчи физиотерапия, даволовчи жисмоний тарбия ва реабилитациянинг ноанъанавий усуллари қўлланиши. Ўз вақтида беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичиларида йўлланма бериш, бунда курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш Амалий машғулотларни ташқил этиш бўйича кўрсатма ва тавсиялар Амалий машғулотларда талабалар 1. Беморларга ташхисига ва касаллигини даврига асосоланиб реабилитация этапини аниклаш; 2. Беморга индивидуал реабилитация дастурни тузиш; 3. Индивидуал реабилитация дастурида патогенетик таъсир этадиган физиотерапевтик муолажаларни тўғри танлаш ва комплекс равишда тузиш; 4. Реабилитация этапларида даволовчи жимоний тарбияни воситаларини ва шаклларини танлаш ватўғри тавсия килиш; 5. Даволаш ҳужжатларини расмийлаштириш; 6. Расмийлаштирилган даволовчи усулларни самарадорлигини аниқлаш; 7. Беморга санаторий турини танлаш ва санаторий шаротида реабилитация тадбирларни аниқлаш; 8. Соғломлаштириш мақсадида физиопрофилактикмуолажаларни қўллаш ва жисмоний тарбия усулларни тавсия килишни ўрганадилар. Амалий машғулотларнинг тахминий тавсия этиладиган мавзулари: 1. Юрак-қон томир ва нафас тизими касалликларида реабилитация усуллари. 2. Ички аъзоларни , сийдик чиқариш йўллари ва буйрак касалликлари билан касалланган беморларнинг реабилитацияси. 3. Нерв системси, таянч-ҳаракат аппаратининг деструктив-дистрофик касалликлари билан касалланган беморларнинг реабилитацияси. 4. Эндокрин ва модда алмашинув касалликларда реабилитация усуллари 5. Гинекологик касалликларда, акушерлик ва педиатрияда учрайдиган баъзи патологик ҳолатларда реабилитация. 6. Жарроҳлик ва травматологик беморларнирабилитацияси 18 Амалий машғулотларни ташкил этиш бўйича кафедра профессорўқитувчилари томонидан кўрсатма ва тавсиялар ишлаб чиқилади. Унда талабалар асосий маъруза мавзулари бўйича олган билим ва кўникмаларини амалий масалалар ечиш орқали янада бойитадилар. Шунингдек, дарслик ва ўқув қўлланмалар асосида талабалар билимларини мустаҳкамлашга эришиш, тарқатма материаллардан фойдаланиш, илмий мақолалар ва тезисларни чоп этиш орқали талабалар билимини ошириш, масалалар ечиш, мавзулар бўйича кўргазмали қуроллар тайёрлаш ва бошқалар тавсия этилади. Мустақил ишни ташкил этишнинг шакли ва мазмуни Талаба мустақил ишини тайёрлашда фаннинг хусусиятларини ҳисобга олган ҳолда қуйидаги шакллардан фойдаланиш тавсия этилади: дарслик ва ўқув қўлланмалар бўйича фан боблари ва мавзуларини ўрганиш; тарқатма материаллар бўйича маърузалар қисмини ўзлаштириш; автоматлаштирилган ўргатувчи ва назорат қилувчи тизимлар билан ишлаш; махсус адабиётлар бўйича фанлар бўлимлари ёки мавзулари устида ишлаш; Янги техникаларни, аппаратураларни, жараёнлар ва технологияларни ўрганиш; талабанинг ўқув-илмий-тадқиқот ишларини бажариш билан боғлиқ бўлган фанлар бўлимлари ва мавзуларни чуқур ўрганиш; фаол ва муаммоли ўқитиш услубидан фойдаланиладиган ўқув машғулотлари; масофавий (дистанцион) таълим. Тавсия этилаётган мустақил ишларнинг мавзулари: 1. Юрак кон-томир тизимидаги операцияларидан кейинги реабилитацияси. 2. Болалар церебрал параличларида реабилитация усуллари. 3. Миофасциал ва умуртка-погона огрик синдромларида комплекс реабилитация усуллари 4. Амиотрофик ён. склерозида реабилитацияни кулланиши 5. Онкологик касалликларида реабилитацияси 6. Суяк синишларида ва остеопороз касаллигида тиббий реабилитация усуллари 7. Турли касалликлар реабилитациясида мехнат билан даволаш усулини роли ва ахамияти Дастурнинг информацион-услубий таъминоти Мазкур фанни ўқитиш жараёнида таълимнинг замонавий методлари, педагогик ва ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари қўлланилиши назарда тутилган. - барча мавзулар бўйича маъруза машғулотларида замонавий компьютер технологиялари ёрдамида презентацион ва электрон дидактик технологияларни; 19 - фаннинг умумий ва хусусий бўлимларига тегишли мавзуларида ўтказиладиган амалий машғулотларда ақлий ҳужум, қора қути, ўргимчак ини, гуруҳли фикрлаш педагогик технологияларини қўллаш назарда тутилади. LITERATURES Main 1 Bogolyubov V.M. "Balneology and Physiotherapy" 1 and Volume 2 M. Medicine 1985 2. Yuldashev K., Y. Kulikov "Physiotherapy". Tashkent. 1984 3. Strelkova N.I. "Physical treatments in neurology", M., 1983. Four Popov S.N. "Physical rehabilitation" Rostov-on-Don, 1999 5. Okorokov A.N. "Treatment of diseases of the internal organs. Manual ", Volume 2, Moscow, 2004. 6. Epifanov V.A. "Medical rehabilitation." Moscow, 2005. 7. Ed. Epifanov V.A. - Therapeutic physical culture. Moscow, "GEOTAR Medicine" 2006 9.2. Auxillary 1 Bogolyubov V.M. "Handbook of sanatorium selection", M, 1992. 2. Iasnogorodski VG "Handbook of Physical Therapy", M, 1981. 3. Ponomarenko TN "Guide to practical training in general physiotherapy", M, 2000. Four Yuldashev KY "Non-drug treatments" a practical guide for physicians. 5. S.N.Babaadzhanov Directory physiotherapist. Tashkent, 1999 g.Suluyanova 6. V.Oransky, D.S.Ilhamdzhanova Quick Reference physiotherapy. T 1992 7. The text of lectures and tutorials. 9.3.Foreign literatures: 1. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 2. Mark Harrast, MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DO Sports Medicine Study Guide and Review for Boards 3. Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors) Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation A Guide for Practitioners 2003 - Demos Medical Publishing 4. Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 - WebMD 5. Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review 2004 - Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 9.4.Internet resources: http://www. 20 21 REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH THE TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY DEPARTMENT OF FOLK MEDICINE, REHABILITATION AND PHYSICAL CULTURE «CONFIRMED» STUDY PRORECTOR, PROFESSOR TESHAEV O.R. ___________ «_____»__________2014 YEAR HIGH EDUCATION’S Sphere of knowledge: 700000 – “public health and social welfare” Sphere of education: 720000 – “public health” Major of education: 5720100- “treatment” 5140900-“profession education” WORK PROGRAM FOR REHABILITATION Total hours – 72 hours Practical exercises – 36 hours Lectures – 4 hours Self-study – 32 hours TASHKENT – 2014 22 Authors: Visogortseva O.N. Head teacher of the department of the ethnoscience, rehabilitation and physical culture, Candidate of Medical science Adilov Sh.Kh. associate professor of the department of ethnoscience, rehabilitation and physical culture. the Reviewers: Khamraev A.A Head of TMA II GP and endocrinology Agzamova Sh.A. Associate professor of the department of the medical ambulatory and rehabilitation of TashPMI. Working programme of the subject is made on the basis of educational programme and educational plan of the “Occupational study”, “Work of medical treatment" major, discussed in the meeting of the research and development council of Tashkent Medical Academy, approved by the protocol of the meeting No.___ dated ___ ___ ___ . 23 КИРИШ 1.1.Таълим бериш мақсади ва вазифалари Таълим бериш мақсади. Фанни ўқитишдан мақсад – талабаларнинг реабилитология соҳасидаги, беморларни кайта тиклаш жараёнидаги роли ва аҳамияти ҳақидаги билим савиясини ошириш.Шифокорларнинг касбий маҳоратини яхшилашда, қайта тиклаш дастурини комплекс асослари бўйича ўз билимларини оширишга қаратилган бўлиб, ўз ичига физикавий усуллар, шифобахш жисмоний тарбия, массаж, мануал терапия, рефлексотерапия, ноанаънавий усулларини олган ҳолда, уларни касалликни муваффақиятли ва ўз вақтида даволашда, қайта тиклашда ва олдини олишда қўллашга қаратилган. Таълим бериш вазифалари Турли касалликларида шифохона, шифомаскан ва амбулатор шароитида беморларни тиббий реабилитациясида физотерапевтик усулларни, жисмоний реабилитация воситаларни ва қўшимча ноаънавий даволовчи тадбирларини биргаликда қўлланишини ўргатиш. Аҳолининг соғлиғини мустаҳкамлаш, ижтимоий ва маиший шароитларга мослашишини (адаптациясини) яхшилаш тадбирларни билиш. Реабилитациянинг мақсади ва вазифалари: бузилган функцияларни қайта тиклайдиган ва компенсация қиладиган махсус усулларини ишлаб чиқиш, турғун ногиронликни ва асоратларни бартараф қилиш. Физиотерапия ва шифобахш жисмоний тарбия усуллари касалликни даволаш вақтини қисқартиришда ва асоратларни олдини олишда қўлланилиши долзарб масала деб ҳисобланади. Чунки юқоридаги услубларни қўлланилиши асосий даволовчи терапиянинг таъсирини кучайишига ва дори моддалардан кузатиладиган асоратларни олдини олишига имконият беради. Даволаш босқичини охирги этапи ҳисобланган санатор курорт муассасалари бемор организмининг функционал ҳолатини тикланишига ва уларни уй шароитига мослаштиришга имкон беради. Бу босқичда беморларни даволаш дори-дармонсиз табиий факторлар билан амалга оширилади. 1.2.Ўқув таълими бўйича талаба билими, малакаси ва кўникмаларига бўлган талаб. Талаба билиши керак. - реабилитация ҳақида тушунча, унинг аспектлари ва принципларини; - турли касалликларни даволашда физиотерапевтик муолажаларни ва шифобахш жисмоний тарбияни комплекс усулларда қўлланишини; - муолажаларни танлашда умумий ва махсус кўрсатма ва моънеликларга риоя қилишни; -даволаш муолажалар мажмуасини тузишда асосий ва ёндош касалликларни ҳисобга олишни, нормал ва патологик ҳолатларда физик омилларнинг хусусиятларини ва уларнинг организмга таъсир қилиш механизмини; - соғломлаштириш мақсадида физиопрофилактик муолажаларни қўллашни; 24 -беморни асосий, ёндош касалликларини, кўрсатма ва қарши кўрсатмаларини ҳисобга олган ҳолда, касалликнинг аниқ нозологик турларида физик муолажаларнинг оптимал мажмуасини ишлаб чиқишни; -касалликнинг турли босқичларида шифобахш жисмоний тарбия, рефлексотерапия, массаж, фитотерапия ва бошқа усулларини ўз вақтида қўллаш ва уларни бир бирига мослашни, соғломлаштириш, профилактика, санитария-гигиена тадбирларини ўтказишни; - соғлом турмуш тарзини ташвиқот қилишни, касаллик турига қараб физик муолажаларни патогенетик даволаш комплексини тузишни, организмнинг жисмоний иш бажариш қобилиятини аниқлаш усулларини. Талаба қуйидаги малакаларга эга бўлиши керак: Даволаш, касалликнинг олдини олиш жараёнида, шунингдек ижтимоий ва жисмоний адаптацияда реабилитацион дастурларни ўз вақтида ва тўғри танлаш; физик муолажаларни организмга таъсир этиш механизмини, турли касалликларда даволаш, асоратларининг олдини олиш ва организмнинг қаршилигини ошириш мақсадида қўлланилишини, даволаш ва реабилитация даврида тўлақон комплекс тузиб, организмни соғломлаштиришда оқилона фойдаланишни, аҳолининг соғлиғини мустаҳкамлаш, ижтимоий ва маиший шароитларга мослашишини (адаптациясини) яхшилаш учун тадбирларни танлаш. Беморлар билан индивидуал машғулотлар обориш, шифокорпедагогик назоратини ўтказиш, беморлар билан индивидуал машғулотлар олиб бориш; физиотерапевтик муолажа усулларини мустақил бажариш, физиотерапевтик муолажаларга рецептларни аниқ ва тўғри ёзиш, физиотерапевтик аппаратларни муолажаларга тайёрлаш, бирламчи тиббий ёрдам кўрсатиш. Беморларга индивидуал реабилитация дастурини тузиш. Талаба қуйидаги кўникмаларини орттириши керак. Турли касалликлар билан хасталланган беморларга индивидуал реабилитация дастурларни тузиш, унда организм тўқималарини физик муолажаларга сезувчанлигини аниқлаш ва таъсир этиш соҳасини белгилаш; даволаш терапиясининг самарадорлигини аниқлаш ва уни тартибга солиш; беморларга ШЖТни режалаш ва тўғри тавсия қилиш; шифокор-педагогик назоратини ўтказиш, машғулотда қўлланилаётган жисмоний юкламаларнинг адекватлигини ва самарадорлигини баҳолаш; реабилитация босқичида поликлиника ва шифохонада ШЖТ вазифаларини ва ҳаракат тартиботларини аниқлаш, беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичига йўлланма бериш, бунда курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. 1.3.Берилган ўқув фанини ўқитишда керак бўладиган бошқа ўқув фанлари тартиби Дастурни амалга ошириш ўқув режасида режалаштирилган умумий физиотерапия, шифобахш жисмоний тарбия, врач назорати, терапия, жарроҳлик, доя-гинекология, педиатрия, травматология ва ортопедия фанларидан етарли билим ва кўникмаларга эга бўлишлик талаб этилади. 1.4. Талабалар билиш керак бўлган амалий кўникмалар минимуми. 25 1. Турли касалликлар билан хасталланган беморларга индивидуал реабилитация дастурларни тузиш. 2. Турли касалликларда физиотерапевтик муолажаларини тўғри тавсия этиш. Организм тўқималарини физик муолажаларга сезувчанлигини аниқлаш ва таъсир этиш соҳасини белгилаш, даволаш терапиясининг самарадорлигини аниқлаш ва уни тартибга солиш. 3.Физиотерапевтик муолажаларга рецептларни аниқ ва тўғри ёзиш. 4.Беморларга ШЖТни режалаш ва тўғри тавсия қилиш; шифокорпедагогик назоратини ўтказиш. 5.Машғулотда қўлланилаётган жисмоний юкламаларнинг адекватлигини ва самарадорлигини баҳолаш. 6.Реабилитация босқичида поликлиника ва шифохонада ШЖТ вазифаларини ва ҳаракат тартиботларини аниқлаш. 7.Беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичига йўлланма бериш, бунда курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. 1.5.Талабалар билимининг назорати Ўқитилган материаллар бўйича талабаларнинг билимини ва кўникмаларни ўзлаштириш даражасини баҳолаш бутун дарс ўтиш вақтида 2 босқичда олиб борилади : кунлик жорий назорат ва якуний назорат бўйича рейтинг баллари қўйилади. Якуний назорат фан тугаши билан ўтказилади. Талабалар билимининг назорати ҳар хил кўринишда олиб борилади : оғзаки сўров, вазиятли масалаларни ечиш, ўргатувчи-назорат қилувчи тестларга ёзма ёки огзаки жавоб, амалий кўникмаларни бажариш, ўқитишнинг янги технология усуллари билан баҳолаш. Бундан ташқари талабалар мустақил иш топширадилар ва улар кундалик жорий назоратда баҳоланади. Фан бўйича рейтинг баллари жорий ва якуний назорат балларининг йиғиндиси фан бўйича қайдномаларга ва талабаларнинг рейтинг китобчаларига қўйилади. 1.6. Ўқув технологияларидан фойдаланиш Ўқитиш жараёнида дарслик ва қўлланмалардан, интернетдан олинган янги маълумотлардан, тарқатма материаллардан (муолажаларни ўтказиш тартиби, жадваллар, кроссворд, баҳолаш усуллари) ўқитишнинг янги технология усулларидан (мияга ҳужум, кичик гуруҳлар ва ҳ.з), физиотерапевтик аппаратлардан, видеофильмлардан фойдаланилади. 2.Ўқув юқламасининг ҳажми Меҳнат ҳажми 72 Ўқув юкламасининг ҳажмини аудитор машғулотлар бўйича тақсимлаш. Ҳаммаси Маъруза Амалий машғулот 40 4 36 3. Маърузалар 3.1 Маърузалар мавзу режаси Мустақил иш 32 26 № Соат Маърузанинг мавзуси 1 Реабилиталогия фани ҳақида тушунча. Реабилитология 2 аспектлари. Беморлар реабилитация қилиш принциплари ва босқичлари. 2 Турлий хил касалликларнинг тиббий реабилитацияси 2 ҳусусиятлари. Беморни физиотерапевтик усуллар ва дори дармон билан комплекс даволаш, бу услубларни бир бирига тўғри келиши, кетма-кетлиги, бир вақтда олиб борилишини тўғри ташкил этиш. Жами4 соат 3.2.Маъруза матнларининг мазмуни. Маъруза № 1. Реабилиталогия фани ҳақида тушунча. Реабилитология аспектлари. Беморлар реабилитация қилиш принциплари ва босқичлари. Реабилитация фани ва вазифалари, турлари, реабилитация дастури тадбирлари, босқичлари, баҳолаш мезонлари ҳақида тушунча бериш. Тиббий тикланишнинг физиотерапевтик асослари, касалларни даволашда тикланиш терапиясининг асосий босқичлари: -Даволаш-функционал чиниқтирувчи. -Функцияларни актив тиклаш босқичи. -Этиопатогенетик ва симптоматик терапия бирлиги. -Маълум босқичларда тикланиш тадбирларни ўтказиш. -Тиббий тикланишнинг ҳар бир босқичларида даволаш тадбирларини кетма-кет ўсиб борувчи интенсивликда қўллаш. Маъруза № 2. Турлий хил касалликларнинг тиббий реабилитацияси ҳусусиятлари. Беморни физиотерапевтик усуллар ва дори дармон билан комплекс даволаш, бу услубларни бир бирига тўғри келиши, кетма-кетлиги, бир вақтда олиб борилишини тўғри ташкил этиш. -Реабилитация воситаларини тўғри қўлланиши, турлий хил касалликлар реабилитаициясида касаллик ривожланиш босқичларида реабилитация комлексларни тузиш, уларни қўллаш. -Фармакологик препаратларни ва физик муолажаларни биргаликда қўллаш. -Патология турига қараб, тиббий тикланиши босқичларини кетма кетлигини бир тартибда ўтказиш. -Тиббий тикланиш дастурларида турли усул ва воситаларни комплекс қўллаш. Интеграл маъруза: (горизантал интеграция). Турлий хил касалликларнинг тиббий реабилитацияси ҳусусиятлари. Беморни физиотерапевтик усуллар ва дори дармон билан комплекс даволаш, бу услубларни бир бирига тўғри келиши, кетмакетлиги, бир вақтда олиб борилишини тўғри ташкил этиш. 27 Маъруза даволаш ва тиббий педагогика факултетлари 6 курс талабаларига мўлжалланган. Маърузачилар: Неврология кафедраларнинг профессор, т.ф.д. Рахимбаева Г.С. Халқ тиббиёти, реабилитология ва жисмоний тарбия кафедранинг доц. Адилов Ш.К. Муддат: 11, 12 семестр. Адабиётлар: 1,2,3,16,17,22,31,35,38. 4. Амалий машғулотлар мавзуси Амалий машғулот 1 2. Мос Соат Мавзулар номи ва уларнинг бўлимлар келувбўйича мазмуни, фойдаланилган янги чи педагогик технологиялари. маъ руза 1,2 6 Юрак-қон томир(юрак ишемик касаллиги, гипертония касаллиги, НЦД) ва нафас олиш органлари касалликлари(зотилжам, плеврит, сурункали бронхит, ўпка эмфиземаси, бронхоэктатик касал-лиги, бронхиал астма) тиббий реабилитацияси тадбирлари. Юрак миокарди ва коронар тож томирларда қон айланишини нейрогуморал бошқаришни яхшилаш, ундаги модда алмашинуви, қисқарувчанлик, микроциркуляция, гемодинамикасини яхшилаш мақсадида физиотерапевтик муолажаларни ва ШЖТ воситаларини қўллаш. Нафас олиш органлари касалликларининг реабилитациясида физиотерапевтик муолажаларни ва ШЖТ воситаларини қўллаш. Суҳбат, бахс-мунозара, ўйин дарслари, 1, 2 6 кўргазмали материялар фойдаланилади. Ошқозон – ичак касалликлари (гастрит, ошқозон ва ичак яраси, колит, энтерит, энтероколит, холецистит), буйрак (сурункали пилонефрит, нефритлар) ва сийдик йўллари касалликлари тиббий реабилитацияси. Овқат ҳазм қилиш системасининг функционал ҳолатини яхшилаш, ошқозон секрециясини меъёрлаштириш, ичаклар перисталтикасини яхшилаш. Оғрик қолдирувчи, регене- Адабиётлар А.1,2,3,4,6 Қ.2,5, 10,23,24 А.1,2,3,4,6 19,20 Қ.2,3,9,11, 23,24 28 3. 1, 2 6 1, 2 6 1, 2 6 4. рацияни, сўрилиши жараёнларини кучайтирувчи таъсир кўрсатадиган физик муолажалар ва ШЖТ комплексини қўллаш. Минерал сувларни ичиш, парафин, балчиқ, озокерит, электроуйқу, электрофорез, магнитотерапия, ДМВ, Соллюкс, ШЖТ, лазеротерапия, УВЧ. “Кластер”, “Мия хужми” усулларидан фойдаланиш. Асаб системаси касалликларида (марказий нерв тизими касалликлари: инсульт, переферик асаб тизими касалликлари, юз нерви неврити, остеохондрозда). Бўғим касалликлари (ревматоид артритлар, подагра, псориатик артритлар, Бехтерев касаллиги ва остеоартрозларда) касалликлар реабилитацияси. Асаб касалликларида яллиғланишга қарши, бошланғич даврларида асоратларининг олдини олиш, оғриқни қолдиришни камайтириш мақсадида, марказий нерв системасининг функционал ҳолатини яхшилаш, функциясини тиклаш. Касаллик асоратларининг олдини олишда физиотерапевтик муолажаларни ва ШЖТни қўланиши. Кейс стади усули қўланилади. Эндокрин (қандли диабет, семириш, қалқонсимон без касалликларида), юқумли (сарамас, бруциллёз ва кўк йутал) ва тери-таносил касалликларининг (псориаз, аллергик тошмалар) комплекс реабилитацияси. Модда алмашинуви (қандли диабет, метаболик синдроми, семириш, қалқонсимон без касалликлари, подагра) бузилган беморларнинг комплекс реабилитацияси (тиқланувчи даволашнинг турли босқичларида физиотерапия, шифобахш жисмоний тарбия ва реабилитациянинг ноанъанавий усулларини қўллаш). Беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичиларига йўлланма бериш, бунда курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. “Кластер”, “Мия хужми”, инсерт-усули фойдаланилади. А.1,2,3,4,6 17,18,20 Қ.1,2,9,11, 16,23,24 А.1,2,4,6, 19,20 Қ.2,3,9,11, 23,24 А.1,2,3,4,6 29 5. 6. 1,2 6 Травматологик (қўл-оёқ, умуртқа поғанаси ва тоз суяклари синганиши) ва жарроҳлик касалликлар (кўкрак ва қорин бўшлиқларидаги органларнинг операциялари, қон-томир касалликлари) реабилитацияси. Травмотологияда ва умумий жарроҳлик касалликларининг комплекс реабилитациясида: яллиғланишга қарши, бактериоцид, бактериостатик, сурилтирувчи, дегидратацияни яхшиловчи, спазмолитик, микроциркуляцияни, тўқима трофикасини яхшиловчи ва регенерацияни кучайтирувчи, шишишни қайтарувчи; травматологияда иммобилизация ва иммобилизациядан кейинги босқичларида контрактурани олдини олувчи, бўғим функционал холатини яхшиловчи, асоратини олдини олувчи физиотерапия, шифобахш жисмоний тарбия ва реабилитациянинг ноанъанавий усуллари қулланилади. “Кластер”, “Мия хужми”, инсерт-усули фойдаланилади. Гинекологик касалликларда (ҳомиладорлик вақти, туғуруқ ва туғуруқдан кейинги даврлар), гинекологик касалликлар (аёл жинсий аъзолари яллиғланиш касалликлари, климактерик синдром и генитал инфантилизм), педиатрияда (болалар церебрал параличи, рахит, аллергодерматозлар, бронхиал астма, ревматизм и болалар ЛОР касаллиги) реабилитация. Гинекологик яллиғланиш жараёнларида сурункали инфекция ўчоғи санацияси, яллиғланишнинг сўрилиши, бузилган функцияларни тиклаш, оғриқни қолдириш ва асоратларнинг олдини олиш мақсадида физиотерапевтик омиллар ва реабилитация усулларини қўллаш; акушерликда кузатиладиган баъзи патологик ҳолатларда физик омилларни профилактик мақсадда қўллаш; болалар ва ўсмирларда кузатиладиган нафас системаси ва таянч-ҳаракат аппарати касалликларида қўлланилдиган физиотерапевтик омиллар ва реабилитация усуллари- 15,17,18 Қ.1,2,4,9, 11,12,23 А.1,2,3,4,6 11,14,15 Қ.2,9,11,14 15,17,18, 19,23,24 30 нинг ўзига хослиги. “Кластер”, “Мия хужми”, фойдаланилади. инсерт-усули 5.Мустақил иш Ма шғу лот № 1. Мос келувчи Маъруза № 1, 2 Мустақил мазмуни ишлар мавзуси ва Ажратилган соат 1.Юрак қон-томир тизимидаги операцияларидан кейинги реабилитацияси. Реабилитация босқичлари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқларни қўллаш, таъсир механизмлари. 2.Нафас тизими билан касалланган Адабиёт лар 3 А.1,2,3,4 5,6,12,21 Қ.2,5, 10,23,24 2 А.1,2,3,4 31 1, 2 1, 2 2. 3. 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 4. 1. 2 беморларни Ўзбекситондаги санатор давоси. Нафас касаликларининг реабилитациясида санатор–курортга саралаш. Тоғли курортлар. Спелеотерапия. 1.Ошқозон ичак тракти касалликларини бальнеологик даволаш. Минерал сувлар таркиби, минерал сувларни қўлланилиш усуллари, санотор куророрт даволашдаги ўрни. 1.Умуртқа поғона касалликларида комплекс реабилитация усуллари. Умуртқа поғанаси касалликларида умуртқа поғанасини чўзиш (тракцион терапияси). Йога-асана (махсус дастлабки ҳолатда даволаш). 2.Турли касалликлар реабилитациясида меҳнат билан даволаш усулининг аҳамияти. Меҳнат билан даволаш турлари. Юракқонтомир, таянч-ҳаракат, семизлик ва бошқа касалликларда меҳнат билан даволашни қўллаш. 1.Қандли диабет асоратларини комплекс реабилитацияси. Диабетик ангиопатия ва полинейропатияда физиотерапевтик омилларни ва ШЖТ воситаларини қўллаш. 2.Тери касалликлари билан касалланган беморларни Ўзбекситондаги санатор давоси. Тери касалликлари билан касалланган беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичларига йўлланма бериш, бунда курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. Иқлимли ва бальнеологик санаторийлар. 3.Гепатит касаллигида реабилитация. Реабилитация этаплари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқлар ва физиотерапевтик омилларини қўллаш, беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичларига йўлланма бериш. 5,6,12,21 Қ.2,5,9, 10,23,24 2 А.1,2,3,4 6,19,20 Қ.2,3,9,1 1,23,24 3 А.1,2,3,4 6,17,18, 20 Қ.1,2,9, 11,16,23, 24 А.1,3,5, 10,16 Қ.5,10 2 3 А.1,2,4,6 19,20 Қ.2,3,9, 11,23,24 2 А.1,2,4,6 19,20 Қ.2,3,9, 11,23,24 3 А.1,4,15, 19 Қ.4,23 32 1,2 5. 1, 2 1, 2 6. 1,2 1, 2 1.Онкологик касалликларининг реабилитацияси. Онкологик касалликларида реабилитациянинг ўзига хослиги. Руҳий ва жисмоний реабилитацияси. 2.Суяк синишларида ва остеопороз касаллигида тиббий реабилитация усуллари. Реабилитация этаплари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқлар ва физиотерапевтик омилларини қўллаш, таъсир механизмлари. 3.Операциялардан кейинги реабилитация босқичлари. Реабилитация этаплари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқлар ва физиотерапевтик омилларини қўллаш, таъсир механизмлари, беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичларига йўлланма бериш. 1.Болалар церебрал параличларида реабилитация усуллари. Реабилитация этаплари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқлар ва физиотерапевтик омилларини қўллаш, таъсир механизмлари. 2.Бепуштлик билан касалланган беморларни Ўзбекситондаги санатор давоси. Санатор-курорт даволаш босқичларига йўлланма бериш, курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. 2 3 А.1,2,3, 4,617,18, 20 Қ.1,2,9, 11,16,23, А.1,2,3, 4,6,11,14 Қ.2,9,11, 14,15,19, 23,24 3 А.1,2,3,4 6,11,12 Қ.2,9,11, 17,18, 19,23,24 2 А.1,2,3, 4,6,11,14 Қ.2,9,11, 14,15,19, 23,24 2 А.1,2,3, 4,6,11,14 Қ.2,9,11, 14,15,19, 23,24 6. Фан бўйича кўникма, малакалар ва билимларини баҳолаш критериялари ва рейтинг назорати Талабанинг тайёргарлик сифатини белгиловчи асосий критерияси унинг рейтинги ҳисобланади, бу эса жорий ва якуний назорат баҳоларининг йиғиндисидан чиқарилади. Фан бўйича 100 балл куйидагича тақсимланади: № 1. 2. Назорат тури Жорий назорат Якуний назорат ЖАМИ Максимал балл 50 50 100 Коэффициент 0,5 0,5 1 Ўтиш балл 27,5 27,5 55,0 33 Амалий машғулотларни баҳолаш критерияси бўлиб, талабанинг машғулотга тайёргарлиги ва вазифаларни, мустақил ишини бажариш сифати баҳоларининг йиғиндисидан келиб чиқадиган жорий баҳоси ҳисобланади. Criteria for daily assessment No. Learning % 1 96-100 2 91-95 Mark Distinction “5” 3 86-90 4 81-85 Good “4” Degree of the students’ knowledge Fully expresses own opinion regarding the topic, gives right answers to all the questions, analyses and makes a conclusion, thinks creatively, actively participates during the discussion of the topic. Approaches the problem solution cases regarding the topic, answers fully and correctly to the test. The student has broad thinking and can exchange his thought with the teacher. Research papers, slides, complex of the video movies are prepared based on the more the 10 online source and up-to-date literature. Fully expresses own opinion regarding the topic, gives right answers to all the questions, analyses and makes a conclusion, thinks creatively, actively participates during the discussion of the topic, thinks independently. Approaches the problem solution cases regarding the topic, answers fully and correctly to the test. The student has broad thinking and can exchange his thought with the teacher. Research papers, slides, complex of the video movies are prepared based on the more the 10 online source and up-to-date literature. Adequately expresses own opinion regarding the topic, gives right answers to all the questions, analyses and makes a conclusion, thinks creatively, actively participates during the discussion of the topic. Fills in the protocol of the coursework results regarding the topic. Research papers, slides, complex of the video movies are prepared based on the more the 10 online source and up-to-date literature. Adequately expresses own opinion regarding the topic, gives right answers to all the questions, analyses and makes a conclusion, thinks creatively, actively participates during the discussion of the topic. 15-20 one type of animation working papers are prepared based on the more the 8-10 online source and up-to-date literature. All the information is provided in the full amount but delivered in boring manner. 34 5 76-80 6 71-75 7 66-70 8 61-65 9 55-60 10 54-30 Answers are right but not full, the student corrects the mistakes according to the additional questions of the teacher, adequately active in discussion of the topic. The student participates in fulfillment of the tasks given in the lecture hall. 10-15 one type of animation working papers are prepared based on the more the 5-8 online source and up-to-date literature. All the information is provided in the full amount but delivered in boring manner. Adequately active in discussion of the topic but make some mistakes, participates in fulfillment of the tasks given in the lecture hall, takes necessary notes. 5-10 one type of animation working papers are prepared based on the more the 3-5 online source and up-to-date literature. All the information is provided in the full amount but delivered in boring manner. 50% of the answers are right but understands the sense of the question. The student can fulfill the tasks but makes couple of mistakes. 50% of the answers are right, not all the time understands the sense of the questions, performs the task with the help of the teacher and even though makes couple of mistakes. Poorly written papers using the 2-3 online sources and upto-date literature. Working paper is decorated well but has some mistakes, inconsistent, topic is not fully covered. Complex of slides, which cover half of the topic, is prepared on the basis of 5-10 one type animation. Stands, banners or other informative materials are made with low quality. 40% of the answers are right, sometimes the student is Satisfactory confused, not all the time can understand the sense of the question, fulfill the tasks with the help of the other “3” students or teacher. Some working papers prepared bases on 2-3 online sources and up-to-date literature. Working paper is decorated well, has some mistakes, inconsistent, does not fully cover the topic. Complex of slides, which cover half of the topic, is prepared on the basis of 5-10 one type animation. Stands, banners or other informative materials are made with low quality. The student can give right answers up to 40%, answers are not clear, cannot perform the tasks. Home task is not done. Unsatisfactory Working paper is poorly decorated, inconsistent, does not “2” cover the topic. 1-2 online sources and literature are used. Complex of slides, which cover half of the topic, is prepared on the basis of less than 10 one type animations. 35 Stands, banners or other informative materials are made with low quality. 11 Participates in the practical exercises, in the uniform, has got the notebook. Home task is not done. The student does not perform any coursework. 30-20 Assessment criteria for Students Independent Works (SIW) No. Learning % 1 86-100 2 71-85 3 55-70 4 0-54 Assessment Degree of the students’ knowledge Working papers with high quality prepared based on more than 10 online sources and up to date literatures. Topics of the working papers are fully covered, paragraphs logically structured, in writing the paper the student demonstrated his knowledge. Working paper is decorated well. The Distinction clear and well structured complex of the slides made “5” based on more than 30 one type of animations, up to date information are used which cover the topic. Stands, banners or other materials are made with high quality, materials written logically, executed clearly and with high quality, all information is provided in full scope. Working papers prepared based on more than 3-5 online sources and up to date literatures. The working papers are well decorated, without mistakes, paragraphs logically structured, the topic is fully covered. The clear and well structured complex of the slides made based on more than Good 15-20 one type of animations, up to date information are “4” used which cover the topic. Stands, banners or other materials are made with high quality, materials written logically, executed clearly and with high quality, all information is provided in full scope but executed in a boring manner. Working papers prepared based on more than 2-3 online sources and up to date literatures. The working papers are well decorated, has some mistakes, inconsistent, the topic Satisfactory is partially covered. More than 10-15 one type of “3” animations slides prepared. Stands, banners or other materials compose half of the materials, executed with low quality. Working paper is decorated poorly, has mistakes, Unsatisfactory consistency is not followed, topic is cover partially. 1-2 “2” online sources and literatures are used. Less than 10 one type of animations slides prepared. Stands, banners or 36 other materials compose half of the materials, executed with low quality. Assessment criteria for final exam No. Learning % 1 96-100 2 91-95 3 86-90 All questions of the self-study program are answered correctly but consistency is not followed 4 81-85 All questions of the self-study program are answered correctly but there is a minor mistake in consistency 5 76-81 All questions of the self-study program are answered correctly but there are couple of mistake in consistency 6 71-75 7 66-70 8 61-65 9 55-60 10 54-30 11 30 and less Mark Degree of the student’s knowledge All questions of the self-study program are answered consistently and correct Distinction “5” Good “4” All questions of the self-study program are answered correctly but there are some inconsistency There are mistakes (30%) in answers. Consistency of the answers is adjusted There are mistakes (40%) in answers. Consistency of the answers is breached Satisfactory “3” There are mistakes in answers, 45% of the answers are incorrect, consistency is breached in major cases. There are mistakes in answers, 55% of the answers are incorrect, consistency is breached in major cases. There are mistakes in answers, more than 55% of the answers are incorrect, consistency is breached in major Unsatisfactory cases. “2” All answers are incorrect and consistency is breached in major cases. Реабилиталогия фанидан амалий кўникмалар рўйхати 37 1.Турли касалликлар билан хасталланган беморларга индивидуал реабилитация дастурларни тузиш. 2.Турли касалликларда физиотерапевтик муолажаларини тўғри тавсия этиш. Организм тўқималарини физик муолажаларга сезувчанлигини аниқлаш ва таъсир этиш соҳасини белгилаш, даволаш терапиясининг самарадорлигини аниқлаш ва уни тартибга солиш. 3.Физиотерапевтик муолажаларга рецептларни аниқ ва тўғри ёзиш. 4.Беморларга ШЖТни режалаш ва тўғри тавсия қилиш; шифокорпедагогик назоратини ўтказиш. 5.Машғулотда қўлланилаётган жисмоний юкламаларнинг адекватлигини ва самарадорлигини баҳолаш. 6.Реабилитация босқичида поликлиника ва шифохонада ШЖТ вазифаларини ва ҳаракат тартиботларини аниқлаш. 7.Беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичига йўлланма бериш, курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. Амалий кўникмаларни баҳолаш мезонлари Жорий назоратнинг 40%ни амалий қисм ташкил қилади. Максимал 20 баллга тенг. Реабилитология фанидан жорий назорати бўйича ўзлаштириладиган ҳар бир амалий кўникмалар босқичда амалга оширилади ва максимал 100 балл билан баҳоланади. Амалий кўникмалар қадамма-қадам бажарилишида ҳатолар қилинганда, бажарилмаган қадам ҳисобидан максимал ажаратилган баллар олиб ташланади. Охирги қўшилган баллар суммасидан қуйидаги коэффицент билан ҳисобланади, 20 * х/100 коэффицентга ўтказилади. Масалан: талаба 80 балл олса амалий кўникмани жорий баҳолашдаги балли 16 га тенг бўлади. 16 балл ёки жорий баҳолашни 38% ташкил этади. Daily assessment Theoretical part 25% 12.5 minimum credits Analytical part Practical part SIW 30% 40% 5% 15.0 minimum 20 minimum 2.5 minimum credits credits credits Текшириш тадбирлари Ўқув машғулотини ўзлаштириш сифатини баҳолаш 2 хил назорат : жорий ва якуний баҳолаш орқали амалга оширилади. 38 1.Жорий баҳолаш (ЖБ) - ҳар куни талабаларнинг билими ва амалий кўникмаларни ўзлаштирилиши текширилиб борилади. Баҳолаш қуйидагича амалга оширилади : -соволларга оғзаки жавоб бериши; -вазиятли масалаларни ечиш,таклифлар бериш; -амалий кўникмаларни бажариш; -янги усулларни қўллаб, билимни баҳолаш; -мавзу бўйича тестларни қўллаш. Талабаларнинг мустақил ишлари (ТМИ) – талабалар томонидан мустақил тайёрланган ишлари (реферат, слайдлар, кроссворд, тарқатма материал, вазиятли масала) амалий машғулотларда эшитилиб, тахлил қилинади ва рейтинг назорати тизими асосида балларда баҳоланади. Талабанинг мустақил иши ЎзР Олий ва ўрта махсус таълим Вазирлиги-нинг 21.02.2005 йил 34-сонли буйруғи ва ТТА ректори 2009 йилдаги буйруғи билан тасдиқланган «Талаба мустақил ишини ташкил этиш, назорат қилиш ва баҳолаш тартиби тўғрисида Намунавий низом» асосида ташкил этилади. Ҳар бир бажарилган иш рейтинг назорати тизимига асосан балларда баҳоланади. 2.Якуний баҳолаш (ЯБ) – амалий машғулотлар тугагач, қуйидагича олиб борилади:. -ЯБ га жорий баҳонинг максимал рейтинг балининг 55 фоизидан юқори балл олган талабалар қўйилади; -якуний баҳолаш ОСКИ шаклида олинади; -рейтинг назорти тизимига асосан балларда баҳоланади. 3. Фан бўйича умумий рейтинг балли ЖБ ва ЯБ балларини қўшиб олинади. Олинган баллар қайднома ва талабаларнинг рейтинг китобчасига қўйилади. Фан бўйича умумий рейтинг балли қуйидагича баҳоланади : 86,0 – 100,0 балл аъло 71,0 – 85,9 балл яхши 55,0 – 70,9 балл коникарли 54,9 ва ундан паст коникарсиз Ахборот-услубий таъминланиш Мультимедияли презентацияли маърузалар, ўқув фильмлари, янги педагогик технологиялар, электрон китоблар. 7. LITERATURES: 1. MAIN: 1. Боголюбов В.М.«Медицинская реабилитация » Москва, 2006,3 тома. 2. Бабаджанов С.Н. «Справочник физиотерапевта», Ташкент, 1999г. 3. Епифанов В.А. «Лечебная физкультура и спортивная медицина» М., 2000. 39 4. Попов В.И. Чоговадзе В.Г. «Физическая реабилитация» Ростов наДону 2001. 5. Епифанов В.А. “Лечебная физическая культура” М. 2003. 6. Дубровский В.А. “Лечебная физкультура” М., 2004. 7. Лекционные материалы и учебно-методические разработки. 8. Рихсиева О.А. «Массаж», Т. 1996. 9. Евдокимова Т.А. Милюкова И.В. Новейший справочник“Лечебная физкультура,” М. 2004. 10. «Медицинские основы физического воспитания и формирования здоровья и гармоничного развития детей и подростков» проф. Назиров Ф.Г. проф. Ахмедова Д.М. проф. Суюмов Ф.А. доц. Васильев В.Д, проф. Шайхова Г.И. Ташкент 2003. 11. Эдвард Т. Хоули, Б. Дон-Френкс « Руководство инструктораоздоровительного фитнесса» Киев 2004. 12. Бет Шоу “Йога fitТренинг для здоровья”, М. 2005. 13. Милюкова И.В. Евдокимова Т.А. “ Гимнастика для детей”, М. 2004. 14. .А. Боков С. Сергеев “ Йога для детей” М. 2004. 15. 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INTERNET RESOURSES: http://www. http://www. 41 42 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN CENTRE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION Tashkent Medical Academy "APPROVED" Pro-rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Teshaev O.R. ____________________ "________" ___________2014. Department: Department of Folk Medicine, Rehabilitation and Physical Culture Subject: Rehabilitology Subject: Practical exercises "Application of physical factors and physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system; ischemic heart disease, hypertension, NSD, and respiratory system; pneumonia, pleurisy, CPD (chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, emphysema), asthma " Practical exercises Educational technology Tashkent-2014 43 Educational model in practical lesson Theme № 1: "Application of physical factors and physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system; CHD hypertonia, NSD, and respiratory; pneumonia, pleurisy, COPD ( chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, emphysema), bronchial asthma. Study time: 270 min Number of students 8-9 Type of the classes Exercise topics. Structure of the training sessions (Lesson plan ) 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical part 3. Analytical part - organizer - tests - situational tasks, recipe. 4. Practical skills. Teach the skill to choose the right treatment strategy and guidelines physical therapy and exercise therapy in cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases. -Indications and contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system; -Mainstream physical therapy in cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases; -Mechanisms of action of physical factors and means of exercise therapy on patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. Purpose of the lesson: The student should know: 44 The graduate should be able to: Run the practical skills to make complex rehabilitation with the use of physical therapy and exercise therapy on an outpatient receiving individual patient, based on the examination, medical history, medical history data and laboratory and instrumental data; -Write the recipe on the assigned physical factors; -Conduct designated procedures; -Make an exercise of physiotherapy for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, depending on the stage of the disease. Pedagogical objectives: -Acquaint with the indications and contraindications for physiotherapy treatment and exercise therapy in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and respiratory system; -Clarify the concept of etiopathogenic and symptomatic treatment using physical factors of cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases depending on the stage of the disease; -Teach drafting complex rehabilitation depending on the stage of the disease; -Teach yourself to let designated physiotherapy; -Teach yourself to pick up a set of exercises and therapeutic exercises to demonstrate their patients. Learning outcomes -List the indications and contraindications for the purpose of physiotherapy and exercise therapy in patients with diseases of the respiratory system and CCC; -Called main purpose of use of physiotherapy and exercise therapy factors in patients with diseases of the respiratory system and CCC; Training Methods Conversation, discussion, brainstorming, demonstration, training game. Front, collective work groups both oral and written; solution case studies; demonstration of practical skills mastered. Forms of educational activity -Up complex of rehabilitation measures, depending on the stage of the disease; Self-appointed spend physiotherapy; Self-selected set of exercises of physiotherapy and demonstrate their patients. 45 Learning Tools Distributing educational materials, visual aids, videos, board-stand, photo, text. Methods and means of feedback. Assessing knowledge and monitoring. Quiz, test, presentation of results of a learning task or solving case studies, demonstrating the independent exercise of practical skills. Typical flow chart practical lesson Stages of work and time (270 min) 1st stage 20 minutes Action Teacher Theoretical part Learners Listen, write, update, ask questions. 1.1. Checks attendance and notebooks 20 minutes 1.2. Names theme classes, its goals, objectives and expected learning outcomes. . Introduces the mode of operation in the lesson and evaluation criteria (see guidance for students). 25 minutes 1.3. . Gives the task for independent work, references to independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation. (Appendix 6). 25 minutes 1.4. Conducts a quiz in order to activate the students knowledge on the topic: 10 minutes 1.5. Break 7 46 "Stage 2" 60 minutes 30 minutes Analytical part Solve the test tasks, answer questions, 2.1. Leading the discussion topics present during of practical classes. physiotherapy Distributes materials of the case patients and LH in and introduces the algorithm the classroom, work analyzing the situation. Divides the independently on the students into groups. FT devices and physical therapy 2.2. Assesses students' background room, work in knowledge using new educational groups, present the technologies (small groups, case results of the group studies). (Appendix 3). work. Teaches proper selection of methods of rehabilitation patients. 45 minutes 2.3 Break 3rd stage 60 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes The practical part. Conduct self-esteem, interassessment. Ask An opinion on the subject, focusing questions. Recorded students on the main reports on the assignment. importance of the work done for future professional careers. Commends the work of groups and individual students, summarizes interassessment. Analyzes and evaluates the degree of achievement of lesson. (Appendix 5). 3.3. Gives task for independent work, references to independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation. (Appendix 6). Gives the task to prepare for the next lesson. 47 1. Motivation Rehabilitation aims not only to address the symptoms of the disease, how it is achieved with drug therapy, but also to the gradual recovery of physical health, psychological status and professional opportunities as a result of the patient. The physical aspect of rehabilitation is provided timely and adequate mobilization of the patient, his early appointment of individual therapeutic exercises, then the group therapeutic physical culture (treatment gymnastics), dosed walking, as well as special physical training, first conducted in hospitals, and then under the selfmonitoring at home. Physical factors lead to changes in the functions of the cardiovascular system, improve pump and contractile function of the heart in alleviating the conditions of his work (peripheral vasodilator effect and afterload reduction, lengthening of diastole). Improved central and peripheral parts of the oxygen-function of the cardiovascular system is pathogenetically grounded direction in the treatment of major clinical manifestations of the pathology of the cardiovascular system. 2. Interdisciplinary communication and Intra Teaching the topic is based on the knowledge students the basics of biochemistry, biophysics, anatomy, normal and pathological physiology of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, general physiotherapy and exercise therapy foundations. Acquired during the course of knowledge will be used in traversing disciplines therapy, cardiology, cardiac surgery, pulmonology, tuberculosis, as well as GPs in their practice. 3. Contents of the lesson 3.1 Theoretical part 48 Application of physiotherapy and exercise therapy in rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Combating diseases of the cardiovascular system has become the main objective of health and medical science. A deep interest in this issue determined the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, their huge role in disability and mortality, which gives not only medical but also social value. Therefore, it is important scientific principles and rationale for the development of effective methods of treatment, rehabilitation and prevention. At the moment the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system is carried out by a single coherent system: Identify and conduct pre-disease state multidisciplinary, preventive measures. Early diagnosis and differential complex treatment. Rehabilitation and secondary prevention. Among various methods of preventing and, undoubtedly have a physical meaning of factors, as they do not reveal many of the mechanisms involved in the occurrence and development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Results of studies in recent years have greatly expanded the scope of physical factors in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diseases and rationale of their use as an effective drug therapies are not at all stages of specialized cardiac care hospital, clinic, sanatorium-resort. Physiotherapy factors constitute the basis of nature (sun, climate, mineral and fresh water, swimming in seas, rivers and lakes, as well as preformed obtained using special devices) factors. The primary action of physical factors on the body through the skin, its receptor system, cardiovascular system and associated with changes in physical and chemical processes in the skin. Electrical, thermal, mechanical, chemical, radiation, etc. Irritation inherent physical factors, exerting effects on the skin, cause reactions receptor system and blood vessels in the form of changes in excitability threshold receptors and microvascular tone.Extremely important in the mechanism of therapeutic action of physical factors is changing the sensitivity of vascular receptors, especially highly sensitive chemoreceptors of the carotid and aortic areas. With receptor zones occur reflexes changing tone of arterial and venous blood vessels, blood pressure, heart rate, irritability vasomotor and respiratory centers. In the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system using a number of physical factors, energy absorption in tissues which is transformed into heat (alternating fields, electromagnetic fields). Occurring at the same time heating of tissues accompanied by vascular reactions, such as dilatation, disclosure of dormant capillaries, accelerate blood flow in them, change platelet aggregation. Thus, the local physical action as a preamble, is converted into a chemical trigger, which in turn is transformed into a single neuro-reflex and humoral process, involving the responses of various body systems. In the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system using a variety of instructional techniques: - Local (e.g. heart area) - Reflector, segmentar (impact on reflex zones) 49 In the practice of physiotherapy is important to correlate the physical force of the impact factor with the initial state of functional pathological changes of the system and its compensatory abilities. It is therefore necessary to develop optimal methods of physiotherapy based on the severity and characteristics of the disease, the mechanisms of action of physical factors. CHD The basis of CHD is myocardial hypoxia that develops in the absence of mismatch between the demand for blood supply to the heart and its software. Myocardial hypoxia may occur with limited blood flow as a result of violations of indigenous duct or at sharply increased demand for it. Most frequently involved in the development of diseases, both factors. The primary cause of coronary heart disease are most often atherosclerosis coronary heart arteries. Development and progression of coronary artery disease contributes factors of intravascular thrombosis - Violations coagulation and anticoagulation blood system. Besides proven value changes in the functional state of damage to subcortical structures of the brain and peripheral nervous sympathetic system in the genesis of angina and myocardial injury. Complexity and diversity of the pathological mechanisms of CHD cause division its genetic, clinical, and functional characteristics that determines the difference in prognosis and treatment approaches. Problem of physical methods in CHD is to improve the nervous, neurohumoral and hormonal regulation of the coronary circulation and myocardial including its metabolism, contractility and excitability. Normalize impaired systemic and regional hemodynamics, and myocardial microcirculation; reduce elevated blood hemocoagulation, improve metabolism and immune reactivity in general, and ultimately improve backup capabilities coronary circulation and myocardium. Important influence on the comorbidities hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, hypercholesterolemia, osteochondrosis of cervical-thoracic spine with pain and vascular syndromes, peptic ulcer, etc. All physiological methods currently used in the treatment of coronary heart disease can be divided into 4 groups according to their pre-emptive action on a particular system: Group 1 - the central nervous system and peripheral. Group 2 - heart Group 3 - a systemic regional hemodynamics. Group 4 - to disturbed metabolic processes in the body. Physiologically CHD necessarily apply within the context of activities, including mode with reduced nervous tension. Preformed factors. Electrosleep - its clinical effect in patients with angina I-III of fc manifested in the sedative, hypotensive action, increasing the threshold load, causing angina, sinus tachycardia termination and extrasystoly. 50 Iontophoresis: With any method of application affects the central nervous system, promoting equilibrating the nervous processes, enhance braking process rebuilds autonomic regulation of the heart. Conducted by three methods: General - Vermel electrophoresis; Reflex-segmental (electrodes are located in areas Zakharyin-Ged or collar area. Transcardially . On the application of electrophoresis is necessary to remember that patients with rare and not severe angina can achieve cessation or deceleration stenocardia attacks, and the application of electrophoresis extrasystole arrhythmia, e.g. obzidan not yielded positive results is apparently due to the lack of a dose of the drug administered. Dielectric alternating field to the physical methods directly affect the central nervous system and hypothalamo-pituitary region. In CHD is the method of exposure transcerebral UWI using this method achieved slowing angina attacks, reduce headaches, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, increase physical performance, decrease extrasystoles, slowing attacks of atrial fibrillation, reducing hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia, hyperbetalipoproteidemia, reducing elevated aggregation platelets. UHF-energy action on the heart improves intracardial compensation mechanisms of the coronary circulation, including microcirculation and intracardiac nervous system, which regulates the functional state of the heart. Magnetotherapy - The most pronounced effect of the action of magnetic fields is to improve microcirculation reduce elevated platelet aggregation, enhancing the intensity of oxidative processes and increase tissue oxygenation. Clinical effect of magnetic fields and angina patients 1,2,3 FK reflected in a marked deceleration of angina attacks, increased the threshold load, causing myocardial ischemia decreases myocardial oxygen consumption. Under the influence of the magnetic field is increased peripheral muscle blood flow, reduce blood viscosity, increased platelet aggregation. Balneotherapy - Doubtless takes a significant place among different treatments of CHD. All kinds of thermal baths have, hydrostatic and specific chemical action. Multilateral action bathrooms, especially in ischemic heart disease, is important is their ability to expand and accelerate the peripheral capillaries in their bloodstream that underlies the reduction in peripheral vascular resistance, elimination of tissue hypoxia. Bath cause a redistribution of blood to the periphery, increasing venous age to the heart, eliminate disturbance in the nervous system, humoral regulation of the cardiovascular system, alter the rheological properties of blood. Apply bath of natural mineral waters and artificial carbonate, sulfide, rad. Hydrotherapy - Have varying degrees of severity mechanical, and thermal effect hydrostatistic. By varying the temperature and mechanical stimulation can be obtained by various haemodynamic responses and reactions of the nervous system. Thermal procedures cause vasodilatation, lowering blood pressure, sedation, cool and cold procedures different durations cause vasoconstriction, improving their tone, Wake up blood pressure, a tonic effect. 51 Hydrotherapy in ischemic heart disease - and it is swimming in the pool and contrast baths and underwater shower massage. Hydrotherapy prescribed according to the gravity of functional disorders. Application of modern treatment involves not only differentiated, but also complex, aimed at compensation of myocardial ischemia through different links regulation of the coronary circulation is provided so important taken in treatment with the inclusion of several methods. This is especially in sanatorium conditions typically include balneotherapy - LFC dosed walking and massage. Adding to this complex of electrodetection or electrophoresis gives a pronounced effect. When compiling complex of considerable importance is the sequence of procedures, their sequencing, especially for patients with severe functional disturbances. Physical factors and prevention Prophylaxis (Primary and secondary) consists of general activities, including the first mode with decreasing voltage, the ordering of the day, regular rest, etc. Effect of physical factors in the pre-disease stage should be aimed at removing fallen into the functional state of the central nervous system, neuro-vascular, hormonal, and metabolic disorders. Used for this purpose electrosleep treatment, electrophoresis with bromine, rad, bromine, nitrogen bath, hydrotherapy, oxygen therapy. Physiological methods in CHD patients staged rehabilitation, rehabilitation of patients with myocardial infarction include the following phases: hospital phase of recovery (convalescence) carried out in cardiac sanatoriums. postreconvalescent phase, lasts throughout life and is held with medical supervision. Physiotherapy and choice of method is based on their clinical and functional and pathophysiological features of the various phases of a heart attack. In the acute phase of myocardial infarction physiotherapy applied limited - electric electrophoresis heparin magnesium lower extremities massage, exercise therapy. In the phase of recovery (4-6 weeks) complex sanatorium treatment including adequate, motor mode, climate treatment gymnastics. For special climatic treatment using coastal plains and forest resorts. To the mountain resorts of patients with angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and it is desirable not send climatic resorts not far from the place of residence, and patients with arrhythmias (extrasystole, flicker paroxysm of atrial flutter, patients with chronic aneurysms 23 with circulatory failure, angina pectoris 3l. k is sent to the local cardiac nursing home. Patients with angina 4f spa treatments are contraindicated. When choosing a method of treatment should be considered in the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, and other comorbidities. In the maintenance phase starts from the end of recovery and continuing throughout life, rehabilitation tasks defined progression and prevention of acute illness, and coronary heart disease, by maintaining and further mobilization of 52 reserve level circulation, easing the risk factors, prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction. Tactics use all kinds of hydrotherapy, electrotherapy and their methods depend on the severity of disease and comorbidities. Hypertensive heart disease. Central to the pathogenesis and development of hypertension is generally accepted hyperreactivity hypothalamic centers of the sympathetic nervous system with the hypersecretion of catecholamines leads to stimulation of many subordinate, neuroregulatory systems; vasopressin ACTH treatment, angiotensin and aldosterone hypersecretion of catecholamines has a stimulating effect on the power, heart rate, metabolism pressor effect on all peripheral vessels, giving an increase in total peripheral resistance and diastolic systemological. Effect of physical factors in hypertension disease should be directed. Improvement of the functional state of the CNS, autonomic and humoral regulation of the cardiovascular system, improve self-regulation processes in the circulatory system, leading to a decrease in arterial hypertension. Hemodynamic improvement, reduced myocardial hyperfunction, increasing its contractile ability. Correction of metabolic processes in the body. Improved renal circulation. Increase the adaptive capacity of the organism to various external influences. All the physical therapies used to treat hypertension may be conditionally divided into 4 groups: Neurohemodynamic processes acting on the central nervous system. Stimulating peripheral, pressor mechanisms (carotid sinus area, baroreceptors large vessels, synaptic ganglia. Improves renal blood flow and reduces renal vascular resistance. It has an overall impact on the influence of hemodynamic link diseases. The factors of the first group include - electric, iontophoresis, galvanizing, an alternating magnetic field (PMP), aerosol therapy applied to patients with hypertension to reduce the increased excitability of the nervous system and the functional activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system, pain in the heart, improve sleep. Galvanization and electrophoresis carried out mainly by three methods - collar on Vermel and transorbital by Bourguignon. Selection of medications depends on the clinical features of the disease. AMF used by reflex-segmental method, reducing sympathetic influence on the cardiovascular system, promote the efficiency of the oxygen regime of the heart and blood pressure decrease due to the reduction of elevated cardiac output. Hypotensive action has negative ions and hydroionization. Effective neck massage. Factors include two groups diadynamic currents (DDT) by applying them to the carotid sinus area, or gathering on the collar zone and in the projection of the kidneys. 53 For group 3 factors include diathermia, ultrasound, galvanizing, CMT, AMF. Diathermia and ultrasound performed on the kidneys. When exposed to the projection area VMF kidney hypotensive effect is realized not only through changes in renal hemodynamics, but reflex-humoral way through the autonomic nervous system. 4 group of factors - include methods balneotherapy and hydrotherapy. For the treatment of hypertensive patients used radon, carbon dioxide, sulfide, bromine, chloride, sodium and other bath. Most often, patients used a complex combination of electrotherapy treatment and balneotherapy complemented by physical therapy and massage. It is important to observe more rationally interleaving procedures. To select the approach to the treatment of hypertension in addition to staging its clinical variant should have an accompanying diseases and complications. In such cases, the appointment of treatment must be based on the severity and characteristics of hypertension and related diseases. Spa treatment. In hypertensive 1-2 A degree carried out in spa treatment, climatic and local cardiac sanatoriums. Choice of spa treatment determined by the type of balneotherapy and changing climatic conditions. In particular, you should refrain from sending to the resorts to changing climatic conditions, or in periods of sharp fluctuations in weather reacted patients with reactions to crises and menopause. In hypertensive 2B step without severe cerebral and coronary circulation of renal function, when CD 2B treatment performed only in local cardiac sanatoriums. Cardiopsychoneurosis. syndrome of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system due to violations of its regulation of the central nervous system. Pathogenetic physiotherapy methods should be designed to address violations in the higher parts of the central nervous system, along with the improvement of the regulatory functions of subordinate divisions of the autonomic nervous system. The choice of methods of treatment and methods of their application is based on clinical features of different types of the disease - hypertensive, anti-hypertensive and cardiac. In order effects on the central nervous system, on pain of cardiac arrhythmias and lipid metabolism electrosleep apply. In severe sanitation galvanic anode collar, electrophoresis with novocaine, novokainamid, pananginum, nicotinic acid. When the pain - Darsonvalization, massage and MSS the heart, head. When hypertensive type of disease Recommended self-massage of limbs and trunk by dry brush. Among the methods used hydrotherapy showers (rain, circulatory, underwater shower - massage) dousing, dry and wet pack, coniferous, oxygen, nitrogen bath. With the aim of therapeutic effects on the cardiovascular system and the nervous system used hydrocolonotherapy - swimming, exercise in pools with fresh water and mineral water. Neurocirculatory dystonia patients used the spa treatment in spa, coastal and lowland climate and local cardiac sanatoriums. Atherosclerosis 54 Atherosclerosis - Is a metabolic disease, which is based on the violation and neurohumoral regulation of lipid metabolism and protein permeability and trophics vascular wall. A person can identify a variety of factors associated with the disease. The most frequent combination are certain types of hyperlipidemia and hypertension, especially if they are complemented by the neuro-emotional stress, limited physical activity, family history. Treatment of atherosclerosis Regardless of the period of the disease and the preferential localization, consists of general measures, including treatment with decreasing nervous tension. Should recommend refusal of professional additional loads systematic recreation etc. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Exceptional value is given rationally constructed motor mode, gymnastics, including medical, and sports. The main influences of physical methods in atherosclerosis any localization are first in action on impaired metabolism and vascular trophics secondly, the elimination or reduction of hemodynamic disorders in the development of reserves in the circulatory organs. In order to influence the nervous system and indirectly through her disturbed metabolism and regulation of blood circulation is prescribed: neurotic syndrome in patients with severe sleep disorders, angina, cardiac arrhythmia (extrasystoles, sinus tachycardia, paroxysmal tachycardia), in violation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism - electrosleep sedative for the procedure (procedure number 81) with a pulse frequency of 5 Hz to 20 Hz. Length procedures gradually increased from 20 to 45 minutes, the procedures are carried out within a day or 4 - 5 times a week. The treatment course of 12-18 procedures. With concomitant blood circulation in the vertebrobasilar system in the absence of hypotension and tachycardia - galvanic collar on AE Shcherbakov or a collar with aminophylline (technique number 11) in a day or two consecutive days, followed by a day of rest. The treatment course of 12-20 procedures. Patients with neurotic syndrome type irritable weakness appoint rain or circular shower (Procedure number 181, 185), conifers bath temperature of 36 0 C (procedure number 201) for 8-12 minutes every other day, 10-12 baths; mineral baths (bromine, sodium chloride with sodium chloride content of 30 g / l (methods № 210,211), with concomitant obesity power shower at a pressure of 1.5-2.0 atm, in a day, 8-10 procedures (procedure number 182) , underwater shower massage (Procedure number 189) at a pressure of 1.5-2, 8-10 minutes, every other day, 1012 procedures. In order to influence the metabolic processes in the liver, especially in patients with severe metabolic disorders, with concomitant diseases of the liver and biliary tract, diabetes and other metabolic diseases, apply drinking mineral water, has a choleretic effect (Essentuki number 4 and 17, Smirnov, Borjomi etc.) for ¾ - 1 cup 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before eating in the form of a heated (40-42 0 C) electroplating the liver (the method number 21) at a current density of 0.03-0.05 mA / cm 2 laying area. 55 To reduce hypoxia prescribed oxygen therapy by inhalation of oxygen for 20-30 minutes every day, stay in an oxygen tent for 20-30 minutes every day, just 12-14 procedures. For the treatment of atherosclerosis is widely used therapeutic exercise. The presence of hypertension stage I or II or symptomatic hypertension without hypertensive crisis is not a contraindication for treatment of specified physical methods. The diagnosis of hypertension stage II B without chronic coronary insufficiency, postinfarction cardiosclerosis and without consequences of cerebrovascular failure, renal failure without the use of these natural treatments are also contraindicated. They should be applied on a background of drug therapy. The complex necessarily include physical therapy, exercise, diet. Shows massage precordium and the reflex zones of the heart (when expressed Cardialgia) or neck massage (with labile blood pressure, headaches, insomnia). Staged rehabilitation of patients with coronary artery disease after surgical treatment. Currently, along with conservative treatment is increasingly used surgical treatment of coronary artery disease. Indications for surgical treatment of coronary artery disease is severe angina refractory to medical treatment, cardiac aneurysm. Rehabilitation treatment of CHD patients after surgery involves several steps. Stage 1 - (In the surgical clinic) during unstable clinical condition of the patient. From the very first days after the operating period along with medical therapy he prescribed breathing exercises massage. Stage 2 (post in-patient) period of stabilization of the patient. At this stage, the task maximize adaptive-compensatory processes, increasingly used by various forms of physical therapy, and preformed natural physical factors. First of all factors involved trainees effect on the heart-balneotherapy, massage, electrotherapy, dosed walking. treatment gymnastics basis are: breathing exercises and relaxation exercises with gradually increasing loads. Assigned the same massage using classical techniques besides vibration. Electric procedures used electrophoresis of novocaine, electrosleep. Balneotherapy in this period carried out four-chamber baths or "dry" carbonic baths. Stage 3 (Outpatient) at this stage the event aimed at compensation of coronary heart failure, hemodynamic instability, the weakening of neurotic disorders and risk factors for disease progression, complex treatment includes single, sulfide baths, exercise, massage, electrosleep. Spa treatment usually prescribed to patients through local cardiological sanatorium, and a year later, and the climatic resorts and beaches where patients underwent a comprehensive treatment using electrotherapy physiotherapists aerotherapy, heliotherapy, UFO, swimming in the sea, swimming pool. Thus, rehabilitation treatment of CHD patients after surgery should be based general principles of rehabilitation of CHD patients, ie it should be phased long and contain measures of rehabilitation and preventative action. Hypertonic disease 56 Hypertensive heart disease - chronic pathological condition of the body, manifested long systolodiastolic resistant hypertension, the development of which are important genetic predisposition, a dysfunction of the central nervous and neuroendocrine systems and membrane-receptor pathology leading to the restructuring of vessels, heart and kidneys. Increased blood pressure GB not be known due to reasons like for symptomatic hypertension. In foreign nomenclature, which is based on syndromal and symptomatic approaches to verify the diagnosis, adopted the term "hypertension", reflecting the fact and degree of increase in blood pressure. We differentiate between primary (essential) and secondary (symptomatic) hypertension. GB leads to high rate of complications (strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, chronic renal failure) and mortality. Furthermore, elevation of blood pressure associated with development and progression of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, etc. The main risk factors for the disease is considered male, menopause in women, smoking, increased cholesterol more than 6.5 mmol / L burdened heredity. Other risk factors include the reduction of HDL-C, LDL-C increase, microalbuminuria in diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, increased levels of fibrinogen, reduction of endogenous tissue plasminogen activator, increased levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1, increasing the concentration of apolipoprotein E, high values of factor VII coagulation, homocysteine, d-dimer, CRP, estrogen deficiency, a chronic immune process in the cardiovascular system associated with certain pathogens, low socio-economic status, ethnicity, living in endemic geographic regions, particularly the nature of (latent aggressiveness , anxiety, behavior of the type "A"). Increased blood pressure is mainly due to an imbalance relations minute volume of blood and peripheral vascular resistance. Cardiac output is determined by the cardiac output, which depends in turn on the myocardium and blood volume. Peripheral vascular resistance depends on the tone of resistance arteries and the degree of vascular remodeling (narrowing of the blood vessels as a result of hypertrophy mediointimal complex and increase the "stiffness" walls of blood vessels). Hemodynamic in hypertension is also due to changes in the regulation of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, impaired physiological balance between pressor and depressor mechanisms. The greatest value in increasing blood pressure in hypertension attached changes circulatory regulation of the central and sympathetic nervous system, which is closely linked to the activity of the endocrine system, renal function and microcirculation. Currently, the primary factor in the formation of arterial hypertension is considered genetically determined predisposition, which is expressed in widespread violations of ion transport system and the structure of the cytoplasmic membrane of cells. The result is a level shift the regulation of calcium metabolism, changes in hormone-cell relationships manifests increased activity of the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone, insular systems, etc. Calcium overload cells enhances the contractile capacity of vascular smooth muscle 57 functional component increase peripheral resistance. In addition, excess calcium activates cellular proto-oncogenes (growth factors), resulting in hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth vascular muscle - the organic component of the peripheral vascular resistance. Occurring with myocardial hypertrophy and increased contractility, wall thickening and narrowing of the blood vessels are factors fixing blood pressure high. As a result, hypertension is the result of perversion pressosensitive relationship between the centers of the brain, sympathetic nerves, resistive and capacitive vessels and the heart, resulting in activation of the renin-angiotensin mechanism, excessive secretion of aldosterone, and finally the outcome of depletion mechanisms depressant kidney (prostaglandin E2-Din, kallikrein, bradykinin), vessels (12-prostaglandin or prostacyclin, kallikrein-kinin and dopaminergic system, endothelial relaxing factor) and the heart (atrial sodium uretic factor). Meaning kidney increase in blood pressure due to their leading role in the regulation of sodium and water homeostasis. Important pathogenetic factors of hypertension consider tissue insulin resistance (paired with increased sodium reabsorption, increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the expression of proto-oncogenes and the weakening of vasodilatory stimulus), increased receptor density and myocardial vascular bed and their sensitivity to adrenergic effects due to excessive secretion of cortisol and thyroid hormones , major change in biological rhythm neuroendocrine systems and hence rhythms regulate the cardiovascular system. A special place in the pathogenesis of hypertension endothelial dysfunction belongs increased synthesis of endothelin and reduced nitric oxide synthesis. Reconstruction of the heart and blood vessels, long periods of hypertension determine the functioning of the circulatory system in stressful conditions that leads to impaired relaxation and contraction of the myocardium, cerebral, coronary and peripheral hemodynamics with the formation of complications, such as stroke, heart attack, heart and kidney failure. The main syndromes GB are cardialgia, cephalalgia, hypertension, cardiovascular remodeling system, endothelial dysfunction, CNS dysfunction, neurohormonal dysregulation, membrane receptor pathology of renal dysfunction. In clinical practice, often isolated neurotic, cerebrovascular, cardiac syndromes and autonomic dysfunction syndrome. In physical therapy convenient to distinguish the following syndromes: neurotic, dysregulated neurohormonal and renal dysfunction. The main goal of treatment of patients with essential hypertension is to restore the balance between pressor and depressor mechanisms of regulation of blood pressure. The main objectives of treatment are the regulation of the structure and function of the myocardium, the modulation of tone and structure of the resistive and large arteries, correction of the central nervous system and kidneys. These tasks include, in turn correct the imbalance major hormonal systems (sympathetic nervous, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone, kallikrein-kinin, prostaglandin, endothelin, etc.), improvement of microcirculation in vasoactive areas (kidney, brain), correction receptor relationships in the area of the carotid sinus , aortic arch, 58 centers of the brain and kidneys, including at the level of the membranes of vascular endothelium, smooth muscle of blood vessels. The main groups of drugs for the treatment of hypertension are neurotropic agents, acting on vascular smooth muscle elements, antagonists of the renin-angiotensin system, diuretic. Physiotherapy patients with essential hypertension is aimed at relief of headache methods, reinforcing the inhibitory processes in the CNS (sedation techniques), correction of hypertension (hypertensive methods), decreased activity sympathetic nervous system (vegetocorrecting methods), the decrease in activity of the reninangiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and the correction renal surround mechanism of regulation of blood pressure (RAAS-modulating methods). Physical treatment of hypertensive patients Sedatives methods: electrosleep, total franklinization, galvanizing the brain and segmental zones, iontophoresis sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants, local darsonvalization head and neck area, bromine, conifers, nitrogen bath, aero sedatives, hour aerotherapy. Antihypertensive methods: transcerebral amplipulse, warm fresh water, sodium chloride baths, carbonic baths. Vegetocorrecting methods: transcranial electroanalgesia, galvanizing the brain and ganglia of the sympathetic trunk, iontophoresis (adrenolytics, ganglioblockers, cholinemimetics), low-frequency magnetic therapy (head, cervical sympathetic ganglia, heart), UHF-therapy (carotid sinus area, solar plexus, cervical sympathetic ganglia), infrared laser , biocontrolled aeroionotherapy. RAAS-modulating methods: galvanizing, diadynamic, amplipulse, UHF-therapy, low and high frequency magnetic therapy kidney area. Contraindications to physiotherapy patients with essential hypertension is hypertension stage III, hypertensive crisis, a sharp increase in blood pressure without clinical signs of crisis, circulatory failure above the PA stage (for electromagnetotherapy) and higher stage I (balneotherapy), cerebrovascular failure (stroke) in the early stages of myocardial infarction (in the acute phase), expressed meteolability patients, cardiac arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation, tachysystolic form, paroxysmal tachycardia, arrythmia politopnye different origin). Spa treatment. At the direction of the spa treatment of patients with essential hypertension is necessary to consider not only the stage, but the clinical features of the disease, complications and comorbidities. Patients with slowly progressive course of stage I and II in the absence of GB vascular crises and pronounced atherosclerosis of brain, heart, kidneys, without severe disorders of heart rhythm and conduction, circulatory failure, not higher stage I sent to the seaside resorts (excluding the hot season) climate of the mountains, plains and forests. They are shown balneal resort with radon, carbon dioxide and iodine-bromine waters. Patients with stage II GB with stable hypertension, hypertensive crisis without, cerebrovascular, coronary blood flow and renal function, without severe cardiac arrhythmias and conduction, circulatory failure is not shown above stage II spa treatment at local resorts. When NAH and HD I spa therapy, in addition to 59 treatment in a sanatorium, may be appointed as an outpatient measure. When crisis GB stable (extracrisis) phase of the disease patients can be directed to local motels cardiology. In the local health centers can be assigned patients treated with NB-stage disease as in benign and circulatory failure, the PA stage, atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease associated with exertional angina FC I-III, in the early period after a hypertensive crisis, with long-term effects of cerebral and coronary circulation. Patients with signs hypersympathicotonia recommended direct on balneal resort with radon, carbon dioxide and iodine-bromine water and forest, seaside resorts (excluding southern resorts in the hot season). Meteosensitive patients, women in menopause is not recommended to be sent to the Baltic seaside resorts in late autumn and early spring periods, as well as in regions with sharply contrasting weather conditions. Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment of patients with malignant course are GB, hypertension stage III with recent myocardial infarction or stroke, circulatory failure above stage II, severe cardiac arrhythmias and conduction, impaired kidney function nitrogen excreting. Be aware that the WHO classification, stage III GB differs from stage II features arteriosclerotic lesions of various organs, blood pressure levels, the nature of the flow, presence of complications, so the question should be sent to a spa treatment hypertensive patients with stage III can be considered debatable. Sanatorium treatment of patients with malignant course GB stage III contraindicated. Patients with higher GB PA stage and myocardial infarction or stroke with severe disturbances of cardiac rhythm and conduction, impaired renal function, it is recommended to treat only in local cardiac sanatoriums. Performance criteria of spa treatments are subjective and objective measures of the patients. Given that the chronic course of illness marked changes in the health status of patients during the spa treatment often does not happen, then the estimate is graduation: "Improvement", "sustained improvement" and "impairment". Improvement of the patient with essential hypertension stage I ascertain if blood pressure, disappearance of headaches, irritability, sleep improvement, health, improving physical and emotional stress. Sustained improvement in patients with essential hypertension were recorded while keeping within a year of good health, endurance physical and emotional stress. In this AD must remain on normal numbers or have a rare short climbs. Unfavorable results of sanatorium treatment of these patients is considered to deterioration of their health, save headaches, increased blood pressure. For patients with stage II GB improvement are the following features: reduction of 15-20 mmHg or normalization of blood pressure, disappearance or reduction of circulatory failure, systolic overload of the left ventricle, headache, increased work capacity, exercise tolerance (20% increase in the duration and rate of walks), increased myocardial contractility, and total peripheral resistance (according tetrapolar rheogram) . 60 Sustained improvement in patients in the long term while maintaining ascertain within a year reduction in blood pressure or a transient increase in not requiring long-term use of antihypertensive drugs, the achieved level of physical activity, myocardial contractility and total peripheral resistance; absence of ECG signs of increase of systolic left ventricular overload. Deterioration: increase in blood pressure, circulatory failure, systolic overload of the left ventricle, increased subjective symptoms, worsening portability physical and emotional stress, worsening functional ability of the myocardium and increase in total peripheral resistance (by tetrapolar rheogram). physioprophylactics. Initial physioprophylactics HD associated with the treatment of neurosis, asthenic conditions, neuro dystonia of hypertensive type as possible precursors of the disease. Value has a fight with these risk factors GB as physical inactivity, obesity, smoking. Secondary physioprophylactics effective in stages I and II GB PAG. Taking into account the period of aftereffect physical treatments (3-6 months). Optimal for maintaining normal (for a particular patient) blood pressure should probably be considered the courses of physioprophylactics 2-4 times a year (outpatient and motels). Its objectives are to maintain a normal psycho-emotional status of the patient, slow increase of activity of sympathetic-adrenal system, improving cerebral circulation and inhibition of progression of hemodynamic disturbances (central and regional hemodynamics). Rehabilitation of patients with lung diseases. Respiratory diseases currently occupy fourth place in the structure of diseases leading to increased mortality and disability, and which also contribute to the increased rate of air pollution and the extent of the use of chemical products manufacturing, agriculture and households. As a result, under the influence of external and internal factors has changed the nature of inflammatory diseases and increased the number of individuals with increased bronchial reactivity. For inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system has become more common tendency to protracted chronic course, early accession allergic complications. Experts identify a group of diseases, which they called Chronic nonspecific lung diseases and attributed to him: chronic pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, bronchial asthma. The last 10-15 years has spread recovery of patients with COPD: Pulmonary Clinic-rehabilitation department - health-pulmonology clinic. Objectives and principles of rehabilitation of pulmonary patients Function - Achievement of regression of reversible and irreversible changes in the stabilization of lung - Restoration and improvement of respiratory function and CAS, - Restoration and improvement of psychological status and disability. Task - The elimination of the inflammatory focus - The improvement of bronchial patency 61 - Increase ventilation - Inconsistency between alveolar ventilation and pulmonary blood flow, - Drainage improvement in lung function, - Economization of respiratory muscles by increasing their capacity and friendly. - Activities aimed at improving the neurohormonal mechanisms of regulation of external respiration. Realization of these tasks may vary depending on the disease, the individual patient, the form and extent of damage the respiratory system. Clinico-physiological rationale for the use of physical rehabilitation In most cases, respiratory diseases marked bronchial obstruction. As a result of bronchospasm and edematous inflammatory changes occur bronchoconstriction and increases resistance to air movement on the tracheobronchial tree as when inhaling and when exhaling. Breathing exercises and exercises with the pronunciation of sounds on the exhale reduce reflex spasm of smooth muscles of the bronchi and bronchioles. Vibration of the walls in the gym sound acts like vibromassage, thereby relaxing their muscles. Increased sympathetic tone in the classroom exercise therapy, stimulation of adrenal function, enhancement of epinephrine, corticosteroids, has in turn, expressed antispasmodic effect. Also contributes to the removal of bronchospasm exercises in warm water relaxation effect. With the loss of the elastic properties of light, small bronchi deprived own elastic support during exhalation begins to subside, which also leads to an increase in airway resistance, but primarily on the exhale. To increase intrabronchial pressure applied in the classroom treatment gymnastics breathing through a straw whistle through tisnut lips (teeth), exhale through the tube into the water, etc. Gymnastics classes address the incoordination of the respiratory act. This is possible thanks to the fact that the person is able to arbitrarily change the tempo, rhythm, amplitude of respiratory movements, the value of pulmonary ventilation. Inclusion in the program of studies of exercise-related respiratory phases become conditional reflex exercises for activity of the respiratory system and contributes to a patient conditional respiratory reflex. Arbitrarily changing breathing through breathing exercises, you can achieve a harmonious work costophrenic mechanism of breathing with great ventilation effect and with less expenditure of energy on the work of breathing. Under the influence of regular employment upper pectoral breath type is replaced by more appropriate thoracicoinferior. Inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system accompanied by the accumulation of pathological secretions (sputum, mucus, pus) that violates the airway patency. Excretion of pathological secretions from the respiratory tract is achieved by bronchial drainage at different positions of the body, contributing to, the removal of secretions due to its own weight (postural drainage). Even more effective is the combination of postural drainage with exercise, it is advisable prior to the occupation and use of a combination of physical treatments that stimulate expectoration. 62 Rehabilitation of patients with asthma Bronchial asthma (BA) is one of the most common diseases and unfortunately, there is a tendency of constant growth of this disease. So if the incidence of asthma in the beginning of the century did not exceed 1% of the total population, it is now the figure rose to 10%. Annually from the disease killed about 2 million people (V.N.Sasonov 1994) BA-a chronic relapsing disease with a primary lesion of the bronchi, which is characterized by their hyperactivity caused by specific (immunological) and (or) non-specific (non-immunological), congenital or acquired mechanisms and basic (mandatory) feature of which is choking and (or) asthmatic status, due to spasm of smooth muscle bronchus, hypersecretion, and edema of the bronchial mucosa (G.B.Fedoseev 1982) An important pathophysiological step is smooth muscle spasm of the small bronchi and bronchioles, mucosal edema due to a sharp In this form the main clinical symptoms of the disease. Bronchospasm in asthma develops in two ways: 1) a direct action of inflammatory mediators on bronchial smooth muscle (primary bronchospasm); 2) during stimulation of the sensory endings of the vagus nerve (secondary bronchospasm). Currently, the most common trigger factor for asthma are respiratory infections. Significant role in the pathogenesis of asthma higher parts of the central nervous system involvement, namely the CNS influenced interoreceptive unconditioned reflexes arises pathological dominant, which is converted into a conditioned reflex, this explains the recurrence of asthma attacks and the role of emotional factors in this, which, acting through the autonomic nervous system, also can cause choking in a patient with bronchial asthma. BAchronic disease, occurring with exacerbations, which in most cases are followed by periods of remission. In the initial stages of the disease is its main expression asthma expiratory type. With the progression of the disease become more pronounced signs of respiratory function not only in the attack, but also in the interictal period. They are to reduce the VC, expiratory volume, impaired gas exchange, the development of respiratory failure. Frequent attacks adversely affect the function of the cardiovascular system and can cause heart failure. AD is a typical complication of obstructive pulmonary emphysema. Clinico-physiological rationale for the use of funds Physical rehabilitation and physical therapy rehabilitation. Rehabilitation measures in asthma are aimed at maintaining disease remission, recovery of functional activity and adaptive capabilities of the respiratory system and other organs, and systems to ensure the normal development of subsequent survivability of an organism. For this purpose a set of therapeutic and remedial measures, including the organization of health-protective and dietary regimen, the use of physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy and pedagogical impact. Purpose of these methods is determined by the patient and the characteristics of the disease. The main objectives of physiotherapy, treatment and preventive measures are the effects aimed at reducing the activity of the inflammatory process, the restoration of local and general and non-specific immunological reactivity, improve respiratory function. In the rehabilitation of 63 patients with asthma exposure to physical factors play a leading role. Physical education is a powerful factor in improving the impact on the patient. Things treatment gymnastics promote adaptation of the patient, his cardiovascular system and respiratory system to physical stress, increase its immunological reactivity against viral and bacterial infections. Main objectives: Normalization tone CNS (elimination of stagnant pathological focus) and reduction of the total strength. Reducing spasm bronchi and bronchioles. Development of the mechanism of complete breathing with predominant training exhalation. Strengthening the muscles involved in breathing. Increased mobility of the diaphragm and chest. Education arbitrary muscle relaxation. Education of the patient to control his breath in order to hold them during an asthmatic attack. Increased functional reserves through training. Achieving stabilization regression reversible and irreversible changes in the lung. Means of physical rehabilitation. Form of physical therapy used in asthma: physiotherapy, morning hygienic gymnastics, metered walking on flat terrain, light sports, cross-country skiing. Basically gymnastics administered in between bouts at improving the general condition of the patient. After graduating from attack to facilitate removal of hard sputum, eliminating emerging areas of atelectasis and pneumonia prevention shows the special breathing exercises with slow full exhalation. Classes physiotherapy follow to start and finish a light massage face, arms and chest, in order to apply these same exercises for relaxation of muscles of the upper body and chest. LH course can be divided into two periods: preparatory and training . In training period applies a broad arsenal of general development, special breathing exercises that aim to completely remove the adverse effects of an asthmatic attack, implement training apparatus of external respiration, improve gas exchange, intensify metabolic processes, improve efficiency of the organism as a whole. In preparatory period acquaint the patient with special exercises to restore proper breathing mechanism. Duration of 2-3 days, the pace slow exercise. In LH classes must include the most simple, easy to perform exercises in the form of flexion, extension, maintenance and make the final, as well as exercises on the extension of the trunk, the slopes in the front and sides. In the training period are actively used gymnastic items (stick, ball, etc.), gymnastic exercises on the wall. The pace is slow and the average duration of 2-3 weeks Special exercise aimed at training and development functions and bodies violated in connection with the disease. So in AD mobility impaired chest and focus on static and dynamic exercises. These exercises include: 64 Exercise with slow and complete exhalation extended because they provide a more complete removal of air from the emphysematous alveoli stretched through narrowed bronchioles and train the diaphragm and abdominal muscles involved in the implementation of a full exhalation. Exercises with the pronunciation of vowels and consonants, are designed for the development of voluntary conscious control exhalation by the patient in order to make it uniform, rather than intermittent, spastic. Vibration same upper respiratory tract helps to reduce bronchospasm during exhalation. The classes are taught patient LH decrease in breathing, which reduces excessive ventilation. Inflating chamber, rubber and pear objects (balls, balls, etc.) Contraindicated in patients with asthma exercise associated with straining and breath holding. Selection of exercises and duration of physiotherapy in asthma are highly individual character, depend on the physical fitness and dealing with disease severity. Evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed method on the basis of health, external respiration function and circulation: BH, VC, HR, physiological curve. Also LH used dosed walking on flat ground, jogging, is best done in the autumn-winter period, accustoming the body to low temperatures can apply swimming, pre-prepare the body to cold water, so you need to start in the warm season. Fruitfully act skiing in a quiet pace and proper breathing, their duration increases gradually. Contraindications to gymnastics classes: fevers, pronounced worsening inflammation, frequent attacks of breathlessness, severe pulmonary heart disease III-st. Rehabilitation of patients with asthma by applying preformed natural and physical factors. When assigning physical therapy should take into account the stage of development and phase (active process) disease. It is now widely used in aerosol therapy during bouts of asthma. Advantages medical electric aerosole therapy synergistic action expressed in aerosol pharmacologic agents and electric charge, ensure high dispersion stability and penetrating ability of medicinal aerosols. To eliminate the bronchospasm in order to improve the conductivity of bronchial inhalation use the following mixtures (a single inhalation) Novocain 2% -1.0 Atropine Sulfate-0, 1% -0.25 Ephedrine hydrochloride, diphenhydramine 5% 1.0% -1.0 1-Ascorbic Acid 5% -1.0% Glucose 20 -1 0 V.M.Bogolyubov offered the following mixture: A solution of 0.5% -0.25 isadrine Water distillated 3, 0 (by inhalation) Adrenaline chloride solution 0.1% -1.0 Distilled water 2.0 (by inhalation) Solution of atropine sulfate 1% -1.0 Distilled water in 4-5,0 (2 inhalations) In order to reduce the sensitization of local airway mucosa, the following inhalation mixtures containing antihistamines (one inhalation): 1 Diazolin - 0,05 Ephedrine chloride-0, 025 Novocaine-0, 25% -30.0 Diphenhydramine-0, 03 Adrenalin chloride 0.1% -10 cap. 65 By indications hydrocortisone may be added into the blends inhaled dose of 0,025 g per 1 ml of suspension or inhalation. Better to spend inhalation glucocorticoid therapy with treatments - becatid, beclometh. Inhalation therapy Intaglio (mast cell stabilizer) should be carried out by insufflation capsules using the original brand inhaler "Spinhaler". Or by using the liquid preparation in the form of aerosol inhalation. To improve the trophic mucosa using extracts of medicinal herbs (plantain, chamomile, succession, thyme, coltsfoot), vitamin supplements, some biogenic stimulators (aloe), aromatic organic oil (sea buckthorn, peach, olive). For the treatment of atopic asthma electrosleep form is shown, the pulse frequency is selected individually from 2-3 to 20-25, or from 80 to 120 Hz. From time to 15-30 minutes. 1-2 hours on a course of 10-15 procedures. Advisable to use UHF therapy for adrenal projection area (at the level of Th-XII L-II) or inducer cable around the body in order to increase the glucocorticoid function. UHF therapy on interscapular region by weak thermal and thermal dose (20 W) on the course of 10-12 procedures. Short-wave therapy-disk electrode on the interscapular region of 10-15 min; UHF therapy power 80-100 watts with lateral or anterior-posterior location of the electrodes 10-15 min. on the course of 10-12 procedures. To improve the drainage function of bronchi in the complex treatment using CMT therapy electrodes are placed on the paravertebral level Th-4-6 vertebrae, variable mode, the duration of 3:3 s, 60-80 Hz frequency, modulation depth of 75-100%, III-IV kind of work every 3-5 minutes. The first procedure 6-7 min., Subsequent - 10 min., A course of 10-12 procedures. To improve the actions carried bronchial drainage CMT electrophoresis aminophylline. Electrophoresis also use iodine, magnesium, intranasal electrophoresis on comb-Kassil use in asthma, allergic or vasomotor rhinitis dimedrolum, novocaine, calcium chloride, Intaglio (1 caps. 3 ml of distilled water). Turundy cotton soaked in the drug solution in the nasal passages are found in a depth of 1-2 cm current 0.3-0.5 to 2-3 mA for 10-30 minutes. 10-12 procedures. Treatment variable low frequency magnetic field in the discontinuous mode of the device "Pole-1" for posterolateral thorax 30-35 mT for 10 min. a course of 8-10 treatments lead to positive results in the treatment of asthma with blood circulation in the pulmonary and pulmonary heart disease, small changes in respiratory function. Ultrasound in small doses has analgesic, resorbing, vasodilator, antispasmodic, hyposensisbilising effect, stimulates the phagocytic activity of leukocytes. Voiced paravertebral field at Th-IV - Th-IX intensity of 0.2 W/cm2, then posterolateral surface of the thorax during the 6th - 8th intercostal space for 2 min. only 8 minutes. 12-15 procedures. For the treatment of asthma, there is a technique to Jurayev AD: applied to the skin 10% novocaine ointment, voiced by the projection area of glomus (landmark at the intersection of the lines connecting the middle third of the rectus muscle of the neck and chin) in a continuous mode, stable method for 3 min. on both sides, on a course of 10 treatments. 66 Ultraviolet irradiation of the thorax in remission at the 4th 3-4 biodoses fields in mild and 2-3 biodoses with average form over the course of 20 1-2 procedures. In order to carry out desensitization Aeroionotherapy negative charge to 5-15 min. daily rate of 15-20 procedures. In recent years, methods of treatment used helium-arsenide laser "Pattern" paravertebrally at Th-III-V vertebrae on biologically active points of light. Methods of treatment of low intensity helium-neon laser apparatus from "APL-1" Light beam on the region roots of the lungs of 1.5 min. daily. Massage Massage is one of physiotherapy techniques prescribed for asthma. Recommended massage since taking pats in the direction from the lower edge of the ribs to the neck, shoulders and armpits. In the transverse direction of the spine massage is done by intercostal space to the axilla and back. Then rubbed the skin and mash the back muscles of the shoulder girdle in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Complete stroking massage. Duration back massage for 8-10 minutes. Massage anterior chest wall is conducted when the patient lies on his back, the direction of massage movements from the bottom edge of the costal arches collarbone, shoulders, axillary pits, carefully massaged over the chest and the subclavian area. Chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is a consequence of acute bronchitis develops independently or under the influence of exposure to infection in chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, adverse climatic conditions and professional, in smokers under the influence of volatile toxic substances in heart failure congestive lung. Physical methods used in chronic bronchitis, acute exacerbations of the disease to treat and to prevent the latter. Preventive measures are designed to increase the overall resistance of the organism, for normalization of neuro-humoral regulation systems, and to strengthen immunogenesis compensatory functional processes in the bronchopulmonary, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Used with these objectives in the period of remission physiotherapy methods should be combined with tempering procedures: water and as a partial and general wiping chest and body with subsequent applications and dousing shower by aeroprocedures, heliotherapy, walking and sleeping outdoors, physiotherapy, health path, as well as for rehabilitation of the upper airway in the presence of foci of chronic infection (chronic treatment tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.) To improve the overall resistance and impact on functional reserves in the respective systems of the body in remission appoint: common UV-investment (since ¼ biodoses) through day 15 procedures medicinal aerosols and electroaerosole inhalation with bronchospasmolytic and with secretolitic funds (1% aminophylline, papaverine 2% - 1 ml chymotrypsin chemopsin, 0.5% potassium iodide solenoschelochnyh mineral water, alkaline mixtures); 67 iodine electrophoresis pancreatin, trypsin procedure by Vermeule; every 15 min, a current density of 5 mA / cm2, A course of 12-15 procedures. When treating patients in the acute stage of chronic bronchitis is advisable to apply methods of physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing action in combination with the methods of rehabilitation in the form of endobronchial inhalation therapy (medical aerosols and electroaerosoles). In steady-state conditions in the absence of significant signs of intoxication and fever physiotherapy methods can be incorporated into a comprehensive treatment from the first days of the disease. In severe inflammatory activity is recommended: electric field UHF 10-12 minutes every other day oligotermic dosage; inductothermia on the interscapular region in force anode current 18-200 mA for 12-25 minutes every day or every other day; Decimeter wave (SCM) therapy with localization impact on the region roots of the lungs every day or rectangular emitter when the generator output power from 30 to 50 watts and a gap of 3-4 cm, daily or every other day, 10-15 procedures per treatment; aerosol and electroaerosole - inhalation antibacterial, desensitizing, Bronchospasmolytic and fibrinolytic agents (antibiotics, aminophylline, Halidorum, Demerol, chymotrypsin chemopsin etc). Inhalation of aerosols and electroaerosoles antibiotics and fibrinolytic agents should be combined with inhaled bronchospasmolytics. Should precede the introduction of the last inhalation of antibiotics and fibrinolytics that with bronchospasm always penetrate to a sufficient depth in bronchopulmonary system. The interval between these procedures should be from 20 to 40 min. With concomitant rhinopharyngitis and tracheitis expedient to suppress hyperreactivity mucosa of trachea and bronchi in the first stage of treatment assign electroaerosoles alkaline mineral waters and mixtures - 4-5 first procedures, 10-15 procedures and then 1% aminophylline. In the treatment of patients with chronic bronchitis in acute stages of low activity is used shortwave ultraviolet radiation (wavelength 253.7 nm) combined with 1% electroaerosole inhalations of aminophylline or alkaline solution mixtures. The advantage of this method is that the FAC-rays, in addition to bactericidal exert antiinflammatory and analgesic effect, increase the reduced secretory function of the adrenal cortex, which plays a major role in the processes immunogenesis. The method of application is also at Asthmatoid bronchitis moderate course. At the first stage of treatment is irradiated region D 10 - L 4 erythemal doses in increasing intensity (3 to biodoses 6-7), a day, a course of 5 treatments; directly followed by a second stage carried electroaerosoletherapy (alkaline or alkaline mixture of mineral water, 1% solution of aminophylline). The first two procedures - 10-15 minutes later - 20 minutes on a course of 6-10 treatments prescribed daily. To consolidate the sustainable effect after elimination of the inflammatory process is advisable to use aero - and heliotherapy. To restore, termoadaptation processes in the warm seasons apply conifers, oxygen baths, circular and fan shower temperature 34-35 0 C for 1 day ½ - 3 min for a total of 25-30 treatments. 68 In remission, during the warmer months climatic treatment is carried out: on the southern coast of Crimea, in forest areas - chronic bronchitis patients with scanty sputum release in middle and high climate - patients with chronic bronchitis with copious sputum. Pleurisy. Dry pleurisy. Dry pleurisy is observed in many diseases of the lungs and other organs and systems (with pneumonia, pulmonary suppuration, rheumatism, systemic vasculitis, systemic lupus, etc.) In most cases, the cause of dry pleurisy is pulmonary tuberculosis, often dry pleurisy is the first step, "dry equivalent" ecssudative pleurisy. Treatment of physical factors is reduced mainly to the treatment of the underlying disease, as dry pleurisy - secondary process. With the exclusion of tuberculosis in the acute period of use: exposure lamp or sollux by Minin, daily from 10 to 20 minutes; application of paraffin temperature 50-60 0 On a daily or every other day for 2030 min for a total of 10-20 treatments. In the absence of temperature: calcium - or iodine electrophoresis (in the presence of pleural adhesions) with the localization of the active electrode, respectively, localization of pleurisy, the second on the opposite side of the chest, the current 10-20 mA; procedures are carried out every day or every other day for 20-30 min for a total of 20-25 procedures; in the future (a month after recovery) procedures to water quenching (pouring, wiping soul indifferent temperature); gymnastics with an emphasis on breathing exercises; climatic treatment on the southern coast of the Crimea and in the dry steppe climate. Pericardial effusion. Treatment of exudative pleurisy held antituberculosis, antirheumatic and anti-allergic agents. Physical methods of treatment used in combination with drugs: therapeutic exercises (breathing exercises) during resorption effusion to avoid the formation of massive pleural adhesions; exposure lamp or sollux Minin daily or every other day for 20-30 minutes, with the exclusion of pulmonary tuberculosis, after resorption of exudate; application of paraffin temperature 50-55 0 Since every other day for 20-30 min for a total of 20-25 treatments; Calcium - electrophoresis; Total UV exposure 1-2 times a week from 0.5 to 2-3 biodoses; Applications dirt; iodine electrophoresis in a day; current density of 0.03-0.05 mA / cm 2 , For 1520 minutes every day or every day for a total 25 treatments; climatic treatment on the southern coast of Crimea, mountain and steppe areas. Pneumonia. 69 Methods of physical therapy in lobar pneumonia must be used in conjunction with the necessary medication etiologic action. Their appointment is intended to accelerate the resorption of inflammatory infiltrates, reduce the symptoms of intoxication, improve ventilation and circulation in them, to strengthen the mobilization of protective, immune processes in the body of the patient. Application of physical factors in combination with early antibiotic therapy shortens the period of the disease and prevent complications. When lobar pneumonia apply: a) ultraviolet irradiation erythema doses in the chest. It can start with is not yet finished fever period and expressed general phenomena of mild intoxication. During this period, the procedure should be carried out in the ward. Irradiation is carried out near the margins of the affected area easy front, rear or side with a dosage of from 2 to 6 biodoses (mean dose 4.3), ranging from 100 to 400 cm 2 , Every single field. After the disappearance of erythema irradiated again on course to 18-20 exposures. Ultraviolet irradiation of the chest does not restrict the use of cans, mustard plasters, warming compresses; b) electric field UHF. Capacitor plate 8-13 cm in diameter was placed in the lateral parts of the thorax when the air gap of 3 cm and procedures performed in weak thermal dosage. With limited unilateral processes plates are placed at the front or rear surface of the thorax, respectively, localization of the lesion in the lung. Duration of treatment 15 minutes, procedures are prescribed every day or two; a course of treatment from 10 to 18-20 procedures; c) inductothermia on the thorax. It is performed with the use of an inductor-ROM or flat spiral coils with 3-31/2 superimposed respectively lesions in the lungs at the strength of the anode current of 140-180 mA. Duration of treatment in 5 minutes the first day, the second day of 10 minutes, the third day of the 15-minute procedure is prescribed for the strength of the anode current of 140 mA, on the fourth day - at a current of 160 mA, on the fifth day - at a current of 180 mA. 7-14 per treatment procedures. Inductothermia to be administered in suppurative processes in the lungs (bronchiectasis, abscesses), with tendency to hemoptysis, with cardiopulmonary diseases, with a significant depletion of the patient. Method of treatment is shown in protracted course of acute pneumonia after temperature reduction and disappearance of intoxication; g) spa treatment. Sanatorium treatment is profiled in local sanatoriums during the recovery period, spa treatment - climatic resorts of the Southern coast of the Crimea and in Kislovodsk after complete recovery. Lobular pneumonia (pneumonia) - acute infectious disease of various etiologies with the inflammatory process in the lung lobules. Depending on the number of lobes involved in the inflammatory process, distinguish small focal, and drain macrofocal bronchopneumonia in recent years. Focal pneumonia can occur as an independent disease and as secondary (hypostatic, aspiration, atelectatic, metastatic pneumonia) 70 Physical factors are applied after the acute symptoms subside and the disease is especially useful in the protracted course and tendency to migration and relapse. At the early stage of the disease electroaerosoles used antibiotics. In acute focal pneumonia during the first 2-3 days of the disease are treated with intravenous antibiotics and injections of gamma globulin influenza or serum polyglobulin. With 3-4th day of illness intravenous antibiotics replaced twice (during the day) the introduction of negatively charged electroaerosoles (penicillin, streptomycin, kanamycin or Terramycin). electroaerosoles heparin in treatment of viral pneumonia is used in the midst of disease flowing with blood hypercoagulability. Procedures are carried out 1-2 times a day under the control of coagulation. Microwave therapy is only assigned when there is no failure, cardiovascular system and suppurative processes in lungs. UHF electric field is assigned to the same procedure as with lobar pneumonia; physiotherapy - with 2-3rd day after the temperature. During the recovery period, patients are encouraged to stay in local profiled homes. Immunostimulatory methods Heliotherapy - therapeutic effects of solar radiation on a fully or partially naked body of the patient. Caused by long-wavelength ultraviolet radiation enhancement of the synthesis of melanin and migration of Langerhans cells in the dermis leads to compensatory activation of cellular and humoral immunity. Dosage sunbathing carried by the energy flux density of the total radiation. Depending on latitude, time of day and year it was achieved at varying lengths of procedures based on REET. Heliotherapy spend in the weak, moderate, intensive treatment (Annex 4); Rates 12-24 procedures. Contraindications to physiotherapy: HB accompanied by cardiopulmonary failure above stage II, acute purulent inflammatory lung disease, bronchial asthma with frequent severe attacks, spontaneous pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, solitary cysts larger quantity, chronic lung abscess, general contraindications to physical treatments. Contraindications for universal sympathomimetic are: hypertension, atherosclerosis, myocarditis, insomnia; for nonselective In -Agonists: chronic circulatory insufficiency, arrhythmias; platifillin contraindicated in glaucoma. Spa treatment Patients with chronic bronchitis in the phase of steady or unstable remission without the expressed violations ventilation function without bronchiectasis accompanied by copious sputum, respiratory failure is not above the stage I sent for treatment in local motels and climate treating resorts. Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment are chronic diffuse bronchitis, pneumonia in the acute stage, pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, pneumoconiosis, accompanied by cardiopulmonary insufficiency stage II above, as well as in the acute stage. 71 Improvement in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis in remission, with respiratory failure is not above the stage I ascertain the absence or reduction of complaints, clinical, radiological and laboratory signs of remission of inflammation in the lungs, increasing motor activity, physical performance, improving the volume and speed performance of ERF. Sustained improvement accompanied by the absence of complaints, clinical, radiological and laboratory signs of remission of inflammation in the lungs (normal percentage of leukocytes, no signs of pneumonia, lung infiltration). In contrast, the growth of weakness, the changing nature of cough, dyspnea complaints, increased body temperature, increased number of sputum, signs of inflammatory activity in the lungs: progressive tachypnea, auscultatory signs of pneumonia, focal infiltration of the lung tissue, leukocytosis, neutrophilic shift, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, acute phase proteins in the plasma - evidence of the deterioration of patients. In patients with chronic bronchitis in stable remission phase, pulmonary heart disease and pulmonary heart failure stage II diffuse pneumosclerosis about improving conditions after spa treatment is judged by the reduction of dyspnea disappearance asthma attacks, reduce the amount of sputum, clinical, radiological and laboratory signs remission of inflammation, normalize or significantly improved respiratory function, reduce overload of the right ventricle of the heart, the normalization of systolic intervals, positive dynamics of blood pressure in the pulmonary artery. Persistent lack of improvement indicate underlying disease relapse within 6 months, reducing the number of days of disability is not less than 50%, the stabilization of the improvement in pulmonary ventilation. Deterioration of patients with an increase in verifying dyspnea expiratory character, appearance or increase in the number of attacks of breathlessness, sputum, cough build-up, the changing nature of cough and sputum, fever, increase in the quantity appears dry and moist rales, reduced ventilation, the progression of obstructive syndrome, build-up signs of emphysema, in the analysis of lung ventilation function - a more severe degree of impairment of ERF and the growing signs of overload of the right ventricle of the heart, an increase in pulmonary artery pressure (voltage buildup period, reducing the period of exile, increase voltage relationship period to a period of exile). Physioprophylactics Physioprophylactics aimed at preventing relapses and reducing their severity by reducing inflammatory manifestations (anti-methods), bronchial obstruction (bronchodilators methods) to improve sputum of the tracheobronchial tree (mucolytic methods), reduce the appearance of hypoxia (antihypoxic methods) and restore immune dysfunction immunostimulatory methods). Appendix-1 USING METHOD "CIRCLE TABLE» Methods of performance. To work needed: 1. Set of cards with rehabilitation assignments. 72 2. Stopwatch. 3. Plain piece of paper. Progress: 1. Written form. 2. Students in turn pull the card with the job. 3. Every student writing answers for 5 minutes. 4. Then the teacher collects answer sheets. 5. Overall time of the game 45 minutes. 6. Answer of an each student is treated separately. 7. Answers are being discussed on a sheet with all students. 8. Achieved score takes into account when setting the "current estimates." 9. Answer sheet is set to score points in red ink. 10.The bottom of the log free teacher records on the business game. 11. Logging of the game. List of tasks for the business game Collection of questions: "circle table" 1. Contraindications to unobligated funds treatment gymnastics heart? -The general plight of the patient due to blood loss, shock, infection, concomitant diseases; Resistant pain; risk of bleeding or bleeding in the resumption of ties with the movements; - The presence of foreign bodies near major blood vessels, nerves, and other vital organs. 2. Purpose of rehabilitation. -The concept of rehabilitation of sick and disabled people is that with the help of co-ordination of the activities of medical, psychological, social plan maximum number of people after major surgery, injury. severe disease should restore their physical, psychological, social status so that. if possible, avoid disability or have the lowest degree of disability, to be integrated into society to achieve the highest possible social and economic independence. 3.What kinds of direction of rehabilitation do you know? - Medical - Physical - Psychologic - Professional - Socio-economic 4. Purpose of the hospital phase: restoration of physical and mental condition of the patient to a level at which it could be transferred to a sanatorium for the implementation of phase II 73 rehabilitation or be prepared enough to continue treatment at home 5. Rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction There are 3 phases: I - inpatient (hospital stage) II - recovery (sanatorium stage) III - maintenance (outpatient stage) Maximum score 25-24 excellent 100% -86% Criteria for evaluating the theoretical part 23-21 score 20-19 score 18-16 score 15-13 score good 85% -73% Poor 43% and less Satisfactory 70-56% Satisfactory 53% -46% Appendix-2 Analytical part 4.1.Cluster, organizer Graphic Organizer: compilation of clusters on a given topic. Graphic organizer tool-visual presentation of the thought processes. Cluster - (beam bunch) method mapping information - gathering ideas around a main factor for determining the meaning and focus of the whole structure. Rules for compiling cluster . 1.Write down everything that comes into your mind. Do not judge the quality of ideas: just write them down. 2.Do not pay attention to spelling and other factors constraining the letter. 3.Do not stopped writing until the time runs out. If the idea of suddenly stop coming to your mind, then paint with on paper, until you have new ideas. 4.Try to build as many links. Do not limit the number of ideas, their flow and communication between them. Teacher describes. 1 Introduces students to the rules for preparation of the cluster. 2. In the center of the chalkboard or a large sheet of paper written keyword or topic name of 1-2-words. Student performs. 1.Write down everything that comes into your mind. Do not judge the quality of ideas: just write them down. 2.Do not pay attention to spelling and other factors constraining the letter. 74 3.Do not stopped writing until the time runs out. If the idea of suddenly stop coming to your mind, then paint with on paper, until you have new ideas. 4.Try to build as many links. Do not limit the number of ideas, their flow and communication between them. Questions to produce cluster: 1.Compose rehabilitologic event with PRS. 2. Create a rehabilitologic event with diseases of the respiratory system. "Cluster" scheme organizer. Rehabilitologic events in patients with asthma Medication Climatic treatment, climate forests, seas Medical rehabilitation (Healing stage) Physiopathogene tic factors Physical rehabilitation in outpatient но-поликлиconditions ловиях Physiological factors, traffic police, heliotherapy contrast. Sredstvai form treatment gymnastic s. Does not lead to secondary complications , return to work activities .. Physiological factors (inhalation, massage, phew) DMB on the adrenal gland, ultrasound examination Physical rehabilitation in sanatoria Physical exercises, Means treatment breathing exercises, heliotherapy, 75 aerotherapy, D Each group evaluates the other groups. Maximum score -15-22 Grou Clear and exact Visual Complianc Group Total score of 15 p answer (5) (graphic) e with Activity Num (5) regulations 2.5. ber (2.5) 1. 2. Maximum score 15-14 13-12 score 11-10 score 9-8 score 7-6 score 100% -86% 85% -73% 70-56% 53% -46% 43% or less Criteria for evaluation of the analytical part: (Organizer) Analytical part Appendix-3 4.2. Situational tasks: 76 Task No. 1. A patient-types, 44 years. Diagnosis: Acute myocardial infarction left ventricular posterior wall, subacute stage, day 15. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. At what height should be performed HR exercise. Duration of classes, the number of repetitions. Standard response : During this period, physical therapy prescribed limited, treatment gymnastics appointed with 3-5 days of the disease. Tasks of TrE: improving the correlation function of the CNS, activation of noncardiac factors, cardiorespiratory adaptation to increasing stress, improvement of mental and emotional status of the patient. Contraindications to CFT and gymnastics are complicated course of the disease, angina at rest, cardiac aneurysm and vascular disease for unstable. Of CFT at this stage shows electric, GAI with bromine, oxygen. The complex LH should include breathing exercises, dynamic and static exercises for medium and small muscle groups, walking at a slow pace, walking along the corridor, the development of a single span. Heart rate at 50% of the maximum tolerated. Estimated lesson time 20 minutes. The number of repetitions 6-8 times. Task No. 2. Patient X-new, 60 years. Diagnosis: Hypertensive heart disease stage II. Stage II degree. CHD, exertional angina FC II. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. What state under these pathologies are contraindications to physical therapy and physical therapy? FT What factors can be used for this diagnosis? Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. At what height should be performed HR exercise. Valid digits AD when the physical load Duration of classes, the number of repetitions. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task lowering blood pressure, normalization of state of the CNS, improving the function of the central and peripheral hemodynamics, increased exercise tolerance, normalization of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, activation of anticoagulatory system. Contraindications: unstable blood pressure, hypertension III degree, posthypertensive crisis, unstable angina, signs of stress and ischemic ECG. In the complex FT include: electric, iontophoresis with sedative or hypotensive drugs, magnetic AMF on collar area or region of the heart, darsonvalization, head massage and neck area, total franklinization. The complex LH include respiratory, general developmental exercises are special relaxation exercises on development of balance, coordination, walking, swimming. Valid digits BP 170/100 mm Hg, heart rate at the height of the load 75% of the maximum tolerated. Estimated lesson time 20-30 min, the number of repetitions 8-10. 77 Task No. 3. Sick T-fishing for 25 years. Diagnosis: Cardiopsychoneurosis mixed type. Pulse 88 beats per minute, blood pressure 130/85 mm Hg mm Hg Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? Goals and objectives of physiotherapy and exercise therapy at this diagnosis. Assign complex FT-treatment of this patient. Make an exemplary complex LH. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy of attached pathology. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task lowering blood pressure, normalization of state of the CNS, improving the function of the central and peripheral hemodynamics, increased exercise tolerance, normalization of mental and emotional status, activation anticoagulatory system. In the complex FT include: electric, iontophoresis with sedative or hypotensive drugs, magnetic AMF on collar area or region of the heart, Darsonvalization, head massage and neck area, total Franklinization, circular and douches, bubble baths or conifers. BH complex: respiratory, general developmental exercises are special relaxation exercises on development of balance, coordination, walking, swimming, exercise at the gym. Contraindications: common to physical therapy, the development of tachycardia, severe general weakness, shortness of breath. Task No. 4. Patient A s 25 years. Diagnosis: Right-sided pneumonia. 5 days of illness. 1 Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? 2. Goals and objectives of physiotherapy and exercise therapy at this diagnosis. 3. Assign complex FT-treatment this patient. Four Make an exemplary complex LH. 5 (number) Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy of attached pathology. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task normalize the mechanics of breathing (breathing slowing and deepening), accelerate the resorption of the pathological focus in the lung, improve drainage function of bronchi, the state CCC, nervous, digestive and other systems, prevention of atelectasis, thrombus formation, etc. In the complex FT include: UHF or inductothermia on lung area, magnetic AMF on the chest area sollux, chest massage. BH complex: breathing exercises, physical exercises for small and medium muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities, draining position. Contraindications: severe intoxication, fever, respiratory failure, tachycardia (heart rate over 100 in 1 min.) Appendix-3 4.3 Tests 1 Physiotherapy may be nominated in: a) of hypertension stage II, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, tachysystolic form H II degree; b) Stage II of hypertension, hypertensive crisis; of hypertension stage II, atrial arrhythmia (rare); 78 c) of hypertension stage II atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, atrioventicular blockade III degree; g) of hypertension stage II, stage III circulatory failure. 2. Physiotherapy is contraindicated in: a) Stage I of hypertension, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, atrial fibrillation resistant forms of circulatory failure in stage I; b) Stage II of hypertension, myocardial infarction (heart attack two years ago), circulatory failure in stage I; c) of hypertension stage I, paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia; d) of hypertension stage II atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, right bundle branch block. 3. With hypertension stage I complained of irritability, poor sleep patients show physical treatment: a) local darsonvalization on left front chest; b) total franklinization; c) amplipulse on neck area; d) hydrogen sulfide baths; e) power shower. 4. The sharp decline in blood pressure and even the development of orthostatic collapse (with a single procedure) is possible if: a) laser therapy on the projection of the aortic arch; b) on the carotid sinus diadynamic zone; c) decimeter wave therapy collar region; d) electrophoresis vasodilators transorbital; e) total franklinization. 5. Physiotherapy CHD patients is not indicated for. A) stable angina functional class III; b) FC IV angina; c) unstable angina; d) stable angina FC III, circulatory failure PA stage (H PA); e) stable angina FC III, atrial fibrillation normosistolic form, I stage. 6. Laser therapy can be administered to patients with stable coronary heart disease angina: a) Only FC I-II; b) FC I-III; c) I-IV FC; d) III FC with frequent attacks of angina at rest. 79 7. Low-frequency magnetic therapy indicated in patients with stable coronary heart disease angina: a) Only FC I-II; b) I-III of FC; c) I-IV FC; d) II with FC II degree atrioventricular block; e) III FC, circulatory insufficiency stage III. 8. In CHD with stable angina FC III, H PA stage may be carried out: a) common hydrogen sulfide baths; b) general radon baths; c) general carbonic baths; d) of dry carbon dioxide baths. 9. In the acute phase of focal pneumonia during bacterial aggression (onethird days of illness) when you cough with phlegm, increase in body temperature to 38 ° C is optimal physical treatment: a) intraorganic electrophoresis of AB drugs b) electrophoresis antibiotics transverse procedure; c) Electrophoresis of antibiotics in the longitudinal methodology; d) antibiotic heat and humid inhalation. 10. Select the most efficient combination of physical methods of treatment of a patient with acute pneumonia, pneumosclerosis NAM I step on the stage of morphological recovery (10-20th days of illness) in the presence of an inflammatory infiltrate in the lungs, with a rare bit of cough and sputum a) low intensity UHF therapy (nonthermal doses) on the area of infiltration and alkaline inhalations; b) high-frequency magnetic therapy to the area of infiltration and inhalation mucolytics; c) the electric field in the UHF subthermal doses and mud baths; d) low-frequency magnetic therapy and alkaline inhalations; e) the electric field in the UHF thermal and inhalation doses of mucolytics. 11. Inhalation therapy for patients with chronic diseases of the bronchi used aerosols: a) atomized; b) the coarse; c) low-dispersion; d) high and Coarse. 12. Ultrasound therapy is contraindicated in: a) step of pneumonia morphological recovery (10-20th day of the disease); b) pneumosclerosis; 80 c) bronchiectasis; d) exacerbation of chronic bronchitis in the subacute stage respiratory failure stage II; e) exacerbation of asthma moderate flow, I NAM stage. 13. Choose the best method of treatment for patients with chronic bronchitis resort with pneumosclerosis in remission: a) inhalation of sea water; b) galotherapy; c) the inhaled mucolytics; d) mud pack on the chest; e) an electric field in the UHF thermal dose. Fourteen During exacerbation of atopic asthma pathogenic origin should be considered the following method of physiotherapy: a) endonasal electrophoresis with Intalum; b) Aeroionotherapy; c) UHF-therapy at the root of the lung; d) galvanization chest horizontally; e) amplipulse paravertebrally. 15. In bronchial asthma, with one current and Dishormonal hypoadrenia pathogenetic treatment is: a) ultrasound therapy in the thoracic paravertebral; b) high-frequency magnetic therapy on the adrenal glands; c) galotherapy; d) high-frequency magnetic therapy on the thymus; d) electrophoresis Intalum (endonasal). Appendix-3 4.4 Cookbook by physical factors 1. Darsonval darsonvalization in the neck PP 4-6 T3-5 min N10-15. daily 2. Electrophoresis Electrophoresis on Shcherbak neck area. NaBr solution. Current 10-15 mA. Exposure 20-25 min. Course of 10 treatments. 3. UHF UHF region of the maxillary sinus, the emitter is at an angle, gap 3-4cm, oligothermic dose (40W). Exposure 5-7 min. Course of 6-8 treatments. 4. Aerosoletherapy Heat and humid inhalation with Tashkent mineral water. Water temperature 38-42 about C. On one inhalation of 50 - 100 ml. mineral water .. Duration 5 - 10 min. daily course of 12 treatments. 81 Infrared Infrared irradiation lamp sollux on chest area. Distance from the unit 50-100 cm intensity - to the feeling of pleasant warmth. 20-30 min duration. . daily course of 10-15 procedures. Visible radiation 6.Laser therapy Laser therapy of chronic tonsillitis. PM 0.5-3.0 mW duration of 1-10 minutes. . daily rate of 6-10 treatments. Maximum score 2515 15-14excellent 100% -86% criteria for evaluating the test, situational problems. 13-12 score 11-10 score 9-8 score 7-6 score 14-12-well 85% -73% 11-7satisfactory 70-56% 6-4unsatisfactory 53% -46% 3 or less - bad 43% or less Appendix-4. The practical part 5.1 Implementation of practical skills. (Step by step) Perform practical skills - to make complex rehabilitation measures using physical therapy and exercise therapy on an outpatient receiving individual patient, based on the examination, medical history, medical history data and laboratory and instrumental data; -Write the recipe on the assigned physical factors; -Conduct designated procedures; -Make an exercise of physiotherapy for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, depending on the stage of the disease. Drafting complex rehabilitation measures step by step Indications: diseases of the cardiovascular system Purpose: rehabilitation Necessary equipment and methods: stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, stopwatch necessary clinical and laboratory equipment, physical therapy aids, exercise equipment, laboratory findings (ECG EhoKS, complete blood count, coagulation, blood chemistry), sample Martin Steps for: No. Stages of Failed to execute step Follow all steps (20point) 82 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Evaluation of the clinical condition of the patient (complaints, anamnesis morbi, anamnesis vitae, status presens, data clinical and laboratory studies Appointment rational physiotherapy: to determine whether a given patient contraindications to physiotherapy in the absence of contraindications for physiotherapy selection of major groups of physical factors on syndromic pathogenetic principle selection of specific physiotherapy treatments to the patient in accordance with the rules of the compatibility of physical factors Sequencing of physiotherapy appointment at their complex registration sheet assignments (writing prescriptions for physiotherapy) Totals 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 5 20 Assessment of the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during the procedure of physiotherapy Purpose: learn to assess the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases of the SSA during physiotherapy sessions (LH) Indications: Assessment of the adequacy of physical activity for patients with diseases of hypertension Necessary equipment and methods: stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, stopwatch No. Stages of 1. Interrogation of the patient in order to identify possible complaints before the LH 2. Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH patient to load Failed to Follow execute all step steps (20point) 0 2. 0 2. 83 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in the patient by the end of the introductory part of LH, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue during the main part of LH Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue in the final part of LH Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue in a patient after 5 min after LH Storing the data in the medical and control card Draw the physiological load curve Making a conclusion Totals 0 2. 0 2. 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 2. 2. 2. 20 Criteria for evaluation of practical skill 100% -86% 85% -71% 70% -55% 54% -37% 36% less 40-34.4excellent 34-28.4-well 28-22satisfactory 21.6-14.8 unsatisfactory 14.4 and less bad 6. Forms of control knowledge - Oral; - Written; - Decision of situational problems; - Demonstration of practical skills mastered. Appendix- 5. 1 In assessing students' knowledge of Rehabilitation accounted following approximate criteria 84 Criteria for the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students Criteria of the current control Unsatisfacto rily Poor 100% -86% 85% -71% 70-55% 54% -37% 36% o less Theoretical part 20-19 points 18-17 points 16-15 points 14-13 points 12 points 2. Analytical part organiser 15-14 points 13-12 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 7-6 points 3 Test 15-14 points 13-12 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 7-6 points 4 The practical part 40-35 score 35-30 score 30-25 score 25-15 points 1714 score Evaluation Excellent № Adoption in % 1 Nu Performa m nce in% be r Evaluatio n Satisfactory Level of knowledge and skills 85 1. 96-100% 2. 91-95% 3. 86-90% Excellent Student independent. Has a general concept on the "5" subject of rehabilitology. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Full correct answer to the questions on the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively, independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. The synopsis on the subject there. Excellent Full correct answer to the questions on the "5" classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contra-indications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively, independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. Excellent The questions posed by the classification action "5" mechanisms examined (light therapy, aerosol therapy, barotherapy), physical factors (FF), methods of application, indications and contra-indications to appoint highlights enough, but there are 1-2 in reply. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 86 Fo ur 81-85% Average "4" 5. 76-80% Average "4" 6. 71-75% Average "4" grammatical errors. Questions posed by products electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications to fully covered, but there are 2-3 inaccuracies, errors. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The student knows the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications and contra-indications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The student knows the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications and contra-indications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. 87 7. 78 89 10 . 66-70% Satisfacto The correct answer to half the questions posed. The ry student knows the classification of continuous and "3" pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is no justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. 65-61% Satisfacto The correct answer to half the questions posed. The ry student knows the classification of continuous and "3" pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is no justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. 55-60% Satisfacto The correct answer to half the questions posed. The ry student knows the classification of continuous and "3" pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors can not enumerate contraindications to CFT in this pathology. Poor seized with the matter, said uncertainly, has exact representation only on specific issues theme. Student is very passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. 40-54% Unsatisfa Lighting 1/10 of the questions at the wrong approach. ctorily Student does not know the physical factors "2" (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, 88 11 30-40 % . electric pulp test, amplipulse). Practically does not understand the mechanisms of action of physical factors, does not understand the indications and contraindications to the appointment of FT in this pathology. All recipes are written with blunders. Unsatisfa Questions not answers. Does not know the physical ctorily factors (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, "2" electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) and their mechanisms of action. Is not able to prescribe physical factors on the topic. For the presence of students in the classroom, in proper form, with a notebook has. 7. Chronological map classes Stages classes Form INSPECTION Attendance checks and notebooks Explanation theme. Introductory word teacher (justification themes). Theoretical part Analytical part Time - 270 mins 30min Break 30min 10 minutes Verbal response. 30min Discussion of "cluster", to solve the tests. 60 min Provide students with visual aids (tables, posters, logical and didactic structure, slides, videos, diagrams) and giving explanations to them. The practical part The acquisition of practical skills 30 min 45 min 60 min 89 Conclusion teacher Evaluates on points. Gives the task for homework 30 min 8. Control questions: Appendix-6 1 Name, for what purpose are assigned physical factors in diseases of the cardiovascular system. 2. What are the physical factors that have a sedative effect. 3. What are the physical factors that have a hypotensive effect. Four What are the physical factors that have antiplatelet effect. 5. What is the benchmark for dosing of physical activity among patients with CVD? 6. What physical factors contribute to improve the oxygenation of the blood? 7. Which functional tests carried out in patients with CVD with a view to dispensing of physical activity? 8 What is the main form of exercise therapy given to patients with cardiac disease in the hospital. 9. What are the physical factors that prescribed for asthma with the aim of pathogenetic therapy indicate the area of impact. 10. What are the physical factors that improve the drainage function of bronchi. 11. What are special exercises for bronchitis. 12. Name the special breathing exercises. 13. Specify the starting position of PH in patients with abscess of the lower lobe of the right lung. 14 Name the physical factor that is assigned when the purpose of ARI and virusocidal bactericidal action. Appendix-7 9. List of recommended literature. 9.1. Main 1 Bogolyubov V.M. "Balneology and Physiotherapy" 1 and Volume 2 M. Medicine 1985 2. Yuldashev K., Y. Kulikov "Physiotherapy". Tashkent. 1984 3. Strelkova N.I. "Physical treatments in neurology", M., 1983. Four Popov S.N. "Physical rehabilitation" Rostov-on-Don, 1999 5. Okorokov A.N. "Treatment of diseases of the internal organs. Manual ", Volume 2, Moscow, 2004. 6. Epifanov V.A. "Medical rehabilitation." Moscow, 2005. 90 7. Ed. Epifanov V.A. - Therapeutic physical culture. Moscow, "GEOTAR Medicine" 2006 9.2. Auxillary 1 Bogolyubov V.M. "Handbook of sanatorium selection", M, 1992. 2. Iasnogorodski VG "Handbook of Physical Therapy", M, 1981. 3. Ponomarenko TN "Guide to practical training in general physiotherapy", M, 2000. Four Yuldashev KY "Non-drug treatments" a practical guide for physicians. 5. S.N.Babaadzhanov Directory physiotherapist. Tashkent, 1999 g.Suluyanova 6. V.Oransky, D.S.Ilhamdzhanova Quick Reference physiotherapy. T 1992 7. The text of lectures and tutorials. 9.3.Foreign literatures: 6. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 7. Mark Harrast, MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DO Sports Medicine Study Guide and Review for Boards 8. Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors) Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation A Guide for Practitioners 2003 - Demos Medical Publishing 9. Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 - WebMD 10.Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review 2004 - Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 9.4.Internet resources: http://www. 91 92 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN CENTRE FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION Tashkent Medical Academy "APPROVED" Pro-rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Teshaev O.R. ____________________ "________" ___________ 2014 Department: Department of Folk Medicine, Rehabilitation and Physical Education Subject: Rehabilitology Theme of the practical lesson "Application of physical factors and physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (Gastritis, gastric and intestinal, colitis, enteritis, cholecystitis), urinary tract and kidneys" Practical lesson Educationaltechnology 93 Tashkent - 2014 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY OF THE PRACTICAL LESSON Theme №2:"Application of physical factors and exercise therapy in rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (Gastritis, gastric and intestinal, colitis, enteritis, cholecystitis), urinary tract and kidneys." Study time: 270 min Number of students 8-10 Type of lesson Exercise topics. Structure of the training sessions Lesson plan 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical part 3. Analytical part - chart - tests - situational tasks and recipes. 4. Practical skills. Purpose of the lesson: The graduate should know: The graduate should be able to: teach the skill to choose the right treatment strategy and guidelines physical therapy and exercise therapy with application of physical factors and physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys. -Indications and contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys; -The main directions of physiotherapy treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys; -Mechanisms of action of physical factors and means of exercise therapy on patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys. Perform practical skills - to make complex rehabilitation measures using physical therapy and exercise therapy on an outpatient receiving individual patient, based on the examination, medical history, medical history data and laboratory and instrumental data; 94 -Write the recipe on the assigned physical factors; -Conduct designated procedures; -Make an exercise of physiotherapy for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys. Pedagogical objectives: -Acquaint with the indications and contraindications for physiotherapy treatment and exercise therapy in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys. - To reveal the concept of etiopatogenetic and symptomatic treatment using physical factors of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys according to the stage of disease; -Teach drafting complex rehabilitation depending on the stage of the disease; -Teach yourself to let designated physiotherapy; -Teach yourself to pick up a set of exercises and therapeutic exercises to demonstrate their patients. Training Methods Forms of educational activity Learning Tools Methods and feedback means Learning outcomes -List the indications and contraindications for the purpose of physiotherapy and exercise therapy in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys. -Called main purpose of use of physiotherapy and exercise therapy factors in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys. -Up complex of rehabilitation measures, depending on the stage of the disease; Self-appointed spend physiotherapy; Self-selected set of exercises of physiotherapy and demonstrate their patients. Conversation, discussion, brainstorming, demonstration, training game. Front, collective work groups, "Learning Together". Distributing educational materials, visual aids, videos, board-stand, photo, text. Quiz, test, presentation of results of a learning task or solving case studies, demonstrating the independent exercise of practical skills. Typical flow chart of lesson Stages of work and time Action 95 270 minutes Teacher 1st stage Theoretical part 20 minutes 1.1. Checks attendance and notebooks 20 minutes 1.2. Names the classes theme, its goals, objectives and expected learning outcomes. Introduces the mode of operation in the lesson and evaluation criteria (see guidance for students). 25 minutes Learners Listen, write, update, ask questions. 1.3. . Gives the task for independent work, references to independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation. (Appendix 6) 1.4. Conducts a quiz to identify students' knowledge on the topic: 25 minutes 1.5. Break 10 minutes Stage 2 60 minutes Analytical part 2.1. Leading the discussion topics of practical classes. Distributes materials of the case and introduces the algorithm analyzing the situation. Divides the students into groups. 30 minutes 2.2. Assesses students' background knowledge using new educational technologies (small groups, case studies). (Appendix 3) Teaches proper selection of methods of rehabilitation patients. Solve the test tasks, answer questions, present during physiotherapy patients and TrE in the classroom, work independently on the FT devices and physical therapy room, work in groups, present the results of the group work. 45 minutes 2.3 Break 96 3rd stage 60 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes The practical part. 3.1. Makes own opinion on the subject, focusing students on the main, according to the importance of the work done for future professional careers. Conduct selfesteem, interassessment. Ask questions. Recorded assignment. Commends the work of groups and individual students, summarizes interassessment. Analyzes and evaluates the degree of achievement of lesson. (Appendix 5) 3.3. Distributes tasks for independent work, references to independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation. (Appendix 6) Gives the task to prepare for the next lesson. 1. Motivation Diseases of the digestive, urinary tract and kidneys are very common. They are characterized by a chronic relapsing course, a tendency to progression and occurrence of complications, often cause temporary or permanent disability (disability). Recognizes the importance of all spa and physiotherapy factors in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive tract, AIM, and kidneys. Application of physical factors contribute to the normalization of the neuroendocrine regulation, improve the trophic affected tissues, increase the body's sensitivity to drugs (medication that reduces patient load), a positive effect on the psychological status of the patient. Ability to navigate among individuals and resort factors and prepare a comprehensive treatment using them is necessary for each GP. 2. Interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary communication Teaching the topic is based on the knowledge students the basics of biochemistry, biophysics, anatomy, normal and pathological physiology of the digestive and urinary systems, etiology and pathogenesis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys IMP total physiotherapy and exercise therapy foundations. Acquired during the course of knowledge will be used in traversing disciplines therapy, gastroenterology, nephrology, urology, and GPs in their practice. 97 3. Contents of the lesson 3.1. Theoretical part Diseases of the digestive Diseases of the digestive system are very common. Onset of the disease in the majority of cases occur in preschool age, with a greater role played by risk factors predominate functional disorders increases with age frequency of inflammatory diseases. The system of staged treatment of children becomes important application of physical factors that have a positive impact on the secretory-motor function, repair processes in the affected organs, the activity of the autonomic and central nervous system. REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WITH DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS Pyelonephritis - nonspecific inflammatory process of the kidneys, her pelvis and calyces, flowing mainly affecting the interstitial tissue of the kidney. The main etiologic factor in the development of pyelonephritis is an infection. However, for an inflammatory process requires additional conditions that contribute to its development. The most common causative agents of disease are Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus, fecal coli and Streptococcus the adjustable bases. Proteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa occur more frequently as the other flora suppressed antibacterial drugs. Flora and its sensitivity to antibiotics in the treatment of change, which makes it necessary to repeat urine culture and antibiogram. Action etiological factor depends on a massive importation of microbial virulence and infection status of the organism. Additional terms and conditions that contribute to the development of pyelonephritis, are a violation of the passage of urine, venous stasis in the urinary organs, as well as co-morbidities. Pathways of infection in the kidney are important in the pathogenesis of pyelonephritis. It is now believed that an infectious agent may enter the kidney: 1) hematogenous route from a distant hidden hearth (tonsillitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, boil, infected wound, etc.); 2) urogenital way - from the bladder to the kidney (due to vesicoureteral reflux and renal pelvis); 3) rising by - on the wall of the ureter in subadventitial layer by interstitial tissue; 4) lymphogenous way. Lymphatics kidneys perform afferent (abductor) function, they are manifold, in which output from a kidney infection. Stasis of urine, trauma and other causes that violate lymph from the urinary tract, primarily from the kidney, cause infection delay than favorable conditions for its development in the interstitial tissue of the kidney. Renal tissue ischemia plays an important role in the development of pyelonephritis. Pathogenesis of pyelonephritis appears chain stages: 1) penetration of infection into the kidney interstitium, which is preceded by venous stasis and swelling of the interstitial tissue; 2) renal ischemia due to which the fore hypoxia promotes the death of tubular epithelium; 3) the formation of inflammatory lesions in the kidney. In the development of pyelonephritis plays the role of venous stasis. If you violate the passage of urine becomes essential venous stasis resulting from compression of the renal pelvis stretched veins in the renal hilum. This stasis causes swelling of the interstitial tissue and accompanied by an increase in capillary permeability. The latter in turn facilitates the penetration of microbes from the bloodstream into the interstitial tissue and the development of inflammation in her plots. Causes of venous stasis may be different - occlusion urinary tract disorders and urodynamics urinogenic extraurine character. Development of the inflammatory process and its course is largely dependent on the general state of the organism, its ability to resist infection. Favorable basis for rapid and malignant course of pyelonephritis create beriberi, depletion, areactive condition. The clinical picture of pyelonephritis is very diverse. It may be absent or mild specific symptoms of urinary tract. Acute pyelonephritis. If acute pyelonephritis is not preceded by a disease of the urinary system, it can be primary. In such cases, the infection gets into the kidney through hematogenous of purulent focus in the body. Secondary acute pyelonephritis develops due to diseases of the urinary system: with nephrolithiasis as a consequence of urinary tract obstruction after renal colic; the presence of urinary reflexes; in violation of the outflow of urine associated with a disease of the bladder, prostate and urethra. There are two clinical forms of acute pyelonephritis: serous pyelonephritis and interstitial purulent pyelonephritis. The latter includes apostematous (blotchy) nephritis, kidney abscess and bacteremia. In a separate clinical entity isolated necrosis of the renal papillae - a serious complication of acute pyelonephritis caused by circulatory disorder (ischemia and hypoxia) Malpighian pyramids and the renal papilla. 98 Picture of acute pyelonephritis different prevalence of primary and general scarcity of local symptoms of infection. Interstitial serous pyelonephritis characterized acute onset. In the early days of the disease point temperature to 38-39 ° C. Signs of intoxication expressed mild. Headache, joint pain, malaise, anorexia, occasional constipation, nausea (in children - vomiting, diarrhea) - the most frequent symptoms. Local signs fuzzy. Chronic pyelonephritis may develop as a result of the transition process in acute chronic disease. Possible hematogenous and urinogenic pathways of infection. In chronic pyelonephritis in the early stages of the disease is the predominant damage of the duct system, and only in the terminal period of the process involves the glomerular apparatus of the kidney. This is due to early decline of renal concentrating ability and later disorder glomerular filtration. For chronic pyelonephritis different symptoms of poverty. Patients sometimes there is a decrease in performance, fatigue, vague pain in the lumbar region in combination with low grade fever. In patients with pyelonephritis are the following syndromes: inflammation of renal pelvis system, hemodynamic and metabolic disorders; asthenoneurotic and immune dysfunction. Physical methods of treatment of patients with pyelonephritis aimed at relief of inflammation (anti-inflammatory methods), increased reparative regeneration (reparative and regenerative methods), improving microcirculation and metabolism in the kidney (vasodilators methods), activation of glomerular filtration rate and urine output (diuretics methods) and correction of immunity disorders (immostimulating Methods). Physical methods of treatment of patients with pyelonephritis Anti-inflammatory Methods: UHF-therapy, UHF-therapy, iontophoresis uroseptics 1 . Reparative and regenerative methods: infrared laser therapy, ultrasound therapy 1 . Vasodilators methods: osocerite therapy, peloidotherapy, infrared irradiation 1 , Electroplating, low-frequency magnetic therapy. Diuretic methods: high-frequency magnetic therapy, pulsed magnetic therapy, drinking mineral water with organic , Interferential, sodium chloride baths. Immunomodulatory methods: SF-the irradiation doses in suberitemic1, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy, LOC, radon baths. Contraindications: hyperthermia, general intoxication, the presence of radiopaque stones in the kidney (more than 0.5 cm), hypertension, micro-and gross hematuria, chronic renal failure, chronic circulatory insufficiency higher than I degree, tumor formation and cystic kidney nephroptosis, urgent conditions (renal colic ), kidney abscess, tuberculosis of the kidney. Substance 1 Spa treatment Patients with chronic pyelonephritis without exacerbation without violating nitrogen excreting renal function with IBC develops in violation of the mineral (water and salt) exchange in the kidneys. Changes contribute to the formation of stones ugly matches, prevents the outflow of urine electrolyte composition changes hypertension is directed to balneotherapy and climate treatment resorts. Improvement in patients with chronic pyelonephritis without exacerbation ascertain reduction of general weakness, pain, dysuria disappearance, normalization of body temperature, a decrease in leukocyturia (less than 20 in the field of view), proteinuria (at least 1 g / day), nitrogen excreting preservation of renal function, lower power bacteriuria, reduce anemia and normalization of blood analysis. Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment are chronic kidney disease (chronic glomerulonephritis, primary and secondary chronic pyelonephritis) with pronounced symptoms of kidney failure, high blood pressure or neuroretinitis, sclerosis with symptoms of severe kidney chronic renal failure, kidney disease, accompanied by hydronephrosis stage II and above, and polycystic kidney cysts (multiple, large solitary) with symptoms of chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome with severe edema and severe symptoms of chronic renal failure, macroscopic hematuria of any origin. Physioprophylaxis Physioprophylactic objectives are to prevent further development of chronic pyelonephritis and its exacerbations, as well as the formation of kidney stones by preventing inflammation (reparative and regenerative methods); recovery of renal function and urinary tract (diuretics methods) and correction of immunity (immune-boosting methods). Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) - an acute infectious-allergic diffuse renal disease, mainly affecting the glomeruli, which develop proliferative exudative changes. At the origin of AGN clearly traced the role of infection. Significance of p-hemolytic streptococcus group A. Most often precede the development of AGN acute tonsillitis or acute pharyngitis, skin pustular disease. In recent years, increased the role of viral infection - influenza, hepatitis B virus Sometimes AGN develops after vaccination. The emergence of the disease contributes to the body hypothermia, especially in humid conditions. In response to a foreign antigen generated antibody, which combine with the antigen and the complement, immune complexes are formed. At first, they circulate in the blood. Some neutrophils destroyed others enter the bloodstream to the kidneys, which are deposited on the outer side of the basement membrane, and glomerular mesangial partially. Immune complexes were captured on a basal membrane in the form of individual clumps. Factor that directly affects the glomeruli, is a complement. It places deposition of immune complexes and complement rush neutrophils, releasing lysosomal enzymes, enhancing endothelial damage and basement membrane. The release of serotonin from platelets contributes to coagulation, resulting in fibrin deposition on the basal membrane. 99 Listed as macrophage reaction proliferation of endothelial and mesangial cells that contribute to the elimination of immune complexes from the body. In the presence of young lymphoid cells having trophic function physiological regeneration occurs nephron, including the basal membrane. Clinical syndromes: edematous, hypertensive, pain, asthenia, acute renal failure, congestive heart failure. Chronic glomerulonephritis CGN) - a group of diseases of different origin and morphological manifestations, characterized by lesions of the glomerular apparatus of the kidney and the development of glomerulosclerosis and renal failure. CGN may precede the development of infectious disease, hypothermia or vaccination, but half of the patients a clear connection with any etiologic factor can not be established. CGN developed as a primary chronic disease and is not the outcome of the acute process. Two variants of the glomerular lesions. The first is similar to that described in AGN: in response to the introduction of different antigens into an organism produces antibodies in the blood form immune complexes which enter the bloodstream and in the glomeruli have a damaging effect on the structure of the nephron. The second scenario is more common CGN: in response to the introduction of different antigens into an organism produces antibodies tropic to the basement membrane, which are fixed to its surface. Membrane damage occurs, the modified membrane antigen produced autoantibodies. Complement is deposited on the membrane localization zone at the autoantigen-autoantibody complex. Then the migration of neutrophils to the basement membrane. With the destruction of neutrophils allocated lysosomal enzymes, reinforcing membrane damage. Simultaneously, the activation of the coagulation system that leads to the deposition of fibrin in an area of the antigen and antibody. Platelets seating in membrane damage, isolated vasoactive substances. This strengthens the processes of inflammation. Regeneration of the basement membrane is not due to inferiority and lack of trophic cells (defect young subpopulation of Tlymphocytes). In the progression of CGN also participate nonimmune factors: damaging effect on proteinuria glomeruli and tubules, reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins (impairs renal hemodynamics), hypertension (accelerating the development of renal failure), nephrotoxic hyperlipidemia. Prolonged inflammation, the current waves, ultimately leads to sclerosis, hyalinosis, emptying the glomeruli and chronic renal failure. Main syndromes in CGN: edematous, hypertensive, anemic, pain, asthenia, chronic renal failure, congestive heart failure, nephrotic, urinary, renal dysfunction (filtration, reabsorption, excretory, nitrogen excreting). Principles of treatment: strict bed rest for 1-2 weeks. to the normalization of blood pressure and eliminate edema in patients AGN; a diet rich in potassium (rice, potatoes) with the restriction of protein and salt, edema - fluid. In early disease fluid intake should be limited. After stepping swelling amount of fluids you drink should be 300-500 ml more urine volume. When streptococcal infection within 1-2 weeks shows antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin). Prescribe drugs that improve blood circulation in the kidney and blood rheology (heparin, trental), immunosuppressants (prednisone). Symptomatic therapy is aimed at addressing the major symptoms of the disease - edema and hypertension. To this end assigned antihypertensives and diuretics. In remission patients receive chimes. Symptomatic therapy, which includes diuretics and antihypertensive drugs, treatment of chronic renal failure. In CGN with isolated urinary syndrome active treatment is not carried out. Based on the etiopathogenesis and clinical picture of the disease, it is advisable to allocate the following syndromes: inflammatory, degenerative, hypertensive, edematous and hypercoagulable. Physical methods of treatment used to reduce inflammation in the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys and blood vessels (antiinflammatory and reparative and regenerative methods), correction of immune dysfunction (immune correcting methods), reduce glomerular ischemia and kidney tissues (vasodilators and antihypoxic methods), reducing coagulation potential (hypocoagulating methods); reducing edema (dehydrating diuretics and methods). Physical methods for the treatment of patients with chronic glomerulonephritis Anti methods: UHF-therapy, UHF-therapy, iontophoresis with uroantiseptics. Immunostimulatory methods: SF-irradiation (suberythematous dose), heliotherapy. Immunosuppressive methods: transcerebral UHF-therapy, high-frequency therapy on the adrenal glands, UHF- therapy on the adrenal glands, iontophoresis calcium Demerol. Reparative and regenerative methods: infrared laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, iontophoresis vitamin C peloidotherapy. Vasodilators methods: paraffin, osoceriteotherapy, infrared irradiation. Diuretic methods: iontophoresis antispasmodics, amplipulse, high-frequency magnetic therapy, treatment of drinking mineral water. Dehydrating methods: infrared sauna, sauna. hypocoagulating methods: iontophoresis anticoagulants and antiplatelet, low-frequency magnetic therapy. Antihypoxic method: oxygen-barotherapy. Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder mucosa, accompanied by a breach of its function. Predisposing factors for the occurrence of inflammation in the bladder are urodynamics of lower urinary tract, the barrier function of the mucosal epithelium of the bladder, blood flow in the bladder wall, reducing the overall reactivity. In the etiology of infectious cystitis play a role (Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, Proteus, Chlamydia, Staphylococcus, adenovirus, herpes, gonococcus, trichomonas), chemical, toxic, drug, radiation and other factors. Penetration of infection into the bladder can occur upward, downward, and lymph through hematogenous. 100 Cystitis is much more common in women, due to the rising infection through the lumen of the urethra. In men, infection of the bladder can be observed in inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, epididymis and the urethra. Downward path of infection in the bladder usually occurs when the inflammatory process in the kidneys (chronic pyelonephritis, pyonephrosis). Cystitis with long existing chronic pyelonephritis is mainly observed during the active phase of pyelonephritis, with concomitant bacteriuria. It is also possible lymphogenous path of infection with inflammation in the genitals because of the direct relationship between lymphatic bladder, ovaries, uterus. Cystitis are classified according to pathogenetic principle (primary, secondary), etiology (infectious - specific and nonspecific, chemical, thermal, toxic, medicinal, nutritional, neurogenic, radiation, involutional, postoperative); depending on the course - acute and chronic cystitis (chronic cystitis in most cases is secondary), prevalence of inflammation (focal or diffuse) and the nature of the morphological changes: acute - on catarrhal, hemorrhagic, granulating, fibrinous, ulcerative, and gangrenous abscess, chronic cystitis - by catarrhal, ulcerative, polypoid, cystic, encrusting and necrotizing interstitial. Acute endocystitis characterized by edema and hyperemia of the bladder mucosa, while the protracted inflammation involving the submucosal and muscular layers with the formation of purulent infiltration, ulceration of the mucosa, the advent of limited areas of necrosis. For chronic cystitis is characterized by loss of all layers of the bladder wall, the appearance of bleeding granulation, cysts, microabscesses and ulcers on the mucosa. In marked fibrosis occur wrinkling bladder wall, reducing its volume. The clinical course is characterized by the presence of pyuria cystitis and terminal hematuria. Acute cystitis is rarely accompanied by phenomena of intoxication and fever. Fever indicates involvement in the inflammatory process of the overlying urinary tract and the development of complications. Patients concerned about frequent painful urination. Constant impulses from inflamed bladder mucosa causes tonic contraction of the detrusor and increased intravesical pressure. In connection with the involvement of inflammatory bladder neck pain irradiating to the crotch, the anus and the penis head. Acute cystitis suprapubic pain remains and is the act of urination due to increased sensitivity of the inflamed mucosa. Main syndromes acute cystitis: inflammation, pain, disuric, dismetabolic. Treatment of acute cystitis include compliance with bed rest, diet with the exception of sharp, irritating food and drink copious alkaline. Spend pharmacotherapy - with antibiotics, nitrofurane derivatives drugs nalidixic acid, sulfonamides, antispasmodics (Nospanum, Analginum, papaverine, belladonna in candlelight). Treatment of chronic cystitis is aimed at eliminating violations reservoir function of the bladder, bioenergetic processes intensification of its walls, creating a maximum concentration of antimicrobial drugs in inflammation; topically administered antiseptic solutions. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed and uroantiseptic long, full normalization of urine and disappearance of previously inoculated pathogens. It is mandatory appointment immunomodulators - pentoxyl, metacyl, drugs aloe, vitamins A, Bi, Bg, E. When catarrhal and hemorrhagic cystitis shown instillation of oil solutions (synthomycin emulsion, sea buckthorn oil, rosehip), with granular cystitis - installation of 0.25% solution of silver nitrate, 2-3% solution Collargol, diotsida solution. Physical methods of treatment prescribed since the early days of the disease and is used for relief of the inflammatory (antiinflammatory methods) and dysuric (myorelaxing methods) syndromes achieve analgesia (analgesic methods) and restore urinary tract urodynamics (diuretics methods). Physical methods for the treatment of patients with cystitis. Anti methods: UHF, microwave therapy, electrophoresis of furadonin, erythromycin, an infrared laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, interstitial electrophoresis antibiotics. Myorelaxing methods: vibration, thermal, infrared irradiation, peloidotherapy. Methods of analgesia: SF-irradiation erythemal doses, diadynamic. Diuretic methods: amplipulse, amplipulsephoresis with gangleron, sitting baths, drinking mineral water treatment. Contraindications: the presence of micro-and gross hematuria, acute period when a feverish state. Spa treatment Patients with chronic cystitis in remission, with complications in the form of urinary incontinence, detrusor hyperreflexia and hypertonus sent for balneotherapy and mud-cure resorts subtropical, steppe, forest climates, as well as in marine climate of the southern latitudes: Krainka Zheleznovodsk, Truskavets, Pyatigorsk, Staraya Russa. An important component of recreational therapy is the application of therapeutic physical culture - path, therapeutic exercises that strengthen the muscles of the perineum and the anterior abdominal wall. Contraindications are active inflammatory process, hemorrhagic, ulcerative cystitis, leukoplakia, a condition requiring surgery (urethral stricture, bladder neck sclerosis, diverticula, stones), benign prostatic hyperplasia. Physioprophylaxis Physioprophylaxis exacerbations of chronic cystitis is aimed at improving immunity (immune-boosting methods) and increased diuresis (diuretics methods). PROSTATITIS Prostatitis - infectious and inflammatory diseases of the prostate with a primary lesion of glandular and connective tissue of the organ. Chronic prostatitis is characterized by a prolonged course with a tendency to recur, accompanied by a variety of disorders of the prostate, sexual dysfunction and urinary disorders. 101 Most often sick men of 25-45 years old. In nonspecific (banal) prostatitis pathogen infection is opportunistic and pathogenic microflora. Confounding factors of nonspecific infectious prostatitis may be stagnant (congestive) phenomenon. Joining both specific and nonspecific infection on a background of stagnation in the prostate is the most common cause of prostatitis now. In the mechanisms of prostate development are two major ways: urinogenic (ascending or descending - purulent pyelonephritis) and hematogenous (if foci of chronic infection). The presence of disease in adjacent organs (proctitis, thrombophlebitis hemorrhoidal veins, etc.) can contribute to prostate infection through a developed network of veins or pelvic fascia plate. In the mechanism of the development of prostate specific value have predisposing factors: anatomical and physiological changes in the structure and function of the prostate gland due to an illness, venous congestion and lymphostasis in the pelvic organs, immune deficiency, the presence of local and general infection, dysrhythmia sexuality, etc. Prostatitis classified by etiology (infectious - specific and nonspecific; congestive - stagnant and mixed). On the basis of a post mortem (catarrhal, follicular, and parenchymal abscess of the prostate, which can be a complication of prostatitis, dystrophic, fibrocystic, granulomatous and sclerosis of the prostate gland, which is the outcome of chronic prostatitis). The clinical course - acute, chronic, Pathogenesis - hematogenous, uretrogenic, canalicular, calculous, allergic, endocrine. Main syndromes: asthenoneurotic, intoxication, pain (Pain in the perineum, sometimes radiating along the spermatic cord in the lumbosacral region, burning in the urethra, anus) prostatorhea - copious involuntary leakage of prostate secretion, disuric (violations of the frequency and nature of urination, painful urination), sexual disorders (disorders erectile function) and reproductive disorders (infertility, changes in the number and motility). Treatment of patients with prostatitis performed on an outpatient basis and in most cases conservative. In the complex treatment of prostate observe two principles: readjustment of foci of infection (antibiotic therapy) and improve blood circulation to the prostate gland (prostate massage, physiotherapy, physical therapy). During the course of antibiotic therapy is essential purpose of optimum doses and methods of administration of drugs based on their pharmacokinetics in the body of the patient. Are optimal doses of antibiotics at which their concentration in the blood 23 times exceeds the minimum inhibitory concentration of the pathogen. Chronic prostatitis in most cases occurs on the basis of immunodeficiency, so against the backdrop of the required destination immune correcting antibiotic drugs (likopid, diuciphonum, ridostin, neovir, thymus preparations) and vitamins. Physical treatments aimed at relief of inflammation (anti-inflammatory methods) and the reduction of pain (analgesic methods), cupping stagnation and reduction of sclerotic changes in the future (defibrosing methods) and increase immunity (immune-boosting methods). Physical methods of treatment prostatitis Anti methods: UHF, microwave, ultrasound therapy 1, Phonophoresis antibiotics IR laser. Methods of analgesia: diadinamo-, SMC-therapy, analgesics electrophoresis 2 UV irradiation erythemal doses. Defibrosing methods: electrophoresis of enzymes, potassium iodide, prostate massage, magnet, Mud, SMT-therapy bath sulfide, microclysters. Immunostimulatory methods: electrophoresis immunomodulators, air baths, thalassotherapy. Contraindications to physiotherapy: Benign prostatic hyperplasia stage III prostate cancers. Spa treatment Patients with chronic prostatitis (vesiculitis) tubercular etiology in remission with limited infiltration, without urethral stricture routed to the climatic-, spa-and mud-cure resorts of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Crimea. Disappearance of pain in the sacral region, above the pubis, perineum, dysuria, improving general, normalization of blood and urine, prostatic secretion (disappearance or reduction of the number of leukocytes, increase of lecithin granules, reducing the number of macrophages), reduced edema, pain prostate cancer during rectal examination and improvement of sexual function indicate normalization of patients. Stable maintenance of the achieved level of performance without reducing potency, absence of pain and dysuria in normal urine analysis, a small number of cells in the prostate secretion showed no changes in the initial state of the patient, and the preservation of pain in the sacrum, perineum, suprapubic, dysuria, sexual disorders function; no changes in laboratory parameters, in particular urine and prostatic secretions, or increase the number of leukocytes - about its deterioration. Contraindications are malignant tumors of the prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia stage III. Physioprophylaxis Physioprophylaxis exacerbations of chronic prostatitis is the application of methods for facilitating the resolution of stagnation in the pelvic area and the methods that have immunostimulatory effects. Benign prostatic hyperplasia Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - process characterized by hyperplasia of the glands and the stroma of the prostate. Source hyperplastic process in BPH are paraurethral glands. 102 In the pathogenesis of BPH is dominated by hormonal disorders at the level of cancer, and at the level of the hypothalamicpituitary relationships. The main importance is the ratio of sex hormones - androgens and estrogens, as well as determining their level of pituitary hormones - luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin. Growth of epithelial cells of the prostate associated with the level of androgens and development of stromal hyperplasia of estrogen depends on the contents, but in both cases the expected synergistic effect of androgens to estrogens. In prostate cells, testosterone is metabolized by the enzyme 5a-reductase inhibitor in an active form - dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Most of DHT in combination with androgen receptor protein activates cell DNA, resulting in the growth and differentiation of cancer cells. Smaller part under the influence of 5a-reductase turns into 5CC-androstenediol, which acts as a beta-adrenoceptor blocker prostate and coordinate work so detrusor and sphincter. Increased synthesis of androgen receptor complex causes a decrease in the formation and activation of adrenergic androstenediol prostate, which manifests itself in inappropriate coordination of detrusor and sphincter. In the pathogenesis of BPH has a definite value violation lymphoid cell link that is evident in the number of T-and Blymphocytes. BPH growth strengthens circulatory disorders of the prostate gland that promotes stagnant inflammation. In this regard, frequent comorbidities in BPH are chronic prostatitis and chronic pyelonephritis secondary. Thus, hormonal disorders underlying BPH leads to a compensatory hyperplasia of the stromal and epithelial tissue and the subsequent development of immunological, inflammatory and trophic disorders. Hyperplastic prostate tissue causes deformation of the prostatic urethra, ejaculatory ducts, causes cystic expansion of the seminal vesicles or atrophy. Depending on the direction of tumor growth distinguish intra-and BPH subvesical forms that are clinically differ in severity urinary disorders. Growth towards the rectum does not interfere with the function of the sphincter, the growth of the center leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra, the pressure on the bladder neck, which leads to poor circulation, inflammation, edema of all layers of the bladder wall. Clinically, in this case expressed in symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction, there is macro-or microscopic hematuria. By histomorphological grounds are 4 forms of BPH: glandular (adenoma), fibrous (fibroadenoma), myoma (adenomyoma) and mixed. Clinical classification is based on the morphofunctional state of the bladder, upper urinary tract and kidneys depending on the stage of the disease. Stage I is characterized by a compensatory hypertrophy of the detrusor, ensures complete evacuation of urine from the bladder, i.e. absence of the symptoms of residual urine. Renal dysfunction and upper urinary tract are absent. The core is dysuria syndrome - a violation of the frequency and duration of urination. II stage is characterized by degenerative changes in the detrusor and the appearance due to its lack of contractility of the symptoms of residual urine (from 100-200 to 1000 ml). There is disruption of transport urine level of the renal pelvis and ureter and their subsequent expansion and decreased kidney function (compensated stage renal disease). Saved dysuria syndrome (having urgent need to urinate, frequent urination, or its delay, pain). III stage - paradox ischuria. Characteristic function of the detrusor decompensation, expansion of the upper urinary tract, renal pelvis and calyces and renal failure progression to end stage with signs of uremia. Bladder distended and packed with chronic urinary retention observed her involuntary discharge (night and then day) in case of overcoming the accumulated urine resistance cystic sphincter (paradoxical ischuria). Thus, one can distinguish BPH number of pathogenetic and clinical syndromes: hormonal disorders (abnormal correlation of female and male sex hormones), hyperplasia, circulatory disorders (venous congestion in the pelvic organs), inflammation (various options stromal inflammatory changes), urinary disorders (disuric) and chronic renal failure. Of fundamental importance is the division of obstructive symptoms in the (mechanical component) associated with compression of the urethra hyperplastic prostate tissue, and irritative (dynamic component) arising from breach of an alphaadrenergic receptors of the bladder neck, prostatic urethra and prostate. Tactics of treatment of BPH patients depends on the relationship of three main components: degree of prostate enlargement, the severity of irritative, obstructive and objective signs and symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction. Treatment includes three directions: surgical treatment, conservative therapy and alternative (hardware thermal) methods. Surgical treatment: open prostatectomy, transurethral endosurgical treatment (TURP), transurethral electrovaporization, transurethral electroincision, endoscopic laser surgery (laser ablation, vaporization, coagulation) and cryoablation of the prostate. Hardware thermal methods used for BPH using endourological manipulation based urological surgical departments. Most devices for thermotherapy are a source of electromagnetic radiation in the decimeter and centimeter waves provide local heating tissue to 45 - 85 ° C and necrotic. Apply as transurethral and transrectal method. Conservative treatment of BPH shown in concomitant diseases and complications that are contraindication to surgery prostatectomy. Leading trend of drug therapy for BPH is a hormonal therapy - the use of progestins, anti-oestrogenic and anti-androgenic effects. Also hormonal drugs, to reduce the appearance of obstructive component used 5a-reductase inhibitor (Proscar, permikson) blocks the conversion of testosterone to the active form (DHT) in prostate tissue to prevent further iron proliferative responses. For relief of dynamic disturbances in severe disorders of urination due to increased smooth muscle tone and usedblockers (alfuzosin, prazosin, etc.), reducing muscle tone of the bladder, urethra and prostate. Possibly a combined application 5a-reductase inhibitors and adrenolytics, which is especially effective in treating patients with stage I BPH. Physical methods of treatment used to correct hormonal violations (hormone correcting methods) and for the relief of stagnation in the prostate (trophostimulating methods). disuric syndrome is caused by mechanical keep urine from leaking or impaired autonomic effects on smooth muscle of the bladder, urethra and prostate, i.e. is secondary. In connection with this relief dizuricheskih events possible while reducing obstruction (due to reducing the size of the prostate or its removal) or, in the case of dynamic dominance violations when restoring coordinated work of the detrusor and sphincter (due to the normalization of relations sympathetic and parasympathetic influences). Inflammatory syndrome in BPH is considered as a manifestation of comorbidities - chronic prostatitis or pyelonephritis - and requires the use of anti-inflammatory treatments, except for the use of physical factors with strong proliferative effect (highelectromagnetotherapy). 103 Physical methods for the treatment of patients with BPH. hormone correcting methods: transcranial UHF therapy, transrectal oxyprogesterone phonophoresis. Immunomodulatory methods: aero, thalassotherapy. trophostimulating method: massage of the prostate Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment are malignant tumors of the prostate and benign prostatic hyperplasia stage IIIII. Physioprophylaxis Physioprophylaxis BPH is aimed at stabilizing the neuroendocrine processes at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, improve blood circulation and limfottoka in the pelvic organs, training vegetative maintenance of organ systems, including the genitourinary system, increase nonspecific resistance and prevention of postoperative complications. The leading role played by the methods recreational therapy and therapeutic physical culture: air and sun baths, sea bathing, hygienic gymnastics, dosed walking. Appendices USING METHOD "WHO CAN FASTER, WHO CAN MORE» Methods of carrying out. To work needed: 1. Set of cards with rehabilitation tasks. 2. Stopwatch. 3. Plain piece of paper. Progress: 1. The game is in written form. 2. Students in turn pull the card with the task. 3. Every student writes down his answers on a task for 5 minutes. 4. Then the teacher collects answer sheets. 5. Overall time of the game - 45 minutes. 6. Every answer of an each student is treated separately. 7. Answers are being discussed on a sheet with all students. 8. Collected score is being taken into account when current marking. 9. The answer sheet is marked with a score point with red ink. 10. The free bottom of the log is for teacher's records on the case game. 11. Logs of the games are being saved. List of tasks for the case game Collection of questions: "Who can faster, who can better" 1 Give an explanation of the concept of Rehabilitology: The term "rehabilitation" is derived from the Latin word «habilis» - ability, «rehabilis» - recovery ability 2. Task of rehabilitation? Elimination of the consequences of the disease. End its goals - the restoration of independence and disability, quality of life rehabilitant, as well as possible, reducing the limitations of its activity, increased reserves for active participation in the life, the creation of conditions for the beneficial effects of the environment and the risk factors. 3.What main task of medical and social rehabilitation? By "medical and social rehabilitation" means the restoration of physical, psychological and social status of people who have lost these abilities as a result of illness or injury. 4. Stages of rehabilitation process: stationary 104 polyclinic sanatorium Maximum score 25-24 excellent 100% -86% Criteria for evaluating the theoretical part 23-21 score 20-19 score 18-16 score good Satisfactory Unsatisfactorily 85% -73% 70-56% 53% -46% 15-13 score Poor 43% or less Appendix No.2 Four Analytical part 4.1. Structure and logic "pyramid" diagram Terms of drawing diagrams. 1. Write down everything that comes into your mind. Do not judge the quality of ideas: just write them down. 2.Do not pay attention to spelling and other factors constraining the letter. 3.Do not stopped writing until the time runs out. If the idea of suddenly stop coming to your mind, then paint with on paper, until you have new ideas. 4. Try to create as many links as possible. Do not limit the number of ideas, their flow and communication between them. 5. Teacher is explaining. 1. Introduces students with the rules of the diagram construction 2. In the center of the chalkboard or a large sheet of paper written keyword or topic name of 1-2words. Student performs. 1.In the process of compiling the Cascade can move the components and elements of the system scheme - it allows us to rethink certain provisions. 2.If you find yourself at a dead end, developing an idea, go back to level 1-2 up and see if you missed something important and you can not do anything differently. 3.You used to write from left to right. Try to build a stage from right to left. 4.For this place is not the main idea of the left and right edge of the sheet. Collection of questions 1.Create a rehabilitologic event in diseases of the digestive tract. 2.Create a rehabilitologic event in diseases of the urinary and kidney. "Cascade" circuit diagram. 105 Diseases of the urinary tract Pyelonephritis Inflammation, hemodynamic, metabolic change, pain asthenoneurotic Glomerulonephritis Swelling, pain, hypertension, anemia, astenoneurotic, chronic renal failure, heart failure. urolithiasis Pain, dysuria, hypertension, ARF astenoneurotic Rehabilitation - Anti- UHF UHF electrophoresis preparations - Reparative regenerative method infrared laser UTT - Vasodilator osocerite peloidotherapy infrared illuminator galvanizing - Diuretics TDC bath - Immunostimulating SF heliotherapy talossotherapy LFK, diet, herbal medicine - Anti- UHF UHF electrophoresis preparations uroantiseptics -Immunostimulatory SF heliotherapy -Immunosuppressive UHF UHF electrophoresis Regenerative-laser UTT peloidotherapy LFC diet, herbal medicine. -Miorelaxation and antispasmodics: bath infrared illuminator Myostimulating method DDT Amplipulse - Diuretics TDC - Vessels dilating galvanization galvanization paraffin - Urolytics, exercise, diet, herbal medicine 106 Group Number Each group evaluates the other groups. Maximum score -15-22 Clear and exact Visual Compliance Group Activity Total score of 15 answer (5) (graphic) with (2.5) (5) regulations (2.5) 1. 2. Criteria for evaluation of the analytical part: (chart) Maximum score 15-14 13-12 score 11-10 score 9-8 score 7-6 score 100% -86% 85% -73% 70-56% 53% -46% 43% or less Analytical part Appendix-3 4.2. Situational tasks: Task No. 1. Patient D Male, 35 years old. Diagnosis: Peptic ulcer bulb 12 duodenal ulcer in acute stage of abating. 1. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? 2. Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. 3. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. 4. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. 5. Make an exemplary complex TrE given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Tasks: impact on neurohumoral regulation of digestive processes, improve blood circulation in the abdomen and pelvis, strengthening the abdominals, increased intra-abdominal pressure, stimulation of the motor function of the digestive system, a positive impact on the neuropsychic sphere patient, increasing emotional tone. Contraindications: severe pain, vomiting, bleeding, penetrating ulcer. Of CFT at this stage shows electric, iontophoresis with antispasmodics, magnetic therapy, laser. The complex TrE should include breathing exercises, restorative and special exercises for the abdominals. Task No. 2. Patient H, 48 years old. Diagnosis: Chronic non-calculous cholecystitis in the acute stage. Chronic pancreatitis 1. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? 2. Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. 3. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. 4. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. 5. Make an exemplary complex TrE given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task impact on neurohumoral regulation of digestive processes, improve blood circulation in the 107 abdomen and pelvis, strengthening the abdominals, increased intra-abdominal pressure, stimulation of the motor function of the digestive system, improve bowel function, a positive impact on the neuro-psychic sphere patient, increasing emotional tone. Contraindications: severe pain, uncontrollable or frequent vomiting, hyperbilirubinemia, increased ALT and AST levels. Of CFT at this stage shows: drinking mineral water, magnet on the right hypochondrium, iontophoresis with antispasmodics, laser therapy. The complex TrE should include breathing exercises, restorative and special exercises for the abdominal muscles, walking. Original left lateral decubitus prescribed to improve the outflow of bile. Task No. 3. Patient Sh, 38 years old. Diagnosis: Chronic bilateral pyelonephritis under partial remission. 1. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? 2. Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. 3. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. 4. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. 5. Make an exemplary complex TrE given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task improving blood supply to the kidneys, increased sensitivity to drug therapy, removal of smooth muscle spasm of the renal pelvis and ureter, a positive impact on the neuro-psychic sphere patient, increasing emotional tone. Of CFT at this stage shows: drink plenty of mineral water iontophoresis on the kidneys (with furadonin, erythromycin, calcium chloride), magnetic, thermal treatments (diathermy, therapeutic mud, diatermomud, osocerite and paraffin baths). Contraindications: high arterial hypertension, severe anemia, acute period of the disease, chronic renal failure. The complex TrE should include breathing exercises, restorative and special exercises for the abdominals and lower extremities. Task No. 4. Patient P., 45 years. Diagnosis: Chronic prostatitis. 1. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? 2. Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. 3. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. 4. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. 5. Make an exemplary complex TrE given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task reduction of the inflammatory process in the prostate, improving regional blood flow, reproductive function, positive impact on the neuro-psychic sphere patient, increasing emotional tone. Contraindications: acute pain, fever, acute urinary retention. Of CFT at this stage shows: Microwave inductothermy, osocerite trousers, RAS therapy, rising shower. The complex TrE should include breathing exercises, restorative and special exercises for the abdominals, pelvic floor and lower limbs, walking, bike Appendix-3 4.3 Tests. 1.Which electroplating method used in gastric ulcer A. * endonasal galvanizing B. Method C. Vermeulen collar, galvanizing by Shcherbak D. locally-cross method 2.What electrophoresis method used in hyperacid gastritis. A. * No-spa B. novocaine C. diphenhydramine D. niacin 108 3. Factors normalize peristalsis. A. * CMT B. UFO C. laser therapy D. franklinization 5. Physical factors used in acute hepatitis. A. * magnetotherapy B. microwave C. electrophoresis D. electrosleep 6. What fizioterapeutic method can not be applied in cholelithiasis. A. * DDT B. paraffin C. mud D. Darsonval 7. When used for drinking mineral water in diseases hyperacid gastritis? A. * warm water before eating 40-45 minutes B. cold water for 10-15 minutes before meals C. warm water after a meal D. while eating cold water 8. Effective method in inflammation of the prostate gland. A. *ultrasound B. Franklin method C. darsonvalization D. UV 9. What is the physical method used for active treatment of pyelonephritis with antiinflammatory and diuretic effect? A. low frequency magnetic. B. sodium chloride bath. C. intraorganic furadonin electrophoresis. D. Diadynamic therapy. 10. Resorts in Uzbekistan are useful in chronic pyelonephritis. A. * Sitorai Khosa B. Chimen C. Chortoq D. "Botanics" Appendix-3 4.4 Cookbook by physical factors 1 Electrophoresis: 2% novocaine solution on the stomach ma 01/08/10, T-20 min, N 5-7 through the day. Methodology Electrodes 300 cm 2 epigastric surface zone technique transverse 9 (anode) electrode arrangement with the rear of the lower segment of the breast after 10 minutes the 109 current is reduced to 0 by changing the polarity of the electrode to increase the current sense of vibration. Indications: spasms of smooth muscles and sphincter hypertonicity of n.vagus, ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcer gastric phase of scarring 2. Epigastric area UHF microwave therapy, d 100 beams 100mm pin, P-10-15 W, T-10-12 min N 10 12 every day. Methodology 100 mm irradiator on the contacted epigastric area, Indications: gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer 3. Electrosleep. 3.5 Hz 2-3 procedures. 10Hz 3-7 t 30-50min, N8-10 daily. Methodology patient lying on the couch, the electrodes fixed orbital mammilary hydrophile electrode pads in the eyes closed (wetted pads 38-39% water) eye electrodes cathode (-) in the mastoid anode ( ). Indications: peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcers, eczema, dermatitis Contraindications: glaucoma, cataracts. Four Treatment paraffin-osocerite. Paraffin application on the liver area. Temperature 50-54 about C, duration 30-60 minutes on a course of 15-20 procedures. Every day or every other day Methodology osocerite tortilla temperature 50-60 about C on the stomach duration of 30-60 minutes on a course of 10 - 15 procedures. Every day or every other day Maximum score 2515 15-14excellent 100% -86% criteria for evaluating the test, situational problems. 13-12 score 11-10 score 9-8 score 7-6 score 14-12-well 85% -73% 11-7satisfactory 70-56% 6-4-deficient 3 or less bad 53% -46% 43% or less Appendix-4. 5.The practical part 5.1 Implementation of practical skills (the steps) Targetteach students to use Sustainable Integrated physiotherapeutic treatment methods in practice. Indications: teach and perform on their own choose physiotherapy physical factors used procedures in the pathogenetic treatment urinary tract diseases. Necessary equipment : Account CFT shells. No. Stages of Failed to execute Follow all steps 110 step 1. Evaluation of the clinical condition of the patient (complaints, anamnesis morbi, anamnesis vitae, status presents, data clinical and laboratory studies Appointment rational physiotherapy: Evaluation 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Excellent Average 0 Satisfactory to determine whether a given patient contraindications to physiotherapy in the absence of contraindications for physiotherapy selection of major groups of physical factors on syndromic pathogenetic principle selection of specific physiotherapy treatments to the patient in accordance with the rules of the compatibility of physical factors Sequencing of physiotherapy appointment at their complex registration sheet assignments (writing prescriptions for physiotherapy) TOTAL (20point) 3 Unsatisfactori Poor 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 5 20 Assessment of the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during the procedure of physiotherapy Purpose: learn to assess the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during physiotherapy sessions (TrE) Indications: learn to assess the adequacy of physical activity for patients with chronic gastritis. Necessary equipment : Account physiotherapists Rockets. 111 № Mark Adoption in % 1 . Theoretical part 2 Analytical part . 3 . organiser Test 4 The practical part excelent good average unsatisfy poor 100% -86% 85% -71% 70-55% 54% -37% 36% 18-17 points 16-15 points 14-13 points 15-14 points 13-12 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 15-14 points 13-12 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 40-35 score 35-30 score 30-25 score 20-19 points 25-15 points Failed to execute step 1. 0 Follow all steps (20point) 2. 0 2. 0 2. 0 2. 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 2. 2. 2. 20 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. poin 7-6 poin 7-6 poin 1714 scor No. Stages of Interrogation of the patient in order to identify possible complaints before the TrE Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH patient to load Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in the patient by the end of the introductory part of TrE, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue during the main part of TrE Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue in the final part of TrE Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue in a patient after 5 min after TrE Storing the data in the medical and control card Draw the physiological load curve Making a conclusion Totals (12 112 Criteria for evaluation of practical skill 100% -86% 85% -71% 70%-55% 54% -37% 36% less 40-34.4- 34-28.4-well 28-22- 21.6-14.8 14.4 and less satisfactory unsatisfactory bad excellent 6. Forms of knowledge control, skills and abilities - Oral -Written Solution case studies Demonstration of practical skills mastered. Criteria for the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students Appendix-5. 1. In assessing students' knowledge of Rehabilitation accounted following approximate criteria Criteria of the current control Nu Performa Evaluatio Level of knowledge and skills m n nce in% be r 113 1. 96-100% Excellent Student independent. Has an overall concept on the "5" subject Rehabilitation. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Full correct answer to the questions on the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively, independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. The synopsis on the subject there. 2. 91-95% Excellent Full correct answer to the questions on the "5" classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contra-indications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively, independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and 114 analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. 3. 86-90% Excellent The questions posed by the classification action "5" mechanisms examined (light therapy, aerosol therapy, barotherapy), physical factors (FF), methods of application, indications and contra-indications to appoint highlights enough, but there are 1-2 in reply. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 grammatical errors. 4. 81-85% Average Questions posed by products electrotherapy, "4" mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications to fully covered, but there are 2-3 inaccuracies, errors. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. 115 Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. 5. 76-80% Average Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The "4" student knows the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications and contra-indications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. 6. 71-75% Average Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The "4" student knows the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications and contra-indications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to 116 physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. 7. 66-70% Satisfacto The correct answer to half the questions posed. The ry student knows the classification of continuous and "3" pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is no justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. 78 . 65-61% Satisfacto The correct answer to half the questions posed. The ry student knows the classification of continuous and "3" pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is no justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are 117 grammatical errors. 89 55-60% Satisfacto The correct answer to half the questions posed. The . ry student knows the classification of continuous and "3" pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors can not enumerate contraindications to CFT in this pathology. Poor seized with the matter, said uncertainly, has exact representation only on specific issues theme. Student is very passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. 10 40-54% Unsatisfa Lighting 1/10 of the questions at the wrong approach. . ctorily Student does not know the physical factors "2" (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse). Practically does not understand the mechanisms of action of physical factors, does not understand the indications and contraindications to the appointment of FT in this pathology. All recipes are written with blunders. 11 30-40 % Unsatisfa Questions not answers. Does not know the physical . ctorily factors (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, "2" electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) and their mechanisms of action. Is not able to prescribe physical factors on the topic. For the presence of students in the classroom, in 118 proper form, with a notebook. 7. Chronological map classes Stages classes Form Time 270 min 1 Check Attendance and notebooks check 10min 2 Explanation theme. 10min 3 Introductory word teacher (justification themes). Theoretical part Verbal response. 30min 4 Analytical part Talk "chart", to solve the tests. 60 mins 5 Provide students with visual aids (tables, posters, logical and didactic structure, slides, videos, diagrams) and giving explanations to them. The practical part Implementation of practical skills Conclusion teacher Evaluates on points. Gives the task for homework 6 7 40 mins Break 10 minutes 45 mins 40 mins 25 mins 119 Appendix-6 8. Control questions: 1. What purpose has the rehabilitation treatment for complex diseases digestive tract. 2. Methods of rehabilitation and their advantage in diseases of chronic gastritis. 3.What know means of physical rehabilitation in diseases of the urinary tract. 4. Purpose - application of natural factors. 5.What contraindication in UHF in diseases of urinary tract. 6. Possible treatment methods with electric therapy in chronic nephritis. Appendix-7 9. List of recommended literature. 9.1. General "Medical rehabilitation" ed. Bogolyubov V.M. - Book I, II, III 3th ed. rev. et al.-M.: 2010.416s., Fig. "Medical rehabilitation" ed. Bogolyubov V.M. M-2007 3-volume edition Ponomarenko G.M. "Private physiotherapy» Medical M. 2007 698s. "Medical rehabilitation" ed. V.A. Yepifanova Moscow 2005. 400c Bogolyubov V.M. "Methods and techniques of physiotherapy" M. 2001 s.280 Ushakov A.A. "Practical Guide to Physical Therapy" by M. 1996 250c. Epifanov V.A. "Therapeutic physical culture" M. 2003 s.674 Dubrovsky V.A. "Therapeutic exercises", M. 2004. pp. 450 Dubrovsky V.I. "Therapeutic physical training (kinesitherapy)": Textbook. for university students. - 2nd ed., with ter.-M., 2001.-608 p.: ill. Physical rehabilitation: under the general editorship. prof. S.N. Popova Ed. 3rd. - Rostov-onDon, 2005.-608 pp. The text of lectures and tutorials. 120 9.2. Foreign literature: Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion Mark Harrast, MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DO Sports Medicine Study Guide and Review for Boards Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors) Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation A Guide for Practitioners 2003 - Demos Medical Publishing Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 - WebMD Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review 2004 - Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 9.3.Internet resources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7., www. medinfo. 121 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN CENTRE FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION Tashkent Medical Academy "APPROVED" Pro-rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Teshaev O.R. ____________________ "________" ___________2014. Department: Department of Folk Medicine, Rehabilitation and Physical Education Subject: Rehabilitology Theme: Practical lesson “Application of physical factors and physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the nervous system (neuritis of the facial nerve, stroke, low back pain), rheumatologic patients (arthritis and ostearthroses)." Practical lesson Educational technology 122 Tashkent-2014 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY OF THE PRACTICAL LESSON Theme №3"Application of physical factors and physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the nervous system (neuritis of the facial nerve, stroke, low back pain), rheumatologic patients (artrites and osteartrosis)." Study time: 270 mins Type of lesson Structure of the training sessions (Lesson plan) The aim of the classes Number of students 8-12 Exercise topics. 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical part 3. Analytical part - chart - tests - situational tasks and recipes. 4. Practical skills. Form a knowledge-indications and contraindications physiotherapy treatment and exercise therapy in patie with diseases of the nervous system and rheumatolog patients; -Teach the skill to choose the right treatment strategy and the main directions of physiotherapy treatment fo diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskelet system; -Teach drafting complex rehabilitation depending on the stage of the disease; -To give an idea about the etiopathogenic and symptomatic treatment using physical factors of diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskelet system, depending on the stage of the disease. 123 The student should know: The graduate should be able to: Pedagogical objectives: -Acquaint with the indications and contraindications for physiotherapy treatment and exercise therapy in patients with diseases of the nervous system and rheumatologic patients; - To reveal the concept of etiopatogenetic and symptomatic treatment using physical factors of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidneys according to the stage of disease; -Teach drafting complex rehabilitation depending on the stage of the disease; -Teach yourself to let designated physiotherapy; -Teach yourself to pick up a set of exercises and therapeutic exercises to demonstrate their patients. - Indications and contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy in patients with nervous system and rheumatologic patients; -The main directions of physiotherapy treatment for diseases of the nervous system and rheumatologic patients; -Mechanisms of action of physical factors and means exercise therapy on patients with diseases of the nervous system and rheumatologic patients. Perform practical skills - to make complex rehabilitation measures using physical therapy and exercise therapy on an outpatient receiving individual patient, based on the examination, medical history, medical history data and laboratory and instrumental data; -Write the recipe on the assigned physical factors; -Conduct designated procedures; -Make an exercise of physiotherapy for patients with diseases of the nervous system and rheumatologic patients. Learning outcomes -List the indications and contraindications for the purpose of physiotherapy and exercise therapy in patients with diseases of the nervous system and rheumatologic patients; -Called main purpose of use of physiotherapy and exercise therapy factors in patients with diseases of th nervous system and rheumatologic patients; -Up complex of rehabilitation measures, depending o the stage of the disease; Self-appointed spend physiotherapy; Self-selected set of exercises of physiotherapy and demonstrate their patients. 124 Training Methods Forms of educational activity Conversation, discussion, brainstorming, demonstrati Front, collective work groups, "Learning Together". Learning Tools Distributing educational materials, visual aids, videos board-stand, photo, text. Methods and feedback means Assessing knowledge and monitoring. Quiz, test, presentation of results of a learning task or solving case studies, demonstrating the independent exercise of practical skills. Typical flow chart of lesson Stages of work and time of 6 hours 270 minutes Stage 1 Action Teacher Theoretical part 20 minutes 1.1. Checks attendance and notebooks 20 minutes 1.2. Names the classes theme, its goals, objectives and expected learning outcomes. Introduces the mode of operation in the lesson and evaluation criteria (see guidance for students). 25 minutes 1.3 Gives task for independent work, references to independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation. (Appendix 6) 25 minutes Learners Listen, write, update, ask questions. 1.4. Conducts a quiz in order to activate the students knowledge on the topic: 1.5. Break 10 minutes Stage 2 60 Minutes Analytical part Solve the test tasks, answer questions, present during 2.1. Leading the discussion topics of physiotherapy patients and LH practical classes. in the classroom, work Distributes materials of the case and independently on the FT introduces the algorithm analyzing the devices and physical therapy situation. Divides the students into room, work in groups, present groups. the results of the group work. 30 Minut 2.2. Assesses students' background 125 knowledge using new educational technologies (small groups, case studies). (Appendix 3) Teaches proper selection of methods of rehabilitation patients. 45 minutes 2.3 Break Stage 3 60 Minutes The practical part. 3.1 implementation of the practice session. 3.2.Makes opinion on the subject, focusing students on the main, according to the importance of the work done for future professional careers. Conduct self-esteem, interassessment. Ask questions. Recorded assignment. 20 minutes Commends the work of groups and individual students, summarizes interassessment. Analyzes and evaluates the degree of achievement of lesson. (5 - application). 10 minutes 3.4.Gives task for independent work, references to independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation. (Appendix 6) Gives the task to prepare for the next lesson. 1. Motivation Neurology and rheumatology - it is the field of medicine, where physical factors are very widely used. Preformed natural and physical factors are used in the initial forms of the disease with the purpose of delaying its progression, as well as during the recovery period after vascular accidents, cranial trauma, injuries and diseases of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves extremities, peripheral nervous system diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, etc. etc. Ability to navigate among individuals and resort factors and prepare a comprehensive treatment using them is necessary for each GP. 126 2. Interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary communication Teaching the topic is based on the knowledge students the basics of biochemistry, biophysics, anatomy, normal and pathological physiology of the nervous system (NS) and musculoskeletal (ODA), the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases of the National Assembly and the DDA, general physiotherapy and exercise therapy foundations. Acquired during the course of knowledge will be used in traversing disciplines therapy, neurology, neurosurgery, rheumatology, and GPs in their practice. 3. Contents of the lesson 3.1. Theoretical part A list of the issues on this topic : Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and treatment with physical factors of diseases of the nervous system (cerebral arteriosclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis, neuritis of the facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, lumbodynia). Etiological, pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment with physical factors of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis deforming, osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, scoliosis). Physical factors are used at different stages of the disease: acute, subacute, remission. The achievements of modern neuroscience in the diagnosis and treatment of acute cerebrovascular implemented in medical practice as a system of rapid phase of stroke care, can significantly improve the outcome of the disease. The real challenge is to achieve housEchold "independence" is not less than 70% patients, survivors of stroke. The first condition for solving this problem - fast hospitalization of patients in specialized chambers (blocks) of intensive therapy in vascular neurology wards. The second important condition - the development and improvement of services neurorehabilitation in all stages of stroke care. To refer to the basic principles of neurorehabilitation: early start, continuity, continuity, multidisciplinary organization principle. Isolated stationary phases of outpatient and inpatient neurorehabilitation. Strategy of rehabilitation therapy is the elimination or reduction of pathological changes forming permanent neurological syndromes. True restoration of brain functions is only possible in the first 6 months. post-stroke, it is ensured "disinhibition" functionally inactive nerve cells, including in the area "ischemic penumbra" and caused the disappearance of edema, improving metabolism and neuronal activity synapse reduction. Another recovery mechanism is compensation that is provided by the presence of multilateral anatomical connections between the various divisions of the nervous system and the plasticity of the nervous centers. 127 Early rehabilitation in acute stroke. The purpose of rehabilitation of patients after cerebral stroke; - Not only pathophysiological improvement, but also the improvement of functional abilities, social and domestic activity. Since the degree of self-service is mainly determined by the motor deficit, the most important aspect is neurorehabilitation motor rehabilitation, which should include the following areas: drug therapy, treatment position, kinetic therapy, vibration massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, biofeedback techniques based on biofeedback. These methods are directed to: restore proper system start-up and reflex afferent activities developing amplitude and accuracy of active movements; struggle with increased muscle tone and alignment of its asymmetry; prevention of contractures and pain; improving autonomic and sensory motor acts software; a focus on consistency and correctness of the "inclusion" of muscles in a particular motor act. ■ • • ■ ■ ■ Treatment includes the provision; stacking paralyzed limbs at the same level in the horizontal plane at the patient in a healthy side, which provides a uniform gravitational load on the limb; position on the paralyzed side; laying in a position opposite position Wernicke-Mann; position without a pillow on my stomach; pronation with reliance on the forearm and hand; limit time spent on the back. Despite its simplicity, corrective posture (treatment position) contribute to: reduce severe spasticity, increased sensitivity, reduction of pathological activity with tonic neck and labyrinth reflexes, muscle tone alignment asymmetry and restoration of the body schema. Treatment provision prevents the development of contractures, pain and pathological settings in the limbs and trunk. Kinesotherapy. Basis of early motor rehabilitation is developmentally valid kinesotherapy. Playback methods kinesotherapy formation sequence of movements of the child, and domestic skills training using physiological synergy allows the patient to re-pass the developmental process of becoming motility. Developmentally kinesotherapy solves problems caused by physiological modeling of hierarchical control of motor function of the nervous system. Of the numerous methods kinesotherapy currently used: reflex system Feldenkrais exercises and coordination Gymnastics "Balance". The choice is justified as sufficient effectiveness of these procedures, and the simplicity of their execution, which allows to attract ballroom classes with relatives and caregivers. Passive movements and massage should be administered as early as possible, since the day when the patient regained consciousness. In this early recovery period ( first period) position correction should continue, and massage techniques to perform surface (light stroking) in the affected limb muscles (flexors and pronator hand flexors and adductors feet), which usually occurs toning. For the rest of the limbs massage may be more profound than stroking, rubbing and apply kneading slack. Massage combined with the slow, carefully conducted passive movements. If the patient has not yet appeared increased muscle tone, non-rigidity / contracture, the passive and active movement to start with the distal parts of the limbs. When there are increased muscle tone, stiffness and synkineses movements appropriate to start with the large joints of the limbs. Breathing exercises are used as special exercises that help normalize blood circulation; as a means of reducing the general and special load procedure LH and massage; Patients learning proper breathing rational, voluntary regulation of breathing during muscular activity and decrease muscle tension. Exercises in arbitrary relaxation of skeletal muscles are used as special that can help reduce muscle tension, and as a means of extending the range of motor skills, abilities and qualities. 128 These exercises have a clear inhibitory effect on the CNS. Work motor apparatus entirely subordinated CNS: excitation of the motor centers causes muscle contraction and tonic tension and brake centers causes muscle relaxation. Completeness of muscle relaxation is directly proportional to the depth of established inhibitory process. Main tasks of TrE: prevention of contractures by reducing muscle tone and control synkineses. Special exercises with movement disorders (Early recovery period). 1. Exercises for the upper limbs. Restoration of movement in hand with hemiparesis is slower than in the lower extremities, and not always hand function recovered completely. When hemiparesis and disturbed function of the deltoid muscle, and with it reduced its firming joint role; when transferring the patient in sitting and standing there is a danger of stretching the joint capsule under the weight of hanging limbs and going of the humeral head from the acetabulum (subluxation of the joint). This may be accompanied by pain in area of the joint, periarticular muscle tension, which hinders movement. Methodology strengthen the shoulder joint: initial posture lying on the healthy side, folded hands, twisting the fingers so that the finger affected arm I was on top of one finger healthy. Methodist, standing in the face of the patient, puts his right hand around the shoulder joint, fixing, so the joint. Elbow of the affected arm in a bent arm he holds the left hand in order to gently press without pain head of the humerus to the glenoid cavity. This is a position with the installation which produces Methodist left hand slowly and smoothly 5-20 movements of small amplitude. After executing these movements the patient's arm is fixed (At Original sitting or standing). The same exercise for the hands and performed in the late period of recovery, often arise when contractures and increased muscle tone (posture Wernicke-Mann). In these cases, the hand gradually moved away from the body (to the horizontal level) and Methodist produces these exercises, fixing the humeral head in the glenoid cavity. Exercise in the abduction of the shoulder forward, up and away: initial posture lying on the healthy side. One hand holds the Methodist bent elbow to the forearm in pronation position, the palm of the other hand holds the brush in the patient unbent position and finger III devotes one finger to the side. Bringing the head to shoulder glenoid cavity, as in the previous exercise, the patient's hand is raised up, assign it to the side and back. Exercise unbending arm at the elbow diverting it to the side: initial posture supine. Methodist with one hand holding the outside of the elbow, the other supports the brush, but so that one finger is superimposed on its rear surface, and the other - on the palmar surface; 1 finger of the affected arm by pressing the brush practitioner is put aside. Supination and pronation of the forearm Methodist holds while straightening the fingers and wrist with one hand while the other hand supports the patient's elbow. Lightweight raise and lower hands using good hand, pinch and block (a block device) is used with the advent of the initial paralyzed arm, even subtle, voluntary movements. I first exercise conducted once a day (under the control of a practitioner), and further two times (the second time the patient performs the exercise for you). If during passive exercises for the hand of the affected arm brush Methodist keeps one hand in extension, and I finger retracted, then the exercises for the lower extremity foot Methodist gives normal (physiological) position or holds it in extension-These measures are essential to prevent synkineses in the hands and feet. In a number of exercises for upper limb patient should fix the affected brush healthy. 2. Exercises for the lower extremities. The most common exercises to restore movement of the lower extremity: - Rotation of the hip; adduction and abduction of the thigh; - Passive flexion of the knee (thigh when unbent) to an initial lying on its side; - Passive flexion and extension of the knee; - Passive motion in the ankle joint; - Raise and lower legs using his good hand, pinch and block (the latter is advisable to start as soon as the foot appear notable voluntary movements). 129 Even with bedrest each procedure should start with exercises for healthy limbs, and then rotate them with active exercises for the paretic limbs and breathing exercises, including rest periods. At first, the special exercises for paretic arm and legs is recommended only alleviate the situation and assist in their implementation. With increased muscle rigidity active exercises should be combined with massage, passive movements and muscle relaxation exercises. Active exercises should not cause pain. They operate in a slow and quiet pace without forcing the range of motion. Impact mainly on upper limb extensors, flexors, leg and foot dorsal flexors, to prevent the formation of normal hemiplegic contractures. As smoothing neurological symptoms should gradually prepare the patient for getting up, changing his position in bed: turns on its side with the return to supine position, translating into a sitting position. This is done during procedures LH, and at other times with the help of staff. To teach the patient to a sitting position in bed should be from the moment appear as arbitrary motion in the hip joint, but with the general condition and during the time after stroke. For the first time a sitting position easier, providing focus The clinical picture of stroke allocate 4 periods: precursors during acute period (10 - 15 days to 4 weeks depending on the severity), the recovery period (from 4-6 weeks to 12 months) and residual, characterized by the presence of persistent sequelae. The aim of physiotherapy is full (or partial) restoration of damaged central nervous system function and return the patient to actively work and everyday life. Physical methods of treatment used to reduce cerebrospinal fluid dynamics (decongestants methods), blood rheology (hypocoagulating methods), metabolism of nervous tissue (enzyme stimulating methods), cortical functions (methods psychostimulant) bioelectrogenesis brain (trophostimulant methods) prevent progression of motor disorders (neurostimulant methods ). Physical methods for the treatment of patients with ischemic Psychostimulant methods: long aerotherapy, oxygen baths, chromotherapy nonselective. Tonic method: therapeutic massage. trophostimulant methods: diadynamic, amplipulse, electrical, local darsonvalization. neurostimulant method: neuroelektrostimulyatsiya. enzyme stimulating methods: infrared laser, transcerebrally UHF-therapy. hypocoagulant method: low-frequency magnetic therapy. Contraindications: acute illness, impairment of consciousness, psyche (reactive psychosis) and cortical functions (aphasia, agnosia), expressed paralysis, extrapyramidal (hyperkinesis) and cerebellar (ataxia) disorders, inability to look after themselves, a violation of the pelvic organs, cardiovascular and respiratory failure decompensation. Spa treatment In local motels direct patients with transient ischemia, without repeated crises, with hypertension stage I-II in 3-4 months after the attack, with transient ischemic attacks, cerebral angiodistonicheskimi crises occurring organic with focal symptoms, resolved within days, not 2 weeks before the development of the disease, the effects of intracerebral hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke) not earlier 4-6 months with the possibility of self-service and selfmovement without compromising intelligence, aphasia, and do not require surgical intervention, with the consequences of stenosis or occlusion of cerebral major arteries of the cerebral arteries ( cerebral infarction) during the recovery period is not previously 4-6 months with the possibility of self-service and Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment are severe stroke with loss of motor function, diseases of the nervous system with mental disorders.Improving the condition of patients 130 suffering from the effects of cerebral circulation in patients with self-service, without the expressed intellectual-mental disorders ascertain to improve the overall condition, hemodynamic stabilization, normalization and improvement of sleep restoration cranial nerve function, muscle strength buildup previously affected limbs 1-2 points , increasing the tempo of active movements in them, normalize muscle tone, recovery coordination, gait improvement, rehabilitation or substantial decrease in the intensity of sensitivity disorders, vegetative-vascular reactions as intellectual-mental disorders (for REG, SPL D, EEG). Sustained improvement characterized by the persistence or tendency to further restoration of disturbed brain function, hemodynamic stabilization. Deterioration observed during exacerbation of the underlying disease (hypertension, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism), deepening signs of focal brain lesions, cerebral symptoms accession, repeated violations of cerebral circulation, the growth of intellectualmental disorders. According to REG, ultrasonography - the deterioration of cerebral circulation; by EchoEG - increase intraventricular hypertension; EEG - pathological lesions of brain activity; changes in blood clotting properties. Physioprophylaxis Physioprophylaxis aimed at preventing the development of stroke and their recurrence, the adaptation of patients with sequelae of cerebrovascular events in daily life and work through the treatment of hypertension (antihypertensives, diuretics and vasodilators methods), atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease (cardiac, vasodilators and hypocoagulating methods ), prevention of metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity); correction of metabolic disorders (immune-boosting methods), functional disorders of the central nervous system (sedative, tonic, and psychostimulant psychorelaxing methods), recovery of motor and motor functions (trophostimulant, neurostimulant, enzyme stimulating methods). Encephalopathy gradually progressive organic brain tissue changes due to chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency caused by various cardiovascular diseases - hypertension, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, etc. Isolated atherosclerotic in origin, and other forms of hypertensive encephalopathy. Encephalopathy occurring in various diseases, has much in common both in the nature of clinical manifestations, and within, but some of its features still depend on the etiological factor. In the pathogenesis of the disease are important factors such as arterial hyper-and hypotension, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias (paroxysmal, atrial, sinus), chronic circulatory failure and respiratory disorders rheological properties of blood (hypercoagulability), fat and carbohydrate metabolism, expressed osteochondrosis whiplash, developmental abnormalities of the cervical vertebrae, functional disorders of the autonomic nervous system. These factors lead to a breach of cerebral hemodynamics (chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency, hypoxia and metabolic disorders in the nervous tissue, and prolonged their availability - destructive processes and death of nerve cells, which in turn leads to a more profound functional disturbances of the autonomic and cortical processes nervous system). For the initial period of the disease is characterized by pseudoneurostenic syndrome: emotional instability, irritability, memory loss, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, tinnitus and other symptoms. There are often increased vascular reactivity, blood pressure instability, especially in hypertension, which is characterized in that stage carryover increase blood pressure. Signs of organic lesions of the nervous system thus usually do not reveal. Fundus retinal artery narrowing note. Operability of patients in this stage of the disease persists. Treatment and preventive measures can contribute to stable compensation.In an unfavorable course of the disease, especially when exposed to various exogenous factors, clinical symptoms become more severe. Fatigue, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances are stubborn; often arise fainting. Enhanced emotional instability. Neurological examination revealed structurally unstable organic symptoms: cranial asymmetry of innervation of the tendon reflexes, muscle tone, fuzzy pyramidal signs, etc. Notes vegetovascular lability often occur cerebral vascular crises, after which enhanced organic symptoms ("traces"). Often changes mind - appear self-doubt, a tendency to hypochondriacal condition, phobia, explosiveness, egocentrism, slabodushie compounded by memory disorders, particularly in the current events. Changes in the fundus become more significant and are in the nature of atherosclerotic or hypertensive angiosclerosis. Ability to work is reduced. When pronounced vascular encephalopathy in connection with the increase of the morphological changes of brain tissue clinical picture becomes more severe. Progressive decline in memory and attention narrows the range of interests and gradually developed dementia. Course of the disease is aggravated by repeated crises and cerebral stroke. In the neurological status during this period marked distinct organic symptoms:In an unfavorable course of the disease, especially when exposed to various exogenous factors, clinical symptoms become more severe. Fatigue, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances are stubborn; often arise fainting. Enhanced emotional instability. Neurological examination revealed structurally unstable organic symptoms: cranial asymmetry of innervation of the tendon reflexes, muscle tone, fuzzy pyramidal signs, etc. Notes vegetovascular lability often occur cerebral vascular 131 crises, after which enhanced organic symptoms ("traces"). Often changes mind - appear selfdoubt, a tendency to hypochondriacal condition, phobia, explosiveness, egocentrism, slabodushie compounded by memory disorders, particularly in the current events. Changes in the fundus become more significant and are in the nature of atherosclerotic or hypertensive angiosclerosis. Ability to work is reduced. When pronounced vascular encephalopathy in connection with the increase of the morphological changes of brain tissue clinical picture becomes more severe. Progressive decline in memory and attention narrows the range of interests and gradually developed dementia. Course of the disease is aggravated by repeated crises and cerebral stroke. In the neurological status during this period marked distinct organic symptoms: cranial nerve supply failure, nystagmus, signs of pyramidal insufficiency, sometimes speech disorders, paresis, sensory disturbances and pelvic disorders. Often there is a pseudobulbar syndrome - dysphonia, dysarthria and dysphagia, combined with symptoms of oral automatism, increased mandibular and pharyngeal reflex violent weeping and laughter. Pseudobulbar syndrome is caused by multiple small focal changes in the white matter of both hemispheres of the brain or brain stem, destroying supranuclear fibers on both sides. With the defeat of the basal ganglia there are various extrapyramidal symptoms, which can reach the degree of parkinsonism. For parkinsonism, sometimes when developing vascular encephalopathy, characterized by signs of destruction and other systems, in particular pyramidal. Fundus at this stage say gross changes: atherosclerosis - retinal vascular sclerosis, sometimes symptoms of copper and silver wire; with hypertension - hypertensive retinopathy angiosclerosis and the phenomenon of crossing arteriovenous (symptom Salus I-II-III), a phenomenon Gvista sometimes hemorrhage. Main syndromes: encephalopathy, DYSCIRCULATORY and metabolic disorders. Treatment is aimed at correcting violations general hemodynamics and microcirculation. Used antihypertensives (pentalgin, hexon, Inderal, obzidan etc.), vasodilators (aminophylline, papaverine, stugeron, Cavintonum, sermion, redergin, Teonikol, kordafen, korinfar pentoxifylline), anticoagulants (aspirin, chimes, doksikum), nootropics ( piracetam, Pyritinol, aminalon, gammalon, Phenibutum), antioxidants (vitamin E, Aevitum, vitamin C, pyridoxine, hydroxy butyrate sodium, folic acid) and correction functions of the central and autonomic nervous system tranquilizers (seduksen, fenozepam) and vegetokorrektorami (Belloidum, Bellataminalum, Bellaspon). Shall adjust metabolic disorders by normalizing metabolic disorders, reducing energy needs of the brain and increase its resistance to hypoxia. Physical methods of treatment used to improve cerebral blood flow (vasodilators and antispasmodics methods), stimulation of brain bioelectrical activity (toning methods) and activation of its trophics (trophostimulant methods) and metabolism (enzyme stimulating methods), reduction hypercoagulable (hypocoagulating methods). Physical methods for the treatment of patients with circulatory encephalopathy Vasodilators methods: transcerebrally electrotherapy, iontophoresis of vasodilators and cerebral circulatory stimulant, aromatic baths. Toning methods: therapeutic massage, contrast baths, showers, whirlpool baths, thalassotherapy 1 . trophostimulant methods: diadynamic, amplipulse, electrical, local darsonvalization. enzyme stimulating methods: infrared laser, transcerebrally UHF-therapy 1 , Iontophoresis stimulants metabolism, air baths. hypocoagulant method: low-frequency magnetic therapy. Contraindications: pronounced cerebral arteriosclerosis with mental disorders, hypertension stage 111, senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease. Spa treatment Patients with circulatory encephalopathy without cerebrovascular and expressed psychopathological disorders (including in combination with hypertension stage I-II) directed to climate-treating and balneal resort. Physioprophylaxis aims to improve hemodynamics and microcirculation (vasodilators methods), correction of metabolic and trophic disorders (catabolic trophostimulant and methods), the restoration of the central and peripheral nervous system and the immune (immune-boosting methods). TRAUMATIC BRAIN DISEASE Acute traumatic brain damage are divided into two groups: closed and open. Closed head injury include concussion (concussion), bruise (contusion), compression (compression) and a fracture of the skull base and vault in the pathogenesis of blunt trauma distinguish primary, direct mechanical effect of a traumatic impact on the nerve cells and secondary - the impact on the brain of different factors , under the influence of injury arising. Hydrodynamic forces generated by hitting the skull and microwave wave rushes from the lateral ventricles to the III ventricle and then through the water of the brain (Sylvian aqueduct) to the IV ventricle, have a great impact on a relatively fixed parts of the brain (the hypothalamic-pituitary region and brainstem) . 132 Direct tissue trauma brain function violates centers that regulate breathing and cardiovascular activity, alters the functional properties of the reticular formation of the brain that plays an important role in maintaining wakefulness. Neurodynamic disorders (interneurons traumatic asinapsy) increase impulses damaged tissues of the receptor formations meninges. Huge role Vascular disturbances: after brief spasm occur phlebarteriectasia stasis followed by an increase in their permeability. Along with a number of vascular rupture and hemorrhage produced by diapedesis. Simultaneously observed a sharp increase in venous pressure, venous stasis, that along with choroidal plexus traumatization increases the production of cerebrospinal fluid and may lead to acute hydrocephalus. Important to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. When an injury skull enhanced transition of various biologically active compounds of molecules through the wall of cerebral and meningeal vessels. Certain role in the pathogenesis of barrier disorders in acute trauma plays accumulation of acetylcholine in the cerebrospinal fluid. Trauma is also a stressor causing stress reaction in the body. In its early period of increased allocation of pituitary growth hormone, which stimulates mineralocorticoid formation in the adrenal cortex, thus increasing the vascular permeability. Found that glucocorticoid (second) phase of injury in severe cases may be missing. These processes lead to a change in state of colloidal proteins, changes in pH towards acidosis and brain edema formation. These pathogenetic links cause cerebral manifestations, combined with local, which are caused by direct damage to certain areas of the brain. Pathological disorders are divided into primary and secondary. The primary concern cracks and fractures, contusion foci of softening of the brain tissue, primary necrosis and bleeding, to the secondary - edema and brain swelling, late hemorrhage, brain replacement by scar tissue, degenerative changes, and infectious complications. In the late period of the original can be detected cysts brain fusion shells, hydrocephalus. Open skull injury are accompanied by the bone structure of the skull, meninges with the introduction of debris into the substance of the brain, which leads to liquorrhea and bleeding (external and internal) and deep structural changes of the brain. The clinical picture of open head injuries are the leading cerebral syndromes (disturbance of consciousness, vital functions), breach liquorodynamics (CSF hypotension), cerebrovascular accident (subdural, epidural, subarachnoidal) and intracerebral hemorrhage (hematoma). Long-term consequences of brain injury may occur asthenic disorders (asthenia option traumatic encephalopathy), irritability (an explosive version), euphoria and a significant decrease in criticism (euphoric version), apathy and aspontaneity (apathetic version). Traumatic epilepsy is not an independent one traumatic encephalopathy, as epileptiform seizures may occur in different variants of traumatic encephalopathy. Asthenia in traumatic encephalopathy has several features. These include fatigue, accompanied by excessive irritability and explosiveness that occurs in an insignificant occasion tearfulness, hypersensitivity, characterized by intolerance loud noises and bright lights. Marked autonomic lability, expressed in the variability of pulse rate and breathing with little exertion, excessive sweating, severe flushing of the skin, are replaced by pallor, etc. Observed persistent headaches, dizziness. Asthenic conditions and accompanying disorders can become stronger or weaker. Deterioration is usually associated with certain physical illnesses, infections, intoxication, as well as trauma and fatigue. Main syndromes: vegetodistonic (disturbance of cerebral hemodynamics), hypertensionhydrocephalic (microdynamic violations), and astenodepressing psychoorganic. Physical treatments aimed at improving cerebral hemodynamics (vasodilators, hypocoagulating methods), metabolic activation of the nervous tissue and its functional properties (enzyme stimulating methods), correction of the effects of trauma (psychostimulant methods), improving body tone (tonic methods) and reduction of elevated CSF pressure (diuretics Methods). Physical methods of treatment of patients with acute brain injuries Vasodilators methods: galvanization and iontophoresis of vasodilators and cerebral circulatory stimulants. enzyme stimulating methods: iontophoresis stimulants metabolism, air baths, transcerebrally UHF-therapy, infrared laser therapy 2 . Diuretic methods: low intensity UHF-therapy, sodium chloride baths. hypocoagulant method: LOC. psychostimulant method: oxygen baths. Contraindications: the acute phase of injury requiring emergency hematoma, impaired consciousness, mental disorders, in violation liquorodynamics decompensated, severe autonomic dysfunction, seizures. 133 Spa treatment Patients with sequelae of closed (2 months) and open (after 5 months) brain injury in asthenic, vascular, hypothalamic syndromes without pronounced intracranial hypertension is not accompanied by a sharp disturbances in the motor area, preventing self-care and independent movement, seizures and mental disorders directed to balneotherapy and mud-cure resorts. Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment effects are severe cranial trauma with significant fallout of motor functions with seizures, mental disorders. Improving the condition of patients with closed consequences (4 months) and open (6 months) in brain injury rehabilitation period ascertain the termination or significant reduction in the intensity of headaches, dizzy spells, impaired coordination of movements, normalization of sleep and adequacy of emotional reactions, sensitivity, recovery cranial nerve function, reflexes, sensitivity, intellectual-mental disorders, there are no signs of intracranial hypertension according EchoEG, skull radiography and ophthalmoscopy and normalization of brain activity by EEG; sustained improvement - for headaches of moderate intensity, short duration, no more than once a month, with a trend towards further normalization of motor-reflex Deterioration of patients with an increase in fixed brain symptoms (headache, dizziness, nausea), ataxia, intellectual-mental disorders, vegetative-vascular disorders accession syncope, general and focal epileptic seizures and signs of intracranial hypertension rise according EchoEG, craniography and ophthalmoscopy. Physioprophylaxis Physioprophylaxis aimed at preventing further progression of the clinical syndromes of injury by improving cerebral hemodynamics (vasodilators and hypocoagulating methods) liquorodynamics (diuretics and immunocorrecting methods); improving metabolism of nervous tissue, increase its resistance to hypoxia (enzyme stimulating methods); restore function of the central and autonomic nervous system with correction astenodepressing syndrome (psychostimulant and toning methods). Peripheral nervous system disorders Prosoponeuralgia - defeat pairs of cranial nerves V - the most common of all types of neuralgia. In the etiology of trigeminal neuralgia attach great importance to the narrowing of bone holes, where the nerve branch. Often the cause of SARS are neuralgia, rheumatism, malaria, and various inflammatory diseases of the paranasal cavities of the nose, teeth. Trigeminal neuralgia major clinical picture is a brief attack (from a few seconds to a few minutes) is extremely intense pain. They are often localized in a single branch. Irradiation of pain observed in all the branches and even in the neck, arms, neck, but never the pain does not go to the opposite side. Twinges of pain may be accompanied by a reflex contraction of facial and masticatory muscles in the form of tonic convulsions corresponding half of the face. Along with this marked autonomic disorders: hyperemia half of the face, conjunctival redness, lacrimation, salivation. Neuritis (neuropathy) of the facial nerve - defeat VII cranial nerves (mimic muscles paralysis, Bell's palsy), occurs most often after exposure to cold, the flu and other infections. Have a congenital anomaly of the facial value (fallopian) canal, abscess, venous stasis. Bell's palsy is often secondary - in inflammatory processes of the middle ear and temporal bone, skull trauma, especially with a fractured at the base of the processes in the brain membranes and inflammatory tumors in the cerebellopontine angle. Facial paralysis can be caused by pontine form of polio or encephalitis caused by the Coxsackie virus. The clinical picture is characterized by paralysis or paresis of the facial muscles corresponding to half of the face - the patient can not collect on the forehead creases, frown, close eyes, eye slit while yawning (lagophthalmos). When you try to close the eye-rolling eyeball watching up and broad band of sclera - symptom of Bell. On the side of paralysis dramatically lowered the angle 134 of the mouth, the patient can not "downturned" teeth, cheeks inflate - free air is available. Liquid food is poured out of the corner of his mouth. Especially often visible facial asymmetry with a smile and laugh. With the defeat of the facial nerve above a discharge tympani (chorda tympani) facial paralysis is accompanied by disorder of taste on the front half of the relevant language. The defeat of the stapes nerve (n. stapedius) characterized hyperacusia. Localization process above a discharge greater petrosal nerve gives sharp violation of tearing and eye dryness. The localization process in a cranked ganglion can develop symptom Gunta - rash herpetic vesicles on the anterior surface of the ear, the external auditory canal, tympanic cavity in the back of the palate and the front half of the tongue. Bell's palsy is combined with pain and decreased sensitivity in their respective fields. The defeat of the facial nerve in the cerebellopontine angle involving violations VIII couples cerebellar disorders on the side of the hearth and pyramidal symptoms on the opposite side. The clinical picture of trigeminal nerve and facial nerve neuropathy pain isolated, inflammatory, metabolic, degenerative and neuropathic syndromes. In therapy neuropathy (neuralgia) include anti-inflammatory (antibiotics, corticosteroids), immunosuppressive, diuretics, antisense drugs vitamins B1, B6 and B 12 Providing reparative and regenerative effect on the nerve, as well as metabolic and trophostimulant effects, analgesic agents (Analginum, ibuprofen, indomethacin, diclofenac), mediators (neostigmine, nevalin, galantamine), substances that improve the conductivity of impulses along nerve fibers. Physical methods of treatment used to relieve pain (analgesic and anesthetic techniques), relief of inflammation and edema (antiexudativ and decongestants, reparative and regenerative methods), improvement of microcirculation (vasodilators methods) and metabolism (hypocoagulating methods), improving the function of the neuromuscular fibers ( neurostimulant methods). Physical methods for the treatment of patients with diseases and injuries of the cranial nerves Methods of analgesia: transcranial electroanalgesia, diadynamic, CMT therapy for nerve exit points 1 , short-impulse of electroanalgesia. Anesthetic methods: iontophoresis anesthetics, floating on the nerves exit points 1 , Local cryotherapy. Antiexudativ methods: low intensity UHF-therapy1, MWSS-therapy. Reparative and regenerative methods: infrared laser therapy, ultrasound therapy. Vasodilators methods: iontophoresis of vasodilators ultratontherapy, red laser, paraffin 1 . trophostimulant methods: therapeutic massage, local darsonvalization. Miostimulant method: myoelectrostimulation2. neurostimulant method: bioregulating electrostimulation. Methods of analgesia: Contraindications: trigeminal neuralgia and neuritis (neuropathy) of the facial nerve, acute illness or injury, expressed vegetovascular, trophic and motor disturbances. Spa treatment Patients with trigeminal neuralgia with occasional bouts, neuritis and neuropathy (ischemic and infectious origin) of the facial nerve in the early and late periods, including contracture, 2 months and later onset of the disease and sent to climate-treating balneal resort. Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment are diseases and injuries of the cranial nerves in the acute stage of the disease, as well as accompanied by severe disturbances in the motor area (contractures) cranial nerves. Physioprophylaxis Physioprophylaxis aimed at preventing recurrence of the pathological process by increasing microcirculation and metabolism of nervous tissue (vasodilators, trophostimulant methods), restoration of function of the neuromuscular apparatus (neurostimulant methods). Osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - it is primarily a disease of the intervertebral disc. 135 Intervertebral discs consist of the nucleus pulposus (the jelly-like substance) and more dense fibrous ring, holding the nucleus in the center of the disk and perform the functions of the case. When osteochondrosis various reasons (malnutrition disk microtrauma unfavorable staticdynamic load, etc.) and cracking occur separation of fibrous ring. It loses its ability to effectively carry out its function. Initially, the movement occurs intradisc nucleusthen protrusion (protrusion) of the disk, and even loss (prolapse) of the individual elements of the nucleus outside of the ring, formed a herniated disc. While the surrounding tissue (spinal roots, vessels and structures arise even spine radicular, musculo-tonic, neuro, spinal, vascular and visceral disorders. In clinical picture of osteochondrosis isolated reflex muscular-tonic, radicular, compressionradicular, vascular and neuro syndromes. Treatment of patients with neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis requires the exclusion of the stator dynamic loads for 7-10 days, the use of analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren, indomethacin, Celebrex, diclofenac) used vasodilators, reinforcing regional blood flow and microcirculation (Trental, Teonikol , solkoseril, Actovegin, Nikoverin, nikoshpan), dehydrating agents (Lasix, veroshpiron, Uregei, hydrochlorothiazide), muscle relaxants (baclofen, lidocaine), anticholinergics (neostigmine, Nivalin, oksazil), adjuvants, regenerative and reparative processes in the nerve fibers ( milgamma, vitamins B), drugs that improve the exchange of connective tissue, prescribe medication therapeutic blockade Physical methods for the treatment of patients with signs of osteochondrosis or osteoarthritis of the spine are aimed at pain relief (analgesic methods); improvement of regional blood flow and microcirculation in lumbar motion segments (vasodilators, hypocoagulating methods), reduction dystrophy (trophostimulant methods) fibrodestruction (defibrosing, fibromodulating methods), reduction of motor disorders (methods, corrective locomotor dysfunction) and the removal of metabolic disorders (enzyme stimulating methods) . Physical methods for the treatment of patients with neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis Methods of analgesia: diadynamic (Fig. 7.5), amplipulse, iontophoresis dipyrone, SFirradiation erythema doses, transcranial electroanalgesia, radon, nitrogen, sodium chloride baths 1-3 . Anesthetic methods: fluctuorisation, iontophoresis with anesthetics. Vasodilators methods: 1-3 infrared irradiation, iontophoresis vasodilator drugs (vasodilators), red laser, local barotherapy . Enzimostiuliruyuschie methods: inductothermy, vibrovakuumtherapy, oxygen, air baths 2 - 3 . trophostimulant methods: therapeutic1 massage, sismotherapy, showers, underwater massage, thalassotherapy, electrodream therapy - 2 . Defibrosing methods: iontophoresis defibrosing drugs phonophoresis defibrosing drugs, turpentine, radon baths. Fibromodulating methods: peloidotherapy, osocerite therapy, paraffin. Methods of correction of locomotor dysfunction: hydrogen sulfide, whirlpool baths. Myorelaxing methods: sismotherapy, warm, fresh, iodide-bromine baths 2.3 . Rehabilitation in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) - a chronic autoimmune connective tissue inflammation, mainly affecting the joints of the type of erosive and destructive progressive polyarthritis. Etiology and pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis are still unknown, although the etiological factors suggest the following: genetic (in patients with RA established a hereditary predisposition to a breach of immunological reactivity) and infectious agents (Epstein-Barr virus). In recent years, discusses the role of mycobacteria in the development of RA. They express proteins stressors that can cause arthritis. RA risk factors include age older 45 years, female gender, family history, concomitant diseases (congenital defects of bones and joints, nasopharyngeal infection). The pathogenesis of RA are autoimmune processes, which contributes to the emergence of a deficit of T-suppressor function of lymphocytes. One of the etiological factors causing the development of the immune response. Joint damage begins with inflammation of the synovial membrane - synovitis, then acquiring proliferative character with damage cartilage and bone pannus. Intensity and type of clinical inflammatory immune response is determined by genes. Damage to the immune complexes joint tissue leading to further autoantibody forming and chronic inflammatory process. In the pathogenesis of RA cytokines play a huge role. They are 136 advantageously produced by immune system cells, bone marrow, fibroblasts, monocytes, platelets, macrophages. Of great importance in the pathogenesis of RA has also endothelial cells, which regulate the processes of blood coagulation and platelet aggregation, vascular tone, immunoinflammatory reactions synthesized cytokines are involved in all phases of acute and chronic inflammation. Under the influence of an autoimmune inflammatory process formed granulation tissue originating from the inflamed synovium is composed of fibroblasts, lymphocytes, macrophages, and is rich in blood vessels. Pannus penetrates the cartilage from the synovial tissue and destroys it by affecting enzymes induced cytokine production inside the pannus. Gradually, the cartilage is replaced by granulation tissue, it disappears, and develops ankylosis. Chronic inflammation of the periarticular tissue, joint capsule, ligaments, tendons leads to joint deformity, subluxation, contracture. It is now believed that autoimmune processes play a key role in the early stages of RA, and in the later stages are set to non-immune mechanisms, i.e. ability to pannus growth, invasion and destruction of articular cartilage. Distinguish the following clinical and anatomical forms of RA. Articular form (Most common) appears mainly characterized by progressive joint disease. RA with systemic manifestations - in this form, in addition to typical articular syndrome, marked the defeat of the internal organs. Mixed form includes RA develops in patients with other rheumatic diseases, often osteoarthrosis or rheumatism. Nature of the disease, the intensity of pain in RA is largely dependent on the degree of activity of the process. She is currently divided into 3 degrees. The first (lowest) level of activity is diagnosed when persistent, emerging only when moving, pain in the joints accompanied by morning stiffness lasting no more than 1 hour Exudative changes in the joints are absent or negligible. Mild laboratory indices of inflammation. ESR increased to 20 mm / h Moderate gammaglobulinemia, rheumatoid factor can be detected only at low dilutions (1:3, 1:8). The second (middle) level of activity is characterized by persistent persistent pain in the joints, accompanied by morning stiffness. The latter can be reduced to the evening. In joints distinct exudative changes on the background of proliferative processes. There are significant changes in the blood. ESR increased to 40 mm / h, expressed gammaglobulinemia (22-23%). Rheumatoid factor detected in the blood at high dilution it (1:81; 1:64). The third (highest) level of activity manifested intense constant pain in the joints, followed by stiffness throughout the day. Exhibit clinical manifestations viscerites (pleurisy, myocarditis, neuritis). Expressed exudative changes in the joints and sharp inflammatory reaction of the blood with high titers of RF. Remission in RA is diagnosed in the absence of joint pain and stiffness. Movement of the joints due to a limited proliferative processes in the joints and periarticular tissues after previous exacerbations. Laboratory tests for inflammation does not give abnormalities. By the nature of the flow of the RA is divided into fast and slow progressing and without appreciable progression. There are 3 degrees of functional insufficiency of the musculoskeletal system: professional capacity when I somewhat limited, with II degree - lost at the III degree - lost the ability to self-service. The earliest signs of RA are morning stiffness in the joints, joint swelling lasting more than 1.5 months, symmetrical lesions joints of the hands; rapid regional muscle atrophy, subcutaneous regional presence of nodules increased content of a-and y-globulin serum, the presence of immunoglobulin in the serum, the presence of RF or phagocytes in the serum or synovial serum concentration increased cytological enzymes lymphocytes acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase in neutrophils expressed cell count in the synovial fluid (more than 12,000 cells per 1 mm 3 ), Histologically detectable changes: enhanced proliferation of synovial cells coverts, hypertrophy of the villi, necrotic foci. In the later stages of the disease reveal long subfebrile total weight loss, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, radiographically detectable subchondral osteoporosis, marginal usuration epiphyses, persistent inflammatory changes in the joints with the development of their deformation and contractures. Complexity and poorly understood mechanisms of development of RA, many systems involved in the formation of pathological processes cause difficulties in the treatment of RA. Main syndromes: immunopathological, inflammation, pain. Along with the widely used medication for the physical therapy, tasks which depend on the stage of the pathological process, the degree of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system and the state of cardio-respiratory system. It is based on the principle of pathogenetic treatment. In RA, as well as in many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joint function can be maintained or enhanced only through exercise. Physiotherapy and exercise therapy in diseases of the musculoskeletal system are very important. Physical factors are applied in rheumatoid arthritis. In appointing PT must adhere to the following principles: FT must be treated on a background of drug therapy, cancellation medicines, especially basis, is unacceptable; 137 PT should be administered to the extent that pathological activity and its process stage, concomitant diseases, age and general condition; in selecting the optimal treatment should be considered FT FT compatibility procedures, the possibility of their combination, tolerance; in the next few hours after the procedure undesirable prolonged walking, cooling of the body; PT treatment, the recommended activity is high, and has been successfully applied at lower activity levels. Treatment of patients with RA is aimed at identifying and addressing the causes contributing to the aggravation and progression of the disease. This should take into account the activity of the process, the clinical form of the disease, the degree of adaptive systems, comorbidity and age of the patient. Patients with RA appoint a diet with balanced composition of amino acids, sulfonamides prolonged action, and nitrofurane of aminochinoline, gold drugs, sulfasalazine, salazopiridazine, metronidazole, intestopan, quinidine, Nicodin, ascorbic acid and Ascorutinum. Assign also anti-malarial drugs that inhibit the release of lysosomal enzymes, the production of superoxide radicals, leukocyte chemotaxis. In periods of acute RA are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - Voltaren (diclofenac sodium), acetylsalicylic acid, kapoxen, piroxicam. Swelling of the joints and stiffness reduce antihistamines (diphenhydramine, diprazil, tavegil). For stimulation of the immune system are used antioxidants: tocopherol, retinol, rutin, vitamin C, and aminocaproic acid, herbal adaptogens (lemongrass, Siberian ginseng, golden root), dibazolum, insulin. To remove small immune complexes is advisable to use immunoglobulin gamma-globulin dry plasma. Physical methods of treatment used to reduce the activity of the pathological process, weakening and disappearance in the tissues of the joints inflammation (anti-inflammatory and reparative and regenerative methods), relieve pain (analgesic methods), correction of immune dysfunction (immunosuppressive methods) to improve the exchange of connective tissue and epiphyseal cartilage and improved locomotor function (fibromodulating methods). Physical methods for the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis Anti methods: low intensity UHF-therapy to the area of the joints 1 , UHF-therapy area adrenal 2 , Hydrocortisone phonophoresis. Methods of analgesia: SF-irradiation in erythemal doses1, transcranial electroanalgesia, iontophoresis analgesics. Immunosuppressive methods: aerocryotherapy, iontophoresis immunosuppressants, nitrogen bath, an infrared laser. Fibromodulating methods: peloidotherapy, radon baths, hydrogen sulfide baths1, Iodidebromine baths, whirlpool baths. Contraindications to physiotherapy are RA with systemic lesions (viscerites), thyrotoxicosis, severe dystonia. Spa treatment Patients suffering from the effects of rheumatic fever not previously 8-10 months after the acute and subacute effects of the heart, and with symptoms of cardiac insufficiency stage I patients with RA primarily joint and combined forms in the inactive phase, with minimum and average activity of the process at self-service and self-directed movement on balneal resort with nitrogenhydrogen sulfide thermal waters and mud-cure resorts. Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment are septic forms of RA and systemic involvement - visceritis. If the patient completed a course of hormone therapy in the community, in the direction of his sanatorium recommended not earlier than 3-4 months after the treatment. If the patient is receiving maintenance doses of steroid hormones, it can be routed to the spa treatment. Radon baths are contraindicated in patients with a high degree of activity of rheumatoid process expressed exudative manifestations in joints, with circulatory failure above stage I, CHD, angina voltage IV FC, leukopenia, hypothyroidism, poor tolerance of radon mineral water, occupational exposure to ionizing radiation, benign tumors, vascular dysfunction. Improvement in patients seen at the resort reduction or disappearance of pain, improvement of the support function (walking without a cane), an increase in muscle strength (25 % According dynamometer), muscle tone (25%), increase range of motion in the joint by 25%, reduction or disappearance of stiffness, sensitivity to palpation, pain for 9-12 months, increase joint range of motion for a quarter of the original, reducing the amount inflamed joints, no tendency to decrease motor activity for 6-9 months. Deterioration characterized by the inability to move without additional funds, decreased muscle tone and strength, decreased range of motion, severe 138 tenderness to palpation, violation of the form of the joint, increasing the number of inflamed joints, stiffness buildup, swelling, crepitus. Physioprophylaxis Physioprophylaxis aimed at preventing exacerbations of the disease and further progression of joint damage (immune-boosting methods), improving metabolism in the connective tissue and cartilage of epiphyseal (fibromodulating methods), improved locomotor function (correction methods locomotor dysfunction). Ankylosing spondylitis (Ankylosing spondylitis, spondylitis disease Shtryumpellya-Marie) a chronic systemic inflammatory disease of the spine and peripheral (synovial) joints belonging to the group of seronegative spondyloarthritis. Etiology and pathogenesis of Ankylosing spondylitis (BB) are similar to rheumatoid arthritis. Is essential in the development of chronic inflammation of the urogenital organs of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic tonsillitis. Foci of infection sensitize the body, weaken the immune system, and the process of developing an autoimmune disease. Among the factors that contributed to the disease, often acting spinal column injury, contusion of the spinal cord, as well as hypothermia. Essential in causing the disease attached to the presence of patients with ankylosing spondylitis and relatives histocompatibility antigen - HLA. Collagen damage due to circulating blood antigen - antibody, which during passage through the vascular wall are retained on the basal membrane of cells, which includes collagen. By the antigen - antibody joins complement, which causes additional damage collagen. Process is exacerbated by the fact that flock here neutrophils and other inflammatory cells. By fagocyting complexes, they then often break down, releasing their lysosomal enzymes. Last to hydrolytic cleavage of proteins, nucleic acids and thereby create conditions for the emergence of new autoantigens. It creates a kind of vicious circle, which explains the systematic destruction and duration of the disease. Violated intercellular interactions in the area of inflammation. A characteristic feature of the pathological process in the BB is the tendency to rapid ossification of the ligamentous apparatus and the fibrous ring of the intervertebral discs, causing the spine acquires a shape similar to a bamboo stick. Primary inflammation localized in sacrovertebral articulation and is accompanied by autoimmune processes, similar to those in RA. Slowly rising by affected joints of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine. In the peripheral joints may develop synovitis, periarticular edema, fibrosis of the synovium, capsule with a penchant for ossification ankylose. Patients often affects the cartilage, fibrous tissue tendons and intervertebral discs. Simultaneously there is an inflammation in the surrounding cartilage of this periosteum and bone. Bone defect arises (Erosion) of the anterior spine to seal the surrounding tissue, forming square vertebrae of extraarticular lesions are more common anterior uveitis, iritis and iridocyclitis, at least - keratitis. BB clinically manifested by pain in the sacroiliac region and other parts of the spine. With the defeat marked thoracic chest pain type intercostal neuralgia. Gradually developing spine immobility, broken posture of the patient and his gait. Isolated central form of disease involving only the spine (kyphosis and rigid) rhisomyelating (except spine affected shoulder and hip joints), peripheral (added knee, elbow and ankle joints), Scandinavian (small joints of the hands and feet), and visceral lesion with additional internal organs (heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys). By the nature of the flow is divided into BB slowly progressing, slowly progressing with periods of exacerbation, rapidly progressive forms and septic option. In blood, Bechterew's disease reveals increased ESR, which does not correlate with the activity of the autoimmune process, and is apparently due to a large concentration of abnormal globulins. At the same time, tests for rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibodies at the disease negative. A large number of detected C-reactive protein. According to clinical and laboratory parameters, there are three degrees of activity - low, medium, high. The level of activity depends on the bone growths, destruction of articular bone damage muscular system, subluxations. Main syndromes: inflammation, pain, persistent defiguration and joint deformity, allergic. Treatment of patients with BB reorganization aimed at foci of infection, relief of pain and inflammation of joints, reducing their swelling and reduction sensitization. Used for the treatment of pyrosolone drugs, indomethacin, ibuprofen, Voltaren, ketoprofen, naproxen, aspirin, Analginum, if necessary - corticosteroids, in some cases - immunosuppressants and cytostatics. Physical methods of treatment used for pain relief (analgesic methods), effects of inflammation and swelling of the joints (anti-methods), exchange gain of connective tissue and barriers to the development of ossification (fibromodulating methods), reduction immune response (immunosuppressive methods), the voltage decreases skeletal muscle (posture correction methods) and reduce or eliminate contractures (defibrosing methods). 139 Physical methods for the treatment of patients with Bechterew's disease Methods of analgesia: 2 SF-irradiation erythema doses 1 Transcranial electroanalgesia electrophoresis analgesics . Anti methods: low intensity UHF-therapy to the area of the joints 1 , UHF-therapy area adrenal hydrocortisone phonophoresis 2 . Fibromodulating methods: peloidotherapy, radon baths 1 , Iodide-bromine baths, whirlpool 2 baths , Paraffin, osocerite therapy. Immunosuppressive methods: aerocryotherapy, iontophoresis immunosuppressants, nitrogen bath 2 . Methods of correction of posture: autoreklinatsiya spinal traction therapy, underwater spine traction, static spine relaxation massage. Defibrosing methods: iontophoresis (phonophoresis) defibrosing drugs. Contraindications: diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, thyrotoxicosis, severe dystonia, purulent processes. Spa treatment Patients with ankylosing spondylitis provided independent movement of the patient and the activity of the process is not above Grade II and inflammatory spondylopathies sent for balneotherapy and mud-cure resorts. Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment are severe joint deformity secondary synovitis with the loss of the possibility of independent movement. Physioprophylaxis Physioprophylaxis aimed at stimulating immunity (immune-boosting methods), improving the functional properties of the affected joint (fibromodulating methods), the reduction of stress in skeletal muscle (posture correction methods), reduction or elimination of contractures (defibrosing methods). Appendix-1 Analytical part USING "attack to brain" Methods of performance. To work needed: 1. Set of cards with rehabilitation tasks. Protocol with a list of groups of students. Stopwatch. Action: The game is performed in oral form. Students take turns pulling a card with a question first task complexity. Every student writes down his answers on a task for 1 minutes. After each answer, the teacher puts score in the protocol. 5. Overall time of the game - 45 minutes. List of tasks for the business game "Attack to brain": Name, for what purpose are assigned physical factors in diseases of the National Assembly. What are the physical factors that have a sedative effect. What are the physical factors that have a hypotensive effect. What are the physical factors that have antiplatelet effect. What are the physical factors used for electrical stimulation. 140 What are the physical factors that have an analgesic effect. List the tasks TrE with neuritis of the facial nerve. List the tasks TrE in cerebral stroke. List the tasks TrE spinal osteochondrosis. Special exercises with neuritis of the facial nerve. Special techniques and medicines electrophoresis with neuritis of the facial nerve. Special techniques of electrophoresis and drugs for trigeminal neuralgia. Name, for what purpose are assigned physical factors in rheumatologic diseases. Physical factor used for the purpose of pathogenetic therapy in RA and Ankylosing spondylitis. Special exercises in RA small joints of hands. Special exercises at DOA knee. Maximum score 25-24 excellent 100% -86% evaluation criteria of the theoretically 23-21 score 20-19 score 18-16 score good Satisfactory Unsatisfactorily 85% -73% 70%-56% 53% -46% 15-13 score Poor 43% or less Appendix-2 4. Analytical part 4.1. Structure and logic "pyramid" diagram Drafting structural logic diagram Terms drawing pyramid. 1. Write down everything that comes into your mind. Do not judge the quality of ideas: just write them down. 2.Do not pay attention to spelling and other factors constraining the letter. 3.Do not stopped writing until the time runs out. If the idea of suddenly stop coming to your mind, then paint with on paper, until you have new ideas. 4. Try to create as many links as possible. Do not limit the number of ideas, their flow and communication between them. Teacher is explaining. 1. Introduces students with the rules of the diagram construction 2. In the center of the chalkboard or a large sheet of paper written keyword or topic name of 1-2-words. Student performs. 1. Write down everything that comes into your mind. Do not judge the quality of ideas: just write them down. 2.Do not pay attention to spelling and other factors constraining the letter. 3.Do not stopped writing until the time runs out. If the idea of suddenly stop coming to your mind, then paint with on paper, until you have new ideas. 4. Try to create as many links as possible. Do not limit the number of ideas, their flow and communication between them PYRAMIDE SCHEME REHABILITATION recover of dysfunction, prevention of secondary complications and complete recover 141 Basic principles of rehabilitation after stroke : From a neurological rehabilitation department continues rehabilitation centers In the rehabilitation process should actively take part patients and relatives of patients ACTIV E PASSIVE QUESTION-ANSWER REHABILITATI ON AFTER STROKE PAIN KILLERS ANABOLIC HORMONES PUT ON FIXED BANDAGE FOR PATIENTS CAME WITH SHOULDER TRAUM Each group evaluates the other groups. Maximum score score -15 142 group No. Clear and exact answer (5) Visual (graphic) (5) Reglament (2.5) Group Activity (2.5) Total score of 15 1. 2. Criteria for evaluation of the analytical part: (diagram). Maximum score 15-14 13-12 score 11-10 score 9-8 score 7-6 score 100% -86% 85% -73% 70%-56% 53% -46% 43% or less Analytical part Appendix-3 4.2 Situational tasks: Task No. 1. Patient B s, 42 years old. Diagnosis: Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Trigeminal nerve on the right, the third day. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task relief of pain attack, antiinflammatory therapy, preventing new attacks, strengthening the body, establishing sleep, appetite. Contraindications: tendency to nosebleeds, detachment of the retina, acute suppurative processes in the paranasal sinuses, middle ear, cerebrovascular accident. In the combined therapy should include physical factors: solljuks lamp, UHF, DDT or SMT-phoresis novocaine procedure Bergonie half mask, RAS therapy or hydrocortisone phonophoresis exit site of the trigeminal nerve, massage. LH complex consists of breathing exercises, exercises for facial muscles, neck and shoulder girdle. Task No. 2. A newly-patient, 63 years old. Diagnosis: GB Stage III. The consequences of acute stroke (1 month) with right gemisindromom. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task lowering blood pressure, improving the state of the central nervous system, activation of blood anticoagulation system, reducing pathological tone, reduction in the degree of paresis, eliminating perverse friendly 143 movements, reconstruction and the formation of the most important motor skills. Contraindications: unstable blood pressure, high hypertension, arrhythmias, dyspnea, ischemic ECG changes, angina. In the combined therapy should include physical factors: electric, CMT, electrophoresis of iodine, bromine or neostigmine for ophthalmic or neck-occipital technique, magnetic therapy, hydrotherapy, mud (osocerite-paraffin) applications. LH complex consists of breathing exercises, exercise to reduce elevated tone, to increase muscle strength exercises for the muscles and joints healthy and diseased limb exercises for the formation of motor skills. Task No. 3. Patient P Male, 27 years old. Diagnosis: Ankylosing spondylitis, a form of the central activity II, FNS II. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task reduction of inflammatory activity, the stimulation of the adrenal glands, reducing pain and muscle stiffness, increased the mobility of the spine, ankylose prevention, improved psycho-emotional state of the patient. Contraindications: high degree of inflammatory activity, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In the combined therapy should include physical factors: DMV on the adrenal region, DDT or SMT-phoresis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone mganitotherapy, laser therapy. LH complex consists of breathing exercises, bracing, exercises for all parts of the spine, upper and lower extremities. Task No. 4. Patient W., 32 years. Diagnosis: Rheumatoid arthritis, arthritic form polyarthritis. Activity I. X-ray stage II. FNS II. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task reduction of inflammatory activity, the stimulation of the adrenal glands, reducing pain, increasing mobility of the affected joints, prevention ankylose, improved psycho-emotional state of the patient. Contraindications: high degree of inflammatory activity, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, fever, exudative phenomena expressed in the joints, severe pain, anemia Article III. In the combined therapy should include physical factors: DMV area on adrenal SMT-phoresis Dimexidum, UV radiation in a pattern erythema doses, UHF, magnet on the affected joints, paraffin-osocerite applications. LH complex consists of breathing exercises, bracing, special exercises for the affected joints. Appendix-3 4.3. Tests 1. Which method is used for galvanizing neuritis of the facial nerve? A. * half mask Bergonie B. galvanic collar on Shcherbak C. Method of Bourguignon D. method by Vermel 2. In the acute phase of trigeminal neuralgia patient is contraindicated: A. Laser. B. Magnetic. 144 C. Cryotherapy. D. fluctuorisation. E. Local darsonvalization . 3. Factors decreasing the swelling and pain in soft tissue injuries? A. * UHF B. Massage C. TrE D. Franklin method 4. When DDT A. * stop the pain with neuritis B. stop the pain in fractures C. stop the pain in luxations D. Stop the pain of kidney colic 5. Which method is particularly effective in rheumatoid arthritis? A. * UHF B. Massage C. CMT D. paraffin 6. In inflammatory diseases of the joints in the phase of reparative regeneration effectively destination: A medium-wave ultraviolet irradiation erythema doses on the joint. B. UHF-therapy on the joint. C. High-frequency magnetic therapy on the adrenal glands. D. Low-intensity microwave therapy (non-thermal dose). E. Ultrasound therapy joints. 7. Methods used in acute sciatica? A. * magnetotherapy B. massage C. osocerite D. mineral bath 8. Medicines used in osteoarterosis? A. * painkillers B. antiarrhythmics C. glycosides D. diuretics 9. Clinic disease osteoarthritis * A big pain in the joints and in walking time in vertebral column B. pain in distal hand phalanges C. pain at rest D. "Morning stiffness" 10. Observed in osteoarthritis: A. * degeneration of joints B. deformation of joints 145 C. Port inflammation. tissue of joints D. strengthening movement \ Appendix-3 4.4 Cookbook by physical factors 1. Darsonvalisation on neck pain area darsonvalization area and irradtating pain in carpal-ray surface. PP-5-3-4.T 5 min 10 N6-daily. Indication: anti-inflammatory, pain-killing, spasmolytic. 2.Magnetotherapy.Impulse magnetotherapy on cervical part of the spine and joints Yip-1-3-1 ventilator T-2 area 12 min N 6-8 day. Methodology Inductors N and S on the skin surface, the contact technique. Two sides of the cervical spine with paravertebral region alternating every 1-3 Pulses with cervical spinal inductor. Thereafter inductor act on the shoulder joint, outer front and back surfaces. Indication: When sciatica neck, periarthritis. 3.Electrophoresis of Bergonie on the front half mask zone with 2% procaine, electrode is being located on front zone and collar area. Nam Tok and LW 2-3 min., Pole 1.5 min. will change. CP and DP 3 min. 5-8 daily routines. Indications: used in trigeminal neuropathy and facial nerve. 4.Hydrotherapy 1. Full rubbing . Water temperature 34 about C., and then reducing the temperature to 1 -2 until 22-20 about C. After a day or daily rate of 15-30 procedures. about C 2. Wrapping. Temperature 30 - 25 about C, nude patient wrapped wet sheets. 10-60 min duration. After a day or daily rate of 15-20 procedures. 3.Stream douche (Charcot), water temperature from 35-32 about C until 20-15 about C. Pressure of from 1.5 to 2.5 -2 -3 atm. Duration 2-5 min. In the course of 15-20 procedures. 4. Baths: appointed by the water temperature, water chemistry, sequence of application, duration, intensity, treatment course. Maximum score of 15 15-14excellent 100% -86% criteria for evaluating the test, situational problems. 13-12 score 11-10 score 9-8 score 7-6 score 14-12 score 85% -73% 11-7satisfactory 70%-56% 6-4-unsatisfactory 3 or less - bad 53% -46% 43% or less 146 Appendix-4. 5.The practical part 5.1 Implementation of practical skills (the steps) Objective Perform practical skills - to make complex rehabilitation measures using physical therapy and exercise therapy on an outpatient receiving individual patient, based on the examination, medical history, medical history data and laboratory and instrumental data; Indications: teach and perform on his own physiological factors used to select physical procedures for pathogenic neuritis of the facial nerve. Necessary equipment : physiotherapy equipment. # Stages of Failed to execute step 1. Evaluation of the clinical condition of the patient (complaints, anamnesis morbi, anamnesis vitae, status presents, data clinical and laboratory studies Appointment rational physiotherapy: to determine whether a given patient contraindications to physiotherapy in the absence of contraindications for physiotherapy selection of major groups of physical factors on syndromic pathogenetic principle selection of specific physiotherapy treatments to the patient in accordance with the rules of the compatibility of physical factors Sequencing of physiotherapy appointment at their complex registration sheet assignments (writing prescriptions for physiotherapy) TOTAL 0 Follow all steps (20point) 3. 0 3. 0 3. 0 3. 0 0 3. 5. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 20. Assessment of the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during the procedure of physiotherapy Objective learn to assess the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during physiotherapy sessions (LH) Indications: learn to assess the adequacy of physical activity for patients with alimentary obesity. Necessary equipment : Account physiotherapists Rockets. # of Stages of Items Failed to execute Follow all steps 147 step 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Interrogation of the patient in order to identify possible complaints before the LH Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH patient to load Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in the patient by the end of the introductory part of LH, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue during the main part of LH Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue in the final part of LH Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue in a patient after 5 min after LH Storing the data in the medical and control card Draw the physiological load curve Making a conclusion Total Evaluation Excellent Average 100% No. Adoption in % 85% -71% 86% -19 18-17 100%Theoretical -86% 85% -71% 70%-55% 1. part Points points 2. Analytical part34-28.4-well 15-14 13-12 40-34.428-22excellent satisfactory Satisfactory 70-55% 0 (20point) 2. 0 2. 0 2. 0 2. 0 3. 0 3. 0 0 0 0 2. 2. 2. 20. Unsatisfactorily Poor 36% or 54% -37% less 16-15 54% -37% 14-13 points36% or12less points points 11-10 7-6less 21.6-14.8 9-8 points 14.4 and unsatisfactory bad Criteria for assessment of practical skills 6. 6. Forms of knowledge control, skills and abilities - Oral; - Written; - Decision of situational problems; - Demonstration of practical skills mastered. Appendix-5. 6.1. Criteria under evaluation knowledge, skills and abilities of students 148 organiser points 15-14 3. TESTS points 40-35 4 The practical part points Criteria for current estimate No . 1. Performanc Evaluation e in% 96-100% Excellent 5 2. 91-95% Excellent "5" 3. 86-90% Excellent "5" 4. 81-85% Average "4" points 13-12 points 35-30 points points 11-10 points 30-25 points 9-8 points 25-15 points points 7-6 points 14 points Student's knowledge level Student independent. Has an overall concept on the subject Rehabilitation. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Full correct answer to the questions on the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively, independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. The synopsis on the subject there. Full correct answer to the questions on the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contra-indications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively, independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. Questions posed by products electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications to fully covered, but there are 1-2 errors in the response. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 grammatical errors. Questions posed by products electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, 149 5. 76-80% Average "4" 6. 71-75% Average "4" 7. Seventy Satisfactor y "3" 78. 65-61% Satisfactori ly "3" amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications to fully covered, but there are 2-3 inaccuracies, errors. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The student knows the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications and contraindications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The student knows the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications and contraindications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to PT in this pathology. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. The correct answer to half the questions posed. The student knows the classification of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to PT in this pathology. With the matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is no justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. Correct answer to the third set of questions. The student knows the classification of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to 150 89 55-60% Satisfactor y "3" 10. 40-54% Unsatisfact orily "2" 11. 30-40 % Unsatisfact orily "2" PT in this pathology. With the matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is no justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. The correct answer is 1/4 of the questions. The student knows the classification of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors nemozhet lists contraindications to PT in this pathology. Poor seized with the matter, said uncertainly, has exact representation only on specific issues theme. Student is very passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. Lighting 1/10 of the questions at the wrong approach. Student does not know the physical factors (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse). Practically does not understand the mechanisms of action of physical factors, does not understand the indications and contraindications to the appointment of FT in this pathology. All recipes are written with blunders. Questions not answers. Does not know the physical factors (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) and their mechanisms of action. Is not able to prescribe physical factors on the topic. For the presence of students in the classroom, in proper form, with a notebook. 7. Chronological map of the lesson 151 Stages classes Form Time 270 min Testing Attendance and notebooks check Explanation theme. 30 mins Verbal answer. 30 mins Discussion of "cluster", to solve the tests. 60 mins Provide students with visual aids (tables, posters, logical and didactic structure, slides, videos, diagrams) and giving explanations to them. The practical part Implementation of practical skills Conclusion teacher Evaluates on points. Gives the task for homework 30 mins Introductory word teacher (justification themes). Theoretical part Analytical part 30 mins Break 10 minutes 45 mins 60 mins 30 mins Appendices 8. Control questions: Questions on survival knowledge: 1. Etiopathogenesis, clinical treatment of diseases of the nervous system (cerebral arteriosclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis, neuritis of the facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, lumbodynia); 2. Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, treatment of rheumatic diseases (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis deforming, osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis). 3. Heat hydrotherapy: characteristic physiological action, indications, contraindications, techniques. 4. Resort factors, classification resorts. Indications and contraindications for sanatorium treatment. 5. Forms and means of physical therapy. Appendix No.7. 9. List of recommended literature. 9.1. "Medical rehabilitation" ed. Bogolyubov V.M. - Book I, II, III Izd.3 e-2. "Medical rehabilitation" ed. Bogolyubov V.M. M-2007 3-volume edition 3. Ponomarenko G.M. "Private physiotherapy» Medical M. 2007 698s. 152 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. "Medical rehabilitation" ed. V.A. Yepifanova Moscow 2005. 400 Bogolyubov V.M. "Methods and techniques of physiotherapy" M. 2001 s.280 Ushakov A.A. "Practical Guide to Physical Therapy" by M. 1996 250c. Epifanov V.A. "Treatment Physical therapy" M. 2003 p.674 Dubrovsky V.A. "Exercising" M. With 2004. 450 Dubrovsky V.I. "Therapeutic physical training (kinesitherapy)": Textbook. for stud. Textbook. institutions. - 2nd ed., with ter.-M., 2001.-608 p.: ill. 7. Physical rehabilitation: under the general editorship. prof. Popova S.N. Ed. 3rd. - Rostovon-Don, 2005.-608 pp. 9.2. Auxillary 11. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 12. Mark Harrast, MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DO Sports Medicine Study Guide and Review for Boards 13. Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors) Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation A Guide for Practitioners 2003 - Demos Medical Publishing 14. Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 – WebMD 15. Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review 2004 Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 9.3. Internet Sources , http://dir.rusmedserv.c , / , , , , h ttp :/ / / cgi-bin / mbook , 153 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN CENTRE FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION Tashkent Medical Academy "APPROVED" Pro-rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Teshaev O.R. ____________________ "________" ___________2014. Department: Department of Folk Medicine, Rehabilitation and Physical Education Subject: Rehabilitology Theme of the practical lesson Application of physical factors and exercise therapy in rehabilitation of patients with endocrine (diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease) and mental illness (neurasthenia, hysteria, psychasthenia) Practical lesson Educational technology TASHKENT-2014 154 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY OF THE PRACTICAL LESSON Theme № 4 “Application of physical factors and exercise therapy in rehabilitation of patients with endocrine (diabetes, obesity, thyroid diseases) and mental disorders (neurasthenia, hysteria, psychasthenia.) Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with skin and infectious diseases (psoriasis, allergic rash)”. 155 Study time: 270 minutes Type of lesson Structure of the training session (lesson plan) Purpose of the lesson: The graduate should know: The graduate should be able to: Pedagogical objectives: Pedagogical objectives: - To generate knowledge of indications and contraindications for physiotherapy treatment and exercise therapy in patients with endocrine and mental illness, as well as skin and infectious diseases; - Teach the skill to choose the right treatment strategy and the main directions of physiotherapy treatment with endocrine, psychiatric, skin and infectious diseases; -Teach drafting complex rehabilitation depending on the stage of the disease; -Teach yourself to let designated physiotherapy; -Teach yourself to pick up a set of exercises and therapeutic exercises to demonstrate their patients. Number of students: 8-12 Exercise topics. 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical part 3. Analytical part - organizer - tests - situational tasks, recipe. 4. Practical skills. Teach the skill to choose the right treatment strategy and guidelines physical therapy and exercise therapy - Methods of research and diagnostics And Communications basis establishing the relationship between the ballroom; - Indications and contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy in patients with endocrine, psychiatric, skin and infectious diseases; -Make recipe on the physical factors and recommend physical factors despite physiological effect; -Indications and contraindications, physiotherapy treatment for diabetes, obesity and disease thyroid iron -Value stages of rehabilitation exercise therapy in diseases neurasthenia, hysteria, psychasthenia Self-holding of physiotherapy and exercise therapy manipulation Despite actions rehabilitations conduct symptomatic patogenetic treatment. -Up complex of rehabilitation measures, depending on the stage of the disease (brucellosis and pertussis) Learning outcomes - Formed knowledge of indications and contraindications for physiotherapy treatment and exercise therapy in patients with endocrine and mental illness, as well as skin and infectious diseases; -Called main purpose of use of physiotherapy and exercise therapy factors in patients with endocrine diseases, mental health, skin and infectious pathologies; -Up complex of rehabilitation measures, depending on the stage of the disease; Self-appointed spend physiotherapy; Self-selected set of exercises and medical gymnastics show. 156 Flow chart of practical classes Stages of work and time (270 minutes) 1st stage Action Teacher Learners Theoretical part 20 minutes 1.1. Checks attendance and notebooks 20 minutes 1.2. 1. Tells subject classes, its goals, objectives and expected learning outcomes. Introduces the mode of operation in the lesson and evaluation criteria (application number 6) Listen, write, update and answer questions. 1.3. . Gives the task for independent work, references to 25 minutes independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation (application № .7) 1.4. Out by the "who is the fastest who is more" in order to 25 minutes strengthen the student's knowledge on the subject. (appendix No.1) 10 minutes Stage 2 80 minutes 10 minutes 45 minutes 3rd stage 60 Minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes 11.5.Break Analytical part 2.1. Leading the discussion topics of practical classes. Distributes materials of the case and introduces the algorithm analyzing the situation. Divides the students into groups. Appendix 2 2.2. Assesses students' background knowledge using new pedagogical techniques (tests and case studies, the drugs) (Appendix 3) 2.3 Break The practical part. 3.1. Acquisition of practical skill (application number 4) 3.2. An opinion on the subject, focusing students on the main reports on the importance of the work done for future professional careers. 3.3. Commends the work of groups and individual students, summarizes interassessment. Analyzes and evaluates the degree of achievement of lesson. (Appendix 5). 3.4. Gives the task for independent work, references to independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation. (Appendix 6) answer questions work in groups, present the results of the group work. Perform practical skills Conduct selfesteem, interassessment. Ask questions. Recorded assignment. 157 1. Motivation Physical factors and means of physical therapy is widely used in endocrinology, dermatology, infectious diseases, and practice in the treatment of neuroses. They promote rapid recovery, a complete restoration of disturbed functions, which significantly reduces the time of hospitalization and temporary disability, extend the period of remission. Ability to navigate among individuals and resort factors and prepare a comprehensive treatment using them is necessary for each GP. 2. Interdisciplinary communication and Intra Teaching the topic is based on the knowledge students the basics of biochemistry, biophysics, anatomy, normal and pathological physiology of the endocrine system, skin, microbiology, epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis of endocrine, psychiatric, skin and infectious diseases, general physiotherapy and basic gymnastics. Acquired during the course of knowledge will be used in traversing disciplines therapy, psychiatry, dermatology, infectious diseases, as well as GPs in their practice. 3. Contents of the lesson 3.1. Theoretical part Neuroses and neurotic states Neurasthenia - functional disorders of the nervous system characterized by impaired psychoemotional and vegetative sphere. The basis of neurasthenia is three-breaking mechanism of higher nervous activity: weakening of internal inhibition and enhancement of excitation (hypersthenia), diffuse inhibition in the cerebral cortex and the weakening of the excitation (hyposthenia), abnormal lability of the excitation process with simultaneous weakness of the inhibitory process. In the most common form hypersthenic dominated emotional disturbances. Patients with irritable, unconstrained, are angry. Their mood is extremely choppy. In addition, marked sleep disturbances (poor sleep, often waking up), and headaches. In contrast, when hyposthenic form a sharp decrease in performance, fatigue, memory loss, low mood. Patients with long sleep; 158 restless sleep; get up in the morning, "broken", often complain of headaches. For all forms of neurasthenia characteristic autonomic vascular disorders. Main syndromes: hypersthenic (neurasthenic) hyposthenic (astenodepressive) and Vegetovascular. In the treatment of patients suffering from neurasthenia used vitamins (A, B, C, E), adaptogens (Eleutherococcus), sedatives (bromine, valerian, motherwort, peony), sleep disorders - imovan, dokarmin, radedorm, stimulators (biosed, peloidodistillate) vegetative "Harmonizer" (Belloidum). Physical methods of treatment used to restore the functions of the CNS, the normalization of inhibitory processes - excitation (sedative, tonic, psychostimulant, psychorelaxing methods), restoring the functions of the autonomic nervous system (vegetocorrecting methods). Physical methods for the treatment of patients suffering from neurasthenia Sedatives methods: electrodream therapy, franklinization, iontophoresis sedatives, aero, nitrogen, iodine-bromine baths 1 . psychorelaxing methods: vibratory relaxation, alpha massage, audiovisual relaxation. Toning methods: shower, whirlpool baths, massage therapy 2 . Psychostimulant methods: Hour aerotherapy, oxygen baths 3 . Vegetocorrecting methods: endonasal galvanization, iontophoresis sedative and vasodilator drugs. Contraindications: psychopathy, psychosis, severe hypochondriac depression, obsessivecompulsive and other psychotic condition severe autonomic dysfunction. Spa treatment Patients with neurasthenia (hyper-and hyposthenic form) in the absence of severe hypochondria and depression, severe good general state of health, increase of mental and emotional status of the patient, hypochondria and reduce the severity of autonomic dysfunction. Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment are intrusive and other psychopathic condition of psychopathy, psychosis, severe depression hypochondriac. Physioprevention Physioprevention aimed at preventing the progression of functional disorders of the nervous system through the normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system (sedative and tonic methods) and correction of autonomic dysfunction (vegetocorrecting methods). HYSTERIA Hysteria - A functional disorder of the nervous system, characterized by Breaks in the behavior of pseudoorganic sensomotor disturbances. Hysteria is based on three main criteria: clinical, personality and originality pathogenic conflict. Patients hysterical neurosis characterized by high sensitivity and impressionable, suggestible and suggestion, an unstable mood. They tend to attract the attention of others, which is a manifestation of one of the major trends of hysterical personality. For patients suffering from hysteria characterized by movement disorders: seizures, paralysis and paresis, astasia-abasia, hyperkinesis, contracture, blepharospasm, aphonia and mutism. Sensory impairments and disorders of sensation: hysterical blindness, deafness, loss of smell, taste and sensory disturbances in the form of hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia and paresthesia. Among the vegetative-somatic manifestations should include cardiac disorders, respiratory, gastrointestinal, autonomic, and sexual dysfunction. Leading syndrome in the clinical picture - neurotic (asthenoneurotic). Treatment of patients with hysteria include sedatives (bromine, motherwort tincture, peony, passion flower, valerian root), tranquilizers (phenazepam nozepam, relanium) with autonomic dysfunction - autonomic harmonizers (Belloidum, Bellataminalum, Bellaspon), insomnia eunoktin, radedorm) . 159 Physical methods aimed at restoring the inhibition and excitation processes in the cerebral cortex and the improvement of mental and emotional state patient (sedatives, psychorelaxing methods). Physical methods for the treatment of patients with hysteria Sedatives methods: franklinization transcranial electroanalgesia, electrodream therapy, iontophoresis tranquilizers, conifers, nitrogen, iodine-bromine baths, therapeutic massage. psychorelaxing methods: vibratory relaxation, alpha massage, audiovisual relaxation. Contraindications: frequent hysterical attacks, psychopatisation personality expressed autonomic dysfunction, negative attitude towards physiotherapy. Spa treatment Patients with hysteria directed to climate treating resorts: Arkhangelsk, Marfino, Zvenigorod, Solnechnogorsk, Kislovodsk, Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa, Zelenogorsk Svetlahorsk. Improvement in patients ascertain the restoration of mental and emotional state of the patient, reducing the excitation processes in the cerebral cortex. Contraindications to the sanatorium treatment are frequent hysterical attacks and psychopathic personality deviation. Physioprevention Physioprevention conducted to prevent progression of functional disorders of the central nervous system and psychopatisation person through the normalization process of excitation and inhibition in the cortex (sedative methods). Obsessive-compulsive disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder functional disorder of the nervous system characterized by impairments in emotion and will. The clinical picture is always available common neurotic symptoms: irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances. These symptoms can be significantly expressed and act in obsessional neurosis as collateral asthenic syndrome. Patients obsessional neurosis often show signs of increased excitability of the nervous system. Dominate the clinical picture of neurosis are a variety of obsessive-compulsive disorder: fears (phobias), thoughts, ideas, memories, doubts, obsessions, movements and actions (pulse, rituals). Syndromes are leading astenodepressive and asthenoneurotic. psychorelaxing methods: vibratory, audiovisual relaxation. psychostimulating method: iontophoresis psychostimulants. Contraindications to physiotherapy, sanatorium treatment and Physioprevention similar to those in neurasthenia. NEUROALLERGODERMATOSES Neuroallergodermatoses - A group of chronic itching dermatoses, which are based on hereditary constitutional dysregulation of the immune response. They occur mainly increase the reactivity of the immune system, disorders of the trophic function of the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system hyperexcitability. To neuroallergodermatoses include itching, hives, eczema, dermatitis, pruritus and atopic dermatitis. Neuroallergodermatoses are allergic reactions caused by the interaction of allergens with IgE, fixed on the membranes of basophils and mast cells (type I allergic reaction), or damage to the membranes of basophils, mast cells and platelets circulating immune complexes (CIC) in the area of inflammation - reaction 111 type. Atopic dermatitis and eczema IgE interact with Langerhans cells, provoking the development of cytotoxic delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, - IV type allergic reactions. The basis of the mechanism of development of neurogenic neuroallergodermatoses lie Functional disorders of the CNS, which leads to an imbalance neurotrophic autonomic function, often to improve its parasympathetic activity. 160 On the background of these allergic and neurogenic factors occur an increase in permeability of microvasculature and interstitial edema formation in response to the release of vasoactive substances due to perverse reaction to compromise the immune system due to imbalance or neurotrophic activity of the autonomic nervous system. Isolation of vasoactive substances (histamine, serotonin, bradykinin, substance P), along with increased microvascular permeability provokes excitement receptor apparatus of the skin, especially the free nerve endings, which manifests itself in the sensation of itching. For example, intradermal administration of the solution of low concentration of histamine causes itching, and high concentration - is accompanied by pain. Allergic reactions in the skin cause the development of local immune inflammation. Virtually all patients neuroallergodermatoses characteristic syndrome, pruritus, with prolonged duration of disease associated neurasthenic syndrome. For most clinical entities neuroallergodermatoses except pruritus syndrome characterized by a skin rash or exanthema, urticaria characterized by the presence of elements (urticaria), microvesicles (eczema and atopic dermatitis), scaly red patches (abortive form of eczema - eczematid) lichenificating papules (neurodermatitis atopic dermatitis), urticaria of papulovesicles or papules (scrapie). In most forms of itching dermatoses in patients with syndromes are local immune inflammation and rheological disorders microvasculature. Due to immune inflammation and circulatory hypoxia in areas of inflammation of the skin develops tissue hypoxia, oxidized metabolites accumulate activated lipid peroxidation (LPO). Besides immune inflammation, due to an imbalance in the autonomic regulation neuroallergodermatoses syndrome may develop angioedema. Treatment of patients with neuroallergodermatoses involves the use of sedatives, tranquilizers, anxiolytics - for correction of functional disorders of the CNS. For relief of immune inflammation used antihistamines, detoxifying agents (sodium thiosulfate), vitamins (C, P A, E, RR) angioprotectors and immunomodulators, in severe cases - glucocorticosteroids. Recently successfully and with high efficiency antihypoxants administered, particularly linseed oil. Local therapy: Applications antipruritic agents in the form of solutions, mashes, powders, creams, ointments. The dosage form is administered according to the process steps: when shown lotion soak and wet-drying bandage at subsiding inflammation pass on creams, ointments, in the final stages of paste used with anti-inflammatory agents and permitting. Physical treatments may reduce excitation in the cerebral cortex (sedative methods) constrict blood vessels (vasoconstrictor methods), reduced immunity (immunocorrecting methods), activate the endocrine system (hormone stimulating methods), reduce blood viscosity (rheocorrective methods), the manifestations of hypoxia (and antihypoxic antioxidant methods); local effect reduces itching (antipruritic, astringent methods), relieves inflammation (antiinflammatory methods). Physical treatments neuroallergodermatoses Sedatives methods: electrodream therapy, total franklinization. Vasoconstrictor methods: UHF-therapy paravertebral sympathetic nodes. Antipruritic methods: local darsonvalization electrophoresis antihistamines, bubble baths. Decongestants methods: electroplating, low intensity UHF-therapy. Immunocorrecting methods: infrared laser, LOC, EHF-therapy, hypoxic. Hormone stimulating methods: MWSS-therapy field adrenal RF magneto area adrenal transcerebral UHF electrotherapy. Rheocorrective methods: red laser and chromotherapy, low-magnetic therapy. Antihypoxic methods: hypobaric hypoxic red chromotherapy. Antioxidant Methods: red laser and chromotherapy, permanent magnet therapy, hydrogen sulfide baths. Contraindications: malignant neoplasms of the skin, bullous dermatoses, cutaneous porphyria, systemic lupus erythematosus, skin diseases in the acute stage. Please observe the general contraindications. Private contraindication to the use of hypobaric hypoxia is a pathology in otolaryngology distortionary patency of the auditory tube, frontal and maxillary sinuses. 161 Spa treatment Neurodermatitis patients, scrapie, eczema (seborrheic true and in the chronic stage with winter form), lichen planus, neuroallergodermatoses climate treating sent to mountain resorts and balneal resort with radon water and hydrogen sulfide. Physioprevention Physioprevention secondary, is to prevent the recurrence of acute immune inflammation. Apply immunostimulatory methods, spa therapy and balneal mountain resorts. Psoriasis (Psoriasis) - a genetically determined chronic immune-dermatosis caused by polygenic autosomal dominant hereditary factors with incomplete penetrance. The pathogenesis of the disease is a genetic predisposition to a breach of the normal process of keratinocyte differentiation, which manifests itself in the inability of keratinocytes of spinous layer of the epidermis to transform normal cells in the granular layer. Intercellular contacts in psoriatic plaque weakened cells of the stratum corneum - corneocytes - not fully mature horny weakly coupled to each other and form flakes easily detached. Moreover, the ripening altered corneocytes (paraceratic cells) is initiated the production of autoantibodies that are fixed together to the complement on the membranes of these cells and induce an immune inflammation, leading to the appearance of papules of epidermal. Causes that provoke exacerbation are neuropsychological injuries, infections (especially streptococcal) disease, the pathology of the endocrine system and metabolism, immunodeficiency states. Immune system response in psoriasis manifests itself in the growth ratio T-helpers/T-supressors, a general decline in the number of T-lymphocytes, increasing the content of the CEC in the blood. The disease is characterized by a rash of scaly papules abundantly appearing due to enhanced proliferation of keratinocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis and the further breakdown of the processes of keratinocyte differentiation spinous layer. Distinguish the following clinical types of psoriasis: vulgar psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriatic erythroderma and pustular psoriasis (generalized or limited psoriasis of palms and soles). For most variants of the psoriasis is characterized by syndrome of differentiation and hyperproliferation of keratinocytes - parakeratosis; in generalized forms - a syndrome of systemic immune reaction (Civray). Visually skin psoriasis vulgaris syndrome manifested exanthema (miliary, lenticular and numular papules). Psoriatic arthritis first develops an inflammatory infiltration, and then there is degeneration of periarticular tissues and becomes the main artralgic syndrome. Total therapy is indicated for disease progression. Used most often "Hungarian scheme," the essence of which is to appoint a "shock" (ten-fold relative to the daily needs) doses of folic acid on the background of usual doses of vitamin B 12 ascorbic acid and some modifications scheme - calcium gluconate. Applying the "Hungarian scheme" with parakeratosis gives a soft cytostatic effect, which may be due to substrate inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis shock doses of folic acid. Assign as immunomodulators, interferon, adaptogens. In cases of severe psoriasis torpid widespread use immunosuppressants, cytostatics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids. Local therapy in the acute period includes exfoliating and anti-inflammatory ointments, stationary and regressive periods - tar ointment in increasing concentrations. A high effect of using ointments containing cholecalciferol - Vitamin D3 (E.g., ointment "Psorkutan"). Physical methods for the treatment of psoriasis are aimed at reducing the proliferative activity of the epidermis, correction of immune disorders and rheological (rheocorrective permitting, immunocorrecting methods), correction of hormonal disorders (hormone correcting methods), inhibition of the synthesis of ceratoblasts (cytostatic, keratolytic methods), a decrease of excitation in the cerebral cortex ( sedatives methods). Physical methods for the treatment of psoriasis 162 Immunocorrecting methods: infrared laser, LOC, EHF-therapy, hypoxic 1 UV irradiation in the medium wave range suberithemaldoses. hormone correcting methods: RF magnetic therapy on the adrenal region, transcerebrally UHF electrotherapy 1 . Rheocorrective methods: red-la-zero and chromotherapy; intravenous blood irradiation, transcutaneous blood irradiation; LF megnetotherapy 1 . Allow method: tar baths. Cytostatic method: PUVA-therapy. Keratolytic method: alkaline bath. Sedatives methods: electrodream therapy, franklinization 1 . Fibromodulating methods: ultrasound therapy, paraffin and osocerite therapy, radon, hydrogen sulfide baths 1 . Immunocorrecting methods Contraindication to SF and PUVA therapy is the spring-summer form of psoriasis. Should also be considered contraindications for physiotherapy at neuroallergodermatoses. Spa treatment Psoriasis patients with limited and extensive in the autumn-winter and spring-summer forms a regressive step guide on climate and balneal resort. Spa treatment includes radon and hydrogen sulfide baths. Heliotherapy and balneotherapy spend on balneal resorts and mixed: Argman, Hot Key, Sergievskie Mineral Waters Khilovo, Belokuriha, Pyatigorsk, Tshaltubo, naphthalene. Physioprevention Physioprevention psoriasis secondary, is to prevent the recurrence of deterioration, increase non-specific resistance (immune-boosting methods, treatment for mountain and sea climate and balneal resort). Using physical factors endocrine disorders and metabolic disease. Diabetes mellitus (DM) - a heterogeneous disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia due bar absolute or relative insulin deficiency, which develops as a result of the impact of genetic or exogenous factors. The basis of the disease is the absolute and relative insulin deficiency. Absolute failure due to a decrease in insulin production IN Cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans as a result of degenerative or necrotic Breaks under the influence of disturbing factors or impaired insulin synthesis, leading to incretion hormone with reduced biological activity. Absolute insulin deficiency contribute to autoimmune processes (violation immunogenesis system, leading to the development of processes autoimmunoaggression with electoral defeat AT cells), viral infection 1 Inflammatory disease, fibrosis or calcification of the pancreas, circulatory Breaks (atherosclerosis), neoplastic processes, manifestations of amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, mental and physical trauma, intoxication, insolation, synthesis IN Abnormal insulin cells with altered structure and activity. Immunovirusnaya theory SD (risk of disease associated with gene features 6th human chromosome determining specific histocompatibility antigens, that are part of the human major histocompatibility system - antigens HLA, DR-3, DR-4 increases the likelihood of diabetes, antigens and HLA, B -7, DR-2 reduces the risk of disease. Tampering IN Virus-cell or other damaging factor may be a signal for triggering an immune autoaggression, the appearance of antibodies to pancreatic islet cells, activated T-lymphocytes of insulitis (lymphocytic infiltration of the islets of Langerhans), progressive IN Cell insufficiency with decreasing incretion insulin. Distinguish 5 stages of IDDM: I - a genetic predisposition to diabetes; II - the initiation of immune processes; III - the stage of active immunological processes, IV - decreased secretion of insulin-stimulated glucose; V - clinically overt diabetes. 163 Absolute insulin deficiency is the cause of diabetes is only 10% of patients. In most cases the occurrence of the disease occurs even at normal and elevated concentrations of endogenous insulin in the blood. Reason for the development of metabolic disorders in these cases is the relative insulin deficiency, which is based on reducing the sensitivity of insulin-dependent tissues to the action of endogenous insulin - insulin resistance fabric. Despite the role of genetic factors (family, ethnic) in the occurrence of diabetes with relative insulin deficiency, genetic determinants of the disease is not found (loci 11th and 19th chromosomes where genes are insulin and insulin receptors). Tissue insulin resistance contribute to: obesity, advanced age, hyperglycemia, increasing the concentration contrainsular hormones (cortisol, growth hormone, epinephrine), resulting in a reduced number and reduced affinity of insulin receptors on the cell surface, the appearance of autoantibodies to the insulin receptor. Hyperglycemia entails Breaks in protein and fat metabolism, which is associated with multiple disabilities functioning of the central and autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular system, etc., violations organotrophic (liver) and decreased immunity. All of these disorders have their pathogenetic path of development and progress, but the foundation of this process is the pathology of polyvalent carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin is produced by cleavage of proinsulin from the so-called C-peptide content in the blood reflect the true production of the hormone. It allows utilization of glucose into cells of tissues by maintaining its level in the blood within 3 - 6 mmol / l. Hormone secretion stimulated by gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and somatostatin inhibited, formed in the D-cells of the pancreas. The sensitivity of insulin receptors affect growth hormone, corticosteroids, estrogens, progestins, parathyroid hormone. In response to a decrease in tissue glucose utilization and increased production of cells of the pancreas glucagon degradation enhancing insulin. Viral infection accompanied by the development of insulitis, followed by destruction [3-cells and the formation of antibodies to them, are found in more than half of patients with diabetes type 1. In diabetes type 2 relative insulin deficiency due to a decrease in the number of receptors to him and postreceptor glucose metabolic disorders resulting from the deficiency of intracellular enzymes, develops on the background of unbroken hormone secretion. Resistance to insulin leads to increased secretion - insulinism and further reducing the number of receptors. When activated hyperinsulism - lipogenesis, contributes to obesity, which is thus a risk factor and diabetes type 2, and its early manifestation. At inadequate insulin therapy in patients with diabetes type 1, the formation of tissue insulin resistance to endogenous and exogenous insulin. Individuals suffering from diabetes type 2, under the influence of metabolic disorders, chronic pancreatitis, atherosclerosis occurs destruction of p-cells, leading to reduced production of endogenous insulin. Due to absolute or relative insulin deficiency impaired glucose transport across the cell membrane, which causes the activation of compensatory processes that mobilize additional sources of energy from the combustion of fats and proteins. As a result, activated glycogenolysis, lipolysis, protein catabolism. In the blood, increasing the concentration of glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, nitrogenous wastes. Hyperglycemia causes glycosuria, polyuria, dehydration. Activation of p-oxidation of fatty acids leads to an increase in the content of cells of acetylcoenzyme A starting material of synthesis of the acetone and acetoacetic acid. Increasing concentrations fraught with development of metabolic acidosis and general intoxication. The main factors determining the prognosis of the patient, are the severity and rate of progression of microvascular complications (a kind of systemic vasculitis, leading to the eventual defeat of the walls of blood vessels of the kidneys, eyes, heart, limbs) and macroangiopathy (atherosclerosis of the coronary, cerebral and peripheral arterial trunk). Main syndromes: syndrome, metabolic disorders, hyperglycemic, and asthenic. Therapy for patients with diabetes include diet approach in qualitative and quantitative terms, the physiological and individualization depending on body weight, the nature of work. 164 Excluded digestible carbohydrates. The ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins - 30-35%: 50— 60 % : 10-15% respectively. Fractional meal (5-6 times a day, at intervals of no more than 3-4 h), the distribution of portions depending on the mode of the day and the nature of drug treatment, eating foods rich in dietary fiber. Mainstay medication for the treatment of NIDDM (with no effect on diet) are sulfonylureas, which stimulate the synthesis of endogenous insulin IN Cells and reduced tissue insulin resistance. Used mostly second-generation drugs: glibenclamide, gliclazide, glipizide and gliquidone. Biguanides reduce tissue insulin resistance, reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine, improving lipid metabolism: buformin and metformin. -Glucosidase inhibitors and the brush border of the intestinal epithelium, delaying cleavage of polysaccharides in the small intestine and thus reduce postprandial hyperglycemia: acarbose. Benzoic acid derivatives, slowing the absorption of glucose: repaglipid. Insulin, which is shown in diabetic ketoacidosis and diabetic coma, IDDM (Type 1), joined with NIDDM absolute insulin deficiency ("insulin dependent" NIDDM), severe trauma, infection, surgery. Also surgical treatment is being used: transplantation of cultures of islet cells, pancreas transplantation. Methods of immunologic correction - autoimmunoaggression suppression processes in the initial phase of the disease, when there occurred the destruction of most of the B- cells. Physical methods of treatment of patients with diabetes are aimed at correcting neurohumoral dysregulation of the endocrine system (vegetocorrecting methods), strengthening of the excretory function of the pancreas (insulinstimulating methods), correction of carbohydrate and fat metabolism (enzyme stimulating methods) and cupping astenoneurotic conditions (sedative methods). Physical methods of treatment of patients with diabetes Vegetocorrecting methods: transcranial electroanalgesia, galvanizing the brain and segmental zones transcerebral UHF-therapy, heliotherapy. Insulinstimulating methods: drinking water treatment chloride-sulfate sodium-calciummagnesium water. enzyme stimulating methods: oxygen, ozone, air, contrast baths, thalassotherapy. Sedatives methods: electrodream therapy, iontophoresis sedatives, long aerotherapy. Contraindications: severe diabetes complicated by encephalopathy, retinopathy, nephroangiosclerosis with renal failure or exhaustion, with the development of macrovascular expressed trophic disorders, decompensated diabetes, accompanied by severe hyperglycemia (above 9 mmol / l), ketoacidosis and weight loss, and labile form of diabetes with a tendency toward ketoacidosis and hypoglycemic conditions. Contraindicated impact currents and high-frequency fields to the lumbar region, as they can cause stimulation of the adrenal cortex functions. Not shown are the intense heat and light treatments. The number of procedures should be limited to avoid overloading the patient. Spa treatment Diabetic patients in the state of compensation or subcompensation (hyperglycemia not above 9 mmol / l) type 1 (insulin-dependent) mild to moderate severity without tendency to ketoacidosis and hypoglycemic conditions and type 2 (non-insulin) mild to moderate in severity steady state without compensation tendency to acidosis sent to balneal resort (only in motels with specialized departments), where, along with drinking water and other natural healing factors they are assigned a health food, and if necessary - insulinocorrecting drugs. Diabetic patients can be treated at the resorts: Berezivski Mineral Waters, Borjomi, Hot Key, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Karachi, Staraya Russa, Truskavets, Theodosia, Poltava, as well as local (suburban) sanatoriums for patients with metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases. Physioprevention 165 Physioprevention aimed at correcting the neurohumoral dysregulation of the endocrine system (vegetocorrecting methods), strengthening of the excretory function of the pancreas (insulinstimulating methods), correction of carbohydrate and fat metabolism (enzyme stimulating methods) and cupping astenoneurotic conditions (sedative methods). Obesity - metabolic disease characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the areas of its physiological deposits. Obesity as a disease of the endocrine system has many causes, and its development and manifestations (symptoms) are determined by a combination of the relationship and interdependence of various reasons, chief among which are genetic defects that cause insulin resistance and determine the development of the patient so-called metabolic syndrome (syndrome X) having and single pathogenesis including hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Are also important causes of stress, low physical activity, as well as reducing the sensitivity of regulatory hormones of the hypothalamus to peripheral hormones in elderly patients, the nature of food intake, which promotes overeating and a violation of the basic ingredients of food intake. Based on these reasons, a constellation isolated primary and secondary obesity. Primary obesity is not a consequence of any disease and is a serious problem for complications and high mortality. In contrast, secondary obesity occurs as a comorbidity in organic diseases CNS, mental illness, some endocrine disorders such as Cushing's cider, insulinoma, etc. It is rare. Patients are seen in the corresponding specialists. Since obesity is a consequence of a breach of the normal mechanisms of regulation of the content of fat in the body, its pathogenesis is very complicated and involves a lot of factors that are often closely intertwined. Defects in the leptin receptor gene itself and adipose tissue leading to reduction in the number or sensitivity of the leptin receptor saturation in the center in the hypothalamus or reducing adipose hormone-sensitive lipase by lipolytic enzymes, such as growth hormone, catecholamines, glucagon. As a result, patients diminishes lipolysis, and increases adipogenesis. It should be noted that the decrease in sensitivity due to leptin also increased activity and age of the hypothalamus, which occurs in patients after 60 years. Plays a significant role as the nature of food intake. Overeating satiety center is adapted to the higher levels of glucose, insulin and leptin in the blood, reducing its sensitivity to this hormone and thus insufficient braking occurs hunger center, which leads to using large amounts of food. Reducing the sensitivity of the satiety center can also occur as a result of stress, neurosis type neurasthenia, various psycho-emotional factors (feelings of loneliness, sadness, emotions detainees). Nature of food intake by the fact that in the use of protein-rich food at its disposal the body expends a lot of energy (food thermogenesis), and foods rich in fat, requires virtually no energy costs for disposal and stimulates lipogenesis in adipocytes. Another factor is physical inactivity, leading to reduced physical thermogenesis and lipolysis, decrease and increase lipogenesis. Obesity is often seen with age (age obesity). Older people are age disorders of hypothalamic regulatory centers associated with an increase in their activity and reduced sensitivity of the satiety center to dentin, as well as reducing the so-called adaptive thermogenesis, which leads to a decrease in activity IN -Adrenergic receptors, reducing the number of thyroid hormones, in particular T3 and reverse T3. In this situation, those prone to obesity, adaptive thermogenesis and reduced lipogenesis intensity exceeds the intensity of lipolysis, ie elderly sensitivity to leptin satiety center is reduced by reducing the sensitivity of its receptors in the heart of saturation. Classification of obesity is performed by the distribution of fat. On this basis, isolated trunk (android, visceroabdominal, central, top, apple) and peripheral (gynoid, glyuteofemoralnoe, bottom, pear-shaped) obesity. Age adults secrete obesity and obesity throughout life, and morphologically - hypertrophic and hyperplastic obesity. The most common is the classification of obesity, which is isolated by two main types of obesity - android and gynoid. Android type is characterized by an uneven distribution of excess fat located in the upper half of the body (abdomen, face, internal organs). In appearance it is often called apple and by the distribution of fat it is like obesity in Cushing's syndrome. Gynoid type is characterized by a uniform 166 distribution of fat with its predominance in the hips and buttocks. This is called peripheral obesity, or pear-shaped. Android obesity is characterized by an increase in the volume of fat cells without increasing their number and called hypertrophic and gynoid - in most cases begins in childhood and is characterized by hyperplasia of fat cells increase their volume and called hyperplastic. Diagnose the type of obesity and its power to determine the conduct of so-called body mass index (BMI), which is the quotient of the actual body weight (kg) by the square of height (m 2 ) Patient. A BMI less than 18.5 indicate malnutrition, 18.5-24.9 - the normal ratio of weight to height, 25-29.9 - improved nutrition, 30-34,9 - about obesity I level, 35-39 , 9 - II degree of obesity, more than 40 - about obesity III level. Treatment of patients with obesity include low-calorie diet, physical activity, drug therapy. 4 using drugs pharmacological groups: • reducing food intake: serotonergic (miridik, floksatim) and catecholaminergic (miridik); increasing energy expenditure (miridik); reducing absorption of nutrients (Xenical or orlistat); biguanides (siofor, metformin glyukofaks). Treatment trunk obesity and metabolic syndrome is carried out in accordance with the plan of treatment of the underlying disease. For this purpose, the treatment regimen include centrally acting agents - amphetamine derivatives (Fepranon, dizopimon) and drugs that increase energy expenditure (L-thyroxine). Physical methods used in complex pathogenetic therapy of obese patients, taking into account the main syndrome disease. When metabolic disorders in the pathogenesis of obesity primarily use corrective methods. Their main activities are therapeutic correction of central mechanisms of regulation of fat metabolism, increase thermogenesis and contractile motor function of the intestine. These are methods of central or common exposure. Along with these methods using the local exposure areas of adipose tissue, i.e. methods of activating exBreak or corrective adipostat, adipocytes in the adipose tissue. Thus, based on a combination of various components of the syndrome, they occur at the local level, a number of new syndromes that require correction of physical therapies. Based on the syndromic pathogenetic treatment of patients with obesity targets of therapeutic physical factors are how the body as a whole (general methods of action), and hypertrophic adipose tissue sections (methods local effects). It is known that important links in the pathogenesis of obesity are a violation of the neuroendocrine regulation of lipolysis of eating disorders, which contribute to the formation and colonohypokinetic dysmetabolic syndrome bowel syndrome. In the presence of these syndromes mainly use techniques correcting lipid metabolism, increase the intensity of lipolysis by increasing energy expenditure (increase contractile thermogenesis) and activating the motor function of the intestine (stimulating the excretion of fats coming from food and prevent their absorption). Sedentary lifestyle leads to the formation dyscirculatory syndrome that correcting methods to stimulate local blood flow, and violation adipostat adipose tissue leads to the need for direct effects on adipocytes methods local lipolytic effects. Comprehensive treatment program constitute methods of correction of metabolic abnormalities syndrome (enzyme stimulating methods), correction of the central mechanisms adipostasis (hormone correcting methods) hormone correcting methods: transcranial electroanalgesia, transcerebrally UHF-therapy 1 , Microwave therapy of thyroid 2 , Carbon dioxide, radon baths. Methods for enhancing contractile thermogenesis: electromyostimulation, contrasting, air baths and sea bathing 1 , Scottish shower, vacuum gradient massage, baths, wet packs. colonokynetic methods: colonoscopy hydrotherapy, enemas and mineral water. Lipocorrecting methods: vibrovacuum therapy, endermotherapy, segmental barotherapy. Vasoactive methods: power shower, circular, Scottish shower. Contraindications: endocrine obesity organic genesis. Spa treatment 167 Patients with primary alimentary-constitutional obesity I-III degree without cardiac decompensation events sent to climate treating balneotherapy and spa resorts: Anapa, Gelendzhik, Yeisk Zelenogorsk Kabardinka Leningrad resort area of Sochi, southern coast of Crimea, Berdyansk, Gagra, Liepaja, Picunda Simeiz, Sukhumi, Acapulco, Albena, Albufeira, Alicante, Anzio, Arcachon, Atlantic City, Biarritz, Brighton, Varadero, Viareggio, Graal-Müritz, Up-Ville-sur-Mer, Dubrovnik, Cannes, Capri, Corfu, Costa Brava. Contraindication to the sanatorium treatment is secondary obesity: hypothalamic-pituitary, cerebral, endocrine (organic origin) and any form of obesity IV degree circulatory failure above stage II. Improvement in patients ascertain reduction of body weight, shortness of breath when walking, to improve glucose tolerance and deterioration - to weight gain, poor general health, strengthen breathlessness when walking, reduced urine output, appearance pastosion or edema in the lower extremities and increased blood pressure. Physioprevention Physioprevention obesity is aimed at reducing body weight (lipocorrecting methods), correction of metabolic syndrome disorders (enzyme stimulating methods). Hypothyroidism (Myxedema) - a disease based on the reduction of the thyroid gland (TG), due to its degenerative Breaks, impaired biosynthesis of thyroid hormones, reducing their biological activity. Isolated primary hypothyroidism, when the pathological process directly affects the thyroid, secondary - tertiary and pituitary resulting from any infringement thyreotropic hypothalamic regulation of pituitary function. Hypothyroidism can be congenital and acquired disease. Occurs in women more often than men. Primary hypothyroidism can be caused by various pathological processes. Violations of fetal development, leading to aplasia or hypoplasia of the thyroid gland, give the clinical picture of congenital hypothyroidism flowing without goiter. By hypothyroidism can lead iodine deficiency in the environment. The primary cause of the so-called spontaneous (primary) hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroiditis, leading to a decrease in the volume of functioning thyroid tissue. Often irreversible hypothyroid state are the result of thyroidectomy or a result of receiving a large dose of inadequately radioactive iodine. Transient form of primary hypothyroidism are often associated with antithyroid drugs overdose in the treatment of diffuse toxic goiter. In rare cases, transient hypothyroidism can be caused by long-term administration of iodine preparations, for example, about asthma. Cause of congenital primary hypothyroidism might be defective enzyme systems of thyroid hormones, thyroid aplasia and hypoplasia. A characteristic feature of primary hypothyroidism is the so-called mucosal edema - extra-cellularity accumulation in different organs and tissues (skin, skeletal muscle, myocardium) mucopolysaccharides enhancing hydrophilicity tissues. This was the reason for designation of primary hypothyroidism term "myxedema." At primary hypothyroidism is characterized by reducing the levels of T3 T4 increase the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), may increase cholesterol levels. The most reliable method for diagnosing both clinical and preclinical forms of hypothyroidism is a test with thyrotropin. Inadequate increase in TSH in response to thyrotropin reliably indicates primary hypothyroidism. In all forms of primary hypothyroidism in response to lower levels of thyroid hormones in the blood is amplified thyreotropic anterior pituitary function. TSH in serum of patients in the tens and even hundreds of times may exceed the level determined in the blood of healthy people. Observed hyperplasia and hypertrophy of existing thyroid tissue, which creates favorable conditions for the formation of tumors, colloid cysts, or further progression of autoimmune thyroiditis. 168 Secondary hypothyroidism is caused by pathological processes leading to destructive Breaks in pituitary cells producing TSH. Most often secondary hypothyroidism is a consequence of neoplastic processes (chromophobe pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma) or vascular disorders, impair the blood supply to the anterior pituitary. Tertiary hypothyroidism is the result of damage to the hypothalamus departments responsible for the production of TSH. Secondary and tertiary forms of hypothyroidism are usually combined with impaired gonadotropic rarely adrenocorticotropic pituitary function. However, there are cases of isolated violations production of thyroid-stimulating hormone-releasing factor by the hypothalamus. Lowering of thyroid function is an indispensable component of the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism. That low level of thyroid hormones in the blood is responsible for the metabolic Breaks and Breaks in tissues and organs that are common to all forms of hypothyroidism. Complaints of progressive weakness, memory loss, drowsiness, slow speech, deepening of the voice, dry skin, swelling of tissues, pain in the joints. For hypothyroidism is characterized by a kind of "tight" swelling of the face, hips, legs, areas of alopecia on the scalp. Patients with hypothyroidism have pains in muscles, increased duration of tendon reflexes, bradycardia, increase in heart size, and constipation. Symptoms of hypothyroidism associated with Breaks in the functional state of the central nervous system are the most permanent. Celebrating mental retardation patients response to external stimuli. Tracking lethargy, drowsiness, reduced ability to concentrate. Hypothyroid coma - extreme weighting hypothyroidism. Main syndromes: neuroendocrine dysfunction and neurasthenic. The aim of therapy in patients with hypothyroidism is to achieve a euthyroid state through the selection of thyroid hormone (L-thyroxine) or other thyroid preparations (Thyreotom, triiodothyronine). Physical methods for the treatment of patients with hypothyroidism and potentiate the action of thyreoidin aim to stimulate thyroid function (thyreostimulating methods), stimulation of tissue metabolism (enzyme stimulating methods) and correction of neuroendocrine dysfunction (hormone correcting methods). Physical methods for the treatment of patients with hypothyroidism Thyroid-stimulating methods: bromine baths, lower intensity MWSS-thyroid therapy. enzyme stimulating methods: oxygen baths, ozone baths, vibrovacuum therapy, air, contrast baths, thalassotherapy 1 . hormone correcting methods: transcranial electroanalgesia, carbonic, radon baths, transcerebral UHF therapy, low-frequency transcerebral electrotherapy 2 . Thyroid-stimulating techniques Spa treatment Patients with mild forms of hypothyroidism, accompanied thyrogenous obesity and degenerative Breaks in the joints, and is directed to climate treating balneotherapy spa resorts: Zelenogorsk resort area Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Yangantau, Varzi-Yatchi, Krainka, Darasun, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk, Anzio, Saratoga Springs, Biarritz, Bad Brambach, Bad Soden, Bad Kisseingen, Bad Elster Bad Ems. Contraindication to the sanatorium treatment of hypothyroidism is moderate and severe forms. Ascertain improvement in patients with a decrease in the overall weakness, lethargy, coldness, paresthesia, dry skin, the disappearance of pastose face, extremities, constipation, improve efficiency, normalization of sleep, improved ECG (increase voltage, normalized wave 7), normalize blood pressure, improve SOE performance, reduce hypercholesterolemia and hypertrigliperidemia and deterioration - with an increase in the overall weakness, reduced work capacity, strengthening skin dryness, constipation, or pastosion edema of the face and 169 extremities, reducing voltage ECG peaks in systolic blood pressure, anemia (normo- or hyperchromic). Physioprevention Physioprevention aimed at preventing astenoneurotic syndrome (sedative methods) and correction of neuroendocrine dysfunction (hormone correcting methods). 4. Analytical part Appendix-2 New pedagogical and technological methods used in the course of employment: Technology training to address problematic situations during workshops 4.1. model of learning technologies topic number 4, 175 minutes Number of students: no more than 10 people Application of physical factors and exercise therapy in topic rehabilitation of patients with endocrine (diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease) and mental illness (neurasthenia, hysteria, psychasthenia.) Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with skin and infectious diseases (psoriasis, allergic rash) 1. Subject of the case Practical lesson plan 2. Carry out the "Quiz" to catalyze knowledge. Enclosure 1 3. Clearly show the problem-solving and decision (Appendix 2). 4. Group decision "case study" 5. Make a presentation and discussion of results 6. Discuss the problem 7. The final conclusion. Commends the work of groups and individual students, summarizes interassessment. Purpose of the study: Give an idea of the students on the correct preparation of rehabilitation pedagogical tasks: Outcomes of the educational process: provides a basis for self-examination of the read the contents of the case in advance, preparing contents of the case written; methods of influence on the basis of determines the exact sequence of situations in pathological processes physiotherapy; learn to identify the problem, helps to in dealing with problem situations applies theoretical compare, analyze, synthesize; knowledge; Prize in addressing explain the sequence of clarifies the problem, finds the answer to solve the precise movements; problem; creates conditions for solving the problem displays the final inference. tasks; helps to infer "Case studies", "Quiz", "situational problem", Methods and techniques of training "discussion" Markers, paper, board, chalk Learning Tools: Work individually and in groups Forms of educational activity 170 Venue lessons, equipment Assessing knowledge and monitoring Audience, equipped with technical means Interpreting control, question-answer, self-control, assessed by the rating system Appendix -1 USING METHOD "WHO CAN FASTER, WHO CAN MORE» Methods of carrying out. To work needed: 1. A set of cards with the tasks for rehabilitation. 2. Stopwatch. 3. Blank piece of paper. Progress: 1. Game conducted in writing. 2. Students take turns pulling a card with the job. 3. Each student in writing within 5 minutes responding to the task. 4. The teacher will collect the answer sheets. 5. Total time of 45 minutes of the game. 6. Answer each student is treated separately. 7. Answers on a sheet are discussed with all students. 8. Students' responses are estimated as follows: 9. Recruit students score accounted for billing "ongoing evaluation". 10. On the answer sheet is set to score points in red ink. 11. In the lower part of the magazine free teacher records on the business game. 12. Minutes saved games. List of tasks for the business game "Who can faster, who can better" 1 - job Sheet expert in work groups 1st group 1. comprehensive treatment is used in rehabilitation - thyroid disease diabetes, obesity. 2. comprehensive treatment is used in the rehabilitation of neurasthenia, hysteria, psychasthenia Type problematic situation Filling a table "problem situation" Problem situations Way out 2nd group 1. comprehensive treatment is used in the rehabilitation of fever, brucellosis, and pertussis 2. comprehensive treatment used in the rehabilitation of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases fill the table "problem situation" Type problematic situation Problem situations Way out 171 Evaluation and testimony at work with case For work performed in the Auditorium Group list Group asset max. 5 points Information in the form of visual aids Answers given correctly and completely max. 5 points Total max. 15 points 1 2 Evaluation criteria 50-48 score - excellent, 46 - 38 points - well, 34 - 36 points - 34-32 satisfactory unsatisfactory, and less than 31 Appendix-3 4.2. Case studies: Task No. 1. Patient B s, 42 years old. Diagnosis: Obesity II degree. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task stimulate the metabolism, weight loss, improvement of cardiorespiratory system, increase exercise tolerance, improved psycho-emotional status of the patient. Contraindications: comorbidities, contraindications to the CFT and gymnastics, and hypertensive diencephalic crises. In the combined therapy should include physical factors: electric, contrast bath, power shower, CMT on the abdominal muscles, massage. LH complex consists of exercises in the gym, exercises for large muscles and abdominal muscles, running, walking, breathing exercises. Task No. 2. Patient D-ing, 53 years old. Diagnosis: Type II diabetes are overweight, moderate, under subcompensation. Diabetic neuropathy of the lower extremities. 1. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? 2. Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. 3. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. 4. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. 5. Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign FT and gymnastics. Task reduction of hyperglycemia, weight loss, improvement of cardiorespiratory system, increased exercise tolerance, improved psycho-emotional status of the patient. Contraindications: hyperglycemia within 16.6 mmol / l and above, the presence in urine of acetone, features precomatose state high hypertension ECG signs of ischemia. In the combined therapy should include physical factors: electric, electrophoresis of neostigmine on the area of the lower extremities, darsonvalization, actinothermal bath, magnetic therapy, massage. LH complex consists of exercises for large muscles and abdominal muscles, walking, breathing exercises. Task No. 3. Patient K-wa, 38 years old, suffering from neurasthenia (hypersthenic form). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 172 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign complex FT and gymnastics. Task improvement of higher nervous activity, normalization of sleep, the improvement of cardiorespiratory system, increased exercise tolerance, improved psycho-emotional status of the patient. Contraindications: comorbidities, contraindications to the CFT and gymnastics, autonomic paroxysms. In the combined therapy should include physical factors: electric, sulfide, pine baths, hydroaeroionotherapy collar on Shcherbak with sodium bromide, neck massage. LH complex consists of breathing, restorative exercises, relaxation exercises, walk. Task No. 4. Patient M-wa, 35 years old. Diagnosis: Psoriasis in the acute stage. 1. Is it possible to assign this patient physical therapy and physical therapy? 2. Objectives pursued in this case, physical therapy and exercise therapy. 3. Contraindications to physical therapy and exercise therapy for this pathology. 4. Which factors FT can be used in this condition at this stage. 5. Make an exemplary complex LH given patient. Standard answer: This patient must assign complex FT and gymnastics. Task decrease inflammation in the skin, stimulating the glucocorticoid function of the adrenal glands, reducing itching, faster healing of the affected areas, normalization of sleep, improved psycho-emotional status of the patient. Contraindications: comorbidities, contraindications to the CFT and gymnastics. In the combined therapy should include physical factors: DMV area on the adrenal glands, electric, sulfide, pine baths, hydroaeroionotherapy collar on Shcherbak with sodium bromide, UV radiation lesions, laser therapy, magnetic. LH complex consists of breathing, restorative exercises, relaxation exercises, walk 4.3 Tests 1 What type of bath used in obese patients to lose weight? A. *sauna B. Russian bath C. Bukhara bath D. japanese bath 2.What of these activities reduces blood sugar? A. * electrosleep B. total galvanizing C. franklinization D. magnetotherapy. 3.What drugs do not enter by electrophoresis in diabetes? A. Insulin * B. Niacin C. Neostigmine D. Antibiotics 4. How the electroplating method is being used in inflammation of the facial nerve? A. * mask Bergonie B. galvanizing method Shcherbaka C. Method by Bourguignon D Vermeulen method 173 5. Pathogenetic physiotherapy Addison's disease A. * DMW of suprarenal glands B. electrosleep C. electrophoresis method Bourguignon D. UFO in the abdomen 6. Which collagenous diseases are not allowed to physiotherapy A. * SLE B. Ankylosing spondylitis C. systemic scleroderma D. Rheumatoid arthritis 7. Pathogenetic physiotherapy in obesity: A. approved facility. CMT B. UHF C. laser. D. electrophoresis 8. What natural factors are not used in thyrotoxicosis A. * heliotherapy B. aerotherapy C. thalassotherapy D. balneotherapy 9. LFK contraindication for patients with diabetes A. hyperglycemic coma B. predisposition to hemorrhage C. Hypertensive emergency D. bronchial status 10. The main goal of rehabilitation. A. early start B. individual approach C. Integrated D. all of the answers correct. 4.4 Prescriptions on physical factors 1 Microwave. 1 Irradiator is projected on the kidneys at a distance of 3-4 cm oligotermicheskaya dosage 40W. exposition of 10 minutes Every day - 8-10 procedures. 2. SCM. Recipe. UHF-therapy on the affected joint. Pin D-100mm beam, each session 1-4 field P-7-30 N 10-15 minutes every day. Recommendation: professional, traumatic for gout and arthritis are recommended. Notes: with lesions 4 or more joints, treatment carried on throughout the day, receptors on the second day of the following joints or max. 3 if the joints of which only one of them is irradiated. 3. Electrosleep Electrosleep frequency - 1 Hz 100-150 5-7mA Time - 30-60 minutes, N 15-30 daily 4-5 times a week 4. US therapy Right leg and waist - labile paravertebral therapy. The intensity of 0.2-0.3 W / cm. Duration 5-7 minutes, Mode - non-stop in a day or every day Criteria for assessing the practical skills and test Maximum score 14-12 points 2515 15-14 - 13-12 - good 11-10 points 11-7 satisfactorily 9-8 points 6-4 - unsatisfactory 7-6 points 3 or less - Poor 174 excellent 100-86% 85-73% 70-56% 53-46% 43% or less 175 AppendiX-4. 5. The practical part 5.1 Implementation of practical skills. (Step by step) Purpose:teach students to use complex treatment methods in physiotherapy practice. Indications: teach yourself to perform and choose physiotherapy factors, physical procedures used in the treatment of pathogenic diseases of the endocrine system. Necessary equipment : Account CFT shells. No . ## 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Stages of Evaluation of the clinical condition of the patient (complaints, anamnesis morbi, anamnesis vitae, status presents, data clinical and laboratory studies Appointment rational physiotherapy: to determine whether a given patient contraindications to physiotherapy in the absence of contraindications for physiotherapy selection of major groups of physical factors on syndromic pathogenetic principle selection of specific physiotherapy treatments to the patient in accordance with the rules of the compatibility of physical factors Sequencing of physiotherapy appointment at their complex registration sheet assignments (writing prescriptions for physiotherapy) Failed to execute step 0 Follow a steps (20 point) 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 5 Totals 20 Assessment of the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during the procedure of physiotherapy Purpose: learn to assess the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during physiotherapy sessions (LH) Indications: learn to assess the adequacy of physical activity for patients with obesity Necessary equipment: Account physiotherapists Rockets. No. ## Stages of Failed to Follow a execute step steps (20 point) 1. Interrogation of the patient in order to identify possible complaints before the LH 0 2. 2. Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH patient to load 0 2. 3. Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in the patient by the end of the introductory part of LH, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue 0 2. 176 4. Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue during the main part of LH 0 2. 5. Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue in the final part of LH 0 3 6. Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue in a patient after 5 min after LH 0 3 7. Storing the data in the medical and control card 0 2. 8. Draw the physiological load curve 0 2. 9. Making a conclusion 0 2. Totals 0 20 6. Method to verify knowledge and experience - Actively participate in discussions - Answers written results - To solve the problem, tests and Case Studies - practical skills Appendix 5 6.1. Criteria for evaluation of practical skill N o. Evaluation excellent good Satisfactory unsatisfactorily Poor Digestion in% 100% 86% 25-24 points 15-14 points 15-14 points 40-35 points 85% 71% 23-22 points 1312 points 13-12 points 35-30 points 70-55% 54% -37% 36% and less 21-19 points 18-17 points 15 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 1. Theoretical part 2. Case Study 3. Test 4 The practical part 30-25 points 25-15 points 7-6 points 7-6 points 14 points 177 In assessing students' knowledge of Rehabilitation accounted following approximate criteria No. 1. Performance in% 96-100% Evaluation 91-95% Excellent "5" 2. Excellent "5" 3. 86-90% Excellent "5" 4. 81-85% Average "4" 5. 76-80% Average Level of knowledge and skills Student independent. Has a general concept on the subject Rehabilitation. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Full correct answer to the questions on the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electr electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contra-indications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. The synopsis on the subject there. Full correct answer to the questions on the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively, independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. The questions posed by the classification action mechanisms examin (light therapy, aerosol therapy, barotherapy), physical factors (FF), methods of application, indications and contra-indications to appoint highlights enough, but there are 1-2 in reply. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 grammatical errors. Questions posed by products electrotherapy, mechanisms of action o continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications to fully covered, but there are 2-3 inaccuracies, errors. Applies in practice, with the matter said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The student knows the 178 "4" 6. 71-75% Average "4" 7. 66-70% Satisfactory "3" 765-61% Satisfactory "3" 855-60% Satisfactory "3" 8 9 classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electr electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications an contra-indications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action o physical factors. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The student knows the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electr electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications an contra-indications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action o physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. The correct answer to half the questions posed. The student knows t classification of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanizatio iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) b poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical facto incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With t matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on speci issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. The correct answer to half the questions posed. The student knows t classification of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanizatio iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) b poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical facto incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With t matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on speci issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure physical factors, there are grammatical errors. The correct answer to half the questions posed. The student knows t classification of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanizatio iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) b poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors can n list contraindications to CFT in this pathology. Poor seized with t matter, said uncertainly, has exact representation only on speci 179 10. 11. 40-54% 30-40 % Unsatisfacto rily "2" Unsatisfacto rily "2" issues theme. Student is very passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure physical factors, there are grammatical errors. Lighting 1/10 of the questions at the wrong approach. Student does n know the physical factors (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse). Practically does not understan the mechanisms of action of physical factors, does not understand the indications and contraindications to the appointment of FT in this pathology. All recipes are written with blunders. Questions not answers. Does not know the physical factors (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) and their mechanisms of action. Is not able to prescribe physical factors on the topic. For the presence of students in the classroom, in proper form, with notebook has. 7. Chronological map lessons N o. Step classes Form 1. INSPECTION 2. Teacher Attendance checks and notebooks Notes to the topics 3. Theoretical part 4 Analytical part 5. 6. Show student visual aids (slides, presentations, videos, etc.), as well as notes The practical part. 7. Conclusion Discussion Respond orally Discuss "Case stage" Decides to challenge the test Time 270 minutes 30 minutes Break 30 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 80 minutes 10 minutes Perform practical skills 60 Minutes Based on the score set homework, independent work 30 minutes 45 minutes 180 8. Test Questions 1 Ethiopathogenesis, clinics, treatment of endocrine disorders (obesity, diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology); 2. Ethiopathogenesis, clinics, treatment of psychic disorders (neurastenia, hysteria, psychasthenia, obsessional neurosis). 3. Ethiopathogenesis, clinics, treatment of skin disorders (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, urtica). 4. Ethiopathogenesis, clinics, treatment of skin disorders 5. Hydrotherapy characteristic, physiological effects, indications, contraindications, methods. 6. Resort factors, classification of spas. Indications and contraindications to sanatoriumresort treatment. 7. Forms and means of exercise therapy Suggested Reading. 9.1 Common 1. Bogolyubov V.M. "Balneology and Physiotherapy" 1 and Volume 2 M. Medicine 1985 2. Yuldashev K., Y. Kulikov "Physiotherapy". T. 1984. 3. Strelkova N.I. "Physical treatments in neurology", M., 1983. 4. Popov S.N. "Physical rehabilitation" Rostov-on-Don, 1999 5. Okorokov A.N. "Treatment of diseases of the internal organs. Manual ", Volume 2, Moscow, 2004. 6. Pasinkov S.M "Physiotherapy", M., Medicine, 1969. 7. Epifanov V.A. Handbook of medical physical culture. M, 1987. 9.2 Additional 8. Bogolyubov V.M. "Handbook of sanatorium selection", M, 1992. 9. Iasnogorodski V.G. "Handbook of Physical Therapy", M, 1981. 10. Ponomarenko T.N. "Guide to practical training in general physiotherapy", M, 2000. 11. Yuldashev K.Y. "Non-drug treatments" a practical guide for physicians. 12. Sosin I.N. "Physiotherapeutic directory", Kiev, 1973. 1. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 2. Mark Harrast, MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DO Sports Medicine Study Guide and Review for Boards 3. Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors) Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation A Guide for Practitioners 2003 - Demos Medical Publishing 4. Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 – WebMD 5. Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review 2004 Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 10. Internet sources: 1. 181 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8., www. medinfo. 182 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN CENTRE FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION Tashkent Medical Academy "APPROVED" Pro-rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Teshaev O.R. ____________________ "________" ___________2014. Department: Department of Folk Medicine, Rehabilitation and Physical Education Subject: Rehabilitology Practical exercises Application of physical factors and physical therapy in the rehabilitation of surgical patients (during surgery thoracic and abdominal cavities and disease) and trauma (fracture of extremities, spine and pelvis) Practical lesson Educational technology 183 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY of the PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES THEME №5“Application of physical factors and physical therapy in the rehabilitation of surgical patients (during surgery thoracic and abdominal cavities and disease) and trauma (fracture of extremities, spine and pelvis)” Study time: 270 minutes Type of lesson Structure of the training session (lesson plan) Purpose of the lesson: The student should know: The graduate should be able to: Number of students: 8-12 Exercise topics. 1 INTRODUCTION 2. Theoretical part 3. Analytical part - organiser - tests - situational tasks and recipes. 4. Practical skills. Teach the skill to choose the right treatment strategy and guidelines physical therapy and exercise therapy - Methods of research and diagnostics And Communications basis establishing the relationship between the ballroom; -Make rehabilitologic event with trauma disease -Make recipe on the physical factors and recommend physical factors despite physiological effect; Indications and contraindications, physiotherapy treatment in surgical diseases Value stages of rehabilitation exercise therapy during surgery thoracic and abdominal and vascular disease Self-holding of physiotherapy and exercise therapy manipulation Despite actions rehabilitations symptomatic pathogenetic treatment. -Up complex of rehabilitation measures, depending on the stage of 184 Pedagogical objectives: -Teach students reabilitologic event be correctly and clearly in trauma and surgical disease - Teach the skill to choose the right treatment strategy and the main directions of physiotherapy -Teach drafting complex rehabilitation depending on the stage of the disease; -Teach yourself to let designated physiotherapy; -Teach yourself to pick up a set of exercises and therapeutic exercises to demonstrate their patients. the disease Learning outcomes -Students will learn the correct sequence of events reabilitologic in surgical patients (during surgery thoracic and abdominal cavities and disease) and trauma (fracture of extremities, spine and pelvis) -Student applies in practice pathogenetic physiotherapy treatment -Student learns to write recipes on the assigned physical factors; -Up complex of rehabilitation measures, depending on the stage of the disease; Self-appointed spend physiotherapy; Self-selected set of exercises and medical gymnastics show. Training Methods Conversation, discussion, brainstorming, demonstration, training game, video method, practical method, work books, Forms of educational activity collective work in groups ("think in", "think - work in pairs - an exchange of views") Learning Tools Location of equipment the Department of Folk Medicine, Rehabilitation, Physical Education, Department of Medical Rehabilitation and physiotherapy, physical therapy rooms; Distributing educational materials, visual aids, videos, board-stand, photo, text, flipchart, models, diagrams, texts visual aids, tables, logical-didactic scheme, physiotherapy lesson, equipment, clinical material (case patients). Assessing knowledge monitoring Stages of work and time 270 minutes and Recitation: Quiz, written poll: Testing Action Teacher Learners 185 Stage 1 Theoretical part 20 minutes 1.1. Checks attendance and notebooks 20 minutes 1.2. 1. 1.2. Names the classes theme, its goals, objectives and expected learning outcomes. . Introduces the mode of operation in the lesson and evaluation criteria (application number 6) 25 minutes 1.3. . Gives the task for independent work, references to independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation (Annex № .7) 25 minutes 1.4. Conducting the quick poll/question-answer/"who is FASTER, MORE" in order to enhance the students ' knowledge on the topic. (Appendix No.1) 10 minutes 11.5. Break Stage 2 Analytical part 80 minutes 2.1. Chart distributes the "what" and introduces the algorithm of analyzing the situation. Divides the students into groups. 10 minutes 45 minutes 3rd stage 60 Minutes 20 minutos 10 minutes 2.2. Evaluating the source of students ' knowledge with the use of new educational technologies (tests and situational tasks, preparations) (3) 2.3 Break The practical part 3.1. implementation of practical skill (annex # 4) 3.2. An opinion on the subject, focusing students on the main reports on the importance of the work done for future professional careers. 3.3. Commends the work of groups and individual students, summarizes interassessment. Analyzes and evaluates the degree of achievement of lesson. 3.4. Gives the task for independent work, references to independent work. Reported indicators and criteria for evaluation. (Appendix 6) Listen, write, update, ask questions. Answer questions. work in groups, present the results of the group work. Implementation of practical skills Conduct selfesteem, interassessment. Ask questions. Recorded assignment. 186 1. Motivation Physical factors and means of physical therapy is widely used in surgery and traumatology. Every year, the FT is becoming more widely used in the preoperative and early postoperative periods, when complications and consequences of injuries and surgeries, while it owns a leading position. They promote rapid healing, prevention of complications in the healing process, more complete recovery of disturbed functions, which significantly reduces the time of hospitalization and temporary disability. Ability to navigate among individuals and resort factors and prepare a comprehensive treatment using them is necessary for each GP. 2. Interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary communication Teaching the topic is based on the knowledge students the basics of biochemistry, biophysics, anatomy, normal and pathological physiology, etiology and pathogenesis of surgical diseases, general surgery, traumatology, physiotherapy and total bases LFK. Acquired during the course of knowledge will be used in traversing disciplines therapy, surgical disease, trauma, as well as GPs in their practice. 3. Contents of the lesson 3.1. Theoretical part Combat damage to the abdomen and pelvis. Of all the wounds 2-6%, of all those killed about 25%, Classification 1. Open neognestrelnye gunshot injuries: - Non-penetrating wounds without damaging the internal organs; - Penetrating injury with damage of parenchymal organs, hollow organs, hollow and solid organ, retroperitoneal organs, spine; - Thoraco-abdominal injuries. 2. Closed injuries of the abdomen: - Bruising of the abdominal wall; - Closed hollow organ damage; - Closed solid organ injury; - Closed damage hollow and solid organ; - Closed kidney damage. 187 In modern warfare, we should expect a significant severe wounds and closed injuries of the abdomen. Increase the number of closed injuries, combines, "whined. multiple and combined injuries. Especially difficult will flow "ball" injury - multiplicity; most diverse localization of ports (often on the back), onetime heavy damage to various organs due to sudden changes of direction the ball, more extensive ruptures organs, increasing the number of thoraco-abdominal injuries. Difficulties to diagnose injuries represent swept elements - low profile inlets as yes the abdominal wall and the abdominal organs. DIAGNOSIS closed injuries BELLY damage hollow organs - pain at rest and try n ..tspai.chi, dry tongue, rapid pulse, wooden belly, lack of motility, lack of hepatic dullness, with X-rays - gas below the diaphragm or in the sides of at lateroposition Solid organ damage - symptoms of blood loss, symptoms of fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. Closed injuries of the kidneys - hematuria, blurred contours podvzyushno-psoas hematoma due to the X-ray necessarily performed intravenous urography to exclude flowing contrast in the perirenal fat (then shown lumbotomy). Closed injuries of the pancreas - retroperitoneal hematoma, girdle pain in the upper abdomen, increased diastase. Closed injuries of the retroperitoneal part of a duodenum pain in the upper abdomen and in the lumbar region, the signs emerging retroperitoneal phlegmon may be signs of high intestinal obstruction. DIAGNOSIS OF OPEN ABDOMINAL INJURY Absolute signs of penetrating wounds 1. loss of bowel or omentum; 2. discharge from the wound feces, bile, urine; 3. symptoms of peritonitis. The essential features of penetrating wounds: dry tongue, rapid pulse, delayed stool and gas, lack of peristalsis, muscular defense, the positive symptoms of peritoneal irritation, disappearance of hepatic dullness, shortening percussion sound in shelving places. SPECIAL DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES - Comparison of the input and output of wounds in Exit Wounds; - Finger study rectum (blood indicates penetrating injuries to the colon); - Determination of the loss of blood; - X-ray; - Celiocentesis; - Diagnostic laparotomy (minilaparotomy in critically ill patients with multiple injuries, when you need to reliably exclude bleeding in the stomach or damage to the hollow organs of the abdomen); - The dynamic observation 188 TREATMENT FOR stages of medical evacuation of wounded from battle damage BELLY battlefield, BMP: - Bandages large immobilization (fallen bodies do not reduce a); - Analgesics; - Quick takeaway. First medical aid (WFP): For the wounded of the first group - the state average weight: fixing bandages, antibiotics and tetanus toxoid, with clear evidence of penetrating wound morphine, the primary evacuation Omo. The second group - wounded in serious condition to prepare for evacuation should be performed: procaine blockade (perirenal, vagosympathetic inside pelvic), pour intravenously polyglukin, enter the heart, analgesics. Skilled surgical care (HMO) The faster operated wounded with penetrating wound to the abdomen, the better chance of a favorable outcome. Triage: The first group - the wounded with the symptoms of the ongoing intra-abdominal bleeding, wounded, with obvious signs of damage hollow organs - immediate surgery. Vtooaya group - with no clear signs of internal bleeding, but " shock II-III degree. Patients requiring dynamic monitoring - Operation on the testimony of 1-2 hours. The third group - inoperable wounded - after antishock therapy pressure does not rise - conservative treatment in the hospital department. The fourth group - may be towed: bruising of the abdominal wall, in the GLR, kidney-bruising .v urological hospital; non-penetrating wounds without damaging the organs of the abdomen - in general. Surgical Hospital. Laparotomy in HMO C features): - Under general anesthesia; - Only midline laparotomy; - The search for the source of bleeding and stop bleeding; - Full audit of the abdominal cavity (opening bruising under visceral peritoneum, the revision of the stomach wall Okay, finding pairs of wounds on hollow organs); - Stitching wounds colon, stomach, small bowel resection with anastomosis "side to side> resection of the colon leading to excretion and removing bowel into the wound of the abdominal wall (shotgun), suturing wounds of the rectum with imposing unnatural anus: - Laundering and drying of the abdomen; - The introduction of novocaine into the root of the small intestine (may be mikroirrigator); 189 - Drainage of the subphrenic space left after the removal of the spleen, right, after mending the wounds of the liver (the drainage in this case is derived from posterior-axillary line), lateral drainage channels and pelvis through an incision in the iliac region after operations on hollow organs: - Laparotomic suturing wounds; - Stretching the anus (under anesthesia); - Suturing the stomach into the sheets. Evacuation contraindicated 7-12 days. Postoperative complications In 2/3 of all the operated. Mortality from the experience of the Great Patriotic War - | 50%, after laparotomy - 10%. Complications early - shock, intestinal paresis, peritonitis. Complications later - festering wounds eventeratsiya (10%), pneumonia (25%), fistulas, adhesive disease, ventral hernia-specialized surgery: (Hospitals for the wounded in the chest, abdomen, pelvis) shameful operations and treatment of peritonitis, abscesses limited opening of the abdominal cavity, and closure treatment of intestinal fistula, recovery operations on the gastro-intestinal tract. COMBAT Open pelvic injuries (gunshot), - Soft tissue injuries.;. - Wounds of soft tissue and bone; - Wounds of soft tissue and bone for internal injuries - injuries intraperitoneal bladder and rectum damage extraperitoneal bladder and rectum. Closed fractures: edge, pelvic ring fractures without broken, broken in violation of the integrity of the pelvic ring (the front half rings, half rings back, vertical, diagonal). Breaks the pubic joint, breaks the sacroiliac joint. Diagnosis of closed fractures of the pelvis: - Palpation of the pelvic ring; - Palpation of the pelvis through the rectum in women - through the vagina; - A symptom of "sticky heel> fracture front half rings. In fractures of the pelvis always do finger study rectal and urine output (if he can not help). Signs of intraperitoneal bladder injury: can not urinate during catheterization or no urine can be a lot at once, cystography. Primakovextraperitoneal bladder injuries: can not urinate, urinary catheterization in small, it bloody, and over time can be uroplania crotch, thighs, scrotum, cystography. Signs of damage perineum urethra: can not urinate, blood in the external opening of the urethra, a catheter (rezinovyy!) does not pass into the bladder, the bladder may be full, cystography! Symptoms of rectal injury in closed fracture of the pelvic bones, blood vials in the rectum, recent signs of pelvic cellulitis. Diagnosis of open pelvic injuries: - Examination of the wound, to determine the direction of the wound channel - Palpation - diagnosis of fracture; - Finger study rectum (fractures, pelvic inflammation of the peritoneum - the pain); 190 - Diagnosis vnebryushnnnyh direct bowel injury, degeneration of feces and gas from the wound, palpation of bone fragments and blood in the rectum; - Diagnosis of intraperitoneal rectal injury: signs of peritonitis; Diagnosis of intraperitoneal bladder injuries, lack of urine catheterization or her very much signs of accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity; - Diagnosis of bladder lesions vnebryushichnyh: outflow of urine sludge wounds, lack of urination, during catheterization blood. Cystography. Staged treatment of the wounded from the battle damage pelvic phase of first aid (self-help, mutual aid, assist medical orderly, paramedic BMP): - Bandage on the wound; - Transportation of the shield with the roller under your knees; - Analgesics of syringe-tube, stage of the first medical aid (WFP): - Correction of dressings; - Puncture of the bladder; - Stop the bleeding (tamponade wound suturing the skin over it!) - Treatment of severe shock; - The introduction of antibiotics; - The introduction of tetanus toxoid; - Transportation of the shield with the roller under your knees. Step qualified surgical assistance: Sort: - Wounded with ongoing bleeding; - The victim in a state of shock; - Wounded on intra-and extraperitoneal rectal injury and bladder, but no signs of shock, - Wounded with closed and open pelvic injuries, the integrity of the internal organs in case of damage of the perineum, the bony part of the urethra and genitalia; - Bruises and superficial-v. soft tissue wounds; - Moribund. Surgery for gunshot wounds of the pelvis - pchssechenie wound excision devitalized tissue, removal of foreign bodies and svobodnolezhashih Bone fragments, stop bleeding (can u ligation the internal iliac artery), drainage of the wound. If the damage of the rectum - certainly overlaps preternatural anus. Intraperitoneal bladder injury-laparotomy. suturing wounds bladder DIL hub catgut suture impositionsuprapubic fistula draining the bladder through the urethra rubber catheter. Intraperitoneal rectal injuries - laparoscopic ~ tomy, audit abdomen, suturing wounds of the rectum, the imposition unnatural anus, drainage of the abdominal cavity, suturing wounds of the abdominal wall. 191 When vnebryushnnnyh injuries bladder - extraperitoneal exposure bladder suturing wounds front or side of the wall (for possible), drain fat okolopuzyrnoy on Buyal'skiy, impositionnadlobko ^ Vågå fistula with the introduction of a catheter into the bladder Peltzer type. With injuries perineal urethra - the imposition of suprapubic fistula drainage okolopuzyrnoy fiber on Buyal'skiy, introduction to rubber bladder catheter. Primary suture and plastic urethral injuries were gunshot shown. Stage specialized surgical care: - Clarification of the nature of injury (X-ray, urography, urethra-cystography, cystoscopy); - Treatment of ascending infection of the urinary tract; - Opening and drainage streaks, phlegmon, abscess, the treatment of osteomyelitis of the pelvis; - Plastic urethral scar its structure; - Closure of the suprapubic fistula, unnatural anus; - Treatment confusions pelvis special techniques (skeletal traction, reposition hammock, etc.) 4. Analytical part Appendix No.1 USING METHOD "You know?» Methods of performance. To work needed: 1. 1. Set of cards with rehabilitation tasks. 2. Stopwatch. 3. Plain piece of paper. Progress: 192 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The game is in written form. 2. Students in turn pull the card with the task. 3. Every student writes down his answers on a task for 5 minutes. 4. Then the teacher collects answer sheets. 5. Overall time of the game - 45 minutes. 6. Every answer of an each student is treated separately. 7. Answers are being discussed on a sheet with all students. Criteria for evaluating the theoretical part Maximum score 14-12 score 2515 15-14-excellent 13-12 score 100% -86% 85% -71% 11-10 score 11-7 satisfactorily 70-56% 9-8 score 6-4-unsatisfactorily 53% -46% 7 6ball 3 or less - bad 43% or less Enclosure 2 4.1 logical diagram“What”. Contraindications. Hemorrhagic, traumatic and painful shocks. Bleeding and bleeding tendency. Foreign bodies in the vicinity of large vessels and nerves Reabitologiidemocratic event with traumarelated disease What? What? -Muscle hypertrophy -Muscle contraction Sheathe the problem at the turn of the extremities Ossal bonds reposition Lack reposition parts of the bones What? Tasks LFC 1-degree pelvic fracture 1) reduction of external respiration 2) improve the process of metabolism 3) adapt the organism to grow physical load What Improve emotional posture Ballroom Increasethat tone muscles 3. Types of therapeutic rehabilitation 193 Medical Physical APPENDIX 3 4.2. Case studies: Task No. 1. Patient P-va, 22 years old. Diagnosis: Lactation mastitis, stage of infiltration. 3. Assign treatment complex consisting of 3 factors physiotherapy. 4. Contraindications to CFT and gymnastics. 5. Make a set of LH. Standard answer: The complex FT must include: UHF RAS, UV-irradiation of the breast. Contraindications. stage abscess, fever, severe general condition of the patient. LH complex consists of breathing exercises, bracing and exercises on the distal parts of the limbs. Task No. 2. Patient X Male, 36 years old. Diagnosis: 6-7 ribs fractured left. List the methods of rehabilitation of the patient and make the complex treatment. Standard answer: The complex rehabilitation of this patient should include physical factors and means of physical therapy. Consider the following complex treatment: 13. Microwave therapy to the affected half of the thorax. 14. Procaine or calcium electrophoresis fracture site. 15. UV radiation on the affected area. 16. LFK (LH procedures using special breathing exercises: in resistance exercise, diaphragmatic breathing). Task No. 3. Patient K-wa, 56 years old. Diagnosis: Adhesive disease. 3. Assign physical treatments (3). 4. Make a set of gymnastics. Standard answer: The complex rehabilitation of this patient must include physical factors and means of LFC. Consider the following complex treatment: Inductothermy abdomen, iodine (or procaine) electrophoresis abdominal (transverse technique), RAS therapy localization region of adhesions. Complex physical therapy consists of breathing exercises (diaphragmatic breathing), bracing and abdominal muscles, as well as walk. Task No. 4. Patient R., 24 years old, was operated on for ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer. Day 3 after operation. Complaints of cough, low-grade fever, weakness, sweating. Your tactics for the appointment of LFK and FT? What special exercises should be taught to the patient? Standard answer: LH is necessary to appoint the first day after surgery. In the 1st day breathing breast, using patient instructor doing exercises for the distal portions of the upper and lower extremities, rotary motion in the hip joint. 3-4 days connected general tonic and special exercises (pelvic separation from bed, diaphragmatic breathing, inflating balloons). CFT is given after normalization of body temperature: magnet therapy, laser therapy on postoperative suture region, electrosleep. 194 Appendix-3 4.3 Tests 1. Factors of decrease pain and swelling of soft tissue injury? A. * UHF B. Massage C. LFK D. method of Franklinization 2. What method of treatment is contraindicated in fractures? A. * CMT B. UHF C. Electrophoresis D. treatment with magnesium 3. which method is not used in the trophic wound? A. * osocerite B. ultra violet rays C. Method Franklinization D. Treatment with a laser 4. Which method is not used in the burn for fast healing of skin A. * ultra violet rays B. Treatment with magnesium C. Treatment with a laser D. method Franklinization 5. Show Index assesses the effectiveness of therapeutic gymnastics at pereudi before surgery and after surgery * A static load to the anterior abdominal wall B. angle measurement C. goniometrics D. Test by Letunov 6.What medication is not administered in electrophoresis with broken bones? A. * Nospanum B. Wax C. solution of calcium chloride D. novocaine 7, What is the procedure is not used for indoor head fracture? A. * absent B.elektroson C. darsonval D. IRT 8, Which method is not used in the trophic wound? A. * osocerite B.UFA C. Franklin Method D. laser treatment 9.How physiotherapy can be used when the disease rumen 1 *Ultrasound 2 electrosleep 3 franklinization 4 ultraviolet 10. What sense is in clinic - outpatient rehabilitation? 195 A treatment of infectious focus B. Restore the ability to work * C. To increase resistance to vibration Weather D. Cures the disease Appendix-3 4.4 Cookbook on physical factors 1.Magnetotherapy In trophic wound cavity impulse magnetotherapy ENT-3-4, 4-5 IVL, T=6-12 min, N8-10 every day Methodics: Inductors apparatus Amit-01 N and S reel sterile wipes and applies to wound Recommendation: trophic wound is being cleansed with necrotic tissue 2. MICROWAVE on the affected joint DMW-therapy.D-beam 100 mm contact, each session 1-4 poly r-7-30: N10-15 each day recommendation. Can be recommended for professional, traumatic, gout arthritis. Note: while 4 or more lesions joint bottom during change decimeter wave; the first day of the two joints with the second day in two or three joints max if one of them is irradiated to one side, to thyroid gland 3. DMW therapy P 120mvt/sm2 n-6min. N -10-20 a day Methodology exposer unit daisy puts skin in the region share one share 1st day, 2 nd day to another Recommendation: during exacerbation yazvi stomach disorder secretory and motor functions of the stomach, hepatobiliary system function disorder in determining symptom by Nische also to enhance immunity Not used in hyperthyroidism, vascular disorder 4. Pulse magnet therapy in the heart of the wound, int-3-4-5 4, IVL, t 6-12 m, N8-10 every day Methodology Inductors apparatus Amit-01 N and S reel sterile drape and imposes to wounds Recommendation: trophico wounds treated by necrotic tissue 196 APPENDIX 4 5.1Prakticheskie skills (step development) Objectiveteach students to use complex treatment methods in physiotherapy practice. Indications: teach and perform on their own physiological factors used to select physical procedures in pathogenetic treatment of postoperative period of shoulders fracture Necessary equipment: Account CFT physioequipment # Stages of of Ite ms 1. Evaluation of the clinical condition of the patient (complaints, anamnesis morbi, anamnesis vitae, status presents, data clinical and laboratory studies Appointment rational physiotherapy: 2. to determine whether a given patient contraindications to physiotherapy 3. in the absence of contraindications for physiotherapy selection of major groups of physical factors on syndromic pathogenetic principle 4. selection of specific physiotherapy treatments to the patient in accordance with the rules of the compatibility of physical factors 5. Sequencing of physiotherapy appointment at their complex 6. registration sheet assignments (writing prescriptions for physiotherapy) TOTAL Failed to execute step Follow all steps (20point) 0 3. 0 3. 0 3. 0 3. 0 3. 0 5. 20. Assessment of the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during the procedure of physiotherapy Objective learn to assess the adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during physiotherapy sessions (LH) Indications: learn to assess the adequacy of physical activity for patients with surgical intervention pereudi spinal column Necessary equipment : Account LFK, Rockets 197 # Stages of Failed to execute step Follow all steps (20point) 1. Interrogation of the patient in order to identify possible complaints before the LH 0 2. 2. Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH patient to load Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in the patient by the end of the introductory part of LH, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue during the main part of LH 0 2. 0 2. 0 2. 5. Counting heart rate for 10 seconds in a patient complaints and identify external signs of fatigue in the final part of LH 0 3. 6. 0 3. 7. Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate calculation, BH, identifying complaints and external signs of fatigue in a patient after 5 min after LH Storing the data in the medical and control card 0 2. 8. Draw the physiological load curve 0 2. 9. Making a conclusion 0 2. Total 0 20. 3. 4. criteria for assessing practical skill 100% -86% 40-34, 4- perfect 85% -71% 34-28.4 score 70-55% 28-22 satisfactorily 54% -37% 21.6-14.8 unsatisfactorily 36% or less 14.4 or less - bad 6. Way to verify knowledge and experience - Actively participate in discussions - Answers written results -Solve test and task case stages - Practical skills Appendix-5. 6.1 Assessment of practical skills N o. Evaluation excellent good satisfactorily unsatisfactorily poorly Adoption in % 100% 86% 25-24 points 15-14 85% 71% 23-22 points 1312 70-55% 54% -37% 36% or less 21-19 points 18-17 points 15 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 7-6 1. Theoretical part 2. The analytical 198 part diagram points points 3. Test 15-14 points 13-12 points F o ur The practical part 40-35 points 35-30 points points 11-10 points 30-25 points 9-8 points 7-6 points 25-15 points 14 points In assessing students' knowledge of Rehabilitation accounted following approximate criteria No Performa . nce in% 1. 96-100% 91-95% 2. 3. 86-90% Evaluation Student's knowledge level Excellent "5" Student independent. Has an overall concept on the subject Rehabilitation. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Full correct answer to the questions on the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively, independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. The synopsis on the subject there. Full correct answer to the questions on the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contra-indications. Summarizes and makes decisions, think creatively, independently analyzes. Situational problems are solved correctly, with a creative approach, with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games, right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors. Questions posed by products electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications to fully covered, but there are 1-2 errors in Excellent "5" Excellent "5" 199 Fo ur 81-85% Average "4" 5. 76-80% Average "4" 6. 71-75% Average "4" the response. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 grammatical errors. Questions posed by products electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), application techniques, indications and contraindications to fully covered, but there are 2-3 inaccuracies, errors. Applies in practice, with the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly, but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems. Actively involved in interactive games, correct decisions. Recipes writes is true, with the best indication of dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 2-3 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The student knows the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications and contraindications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. Correct but incomplete coverage of the issue. The student knows the classification of electrotherapy, mechanisms of action of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse), methods of application, indications and contraindications, but not fully versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said confidently, has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games. Situational problem gives partial solutions. Recipes written specifying the dose exposure to physical factors, but there are 3-4 grammatical errors, inaccuracies in dose. 200 7. 66-70% Satisfactory "3" 8 657 61% Satisfactory "3" 9 558 60% Satisfactory "3" 10. 40-54% 11. 30-40% unsatisfactorily "2" unsatisfactorily "2" The correct answer to half the questions posed. The student knows the classification of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is no justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. Correct answer to the third set of questions. The student knows the classification of continuous and pulsed currents (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse) but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, incomplete lists contraindications to CFT in this pathology. With the matter, said uncertainly, has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly, but there is no justification response. Student passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. The correct answer is 1/4 of the questions. The student knows the classification of permanent and pulse current (galvanization, medicinal electrophoresis, electrosleep, diadynamic, electroodontodiagnosis, amplipulse therapy), but poorly versed in the mechanisms of action of physical factors, may not list contraindications to the use of FT in this pathology. Poor seized with the matter, said uncertainly, has exact representation only on specific issues theme. Student is very passive when discussing CDS. Recipes are written with an inaccurate indication of dose exposure to physical factors, there are grammatical errors. Lighting 1/10 of the questions at the wrong approach. Student does not know the physical factors (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric pulp test, amplipulse). Practically does not understand the mechanisms of action of physical factors, does not understand the indications and contraindications to the appointment of FT in this pathology. All recipes are written with blunders. Questions not answers. Does not know the physical factors (galvanization, iontophoresis, diadynamic, electric, electric 201 pulp test, amplipulse) and their mechanisms of action. Is not able to prescribe physical factors on the topic. For the presence of students in the classroom, in proper form, with a notebook. 7. Flow chart classes N o. Step classes Form 1. Check 2. Introduction to the teacher Attendance and notebooks check Notes to the topics 3. Theoretical part 4. Analytical part 5. 6. Show student shows evident ways (slides, presentations, videos, etc), and their notes The practical part 7. Conclusion Discussion Respond orally Discuss Any chart» Decides to challenge the test Implementation of practical skills Score point, set the home setting, independent work Time 270 minutes 30 minutes Break 30 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 80 minutes 10 minutes 45 minutes 60 Minutes 30 Minutes 8. Test Questions 1. Etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, treatment of surgical diseases (abscess subcutaneous tissue, hidradenitis, axillary infiltrates, laktacionnyj mastitis, appendicitis, diseases of operated stomach, adhesive disease, trophic ulcer); 2. Etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, treatment of soft tissue and bone injuries (sprains, traumatic haematoma, thermal burns, wounds, bruises, broken bones). 3. Continuous and impulse currents: characteristic physiological action, indications, contraindications, techniques. 202 4. Electromagnetic fields of various characteristics (magnetic therapy, inductothermy, UHF, microwave therapy): characteristic physiological action, indications, contraindications, techniques. 5. Heat hydrotherapy: characteristic physiological action, indications, contraindications, techniques. 6. Forms and means of physical therapy. 9. Suggested Reading. Main 4. Bogolyubov V.M. "Balneology and Physiotherapy" 1 and Volume 2 M. Medicine 1985 5. Yuldashev K., Y. Kulikov "Physiotherapy". T. 1984. 6. Sosin I.n. Kariyev, M. H. "Physiotherapy in surgery, Traumatology and Neurosurgery, London, 1994. 7. Popov S.N. "Physical rehabilitation", Rostov-on-Don, 1999. 8. V.k. Dobrovolsky "Therapeutic physical culture in surgery", l., 1970. 9. Stepsons S.m. "Physiotherapy", m, medicine, 1969. 10. Epifanov V.A. Handbook of medical physical culture. M, 1987. 11. Babadzhanov S.n. "Physiotherapist", Tashkent, in 1999. Additional Bogolyubov V.M. "Handbook of sanatorium selection", M, 1992. Iasnogorodski VG "Handbook of Physical Therapy", M, 1981. Ponomarenko TN "Guide to practical training in general physiotherapy", M, 2000. Yuldashev KY "Non-drug therapies, a practical handbook for doctors, Tashkent, in 1999. Sosin I.n. "Physiotherapy directory», Kiev, 1973. Orange I.e., Il′hamdžanova D.s. The "short guide to physiotherapy», Tashkent, 1992. Foreign literature: 6. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MDPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 7. Mark Harrast MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DOSports MedicineStudy Guide and Review for Boards 8. Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors), Alternative Medicine and RehabilitationA Guide for Practitioners 2003-Demos Medical Publishing 9. Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 – WebMD 10. Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor)Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review2004Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 10. Internet sources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5., www. medinfo. 203 6. 7. REPUBLIC UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY of HEALTH CENTER of DEVELOPMENT of THE MEDICAL EDUCATION TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY "Approved by" The pro-rector on study Prof. Teshaev O.R. ____________________ «________» ___________ 2014. Chair: National medicine, in rehabilitology, a physical education Subject: Rehabilitology Theme of practical employment Application of physical factors and MRT in rehabilitation of patients with gynecologic diseases (at pregnancy, sorts, after a sort) gynecologic diseases (at an inflammation of female genitals, climacteric a syndrome, genital infantility) and in pediatrics (NCD, CCP, rickets, allergodematitis, a bronchial asthma, rheumatism, children's LOR diseases). Practical employment 204 Educational and methodical guide PEDAGOGIC TECHNOLOGY THE PRACTICAL OF EMPLOYMENT Theme №6”Application of physical factors and MPT in rehabilitation of patients with gynecologic diseases (at pregnancy, sorts, after a sort) gynecologic diseases (at an inflammation of female genitals, climacteric a syndrome, генитальном infantility) and in pediatrics (NCD, CCP, a rickets, allergodematitis, a bronchial asthma, rheumatism, children's LOR diseases)”. Technological card of practical employment Time: 270 minutes The employment form Structure of educational employment (the employment plan) The purpose of educational employment: Quantities of students: 8-12 Practical employment on subjects. 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical part 3. An analytical part - Organizer - Tests - Situational Cases, the recipe. 4. Practical skills. To train in ability correctly to choose tactics of treatment and the basic directions of physiotherapeutic treatment and MRT at gynecologic diseases (at pregnancy, sorts, after a sort) gynecologic diseases (at an inflammation of female genitals, climacteric a syndrome, genital infantility) and in pediatrics (NCD, CCP, a rickets, allergodematitis, a bronchial asthma, rheumatism, children's LOR diseases). 205 The student should know: The student should be able: Pedagogical Cases: - To train students to make rehabilitation action correctly and it is accurate – To train in ability correctly to choose tactics of treatment and the basic directions of physiotherapeutic treatment – To train in drawing up of a complex of rehabilitation actions depending on a disease stage; – To learn to release independently the appointed physiotherapeutic procedures; – To learn to select independently a complex of exercises of medical gymnastics and to show to their patients. Training methods Forms of educational activity Tutorials - Research and diagnostics methods - Communication bases an establishment the relation with patients; - Indications and contra-indications to appointment of physiotherapeutic treatment and MRT at gynecologic patients and at children with various diseases; - Will make the recipe on physical factors and to recommend physical factors looking physiological action; - Indications and contra-indications, physiotherapeutic treatment at pediatrics - Value of stages of rehabilitation MRT at children's LOR diseases - Independent carrying out physiotherapeutic and MRT manipulations - Looking to actions of rehabilitations to spend symptomatic, pathogenic treatment. - Make a complex of rehabilitation actions depending on a disease stage Results of educational activity: - Students study will correctly make sequence rehabilitation action at gynecologic disease (at pregnancy, sorts, after a sort) gynecologic diseases (at an inflammation of female genitals, climacteric a syndrome, genital infantility) and in pediatrics (NCD, CCP, a rickets, allergodematitis, a bronchial asthma, rheumatism, children's LOR diseases). - The student applies in practice patogenic physical therapeutic treatments - The student studies to write a compounding on the appointed physical factors; – Make a complex of rehabilitation actions depending on a disease stage; – Independently carry out the appointed physiotherapeutic procedures; – Independently select a complex of exercises of medical gymnastics and show. Conversation, discussion, brain storm, the demonstration, training game. pinboard, the case study to work with books, the scheme, video clips Collective work in groups («it is thought in a place», «to think - to work as steams - an exchange opinion») Distributing teaching materials, visual materials, video films, board-stand, photo, the text. Board-stand, flipchart, video films, models, the scheme, texts 206 Visual aids, tables, logic and didactic schemes, physiotherapeutic Place of carrying out of equipment, a clinical material (thematic patients). employment, equipment Oral interrogation: blitz-interrogation; written interrogation: the Estimation of knowledge and test monitoring Technological card of practical employment Stages of work and time (270 minutes) 1-stage. Action The training Theoretical part 20 minutes 1.1. Checks attendance and writing-books 20 minutes 1.2. 1. Informs an employment theme, its purpose, Cases and planned results of educational activity. Acquaints with an operating mode on employment and criteria of an estimation of results (the appendix №6) 25 minutes Trainees Listen, write down, specify, answer questions. 1.3. Gives the task for independent work, the list of the literature for independent work. Informs indicators and criteria of its estimation (the appendix №.7) 1.4. "PIG IN A POKE" on purposespends a method to make active knowledge trained on a theme. (The appendix №.1) 25 minutes 11.5. Change 10 minutes 2-stage. Analytical part 80 minutes 2.1. Supervises over discussion of a theme of practical employment. Distributes materials of a case and acquaints with aTrEorithm, analysis of the situation. Divides students into groups.(The appendix №2) 10 minutes 2.2. Spends an estimation of initial knowledge of students with use of new pedagogical technologies (tests and situational Cases, preparations) (3appendix) Answer questions Work in groups, present results of group work. 2.3. Change 207 45 minutes 3-stage. Practical part. 60 minutes 3.1. take practical skill (the appendix №4) 3.2. Does the conclusion on a theme, concentrates attention of students to the main thing, informs on importance of the done work for the future professional work. 20 minutes Carry out practical skills Spend a self3.3. Estimates activity of groups and separate students, sums up mark. estimation, Analyzes and estimates degree of achievement of the purpose of autoassessment. educational employment. (5 appendix). Ask questions. Write down the task. 1. Motivation Physical factors and means MRT are widely applied in gynecology and pediatrics. Modern scientific researches and practical operational experience show necessity of reasonable restriction of medicamentous loading on an organism of the woman to the child without lengthening of terms and decrease in an end result of treatment. It has especially great value not only for the prevention of allergic and other collateral negative influences of medicines on an organism of the woman, but also concerning protection of a fruit from influence of unnecessary and harmful substances. Advantage of PT in pediatrics is painlessness of procedures, active influence of energy of factors (thermal, radiant, electric, mechanical) on own potential jet possibilities, high efficiency at smaller dosages owing to big regeneratory and compensatory possibilities at children. Ability to be guided among physical and resort factors and to make complex treatment with their application it is necessary for each general practitioner. 2. Intersubject and intrasubject communications Teaching of the given theme is based on knowledge students of bases of biochemistry, biophysics, anatomy, normal and pathological physiology, an etiology and pathogenesis of gynecologic diseases, obstetrics, pediatrics, the general physiotherapy and bases MRT. The knowledge received during employment will be used at passage of disciplines by them therapy, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and also GP in the practical activities. 3. The employment maintenance 3.1. Atheoretical part 208 4. An analytical part The appendix №1 USE of THE METHOD "PIG IN A POKE" Carrying out technique. For work it is necessary: 1. Set of cards with tasks on rehabilitation. 2. The report with the list of students of group. 3. Stop watch. Game course: 1. Game spend orally. 2. Students by turns extend a card with the taskwith a question of the first degree of complexity. 3. Each student within 1 minute orally answers the task. 4. After each answer the teacher exposes a point in the report. 5. The general time of carrying out of game of 45 minutes 6. Answers of students are estimated as follows: As much as possible – 1 point «5» - 0,8 points «4» - 0,6 points «3» - 0,4 points «2» - 0 points 7. The point typed by students is considered at exhibiting of "a current estimation». 8. In the bottom free part of magazine the teacher makes entry about carrying out of business game. 9. Game reports remain. The list of tasks for carrying out of business game "Pig in a poke": 1. Name, physical factors are for what purpose appointed at chronic inflammatory diseases of female sexual system. 2. Name the physical factors, having anti-inflammatory an effect. 3. Name the physical factors rendering sedative effect. 4. Name the physical factors rendering antiaggregant effect. 5. Name the physical factors rendering bactericidal effect. 6. List Cases MRT at chronic inflammatory diseases of female sexual system. 7. List Cases MRT at a climacteric syndrome. 8. List Cases MRT at CCP. 9. Special exercises at chronic inflammatory diseases of female sexual system. 10. List advantages of application of PT in pediatrics. 11. Special techniques and medical products of electrophoresis at chronic inflammatory diseases of female sexual system. 12. Special techniques and medical products of electrophoresis. 209 13. Name, physical factors are for what purpose appointed at CCP. 14. The physical factor applied for the purpose of pathogenetic therapy in gestosis. 15. Special exercises at a bronchial asthma at children. 16. What hydropathic procedures are applied at a climacteric syndrome. 17. List contra-indications to of PT and MRT at pregnant women. 18. From what age it is possible to appoint microwave therapy to children? Criteria of an estimation of theorethic part Maximal 14-12 point point 15 15-14 it is 13-12 it is good excellent 100 %-86 % 85 %-73 % 11-10 point 11-7 it satisfactory 70-56 % 9-8 point is 6-4 it is satisfactory 53 %-46 % 7-6 point not 3 and it is less bad 43 % and are less The appendix - 2. 4.1 Logic diagram "What". Primaryor the basic Frustration management of menstrual dysfunctions Primary changes in hypothalamus and hypophysis systems What In the anamnesis inflammatory diseases of a brain stem It is observed at endocrine infringement The basic clinical situation What Physiotherapeutic effect What Low-frequency mediocre electrostimulation of hypothalamus and hypophysis systems The basic clinical situation What Vegetative vascular, exchange and trophic disturbances The basic clinical situation What Endonasal galvanization The basic clinical situation What Physiotherapeutic effect What Galvanization of head and cervical area 210 Group № Each group estimates other groups. High-grade performance on all points 15 points The correct and Evidence To Activity of clear answer (5) (5) correspond group regulations (2,5) (2,5) Total 15 points 1. 2. Criteria of estimation in the analytical part: Maximum 13-12 points 11-10 points 15 points 100-86 % 85 %-73 % 70-56 % 9-8 points 53 %-46 % 7-6 points 43 % and less Appendix No.3 211 4.2. Situational Cases: Case № 1 Patient R-va, 29 years. The diagnosis: Chronic bilaterial salpingophoritis in a stage of a calming down aggravation. 1. Whether it is possible for this patient to appoint physiotherapy and MRT? 2. The Cases pursued in this case by physiotherapy and MRT. 3. Contra-indications to an administration of physical therapy and MRT at the given pathology. 4. What of PT can be used factors at this disease at the given stage. 5. Make approximate complex TRE of the given patient. The answer standard. It is necessary for this patient to appoint of PT and MRT. Cases: reduction of inflammatory reaction, desensibilization of an organism, strengthening of activity of medicinal substances, reduction superfluous proliferation of connective tissue, activization of local blood circulation, liquidation of again arising changes of activity nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, the general strengthening of an organism, restoration of work capacity of the woman. Contra-indications: the expressed aggravation of an inflammation, a heat, presence of purulent processes before opening of the purulent centre and outflow creation. From of PT at the given stage are shown: СВЧ, индуктотермия, electrophoresis, osocerite application, US therapy with lidase. It is necessary to include respiratory exercises In complex TRE, common and special exercises for abdominal tension muscles, bottom, walking, a bike-simulator. Case № 2. Patient Sh-va, 52 years. The diagnosis: the Climacteric syndrome. Adiposity of I degree. АГ I degrees. 1. Whether it is possible for this patient to appoint physiotherapy and MRT? 2. The Cases pursued in this case by physiotherapy and MRT. 3. Contra-indications to an administration of physical therapy and MRT at the given pathology. 4. What of PT can be used factors at this disease at the given stage. 5. Make approximate complex TRE of the given patient. The answer standard. It is necessary for this patient to appoint of PT and MRT. Cases: normalisation of nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems’ activity, the general strengthening of an organism, struggle with hypodynamia, decrease in weight of a body, improvement of a psycho-emotional condition of the patient. Contra-indications: myoma in uterus, uteral bleeding, high АГ, stenocardia attacks, ischemic changes on the electrocardiograms expressed arrhythmia. From of PT at the given stage are shown: an electrodream, darsonvalization on neck zones, franklinisation, HAE, bromine-electrophoresis a collar on Scherbak, circular or a shower. It is necessary to include respiratory exercises in complex TRE, common health-improvement and special exercises for abdominal tension muscles, coxae and a bottom and the bottom extremities, walking, a velosimulator. Case № 3. Patient N-va, 8 months the Diagnosis: the Rickets of I degree. 1. Whether it is possible for this patient to appoint physiotherapy and MRT? 2. The Cases pursued in this case by physiotherapy and MRT. 3. Contra-indications to an administration of physical therapy and MRT at the given pathology. 4. What of PT can be used factors at this disease at the given stage. 5. Make approximate complex TRE of the given patient. The answer standard. It is necessary for this patient to appoint of PT and MRT. Cases: stimulation of an exchange of vitamin D, phosphor-calcium exchange, immunologic processes, improvement of a condition of nervous system and the loco-impellent device, strengthening of muscular system, correct development of a statics and a motility. Contra-indications: the period of a heat of disease, presence of fresh crises, infringement of integrity of a skin, pyodermia, acute infectious diseases, sharp inflammatory processes, heart diseases with the phenomena of decompensation, an acute anemia. 212 From of PT at the given stage are shown: the general UV-irradiation, calciumelectrophoresis by a technique of Vermelja, douche, coniferous baths, application paraffinosocerite application on extremities, massage. It is necessary to include respiratory exercises in complex TRE, common health-improvement and special exercises for muscles of a back, an abdominal tension, the bottom and top extremities, exercises on coordination and balance. Case № 4. Patient D., 8 years. The diagnosis: the Chronic tonsillitis, the compensated stage. 1. Whether it is possible for this patient to appoint physiotherapy and MRT? 2. The Cases pursued in this case by physiotherapy and MRT. 3. Contra-indications to an administration of physical therapy and MRT at the given pathology. 4. What of PT can be used factors at this disease at the given stage. 5. Make approximate complex TRE to the given patient. The answer standard. It is necessary for this patient to appoint of PT and MRT. Cases: achievement anti-inflammatory, anaesthetising, bactericidal lytic effects, stimulation immunologic processes, the general strengthening of an organism, improvement of the loonyemotional of a condition of the patient. Contra-indications: the aggravation of disease accompanied by a heat and the general grave condition of the child, paratonsillar abscess. From of PT at the given stage are shown: the UPh irradiation on tonsillar area, UV therapy on tonsillar area, lymph nodules in a dosage, inhalation: alkali, with mineral waters, broths of medicative herbs; US-THERAPY on tonsillar area. It is necessary to include respiratory exercises In complex TRE, exercises, game lessons. 213 Appendix №3 4.3 Tests 1. What factors are used at mastopathy A. *electrophoresis with CU B. UHF C. Treatment about magnesium D. DDC 2. What procedures are not used at a wound a uterus neck A. * tamponade B. UFA C. darsonvale D. Laser therapy 3. What physiotherapeutic treatment are applied at second half of pregnancy? A. * electrodream B. A beam bath C. Ultra-violet beams D. Massage 4. What methods are not used at hemorrhoids A. * osokerite B. darsonvale C. Treatment with the laser D. Spray shower 5. Show an indicator an estimation of efficiency medical gymnastics at pregnancy and after patrimonial period A. *myomonomeasurement muscles of a forward belly wall and a small basin B. goniomeasurement C. angle measurement D. caliper measurement 6. What method of galvanization are used at vasomotor rhinitis А collar galvanization by Scherbak В galvanization by Vermel С half-mask by Bergonier D.*by Kassel endonasally 7. What physical factors are used at the central ear illness A.* A pulse current B. An alternating current C. A constant invariable current D. Treatments with magnesium E. Treatments with the laser 8. What methods are used at external an otitis A. Ultra-violet beams B. *sollux C. Treatments with a magnet D. СВЧ E. Laser therapy 9. What factors it is applied at a rickets А.UHF B. HAE 214 C. Inhalation D.USD 10. Specify an aspect of rehabilitation A. physiotherapy. B. treatment massage. C. physical culture D. MRI Appendix №4 4.4 Collection of recipes about physical factors 1.Osocerite application. Osocerite application – in trousers shape t040С-48С. Duration of 20 minutes. Every day 8-10 procedure 2 Mud application. Applications in the form of "Trousers". Thickness of dirt - 5-6 cm, temperature 38-400С, every day or every other day 15-20 minutes. One course of 12-18 treatments Appendix №5 4.4 Collection of recipes about physical factors 1. Osocerite application. Osocerite application – in trousers shape t040С-48С. Duration of 20 minutes. Every day 8-10 procedure 2 Mud application. Applications in the form of " trousers". Dirt of 5-6 cm, temperature 38-400С, every day or every other day 15-20 minutes. One course of 12-18 of treatment. 3. Электрофарез to operatein an irradiation zone pains with local anesthetic substances (novocaine, lidocaine, trimecaine, dicain) and spasmolytic (nicotine, eufillin) I-0,01-0,03 ma \see Т-20-30 minute N15 every day. The recommendation: anti-inflammatory, spasmolitic, a pain satisfying actions, area иннервации С5-С7 roots and in the centre condensed forward a ladder figurative muscles 4. A pulse magnetotherapy in an area of trophic wounds, int-3-4, IVL 4-5, т 6-12 mines, N8-10 every day Technique: inductor device AMIT-01 N and S to reel up to a sterile napkin and imposes in area of wounds The recommendation: trophic wounds cleared from necrotic fabrics Criteria of an estimation situational Cases 13-12 points 11-10 points 9-8 points Maximum points 15 15-14-perfectly 14-12-well 11-7-well 6-4-not well 100 %-86 % 85 %-73 % 70-56 % 53 %-46 % 7-6 points 3 and less Badly 43 % and less 215 The appendix-4 5.Practical skills (step-by-step development) The purpose: will learn students to application complex treatment by physiotherapeutic methods in practice. The indication: to learn on their own to carry out and choose physiofactors applied physical procedures at pathogenetic treatment of infertility disease. Necessary equipment: office of PT, physiotherapeutic devices № Performance stages Could not execute a stage Has executed all stages (20-point) 1. Estimation of a clinical condition of the patient (the complaint, anamnesis morbi, anamnesis vitae, status presents, the data of clinic and laboratory researches Appointment of rational physiotherapy: Definition of presence at the given patient of contraindications to physiotherapy In case of absence of contra-indications to physiotreatment allocation of the basic groups of physical factors by a syndrome-pathogenetic principle Choice of concrete physiotherapeutic procedures for the given patient according to rules of compatibility of physical factors Definition of sequence of carrying out physioprocedures at their complex appointment Registration of sheet appointments (a writing of recipes on physioprocedures) Total 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 20 Estimation of adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during procedure of medical gymnastics The purpose: to learn to estimate adequacy of physical activity for patients with various diseases during employment by medical gymnastics (THE TRE) The indication: to learn to estimate adequacy of physical activity for patients at 1ой a pregnancy trimester. Necessary equipment: TrE room, shells. № Performance stages Could not execute a stage 1. Interrogation of the patient for the purpose of revealing of possible complaints prior to the beginning the TRE Measurement the AP, calculation of HR, BrR at the patient to loading 0 Has executed all stages (20-point) 2 0 2 2. 216 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Calculation HR for 10 seconds at the patient by the end of prologue the TRE, revealing of complaints and external signs of exhaustion Calculation HR for 10 seconds at the patient, revealing of complaints and external signs of exhaustion during the basic part the TRE Calculation HR for 10 seconds at the patient, revealing of complaints and external signs of exhaustion in final part the TRE Measurement the AP, calculation HR, BrR, revealing of complaints and external signs of exhaustion at the patient through 5 mines after termination the TRE Entering of the received data in a medical-control card To draw a physiological curve of loading To issue a conclusion Total 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 20 Criteria of an estimation practical skill 100 %-86 % 85 %-71 % 70-55 % 54 %-37 % 40-34,4-perfect 34-28,4-well 28-22 it is satisfactory 21,6-14,8 it is unsatisfactory 36 % and are less 14,4 and it is less bad 6. checks knowledge and experience - Actively to participate in discussion - Answers of written results - To solve the test ы and Cases of Cases-stages - Practical skills Appendix №6 6.1мери estimations practical skill № Estimation Points in % 1 2 Theoretical part Analyticalpart of the diagramm 3 4 The test Practical part Perfectly Well 100 %-86 % 85 %-71 % 25-24 23-22 points points 1514points 13 12 points 15-14 13-12 points points 40-35 35-30 points points Well Unsatisfactorily Badly 70-55 % 54 %-37 % 36 % and are less 21-19 points 18-17 points 15 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 7-6 points 11-10 points 9-8 points 30-25 points 25-15 points 7-6 points 14 points At an estimation of knowledge of students on rehabilitology following approximate criteria are considered now 217 9. Suggested Reading. Main 12. Bogolyubov V.M. "Balneology and Physiotherapy" 1 and Volume 2 M. Medicine 1985 13. Yuldashev K., Y. Kulikov "Physiotherapy". T. 1984. 14. Sosin I.n. Kariyev, M. H. "Physiotherapy in surgery, Traumatology and Neurosurgery, London, 1994. 15. Popov S.N. "Physical rehabilitation", Rostov-on-Don, 1999. 16. V.k. Dobrovolsky "Therapeutic physical culture in surgery", l., 1970. 17. Stepsons S.m. "Physiotherapy", m, medicine, 1969. 18. Epifanov V.A. Handbook of medical physical culture. M, 1987. 19. Babadzhanov S.n. "Physiotherapist", Tashkent, in 1999. Additional Bogolyubov V.M. "Handbook of sanatorium selection", M, 1992. Iasnogorodski VG "Handbook of Physical Therapy", M, 1981. Ponomarenko TN "Guide to practical training in general physiotherapy", M, 2000. Yuldashev KY "Non-drug therapies, a practical handbook for doctors, Tashkent, in 1999. Sosin I.n. "Physiotherapy directory», Kiev, 1973. Orange I.e., Il′hamdžanova D.s. The "short guide to physiotherapy», Tashkent, 1992. Foreign literature: 11. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MDPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 12. Mark Harrast MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DOSports MedicineStudy Guide and Review for Boards 13. Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors), Alternative Medicine and RehabilitationA Guide for Practitioners 2003-Demos Medical Publishing 14. Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 – WebMD 15. Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor)Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review2004Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 10. Internet sources: 8. 9., 12.www. medinfo. 13. 14. 218 QUESTIONS LIST FOR THE FINAL CONTROL ON "REHABILITATION" SUBJECT 1. Define the term "rehabilitation", call the main aspects of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation potential, rehabilitation prognosis. 2. Contents of medical aspects of rehabilitation. 3. Content of the physical aspects of rehabilitation. 4. Content of the psychological aspect of rehabilitation. 5. Content of the social and professional aspects of rehabilitation. 6. List the basic principles of rehabilitation. 7. Principles destination of physioprocedures. 8. List the physical factors that have a sedative effect. 9. List the physical factors, which have anti-inflammatory effects. 10. List the physical factors that have trophic effects. 11. List the physical factors that have bactericidal and bacteriostatic action. 12. List motor modes in a hospital and the main tasks therapeutic exercise these modes. 13. List propulsion modes for sanatorium stage of treatment and physical therapy for the basic tasks of these modes. 14. Terms of combining physical factors. Give examples of the combined physiotherapy and incongruous. 15. List the physical factors that have an analgesic effect. 16. List the physical factors that have immunostimulatory effects. 17. Which of the activities is a program of rehabilitation of patients with myocardial infarction, at a stationary stage? 18. Which of the activities is a program of rehabilitation of patients with myocardial infarction at a polyclinic stage? 19. Which of the activities is a program of rehabilitation of patients with myocardial infarction at a sanatorium stage? 20. Medical rehabilitation program content IHD effort angina FC II-III. 21. Contents of physical rehabilitation program IHD effort angina FC II-III. 22. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with bronchial asthma. 23. Contents of physical rehabilitation program in patients with bronchial asthma. 24. Which of the activities is a program of rehabilitation of patients with pneumonia at a stationary stage? 25. Which of the activities is a rehabilitation program for patients with pneumonia polyclinic stage? 26. Which of the activities is a rehabilitation program for patients with pneumonia sanatorium stage? 27. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with duodenal ulcer on the stationary phase. 28. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with duodenal ulcer on the sanatorium stage. 219 29. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic hepatitis. 30. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. 31. Content of the program of physical rehabilitation of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. 32. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, articular form. 33. Contents of physical rehabilitation program for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, articular form. 34. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation patients osreoarthrosis joints. 35. Content of the program of physical rehabilitation patients osreoarthrosis of the joints. 36. Content of the program of rehabilitation of patients with spinal osteochondrosis. 37. Which of the activities program is the rehabilitation of patients after stroke, on the stationary phase? 38. Which of the activities is a program of rehabilitation of patients after stroke, at a polyclinic stage? 39. Which of the activities is a program of rehabilitation of patients after stroke, at a sanatorium stage? 40. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with trigeminal neuralgia. 41. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with facial nerve neuritis. 42. Content of the program of physical rehabilitation of patients with facial nerve neuritis. 43. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with diabetes. 44. Content of the program of physical rehabilitation of patients with diabetes. 45. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with obesity. 46. Content of the program of physical rehabilitation of patients with obesity. 47. Which of the activities is a program of rehabilitation of patients who received broken limbs, in the period of immobilization. 48. Which of the activities is a program of rehabilitation of patients who received limb fractures in postimmobilization period. 49. Which of the activities program is the rehabilitation of patients who underwent surgery on the organs of the thoracic cavity on the stationary phase? 50. Which of the activities program is the rehabilitation of patients who underwent surgery on the organs of the thoracic cavity, at a polyclinic stage? 51. Which of the activities program is the rehabilitation of patients who underwent surgery on the organs of the thoracic cavity at a sanatorium stage? 52. Which of the activities program is the rehabilitation of patients who underwent surgery for abdominal organs, on the stationary phase? 220 53. Which of the activities program is the rehabilitation of patients who underwent surgery for abdominal organs, at a polyclinic stage? 54. Which of the activities program is the rehabilitation of patients who underwent surgery on the abdominal organs, for sanatorium-resort stage? 55. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients suffering from infertility. 56. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation patients climacteric syndrome. 57. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, allergodermia) on the stationary phase. 58. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, allergodermia) at health resort stage 59. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with scoliosis. 60. Content of the program of physical rehabilitation of patients with scoliosis. 61. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with diseases of ENT organs. 62. List contraindications to physical therapy. 63. Classification of physical factors, depending on their nature and syndromic pathogenetic. 64. Features of the program of rehabilitation of the cancer diseases. 65. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic pyelonephritis at a stationary stage. 66. Content of the program of medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic pyelonephritis sanatorium stage. 67. List contraindications to physical therapy. TEST QUESTIONS Nu mb er 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Tests Rehabilitation - is: Aspects of rehabilitation: In the medical aspect of rehabilitation does not include: In the physical aspect of rehabilitation include: In the social aspect of rehabilitation does not include: In the professional aspect of rehabilitation does not include: The basic principles of the rehabilitation process does not apply: The stationary phase of the rehabilitation of patients with myocardial infarction, do not apply: Physical rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction, hospitalization begins: The first stage of activity physical rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction, do not use the exercise: Specify contraindications to physical therapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system: Inductothermy contraindicated for the treatment of: Physiobalneofactors used in IHD patients have an effect: 221 14. 15 16 17 18 19. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 The most effective anti-inflammatory effect in bronchitis in children affects: For effects on renal hemodynamics in hypertension using: Diagnosis: Pneumonia lower lobe of the right lung. Pick a draining position: In the second phase of rehabilitation of patients with myocardial infarction (8-16 week) in terms of local cardiological sanatoriums, rehabilitation departments of hospitals and clinics can be assigned: A comprehensive recreational therapy hypertensive patient Phase II may include the following treatments: In arterial hypertension for primary influence on neuro-and hemodynamic processes in the CNS using: Diagnosis: Bronchial asthma remission. What tools are used in therapeutic exercise? In occupational lung diseases shows the assignment of inhalation: Diagnosis: CHD. Acute myocardial infarction without Q wave without complications. Determine the severity of the patient's functional class and exercise therapy appointment time: Diagnosis: Chronic obstructive bronchitis in acute stage of abating. In order to restore drainage function of bronchi not assigned exercises: Obstructive bronchitis appropriate use of methods of physiotherapy, bronchodilators have expectorant effects. It does not include: appropriate use of methods of physiotherapy, possessing expectorant bronchodilator effects. These include Of physiotherapy most broad indications in gastroenterology have: Diagnosis: Chronic cholecystitis. Pick a starting position that promotes drainage of the gallbladder: Indication for lavage (irrigation) bowel disease are the following: Patients with peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer in partial remission can be sent to a sanatorium: Spa treatment is not indicated in patients with chronic gastritis: With obesity grade I-II shows gidrobalneotherapy: In the primary stage of chronic pyelonephritis in subsiding exacerbation does not apply: In order to prevent exacerbations of chronic pyelonephritis in remission or minimal activity apply: The number and order of reception of mineral water in diseases of the stomach depends on: Of these factors, the greatest analgesic effect in chronic gastritis with pain syndrome have: Among the methods of recreational therapy of peptic ulcer leading place: Spa treatment at local health centers ill after viral hepatitis is contraindicated in case of: Diagnosis: Type II diabetes subcompensation stage. The range of physiotherapy exercises are not included: Diagnosis: Diabetes mellitus type II compensation stage. Define the problem of physical rehabilitation: In diabetes of moderate severity and microangiopathies impractical to appoint: Thyrotoxicosis treatment currents should not be prescribed on the region: Patient 38 years old, a year after thyroid surgery suffering hypothyroidism, arthropathy advisable to appoint: In a patient with chronic colitis after balneoprocedures noted increased abdominal pain, diarrhea, increased pain on palpation, strengthening dysbiosis, the recent 222 43 44 45. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 50 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 aggravation of 2.5 months ago. The reaction can be regarded as: Urolithiasis to stimulate locomotor activity ureters apply: Indication for the use of physical factors on the projection area of the kidney with curative intent is: In diabetes of moderate severity and microangiopathies in complex rehabilitation include: In subacute thyroiditis and drug allergy appoint: Rehabilitation program for the patient with duodenal ulcer include: Diagnosis: Rheumatoid arthritis articular form, activity II, for a slowly progressive. What form of exercise therapy is recommended? Patients with osteochondrosis pronounced sympathetic syndrome are encouraged to nominate: Trigeminal neuralgia in the acute stage does not apply physiotherapy following factors: Diagnosis: Post-traumatic arthritis of the temporomandibular joint. Define the problem therapeutic exercise: Patients with systemic sclerosis with pronounced proliferative phenomena in periarticular tissues is not assigned: Diagnosis: Scoliosis. Specify the kinds of the exercises: After transient ischemic attack patients with cerebral atherosclerosis may be directed to the resorts on the following dates: Diagnosis: Status after TBI, concussion (6 month). Какие exercise is not recommended for use in complex medical gymnastics? In psoriasis in the progressive stage of the disease is most appropriate destination: One of the most effective types of balneotherapy with atopic dermatitis in remission are: In the initial stages of deforming osteoarthritis, synovitis in the absence of phenomena, the following physical factors: Patients with osteoarthritis are not shown the following resorts: Neuritis of the facial nerve with initial signs of contracture, optimal exposure technique DC is: Neuritis of the peroneal nerve, accompanied by paresis of the foot, provides the greatest effect: In order to improve cerebral circulation in parkinsonism not apply the following physical factors: What aspect of rehabilitation is not included in the program of rehabilitation of patients with ankylosing spondylitis? To stimulate private glucocorticoid function of the adrenal cortex in patients with ankylosing spondylitis assigned the following physical factors: Traumatic neuritis of the ulnar nerve from the first days of the disease, apply the following physiotherapy treatments: Of physical treatments for migraine (vasospastic form) inappropriate use: When frozen shoulder in the acute period is not prescribed physiotherapy following factors: To stimulate weak muscles, improve the trophic metabolism in progressive muscular dystrophy prescribe physiotherapy following factors: When rheumatic nervous system (chorea) with the aim of sedation is used: Pronounced analgesic effect in osteochondrosis has combination of physical factors: Which of the physical treatments for cerebral palsy are aimed at strengthening weak muscles: 223 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 Optimal physical therapy appointments of gynecological patients is: During exacerbation of chronic salpingooforhitis caused by inflammation, electrophoresis shows: Diagnosis: Bilateral adnexitis. Subacute stage. Specify means therapeutic exercise: Patients with uterine myoma and mastopathy chest compressions: Diagnosis: Pregnancy 14 weeks. Things therapeutic exercise cease: From infancy children used physical factor: Specify the earliest date of application of ultrasound children: Safety during physical therapy in pediatrics does not include: In juvenile bleeding on the background of reduced hormonal activity advisable to appoint: In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy exercise is recommended to perform from the initial position: The group of anti-physical treatments for children with respiratory diseases are: In the treatment of scoliosis in children do not use: When traumatic muscular torticollis newborns do not prescribe: Children suffering from rickets, used for therapeutic purposes: Children with spastic constipation do not apply: For the prevention of exacerbations of rheumatic children do not prescribe: What physical factors are shown for pregnant women with SARS: Indications for use: What physical factors are shown at Lactostasis: Diagnosis: premenstrual syndrome. Physical therapy includes: In order to prevent adhesions in the pelvis in the postoperative period is assigned: Specify the physical factors used in step 2 to rehabilitation after surgery for ectopic pregnancy: Diagnosis: climacteric syndrome. Complex physical therapy includes: In the treatment of children is not permissible purpose in one day: What a welcome massage accelerates callus formation? Functional method of rehabilitation in surgery and traumatology is: Diagnosis: Bones of the right forearm injury. Early postimmobilization period. The complex consists of physical therapy exercise: In the medical-rehabilitation complex patients operated on the stomach, the first stage should include: Physiotherapy object infiltration step rise is not: Task of physiotherapy in the postoperative period is not: Diagnosis: postinjection infiltrate the gluteal region. In order to infiltrate resorption apply: Diagnosis: Варикозное расширение вен нижних конечностей. The objectives of the therapeutic exercise does not include: In the treatment of soft tissue injuries, fractures and dislocations are distinguished periods: Specify the physical factors with antiecssudative action: During the period of immobilization for injuries in the affected limb in the complex physical therapy exercises include: Ideomotor exercises and static muscle tension in immobilized limb used to: 224 10 8 10 9 11 0 18 5 11 2 11 3 11 4 11 5 11 6 11 7 11 8 11 9 12 0 12 1 General objectives of physical therapy in postimmobilization-term period does not apply: To stimulate peristalsis in the early postoperative abdominal exercises are used: In order bactericidal effect in wounds and trophic ulcers are recommended: In the postoperative period to prevent disease with a view to resolution therapy should establish: therapeutic exercise form in the early postoperative period after appendectomy: Physical factors that are assigned to the stage of infiltration at carbunculosis: Erysipelas shown everything except: Physical factors recommended in the early postoperative period after appendectomy: Physical treatments paraproctitis in the preoperative period: Physical factors that are assigned in the postoperative period in hidroadenitis: Purulent pleurisy of physical therapy does not apply: Specify the sanatorium, which is recommended for patients with dumping syndrome: Special exercises during immobilization in fractures of limbs: Specify the physical factors that have a bactericidal effect CASE PROBLEM 1.Solve the situational problem: A patient-types, 44 years. Diagnosis: acute myocardial infarction with Q wave left ventricular posterior wall, subacute stage, the 15th day of illness. 1. What aspects should be included in the program of rehabilitation of the patient? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy and exercise therapy. 3. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy and at what stage? 2.Solve the situational problem: A patient-types, 44 years. Diagnosis: acute myocardial infarction with Q wave left ventricular posterior wall, subacute stage, the 15th day of illness. 1. Determine the severity and functional class motoring. 2. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 3. Height at which the heart rate should be performed exercise? 3. Solve situational problem: A patient B., 58 years old, Clinical diagnosis : 225 Ref.: Hypertensive heart disease stage III. Hypertension II degree. Risk IV (very high). CHD. Exertional angina FC II. Sop.: Obesity II degree. 1. What aspects should be included in the patient's rehabilitation program? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of therapeutic exercise. 3. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 4. Solve situational problem: A patient Islands B., 58 years old, Clinical diagnosis : Ref.: Hypertensive heart disease stage III. Hypertension II degree. Risk IV (very high). CHD. Exertional angina FC II. Sop.: Obesity II degree. 1. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy. 2. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy? 3. What sanatorium recommend? 5. Solve situational problem. Patient Bv M., 63 years old, Clinical diagnosis : Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine with reflex pain. Osteoarthritis of the knee. Sop.: Obesity II degree (BMI 30 kg / m ²). Chronic cholecystitis without stones in remission. 1. What aspects should be included in the patient's rehabilitation program? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of therapeutic exercise. 3. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 6. Solve situational problem. Patient M., 63 years old, Clinical diagnosis : Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine with reflex pain. Osteoarthritis of the knee. Sop.: Obesity II degree (BMI 30 kg / m ²). Chronic cholecystitis without stones in remission. 1. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy. 2. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy? 3. What sanatorium recommend? 7. Solve situational problem: Patient K in B., 31 years old, Clinical diagnosis : Chronic obstructive bronchitis in the acute stage. 1. What aspects should be included in the program of rehabilitation of the patient? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of therapeutic exercise. 3. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 8. Solve situational problem: Patient K in B., 31 years old, Clinical diagnosis : Chronic obstructive bronchitis in the acute stage. 1. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy. 2. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy? 3. What sanatorium recommend? 9. Solve situational problem: 226 Patient K-va A., 40 years old, Clinical diagnosis : Distal reflux esophagitis. Axial hiatal hernia. Catarrhal gastro. Chronic cholecystitis in the acute stage. 1. What aspects should be included in the patient's rehabilitation program? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of therapeutic exercise. 3. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 10. Solve situational problem: Patient K-va A., 40 years old, Clinical diagnosis : Distal reflux esophagitis. Axial hiatal hernia. Catarrhal gastro. Chronic cholecystitis in the acute stage. 1. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy. 2. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy? 3. What sanatorium recommend? 11 Solve situational problem: On a patient-VI, 28 years old, clinical diagnosis: Хроническийпростатит. Urethritis. Sop.: Obesity I degree High myopia. Myopic chorioretinal dystrophy. 1. What aspects should be included in the program of rehabilitation of the patient? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of therapeutic exercise. 3. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 12 Solve situational problem: On a patient-VI, 28 years old, clinical diagnosis: Хроническийпростатит. Urethritis. Sop.: Obesity I degree High myopia. Myopic chorioretinal dystrophy. 1. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy. 2. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy? 3. What sanatorium recommend? 13 Solve the situational problem: Patient SE va T., 51 years old, clinical diagnosis: Type II diabetes mellitus in moderate stage subcompensation. Complications.: Diabetic macro-and microangiopathy. Diabetic neuropathy of the lower extremities. Diabetic retinopathy. 1. What aspects should be included in the patient's rehabilitation program? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of therapeutic exercise. 3. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 14. Solve the situational problem: Patient SE va T., 51 years old, clinical diagnosis: Type II diabetes mellitus in moderate stage subcompensation. Complications.: Diabetic macro-and microangiopathy. Diabetic neuropathy of the lower extremities. Diabetic retinopathy. 1. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy. 2. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy? 3. What sanatorium recommend? 227 15 Solve the situational problem: Patient-W in M., 60 years old, clinical diagnosis: Hypertensive heart disease stage III. Of ischemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery on the right. Hypertension II degree. Risk IV (very high). Donkey.: Article II encephalopathy. 1. What aspects should be included in the program of rehabilitation of the patient? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of therapeutic exercise. 3. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 16. Solve the situational problem: Patient-W in M., 60 years old, clinical diagnosis: Hypertensive heart disease stage III. Of ischemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery on the right. Hypertension II degree. Risk IV (very high). Donkey.: Article II encephalopathy. 1. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy. 2. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy? 3. What sanatorium recommend? 17. Solve the situational problem: Patient Y in S., 20 years old, clinical diagnosis: Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) central form, slowly progressive course. Activity I. X-ray stage II-III. FTS 0. 1. What aspects should be included in the program of rehabilitation of the patient? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of therapeutic exercise. 3. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 18 Solve the situational problem: Patient Y in S., 20 years old, clinical diagnosis: Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) central form, slowly progressive course. Activity I. X-ray stage II-III. FTS 0. 1. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy. 2. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy? 3. What sanatorium recommend? 19. Solve the situational problem: Patients with Island Z., 50 years old, clinical diagnosis: Double-sided pneumonia in the stage of resolution. Sop.: Acute facial nerve neuropathy right. 1. What aspects should be included in the patient's rehabilitation program? 2. Objectives pursued by the appointment of therapeutic exercise. 3. Make a rough set of physiotherapy patient. 20 Solve the situational problem: 228 Patients with Island Z., 50 years old, clinical diagnosis: Double-sided pneumonia in the stage of resolution. Sop.: Acute facial nerve neuropathy right. 1. Objectives pursued by the appointment of physiotherapy. 2. What factors can be assigned to physical therapy? 3. What sanatorium recommend? ВЫПОЛНЕНИЕ ПРАКТИЧЕСКИХ НАВЫКОВ 1. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy in hypertensive whiteness stage II hypertension 2 degrees. 2. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy treatments in CHD, angina FC II. 3. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy in bronchial asthma. 4. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy in duodenal ulcer patients in acute stage of subsiding. 5. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, articular form, arthritis, activity I. 6. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy treatments for osteoarthritis of the knee. 7. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy treatments in ankylosing spondylitis, a central form. 8. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy treatments in spinal osteochondrosis with reflex pain. 9. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy in chronic pyelonephritis under partial remission. 10. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy treatments in diabetes mellitus type II moderate complicated with diabetic microangiopathy and polyneuropathy. 11. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy in chronic adnexitis. 12. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy in chronic tonsillitis. 13. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy in chronic prostatitis. 14. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy in fractures in postimmobilization period. 15. Pathogenetically justified the appointment of physiotherapy after opening mastitis suppurative focus. 16. Perform the iontophoresis in chronic gastroduodenitis. 17. Perform the UHF-therapy for frozen shoulder. 18. Perform the electrodream therapy of insomnia. 19. Carry out the procedure at darsonvalisation with dystonia. 229 20. Perform the magnetic therapy for varicose veins of the lower extremities. 21. Perform the ultraphonophoresis for osteoarthritis of the knee. 22. Perform the UV irradiation in acute rhinitis. 23. Perform the LHE baths in chronic pyelonephritis. 24. Perform the paraffin-osocerite applications in rheumatoid arthritis with a lesion of the small joints of the hands. 25. Show special exercises for the patient with rheumatoid arthritis, affecting the small joints of the hands. 26. Show special exercises for scoliosis patients. 27. Show special exercises for patients with cervical osteochondrosis. 28. Show special exercises for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. 29. Show special exercises for patients with facial nerve paresis. 30. Show special exercises for patients who are on bedrest. 31. Show special exercises for patients with fractures of the forearm bones in the period of immobilization. 32. Show special exercises for patients with fractures of the forearm bones in postimmobilization period. 33. Show special exercises for patients with bronchial asthma. 34. Show special exercises for the patient flatfoot. 35. Show special exercises for patients with obesity. 36. Show special exercises for patients with chronic atopic colitis. 37. Referral to a spa treatment of a patient with COPD. 38. Referral to a spa treatment of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. 39. Referral to a spa treatment of the patient with chronic pyelonephritis. 40. Referral to a spa treatment of the patient with chronic gastritis. Write a prescription for physical therapy procedures ARRANGEMENT in such pathology 1. Write out a prescription for UHF therapy in nasopharyngitis. 2. Write out a prescription for electrophoresis at duodenal ulcer. 3. Write out a prescription for phonophoresis in osteoarthritis of the knee. 4. Write out a prescription for darsonvalization in hypertension. 5. Write out a prescription for UHF-therapy for Ankylosing spondylitis. 6. Write out a prescription for UV-therapy for ARI. 7. Write the recipe on paraffin-ozocerite baths with osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine. 8. Write out a prescription for mineral baths in rheumatoid arthritis. 9. Write out a prescription for UV-therapy for psoriasis. 10. Write out a prescription for aerosol with pharyngitis. 11 Write out a prescription for iontophoresis procedure in ankylosing spondylitis. 12 Write out a prescription for UHF therapy for right of shoulder periarthritis. 13 Write the recipe on paraffin-ozocerite applications osteoarthritis of the knee. 14. Write out a prescription for electrophoresis in hypertension. 15 Write out a prescription for the Charcot douche procedures for obesity. 230 16. Write out a prescription for UHF-therapy at the right-lower lobe pneumonia. 17th Write out a prescription for phonophoresis with reactive arthritis of the knee. 18 Write out a prescription for Diadynamic osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine with radicular pain syndrome. 19. Write out a prescription for elektrodream therapy with nocturnal enuresis. 20 Write out a prescription for Darsonvalization in diabetes complicated by diabetic microangiopathy and polyneuropathy of the lower extremities. 21 Write the recipe with magnetic therapy trophic ulcers. 22 Write out a prescription for the procedure infrared radiation for left otitis media. 23 Write out a prescription for ultraviolet irradiation procedure with rickets. 24 Write out a prescription for ultraviolet irradiation procedure with shingles. 25 Write out a prescription for laser therapy procedures in the cracks of the nipple. 26 Write out a prescription for a procedure at galvanizing asthenoneurotic syndrome. 27. Write out a prescription for ultrasound therapy procedures for operations in the late postoperative period. 28. Write out a prescription for a procedure in chronic bronchitis. 29. Write out a prescription for a procedure mineral baths in chronic pyelonephritis. 30. Write out a prescription for a procedure circular douche with asthenia of CNS. 231 “KLASTER” ORGANIZERSCHEME. REABILITATION IN BRONCHIAL ASTHMA 232 “ step” diagram scheme diseases of urinary tract Pielonefritis Glomerulonefritis Nephrolitiasis reabilitation 233 pyramide scheme ИНСУЛТДАН КЕЙИНГИРЕАБИЛИТАЦИЯНИНГ н АСОСИЙ ПРИ ЦИПЛАРИ: RECOVER MOVEMENT: REABILITATIO N AFTER STROKE RECOVER SPEECH RECOVER OF PSCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL ADAPTATION INCREASING OF LIMB TONUS: PAINKILLERS IN 15-20% CASES JOINT INJURIES RECOVER OF INJURED TISSUE TROFICS FIXED BANDAGE TO PATIENTS WITH SHOULDER TRAUM 234 4.1 logical diagram“What”. Contraindications. Hemorrhagic, traumatic and painful shocks. Bleeding and bleeding tendency. Foreign bodies in the vicinity of large vessels and nerves Reabitologiidemocratic event with traumarelated disease What? What? -Muscle hypertrophy -Muscle contraction Sheathe the problem at the turn of the extremities Ossal bonds reposition Lack reposition parts of the bones What? Tasks LFC 1-degree pelvic fracture 1) reduction of external respiration 2) improve the process of metabolism 3) adapt the organism to grow physical load What Improve emotional posture Ballroom Increasethat tone muscles 3. Types of therapeutic rehabilitation Medical Physical 235 Exercises which doing in uteroflexion 236 ГЛОССАРИЙ Реабилитация – бу касалликлар, жароҳатлар ёки жисмоний, кимёвий ва маиший омиллар таъсирида ўзгарган саломатлик ва функционал ҳолатларни, ҳамда меҳнатга қобилиятини тиклашдир. Реабилитация мақсади – бемор ва ногиронларни маиший ва меҳнат фаолиятига, жамиятга эрта ва эффективли қайтариш; инсоннинг шахсий хусусиятларини тиклаш. Реабилитацион натижа (прогноз) – бу беморнинг индивидуал заҳиралар ва компенсатор имкониятларини, касалликнинг характери ва кечишини ҳисобга олиб режалаштирилган вақт давомида белгиланган реабилитация мақсадига Реабилитацион зарурлик – агар жароҳатланиш ёки касалланиш натижасида функционал қобилиятларнинг қисқа ёки узоқ вақт бўзулиш ҳавфи тўғилганда, ташқи муҳитнинг негатив омиллари таъсирида бемор ҳолатининг ёмонлашиши ёки узоқ вақт чегараланиш хавфи кузатилганда керак бўлади. Реабилитацион қобилият – беморнинг соматик ва рухий ҳолатининг стабиллиги, тавсия этиладиган реабилитацион даволашга ёндошиш бўйича кучли қизиқишдир. Реабилитацион ёндошиш – бу касаллик асоратини енгишга, ҳаёт тарзини ўзгартиришга, ҳавфли омилларнинг камайишига ёрдам берувчи ҳар хил турларини қўшиб шифокорлик, ҳамширалик физиотерапевтик, эрготерапевтик, логопедик, диетологик ва психотерапевтик таъминлаш билан ўзаро алоқага кирувчи тиббий, педагогик, касбий ва ижтимоий характердаги тадбирлар комплексини қўллашдир. Тиббий реабилитация - тиббий реабилитациянинг асосий вазифаси организм турли система-ларининг ва таянч-ҳаракат аппаратининг функционал имкониятларини мукаммал тиклаш, ҳамда кундалик ҳаёт ва меҳнат шароитларига компенса-тор мослашишни ривожлантириш бўлиб ҳисобланади. Жисмоний реабилитация – жисмоний имконият ва ақлий қобилиятини тиклаш ёки компенсациялаш, организмнинг функционал ҳолатини ошириш ва яхшилаш, жисмоний тарбия воситалари ва усуллари, спорт элементлари, спорт бўйича тайёргарлиги, массаж, физиотерапия ва табиат омиллари ёрдамида одам организмининг жисмоний қобилиятини, руҳий эмоционал мустахкамлигини ва мослашувчи заҳираларинияхшилаш бўйича тадбирлар тизимидир. Руҳий реабилитацияда асосий эътибор бемор руҳий ҳолатининг коррекциясига, шунингдек унинг даволанишга, шифокор тавсияларига, реабилитация тадбирларини бажаришга тўғри ёндошишни шакллантиришга қаратилган. Бу йўналишда беморларга касаллик натижасида ўзгарган ҳаётий фаолиятга руҳий мослашиш учун зарурий шароитни яратиш керак. Касбий (меҳнат) реабилитацияда меҳнатга тиклаш (жойлаштириш), касбий ўқитиш ва қайта ўқитиш, беморларнинг меҳнатга қобилиятини аниқлаш саволлари хал қилинади ёки кўрилади. 237 Ижтимоий-иқтисодий реабилитацияда асосий эътибор шикастланган беморга иқтисодий мустақиллик ва ижтимоий мукаммалликни қайтаришга қаратилади. Бу вазифалар фақат тиббий муассасалар томонидангина эмас, балки ижтимоий таъминот органлари томонидан ҳам ҳал этилиши зарур. Физиотерапия - табиатнинг бир тармоғи бўлиб, табиий ва одам ҳосил қиладиган физик омилларининг физиологик ва даволаш таъсирларини ўргатади, уларнинг касалликни олдини олиш ва даволаш учун янги усулларни, шунингдек даволаб-тиклаш усулларини ҳам ишлаб чиқаради, шу билан бир қаторда уларни ҳаётга тадбиқ этади. Шифобахш жисмоний тарбия – бу жисмоний тарбия восита-ларини касалликни даволаш, олдини олиш ва беморларни реабилитацияси мақсадида қўллашдир. Гальванизация − даволаш мақсадида доимий токнинг паст кучланишли (80 вольтгача) ва кичик кучли ток (50 миллиампергача) қўлланилади. Электрофорез − организмга доимий ток ва у билан бирга организмга кирувчи дори моддасининг унча кўп бўлмаган миқдорининг биргаликда ёки бир вақтдаги таъсири тушунилади. Диадинамотерапия − 2 хил яримсинусоидал шаклдаги импульс токлари қўлланилади, яъни частотаси 50 Гц (бир тактли узлуксиз) ва 100 Гц (икки тактли узлуксиз). Бу токлар Бернар томонидан даволаш амалиётида қўллаш учун таклиф қилинган, шунинг учун Бернар токлари ҳам деб аталади. Синусоидал модулланган токлар − товушли частотасига эга бўлган (5000 Гц) модулланган синусоидал токлар билан таъсир кўрсатилади, у тери орқали яхши ўтади ва чуқур жойлашган тўқималарга таъсир кўрсатади. Бу хилда ток кучсиз қўзғатувчи таъсир этганлиги учун унинг 10-150 Гц атрофидаги паст частотали, яъни мушаклар биотокларининг частотасига яқин келадиган частотали модуляциясидан кенг фойдаланилади. Электруйку − организмга паст частотали тўғри бурчакли импульс токлари билан таъсир этилади. УЮЧ-терапия − даволаш мақсадида ультра юқори частотали ўзгарувчан электр майдонидан фойдаланилади. Ультра юқори частотали электр майдони узлук-сиз ва импульсли режимда қўлланилади. Импульсли режимда электр майдо-нининг кучли импульс сериялари ва улар ўртасидаги пауза алмашиниб туради. Микротулкин терапия − даволаш мақсадида ўта юқори частотали электромагнит тебранишлари қўлланилади. Тебранишларнинг тўлқин узунлиги 1 метрдан 1 ммгача, тебра-ниш частотаси 300 дан 30000 мГц гача. Бунда узунлиги 1 мм – 1 см келади-ган тўлқинлар (сантиметрли - СМТ) ва 10 см – 1 м келадиган тўлқинлар (дицеметрли - ДМТ) дан фойдаланилади. Магнитотерапия − организмга паст частотали ўзгарувчан магнит майдони ва доимий магнит майдони таъсирига асосланган физиотерапевтик усул магнитотерапия деб аталади. Франклинизация − бу юқори кучланишли (50-60 кВ гача) доимий электр майдони билан даволашдир. Ҳосил бўлган майдонда, электр зарядларининг 238 жойини ўзгартириши ҳисобига, ҳаводаги газли молекулаларнинг парчаланиши ҳосил бўлади. Дарсонвализация − юқори кучланишли (20 кВ гача), кичик кучли (0,015 – 0,02 мА) ва юқори частотали (110 кГц) импульс токлар билан даволаш усулидир. Бу ток турини биринчи марта француз олими Д.Арсонваль таклиф қилган. Индуктотермия − бу юқори частотали магнит майдони билан даволашдир. Индукто – тўплаш, термо – иссиқлик,яъни иссиқликни тўплаш маъносини билдиради. Ултратовуштерапия - даволаш амалиётида бошқа физиотерапевтик муолажалар билан бир қаторда ультратовуш билан даволаш ҳам кенг қўлланилади. Ультратовушлар физик муҳитда механик тебранишлар ҳосил бўлиши билан характерланади. Физиотерапия амалиётида ультратовушлар 800-900 кГ частотаси кўринишида қўлланилади. Тиббий даволаш амалиётида эса 800-3000 кГ равишда қўлланилиши мумкин. Даволаш жараёнида ультра товушларнинг организм ичига кириши уларнинг частоталарига боғлиқдир. Ултрафонофорез - ултратовуш тарқалиб кетмаслиги учун муолажани ҳар доим ёғли муҳитда ўтказилиши шарт. Бу усул ёрдамида организмга дори моддалари ( мазь, гель) киргизилади. Ёруғлик билан даволаш − тиббиёт амалиётида касалликларни даволаш ва олдини олиш мақсадида инфрақизил, қизил (кўринувчи) ва ультрабинафша нурлари кенг қўлланилади. Ёруғлик оқимида уларнинг тўлқин узунлиги ҳар хилдир, яъни инфрақизил нурларники 400 мкм – 760 нм, кўринувчи нурларники 760 нм – 400 нмгача, ультрабинафша нурларники 400 нм – 180 нмгача. Лазеротерапия – бу монохроматик (оптик спектрда бир тўлқин узунлиги бўлган диаазон бўлади), когерент (нурланиш электромагнит тембраниш частотали билан мос тушади) инфра кизил нурлар. Гидротерапия – чучук сувнинг махсус усуллар ёрдамида даволаш, касалликнинг олдини олиш ва тиббий реабилитация мақсадида қўлланилишига сув билан даволаш дейилади. Сувнинг махсус усуллар ёрдамида даволаш, касалликнинг олдини олиш ва тиббий реабилитация мақсадида қўлланилишига сув билан даволаш дейилади. Гидроаэроионотерапия - бу узида мусбат ёки манфий электр зарядларини тутувчи камбинирланган хаво молекулалари хамда сув молекулаларини (гидроаэроионлар) даво максадида куллаш усулидир.Хавонинг ионизациялашуви қуёш радиацияси космик нурлар, электр зарядлар, ердаги радиоактив воситалар, хаво массаларининг фаол харакатлари натижасида, хамда дарё, денгиз ва океанларнинг қирғоқларидаги сув бугланишлари таъсири остида юзага келади. Аэротерапия бу ўзида мусбат ёки манфий электр зарядларини тутувчи атмосфера хавосининг заррачаларини (аэроионлар) даво мақсадида қўллаш усулидир. 239 Аэрозолтерапия – дори моддаларини ингаляция усули ёрдамида организмга юборишдир. Баротерапия − баротерапия усули ёрдамида барометрик босимнинг 1 атмосферадан паст бўлган манфий босими ва 1 атмосферагача бўлган босимлар билан даволаш жараёнида қўлланилади. Баротерапия маҳаллий ва умумий усулларда ўтказилади. Бальнеотерапия минерал сувнинг махсус усуллар ёрдамида даволаш, касалликнинг олдини олиш ва тиббий реабилитация мақсадида қўлланилишига сув билан даволаш дейилади. Талассотерапия денгиз сувнинг махсус усуллар ёрдамида даволаш, касалликнинг олдини олиш ва тиббий реабилитация мақсадида қўлланилишига сув билан даволаш дейилади. Псаммотерапия – ҳар хил усуллар ёрдамида кум билан даволаш. Пелоидотерапия − даволаш мақсадида ил, торфли, сапропелли, сопкали балчиқлардан фойдаланилади Спелеотерапия – табиий ғорларда даволаниш. Галотерапия – сунъий ҳосил қилинган ғорларда даволаниш. Сунъий физик омиллари – физиотерапевтик аппаратлар ёрдамида физик омилларни ҳосил килиш. Табиий физик омиллари – табиат омиллари: сув, ҳаво, қуёш нури, иқлим, қум, лой, балчиқ ва бошқалар. Массаж – бу касалликни даволаш ва олдини олиш усулидир. У билан тана юзасига ёки баъзи органларга махсус усуллар билан таъсир тилади. массаж асосан қўл билан қилинади, лекин махсус асбоблар ёрдамида аппарат билан ҳам ўтказилади. Механотерапия –бунда тиббий асбоблар, аппаратлар ва тренажерлардан фойдаланилади. Тиббий асбоблар – оғизни ва лабларни кенгайтирувчи, аппаратлар – ортопедик мосламалар, ёрдамчи мосламалар ва Жом аппарати, тренажерлар – велоэргометр, велотренажер, югурувчи йўлка, “эшкак эшиш”, куч талаб қилувчи тренажерлар, “чигиритка” тренажери ва ҳ.з. Мехнаттерапия – беморнинг эмоционал руҳий ҳолатларига оид саволларни хал қилиш учун қўлланилади. Меҳнат билан даволаш шифохона ва уй шароитларида олиб борилади. Шифохонада, айниқса асаб касалликлари, травматология, ревматология ва бошқа бўлимларда муҳим аҳамиятга эга. Асаб касалликлари бўлимида беморларнинг ўзига-ўзи хизматини тиклаш, травматологияда – меҳнат стендларидан фойдаланиб, беморни ҳаёт фаолиятида зарур меҳнат-ларга ўргатиш. Уй шароитида мева ва сабзавотларни тозалаш, ҳамирли овқат қилиш, тугиш, бичиш машқлари, боғ ва полизларда меъёрли ишлаш. Эрталабки гигиеник гимнастика – 15 – 20 минут давомида бажарилади, қўллашдан мақсад организмнинг умумий тонусини кўтариш, тетиклаштириш. Шакл якка, кичик гуруҳ, гуруҳ ҳолида ўтказилади. Даволовчи гимнастика – шифохонада ўткзиладиган шаклларнинг асосийси бўлиб ҳисобланади. Муолажа 3 қисмдан иборатдир (кириш қисми, асосий 240 қисми, тугалланиш қисми). Даволовчи гимнастика муолажасини амалга ошириш учун ҳар бир система касаллигига, ҳар бир касалликка алоҳида гимнастик машқлар комплекси тузилади ва якка, кичик гуруҳ, гуруҳ ҳолида ўтказилади. Терренкур – ҳар хил кўтарилиб тушиш бурчагига, масофа узунлигига эга бўлган махсус тайёрланган йўлка. Бу шакл асосан санатория-курортларда, диспан-серларда қўлланилади. Юрак-қон томир касалликларида, нафас органлари, ошқозон-ичак йўли, таянч-ҳаракат аппарати касалликлари ва модда алмашинуви бузилиши бор беморларга тавсия этилади. Уйинли дарс – шифохонадан ташқарида ўйин воситаларидан фойдаланган ҳолда ўйинли дарслар амалга оширилади. Бу билан беморлар организмини ўсиб борувчи жисмоний юкламаларга мослаштириб борилади. Яқин туризм асосан санатория-курортларда, тоғли шароитда қўлланилиб, беморларга кунига кўп эмас, кам эмас ўрта ҳисобда 15 кмгача юриш тавсия этилади. Амалий спорт машқлари – бу машқлар ёрдамида юкламаларга мослаштириш, ошириб бориш, қон ва лимфа айланишлари, модда алмашинувининг яхшиланиши амалга оширилади. Уларга қуйидагилар киради : юриш, югуриш, ўтирган ва турган ҳолатларда эшкак эшиш, сузиш, чанғи ва конки учиш, велосипед ҳайдаш. Санаторий − бу курортдаги даволаш-профилактик муассаса булиб,бунда табиат омилларидан, диетотерапиядан, физиодаволаш, шжт ва шу каби белгиланган тартиблардан кенг фойдаланилади. Курорт − табиий даволаш омилларига, минерал манбаларига, шифо-бахш балчиқ қатламларига, мақбул иқлимга, шунингдек беморларнинг даволаниши ва дам олиши учун мўлжалланган бальнеотехник, гидротехник иншоатларига, санаторияларига эга бўлган жойдир. РЕФЕРАТ МАВЗУЛАРИ 1.Юрак қон-томир тизимидаги операцияларидан кейинги реабилитацияси. Реабилитация босқичлари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқларни қўллаш, таъсир механизмлари. 2.Нафас тизими билан касалланган беморларни Ўзбекситондаги санатор давоси. Нафас касаликларининг реабилитация-сида санатор–курортга саралаш. Тоғли курортлар. Спелеотерапия. 3.Ошқозон ичак тракти касаллик-ларини бальнеологик даволаш. Минерал сувлар таркиби, минерал сувларни қўлланилиш усуллари, санотор куророрт даволашдаги ўрни. 4.Умуртқа поғона касалликларида комплекс реабилитация усуллари. Умуртқа поғанаси касалликларида умуртқа поғанасини чўзиш (тракцион терапияси). Йога-асана (махсус даст-лабки ҳолатда даволаш). 5.Турли касалликлар реабилитация-сида меҳнат билан даволаш усулининг аҳамияти. 241 Меҳнат билан даволаш турлари. Юрак-қонтомир, таянч-ҳаракат, семизлик ва бошқа касалликларда меҳнат билан даволашни қўллаш. 6.Қандли диабет асоратларини ком-плекс реабилитацияси. Диабетик ангиопатия ва полинейро-патияда физиотерапевтик омилларни ва ШЖТ воситаларини қўллаш. 7.Тери касалликлари билан касал-ланган беморларни Ўзбекситондаги санатор давоси. Тери касалликлари билан касалланган беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичларига йўлланма бериш, бунда курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. Иқлимли ва бальнео-логик санаторийлар. 8.Гепатит касаллигида реабилита-ция. Реабилитация этаплари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқлар ва физиотерапевтик омилларини қўллаш, беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичларига йўлланма бериш. 9.Онкологик касалликларининг реабилитацияси. Онкологик касалликларида реабили-тациянинг ўзига хослиги. Руҳий ва жисмоний реабилитацияси. 2.Суяк синишларида ва остеопороз касаллигида тиббий реабилитация усуллари. Реабилитация этаплари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқлар ва физиотерапевтик омилларини қўллаш, таъсир механизмлари. 10.Операциялардан кейинги реаби-литация босқичлари. Реабилитация этаплари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқлар ва физиотерапевтик омилларини қўллаш, таъсир механизмлари, беморларни санатор-курорт даволаш босқичларига йўлланма бериш. 11.Болалар церебрал параличларида реабилитация усуллари. Реабилитация этаплари, жисмоний реабилитациясида махсус машқлар ва физиотерапевтик омилларини қўллаш, таъсир механизмлари. 12.Бепуштлик билан касалланган беморларни Ўзбекситондаги санатор давоси. Санатор-курорт даволаш босқичларига йўлланма бериш, курорт турини аниқлаш ва йил фаслини белгилаш. АДАБИЁТЛАР РЎЙХАТИ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Асосий: Боголюбов В.М. «Медицинская реабилитация » Москва, 2006,3 тома. Бабаджанов С.Н. «Справочник физиотерапевта», Ташкент, 1999г. 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Интернет сайтлари: http://www. http://www. 244 THE NATIONAL PROGRAM ON SHOTS (It is confirmed by the Law of Republic Uzbekistan from 29 ugust 1997 y.) General provisions The republic Uzbekistan carries out constructionyandyy the societies, the rights providing observance and freedom of the person, spiritual updating of a society, formation of the socially-focused market economy,in the world community. Y the purpose and motive power of transformations realised in republic is the person,y development and y, creation of conditions and effective mechanisms of realisation of interests of the person, change of the become obsolete stereotypes of thinking and behaviour. The important condition of development of Uzbekistan is formation of perfect system shots on a basis yyheritages of the people and universal values, achievements of modern culture, economy, a science, technics and y. Nationalonshots corresponds to positions of the Law of Republic Uzbekistan "About education", it is developed on the basis of the analysisexperience, proceeding from world achievements in an education system and it is focused on formationgenerations of shots with high general and professional culture, creative and social activity, ability independently to be guided in the political life, capable to put and solve a problem by prospect. y provides realisation of national model preparation shots, creation social and economic, legal, psiholoyo-pedayoyicheskih and other conditions for formation of comprehensively developed person, adaptation to a life in a modern changing society,a choice anddevelopment educational and professional y, education y, understanding the civil responsibility,and a family. 1. Problems and preconditionssystem transformations preparation shots 1.1.a level of development Finding by Republic Uzbekistan yy the sovereignty, a choicea wayanddevelopments have causedof structure and maintenances preparation shots, have caused acceptance of some measures: Law introduction "About education" (1992 y.); introduction of new curricula, y, textbooks, working outy maintenance; realisation of certification and accreditation of educational institutions; creation of new types of educational institutions. In sphereeducations the network kindergartens and complexes "a kindergarten - school" develops. It is created more than 800on training of children to foreign languages, y, to graphic and musical art, bases computer y. The network of schools and general educational educational institutionstype develops. 238 lycées and 136function. "Economic education", "Rural school", "Rehabilitation of children with deviations in development" andare realised target programm "y ", " ". In republic comprehensive schools work over 435 thousand teachers from which 73 percent have higher education. 245 It is begunprofessionally-tehnicheskoyo educations taking into account territorial features of formation of a labour market, first of all in a countryside. In this system 442 educational institutions, including - 209 vocational schools, 180 professional lycées and 53 business schools with the generalpupils 221 thousand person nowadays function. In educational institutionsy educations work now about 20 thousand teachers and the qualified experts. In republic 258 educational institutionsy educations withpupils of 197 thousand persons operate. In them works about 16 thousand teachers and engineering-pedayoyicheskih workers. The system of the higher school of Uzbekistan includes 58 higher educational institutions, including 16 universities, 12 from which are created for first twoy developments of Uzbekistan and 42 institutes withstudents of 164 thousand persons. In high schools of 52 percent of the doctor and candidates of sciences work 18,5 thousand teachers, from them. In higher education decentralisation andpreparation shots is spent, the network of educational institutions extends, receives development a university education. It is begunshots in new branches of knowledge, higher school transition onsystem is carried out. Take rootmethods of an estimation of level of knowledge of entrants and students on the basis of testing and yy the control. According to increased requirements to quality scientific and scientificallypedayoyicheskih top skills shots it is carried outshots in postgraduate study and doctoral studies. The Higher certifying commission is created. In republic it is trained about 4 thousand post-graduate students, from them of 69 percent - in systemeducations and 31 percent - in scientific research institutes. 8 percent make of an aggregate number scientific and scientifically-pedayoyicheskih shots of the doctor of sciences and candidates of sciences - 37 percent. In system of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots 23 institutes, 16 faculties, 4 centres and 14 courses of improvement of qualification function. It is spent purposefula policy on support of presented children and studying youth. The special centres and funds on revealing of talented young men and girls, assistance rendering, creation of conditions for development of their abilities and talents,training and training of capable youth in leaders foreign educational and centres of science are created. International contacts in science and education sphere extend. Nevertheless, spent transformations have not provided conformity of growth of quality preparation shots to requirements socially -country development. 1.2. Lacks and problems preparation shots it is necessary to carry its discrepancy to requirements of the democratic and market transformations, insufficient financially - technical and information base to number of the most essential lacks of operating systemprocess, shortage highly skilled yy shots, the qualitative uchebno-methodical, scientific literature and didactic materials, absenceinteractions andy between an education system, a science and manufacture. 246 The problem of maintenance of close interrelation between structure, the maintenance of training and educational processes, their stages, that is - a problemsystemseducations is not resolved. The existing education system does not meet the requirements, which are shown toshots in developed democratic y. The educational system, educations and preparation shots is not connected with spent to lives, in a society reforms, mismatches requirements of carried out transformations. There is unsatisfactory a conditioneducation and education. Coverage of children by preschool centres makes 25 percent fromnumbers. Exists defined between levelchildren who have come to school from preschool institutions and a family. , the training, developing froma spectrum of lacksprocess of training and education techniques at schools andeducational institutions leads to that at pupils the independent thinking does not develop, is absentto the considered, realised decision-making. The pupils who have studied 9-11 classes, do not know what to do further, they do not have self-trust. Only 10 percent of graduates of high school arrive in higher educational institutions. The eleven-year general secondary education, at obligatory nine-year, is not scientifically proved, does not provide due vocational counselling and a practical orientation of training, formationthinking, skills of labour activity.about 100 thousand graduates of base school remain not claimed in sphere of manufacture andy educations. As a result of absence of continuity between general educational and professionalin an existing education system at graduates base and high school necessary vocational counselling and skills of labour activity is not formed. Young men and girls experience serious difficulties in a choicethe ways, corresponding to their abilities, desires, creative and labour bents. Educational process is guided by pupils with an average level of knowledge, training mechanisms on individual educational y, especially presented youth are poorly used. Educational programm were not completely released yet from, in them it is not taken awayplaces to the sciences training to bases of morals and spirituality, giving economic, legal and aesthetic knowledge. Transition from technical training colleges to educational institutionstype has declarative character. Actually training in them is carried out on out-of-date material base and uchebno-methodical maintenance, the teaching personnel, done not pass corresponding y. The single-level higher education does not consider in full requirement of a labour market, structural changes in manufacture and positive international experience. There is sufficient independence of educational institutions inuchebnovospitatelnoyo no process, they are badly adapted for changing conditions of the marketwork. Have not joined properly in process preparation shots of establishment of a science, manufacture and public institutes. Working out and introduction mechanismseducational standards, functionscertifications and accreditations of 247 educational institutions are not defined, the system of an estimation of level of knowledge trained does not provide objectivity and efficiency. The prestigeeducations and the social status of teachers, tutors and instructors, scientific and scientifically - yy shots decreases. Is absentin the field of educationaland preparation shots, schemes yy financings of an education system and preparation shots are unfinished. Vital issue is weakthe most part of teachers, yy and tutors, their low educational and professional level, essential shortage qualified yy shots is felt. In a preschool education fromnumbers of tutors and yy only 20 percent have higher education. schools teachers makes 93 percent, however separate areas of maintenance with them within 77-80 percent, and on some disciplines - to 50 percent. There is "ageing" scientific and scientifically-pedayoyicheskih shots. In higher educational institutions of republic the quantity of doctors of sciences till 40 years makes0,9 percent from their general number, and at the age from 50 years and above - 79 percent. Middle age of the doctors of sciences confirmed in a scientific degree makes 50 years, and candidates of sciences - 36 years. 1.3. Reforming preconditions The major preconditionssystem transformations preparation shots are: dynamical advancement of republic on a construction wayyandyy societies; realisation of radical changes in a national economy, consecutive transformation of an economy of republic from mainly raw orientation on release of competitive end production, expansioncountry potential; the statement of a priority of interests of the person and education into social policy; growthconsciousness, formation of patriotism, feelingfor the fatherland, respect toto national cultural-historical traditions and an intellectual heritage of the people; y Uzbekistan in the world community, consolidation of positions and authority of republic on the world. 2. The purpose, problems and stages of realisation national programm 2.1. The purpose and problems The purpose present programm - radical reforming of the education sphere, full refusal of it, creation of National system preparation highly-skilled personnel at level developed democratic y, meeting the requirements high spirituality and morals. Purpose realisation provides the decision of following problems: education system reforming according to the Republic Uzbekistan Law "About education", its maintenancedevelopments asuchebno-scientificallyproizvodstvennoyo a complex on a basisandeducational institutions, formation of the competitive environment in a sphere of education and preparation shots; coordination of an education system and preparation shots with transformations spent in a society, constructionyy; 248 maintenance of establishments of system preparation shots highly skilled experts, increase of prestige andthe status yy activity; y structures and maintenances preparation shots, proceeding their prospectsanddevelopments of the country, requirements of a society, modern achievements of a science, culture, technics and y; y structures and maintenances preparation shots, proceeding from prospectsanddevelopments of the country, requirements of a society, modern achievements of a science, culture, technics and y; working out and introduction of effective forms and methods spirituallyeducation trained and educational work; introduction of objective system of an estimation of quality of education and preparation shots, certification and accreditation of educational institutions; creation of the standard, material and information base providing demanded level and quality of education,functioning anddevelopments, systems preparation shots in new social and economic conditions; maintenance effectiveeducations, sciences and manufactures, working out of mechanisms of formation of requirements y, and also the orderstructures, the enterprises andon quantity and qualityshots; working out and introduction in practice of real mechanisms of attraction of off-budget means, including foreign investments, into systemeducations and preparation shots; development cooperation in area preparation shots. 2.2. Realisation stages programm The purposes and problems National programm are realised stage by stage: The first stage (1997-2001 yy.) - creation of legal personnel, scientificallymethodical, financially-material conditions for its reforming and development on the basis of preservationpotential of existing system preparation shots. At this stage it is necessary: to make structural reorganisation and radical updating of the maintenance of an education system according to the Law "About education"; preparation and to raise qualification yy and scientifically - yy shots to level,to modern requirements; to create and introducethe educational standards defining necessary requirements to qualityand qualification trained, their cultural and spirituallymoral level; to develop and introduce new generation of uchebno-methodical complexes,andmaintenanceprocess; preparation necessary material, uchebno - methodical and personnel base fory,educations; to improve mechanisms of attraction of off-budget means in education andshots, to create the competitive environment in sphere educational y, having provided, along with y, developmenteducational institutions; 249 to develop and entersystem of an estimation of activity of educational institutions, systemqualities preparation shots and requirements for them; to expand and strengthen international contacts, to develop and carry out real measures on assistance international donorand funds inshots, and also to attraction of foreign investments into a republic education sphere; to carry outrealisations National programm onshots. At the given stage reception of children in school since six-seven years will be carried out, taking into consideration their physical and intellectual development. It is carried out intensivey numbers of student's places with necessary material conditions and security yy shots. On a basisperformancea stage directions of realisation National programm are specified. The second stage (2001-2005 yy.) - full-scale realisation National programm, its updating with the accountexperience of performance, development of a labour market and real social and economic conditions. Full transition to an obligatory general average and an average special, to vocational training, and also to the differentiated training, proceeding from abilities and possibilities of pupils is carried out. Completion of educational institutions speciallyqualified yy is provided with shots, the competitive environment of their activity is formed. Strengthening of material and information base of educational institutions proceeds, teaching and educational process is provided with the high-quality educational literature and front lines yy y. System informationeducations is carried out. Mechanisms of formation of the market educationalwill to the full be involved. The third stage (2005 and the subsequent y) - perfection and the further development of system preparation shots on the basis of the analysis and generalisationexperience, according to prospects socially -country developments. The further strengthening of resource, personnel and information base of the educational institutions, full satisfaction uchebno-vospitatelnoyo process by the newest uchebno-methodical complexes and front lines yyis spent. Formation and development of national (elite) higher educational institutions, consolidation of forms of independence and self-management of professional educational institutions is carried out. Informationthe process, full coverage of systemeducations by the computer information networks having an exit in world information networks is provided. 3. National model preparation shots The basic components of National model preparation shots are: the person -the subject and object of system preparation shots, the consumer and the manufacturer educational y; y and a society -preparation and the demands of shots which are carrying outof activity and the control over functioning of an education system and preparation of shots; 250 continuous education - a basis preparation the qualified competitive shots, including all kinds of education,educational standards, structure and the functioning environment; a science - the manufacturer and the consumer of highly skilled experts, the developer advanced yy and information y; manufacture - the basic customer defining requirement for shots, and also requirements to quality and their level y, the participant of financing and is material-tehnicheskoyo system maintenance preparation shots. Y and a society provide an openness andsystem functioningeducations and preparation shots. Performance by Republic Uzbekistan internationaland conventions in the field of human rights, education, the rights of the child, the accounty experience in sphere preparation shots also is one of factors of its development. 3.1. The person Y the policy in area preparation shots provides formation of versatily developed person -through systemthe educations, inseparably linked with intellectual and spiritually-moral education of the person. Here one ofconstitutional laws- the right to education, display of creative abilities, intellectual development, professional work is realised. The law "About education" provides compulsion of receptiony andy,educations, and also the right and ample opportunities of a choice of forms and kinds of education and professional preparation, continuous improvement of professional skill, if necessary, - corresponding y. Persons, as to the consumer educational y, througheducational standards,a quality education and professional y. Thus the person is obliged to fulfil the requirements which have been put in pawn ineducational standards. The person as the manufacturer educational y, having received a corresponding skill level, participates in transfer of knowledge and experience in process of education, activity to spheremanufactures, sciences, cultures and y. 3.2.and a society Y and a society actfunctioning and system developments preparation shots, co-ordinators of activity of educational institutions onhighly skilled competitive experts. a society Realisation of the rightson education, a choiceways and improvement of professional skill; Receptiony y,y,educations, with the option of a direction of training in the academic lycée or professional college; The reception rightandeducations on basey or on a platno-contract basis; Financingeducational institutions; Developmentmanagements in the decision of problems on maintenance of conditions for study, a life and rest of the trained; Social support of participantsprocess; 251 Reception of education by persons within a state of health and deviations in development. 3.3. Continuous education Continuous education is a system basis preparation shots, the priority sphere providing social and economic development of Republic Uzbekistan, satisfying economic, social, scientific and technical and cultural requirements of the person, a society and y. Continuous education creates necessary conditions of formation creative, socially active, spirituallypersons and advancing preparation highly skilled competitive shots. 3.3.1. Creation and development principleseducations Functioning principleseducations: educations - prime characterdevelopments, prestigiousness of knowledge, erudition andintelligence; education democratisation - expansion of independence of educational institutions in a choice of methods of training and education, transition to a yosudarstvenno-public control system of education; y educations - disclosing of abilities of the person and satisfactionvarious educational requirements, maintenance national and universal values,relations of the person, a society and environment; y educations - formation at trained aesthetically yy outlooks, high spirituality, culture andthinking; the national orientation of education consisting iny unity with national history, national traditions and customs, preservation andcultures of the people of Uzbekistan, an education recognition the major tooldevelopments, respect for history and culturethe people; indissolubility of training and education, an orientationprocess on formation of comprehensively developed person; revealing of the presented youth, creation of conditions forreceptions of fundamental and special knowledge at the highest level educations. 3.3.2. Reforming directionseducations Reforms in sphereprovide educations: cardinal improvementeducation system potential, increase of prestigiousness of a trade of the tutor, the teacher, the teacher andthe worker; development of various kindsandeducational institutions; structural reorganisation of an education system, a basic change educational and professionaltaking into account modern world achievements of education, a science, technics and y, economy and cultures; transition maintenance to an obligatory general average and an average special, to vocational training; 252 creation of educational institutionstype, as centres y,educations,with a science and manufacture; y,and improvement of professional skill of shots, including administrative, by new trades and the specialities connected with wide developmenty, structural transformations to economy, expansion of scales of foreign investments, business development,andbusiness; development of spiritual and moral qualities trained at all levels and steps of education on the basis of principles of national independence and a priority yyheritages of the people and universal values; perfection of a control system by education, development of formsmanagements,educational institutions; working out and realisation of measures on strengthening of a role of a family, parents, public y, ,and the international funds in education reception, and also spiritually-moral, intellectual and physical training of children and youth; creation and introduction of system of an objective estimation of qualityprocess and preparation shots; formation of mechanisms of maintenance of an education system financial, material andresources; creation and development in practice of real mechanismsy educations with a science and manufacture; expansion and development of cooperation with foreign both international educational and scientific y; creationand yy conditions for reception of education by persons of not radical nationality on the native language in their placesresiding; perfection y, y, yy and mediko-yiyienicheskoyo education and education trained on all educational levels. 3.3.3. System and kindseducations System functioningeducations is provided on a basiseducational standards, continuity educationaly level and includes following kinds of education: a preschool education; the general secondary education; an average special, vocational training; higher education; education; improvement of professional skill andshots; nonscholastic adult education. Distinctive feature of National model preparation shots is introduction, as independent steps,yandy y,educations which provide continuity of transition from general educational to professional educational y. General educational programm cover: preschool, initial (I-IV classes), the general secondary education (I-IX classes), an average special, vocational training. 253 Professional educational programm include an average special, professional, the higher (a bachelor degree, y) and education, improvement of professional skill andshots. Preschool education The preschool education provides formation of the healthy, developed person of the child, clearing upto the doctrine,to regular training. It is carried out till six-seven years inandpreschool institutions and in a family.educations actively participate in realisation of the purpose and problems , public andy, the international funds. For developmenteducations should be carried out: Priorityqualified personnel - tutors and yy; Search and introduction effective psiholoyo-pedayoyicheskih techniqueseducations; y, psiholoyo-pedayoyicheskoe and methodical maintenanceeducation of children; Working out and manufacture of modern uchebno-methodical grants and technical attributes,and y; Creation of conditions for spiritually-nravstvennoyo education of preschool children on a basis yy cultural-istoricheskoyo heritages of the people and universal values; Choice possibility for various kinds of preschool centres, reception qualified consultingon all questionseducations; Working out of mechanisms of support and development of a network of preschool educational and improving establishments. The general secondary education The general secondary education, with term of training of 9 years (I-IX school classes), is obligatory. It includes an elementary education (I-IV classes) and provides reception of regular knowledge on bases of sciences, develops requirement for mastering by knowledge, forms base educational, scientific and common cultural knowledge, spiritually - moral qualities on the basis of national and universal cultural wealth, labour skills, the creative thinking, the realised relation to world around and a trade choice. On endy educations the certificate yy the sample with instructions of educational disciplines and estimations on them stands out. For formation of new structure and the maintenancey educations it is necessary: To develop and introducethe educational standards providing qualitative general secondary education within the limits of I-IX of classes of school, with the accountcommunications with the subsequent educationalin the academic lycées and professional colleges; preparation shots highly skilled yy; To develop a network of educational institutions according to yy andfeatures of territories, requirements of the person, a society and y; 254 To introduce the differentiated approach to training according to abilities and possibilities y; To create front lines yytraining, modern uchebno-methodical complexes and didactic maintenance uchebno-vospitatelnoyo process; To create a network of the centres of vocational counselling and psiholoyo yy consultations trained. Average special, vocational training The obligatory average special, vocational training with term of training three y, on basey educations, is an independent kind in systemeducations. The directiony,educations - the academic lycée or professional college gets out pupils voluntary. The academic lycée gives the average vocational education according tothe educational standard, provides intensive intellectual development, y, the profile, differentiated, professionally focused training taking into account possibilities and interests of pupils. In the academic lycées the trained have possibility on the selected works them to a training direction (y, technical, y, etc.) to raise level of knowledge and to generate the special professional skills directed onstudying of sciences for the purpose of continuation of training in concrete higher educational institution, or their realisation in labour activity. The professional college gives an average special, vocational training in frameworksyythe standard; providesdevelopment of professional bents, skills of pupils, finding of one or several specialities by the chosen trades. Professional colleges on the of equipment, to selection yyy structure,training process are educational institutionsthe type, giving possibility of mastering of one and more modern trades and acquisitionstheoretical knowledge on subject matters. Training in the academic lycées and professional colleges providesknowledge and acquisition by pupils of the chosen specialities. To graduates of the academic lycées and professional colleges diplomas yy the sample, granting the right to training continuation at following steps of education, or employment by labour activity on the got specialities and trades stand out. Forand developmentsy,educations it is necessary: To develop and introduce standard base of functioning of the academic lycées and professional colleges; To carry outand y, including abroad, qualified yy shots with attraction of experts of the higher educational institutions, manufactures, sciences and cultures; To develop and introducestandardsy,educations; To develop educational and professional programm, uchebno-methodical complexes for educational institutionsy,educations; To develop and introduce specialised programm for acquisition of skills of labour activity by pupils of the academic lycées; To develop the list of specialities and the trades, the qualified requirements to experts,in professional colleges; 255 To provide creation and rational placing of educational institutions of systemy,educations with the accountand yy conditions of territories and local requirements for expertsa profile, to carry out the maximum coverage trained without their separation from a family; To strengthen material and information base of the academic lycées and professional colleges. Higher education The higher education is based on basey,educations and has two steps: a bachelor degree and y. The enrolment of students in the higher educational institutions is carried out on basey and on a platno-contract basis. Bachelor degree - base higher education with fundamental and applied knowledge in a direction of specialities, with duration of training not less than four years. On termination of baccalaureate programm to graduates, ony certifications, degree "bachelor" by a trade is awarded and the diploma yy the sample who grants the right to be engaged in professional work stands out. y - higher education with fundamental and applied knowledge on a concrete speciality with duration of training not less than two years on the basis of a bachelor degree. Endprogramm is qualifyingcertification with degree award "y".the diploma yy the sample, granting the right to be engaged in professional work stands out. Forand developments of two-level systemeducations it is necessary: To develop and introduceeducational standards for a bachelor degree and y; preparation professorial shots for the higher educational institutions, including in leaders foreign educational and centres of science; To spend structural transformations of the higher educational institutions; To improve management, to expand independence of the higher educational institutions, to enter public management in forms of councils of founders, trustees, the public supervisory boards; To develop and enter into practice effective mechanismseducations with a science and manufacture; To develop and masterand means of an individualization of training, selfeducation, systemeducations; To intensify training of students with use new yy and information y, modular system preparation; To providean education orientation on a basis yyandheritages of the people and universal values. Poslevuzovskg education Poslevuzovskg education is directed on maintenance of requirements of a society in scientific and scientifically-pedayoyicheskih top skills shots, satisfaction of creative obrazovatelno-professional interests of the person. Poslevuzovskg education can be received in higher educational institutions and research establishments (postgraduate study, , doctoral studies, competition). 256 Steps (postgraduate, doctor's)educations come to the end with dissertation protection. By resultsy certifications, are awarded scientific degrees, accordingly, the candidate of sciences and the doctor of sciences, with delivery of diplomas yy the sample. Actions for support and developmentinclude educations: System perfection preparation and certifications scientific and scientificallypedayoyicheskih top skills shots according to the Law "About education" and prospectsandcountry developments; Priorityscientifically-pedayoyicheskih shots of the top skills for systemeducation and scientific shots in the field of front lines yy y; Creation of conditions for preparation scientific and scientificallypedayoyicheskih top skills shots in priority directions in the advanced educational institutions and centres of science of the developed countries; ycooperation with the developed countries in the field of a science,and educations. Improvement of professional skill andshots Improvement of professional skill andshots are directed on updating anda professional knowledge and skills of experts. By results of training in educational institutions of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots the certificate or the certificate yy the sample stand out. Forand developments of system of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots it is necessary: To generate structure and the maintenance of activity of system of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots and management of it; To provideand acquisition by highly-skilled personnel of teachers-experts; To create standard base of system of improvement of professional skill and preparation the shots, providing formation of the competitive environment in this sphere and its effective activity; To develop and enter into practice systemcertifications and accreditations of educational institutions of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots; To promote creation and developmentandthe educational institutions providing operativeand improvement of professional skill of shots and experts according to requirements yy and yy sec of economy,and establishments of various patterns of ownership; To develop, create and master in practice front linesand the equipmenty, and also simulators difficult, high technologyprocesses. Nonscholastic adult education For satisfaction of individual obrazovatelno-developing requirements of children and teenagers,themtime and resty, public y, and alsolegal and physical persons, create out-of-schoolandeducational institutions cultural-esteticheskoyo, y, y,anddirections. For the decision of problems of development, structure and maintenance perfectioneducations should be carried out: 257 Expansion of a network of establishments and kinds obrazovatelnodeveloping y; Working outand the methodical materials based on national yy values and consideringworld experience; Perfection available, revival national and introduction of new kinds and formspupils, including is sports - mass and fizkulturno-improving actions, children's tourism, national crafts. 3.4. A science in system preparation shots The national model preparation shots includes, in quality it is essentialan element, a science, as sphere, in which: new fundamental and applied knowledge of laws of development of the nature and a society are formed, the scientific results necessary for distribution, studying and use in system preparation shots concentrate; it is carried outscientific and yy top skills shots; the infrastructure scientifically-issledovatelskoyo process maintenance preparation shots is created, databases on various fields of knowledge for use in educational information networks are formed; occursa domestic science in world, the international exchange of scientific achievements and shots for the decision of actual problems of a modern science andis carried out. For yy science inclusions in system preparation shots it is necessary: to develop measures on maintenance of communication of a science with educational practice, by formation and realisation of target innovative projects on creation and development of front lines yy y; to realise the mechanismintroductions in uchebno - educational process of results of scientific researches through creation of experimental platforms for introduction of front lines information and yy y; to spend research works on maintenanceperformance National programm onshots; to raise quality preparation top skills shots, in every possible way to support scientific creativity of youth; to raise prestige and the social status of scientists, on the basis of realisation of modern approaches to an estimation of level research and scientificallypedayoyicheskoj works in educational institutions, results of scientific researches andworkings out; to make activea domestic science in the international scientific community, to develop an exchange of scientific achievements and scientists, including with a view of perfection of an education sphere and preparation shots; to develop system of moral and material stimulus of activity in the field of a science and y, to found special awards andfor scientific achievements of students and young scientists, to increase number of nominal grants,constantly operating exhibitions and expositions scientifically-tehnicheskoyo youth creativity. 3.5. Manufacture in system preparation shots 258 Requirements of manufacture form directions, level and system scales preparation shots, define the purpose, problems and the maintenance professional preparation,the qualified requirements, cause a choice adequateand education forms. Manufacture, finally, estimates quality and competitiveness of shots. Functions and manufacture problems in system preparation shots are defined by that it: forms requirement for expertslevel and qualification; promotes systemeducations by granting available inthe order of the material, financial, personnel and other resources necessary for training, improvement of professional skill and preparation shots; participates in financing target preparation both separate experts and y, and educational institutions of various types and levels as the founder, the trustee, the donor, the sponsor; developswith science and education in various forms (time creative collectives, uchebno-research-and-production complexes, the centres, technoparks, technopolises). Strengthening of a role of manufacture in system preparation shots is provided by: preparation highly-skilled personnel on the basis of connection of training with productive work at the enterprises, including in the course of an industrial practice; usespotential of the enterprises inshots and in carrying out joint scientifically-tehnoloyicheskih workings out; education trained (labour, moral and physical) in labour collectives; realisation preparation, preparation and improvements of professional skill of shots in new directions of development of technics andtaking into account requirements of manufacture; attractionpotential of the higher educational institutions and scientificfor the decision economic andmanufacture problems; y improvements of professional skill yy shots in the field of front linesit is direct on manufacture; attraction of highly-skilled personnel of manufacture in educational process and yy activity; maintenance trained by workplaces for industrial practice passage; equipmenteducational institutions the modern equipment, equipment and the tool. 4. The basic directions of development Systems preparation shots Formation and system development preparation shots includes following priority directions: 4.1. Maintenance of a continuity of education Construction of the new continuous and successive education system including a preschool, general average and an average special, vocational training 259 is carried out. The two-level systemy the educations, providingbachelors andtakes root. Postgraduate study and doctoral studies activity develops. Competitive educational institutions on improvement of professional skill and preparation shots are created. It is spentand re-structuring of educational institutions. It is carried outdevelopments and system effectiveness estimationseducations. It is provided preparation and preparation yy shots for systemeducations. 4.2. y,and improvement of professional skill yy and scientificallypedayoyicheskih shots The system of improvement of professional skill and preparation yy the shots, providing high quality and a stable development of education is created y. Maintenance of their professional qualities at competitive level is provided advancingand improvement of professional skill yy shots. In the higher educational institutions special faculties onhighly skilled teachers, and in republic areas - the special centres on improvement of professional skill and preparation teachers and experts fory andy,educations are created. 4.3. Maintenance reformingprocess The maintenance of the education includingy, training and education of shots on the basis of principles of national independence, a support onspiritual both a mental potential of the people and universal values is reformed on a basiseducational standards. The special attention is given to the person y, to development ata cult of education and knowledge, to activity, formation of independence, feelingand advantages. It is spent purposefula policy on increase of authority, responsibility and professionalism yy shots. Forms and training methods take rootyy y, new educational programm. 4.4. Spiritually-moral education and educational work Are developed and take root effectiveand yy forms and means spirituallynravstvennoyo educationthe generations based onnational cultural - historical traditions, customs of the people and universal values. The priority of education anddevelopments of the person is provided. The educational work covering all population of the country for the purpose of increase by general and yy of culture is improved. Close interaction of educational institutions with parents, a family, committees, the public centre " ", public y, funds on formation of the creative, active person, the independence of Uzbekistan betrayed to principles and capable to bring the real contribution insocieties is carried out. 4.5. Presented children and talented youth Are created y, psiholoyo-pedayoyicheskie andrevealing and training conditions, the republican databank andpresented children and youth is formed. Attraction of the best yy and scientists for working out special educationalandyy y, themparticipations in teaching and educational process is provided. Elite educational institutions, as the centres on studying of sciences and technics, a policy and economy, culture and art are created. Purposeful activity on the general 260 and professionalpresented children and talented youth abroad is carried out. The pupil of the academic lycées first of all presented and talented, gives possibility to show and develop the natural abilities, to realise special talents,the knowledge of concrete fields of knowledge and narrow directions of scientific disciplines. 4.6. Management of an education system It is carried outy structural changes and dynamics of developmentandsystem educational institutionseducations and preparation shots. The competence spheremanagements of education of all levels according to the Law "About education" is defined. The is standard-legal base of education develops. Expansion of the rights and independence of educational institutions in financially - economic activities andy process is provided. According to the order established by Office Min of Republic Uzbekistan, certification and accreditation of educational institutions is spent. Onthe right to realisation of educational activity is given to accreditation. The effective systemmanagements of educational institutions by creation trustee and the supervisory boards including representatives oryanizatsy - founders, localthe authorities, business y, public y, funds and sponsors takes root. 4.7. Formation of the monitoring system of qualityeducations The service of certification of qualitythe educations, independent frommanagements of education is created y. Are developedthe educational standards meeting perspective requirementsandof development of the country. The systemestimations of activity of educational institutions, qualities yy, professorskopedayoyicheskih shots, and also knowledge trained is entered. Developquality assurance forms preparation shots. The systemcertifications of graduates of educational institutions is improved. 4.8. Education system financing The financing system is improved, entered(fromand off-budget sources) system of a financing of education and preparation shots, develops self-financing of educational institutions, attraction private, and also foreign investments into an education sphere is stimulated. The mechanism of granting of educational credits forrepublics withtheir systemy is formed. The role of donors and sponsors in system material supporteducations and preparation shots amplifies. The increase in incomes of educational institutions at the expense of paid educational y, enterprise, advisory, expert, publishing, industrial, scientific andactivity according to authorised problems is provided. 4.9. Material support Creation of a network of the academic lycées, professional colleges and their placing is carried out, starting withand yy featuresy. The maximum coverage trained without a separation from a family is carried out. Measures on major repairs existing and to building of new educational institutions with maintenance of their equipment according to standard requirements and taking into account level of modern technics andare taken. Creation of specialised manufactures on equipment of teaching and educational establishments by the necessary equipment, stock, accessories, 261 technical,and didactic tutorials is supported. The computerisation and informationprocess at all levels is made. 4.10. Creationspaces of educational system The supply with informationprocess on the basis of modern information y, a computerisation and computer networks develops. The role of mass media in educational process raises, intellectualization educationalTV and radio is provided. The publishing base of science and education develops, the steady system of maintenance educational, uchebno-methodical, scientific, encyclopaedic and reference books is formed. 4.11. Development of the market educational The competitive market educationalby developmentin an education sphere and preparation shots is formed. Developmentandeducational institutions is provided, the competitive environment in an education sphere and preparation shots is created, carried outy the market educational y. The system paid consulting and additional (not provided by the cores educational y) educationaldevelops. 4.12. Maintenance socialandsupport in an education sphere It is realiseda policy on increase of prestige andthe status yy activity. Necessary conditions for study, improvement and rest trained and yy are created. Educational institutions andpublic health services take necessary measures for preservation and strengthening of health of children and studying youth. Conditions for realisation of an improving orientation uchebno-vospitatelnoyo process, introduction of normsa way of life are provided. Oryanizatsionnomethodical approaches for increase mediko-yiyienicheskoj cultures trained, growth and fizkulturno-sports activity and leveldevelopments are improved. The adaptive environment for children havingpossibilities of health and a deviation in development is created. 4.13. Development of forms of communication of a science with educational process The advanced applied scientific researches in area yy and educations, scientifically-methodical workings out forand maintenance of quality of education according toeducational standards are carried out. From sphere fundamental and applied science participation of scientific shots is stimulated in educational process, communication yyy and scientifically -processes is provided. Scientific and technical creativity of youth is in every possible way supported. 4.14. Developmentmanufactures and education systems Creation and development of industrial practice complexes (centres), their equipment by the modern equipment, equipment and the tool is stimulated. The industrial potential of the enterprises inshots and carrying out joint scientificallytehnoloyicheskih workings out is effectively used. It is supportedshots on manufacture, regular improvement of professional skill yy shots in the field of front linesdirectly on manufacture is carried out. 4.15. The international cooperation in an education sphere and preparation shots The international legal base of cooperation in area preparation shots is created, priority directionscooperation are realised, the international educational 262 structures develop, the exchange scientifically-pedayoyicheskimi shots, students and pupils extends. The basis forrecognitions of national documents on education is created. Activity interested min and departments, Republic Uzbekistan embassies abroad on wide attraction of direct and indirect foreign investments into sphere preparation shots is stirred up. 5.measures on realisation National programm With a view of realisation National programm it is necessary: To develop system of decisions and actions, with reflexion of concrete mechanisms and measures of their realisation, terms, executors,andmaintenance of realisation of directions and stages National programm; To define functions and problemsand public institutes on performance National programm; To involve the qualified foreign experts for participation in working out of concrete directions National programm; To co-ordinate activityandstructures, and also participation internationalin performance National programm; To carry outand the analysis of a course of performance National programm and on this basis to correct its separate positions and actions; To conduct wide explanatory work under basic approaches and substantive provisions National programm, with attraction of mass media, carrying out min and conferences on questions of realisation and functioning of national model preparation shots; Actively include in process of realisation of the purposes and problems National programm publicand the centres, republic various strata of society; Regularly to shine a course of realisation National programm in mass media. The Republican commission on realisation National programm onshots, with putting on on it of functionsand coordination of all actions and actions is created, including on: To working out of the general requirements shown toto educational standards for corresponding kindsof education; To working outeducational standards andnecessary documents fory educations; To working outeducational standards for systemy,educations, programm formations of a network of the academic lycées and professional colleges; To realisation of measures on maintenancecoverage of the pupils having the general secondary education, the academic lycées and professional Total, with the account y, yy features and requirements for shotsy, to creation of their material base; To creation and maintenance of effective activity of educational institutions for preparation and improvements of professional skill of teachers and yy the shots working in the academic lycées and professional colleges; To reforming of system of the higher educational institutions according to requirements National programm, to working out and introduction correspondingeducational standards; 263 To perfection of activity of preschool obrazovatelno-educational establishments, increase of responsibility of a family, and publicin education and preschoolchildren; To maintenance of educational institutions with necessary textbooks and the literature, attraction to this work of large educational, highly skilled experts, development of publishing base of educational and scientific sphere; To creation and activity maintenancey fund for the purpose of assistance to improvement of professional skill andprofessorsko-pedayoyicheskih shots in leading educational institutions of the developed countries; To creation of necessary conditions forstudying of foreign languages in systemeducations, to introduction of the accelerated methods of their studying, the edition of dictionaries and reference books onlanguage; y offers on strengthening of social protection and support of teachers and yy sphere shotseducations, to revision of system of stimulation and payment of their work; Creation independent frommanagements of educationservices on certification and accreditation of educational institutions, definition of qualifying requirements to quality preparation shots, and alsoand coordination of actions according to quality preparation shots; To formation and system developmenteducation maintenance, to its inclusion in a world information network, to definition of problems in a sphere of education, facing to mass media; y supply and demand studying in areaeducations, to formationthe market educationalandwork, and alsoin sphere preparation shots. Ў TO AND WITH ABOUT AND IN L AND WITH AND AND AND Ў miny 5720100 - ABOUT WITH AT AND WITH IN AND WITH AND AND WITH AND AND AT TO Government educational standards y educations of Uzbekistan REQUIREMENTS To the necessary maintenance and level 264 y the doctor of the general practice in a direction 5720100 - Medical business The edition official Minand y y Republic Uzbekistan educations THE FOREWORD 1 IT IS DEVELOPED AND BROUGHT: 2 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT Order Min Andy Republic Uzbekistan educations № __________ from «_______» _______ 200 __ The information on introduction in action (cancellation)the standard and change to it in Republic Uzbekistan territory is published in the index published“» The exclusive rightthe standard in territory of Uzbekistan belongs . The maintenance 1 General characteristic of a direction 5720100 - Medical business........... 2 Requirements to leveldoctors of the general practice in a direction 5720100 Medical business 3 Maintenances and components educational programm 4 Estimation and quality assurance preparation doctors of the general practice 5 Notes............................................................................................. 6 Appendix....................................................................................... 1. A general characteristic of a direction 5720100 - Medical business 1.1 Direction is brought ineducational standardseducations of Uzbekistan,the educational standardeducations, the Qualifier of directions and specialitieseducations. 1.2 Standard duration of training in a direction 5720100 - Medical business at the internal form of training - 7 years. The academic degree - "Bachelor", the doctor of the general practice (). 1.3 Bachelor should be y: ion direction on posts, Subject to replacement by persons with higher education, according to the National qualifier of a trade and posts; 265 Specialities in limitsbachelor degree directions; ducations in To system preparation and improvements of professional skill. 1.4 Characteristic of sphere and objects of professional work of the doctor of the general practice in a direction 5720100 - Medical business 1.4.1 Place of a direction of education in the field of a science, technics and Spheres of service 5720100 - Medical business - a direction in the field of the public health services, including set of knowledge, abilities, skills and the relations necessary in a trade of the doctor, used for improvement of professional skill, medicine development as a whole. 1.4.2 Objects of professional work Objects of professional work of the doctor of the general practice in a direction 5720100 - Medical business is the population irrespective of a sex, age,position and character of disease, and also factors surroundingthe environments influencing health. Primary activity of the doctor - public health care,y a way of life and preventive maintenance of diseases. Rendering of the preventive, medical and palliative help is spent in interests of a family and a society in cooperation with expertsdirections of system of public health services. Social, cultural features of a life of patients are thus considered physical, y. The doctor should improve constantly the knowledge and skills for rendering of the effective qualified medical aid comprehensible and safe for the patient. 1.4.3 Kinds of professional work -medical aid at levela link Public health services (); - Rendering of the medical aid based on the individual The approach to the patient and ininterests; - The decision medical,and social problems The patient; - The all-round approach to rendering medical y; - Coordination of granting of the help to the patient andto a family together with y y. Medical aid should be under construction taking into account cultural traditions of a society and medical ethics. The doctor of the general practice in a direction 5720100 - Medical business according to fundamental, and specialcan carry out following kinds of the professional Activity: - The treatment-and-prophylactic: working out and carrying out improving, sanitary-yiyienicheskih, the preventive actions directed on the prevention of risk factors and the dangerous reasons, the person operating on health, the prevention and preventive maintenance of diseases, carrying out epidemic and actions; - fast and urgent medical aid:and rendering of urgent medical aid ona stage; - Medical-diaynosticheskaja: clinical and laboratory-toolit is wide ѐ diseases; a direction on consultation to experts andy to their recommendations; 266 - Rehabilitation: restoration of professional and physical activity andthe status of the patient; - Socially-medical: together withsocial protection and Services of mercy renderingto the population with the account sociallyyiyienicheskih, mediko-demoyraficheskih and socially-psiholoyicheskih factors; - Scientifically-educational: participation iny a way of life in mass media; - Oryanizatsionno-methodical: participation in carrying out of the analysis of the basic indicators of activity of treatment-and-prophylactic and improving establishments, in audit and planning medical y,improvement of quality of rendering of medical aid. 1.4.4 Possibilities of professional adaptation The doctor of the general practice (bachelor) on a speciality 5720100 - Medical business can adapt for following kinds of professional work: -tool service; The doctor of the general practice can work when due hereunder in educational institutionsandy,educations, and also at courses of improvement of qualification and preparation shots. 5720152 - Experts y, and also related directions (speciality) of the education, defined by the representativemanagements lasting not less than two years. 2 Requirements to levelbachelors in a direction 5720100 - Medical business 2.1 General qualifying requirements The bachelor should: sciences, pressing questions flowingpoliticians; capable to be independent to analyze social problems and processes; entifically to prove the Position concerning spiritual national and universal values to have an active position on the basis of idea of national independence; nature and a society, to own knowledge of society development, to be able to use legal and ethical standards,the relation of the person to the person, a society, to environment to be able to consider them in professional work; able to make the proved independent decisions in the professional work; basisthe work; life, to own skillsself-improvement. 2.2 Professional qualifying requirements should know: 267 Public health services; rp conditions demanding rendering of the urgent help; ciples of functioning ; withand works in a command; of disease, sequence of carrying outsurvey, standardsand differentsialno-diaynosticheskie criteria of diseases at level ; patient in dynamics; arrow experts,inspections and treatments; should be able: apply skills of consultation to creation of confidential relations with the patient; diseases; h most often meet at levela link; conditions; tool methods of inspection existing at level ; methods; al aid of the patients demandingandleaving; institutions; and looking after persons; own skillsworks in establishment, command work with the personnel, conducting the documentation and carrying out of audit of quality of medical aid; of data of demonstrative medicine in practice. 268 should: treatment in a hospital; institutions, forrendering assistance to patients; the personnel of establishment for the effective joint Activity; nning of tactics of conducting; ordinate actions for health strengthening, preventive maintenance, treatment, leaving, rehabilitation and the palliative help; importance of interrelation between medical institutions andsociety social protection; health; ems of the patient, to reckonwith belief; researches and the fundamental statistics (disease, prevalence,value etc.); reading); 2.3 Requirements shown to knowledge, to skills, on educational 2.3.1 Requirements on the blockand social and economic disciplines should: -Ati declaration),and work principlesy a site ()/YVP aspublic health services link (orders Min), financing , a role and problems of the doctor of the general practice in public health services system; -and the concept: y, min health, indicators of influence of various factors on y, an estimation of requirements of public health services, health protection of the patient and a society; protection at level - conversations with the population in (about , a tuberculosis, virus y, contraceptions, etc.); lems of public health services - sec cooperation: preventive maintenancea traumatism, traumas and accidents among teenagers (conversation at schools); carrying out of preventive actions in 269 (vaccination, y); the distribution control diseases; the prevention of distribution of the infections transferred sexual by; chronic diseases -a diabetes, an asthma, adiposity; sultation (consultation of difficult patients, principles and styles of mutual relation "doctor-patient", management of time of consultations, ethics questions, confidentiality, methods, principles and skillsdialogue); ring of the anamnesis, survey of the patient, to appoint laboratory and tool researches, to interpret their data; -patient card,to conduct the medical documentation in ; arches, a pyramid of levels ; to use demonstrative medicine in practice, to be able to spend independent information search on the Internet; improvement of quality of medical aid, carrying outaudit in . Requirements on the blockand social and economic disciplines are defined by the document “Requirements to the necessary To the maintenance and levelbachelors on the block “Y and social and economic disciplines”, confirmed order Minandy educations. 2.3.2 Requirements on the block of natural-science disciplines should know within the limits of the speciality. 2.3.3 Requirements on the block disciplines Course of the general The doctor of the general practice should: The nobility: - The basic laws yy conditions and mechanisms Developments; -anddiseases; -y yy process; - Valuethe approach in studying yy process; - Bases of judicial medical examination; To know: - About the mechanism of medical products and their influence onthe person; - About processesadaptations y; To be able: - To use instructions on rational use Medical products; - To examine various kinds; - To make medical papers on medicolegal process; - To make out recipes. - a preventive course. The doctor of the general practice should: 270 To know: - about influence of the social, physical and natural reasons on a structure, Development and function y; - Aboutthe changes occurring in human In a caseaccidents and at extreme situations; To be able: - To make the planned schedule, the instruction on carrying out Preventive inoculations to children and adults, ; - To spend routine inspections of womenage and Improvement of women with revealed y; -Advise for choice contraceptive means for the prevention of undesirable pregnancy; - To spend supervision of pregnant women for the purpose of the prevention parent and death rates; - To spend sexual education among teenagers, to train them yy Sexual mutual relations, to use of contraceptive means; - To spendgrowth and development of healthy children till 5 years; -Participate in planning, management, public health services financing on a yosudarstvenno-legal basis; - To apply the basic directive documents of system of public health services; -napravljatna medical-commission of experts ()to instructions on delivery of sicklists, being based on examination Time invalidity; - To analyze the basic indicators of a state of health of the population and Activity of treatment-and-prophylactic establishments; - To fill and to conduct basic documents (y polyclinics). Therapeutic course The doctor of the general practice should: The nobility: - y, risk factors, clinic and y, the basic laboratory-tool indicators of the most widespread Diseases; - Features of a current of illness depending on an age, sex and a trade; -basestreatments and principles y prescriptions of medicines; - Indications, contra-indications, collateral actions, interactions of medical products; - Methods of supervision of patients in dynamics; To be able: - To apply skills of consultation; - rehabilitation and supervision of patients with chronic diseases; - To carry out preventive maintenance of socially significant diseases, Transferred sexual by (VICH/SPID, a narcotism, y); -to conduct the medical documentation; 271 - To render the first help ona stage; - To work with the medical literature, to use the information, to have Skills of work with the computer. y a course The doctor of the general practice should: The nobility: - Clinic, y, complications of diseases, -Features of a current of illness depending on an age, sex and a trade y; - Indications and contra-indications to operation; -methods of treatment, To be able: - To directon consultation to the expert or to a hospital; - To spend processing and simple wounds in the conditions of ; - To spend care of postoperative patients; - To render first aid and transportation of patients at dislocations and Crises; -Render fastmedical aid at urgent conditions. Course of protection of motherhood and the childhood The doctor of the general practice should: The nobility: -growth anddevelopments of children till 5 years; -Bases yy feedings anda food of children till 2th years; -Clinic, y, the basic laboratory-tool indicators, complications most ѐ children's illnesses; -Clinic, y, the basic indicators laboratory-instrumentaloyo inspections, possible complications of diseases in yy; - Principles of leaving and treatment of childrento demonstrative medicine; To be able: - To conduct supervision of sick children; - To spend routine inspections; - To spend vaccination of children; -Render fastthe help at urgent conditions; -Spend dynamic supervision over the pregnant woman, in due time to reveal complications and to direct on consultation to the expert or to a hospital; - To advise women for choice contraceptive means; - To conduct supervision over chronic patients; - To spend routine inspections;-spendon early revealing of a cancer of a neck of a uterus and a mammary gland cancer; -Render first aid ona stage at urgent conditions. 2.3.4 Requirements on the block of special disciplines Course of special disciplines The doctor of the general practice should: To know: 272 - About environment andthe principles influencing the person, the cores social, economic, cultural, family The reasons and the factors influencing development of illness; - About functional changesy at y; - About the basic scientifically-methodical problems of medical system, degree of development and interrelation with related fields; - About measures on decrease in distribution of the basic illnesses; - About carrying out of examination of time work capacity; - About clinical signs and the cores clinical, laboratory, tool indicators most ѐ illnesses, a choice of tactics of conducting patients; -About featuresandthe periods, yy and yy pregnancy currents, conductingprocess, indications to y; - About rendering of urgent medical aid ona stage And ways urgent y; - Abouty a way of life and preventive maintenance of diseases; - About consultation of patients and skillsdialogue; Skills of care ѐ, children sick and aged. On the block of special disciplines The doctor of the general practice should: - To possess the basic necessary knowledge, abilities, skills and To generate the due relation to those medical sciences and clinical disciplines which underlie the general medical practice; - It is effective and safe to give all-round and continuous The help to patients irrespective of an age, sex and disease; - To render the preventive, medical and palliative help taking into account interests of a family and a society, and also physical, y, cultural aspects of a life of the patient; -Should keep in contact withdirections of activity of public health services, rationally using available resources; - Should bear responsibility for ѐ professional development. 2.3.5 Requirements on On the doctor of the general practice solves the finished The professional problem demanding application of knowledge on all blocks of disciplines. The doctor of the general practice on : - Carries out practical skills on models, phantoms or ѐ; - Solves situational problems; - Carries out the analysis of the given laboratory-tool researches. 2.3.6 Requirements to qualifying practice Qualifying practice The doctor of the general practice should seize skills: - Consultations; - Findings-out of complaints and gathering of the anamnesis, revealing of risk factors; - Survey of the patient; 273 -Carrying out of laboratory and tool methods of research; Conversation-carrying out about rational a food and not medicamentous treatment; Should be able: - To appoint medicinal therapy; - To fill the medical documentation in a polyclinic; - To define time invalidity of the patient; -Directon consultation to the expert ory; -Carry out medical inspections of invalids andthe population; - methods of sanitary-educational work; - To conducty a way of life; -Be able to work with ѐ, children sick and aged and to look after them. 3 Maintenances and components educational programm 3.1 Educationalpreparation doctors of the general practice on To direction 5720100 - Medical business it is calculated on term of training of 7 years at the internal form of training with following distribution of time: Theoretical training, including flowing, intermediate andcertification of 278 weeks Qualifying experts of 22 weeks y 2 weeks Y certification of 2 weeks Vacation of 56 weeks y 360 weeks 3.2 Maximum ѐ educationalthe student in a week makes 54 hours, from them educationaltill 36 o'clock, other ѐ Hours it is allocated foreducations - 22 hours. 3.3 ѐ educational programm, including the intermediate Andcertification for 7 years of training, is made by 16966 hours. 3.4 At development educational programm self-education of students on some question or problemscourses for ѐtime should be provided. 3.5 the Necessary maintenance educational programm in a direction 5720100 Medical business 3.5.1and social and economic disciplines The necessary maintenance of the given disciplines is defined by the document “Requirements to the necessary maintenance and level Bachelors on the block “Y and social and economic disciplines”, confirmed . 3.5.2 Mathematical and natural-science disciplines Matematiko-communicative course Computer science and information y: in the modern world and their application medicine areas; modern medical y. Iatrotechnics and new medicalmedical devices, a structure and principles of work of devices; lacks modern medical y, used in preventive maintenance, y, treatment and the rehabilitation, new communicative y, applied at rendering of the medical The help, an electronic card y, videoconferences; Natural-science course 274 Medicaland y: Influence of hereditary factors on illness development, studying of risk factors. Degree of influence of factors of environment on development of diseases. Influenceon illness development; medical andthe parties y,bases of results y; Biophysics: Influence of fluctuation and vibration on y, biophysical abilities Liquid and fabrics, the physical factors influencing on y, optical devices,and laser optics, electronic devices and equipment, radioactive devices and spectroscopic devices, , maynitno-bioloyicheskie measure measurements, weight; Chemical processes inand medicine, the organic law of chemical interactions, physical and chemistry, its value forthe person; Methodsy andresearches y, environment influence onthe person, interrelation The chemical natureconnections withenvironment; The physical and chemical processes occurring in live y, them Value inand the nature, interaction of parts as the basic quality of ability to live, the squirrel, y, , enzymes, min, y, biochemical structure vodno-solevoyo an exchange, biochemical fabrics and liquids, norm and y, modern methods of the analysis; Latin language and bases mediko-pharmaceutical miny: Valuelanguage in medical miny anatomo-yistoloyicheskoj, clinical, pharmaceutical, a lexicon, Applied in medicine; Human anatomy: The formbodies, and development y, y, y, y, y, y, y; the social, physical, natural factors influencing developmenty, conformityto a floor and age; Yy, y, y: Fabrics and y, cage ability to live, microscopic and Submicroscopic structure of someand systems, blood cages,, urinogenital system, y, bases human y, methodsin yy, light and electronic microscopy; Normal y: Structurey and laws of work of cages, fabrics, y,bases of functions y, adaptation bases yto environment; methods of check of functions y and the basicindicators; y,and y: Ability to live and structure y, distribution and The international classification of activators,bases Activators of infectious diseases, immunity, the immune status bothy and yythe status, conditions, y, methods of special preventive maintenance, a vaccine; History of medicine: 275 History of medicine and ѐ founders,in medicine, an oath Y, role in medicine development, a role of national traditions in public health services, modern medicine, regionalUzbekistan, uch•nye-physicians of Uzbekistan. 3.5.3 disciplines Course of the general The basic laws and mechanisms of development of illnesses,and y, influenceenvironment on development of illnesses, interrelation of local and general changes y, a role hereditary y, revealing immune y,(infringement y blood circulations, infringement of growth and fabric development, a metabolism, y), functional changesand systems at y, y features in system mother-placenta-fruit, age features y, main principles of modelling of diseases; Sec a course: y anatomy - the basic methods of studying (Macroscopical and yy), the generaly;fabrics, damage and , blood circulation change, an inflammation of immune system,and processes, privatey diseasesand sheaves, y, the anamnesis,diseases; studying of consequences of disease in process kliniko-patoloyoanatomicheskoyo the analysis, medical errors, filling of the certificate on death. Forensic medicine. Legal bases of activity of the doctor: Medical examination at ѐ traumas, ѐ ѐy conditions y, medical examination at emergencies with a lethal outcome; mechanical damages, examination of material evidences, documentation registration; the rights and duties of medical workers and patients; public health services organic laws; yrazhdansko-administrativnye, rules of law, the crimes, concerning profession of a physician; differentiation of errors in medical aid rendering, examination kinds. y: Medical products, influence mechanisms onthe person, The general(pharmacokinetics, ), bases y, private(the list of the vital medical products), the mechanism of action, the indication and contra-indication to application, by-effects, poisonings with medical products, forms and methods of a writing of recipes at variousconditions; Yy with y, Y: yy the characteristic of objects of environment (air, Solar radiation, water, soil),aspects of medicine, Interaction of the person with environment, yy requirements; Education of teenagers, conditions of training and a food of children and teenagers; yy work, principles yy in hospital, actual problems yy, concept about sanitary inspection, bases yy on military objects,diseases and applicationirradiations in treatment of various diseases; interrelationy and environment, is natural-natural, socially-yiyienicheskie the disease reasons, secondary preventive maintenance of 276 disease. The Medical-protecting mode in medical preventive establishment, improving actions. Public health and management of public health services. Biostatistics: Indicators of health of the population: them socially-yiyienicheskoe value and Studying methods, the medical statistics, health protection of mother and ѐ; ethics of the doctor and medical y; medical aid renderingand to countrymen; structure sanitary-epidemioloyicheskoj services, bases of medical statistics, methods of statistical check and value of an estimation of indicators of health; registration of a package of medical service, market y, elementsy, rendering of medical service in Production, systempublic health services, the general concepts about administrative process. Health and public health services as socialy. Public health services reforms. The economic concept of public health services. Business factors, The population influencing health. The economic analysis of the market. y: Strengthening of health of the population, methods and ways of improvement of the population, improvement mechanisms; methods sanitary-educational The work directed on introduction of normsof a way of life. A conformity estimation ѐ actions. y, : The mechanism of development, the reason yy process, a basis of disinfection, sterilisation, sec, deratization; the herbs growing in territory Uzbekistan, used in quality and sec means; the means applied to inoculations, means yy, y,developmentsprocess, distribution of various kinds of infectious diseases, their terms, specific preventive actions for the prevention of infectious diseases, preventive maintenance of infections to military establishments; working out of the public actions influencing the mechanism of infectious diseases andof infection; ways of distribution of infections: air, water, air-drop, intestinal, through blood; working out of actions in a mode. Therapeutic course Doctor and the patient: Skills and consultation kinds, skillsdialogue, Renderingthe help to the patient; Propaedeutics of internal illnesses: Anamnesis gathering, finding-out of complaints, survey of patients (, , ), symptoms and syndromes widely ѐ diseases internal y; laboratory and tool methods of inspection y. Internal illnesses. National medicine: y, y, clinic, variants of a current of illness, a consequence, y, differential Diagnosis diseases; y, preventive maintenance, rehabilitation, prophylactic medical examination; Methods of treatment of national medicine: y, y, acupressure, manipulation, herbal medicine, etc. Phthisiology: Clinic, early and comparative Diagnosis, y, y, 277 y risk, semiresistant ѐ, consequences of a tuberculosis, Modern treatment; prophylactic medical examination, preventive maintenance ѐy andforms ѐ, rendering of the first help to pregnant women, children and peopleage, a current ѐ at patients with VICH/SPID, . Preventive maintenance, examination of time invalidity. Medical control, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy: The medical control, instructions on employment by physiotherapy exercises and Sports, rehabilitation of patients and physical training in the complex Treatment, action of physical factors onthe person, a place and a physiotherapy role in treatment of diseases internal y,value in rehabilitations of patients, sanatorium treatment. y: Clinic illnesses, functional and laboratory methods of inspection; estimation methods yy the status; the treatment, supporting therapy, prophylactic medical examination, preventive maintenance; a current illnesses at pregnant, elderly patients;and first aid in ѐ cases. Yy and field therapy. Laboratory business: Clinic, early y, differential Diagnosis illnesses of blood; yy an estimation methoda role punctures; modern treatment, preventive maintenance, a current yy diseases at pregnant women, children, elderly patients; y, donor service questions, interpretation of results laboratory-instrumentalnoyo inspections. Professional illnesses: Clinic, early y, comparative Diagnosis, treatment is wide ѐ occupational diseases, employment at Professional illnesses and their preventive maintenance, medical labour examination, medical documents. Clinical y: kliniko-farmakoloyicheskaja The characteristic of the basicmedical products, pharmacotherapy and medical products, treatment in out-patient-polyclinic conditions, methods of an estimation of efficiency of medical products, the data card of medical products. Infectious diseases. Children's infectious diseases: y, y, clinic, the laboratory-tool analysis, differential Diagnosis, treatment, supervision, prophylactic medical examination of children and adults with infectious diseases; timely specific and nonspecific preventive maintenance of infectious diseases; complications, first aid; children's infections at adults. Dermatovenereal illnesses, AIDS: y, y, y, clinic,and treatment, Prophylactic medical examination, preventive maintenance of dermatovenereal diseases, VICH/SPID, acts, social aspects. Nervous illnesses: Clinical and diseases of nervous system, treatment ѐ and ѐ diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system; the basic symptoms, clinic, methods Diagnosis, 278 differential Diagnosis, consequences and treatment; urgent and first medical assistance. Psychiatry and y. Medical y: The basic laws of mental activity y;norms and y; psychiatry bases,methods y, treatment principles, rehabilitation and examination; psychosomatic illnesses, psychotherapy, preventive maintenance,service, socially-medical bases y;the help to patients. Beamand therapy: Ultrasonic, yy, it is computer-tomoyraficheskaja, and jaderno-maynitnoresonantillnesses; beam therapy of malignant and good-quality new growths. Medical y: Social directions,risk,pregnant women, clinic of hereditary diseases,and the biochemical analysis. Clinical yy: yy the anamnesis; skin and provocative tests. Clinical and tool inspection, y, clinic, treatment, preventive maintenancediseases.and pregnancy. A diet of pregnant and feeding women. course Operativewithanatomy: the form, a structure, interpositionand fabrics in a human body depending on a sex, age and a constitution. Mechanical influence and restorationand fabrics. Generalwith bases y: , antiseptics, bases y;patients to To inspection; methodsandinspections; treatmentѐ,to operation, kinds of operations, Nonspecificdiseasesfabrics, first aid at bleedings. Clinic, laboratory-toolmost ѐdiseases, treatment and complications; Urgent y, methods of a clinical estimation of diseasescages, miny spaces,arteries and veins; differential Diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, preventive maintenance and prophylactic medical examination; renderingthe help to pregnant women; bases y, urgent actions in case of emergency, the urgent help in a hospital, a polyclinic, houses, conducting the basic medical documentation. y: Clinic, y, differential Diagnosis, principles yy treatments of diseases and damages of the central and peripheral nervous system, rendering of the first help in extreme conditions. Nursery y: Clinic, y, differential Diagnosis, treatment principles Children with ѐ and the got orthopedic diseases. y: Clinic, y, differential Diagnosis, rendering of the first Medical aidthe patient. orthopedy, . A nursery y: 279 Traumatism (houses, on transport, on manufacture), kinds of a traumatism, Clinic, differential Diagnosis, treatment; crises (ѐ and ѐ), renderingthe help and transportation; Restoration of labour activity; social rehabilitation, prosthetics. y. A nursery y: y, clinicdiseases, methodsdangerous (malignant) and harmless (good-quality) new growths, differential Diagnosis; value , kinds Treatments, prophylactic medical examination, rehabilitation, work capacity revealing. resuscitation: Modern methods and anaesthesia kinds, carrying out principlesanaesthesia, clinic andthe basicsyndromes in critical situations; the general questions of intensive therapy and resuscitation. yy, y: Clinic, methods y, differential Diagnosis, treatment most ѐ ear diseases, y, a nose. Value infectiousin development of diseases -y, rendering of the fast The urgent help in case of emergency; preventive maintenance of diseases of an oral cavity, agefeatures, clinic widely ѐ diseases,and consequences, indications to Consultations of the expert, methodstreatments and prosthetics y: Age sight, anatomy, y, optical correction of sight; clinic, y, differential Diagnosis, complications; ѐ and ѐ diseasessight, treatment, rehabilitation and preventive maintenance; the fast urgent help at Difficult defeats, work capacity examination. Course of protection of motherhood and the childhood Obstetrics and yy: y andconditions in pregnancy, Sorts and after sorts; methods of research of a condition of a fruit,y; clinic and treatment most ѐ yy diseases;andchildbirth; consultation bases on contraception methods. Pediatrics: anatomo-fizioloyicheskie Features of children;growth and development of children till 5 years, factors and the reasons influencing growth of children, feature of consultation of teenagers; clinic, y, differential Diagnosis the most widespread diseases of children, treatment, principlessupervision; questions of vaccination of children. 3.5.4 Special disciplines Internal illnesses, y: Preventive maintenance and public health care,y a way of life, risk factors,the population. Clinic, y, differentialoften met syndromes, the differentiated therapy at them, rational pharmacotherapy, tactics in concrete clinical situations in conditionspublic health services link. Primary and secondary preventive maintenance in various agethe population and at pregnant women. Rehabilitation, 280 prophylactic medical examination and urgent conditions at therapeutic diseases, rendering of the urgent help at emergency conditions ona stage. The general approaches in conditions experts. Indications to out-patient treatment, y, to a direction in specialised medical institutions, consultations of narrow experts. The differentiated plan of inspection of patients withinternal y, interpretation of results of laboratory-tool researches in polyclinic and hospital conditions. Statement y,y Diagnosis. Examination of time invalidity; bases of health protection of personsage according to Republic Uzbekistan laws. The international bases of classification of personsage and aged. The general laws and the ageing theory.parametres of age norms. Basesa food of personsage and aged. Clinical,andbases of a current of illnesses at personsage and aged. Bases of interpretation of results of laboratory and tool researches in y. Ways of leaving in house conditions for personsage. y: the mechanisminfluences of physiotherapeutic procedures onthe person; a physiotherapeutic orientationrestoration, a wayuses of physiotherapeutic actions and medical products; a choice of sanatoria and resorts, registration of the medical documentation; observance of rules of technical safety and work principles ; use of physiotherapeutic actions in the improving purposes; the mechanism Influences of physical exercises, indications and contra-indications to ; kinds and means of improving physical training. Clinic, y, and differentialsharpdiseases, tactics at them, rational pharmacotherapy, treatment of the most widespreaddiseases in conditionspublic health services link, conductingthe period,complications and their preventive maintenance, the first medical aid at bleedings, damages,diseasesfabrics. The general approaches in conditions experts. Medicine of accident: Application of necessary practical skills at rendering of the primary Medical aid by the victim in natural cataclysms and accidents, rendering of professional specialised medical aid and transportation. Urgent conditions. The first help: y and clinic at urgent conditions. Anaesthesia, resuscitation and intensive therapy of patients in the period and in a hospital in critical situations. Obstetrics and yy: Consultation on planning of a family and protectionhealth. y, supervision of pregnant women withpregnancy, atdiseases, preventive maintenance and earlycomplications, conductingthe period, and postnatal contraception, the emergency help at complications, consultation; testing and preventive maintenance of the infections transferred sexual ѐ, including VICH/SPID; preventive maintenance , consultation and realisation of contraception the help ona stage, and treatment most often met yy diseases; rehabilitation in out-patient and house conditions after transferred yy diseases and operations, rational pharmacotherapy, urgent conditions in obstetrics and yy. The general approaches in conditions experts. y: 281 leaving and the primary help to newborns, resuscitation at in a maternity hall; principles yy feedings at joint stay of newborns with mothers; supervision over newborns with variousand their rehabilitation. An estimation of a state of health of children and care of children of all age; physical and psychomotor development of children with calculation and food correction; preventive maintenance of diseases, safe vaccination; differentialand rational pharmacotherapy of most often met diseasesage; the urgent help at emergency conditions; prophylactic medical examination and rehabilitation of childrenrisk and with various diseases. 3.5.5 Industrial practice Fastening of theoretical and practical knowledge of students at mastering disciplines; knowledgey, given in /Y, possession of skills of work of the doctor of the general practice in conditionspublic health services link, gathering of the basic and minor complaints of patients, careful survey of patients, gathering and objective data, appointmentthe plan laboratory-instrumentalnoyo inspections,interpretation of results of laboratory-tool researches, possession of methodsuchebno-informative activity and its control. Indications to a direction on consultation to narrow experts, indications to out-patient treatment, indications to hospitalisation, statementDiagnosis, a choice of tactics at concrete clinical situations,filling of the medical documentation in the conditions of a polyclinic, first aid and a hospital, examination of time invalidity, tactics of conducting patients at an out-patient stage, primary and secondary preventive maintenance, prophylactic medical examination and rehabilitation of patients, the decision of questionsvalues (position in a family, a society, on work, physical inability registration etc.) 3.5.6 Themes yy are developed by letting out chairs taking into account requirements of the customer of shots and modern achievements of a science, technics and medicine. Themes yy are developed on disciplines y, yy courses and a course of protection of motherhood and the childhood. it is spent for the purpose of revealing of level of knowledge and the skills received at a stageof education after endof a course and at graduates during timey of certification. Volume yy chairs preparation define the doctor of the general practice. 3.5.7 Realization educational programm Educationalpreparation doctors of the general practice in a direction 5720100 Medical business it should be realised in accredited on the given direction preparation the higher educational institutions with usey training, informationand modern means of training. Mastering by students of foreign languages, teaching of foreign languages by teachers, and also creation forconditions should be priority atbachelors. Qualifying experts are spent in educational institutions, clinics, the medical centres and scientific research institute. During training the student hands overcertifications (at socially-yumanitarnomu course and a foreign language) and.certification surrenders right after endprocess on correspondingto courses. 4 Estimation and quality assurance preparation 282 4.1 Quality assurance preparation shots in bachelor degree directions should include: the internal control which is carried out by the higher educational institution. The internal control is spent on the basis of Position aboutto the monitoring system,the representativey managements of higher education;y the control includingcertification for disciplines and according toby the educational standard; the yosudarstvenno-public control which is carried out by the representativey of management by higher education, publicand consumers of shots in the established Order; the external control which is carried out by Management of quality assurance preparation of shots, certifications yy shots and educational institutions atthe centre of testing of Office Min when due hereunder. A quality estimationshots carries out consumers of shots in the course of their labour activity. 4.2 Higher educational institution bears full responsibility for: - Observance of requirementsthe standard and quality preparation The bachelors, provided by Position aboutcertifications and accreditations of the higher educational institutions; - Conformity professorsko-prepodavatelskoyo structure and uchebnovspomoyatelnoyo the personnel to qualifying requirements; - Securityyy a course the necessary uchebno-methodical literature providedof a course, and also Materials for self-education and preparation; - Material supportprocess. 5 Notes The right is given to 5.1 Higher educational institution: - To change volume of the hours which are taken away on developmentof a material for blocks of courses - within 5 %, and for the courses entering into the block, - within 10 %, without excessy volumestudents at maintenance miny maintenances,this standard; - To establish necessaryteaching of separate sections y, social and economic, mathematical and natural-science disciplines according to a block profile courses; - To correct the maintenance of courses taking into account achievements of a science, technics and y; 5.2 Knowledge yythe standard is one From conditionsselection professorsko-prepodavatelskoyo structure in corresponding directioneducations. The appendix Structureeducational programm in a direction 5720100 - Medical business № items The name of blocks of disciplines andcourses The general ѐin hours 1 2 3 1.00and social and economic disciplines 1704 2.00 Mathematical and natural-science disciplines 2952 Matematiko-communicative course 252 2.01 Computer science and information180 2.02 Iatrotechnics and new medical72 Natural-science course 2700 283 2.03 Medicaland270 2.04 Biophysics 180 2.05chemistry 144 2.06chemistry 180 2.07chemistry 324 2.08 Latin language and bases mediko-pharmaceutical miny 144 2.09 Human anatomy 450 2.10 Yy, y,324 2.11 Normal324 2.12 y,and324 2.13 History of medicine 36 3.00 disciplines 8316 Course of the general990 3.01y 270 3.02anatomy. Sec a course 306 3.03 Forensic medicine. Legal bases of activity of the doctor 144 3.04270 Mediko-preventive course 756 3.05 Yy with y,234 3.06 Public health and management of public health services. Biostatistics 378 3.0736 3.08 y, 108 Therapeutic course 3438 3.09 Doctor and the patient 72 3.10 Propaedeutics of internal illnesses 306 3.11 Internal illnesses. National medicine 558 3.12 Phthisiology 216 3.13 Medical control, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy 126 3.14198 3.15 Yy and field therapy. Laboratory business 270 3.16 Professional illnesses 90 3.17 Clinical234 3.18 Infectious diseases. Children's infectious diseases. 342 3.19 Dermatovenereal illnesses, AIDS 216 3.20 Nervous illnesses 252 3.21 Psychiatry and y. Medical306 3.22 Beamand therapy 108 3.23 Medical72 3.24 Clinical yy 72 a course 2160 3.25 Operativewithanatomy 198 3.26 Generalwith bases216 3.27illnesses 468 3.28108 3.29 Nursery162 284 3.30162 3.31and orthopedy, . A nursery216 3.32 y. A nursery162 3.33and resuscitation 72 3.34 yy,234 3.35162 Course of protection of motherhood and the childhood 972 3.36 Obstetrics and yy 342 3.37 Pediatrics 630 4.00 Special disciplines 1818 Disciplines of the doctor of the general practice 1818 4.01 Internal illnesses,828 4.0272 4.03illnesses 252 4.04 Medicine of accident 72 4.05 Urgent conditions. The first help 144 4.06 Obstetrics and yy 360 4.0790 5.00 Additional disciplines 450 5.01 Military y,and450 6.00 Disciplines for choice 322 6.01 Disciplines for choice 322 15562 Qualifying practice 1188 108 certification 108 16966 data UDC _________At _________ CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT _________ Keywords: Medical business, the doctor of the general practice Ключевые слова: Лечебное дело, врач общей практики 285 № 1. Progress mark in % 96-100% excellent «5» 2. 91-95% 3. 86-90% Level of knowledge of student Full correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 2 . 91-95 % complete correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. Excellent «5» "5" The questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development lit enough , but there are 1-2 errors in the response. Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational 286 problems are solved correctly , but the justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 4. 81-85% Good «4» The questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development is fully covered , but there are 23 inaccuracies, errors . Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly , but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems . Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 5. 76-80% Good Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development (RF ) , learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development but fully understands the methods of assessing risk factors . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 5-8 online sources and literature in recent years. «4» 287 6. 71-75% Good «4» 7. 66-70% 8. 61-65% Satisfactory «3» Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but incomplete lists methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 3-5 online sources and literature in recent years. on the correct answer half of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive when discussing CDS. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . correct answer half of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature 288 in recent years. Passive when discussing CDS. 9. 55-60% 10. 31-54% correct answer to 40 % of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature in recent years. The abstract mistakes , broken logical sequence of topics subject was not disclosed . Improper design of slides and posters. Passive when discussing CDS. dissatisfaction «2» 11. 20-30% less than 40% coverage of the issues in the wrong approach. Student does not know about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Practically versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . Homework is not satisfied. Passive during the development of practical skills , making numerous mistakes in their implementation . CDS performed with numerous errors , using only 12 online sources and literature, poorly framed , the student can not present their work . Passive when discussing CDS. dissatisfaction "2" is present on the student practical training in the «2» proper form , there is a workbook . Questions not answers. Do not know about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Not involved in the development of practical skills. Homework is not satisfied. CDS is not prepared . Passive in class . Violates discipline prevents conduct 289 classes . ТМИ текшириш мезонлари № 1. Ўзлаштириш % 86 - 100 2. 71 - 85 3. 55 - 70 Баҳолаш Талабанинг билим даражаси Аъло «5» 10 та манбадан ошиқ бўлган интернет ва охирги йиллар адабиётлари маълумотларидан фойдаланиб ёзилган юқори сифатли рефератлар. Мавзуси тўлиқ ва ҳар томонлама очиб кўрсатилган рефератлар, матни мантиқий кетма-кетликда ёзилган, рефератни тайёрлашда талаба эрудитлигини, билимларининг чуқурлилигини ва саводхон эканлигини намойиш этди. Реферат чиройли расмийлаштирилган. Мавзуни тўлиқ очиб берувчи 30 дан ортиқ анимацияли, замонавий маълумотлардан фойдаланган, аниқ ва чиройли слайдлар мажмуаси тайёрланган. Стендлар, баннерлар ёки ламинация қилинган материаллар юқори савияда тайёрланган, материаллар мантиқан тўғри ёзилган, сифатли, аниқ ва чиройли расмийлаштирилган, барча маълумотларни тўлиқ ҳажмда кўрсатиб беради. Яхши 3-5 та манбали интернет ва охирги йиллар «4» адабиётлари маълумотларидан фойдаланиб ёзилган рефератлар. Реферат чиройли расмийлаштирилган, хатосиз, мантиқан тўғри ёзилган, мавзу тўлиқ очиб берилган. Мавзуни очиб берувчи 15-20 та бир турдаги анимацияли, замонавий маълумотлардан фойдаланган, бир кўринишда расмийлаштирилган слайдлар мажмуаси тайёрланган. Стендлар, баннерлар ёки ламинация қилинган материаллар юқори савияда тайёрланган, барча маълумотларни тўлиқ ҳажмда кўрсатиб беради, бироқ зерикарли расмийлаштирилган. Қониқар 2-3 та манбали интернет ва охирги йиллар ли «3» адабиётлари маълумотларидан фойдаланиб қониқарли ёзилган рефератлар. Реферат чиройли расмийлаштирилган, бироқ хатолари бор, кетмакетликка риоя қилинмаган ҳолда, мавзу ярим чала очиб берилган. Мавзунинг ярим мазмунини очган 290 4. 0 - 54 10-15 та бир хил турдаги анимацияли, монтон расмийлаштирилган слайдлар мажмуаси тайёрланган. Стендлар, баннерлар ёки ламинация қилинган материаллар маълумотларнинг яримиини ўз ичида мужассамлаб, сифатсиз расмийлаштирилган. Қониқар- Реферат ёмон расмийлаштирилган, хатолари бор, сиз «2» кетма-кетликка риоя қилинмаган ҳолда, мавзунинг мазмунини яримидан кам қисмини очиб берган. 1-2 та интернет ва адабиётлар маълумотларидан фойдаланилган. Мавзунинг яримидан кам қисмини очган 10 дан кам бир хил турдаги анимацияли, монтон расмийлаштирилган слайдлар мажмуаси тайёрланган. Стендлар, баннерлар ёки ламинация қилинган материаллар кам маълумотларни ўз ичида мужассамлаб, сифатсиз расмийлаштирилган. Якуний назорат № Ўзлаштириш % 1. 96-100 2. 91-95 3. 86-90 4. 81-85 5. 76-80 6. 71-75 Баҳо Аъло «5» Яхши «4» Талабанинг билим даражаси Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур ҳамма саволларига тўғри, аниқ, кетма-кетликка риоя қилган ҳолда жавоблар берилган. Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур ҳамма саволларига жавоблар тўғри, аммо кетма-кет жавоб беришда тўғирланган ҳоллари кузатилди. Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур ҳамма саволларига жавоблар тўғри, аммо кетмакетликка риоя қилинмаган. Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур ҳамма саволларига жавоблар тўғри, аммо кетмакетликда 1 та аҳамиятсиз хато бор. Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур ҳамма саволларига жавоблар тўғри, аммо кетмакетликда 1-2 та хато бор. Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур саволларига жавоб беришда хатолар бор(30%). Жавоблар кетма-кетлигида бир неча тўғирланган ҳоллари кузатилди. 291 7. 66-70 8. 61-65 9. 55-60 10 54 -30 11 30 ва ундан кам Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур саволларига жавоб беришда хатолар бор(40%). Жавоблар кетма-кетлиги бузилган. Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур саволларига Қониқарли жавоб беришда хатолар бор, 45% жавоблар «3» нотўғри ёзилган ҳамда кетма-кетлик бузилган. Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур саволларига жавоб беришда хатолар бор, 55% жавоблар нотўғри ёзилган ҳамда кетма-кетлик кўп ҳолларда бузилган. Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур саволларига Қонижавоб беришда хатолар бор, 55%дан кўп қарсиз жавоблар нотўғри ёзилган ҳамда кетма-кетлик «2» кўп ҳолларда бузилган. Ўргатувчи назорат қилувчи дастур ҳамма саволларига жавоблар нотўғри ёзилган ҳамда кетма-кетлик кўп ҳолларда бузилган. 292