2015/16 Vaccination and immunisation programme agreement Existing programmes – rolling over with no changes Programme Specification Service or SFE timeframe Cohort Vaccine/Dosage Vaccine Supply Payment details Hepatitis B (newborn babies) Newborn babies Four doses – first dose expected to be delivered in hospital. Monthly Newborn babies whose mother has hep B have an increased risk of contracting the disease. This programme identifies these babies and ensures they receive vaccination within the first three months after birth and a fourth dose at the age of 12 months. 1st dose @ newborn 2nd dose @ 1 month 3rd dose @ 2 months (four weeks between doses) 4th dose after 12 months AND deliver or refer for a heel prick blood test Practice to obtain direct from manufacturer SFE ONLY In line with SFE - 1 April to 31 March Patients will present for other vaccinations for at least one of the doses and there are no contra-indications to this. The expected cohort is between 2000 and 3000 new born babies per year nationally (0.4% of the ante-natal population). MMR Rotavirus Pertussis SFE ONLY SFE ONLY Included in the SFE as an IoS fee for providers of childhood immunisation additional service. Specification ONLY In line with SFE - 1 April to 31 March In line with SFE - 1 April to 31 March 16 years and over Immunise patients as required, aged 16 and over that have no record or incomplete vaccination, either opportunistically or who selfpresent to the practice requesting vaccination. Children aged 6 weeks and 6 months (but not over 24 weeks). Payment for second dose only made after delivery of third dose. The first dose will be provided by the hospital at birth. In the event that it is not, practices will be required to administer the first dose in the event hospitals or midwives at-home birth have been unable to immunise at birth. Women with hep B are not recommended for home birth and as such these numbers should be minimal. The practice must update the patient record with the results of the blood test and notify parent/carer and make referral to paediatrics as necessary. One or two doses as required Manual reporting via CQRS only Payment £ £7.64 per dose. PA fees also available to claim for vaccines. Payment for fourth dose after results of blood test are recorded in patient record and parents/carer updated. Central supply Monthly £7.64 per dose Manual reporting via CQRS only Two doses Central supply Payment made on completion of second dose £7.64 per completed course CQRS/GPES 1/4/15 – 31/3/16 Pregnant women Vaccination is required for each pregnancy. Vaccination of pregnant women and new mothers who missed the opportunity to be vaccinated while pregnant. Central supply Monthly CQRS/automatic extracts planned for 15/16 1 £7.67 per dose Additional information In most cases it is expected hospitals will provide the first vaccination and obtain details of the babies/mother’s practice/ intended practice and inform the practice of the child’s health/conditions and immunisations. Due to the risk of babies being registered elsewhere or details not being provided by the hospital, practices are required to identify newborn babies registered with the practice (by checking mother’s status, not relying on hospital notice) who are at risk of hep B and provide appropriate vaccinations. Existing programmes – changes Programme Specification or SFE Service Timeframe Cohort Vaccine/Dosage Vaccine Supply Payment details Childhood seasonal influenza vaccination programme Specification Only 31/9/14-31/3/15 2, 3 and 4 years as at 31 August 2015 One dose for most children. Central supply Administrative change to the timeframe from 1 September to 31 August to align with school years. Practices are required to operate call and recall services for all eligible patients. Children aged between two to less than nine years defined as at-risk require a second dose where they have not received influenza vaccination previously. Specification ONLY 14/15 and 15/16 changes 14/15 Change from 1/4/14 – 31/10/14 to 31/3/15 15/16 1/4/15- 31/03/16 Seasonal influenza and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination programme Directions and specifications Seasonal influenza 1/9/15-31/3/16 (Change from 1/8/14-31/3/15) Freshers aged 17-25 years at any time in the financial year, attending university for the first time, who have not been vaccinated after the age of ten and selfpresent to their practice for vaccination. Seasonal influenza At-risk patients as defined in the service specification and Green Book (expected to be as 14/15 programme) Where two doses are required, they must be delivered at least four weeks apart. One booster dose Central supply Monthly £7.64 CQRS/automatic extracts planned for 15/16 Minor changes to CQRS Seasonal Influenza Influenza vaccines should be concentrated between 1/9-30/11 in line with Green Book/advice from CMO to ensure optimum coverage - service will still run to 31/3. Seasonal influenza Central supply for eligible patients under 18 years. Pneumococcal At-risk patients as defined in the service specification and Green Book (expected to be as 14/15 programme) Pneumococcal All vaccines to be ordered directly from the manufacturer. 2 Both programmes Monthly £7.64 per dose per vaccine CQRS/ automatic extracts planned for 15/16 PA fees also available to claim for those vaccines ordered from manufactu rer The influenza and pneumococcal programmes are mutually dependant in the specification. Due to the way CQRS and GPES work, they are two separate services on these systems. Additional information The children’s flu programme was a new initiative in 2013. The intended cohort is patients aged 2-17, to be rolled out over future years. The programme is being developed by PHE and the cohort included in this ES is subject to review (due to vaccine supply and logistics) and change. Schools programmes start with children in year 1 and does not include children in reception classes. As such, with the 1 September cut-off date, there is a risk some 4/5 year olds miss out on a vaccination. This change to 31 August brings the age qualification in line with the school admissions programme and qualifying children are not missed. Minor timeframe change required for CQRS All other vaccines to be ordered directly from the manufacturer. Pneumococcal 1/4/15 – 31/3/16 then in line with the SFE (changed from August to March) £7.64 per dose CQRS/automatic extracts anticipated for 15/16 Vaccinations against influenza should be concentrated between 1/9-30/11 in line with the Green Book and advice from CMO to ensure optimum coverage although the service will still run to 31/3. MenC freshers Monthly Payment £ 14/15 In year extend 14/15 timeframe to 31/3/15 in response to increased demand from students following reported cases of meningococcal disease. 15/16 Extend the timeframe for the programme to run to 31 March 2016 to allow practices more time to vaccinate eligible patients. Seasonal influenza The DES Directions reflects the scope of influenza immunisations NHS England commissions as a primary medical care service. The Specification reflects that NHS England commissions influenza immunisation for wider risk groups identified in the Green Book including pregnant women (excludes children 2-4 years). These are public health functions carried out on behalf Secretary of State for Health under the Section 7a Agreement Requirement: offer vaccination to patients age 65 and over (during the financial year 15/16) AND patients identified as “at clinical risk” as indicated in the Green Book, on a proactive call basis if not at risk, or proactive call and recall service for at risk patients. Programme now commences on 1 September rather than 1 August to bring the programme in line with influenza season/vaccine supply/purchasing plans Pneumococcal Practices are required to operate a proactive call basis if not at risk or proactive call and recall service for at risk patients. Change to timeframe for pneumococcal to allow practices to deliver and claim payment for vaccinations all year round. Shingles (routine) SFE ONLY 1 September to 31 August Patients aged 70 years on 1 September 2015. One dose provides lifetime coverage Centrally supplied Specification ONLY 1 September to 31 August Patients aged 78 years on 1 September 2015. £7.64 CQRS with automatic extracts planned for 15/16 In addition, patients aged 70 on or after 1 September 2013 remain eligible until their 80th birthday. Shingles (catch-up) Monthly One dose provides lifetime coverage Centrally supplied Included in the SFE as an IoS for providers of vaccination and immunisation additional services. Change from 70 on 1 September 2015 to also include patients aged 70 on or after 1 September 2013 but not after they turn 80. Monthly £7.64 CQRS with automatic extracts planned for 15/16 Change cohort from 78 and 79, to 78 only with up to 80 still being eligible until they turn 80. In addition, patients aged 70 on or after 1 September 2013 remain eligible for vaccination until their 80th birthday. Vaccination is on an opportunistic basis. This programme can be delivered alongside the seasonal influenza programme. Continuation of the existing catch up programme which aims for all patients aged 71-79 to be vaccinated - phased in view of vaccine supplies and available funding. Vaccination of eligible patients on an opportunistic/selfpresent basis. This programme can be delivered alongside the seasonal influenza programme. New programmes Programme Specification Timeframe or SFE Cohort Vaccine/dosage Vaccine supply Payment details HPV Booster SFE ONLY 14-18 years Tbc Centrally supplied Monthly Centrally supplied CQRS only manual payment. Only where the patient has missed or declined schools provision Monthly Meningitis C (menC) booster SFE ONLY Commence on 1 April 2015 then in line with SFE - 1 April to 31 March Commence on 1 April 2015 then in line with SFE - 1 April to 31 March until removed Guidance will clarify details 14-25 years Tbc Guidance will clarify details CQRS only manual payment. Only where patient has missed or declined schools provision 3 Payment £ £7.64 per dose Additional information New provision in the SFE for practices to administer and claim for vaccinations delivered opportunistically or following patient request when child unable to access or missed school programme provision. Practices are not required to proactively offer or encourage patients to be vaccinated. £7.64 New provision in the SFE for practices to administer and claim for vaccinations delivered opportunistically or following patient request when child unable to access or missed school programme provision. Practices are not required to proactively offer or encourage patients to be vaccinated.