ACCT341, Ch14 - Personal Pages Index

ACCT341, Chapter 12
Read the first few pages of Ch. 12 and answer the following questions:
1. Who should internal auditors report to? Why?
What is the primary concern of internal auditors?
What is the chief purpose of an external audit?
T or F: If internal controls are strong, auditors can rely on the controls and thus need
to do less substantive testing.
T or F: Auditors’ objectives in reviewing IS controls include: (a) to evaluate the
risk that control weaknesses will compromise the integrity of the financial reports
(numbers are wrong); and (b) to find control weaknesses and recommend fixes.
What is the ideal background for an IS auditor?
T or F: People skills are arguably the most important skill required by auditors.
How does one become a CISA?
Give two examples of how GAS can assist auditors.
10. Suppose you’re auditing loans receivable at a bank. You need to pick a random
sample of loans, including loans over a certain dollar amount, as well as loans with
certain kinds of collateral (e.g. airplane loans). Which one of the following
commands in a GAS package would be most useful to obtain generate this sample:
stratify, extract, or join?
11. How does auditing around the computer differ from auditing through (or with) the
12. T or F: In a highly complex computerized information system, it is nearly
impossible to audit around the computer.
13. List five approaches to through-the-computer auditing.
14. (A) Identify three approaches to test that computer programs are properly
processing data.
(B) Which approach would have the greatest danger of contaminating real data with
fictitious data? The least danger?
(C) Which approach do you think would be the most expensive to use? Why?
15. What are two ways to minimize the chance that a clever programmer might
substitute a legitimate program for a dishonest one when the auditors ask for the
program in order to test it?
16. How can an auditor test the systems software to ensure controls are working
17. Of the password parameter examples listed in Fig. 12-7, if you had to pick three
parameters in combination, which three do you think would be the most effective at
preventing unauthorized access?
18. (A) T or F: Exception reporting is a form of continuous auditing.
(B) At a bank or credit union, the computer system will automatically generate
exception reports that print out all changes and overrides made (e.g. changes to an
interest rate on a borrower’s loan or override of an automatic late fee). Also, the
computer system will maintain a log of who was logged on at what times during the
day. If you were an auditor at a bank, what would you look for in these exception
19. Briefly describe how each of the following work: (A) embedded audit module or
audit hook, (B) transaction tagging, and (C) snapshot technique.
20. Which section of SOX is keeping management and the auditors of public companies
the busiest? Why is it so time consuming?
21. Auditors must be aware of the tools used for detecting errors. A simple spreadsheet
error can be costly. For example, an accountant in a construction company inserted
$254,000 of costs into a cell of a spreadsheet, not noticing that the inserted cell was
outside the range to be summed for total costs. This mistake caused the company to
underbid a job by $254,000. A similar event happened in a construction bid at a
nearby institution in Walla Walla. In auditing an Excel spreadsheet, there are ways
to look for spreadsheet errors other than just visual inspection.
(A) Obtain the P21 Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the link on the course
webpage entitled P21. Use the Formula Auditing tools described at the end of this
document to identify formula errors in this spreadsheet. Find at least one error and
describe the error and how you found it.
(B) Use the Data Validation feature described at the end of this document and then
try entering a number outside the range criteria. Did it work? You do not need to
submit this spreadsheet as part of your assignment.
22. Refer to the article below entitled Turn Excel Into a Financial Statement Sleuth and
answer the following question: (A) According to Benford’s Law, what percent of
the time should a number contain the first digit of 1? The digit of 9? (B) How
could auditors use Benford’s Law in their work?
23. Obtain the P23 Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the link on the course webpage
entitled P23. Using the Excel spreadsheet tools available (or your own methods
which are probably better), debug the spreadsheet and compute the correct total pay
for the pay period. Submit a copy of your spreadsheet as part of this assignment.
(Hint: grand total should be close to $19,700). Assume the following policies:
(A) A minimum wage of $7.50 must be paid to all employees. If a wage rate less
than the minimum is recorded, it must be changed to the minimum. Any negative
numbers should be changed to be positive numbers.
(B) The highest wage that can be paid is $40 per hour. If a wage of more than the
maximum is recorded, it must be changed to the maximum.
(C) Timecards allow only 15-minute increments, i.e. an employee can’t report time
at a fraction other than .25, .50, or .75 of an hour. If time is recorded at an incorrect
fraction, it must be rounded to the nearest legitimate increment.
(D) Overtime is paid at a time-and-a-half or 1.5 times normal wage only for hours
worked in excess of 40 per week. The total hours reported (regular and overtime) is
the correct total hours worked.
(E) Given budget constraints, under no circumstances will an employee be paid for
working more than 50 hours per week.
(F) All employees must be paid for no less than half-time or 20 hours per week.
Sleuthing With Excel
Newer Versions of Excel
Formula Auditing: On the top menu of Excel, go to Formulas, see Formula Auditing
section. Perform the error checking function to find and correct the formula errors. You
can also display Precedent and Dependent arrows to show the formula pattern among the
cells. Finally, you can show formulas, which often immediately makes and formula
visibly apparent.
Data Validation: On the top menu of Excel, go to Data and then under the Data Tools
section, go to Data Validation. Use the validation tool to verify data as it is being
entered. For example, highlight the payrate range and set the data validation decimal
feature between $7.50 and $40.00. From this point on, any data entered in the payrate
range that does not fall between these two values will be flagged.
Older Versions of Excel
Formula Auditing: On the top menu of Excel, go to FormulaTools, Formula Auditing
and Show Formula Auditing Toolbar. Perform the error checking function (first icon on
toolbar) and find and correct the formula errors. You can also display Precedent and
Dependent arrows to show the formula pattern among the cells.
Data Validation: On the top menu of Excel, go to Data and then Validation. Use the
validation tool to verify data as it is being entered. For example, highlight the payrate
range and set the data validation decimal feature between $7.50 and $40.00. From this
point on, any data entered in the payrate range that does not fall between these two values
will be flagged.
Home · Online Publications · Journal of Accountancy · Online
Issues · August 2003 ·Turn Excel Into a Financial Sleuth
An easy-to-use digital analysis tool can red-flag irregularities.
Turn Excel Into a
Financial Sleuth
ne of our small business clients—we’ll call him Bob—recently
expanded his one-store, family-run retail operation into a four-store
chain. As many small business owners have to do, Bob had to
relinquish some hands-on control when his business grew. He had to
hire new employees for each store, and he worried about the
possibility of bookkeeping errors and, even worse, fraud.
Adding to his concern was his need to install modern electronic technologies
to link the four locations. Instead of trusted family members responsible for a
single cash register, Bob now had many operators at point-of-sale (POS)
terminals and purchasing agents in different locations handling electronic
disbursements to hundreds of vendors—an ideal environment for
The POS system produced spreadsheets that tracked daily sales, returns and
disbursement data—all of which could be aggregated by employee. While the
POS tool could generate custom financial reports useful for decision making,
it was unable to spot clues about irregularities.
That’s where we came into the picture as consultants. We suggested running
a digital-analysis process based on Benford’s Law, which can detect
irregularities in large data sets. (For more on Benford’s Law, see “I’ve Got
Your Number,” JofA, May99, page 79.) We told Bob he didn’t need to buy any
special software to use the process, and that with a few modifications, Excel
could do the job. As it turned out, the process paid off handsomely. Within a
few weeks it revealed irregularities in a sample of cash disbursements to
vendors, and after further investigation, Bob concluded that one of his new
employees probably was committing fraud.
Exhibit 1
This article will explain how you can turn Excel into a financial detective by
using Benford’s Law and customize Excel programs to perform sophisticated
digital analyses that can uncover errors and fraud.
Benford’s Law predicts Exhibit 2
the occurrence of
digits in large sets of
numbers. Simply put, it
states that we can
expect some digits to
occur more often than
others. For example,
the numeral 1 should
occur as the first digit
in any multiple-digit
number about 31% of
the time, while 9
should occur as the
first digit only 5% of
the time. We also can
apply the law to
determine the
expected occurrence
of the second digit of a
number, the first two
digits of a number and
other combinations.
How can such
predictions red-flag an
irregularity? When
someone creates false
transactions or
commits a data-entry
error, the resulting
numbers often deviate
from the law’s
expectations. This is
true when someone
creates random
numbers or
intentionally keeps
certain transactions
below required
authorization levels.
When Excel spots the
deviation, it raises a
red flag. Considerable
statistical research
supports the
effectiveness of
Benford’s Law, making
it a valuable tool for
CPAs. The technique
isn’t guaranteed to
detect fraud in all
situations but is useful
in analyzing the
credibility of
accounting records.
Benford’s Law is not effective for all financial data. If the data set is small, the
law becomes less accurate because there are not enough items in the
sample and so the rules of randomness don’t apply—or at least apply with
less predictability.
Also, if the data include built-in minimums and maximums, they also might not
conform well to the law’s predictions. For example, consider a petty-cash fund
where all disbursements are between a $10 minimum and a $20 maximum.
All first digits would be either 1 or 2, and the expected distribution of first digits
would not apply. Likewise, when a company’s major product sells for, say,
$9.95, most sales totals will be a multiple of 995, again offsetting the value of
the process. Finally, when a data set consists of assigned numbers, such as
a series of internally generated invoice numbers, the data will not follow a
Benford distribution.
For a demonstration of how the fraud-detection spreadsheet works, you can
download an Excel file that contains sample data and the Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA) code that automates the calculation of the data from For
those who want to create their own VBA code or alter the downloaded
program to perform other digital analysis tests, download an instruction
manual “How to Create the Fraud Buster Application” from
Once you’ve downloaded the file, you can perform tests on any spreadsheet
data. Further, you can easily import database data into Excel and then
analyze them. You even can download live Internet data for that purpose.
To start the test, open the Enter Data worksheet—using either the sample
data or after importing your own data—and press the Run Fraud Buster
button (see exhibit 1, above).
Guided by the VBA code, Excel will analyze the data using three tests: firstdigit, second-digit and first-two-digits. Once it completes its analysis, the
program will open the second worksheet, First-Digit Test (see exhibit 2,
above), and display the results: a table with the Benford predictions for firstdigit frequencies, the actual sample frequencies, the differences between the
sample and Benford frequencies and a bar chart that graphically compares
the financial data with the law’s predictions.
It’s immediately
obvious from the bar
graph that the digits in
our disbursement data
do not conform to
Benford predicted
rates. The digits 5, 6
and 7 appear much
more frequently than
expected, while the
digit 1 is noticeably
absent. This type of
result indicates that it
may be necessary to
investigate further.
The first-digit test
analyzes the
reasonableness of the
data, which can be
very valuable to
internal and external
auditors. Additional
tests of the digits can
help to isolate the
cause of deviations
from Benford’s
To see the results of
the second-digit test,
click on the SecondDigit Test worksheet
tab (see exhibit 3, at
right). Notice that in
this analysis, the digit
zero is included in the
table of expected
digits; as a result, the
Benford formula for
the second-digit test is
more complex. An
Exhibit 3
analysis of the bar
chart shows the
sample data deviate
from Benford’s
predictions for seconddigit frequencies—
further evidence of
Now click on the First-Two-Digits Test worksheet (see exhibit 4, below). The
following formula calculates the Benford predicted rates for the first two digits:
Log10 (1+1/twodigits).
With these four worksheets, you are armed and ready. Import the data you
wish to analyze into the Enter Data worksheet and press the Run Fraud
Buster button.
The second-digit test confirms the existence of deviations from expectations.
The digits 6 and 7 appear far more often than expected. Finally, the analysis
indicates that 56 and 67 appear as the first two digits far more often than
expected. It may be possible an employee is creating fictitious disbursements,
and he or she has a tendency to overuse 5, 6 and 7 when creating false
disbursement data. Alternatively, there may be a $1,000 limit on unauthorized
disbursements to vendors, and an employee is creating false disbursements
that are comfortably below the cutoff.
Exhibit 4
The real-life Bob investigated a sample of the disbursements that started with
the digits 56 and 67 and soon discovered disbursements to an unfamiliar
vendor. Additional sleuthing revealed the vendor did not exist, and the
employee actually was sending payments to a personal account. Digital
analysis using Benford’s Law and the fraud-buster spreadsheet swiftly
exposed the crime and its source. Bob spent only minutes learning to use the
spreadsheet. It now is a part of his personal arsenal against fraud and
employee errors.
ANNA M. ROSE, CPA, PhD, and JACOB M. ROSE, PhD, are assistant
professors at Montana State University at Bozeman and principals of
Progression Consulting Group.
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