Post-Unit Personnel Meeting Faculty

Post-Unit Personnel Meeting Faculty
Comment Form
Faculty Candidate: ____________________________ Evaluation for: Contract Renewal
University policy relevant to the faculty personnel process may be found in Chapter 4, Section 2 of
the Grand Valley State University Administrative Manual. College and unit standards for personnel
actions may be found in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Standards & Criteria for Personnel
Evaluation, and in the unit’s evaluation document.
Please prepare written comments for the criteria noted below and submit the form to your Unit Head.
Address the quality, quantity, and appropriateness of each criterion and the basis for your judgment.
This comment form will be used to develop the Unit Recommendation Report. All signed comment
forms, along with the Unit Recommendation Report, will be transmitted to the Dean. All regular
faculty members are entitled to fill out this form.
Comments directly related to evaluation criteria. Unit criteria are also relevant.
a. Effective Teaching
University criteria: Effective teaching facilitates student learning and includes, but is not
limited to, knowledge of the field taught, classroom and mentoring performance, and
communication and human relations skills. Faculty members teach effectively by challenging
and engaging students, by supporting their academic and professional growth, and by
establishing and maintaining high academic standards. They address in their courses
relevant knowledge together with intellectual and practical skills pertinent to the discipline or
profession. They use appropriate pedagogies and relevant assessments of student learning.
They contribute to revising or developing courses and curricula as needed by their units.
Effective teaching must be documented by: a) self-evaluation, b) peer evaluation, and c)
student evaluations.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences criteria: Effective teaching is the primary responsibility
of faculty members in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Faculty members in CLAS
are expected to invest a great deal of effort into becoming competent, effective teachers. For
all personnel decisions, at all levels, teaching effectiveness will be evaluated using multiple
means of assessment to allow faculty members to reflect upon and further hone their
teaching skills as they strive for teaching excellence in liberal education.
For contract renewal, faculty should strive to demonstrate effective teaching in as many
of the following categories as possible: classroom instruction, course content and curricular
development, one-on-one mentoring or research with students, advising of students, and
reflection on teaching.
b. Scholarly/Creative Activity
University criteria: This includes, but is not limited to, professional research, creative
activities, scholarly writing, editorial boards, scholarly presentations at conferences,
participation in professional activities, degrees and continued education, and holding official
positions in professional organizations when the position has scholarly outcomes.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences criteria: Effective scholarly or creative activity is an
important responsibility of faculty members in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The
college expects all CLAS faculty to be active scholars or artists who, through on-going
scholarly or creative activities such as basic and applied research, artistic expression and
performance, and other forms of scholarship, contribute to the development and application
of knowledge and create a dynamic environment for learning. The college expects a faculty
member to establish a record of scholarly or creative endeavor that is meaningful within the
scholar’s discipline. Scholarly activity can be classified as personal professional
development, engagement in scholarly discourse, research-in-progress, or scholarly/creative
c. Service to Unit, College, University, the Profession, and the Community
University criteria: A faculty workload includes service to the unit, College, and University, as
well as to the community/profession. Unit, college and university service includes, but is not
limited to, participation in university governance, unit, college and university committees,
curriculum development, serve as an advisor to student organizations, and carry out special
assignments. Community service and service to the profession involves the engagement of a
faculty member's professional expertise. Community service includes, but is not limited to,
engaging in community outreach, acting as a board member in a community based
organization, participating in public service programs, and work as a pro bono consultant on
community projects when representing the University. Service to the profession includes
leadership or committee roles in professional organizations. Each unit will determine the
types of community/professional service most appropriate to its specific mission and program
objectives. It is the responsibility of each faculty member to describe the nature of the service
and the time commitment involved.
rev. 9/2012
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences criteria: Faculty members in the College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences are expected to be active, responsible citizens within some combination of their
unit, the college, the university, and their professional community or the community at large.
Service that contributes to a faculty member’s workload must promote the fulfillment of the
unit, college or university missions. Community service provides contributions linked in a
broad sense to one’s profession and/or the university mission. CLAS defines community
service as public service to local, regional, national, or international communities. CLAS
recognizes and celebrates the diverse and creative ways in which our faculty members
enrich their various communities through their service.
2. Other comments?
I was present for the unit meeting and vote.
I was not present for the unit meeting and vote.
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _________________
Name (please print): ______________________________
Please return to your Unit Head by ______________.
This signed Comment Form, along with the Unit Recommendation,
will be transmitted to the Dean.
rev. 9/2012