St. Bernard Parish Advent Candles in this box area. In the Heart of Akron Come and Worship the Living God Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil Sundays 4:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (en Español) 8:00 p.m. Daily and Holyday Masses See Mass Intentions inside for times Sacraments Baptism- Celebrated (1st/3rd) Saturdays at 11am. Contact us to schedule and preparations. RCIA – Interested in becoming Catholic? Attend an Inquiry Session or call our Parish Office. Penance - Confessions 3:00-4:00pm on Saturdays, 11-Noon on First Friday, or byappointment. Marriage – Please contact the parish office as soon as possible for a date, but at least six months in advance for marriage preparations. Anointing of the Sick – Any time upon request; Call the Parish Office or the hospital chaplain. Funerals Please have your Funeral Director contact us to arrange a day/time for a Mass or Burial Service. Newman Center Campus Ministry Mr. John Szarwark, Campus Minister Parish Offices, 3rd Floor; 330-376-3585 Heart-to-Heart Communications Fr. Norm Douglas, Co-founder, in residence Ms. Sarah Leiendecker, Executive Assistant Parish Offices, 1st Floor; 330-434-3278 Interested in becoming Catholic? If you seek a more meaningful Life in the Way of Jesus Christ and the Truth he taught about God and us, call us for information on how to be a disciple with us in the Catholic Church. Expecting a child? Need help? Contact us so we can direct you for assistance, or call confidentially 1-800-712-(HELP)4357. Prayers? Have a request? Call our prayer line at: 234-738-2473 or Email us at: Food? In need or want to help? Contact us for free meal times, to volunteer or to donate to our Hunger Ministry to the needy. ContactUs(Se habla español *) Pastor Vicar Deacon Secretary Business Mgr. Organist Custodian Maintenance Fr. Daniel J. Reed* Fr. Frank Basa Mr. Ray DiMascio Mrs. Nancy Cabrera* Mrs. Cheri Colianni Mr. Jim Kintz Mr. Ralph Reese Mr. Will Jendrisak - ext. 27 - ext. 13 - ext. 15 - ext. 10 - ext. 16 - ext. 25 - ext. 10 - ext. 16 44 University Avenue - Akron, OH 44308 330-253-5161 / 330-253-6949 (Fax) (Email) (Website) Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Sundays St. Bernard Mass Intentions Sunday, December 20 – Four Sunday of Advent 9:30 + George Kozarevic 11:30 + Charles U. Reed 1:00 + Francisco Mora Sr. 8:00 Pro Populo (at St. Mary church) Monday, December 21 – St. Peter Canisius 12:10 + Anthony & Mary Scafidi Tuesday, December 22 12:10 + Francisco Mora Sr. Wednesday, December 23 – St. John of Kanty 12:10 + Lena Farrel Thursday, December 24 12:10 Intention of the priest 4:30 + Maria Gomes 7:00 For St. Bernard Parish Volunteers Midnight For the People of the Parishes Friday, December 25 - The Nativity of our Lord 11:30 For St. Bernard Parish Benefactors Dear Community and Visitors, We hope to celebrate with you later this week the Lord's Nativity, but if we miss you please know of our best wishes for a joyous Christmas Season. Our Savior lives! And for those who know Him, love Him, and desire to imitate Him...this time of the year is more than a one day celebration! Blessings and Prayers from your St. Bernard Staff. THANK YOU- To All who participated in this year's Annual Giving Tree. Your gift to the Akron Pregnancy Center will be delivered this week. Your gift to the Hunger Program will be distributed Christmas Eve. CHRISTMAS DECORATING - Wednesday, Dec. 23 after 5:00pm we will erect the Nativity Set and complete the church sanctuary. Youth are especially needed. Thanks. ATTENTION: ALL CHILDREN AND TEENS! Participants for the 4:30 Children’s Christmas Eve Mass (choir and pageant), if you have any last minute questions contact: Becky Graham at 330-990-1965 or at 330-699-6040. Saturday, December 26 4:30 + Catherine Caprez ST.SEBASTIAN PARISH CHURCH - 476 Mull Sunday, December27 - Feast of the Holy Family 9:30 + Dec. of Harvat, Pribonic, Krebs Family 11:30 Intention of the Donor 1:00 Pro Populo 8:00 + Charlie Badran AM 1260 THE ROCK - Cleveland Catholic radio Scripture Readings for the Week Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a Lk 1:39-45 1 Sm 1:24-28 Lk 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24 Lk 1:57-66 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 Lk1:67-79 Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25 Mt 1:1-25 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59 Mt 10:17-22 Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 Col 3:12-21 LK 2:41-52 Ave. Invite you to the Handle’s Messiah, Music and Art Meet Scripture on Sunday December 20th at 7:30 p.m. Freewill offering will be taken. station is looking for small businesses interested in advertising on air. Reaching over two million people in the Cleveland area, this may be a perfect opportunity. For information call (216) 227-1260. You can help share the faith when someone needs to hear a word of hope! UA NEWMAN CENTER - Young adult retreat at St. Basil in Brecksville on Jan. 2/3rd. If you are interested, write Katie Brumbaugh at: SEE YOU IN JANUARY - Have a good Christmas Break! FEED the SOUL Daily Mass - 12:10pm followed by the Rosary - Adoration Chapel 9am - 5pm STEWARDSHIP = DISCIPLESHIP Thank you for supporting your parish ministries. Offerings for Dec. 13 - $8,611.00 PRAYER REQUESTS - For Mrs. Basa (Fr. Frank's Mom), Dave Topper, Nick Stohovitch, Bill Eisaman, Doris Hambrick, Marina Mora, Charlotte Thurman, Loreta Garcia. (listed 4wks or request to continue) HELP the HOMELESS - we are in need of hats, gloves, socks and travel toiletries for the homeless; place them in the DROP-OFF BOX located at the front church doors. Also any gently-used blankets or coats. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA – On December 24th in the Social Hall from 9 to 10 am. For more information call Patty Ayers 330-310-1931. POSADAS Y VILLANCICOS - Las posadas ETERNAL REST, O LORD – May the soul of comenzaron la semana pasada y todos están invitados a pedir posada, cantar y rezar antes de la venida del niño Jesús. Te esperamos para que conozcas más de esta tradición de Fe de Centro y South América. Domingo, Hoy20 de Dic. En casa de Doña Raquel 1089 Norka Ave. Akron Lunes, 21 de Dic. Familia Unti 1424 Chestnut Blvd. Cuyahoga Falls Martes, 22 de Dic. Casa de Lety Gómez, 663Blaine Ave. Akron Llame al 330-618-3189. Miércoles, 23 de Dic. Familia Castañeda 854 Avon St. Call 909-728-5984. Gracias a los organizadores por mantener las devociones al Niño Jesús. LOOKING INTO 2016 ATENCIÓN – NO SE OLVIDE EL 24 DE DICIEMBRE HAY MISA EN ESPAÑOL A LAS 7 DE LA NOCHE TODOS ESTÁN INVITADOS. FELIZ NAVIDAD – Para todos los miembros de la comunidad de San Bernardo. Thomas E. Gilbow, father of Sean (4:30), rest in peace. Please offer a prayer for Sean and his mother, Patricia. THANK YOU! RALPH REESE for 40 Years of Service to St. Bernard Parish COMUNICADO– El día de los Reyes se celebrará el 9 de enero 2016, Si quiere participar llame a la oficina 330-253-5161. Les recordamos a las personas que les toco el niño Jesús de la rosca de reyes del año pasado no se les olvide de traer los tamales. AGRADECEMIENTO: a todos los que colaboraron, donaron y asistieron a la misa y a la recepción de Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe, Dios les bendiga, todo fue un éxito. A muchos les gusto el menú, gracias a todos los que cocinaron, en fin muy buenos comentarios acerca de la misa y el evento. Felicidades a todos y nos vemos el próximo año. FELICITACIONES - a los niños que recibieron su Primera Comunión: Noah Baker, Michelle Gonzalez, Karen and Mario Hernandez, Jada Sikora, Brandon and Brian Samano, Kevin Reyes, and Ariel Pardo. ROSARIOS– Les recordamos que si quieren tener un rosario, en su casa hable con Alma Silva 330-400-7308 o Rosalía Duran 330-376-1803. Nota: los rosarios son el primer sábado de cada mes a las 7 pm. Agradecemos la buena voluntad de las personas que prestan su casa para rezar los rosarios. Para el próximo año, le invitamos a un rosario en honor a la Virgen María Rosa Mística, será el segundo sábado de cada mes a las 7 pm. Más información hable con Julia Rosado 815-603-6724. AVISO - CLASES de INGLÉS– Se ha cambiado para el 2do y 4to sábado de cada mes 10-1pm, Salón Histórico. Son gratis. Más información llama a la oficina 330-253-5161. Ralph Reese has been one of the most dedicated men on the parish staff. Since the 1970s, it has been Ralph who regularly keeps the church clean, the snow shoveled, the walkways salted, doors and gates secured, decorations stored, food donations moved, trash emptied, washrooms cleaned, statues and offices dusted, the heat on, light bulbs changed, the grounds presentable, etc., etc. He has stood guard at this church faithfully for over forty years and still answers every call when we need him. We want to show our gratitude for his 40 Years of service to our St. Bernard Community. A Special Envelope is set out for him in the church. Please show your appreciation with a monetary gift. (Checks can be made out directly to: Ralph Reese.) Put the envelope in the regular collection basket, or drop it in the Office Door mail slot. We want to present a generous gift to him on Sunday, January 17th (around the time of his birthday)! A very special 'Thank You' to a humble, hard-working servant of God for this Parish community. Fr. Dan 2016 Thank you for your generous and consistent support to the ministries of St. Bernard Parish God Bless You Always and in All Ways! + + + + + + + + + + + + + WORD CELEBRATION – January 7 from 7-9 Offering Envelopes Can be picked up in the church proper In alphabetical order (top of each row, read down) A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C C C C D D D D D E If you do not have a box for 2016, it is: You support the Community by direct deposit or check only You never used your 2015 Offering Envelopes ever You stopped support over 6 months ago without notifying the office of the reason If you requested Offering Envelopes for 2016, your numbered box has been prepared for you, pick it up in the church proper If you want 2016 Offering Envelopes, please call the parish office What you contribute in the envelope is between you and God; your envelope in the basket verifies that you worship God and practice your faith with us in this Community pm. Paul VI Room in the Parish House. More information call Brigitte or the office 330-253-5161. IRELAND AND SCOTLAND TRIP - Deacon Robin & Paula Adair, and Fr. Norm Douglas, will be hosting at trip to Ireland, August 19-31. An Information Night will be held at Guardian Angels Church on Wednesday, January 20 at 7:00. Consider this opportunity to travel Ireland and Scotland with fellow parishioners and friends. Questions: Deacon Adair at 330-283-4983; or see HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE - It was planned for only 20 but nearly 30 people will travel to the Holy Land as pilgrims from January 28 to February 6. Prayers! HEART TO HEART – January 28th meeting at 7:30 to 9:30 am. Conference Room in the Parish House. A WORD FROM GHANA - Hilda and Kirt Bromley have a personal mission to build libraries in Africa. They will spend January-April 2016 in Ghana, if you would like to be a volunteer in their mission work. Please contact them at Books for Africa Library Project, Kirt and Hilda Bromley, 3531 Humphrey St., St. Louis, MO 63118. CONFIRMATION - Bishop Richard G. Lennon will confer the Sacrament on our candidates at the 4:30pm Vigil Mass on February 6. Let us pray for our youth seeking to be fully-initiated in the Church and about the mission of Jesus. ASH WEDNESDAY - Lent begins on Wednesday, February 10th with the distribution of ashes. Easter is early this year, March 27. 2016 WEDDINGS - As was announced, beginning with wedding requests for 2016, and following the Church's guidelines for marriages, we will respond to Catholics asking to have a wedding here in this beautiful church, an icon of Akron, and a Historic Place on the National Registry. Please contact the parish office for further details on marriage preparation, setting a date, and your support toward the preservation of St. Bernard church. A reprint from the 12/13/15 bulletin: THE BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL - I'm traditional when it comes to Perpetual Adoration.I believe it should be done in a monastery or convent where people are present 24 hours a day and seven days a week. And it should not be in just any religious convent, but one where Eucharistic Devotion is part of the spirituality of that religious congregation. So why here in a parish community? First, we are not having Perpetual Adoration. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the chapel at specific times and on specific days: Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm. The former convent chapel has been restored. Thanks to an anonymous donor the entire renovation, including the installation of a new restroom, has been paid for by an individual. Also, this individual gave the funds for the installation of a security camera in the chapel and a key-coded access lock for the entryway. The number of people who take advantage of this quiet time of prayer with the Lord is not large enough to heat our huge church all day. This convent space provides a more intimate and conducive atmosphere for prayer as well as being economical - whether in winter or in summer with air conditioning. Then there are the symbolic and logistical reasons. There are other parishes that have Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, but they are a distance away. Here we are in the heart of Akron. What a wonderful location to have a chapel specifically for prayer before our Lord. As St. Bernard church is in the heart of Akron, the Lord is in the heart of it all. Finally, as I said the place of Perpetual Adoration should be in a place where there are people present to pray. How are we going to find the people to come downtown to pray? For some time in my own prayer, I resisted this idea. Who's going to come? Not many come now to the tabernacle in the church to pray. Who's going to come for this? People just aren't ready for Eucharistic Adoration! But, then I heard the Lord say to me, "But, Daniel, I am ready for it!" So, the main reason for this chapel is to say, the Lord Jesus is ready and waiting for you. He is present in His Body and Blood, His Soul and Divinity for you. In this Advent Season when we focus on waiting and anticipation, let us not forget that Jesus Christ is waiting in anticipation for your presence, your prayer, your love and devotion. At Christmas we celebrate His birth, come let us adore Him. Throughout the new year, let us always remember that He is here and with us until the end of time in the Eucharist. If you are willing to commit to 30 or 60 minutes of prayer time in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, please contact the office via email: or by calling 330-253-5161. If not, all are still welcome to come and pray for as long as you are able. CUT OUT and GIVE OUR CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE ↓ AS AN INVITATION TO A FRIEND ↓ Christ is Born! The Word became flesh, He lived among us (John 1:14) COME CELEBRATE WITH US THURSDAY – DECEMBER 24 4:30 PM Children’s Mass 7:00 PM Mass in Spanish FRIDAY – DECEMBER 25 12:00 AM Mass at Midnight with music 20 minutes prior 11:30 AM Mass of the Day ST. BERNARD PARISH 44 University Avenue In the heart of Akron Ohio Phone 330-253-5161