Minnesota Mathematics Standards (2007) Strands Alignment to NWEA/MAP Strands Grades 6+ The MN Mathematics Content Standards and NWEA/MAP Tests are organized using the same mathematical categories as recommended by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). These major categories are called strands. NWEA/MAP scores are reported in these strands and in substrands. The substrands provide more precise information about students’ skills. This document aligns individual MN standards with these substrands for purposes of instructional planning. The following is a key to the strands and corresponding substrands found in these two important instructional resources. The following chart provides a summary of the strand information detailed in this document. MN Standards Strands NWEA/MAP Strand & Substrands Number & Operations Number & Operation Algebra Algebra Real Numbers: Classify, Represent, Compare Calculate with Rational Numbers Ratios, Rates & Problems with Rational Numbers Geometry & Measurement Geometry & Measurement Data Analysis & Probability Functions: Representations, Linear & Non Linear Algebraic and Numerical Expressions; Polynomials Functions: Linear, Quadratic, Exponential Linear, Quadratic, Root: Equations & Inequalities Area, Surface Area, Volume and Circumference Units of Measurement and Unit Conversions Transformations, Similarity, and Trigonometry Geometric Properties and Logical Arguments Data Analysis & Probability Probabilities: Represent, Use, Calculate & Apply Data: Trends, Relationships, Scatterplots Data: Displays, Inference, Sampling Grades 6 -12 Minnesota Mathematics Standards (2007) Alignment to NWEA/MAP (Descartes) Substrands MN Mathematics Content Standard NWEA/MAP Mathematics Strand Number & Operation Number & Operation Grade 6 Standard 6.1.1: Read, write, represent and compare positive rational numbers expressed as fractions, decimals, percents and ratios; write positive integers as products of factors; use these representations in real-world and mathematical situations. Grade 7 Standard 7.1.1: Read, write, represent and compare positive and negative rational Real Numbers: Classify, Represent, Compare numbers, expressed as integers, fractions and decimals. Grade 8 Standard 8.1.1: Read, write, compare, classify and represent real numbers, and use them to solve problems in various contexts. Grade 6 Standard 6.1.3: Multiply and divide decimals, fractions and mixed numbers; solve realworld and mathematical problems using arithmetic with positive rational numbers. Grade 7 Standard 7.1.2: Calculate with positive and negative rational numbers, and rational numbers with whole number exponents, to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Grade 6 Standard 6.1.2: Understand the concept of ratio and its relationship to fractions and to the multiplication and division of whole numbers. Use ratios to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Calculate with Rational Numbers Ratios, Rates & Problems with Rational Numbers 2 Grades 6 -12 Minnesota Mathematics Standards (2007) Alignment to NWEA/MAP (Descartes) Substrands MN Mathematics Content Standard NWEA/MAP Mathematics Strand Algebra Algebra Grade 6 Standard 6.2.1: Recognize and represent relationships between varying quantities; translate from one representation to another; use patterns, tables, graphs and rules to solve realworld and mathematical problems. Grade 7 Standard 7.2.1: Understand the concept of proportionality in real-world and mathematical situations, and distinguish between proportional and other relationships. Grade 8 Standard 8.2.1: Understand the concept of function in real-world and mathematical situations, and distinguish between linear and non-linear functions. Grades 9 - 11 Standard 9.2.1: Understand the concept of function, and identify important features of functions and other relations using symbolic and graphical methods where appropriate. Functions: Representations, Linear & Non Linear Grade 6 Standard 6.2.2: Use properties of arithmetic to generate equivalent numerical expressions and evaluate expressions involving positive rational numbers. Grade 7 Standard 7.2.3: Apply understanding of order of operations and algebraic properties to generate equivalent numerical and algebraic expressions containing positive and negative rational numbers and grouping symbols; evaluate such expressions. Grade 8 Standard 8.2.3: Generate equivalent numerical and algebraic expressions and use algebraic properties to evaluate expressions. Grades 9 – 11 Standard 9.2.3: Generate equivalent algebraic expressions involving polynomials and radicals; use algebraic properties to evaluate expressions. Algebraic and Numerical Expressions; Polynomials Grade 7 Standard 7.2.2: Recognize proportional relationships in real-world and mathematical situations; represent these and other relationships with tables, verbal descriptions, symbols and graphs; solve problems involving proportional relationships and explain results in the original context. Grade 8 Standard 8.2.2: Recognize linear functions in real-world and mathematical situations; represent linear functions and other functions with tables, verbal descriptions, symbols and graphs; solve problems involving these functions and explain results in the original context. Grades 9 – 11 Standard 9.2.2: Recognize linear, quadratic, exponential and other common functions in real-world and mathematical situations; represent these functions with tables, verbal descriptions, symbols and graphs; solve problems involving these functions, and explain results in the original context. Functions: Linear, Quadratic, Exponential Grade 6 Standard 6.2.3: Understand and interpret equations and inequalities involving variables and positive rational numbers. Use equations and inequalities to represent real-world and mathematical problems; use the idea of maintaining equality to solve equations. Interpret solutions in the original context. Grade 7 Standard 7.2.4: Represent real-world and mathematical situations using equations with variables. Solve equations symbolically, using the properties of equality. Also solve equations graphically and numerically. Interpret solutions in the original context. Grade 8 Standard 8.2.4: Represent real-world and mathematical situations using equations and inequalities involving linear expressions. Solve equations and inequalities symbolically and graphically. Interpret solutions in the original context. Grades 9 – 11 Standard 9.2.4: Represent real-world and mathematical situations using equations and inequalities involving linear, quadratic, exponential and n th root functions. Solve equations and inequalities symbolically and graphically. Interpret solutions in the original context. Linear, Quadratic, Root: Equations & Inequalities 3 Grades 6 -12 Minnesota Mathematics Standards (2007) Alignment to NWEA/MAP (Descartes) Substrands MN Mathematics Content Standard NWEA/MAP Mathematics Strand Geometry & Measurement Geometry & Measurement Grade 6 Standard 6.3.1: Calculate perimeter, area, surface area and volume of two- and three- dimensional figures to solve real-world mathematical problems. Grade 7 Standard 7.3.1: Use reasoning w/proportions and ratios to determine measurements, justify formulas and solve re-world and mathematical problems involving circles and related geometric figures. Grades 9-11 Standard 9.3.1: Calculate measurements of plane and solid geometric figures; know that physical measurements depend on the choice of a unit and that they are approximations. Grade 6 Standard 6.3.3: Choose appropriate units of measurement and use ratios to convert within measurement systems to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Area, Surface Area, Volume and Circumference Units of Measurement and Unit Conversions Grade 7 Standard 7.3.2: Analyze the effect of change of scale, translations and reflections on the attributes of two-dimensional figures. Grades 9 - 11 Standard 9.3.4: Solve real-world and mathematical geometric problems using algebraic methods. Transformations, Similarity, and Trigonometry Grade 6 Standards 6.3.2: Understand and use relationships between angles in geometric figures Grade 8 Standard 8.3.1: Solve problems involving right triangles using the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse Grade 8 Standard 8.3.2: Solve problems involving parallel and perpendicular lines on a coordinate system Geometric Properties and Logical Arguments Grades 9-11 Standard 9.3.2: Construct logical arguments, based on axioms, definitions and theorems, to prove theorems and other results in geometry. Grades 9-11 Standard 9.3.3: Know and apply properties of geometric figures to solve realworld and mathematical problems and to logically justify results. 4 Grades 6 -12 Minnesota Mathematics Standards (2007) Alignment to NWEA/MAP (Descartes) Substrands MN Mathematics Content Standard NWEA/MAP Mathematics Strand Data Analysis & Probability Data Analysis & Probability Grade 6 Standard 6.4.1: Use probabilities to solve real-world and mathematical problems; represent probabilities using fractions, decimals and percents. Grade 7 Standard 7.4.3: Calculate probabilities and reason about probabilities using proportions to solve real-world and mathematical. Grades 9-11 Standard 9.4.3: Calculate probabilities and apply probability concepts to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Probabilities: Represent, Use, Calculate & Apply Grade 7 Standard 7.4.1: Use mean, median and range to draw conclusions about data and make predictions. Grade 8 Standard 8.4.1: Interpret data using scatter plots and approximate liens of best fit. Use lines of best fit to draw conclusions about data. Data: Trends, Relationships, Scatterplots Grades 9-11 Standard 9.4.2: Explain the uses of data and statistical thinking to draw inferences, make predictions and justify conclusions. Grade 7 Standard 7.4.2: Display and interpret data in a variety of ways, including circle graphs and histograms. Grades 9-11 Standard 9.4.1: Display and analyze data; use various measures associated with Data: Displays, Inference, Sampling data to draw conclusions, identify trends and describe relationships. 5