CAPITAL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY WINTER WEATHER OPERATIONS PLAN 2013-2014 REVISED – OCTOBER 29, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Page 3 Weather Information Page 4 Maintenance Snow Emergency Plan ` Page 5 Service Supervisors’ Procedures Page 7 Problematic Areas in the Capital Region Page 8 Supervisory Vehicles Page 10 Transportation Dispatchers (Albany Division) Page 11 Central Communications Procedures Page 12 Bus Operator Procedures Page 13 Public Information Page 13 Curtailment of Service (System or Route Evacuaton) Page 14 System or Route Evacuation Plan Page 18 Suggestions for Snow Emergency Routes (Albany) Page 19 Suggestions for Snow Emergency Routes (Troy) Page 20 Suggestions for Snow Emergency Routes (Schenectady) Page 21 Snow Emergency Routes (Saratoga Springs) Page 22 Flexible Services Guidelines Page 23 Rural Bus Service Page 24 Coding and Numbers for Authority Staff Page 24 Emergency Contact Information (Authority Staff) Page 25 Emergency Contact Information (Transportation Superintendents) Page 25 Emergency Contact Information (Albany Division Supervisory) Page 26 Emergency Contact Information (Albany Division Maintenance) Page 26 Emergency Contact Information (Schenectady Division Supervisory) Page 27 Emergency Contact Information (Schenectady Division Maintenance) Page 27 Emergency Contact Information (Troy Division Supervisory) Page 28 Emergency Contact Information (Troy Division Maintenance) Page 28 Emergency Contact Information (Flexible Services Supervisory) Page 29 Emergency Contact Information (Upstate Tours / NX) Page 29 Emergency Contact Information (Municipalities – D.P.W.s and Police) Page 30 2 INTRODUCTION The Capital District Transportation Authority operates in an area that is particularly susceptible to substantial snow and ice storms. These storms often create major transportation problems for all modes of transportation – particularly cars and buses. The following are basic procedures and guidelines to be followed by Capital District Transportation Authority Personnel during severe weather situations. 3 WEATHER INFORMATION Generally, the Weather Bureau issues only two (2) types of alerts: 1. “STORM WATCH” - will be issued by the Weather Bureau when there is a possibility that a storm may “hit” the area 2. “STORM WARNING” - indicates that a storm will in fact “hit” the area When the Weather Bureau issues a storm warning, six (6) inches or more if snow can be expected. STORM WARNING ISSUED BETWEEN 9:00 AM AND 5:00 PM: The on-duty Albany Radio Controller, upon initial notification from the Weather Bureau, will obtain all pertinent data relative to the storm warning and contact the following (providing all information) : Director of Transportation or designee Manager of Safety or designee Manager of Security or designee Director of Maintenance Each Divisional Superintendent Further, as updates are provided by the Weather Bureau, the above personnel will be kept apprised. STORM WARNINGS ISSUED AFTER 5:00 PM, LATE EVENING, EARLY MORNING, AND WEEKENDS: The on duty Albany Radio Controller and/or Transportation Dispatcher, upon initial notification from the Weather Bureau will obtain all pertinent data relative to the storm warning and contact the following (providing all information) : Maintenance and Transportation personnel scheduled to work at the Albany (including STAR), Schenectady, and Troy Divisions. Director of Transportation or his designee Director of Maintenance Division Superintendents Maintenance Superintendents 4 MAINTENANCE SNOW EMERGENCY PLAN A. When a snowstorm is forecasted, the Superintendents of Maintenance assures that: 1. 2. 3. 4. Snow Plows are fueled and ready to operate in advance of storm. Personnel are available for plowing, salting, and sanding designated areas. All Divisions have an adequate amount of sand/salt on premises. All emergency power generators are tested in advance of the storm. B. When a snow storm occurs out of normal business hours: 1. Foreman in charge of each garage stays in contact with the Director of Maintenance and the Superintendents of Maintenance, who will assist with any emergency decision or problem that may arise. 2. The Superintendents of Maintenance assures that manpower is adequate to support plowing and towing operations. C. Snow plowing in all divisions will begin when THREE (3) INCHES OF SNOW HAS FALLEN ON THE GROUND. All driveways and parking lots are to have snow removed before drivers, etc. report to work. D. Condition of the Watervliet Avenue hill in Albany shall be monitored by the Superintendent of Albany Maintenance while on duty, or the Garage Foreman on duty. This hill shall be kept plowed and/or salt and sand applied to ensure safe passage of all CDTA vehicles during inclement weather. E. The sidewalks and building entrances are to be cleared of snow and ice as needed throughout a snowfall. F. After snow storms it is the responsibility of the Foreman on duty to assure that all snow accumulation in parking lots is cleared up, back plowed, and maintained in a safe and good condition. G. All roofs shall be inspected by the Director of Facilities or designee during a heavy snowfall of six (6) inches or more. H. During an actual snowfall of three (3) inches or more, or during icy conditions, at the direction of the Director of Maintenance, with a minimum of three (3) road call service crew trucks will be dispatched by the Maintenance Department. The service crew truck(s) will be staged at major terminals and/or transfer points in downtown Albany, downtown Troy and 5 downtown Schenectady. When available, the Tow truck will be stationed in downtown Albany especially during the peak hours of operation. Locations will be identified by the Transportation Department. Transportation Department requests for the service crew trucks should be forwarded to the Director of Maintenance, or in his absence the Superintendent of Albany Maintenance. Crew members should be familiar with these sites and locations. Crews will be responsible for assisting operators who arrive at designated site(s) with the removal of any snow and/or ice buildup in the buses’ step wells and interiors. Crews will use brooms, scrapers, shovels, heat, and mops to clear snow, ice and moisture from these areas. Salt, sand, grit, and speedy dry shall not be used inside the bus, in any way, in order to clear the bus of snow, ice, or water; nor used as a preventative maintenance measure. The Mechanical and/or Facilities Departments will assist with the plowing of major bus stops when needed and when equipment is available. That request will be forwarded to the Director of Maintenance from the Albany Superintendent. I. The Maintenance Department is responsible for insuring that all Supervisory and nonrevenue vehicles assigned to the three operating Divisions be winterized prior to October 10th. Said winterization will include, but not be limited to, the following: Tune up Anti - freeze checked Belts tightened Snow tires installed Lights checked Battery Further, each vehicle should be equipped with the following: Snow shovel Salt, sand or grit * Snow / ice scrapers Snow brush Speedy dry * If a Supervisor vehicle needs additional supplies, please make the request on the vehicle defect sheet in the vehicle and submit to the foreman at the end of your shift. *Not to be used in buses 6 SERVICE SUPERVISORS’ PROCEDURES During periods of freezing rain, snow storms, or other severe weather situations, all AM pullouts, PM pull-ins, on board rides, special assignments and territorial assignments are to be suspended. Said suspension and resulting assignments are to be directed by and at the discretion of the Director of Transportation; the Albany Division Superintendent or his designee for Albany service operations; the Troy Division Superintendents or his designee for Troy service operations; the Schenectady Division Superintendent or his designee for Schenectady service operations. Supervisory personnel normally assigned to AM pull-outs, pull-ins, or other duties are to proceed directly to known problem areas. Service Supervisors are to keep Radio Control updated on conditions. The following is a recommended procedure: Provide exact location Visibility (example: ¼ mile due to blowing snow) Braking action such as extremely poor, good, fair. Requires plowing, salt, etc. Remain on regular route or recommended re-route Advise Radio Control when arriving and departing locations Use the RTT and stand by until contacted. Radio transmissions increase during severe weather. Therefore, there will always be delays in radio transmissions. Use form TD-20 for keeping a record of all operational reports. Field observations must be transmitted as soon as possible to Central Communications as this information must be provided to the Director of Transportation or his designee and Divisional Superintendent or his designee. 7 PROBLEMATIC AREAS IN CDTA REGION City of Albany I-90 East and West from Everett Road to I-787 exchange north and south to Madison Avenue Exit State Street Hill Morton Avenue Second Avenue Mt. Hope McCarty Avenue Glenmont Road Clinton Avenue Livingston Avenue Lark Drive Wards Lane Madison & Columbia/Broadway Staging All Park and Rides City of Troy All bridges: Congress Street, Etc. (both directions) I-787 north and south from Watervliet Avenue to I-90 Exchange Ferry Street Route 7 overpass of I-87 Hoosick Street Stow Avenue/Morrison/Cottage Project Rd (Griswold Heights) McChesney Manor Avenue Peoples Avenue Sage Avenue Tibbitts Avenue Congress Street Mill Street Corliss Park Pleasantdale Area Exit Ramp from Alt. Route 7 to 6th. Ave All other known or potential problem areas 8 City of Schenectady All bridges: Western Gateway Route 5 overpass of Route 7 Duane Avenue overpass of I-890 Ramps: All I-890 ramps Wood Avenue Albany Street Crane Street Broadway Nott Street All Park and Rides All other known or potential problem areas The Safety and Training Supervisors will be responsible, if available, for determining the safety of CDTA operation on Routes I-787, I-87, and I-90. 9 SUPERVISORY VEHICLES Supervisory personnel are asked to review and adhere to the following procedures when operating supervisory vehicles: 1. Street Supervisors are instructed to check their vehicles prior to leaving their respective division to ensure that all necessary items are present. Said check should be done periodically (at least once a week) and on all days when inclement weather is apparent or expected. 2. Prolonged idling should be avoided. Prolonged idling results in carbon build- up and engine over-heating, etc. Prolonged idling is against the law. 3. When idling do not leave: All lights on Heater motor switched in high position Radio on Windshield wipers on These practices drain the battery and may result in an unnecessary load on the electrical system. 4. When returning to the Division garage at the completion of a tour, shut down all unnecessary systems approximately three (3) minutes from the division in order that the battery receives a charge prior to engine shutdown. 5. When returning to the Division garage, check your fuel gauge. All vehicles are to be refueled at the end of all tricks. 6. Never idle engines with windows closed. 7. When parked during extremely low visibility periods, use the 4-way flashers and amber safety light. 8. All operational defects and any and all necessary items not present in supervisory vehicles should be written up on a Defect Equipment Report Sheet- and be brought to the attention of Maintenance personnel. 10 TRANSPORTATION DISPATCHERS (ALBANY DIVISION) The on-duty Transportation Dispatcher will monitor the weather radio at any time when a Central Communications Dispatcher is not on duty. All watches and/or warnings MUST be reported to the Director of Transportation and to all Division Superintendents as soon as they are known. Further, during the course of the tour, visual observations should be conducted. At the first sign of freezing rain or other severe weather, contact the Director of Transportation and the Division Superintendents. Based on the information provided, the Division Superintendent or Director of Transportation may instruct the Transportation Dispatcher to: Call in additional supervisory personnel to report for duty as soon as possible Contact the Schenectady and Troy Divisions to ascertain their status or to call in their scheduled Dispatchers and have same report for duty as soon as possible. Contact the STAR Dispatcher to ascertain their status or to have their scheduled dispatchers report to work as soon as possible. Advise the operators on duty at the Telephone Information Station. Keep Director of Transportation or designee advised of all actions. Prior to contacting, the Director of Transportation, or designee, call the various Department of Public Works to ascertain if they anticipate any delay in getting their equipment in service. It is important that the Transportation Dispatcher keep a detailed record of activities. Use a TD20 for same. It is the responsibility of the Call Center Manager on a Sunday-Saturday basis to check the Telephone Information Unit at the time the Unit is scheduled to open to ensure that the scheduled Operator(s) have reported for work. In the event that the Telephone Operator(s) has not reported, notify the Director of Information or Public Information Assistant and follow their instructions. 11 CENTRAL COMMUNICATIONS PROCEDURES Central Communications will utilize a special radio procedure during times of severe weather. This procedure is designed to maximize use of our radio system during severe weather periods and insure that operators and supervisory personnel who need to communicate are able to do so. When this procedure is in effect, Operators will use: PRTT: for accidents, road blockages, and Neighborhood Safewatch calls RTT: mechanical breakdowns and request for information Canned and text messages will be use for delays and bus change request. Flexible Service operators will use canned messages for no-shows. Operators will use a canned message when they are operating ten (10) or more minutes late. They are not to use the RTT or PRTT for delays unless there is a special need to communicate with control. All Operators are to report to the Field Supervisor for further instructions in their designated staging areas. If the Field Supervisor is unavailable, Central Communications will advise the Operators to continue in service running late. An Operator more than a trip behind his or her schedule should use the RTT to contact control before returning back to the division. This radio procedure will be in effect during any significant inclement weather event or as announced. As soon as you report for duty: 1. Request a complete briefing from the Dispatcher on duty. 2. Check weather. 3. Update the Schenectady and Troy Division Dispatchers (if on duty). 4. Contact the various Department of Public Works to determine if they have equipment in service. 5. Contact the Director of Transportation or designee and provide same with an update and keep informed of all operational procedures 6. Check Radio Console, open all repeaters all channels. 7. Keep Maintenance Department personnel advised of all operational situations. 12 8. Provide Telephone Information Operators with delay or curtailment information. Whenever possible, a third Radio Dispatcher should be utilized with primary duties to include but are not limited to: Send Transportation Alerts at least every hour or whenever conditions warrant a route change. Responsible for logging and keeping track of all bus breakdowns and stuck buses (with locations and time of incident) Logging all notifications as directed in this document. BUS OPERATOR PROCEDURES During hazardous driving conditions, safe bus operation and the care of our customers must remain the first priority. Operators must always use reasonable care when operating during adverse conditions. Consult weather advisories as posted and the electronic message board for the latest weather conditions. Operators are required to pay attention to the condition of the stairs and door areas, with a goal of keeping these locations reasonably free of accumulated snow, ice, and water. Operators during inclement weather must at each terminus, check these areas, clearing accumulations of ice, snow or water. Operators, who while en route, are advised or determine that a dangerous situation exists in regard to the steps or ramp area, must stop the vehicle and treat the situation. Any operator who fails to act when observing an unsafe situation, or upon being notified of one, will be in violation of CDTA procedures. PUBLIC INFORMATION The Director of Transportation or designee will be responsible for briefing the Director of Marketing and the Call Center Manager or their designee concerning anticipated severe weather, any incidents due to the severe weather or any service modifications or curtailments due to the weather. The Director of Marketing and Call Center Manager or their designee will be responsible for: 1. Expanding the hours of service for the Call Center unit, and for insuring that staffing is adequate to handle the expected increase amount of information requests that the Telephone Information Unit will receive. 13 2. Advising the Radio Room to update the Manager of Corporate Communications and the Manager of Graphic Services on the status updates of service. 3. Advising local media of reroutes, delays, and/or service curtailments. 4. Updating CDTA Website with delays, re-routes or any alerts pertaining to the service we provide. CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE (SYSTEM OR ROUTE EVACUATIONS) A severe snowstorm or winter weather conditions might result in a modification or a curtailment of service being issued. This section details both the responsibilities and procedures to be followed during such conditions. SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBLITY A Supervisor witnessing or getting reports of unsafe road conditions is authorized to make immediate and temporary modifications to service in order to safeguard our operations. Any temporary service modification or discontinuance must be reported to the Albany Superintendent or designee and Director of Transportation or designee. DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION The Director of Transportation or designee has the authorization to curtail service on routes or roadways and to limit the types of vehicles used in service. ONLY the Chief Executive Officer can issue a system wide curtailment of service order. The Director of Transportation or designee will be provided with the following information during a severe weather situation: 1). Such reports to be relative to current conditions filed by Field Supervisors. 2). Manpower reports from all operating divisions 3). Police and Department of General Service activities report. 4). Forecasted weather reports for the region 5). Recommendations from Division Superintendents; Manager of Safety If based on these reports, service on a selected route must be curtailed or modified such as express and commuter buses to operate over local routes, pull-out or pull-in buses are to operate over local routes in lieu of interstates, rural operations, etc. said decisions will be rendered by the 14 Division Superintendent or their designee. In such cases, Director of Transportation will be informed as soon as practical. If the Director of Transportation or designee believes that the situation warrants a total curtailment of service, said recommendation will be made to the Chief Executive Officer. If it is not possible to reach the Chief Executive Officer, the Director of Transportation shall consider all factors (including the advice of police officials, street supervisors and the safety of personnel, customers, and equipment) and make a decision about discontinuing service. The Call Center Manager or designee and Telephone Information Operators must be kept informed of all decisions. All Superintendents, personnel and patrons must be notified when total or a portion of service is canceled. Many factors must be considered prior to making a decision as to discontinue express bus operation or reroute bus operation off the interstate highways. The following provides basic guidelines for curtailing service: 1). The area is experiencing severe freezing rain or a predicted six (6) inches or more of snow is falling. 2). A storm warning indicates that severe freezing rain or heavy snow will “hit” the area during the peak. 3). Field Supervisors’ reports and the Safety Supervisor indicate that the interstate highway system has not been salted/sanded or plowed. Braking action is nil. 4). The Director of Transportation or designee, after reviewing the above reports and observations, may direct all divisions including Northway Express to cease or modify operations using the interstate highways (And/or discontinue use of articulated buses. A decision to discontinue use of articulated buses will be made on a system-wide basis and only after considering manpower and vehicle availability). 5). The dispatchers on duty during all service modifications will notify Operators, and Telephone Information. The Albany Superintendent or designee will be responsible for contacting the Director of Marketing and explaining all modifications in order that the media can be alerted. 6). Authority to resume using the interstates for express service or pull-outs and pull-ins will be made by the Director of Transportation or designee after review of reports from Field Supervisors, Divisional Superintendents and Safety Department, and general observations. 15 7). The Safety and Training Supervisors will be responsible, if available, for determining the safety of CDTA operation on Routes 85, I-787, I-87, and I-90. State Street Hill Plan – City of Albany A). When icing or traffic conditions posing potential problems to continuing use of State Street hill are first reported, Central Communications will contact an available Field Supervisor to check out alternative routes in the following order: 1). Broadway to Clinton to Pearl to Market St. via ramp to Eagle St. to regular route. 2). Broadway to Clinton to Pearl to Madison to Eagle to regular route. 3). Broadway to Clinton to Pearl to Morton to Eagle to regular route. 4). Broadway to Pine to Washington to regular route. 5). Broadway to Clinton to Lark to regular route. 6). If State Street is unsafe eastbound consider: Washington to Pine to Broadway to regular route. Washington to Pine to Pearl to regular route. Eagle to Madison to Pearl to regular route. Eagle to Morton to Pearl to regular route. 7). Washington Avenue is unsafe eastbound consider: Lark St. to Clinton to Broadway to regular route. Lark St. or Delaware Ave. to Madison to Eagle or Pearl to regular route. 8). #6 Second Ave. unsafe in either direction use: Second Ave. to Broad St. to Fourth Ave. to Pearl St. to regular route. 9). #7 Glenmont: Glenmont Road or Corning Hill is unsafe in either direction use: Pearl St. south to Main Care turn around. 10). #116: Mount Hope is unsafe in either direction use: 16 Disregard McCarty and Mt. Hope and just go to designated turn-around. B). If State Street hill becomes inoperative, the Albany Superintendent or designee will direct which reroute to use, based on the previous supervisory reports. In addition to establishing these routes, Field Supervisors will be responsible for informing passengers at the Crowne Plaza stop and at other by-passed stops, the location of the reroutes. Eastbound Buses: Washington Avenue Corridor Regular Route to State Street & Eagle Street, Via Eagle Street to Madison Ave., Right Madison Ave., Right Swan Street, to Washington Ave., Left Washington Ave., Resume Regular Route Westbound. Flexible Services will operate shuttle services between the following areas: East / West - Broadway to Lark Street North / South – Clinton Ave to Madison Ave Field Supervisors/Central Communications, during severe weather or heavy traffic conditions, have the option of rerouting express and service deadheading to the Mall to use Madison Avenue instead of traveling via P-1southbound tunnel. Prior to making this switch, Field Supervisors should check the arterial and ramps to insure that their condition is acceptable. C) Manpower and equipment permitting, stub the heaviest lines at or beyond Lark Street to avoid having to bypass patrons due to capacity load. It is imperative that all operations are conducted in a professional manner. Common sense dictates; remain calm at all times. A good line of communication must be maintained at all times, not only within the department, but with ALL other departments as well. Empire State Plaza Service Supervisors, during severe weather or heavy traffic conditions, have the option of rerouting Express and service dead-heading to the Mall to use Madison Avenue instead of traveling via p-1 ramp. Prior to making this switch, Supervisors should check the arterial and ramps to insure that their condition is acceptable. 17 SYSTEM OR ROUTE EVACUATION PLAN The Director of Transportation or his designee will authorize and initiate the following Two Phase Route Evacuation Plan: PHASE ONE: Reduce or Discontinue CDTA Neighborhood Routes Initiate CDTA Snow Emergency Route for each District/County Continue to Monitor & Maintain CDTA Trunk Routes PHASE TWO: Discontinue CDTA Snow Emergency Route for each District/County Continue to Monitor and Maintain Trunk Routes System wide discontinuation of CDTA Trunk Routesinu The following aof CDTA Trunk Routes 18 Suggestions for Snow Emergency Routes – Albany Northbound to Southbound Madison Stage, Left Dallius Street, Right Division Street, Left Broadway, Left State Street, Right Eagle Street, Via Washington Ave to Lark Street, Via Central Ave., Right Henry Johnson Blvd., Right Livingston Ave, Left Northern Blvd., Left Albany Shaker Rd., Left Everett Rd., Left Watervliet Ext., Left Watervliet Ave to S. Allen Street, Via S. Allen to New Scotland Ave., Right New Scotland, Right Buckingham, Via Krumkill Rd (to Ohav Sholom), Right Krumkill Rd., Right Bender Lane., Right New Scotland Ave., Left Whitehall Rd., Via Whitehall Rd to Delaware Ave., Via Second Ave., Right Hoffman Ave., Left Southern Blvd (Rte 9W)., Via Rte 9W to Wal-Mart Shopping Plaza, Left Bender Lane., Right Rte. 9W, Left Glenmont Rd., Left K-Mart Shopping Plaza, Right Rte. 9W to Corning Hill Rd., Left Pearl Street, Right State Street, Right Broadway, Right Madison Ave, to Madison Ave Staging Area – See Field Supervisor for further instructions. Southbound to Northbound Madison Stage, Left Dallius Street, Right Division Street, Left Broadway, Via Broadway to Clinton Ave., Left Clinton Ave., Left Pearl Street, Via Pearl Street to Glenmont Rd., Right Glenmont Rd., Right K-Mart Shopping Plaza, Right Rte. 9W (Southern Blvd), Via Southern Blvd to Delaware Ave, Right Delaware Ave., Left Whitehall Rd, Right New Scotland Ave., Left Krumkill Rd (to Ohav Sholom), Right Krumkill Rd., Right Bender Lane, Left New Scotland Ave., Left S.Allen Street to Central Ave., Via Watervliet Ave, Left Watervliet Ext., Right Everett Rd to Albany Shaker Rd., Right Northern Blvd, Via Henry Johnson Blvd, Left Central Ave., Via Washington Ave to Eagle Street, Left State Street, Right Broadway, Right Madison Ave., Enter Madison Ave Staging Area – See Field Supervisor for further instructions. Supervisor Assigned Locations To Be Determined: City of Rensselaer All known or potential problem areas in Albany west of Broadway All known or potential problem areas in the City of Rensselaer and along all other routes east of Broadway in Rensselaer, including Routes 9/20. Field Supervisors should insure that the Park and Ride lots in Delmar and Routes 4 & 43 have been plowed before 6am. 19 Suggestions for Snow Emergency Routes – Troy (Total 4 Buses) (30-Minute Headway) Southbound to Northbound Leave Broad and 6th St., via left on 6th St., left on Broad St., to 126th St., right on 2nd Ave. to River St., into 3rd St., to 4th St., left on Burden Ave., left on Mill St., right on Vandenburgh Ave., to Route #4, left on Williams Road, right on Bloomingrove drive, left into Van Rensselaer Manor, circulate around the rear of Manor for layover. Northbound to Southbound Leave Van Rensselaer Manor, Right on Bloomingrove Dr, Right on Williams Rd to a right on Main ave (route 66), to Vanderhyden Hall. Leave Vanderhyden Hall regular route. Left on Spring Ave, Left Campbell, right Project, to a right on Madison, to a right on Spring, left Myrtl, left Pawling left on Congress St., right on 4th St., right on Federal St., left on 6th Ave. to 5th Ave., right on Northern Dr., left on 8th Ave., to Corliss Park. When leaving Corliss Park, turn right on Northern Drive, right on 125th to a right New Turnpike, left Pinehurst, left River Road, to right 126th to Waterford. Supervisor Assigned Locations To Be Determined: Westbound to Eastbound - Green Island, Cohoes, Latham, Watervliet (Total 3 Buses) (30-Minute Headway) Leave River and Front, left Ferry, left 4th, left over the Green Island Bridge, right George left Tibbitts, right I-787, to New Cortland St, left N. Mohawk St, right Cayuga St., left Remsen, right Columbia, left Main, right Saratoga, **, right 19th St., right to Route 9 north, left into Latham Farms, left Route 2 back to 19th St, left 2nd Ave, right 25th to a right Green Island Bridge, right River, to River and Front. ** If 19th to Latham is discontinued, proceed left 16th left Broadway, right 25th, to a right Green Island bridge. Supervisor Assigned Locations To Be Determined: 20 Suggestions for Snow Emergency Routes – Schenectady (Total 4 Buses) Route # 1 Scotia/ Wal-Mart /Industrial Park (8.0miles) (Total 1 Bus) (30-Minute headway) Leaves State & Washington eastbound to right on Erie Blvd, to 890 exit Erie Blvd ramp to Scotia exit, left State Street over the Scotia Bridge, right on route 50 (Ballston Avenue), right Dutch Meadow lane to Wal-Mart circulation. Leave Wal-Mart via Dutch Meadow Lane to left route 50, right on Cuthbert Street, Left Vley Street, Right Fifth Street, right on Sacandaga Road, to the industrial park, left Burch Pkwy, left Access Blvd, right Potential Pkwy, right Business Blvd, right Patent Pkwy, exit Burch Pkwy. Right on Sacandaga road left Mohawk Ave over bridge to State & Washington - See Field Supervisor for further instructions. Route #2 Van Vranken Avenue/ Ellis /St Clair’s Hospital (8.7 miles) (Total 1 Bus) (30-Minute headway) This route will also assist the route 55 westbound from Mc McClellan Street to State & Washington. Leave State & Washington, left on Erie Blvd, right on Nott Street, left on Van Vranken, left on Maxon road to CDTA turn around. Leave CDTA right on Van Vranken , left on Nott Street, right on Grand Blvd, right on Mc McClellan Street, right on State Street, left Erie to 890 to Erie Blvd ramp to Scotia exit, right on State Street & Washington Ave – See Field Supervisor for further instructions. Route #3 Altamont Avenue / Hamburg/Mt Pleasant (9.8 miles) (Total 1 Bus) (30-Minute headway) This route will also assist the route #55 Eastbound to Brandywine Ave, Leaves State & Washington to right on Brandywine, left on Duane Avenue, left Hamburg street, right (7W) Curry road, right Altamont Avenue, left Chrisler Avenue, right Main avenue, to Craig street, left Albany Street, right Veeder avenue, left State Street, left Erie to 890 to Erie Blvd ramp exit Scotia ramp to right on State street to layover. 21 Route #4 Broadway/Rotterdam Mall (12.2miles) (Total 1 Bus) (30-Minute headway) Leaves State & Washington to right on Broadway, left at the 5 corners, left on North Westcott road, right Broadway, left State Street, left Washington to 890 west to Rotterdam Mall, exit 2A Campbell Road, left in Rotterdam Mall circulation, exit by Mart, to right on Campbell Road, right 890 to Scotia exit, right on State Street to layover for Broadway trip. Snow Emergency – Schenectady Schenectady Supervisors Assigned Locations: (2) State & Balltown and State & Washington Phase One of the System or Route Evacuation Plan will consist of reduced or discontinued CDTA Neighborhood Routes. Neighborhood Routes will run on an hour headway while roads are passable. Service will be monitored and in the event of continued severe weather, service may be discontinued on Neighborhood Routes. Snow Emergency Routes - Saratoga Springs (Total 4 Buses) Transportation Supervisor (1) All Saratoga buses deadheading to Saratoga will use Aqueduct Road to Route 146, continuing to Route 9 to Northway . Southbound is reversed. Phase One of the System or Route Evacuation Plan will consist of reduced or discontinued CDTA Neighborhood Routes. Neighborhood Routes will run on an hour headway while roads are passable. Service will be monitored and in the event of continued severe weather, service may be discontinued on Neighborhood Routes. (1) Supervisor Assignment (Congress Park) 22 Flexible Services Guidelines In the event of six (6) or more inches of snow, or icy road conditions, the Flexible Service Dispatcher will examine remaining passenger manifests for the day to determine if there are any: 1). Service requests that should not be accommodated due to hazardous road conditions that normally occur in an area. 2). Destinations that require supervisor review prior to allowing Flexible Service vehicle operation in that vicinity. 3). Shuttles services required on the fixed routes, due to route evacuations. 4). Operators/buses that become available due to cancellations/site closures will be redirected and assigned to the satellite (Troy and Schenectady) divisions. 5). All Flexible Services operators will report to the Desk Dispatcher at the satellite divisions for further instructions. 6). Flexible Service operators may be directed to report to assigned staging areas or evacuation site closings – where an assigned field supervisor will provide further instruction and oversight. In the event no supervisor is on location, Flexible Service operators will report to the STAR Lead Dispatcher at the Albany Division. 7). All Flexible Service operators will remain on duty and available to respond to any/all emergency closures, site and/or route evacuations, unless an operator has a known emergency of their own – at that point the Superintendent of Flexible Services or designee will authorize any relief of duty. After determining this, the Flexible Service Dispatcher should contact Central Communications with the destinations (area) requiring review. These destinations will be given out to the appropriate Field Supervisor to be checked whenever possible. The Flexible Service Dispatcher working the evening tour should prepare a listing of destinations requiring an examination when a storm warning has been issued for the next 12 hours. A copy of this listing should be left with Central Communications, prior to the Flexible Services Dispatcher’s leaving for the night. Central Communications Dispatcher will be responsible for providing the Field Supervisors with this information if a major storm ensues. The Superintendent of Flexible Services will be advised of all situations where Flexible Service is impacted by the weather. When a Winter Storm Warning has been issued, the Flexible Services Dispatcher will check the scheduled trips for customers living in or traveling to a location deemed “non accessible” during inclement weather conditions. These Flexible Services customers will be notified via telephone 23 anytime that Flexible Services is unable to fulfill their trip based on weather or safety conditions, providing as much lead time as possible. The Following Codes Letters / Numbers Will Be Used for Authority Staff S-15 Manager of Safety T-10 Director of Transportation T-30 Chief Executive Officer T-31 Vacant T-32 Vacant T-33 Director of Maintenance T-34 Troy Superintendent T-35 Albany Superintendent T-36 Assistant Superintendent, Albany T-37 Schenectady Superintendent T-38 Vacant T-40 Vacant T-41 Superintendent of Flexible Services 24 Authority Staff – Emergency Contact Information Work Cell Chief Executive Officer 437-6840 378-5798 Vice-President of Operations Vacant _____________ Vice-President of Technology and Facilities 437-8320 229-7938 Director of Facilities 437-8360 858-5760 Director of Transportation_____________________437-8372________________ 857-7040 Albany Superintendent, Maintenance 437-8356 528-3037 Superintendent of Maintenance 437-8365 209-4562 Assistant Superintendent of Maintenance 437-8352 390-5102 Director of Maintenance 437-8353 965-1825 Manager of Safety 437-8386 858-5742 Director of Marketing / Call Center Manager 437-6165 669-4960 Street Amenities Manager 437-6853 221-7437 Telecommunications Administrator (Mary) 437-8321 928-6776 Network Administrator (Ernest) 437-8324 528-3092 Transportation Superintendents – Emergency Contact Information Work 437-8351 437-6831 437-6821 437-8377 Albany Superintendent Superintendent – Schenectady Superintendent – Troy Superintendent – Flexible Services 25 Home Cell 703-3028 858-5738 281-5757 701-0602 Albany Division Supervisory – Emergency Contact Information (Seniority Order) Supervisor Hazzard, Tony Goykhman, Yevgeniy Green, Brian Moscatello, Joseph Ovalle, Juan VanVranken, Jeffrey Wilkins, Denise Fredericks, Raymond Chenard, Nicholas Gratto, Kevin Raymond Rafferty Nick DeMatteo I.D. # 7717 6969 723 329 434 6076 1983 2077 2196 2095 0266 2520 Home 477-6258 862-1210 479-4439 782-0253 452-0832 557-2844 915-1689 Cell 229-9470 858-7245 376-5211 300-9409 229-8741 301-9444 331-2429 221-4192 860-7302 221-2007 364-9350 Albany Division Maintenance – Emergency Contact Information (Seniority Order) Supervisor Brior, Jr, Richard Shagalski, John Bond, Timothy Edwards, Raymond Baez, Jr., Juan Mancini, Frank Jim Linnell Bob Vansteenburg I.D. # 7630 4580 8485 412 8267 2294 2571 1761 Contact 664-6902 452-1399 372-5211 434-3264 271-1737 441-8294 459-9377 301-0859 26 Schenectady Division Supervisory – Emergency Contact Information (Seniority Order) Supervisor Bonaquisto, Anthony Violette, Norm Morgan, Tanya Brooks, Theresa Hempsted, Manford I.D. # 5820 8155 0140 2284 1865 Home 372-7467 877-4809 372-2632 Cell 986-1611 423-8867 221-5912 944-7060 339-5405 Schenectady Division Maintenance – Emergency Contact Information (Seniority Order) Supervisor I.D. # Mahar, Stephen Walco, Terrance Gordon, Thomas 5462 478 2218 Home Cell ____________ 477-9220 235-2044 810-4091 875-6662 657-1544 27 Troy Division Supervisory – Emergency Contact Information (Seniority Order) Supervisor Bilynsky, Joe Burke, Michael Landy, Joseph Squires, Patti Ned, Dennis McCoy, Tim I.D. # 4369 5542 9914 1623 1743 2362 Home 238-2350 235-8083 238-0928 381-3901 631-9511 Cell 496-2323 339-6726 256-4485 221-9197 694-6951 209-4087 Troy Division Maintenance – Emergency Contact Information (Seniority Order) Supervisor Coalts, Edward Graham, James Hermance, Eric I.D. # 4529 6193 1152 Home 235-9206 427-7278 364-1800 28 Cell Flexible Services Supervisory – Emergency Contact Information (Seniority Order) Supervisor Debnam, Carol Hichman, Edna Alesandrini, Thomas Kabir, Mostafa Marcantel, Scott Scott Rapp Joseph Cole I.D. # 2523 2512 7590 504 909 1646 2022 Contact Phone Number 435-9561 399-8116 346-4921 272-1514 429-7308 269-7523 292-8877 Upstate Tours (NX) – Emergency Contact Information Name Osgood, Bob Hickok, Bill Work 584-5240 584-5240 29 Cell 879-6992 307-3227 Municipalities – Emergency Contact Information (D.P.W.s and Police) Division Albany Troy Schenectady Rensselaer Watervliet Cohoes Saratoga Clifton Park Green Island Waterford Guilderland Nassau North Greenbush Rotterdam RPI Security Stuyvesant Plaza State Police (TRP G) Brunswick State Police Voorheesville Scotia Contact Name D.P.W. 438-2841 270-4579 382-5119 462-5512 270-3821 237-4004 885-9020 Police 438-4000 270-4411 374-7744 462-7451 270-3833 237-5333 885-6761 273-5565 235-3414 861-5108 766-3880 283-3921 273-7144 237-3341 356-1501 477-7611 283-5323 355-7331 276-6656 482-8936 783-3211 279-3403 765-4512 374-3119 30