click here to a Word document of the questionnaire

Questions marked with a * are required.
Basic Information
1. Name*
2. Class Year*
3. Email Address*
Academic Profile
The questions below are focused on your academic pursuits, co-curricular opportunities, and leadership
experiences while at DePauw and how they connect to the work (or education) you are involved in now.
These questions are intended to help current and prospective students learn more about how the
curricular, co-curricular and leadership components of the DePauw experience come together to position
our graduates for success after DePauw.
1. What was your major and minor? What other classes outside of your major did you take at
DePauw that were impactful on you?*
2. What internships and/or research experiences did you participate in as a student? How did they
influence your professional path after graduation?*
3. What leadership roles did you hold on campus? What organizations or activities were you
involved in? How did these groups impact your DePauw experience?*
4. Did you receive any awards while at DePauw? If so, what were they and how do they relate to
your academic experience and professional pursuits?
5. What are you doing now and what else have you done since graduation? How did DePauw help
prepare you for this role?*
6. Why do you think your experience at DePauw was valuable and how did the combination of your
academic, curricular and leadership experiences influence you?*
Personal Profile
The questions below focus more on your professional pursuits since graduating from DePauw. They are
intended to help give your fellow alumni more information about what you're doing now and what you've
accomplished since graduating.
1. Current Location: City & State*
2. Job Title*
3. Employer*
4. LinkedIn URL
5. What was your first job after graduating from DePauw?*
6. Did you complete any post-graduate programs after graduating from DePauw? If so, where did
you attend and what did you study?
7. How did you get to where you are today?
8. Did you ever see yourself working in your current field? If not, how have your professional
aspirations changed?
9. How do you think your industry will change in the next 10 years?
10. What skillset would you like to learn?
Personal Profile
Listed below are a variety of optional questions. Please feel to answer as few or as many as you like.
These answers may be included in your alumni profile to provide a broader picture of you and your
Hometown: City & State*
First Year Dorm/Living Unit*
Go-To Order at Marvin’s*
Favorite Professor(s)*
What advice would you give yourself before starting at DePauw?
What is your favorite DePauw memory?
Complete the statement “DePauw is…”
What would you have been doing on a Saturday afternoon as a DePauw student and what do you
do on Saturday afternoons now?
What is your favorite website or app and why?
Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
What is your favorite hobby and how did you get into it?
What is one rule that you live by?
What book are you currently reading or what’s the last book you read?
Who is your role model and why?
What is something most people don't know about you?
If you could have dinner with anyone in the world (past or present), who would it be and why?
Who is your favorite dinner date, why, and where do you like to go?
Do you have any children? What is your favorite activity to do with your kids?
Please share your Twitter handle, for use in promoting your profile.
Upload a personal photo, professional photo, and/or resume.