GEN_RA0015 Risk Assessment Assessors Name: Andrew Thompson Date: 29/10/13 Activity: Personal Protective Equipment Review: 28/10/14 Hazards and Risks Identify the Hazards? Who might be harmed and how? Control Measures What is already being done? Identified PPE requirement are in place. Further action is required? White cotton protective coats. Notices visible. Aprons. Face masks / dust masks. Respiratory Protective Equipment. This assessment covers using work equipment / tools etc and other activities around the college, Staff and students are at risk from injuries or potential fatalities caused by varying different methods. Safety Boots and Shoes. Hard Helmets. Goggles and safety spectacles. Ear defenders and ear plugs. If there is a significant risk, then ensure that a work equipment / activity risk assessment is carried out. Follow workshop and studio safety rules at all times. Induction to all workshops and studios on safe working practices plus safe use of PPE. Signed Induction or issue of PPE / RPE sheet. Protective gloves and gauntlets. All PPE carry the CE mark. Hi-visibility vest. Hi-visibility Jackets. Action Plan Who? Target? Complete GEN_RA0015 Wellingtons. Waterproof trousers. Notices visible. If there is a significant risk, then ensure that a work equipment / activity risk assessment is carried out. Chemicals/ fumes/ dust/ gases/ droplets/ vapours/ particles/ burns. Staff and students, Risks to health including skin/eye irritation and/or burns, inhalation. Wear PPE – aprons, coats, goggles gloves and gauntlets, face masks plus the use Respiratory Protective Equipment. Follow workshop and studio safety rules at all times. Induction to all workshops and studios on safe working practices plus safe use of PPE. Signed Induction or issue of PPE / RPE sheet. Notices visible. If there is a significant risk, then ensure that a work equipment / activity risk assessment is carried out. Slip trip falls / Drop heavy objects onto foot. Staff and Students, impact injury with falling, jar of back from slip, Drop heavy objects causing bruising and/or broken bones Wear sensible / safety footwear, fully enclosed and non-slip. Follow workshop and studio safety rules at all times. Induction to all workshops and studios on safe working practices plus safe use of PPE. Signed Induction or issue of PPE sheet. GEN_RA0015 Notices visible. If there is a significant risk, then ensure that a work equipment / activity risk assessment is carried out. Follow workshop and studio safety rules at all times. Protective gloves and gauntlets provided. Manual handling Staff and students, foot injuries or hand injury. The type of glove / gauntlet will be decided by means of risk assessment. Induction to all workshops and studios on safe working practices plus safe use of PPE. Signed Induction or issue of PPE sheet. Never try to carry something which is bulky, heavy, unstable hot surface or with sharp edges and corners. Seek advice and assistance from a member of staff. Notices visible. Falling object / hitting head Staff and Students, injury to head from falling object or hitting head in a confined space. If there is a significant risk, then ensure that a work equipment / activity risk assessment is carried out. Hard helmets provided. Follow workshop and studio safety rules at all times. Induction to all workshops and studios on safe working practices plus safe use of PPE. GEN_RA0015 Signed Induction or issue of PPE sheet. Notices visible. If there is a significant risk, then ensure that a work equipment / activity risk assessment is carried out. Noise Staff and Students, injury to head from falling object or hitting head in a confined space. Follow workshop and studio safety rules at all times. Ear defenders and ear plugs provided Induction to all workshops and studios on safe working practices plus safe use of PPE. Signed Induction or issue of PPE sheet. Use the correct ear protection for the task. Notices visible. Goggles and safety spectacles Chemicals/ fumes/ dust/ gases/ droplets/ vapours/ particles/ steam. Staff and Students, eye injury from hazardous particles or substances. When using steam/ chemicals/ fumes/ dusts/ particles etc ensure sleeves are rolled down, keep your face away. Use the extraction system / wear safety spectacles’. If discomfort contact staff for advice and stop using immediately. If there is a significant risk, then ensure that a work equipment / activity risk assessment is carried out. Follow workshop and studio safety rules at all times. Induction to all workshops and studios on safe working practices plus safe use of PPE. Signed Induction or issue of GEN_RA0015 PPE sheet. Use the correct eye protection for the task. Ensure extraction system is being used Notices visible. If there is a significant risk, then ensure that a work equipment / activity risk assessment is carried out. Hot / cold surfaces Staff and Students, injury to head from falling object or hitting head in a confined space. Protective gloves, gauntlets clothing and footwear. Follow workshop and studio safety rules at all times. Induction to all workshops and studios on safe working practices plus safe use of PPE. Signed Induction or issue of PPE sheet. Wear clothing appropriate to the conditions of the location. Environmental Weather Conditions. Staff and students, hypothermia. Protective clothing and appropriate footwear will be worn in wet and slippery conditions. If there is a significant risk, then ensure that a work equipment / activity risk assessment is carried out. Signed issue of PPE sheet.