DO NOT REMOVE Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Standard Operating Procedure INSTRUMENT: Varian 3100 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FT-IR) INSTRUMENT START-UP: The FT-IR does NOT have a detector cooled by liquid nitrogen Make sure the lever between the FT-IR and the Raman is closed (down) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PREPARING THE HATR ASSEMBLY: A. Remove the HATR assembly from the black case stored below the FT-IR B. Insert the HATR assembly into the FT-IR 1 DO NOT REMOVE C. Use the trough plate D. Load the trough plate onto the HATR assembly If a salt plate assembly will be used, see page 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 DO NOT REMOVE RUN THE EXPERIMENT: A. Open the Varian Resolution Pro Software B. From the Collect menu at the top of the screen, select Rapid Scan and check that the following parameters found in the Electronics tab are selected: Speed: Filter: UDR: 20 KHz 5 2 Save Range: Custom: 4000-700 cm-1 Note: “Resolution,” “Sensitivity,” and “Scans to Co-add” are set to good starting values by the method. If needed, only these should be changed to affect the signal/noise of your spectrum C. Select the Optics tab and be certain to set the following parameters: IR Source: Beam: Detector: Mid-IR Beamsplitter: KBr Broadband Internal Accessory: None DTGS – Det #1 ATR Crystal: None Optical Filter: None Source: 2 cm-1 at 2000 cm-1 Microscope Detector: Left Optics Mode: Reflectance THE OPTICS PARAMETERS LISTED SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME D. Click Setup E. A center burst should appear with a voltage reading in the upper left corner. This reading should be between 1.5 and 5. If it is not, adjust the sensitivity (right-hand window). Clicking the 4-way arrow icon will rescale the center burst to fit the window, if needed. F. Click OK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COLLECT A BACKGROUND SPECTRUM: A. Be sure the sample is not in the sample holder and click on Background B. Name and save the background scan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 DO NOT REMOVE COLLECT A SAMPLE SPECTRUM: A. Using a glass Pasteur pipet , load the sample onto the trough plate B. From the Collect menu, select Rapid Scan. Click the Background Tab. Make sure the background properties box says Status = Exists. 1. If no background exists, it will need to be defined. Click use current and open to find the background file 2. If the file cannot be found, select collect background after sample C. Click the Computations tab and be certain the method follows this order: 1. Compute 2. Ratio 3. Truncate 4. Stop 5. Absorbance to % transmittance D. If the method order is different, click set to default and the method should return order listed above E. Click Scan F. Name your standard and save the spectrum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANALYZING THE SPECTRUM: A. To switch from absorbance to % transmittance, click the Transforms menu and click % Transmittance. B. To run a library search, use the following steps: 1. Select the Operations menu 2. Select Varian Search 3. Select Search 4. Under the algorithm section make sure Correlation is selected 5. Select the libraries applicable to your search 6. Click Search --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLEANING THE PLATE: A. B. C. D. Pour remaining sample into a waste beaker Use acetone to clean the plate Use a Kim-wipe to gently wipe the outside (silver) part of the plate If you are running more samples, load the next sample 4 DO NOT REMOVE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTRUMENT SHUT-DOWN: A. B. C. D. E. Remove the HATR Assembly Clean the trough plate with acetone Close Software DO NOT log off the computer DO NOT turn off the instrument --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WASTE CONSIDERATIONS FOR INSTRUMENTAL CHEMISTRY COURSE: A. Standards and samples may be disposed in waste container D in the waste hood B. Container is denoted by Yellow Label tape --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 DO NOT REMOVE SALT PLATE SAMPLE PREPARATION: A. Get two salt plates and metal holder located in the desiccator 1. Make sure the salt plates are clear B. Place one salt plate on the metal sample holder C. Load the sample using a glass Pasteur pipet D. Sandwich your sample between the two salt plates E. Slide the metal cover the salt plate F. Tighten the screws in a diagonal line (2 screws at a time) 1. Stop tightening the screws when you feel resistance 2. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN OR YOU WILL BREAK THE SALT PLATE 6 DO NOT REMOVE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLEANING THE SALT PLATE: A. Use acetone to clean the salt plate B. Use a Q-tip or Kim-wipe to gently wipe the plate C. Make sure you clean both plates D. NEVER USE WATER IT WILL DISSOLVE THE PLATE 7