Teacher Candidate: Jessica Bryant Date: March 12, 2012
School: Pinch Elementary Grade: Kindergarten
Lesson Topic: Farm Animal Structures Software and Scenario: Kidspiration
Software/ use software in lab setting.
Students will be able to match and identify farm animal structures (animal- offspringbyproduct).
Identify the changes that occur in animal structures.
To effectively use the computer and Kidspiration Software.
SC.O.K.1.3 observe and describe the movement, growth and changes in plants and animals. demonstrate curiosity, initiative and creativity by asking questions about the environment noting patterns and variations of natural objects (e.g., trees, leaves, or animal structures).
21C.O.PK-2.1.LS.2 Student can accurately interpret and create simple visuals (e.g., charts maps, graphs and models) and use this information to solve problems and communicate information.
Overall Time: 50 minute lesson
Time Frame: 10 min. teacher introduction, content review, demonstration
30 min. students working on project
10 min. review content and closure
Teacher modeling/ demonstrating/ simulations
Independent practice
A behavioral reward system in place for ADHD students/ pairing these students up with other students for peer assistance .
Introduction/ Lesson Set
To begin the lesson, the teacher will display the words “Farm Animals” on the Elmo, followed by the question, “what animals are considered farm animals?” this question will be a refresher question, because material has been minimally covered previously. Students will respond with correct answers (cow, chicken, horse, sheep), as the students say the answers, the teacher will then lay images of these animals around the “Farm Animals” words and connect them with arrows, creating a picture diagram. The teacher will then ask the s tudents, “what is the offspring of each of these animals?” as the students answer, the teacher will lay these images down connecting them with arrows to the corresponding adult animals. The same will be done with the byproducts and/or services that each animal gives us. At the end of this instruction, a completed picture diagram will be exhibited for the students to see. ( See attachment for desired product).
Body/ Transitions
The students will work on the picture diagram in the computer lab. Each student will create their own (unless otherwise stated for differentiated instruction) farm animal picture diagram, using the Kidspriation software. Students will create diagram using the main idea of “Farm Animals,” they will connect their examples of farm animals, offspring, and byproduct or services with correct/ identifying branches. The example that was created at the beginning of the lesson can remain on the board for additional support. The students will complete the assignment and print off two copies of their picture diagram. One copy will be turned in at the end of lesson; the other will be taken home and studied for a quiz the next day.
At the end of the lesson, a review of material constructed will be completed. Students will show their picture diagram to the class, then turn in one copy of their diagram. The students will take the other copy home, study with their parents for next day quiz, return with parent signature.
Remind students of quiz.
As a class, students will construct the farm animal picture diagram, while the teacher asks essential questions (objectives 1 & 2).
What are some examples of farm animals?
What are the offspring of named animals?
What do these animals provide for us?
Judge whether students current knowledge is adequate for project, if not extend introduction to further the students knowledge.
As students are using the software to construct their farm animal picture diagram, the teacher will walk around to each student, checking for proper knowledge and use of software. Give help when needed. (objectives 1-3).
At the completion of project each student will show their finial project, assess students project for correct content and knowledge. Quiz will follow on the next school day for further content assessment. (Objectives 1-3).
Elmo/white board
Farm animal flash cards for group completed picture diagram
Kidspiration Software
If technology fails/ not assessable
Large white paper
Pencils/ markers
Images of animals, offspring, byproducts
If Student Finishes Early
Students who finish early can work on extending their picture diagram, adding more information than what was originally asked for.
Students will read Farm life books, to encourage further understanding of content objectives.
If Lesson Finishes Early
Students who finish early can work on extending their picture diagram, adding more information than what was originally asked for.
Students will read Farm life books, to encourage further understanding of content objectives
If Technology Fails/ Not Accessible
If technology fails or is not accessible students will construct farm animal picture diagram on large white paper. They will draw or cut out of images of animals, offspring, and byproducts or services, connect each part with arrows, identifying the connections. Students will take home their picture diagram, study with parents for quiz, parents will sign back of paper, and bring paper back to school the next day.
Data Bases Decision Making (If Needed)