HRIHL Secretariat Core Funding Recipients

HRIHL Secretariat Core Funding Recipients
The Secretariat identified a total of 24 CSOs as a result of a rigorous and thorough application process for core
The Secretariat launched its call for proposals on 29 December 2013, receiving 72 applications—35 of which were
prequalified. Information workshops were held in three locations (Jerusalem, Gaza City and El-Bireh).
During this time, the Secretariat also conducted a POCAT assessment, with prequalified CSOs, to assess their
capacity building needs and to assist in the development of their capacity development plans.
All 35 CSOs submitted their full applications by 9 February 2014 and were informed of the final decisions on 3
March 2014.
The table below lists all 24 CSOs, with the mission and vision of each, in addition to a link to their web address, and
the total grant amount (covering 2014-2016):
CSO Partner
Adalah – The Leal Center for
Arab Minority Rights in Israel Haifa
Adalah works to promote and defend the rights of Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel and
Palestinians living in the OPT. It seeks to achieve equal individual and collective rights for
Palestinian citizens of Israel in the major fields that represent the main constraints on the
Palestinian minority: land and planning rights; civil and political rights; economic, social and
cultural rights; religious rights; women rights; and prisoners’ rights. Adalah also seeks to protect
the human rights of Palestinians under occupation against gross violations by Israel.
Addameer works to protect the rights of Palestinian political prisoners and detainees in Israeli
jails and prisons, as well as in Palestinian Authority (PA) prisons. Addameer works to ensure the
protection of Palestinian groups and individuals whose civil and political rights have been
violated, including the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, all based on the framework
of International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL).
Al-Dameer is an independent unaffiliated NGO that aims to ensure the development of the
principles of internationally recognized human rights standards and values in the Gaza Strip. AlDameer is guided by these principles as well as accountability and rule of law, transparency,
tolerance, empowerment, participation and inclusion, equality, equity, non-discrimination and
attention to vulnerable groups.
Al Mezan is an independent non-partisan non-profit organization that aims to contribute to
promoting and protecting internationally recognized human right standards and values in the
Palestinian society, especially in the Gaza Strip through securing the rule of law. Al Mezan is
guided by the principles of equal human worth and equal respect of all human rights, individual
and collective, as enshrined in international law and jurisprudence.
To advocate nationally and internationally to promote the rule of law and respect for human
rights in the OPT, through legal research, documentation and building capacity to address
violations of the individual and collective rights of Palestinians under international law,
irrespective of the identity of the perpetrator.
Protecting human rights in the OPT, through documenting and exposing facts relating to human
rights and IHL violations.
Addameer Prisoner Support and
Human Rights AssociationRamallah
Al-Dameer Association for
Human Rights- Gaza
Al Mezan Center for Human
Rights- Gaza
Al-Haq “Law in the Service of
Man”- Ramallah
B’Tselem – the Israeli
Information Center for Human
Rights in the Occupied
Territories- Jerusalem
BADIL -Resource Center for
Palestinian Residency and
Refugee Rights- Bethlehem
Bimkom – Planners for Planning
Rights- Jerusalem
Breaking the Silence- Tel Aviv
Defense for Children International
(DCI)- Ramallah
Democracy and Workers’ Rights
Center in Palestine (DWRC)Ramallah
To empower Palestinians, in particular refugees and IDPs, and assist local, regional and
international actors to achieve a situation where international law and best practice are applied
so that forcible displacement of Palestinians will end, and durable solutions and reparations for
the displaced can be implemented.
Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights, is an Israeli human rights organization formed in 1999
by a group of professional planners and architects, in order to strengthen democracy and human
rights in the field of spatial planning and land, in Israel and in Area C of the OPT. Drawing on
values of social justice, good governance, equality and community participation, Bimkom
advances the development of planning policies and practices that are more just and respectful of
human rights, and responsive to the needs of local communities. Bimkom has assisted hundreds
of local communities throughout the OPT, amongst others, in matters concerning inadequate
planning and home demolitions, as well as lack of infrastructure and public services.
BTS is an organization that exposes the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the OPT,
where Israeli occupation soldiers violate Palestinians’ rights.
DCI/PS is dedicated to defending, promoting and protecting the rights of Palestinian children in
accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), as well as
other international, regional and local standards.
Spreading a trade union, democratic and human rights culture, reinforcing the skills and
knowledge of female and male trade union leaders, informing them about their rights and
mechanisms of protection, reinforcing women’s role, providing them with legal assistance to
enable them to achieve their right to justice, encouraging them to form representative bodies on
Gisha - Legal Center for Freedom
of Movement- Tel Aviv
HaMoked – Center for the
Defense of the IndividualJerusalem
Palestinian Centre for Human
Rights (PCHR)- Gaza
Palestinian Working Women
Society for Development
(PWWSD)- Ramallah
Physicians for Human Rights
(PHR)- Tel Aviv
Public Committee Against Torture
in Israel (PCATI)- Jerusalem
The Jerusalem Legal Aid &
Human Rights Center (JLAC)Ramallah
The Palestinian Initiative for the
Promotion of Global Dialogue and
Democracy – MIFTAH- Ramallah
Women Affairs Technical
Committee (WATC)- Ramallah
Women Studies Center-Jerusalem
Women’s Centre for Legal Aid
and Counselling (WCLAC)Ramallah
Women's Affairs Center (WAC)Gaza
Yesh Din- Volunteers for Human
Rights- Tel Aviv
a democratic basis, and providing them with information through research and studies to enable
them to influence socio-economic policies, reduce the effects of poverty and unemployment, and
reinforce respect of human rights.
Gisha’s goal is to protect the freedom of movement and other rights for which freedom of
movement is a precondition in the OPT, particularly in Gaza. Gisha seeks lasting changes in
Israel’s policies regarding freedom of movement.
HaMoked strives to provide assistance to Palestinians in the OPT who fall victim to violence,
abuse, or violation of fundamental rights by Israeli authorities - especially those persons who
require assistance in making their complaints to these authorities. HaMoked works to safeguard
fundamental rights in every other manner, including filing applications with the courts,
including petitions to the Supreme Court sitting as the High Court of Justice, either in the name
of the persons whose rights have been violated, or as an independent public petitioner.
PCHR's mission is to empower and protect the Palestinian people by promoting human rights,
the rule of law, good governance and representative participation in local and national decision
making, through:
- Investigating and exposing human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt);
- Providing legal representation to victims of human rights violations;
- Providing education and training in international human rights standards and international
humanitarian law and
- Campaigning and advocating for the rule of law, good governance and representative,
participative decision making.
The Palestinian Working Women Society for Development (PWWSD) is an independent nonprofit women organization working in the field of development in Occupied Palestine. PWWSD
aims for gender equality and the eradication of all forms of discrimination through
strengthening, empowering and mobilizing women’s participation in development processes, the
promotion of women’s civic and human rights, and the improvement of women’s and girl’s
psycho-social well- being
The prolonged Israeli occupation over Palestinian territory is the basis of human rights
violations, in particular, the right to health. PHR thus endeavors to significantly contribute to the
efforts of ending the occupation and to promoting a society that is based on the values of human
rights, solidarity, social justice, equality and mutual assistance in, amongst others, the OPT.
PCATI employs multiple strategies to combat torture, ill treatment and institutional violence,
including: providing legal remedy to victims and enabling them to access justice; challenging
the institutional impunity that permits torture, ill treatment and institutional violence; changing
the Israeli attitude towards torture, ill treatment and institutional violence with reliable
information and a compelling and irrefutable message about such human rights violations;
raising knowledge about torture and HR violations and rights to be free from HR violations;
addressing the international community about human rights violations in Israel and pursuing
innovative international efforts; while remaining focused on strategic issues: impunity remains a
center piece issue.
To combat all forms of human rights violations regardless of the perpetrating authority through:
facilitating access to justice, lobbying and advocacy, mobilizing social capital, and professional
MIFTAH seeks to promote the principles of democracy and good governance within various
components of Palestinian society; it further seeks to engage local and international public
opinion and official circles on the Palestinian cause. To that end, MIFTAH adopts the
mechanisms of an active and in-depth dialogue, the free flow of information and ideas, as well
as local and international networking.
Based on the Palestinian Declaration of Independence, the Palestinian Women’s Rights Bill, and
International Women’s Human Rights Documents WATC seeks to promote, and protect
women’s rights and empower them in all areas without discrimination.
The Women’s Studies Centre works towards developing, fostering and disseminating a
progressive feminist discourse based on social justice and equality values, with the aim of
empowering women to access and benefit from all societal resources available. WSC also
contributes to developing and mobilizing community and youth leadership that endeavor to
create social movements capable to achieve our vision.
WCLAC is a Palestinian, feminist, non-governmental organization that works to protect and
promote women’s human rights within the framework of international human rights mechanisms
and standards. This is to be undertaken through monitoring, documentation and advocacy at the
local and international levels; providing social and legal services to women victims of violence
and those whose human rights have been violated; undertaking awareness, advocacy, training
and legal reform programmes that ensure gender equality; developing the capacity of grassroots
organizations and volunteer groups, all within the framework of an effective organization that
works in a complementary way through the various programme and administrative units and
regional offices whose specialized and highly-qualified staff are committed to the vision and
mission of the Centre.
WAC is an independent and non-profit Palestinian NGO with the purpose of advocating
women’s rights and gender equality through capacity development, information and innovative
research and advocacy programs. While implementing its strategy to fulfil its vision, WAC is
guided by international human rights principles including empowerment and participation;
equality and non-discrimination; and accountability to ensure justice and dignity for women.
The members and staff work for an immediate and long term change in the Israeli authorities'
practices by documenting and disseminating accurate and up-to-date information about the
systematic violation of human rights in the West Bank, by raising public awareness of such
violations, and by applying public and legal pressure on the Israeli government to end them.