Siberian Husky Companion Contract


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Kennedy Sleddogs

Sale of Siberian Husky Pet Puppy Contract

Breeder: Rachel Arnold

Breeder Address: 21 Belle Marsh Road, South Berwick, Maine 03908

Breeder Phone: (207) 689-5649

Breeder Email:

Purchaser Name:

Purchaser Phone:

Purchaser Address:

Purchaser Email:

Breed of puppy: Siberian husky

Date of purchase of puppy:

Microchip ID Number of puppy:

Date of Birth of Puppy:

Sire of Puppy:

Dam of Puppy:

Sex of puppy:

Eye color of puppy:

Color/markings of puppy:

One puppy is being sold as a pet for the sum of 1000$ to the described purchaser.

Breeder is also the “seller” of this dog.

AKC Limited Registration and Spay/Neuter Agreement:

This puppy is being sold as a family companion or pet with AKC limited registration.

Purchaser agrees to precede this puppy’s registered AKC name with the breeder’s kennel prefix.

Purchaser agrees that this dog shall not be bred.

Purchaser agrees to have this dog spayed or neutered before this dog reaches 18 months of age.

Initials of Breeder:_________________________________Date:___________

Initials of Purchaser:_______________________________Date:___________

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Health Guarantee:

Breeder guarantees this puppy, to the best of her knowledge, to be healthy upon the date purchaser receives possession of this puppy. If, within 10 days after receipt of the puppy by the purchaser, a veterinarian states in writing that the puppy has a health problem that existed in the puppy at the time of delivery or if, at any

time during this puppy’s life after receipt of puppy by the purchaser (state law is “within one year after

receipt of the animal by the purchaser”), a veterinarian states in writing that due to a hereditary or congenital defect the dog has died or has a condition that will shorten its life or will require constant treatment during its life, the breeder guarantees the purchaser one of the following remedies:

1) Return of the dog to the seller for a refund of the full purchase price of the dog;

2) Exchange of the dog for a dog of the purchaser's choice of equivalent value, providing a replacement is available; or

3) Retainment of the dog and reimbursement for 1/2 of the reasonable veterinary fees not to exceed 1/2 of the original purchase price of the dog.

The fee for veterinary service is reasonable if the service is appropriate for the diagnosis and treatment of the health problem and the fee for the service is comparable to fees charged by other veterinarians who are in proximity to the treating veterinarian.

To obtain the remedies provided by the breeder:

1) The purchaser must notify the seller, within 2 business days, of the diagnosis by a veterinarian of a health problem and provide the seller with the name and telephone number of the veterinarian and a copy of the veterinarian report on the animal.

2) If the purchaser wishes to receive a full refund for the puppy, the purchaser must return the puppy no later than 2 business days after receipt of a written statement from a veterinarian indicating that the puppy is unfit due to a health problem. With respect to a dead dog, the purchaser must provide the seller with a written statement from a veterinarian indicating that the dog died from a health problem that existed on or before the receipt of the dog by the purchaser.

In all cases the breeder reserves the right to have this dog examined by a licensed veterinarian of the

breeder’s choice for a second opinion. If the purchaser requests a remedy for this dog under this guarantee and the examination of the alleged defect by a licensed veterinarian of the breeder’s choice determines that the defect is a health issue that did not exist in this dog before the date of purchase of this dog by the perchaser, or determines that the alleged heredity defect is not inherited, but instead caused by trauma, stress, obesity, neglect, abuse or any NOT-INHERITED factor that occurred after the date of purchase of this dog by the purchaser, this guarantee is null and void, without effect and will not be honored.

In any case the breeder will try to work out a deal that is fair under the circumstances at the time.

Purchaser is aware that stress from moving to a new home, change in diet and even a change in water can trigger certain maladies.

Initials of Breeder:_________________________________Date:___________

Initials of Purchaser:_______________________________Date:___________

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Return Home Policy:

Purchaser shall inform breeder of any change in purchaser’s address or contact information. Breeder agrees to inform purchaser of any change in her address or contact information.

Purchaser shall notify breeder of intent to sell, trade, or give away this dog.

Should the purchaser want to give the dog back to the breeder for any reason, the breeder agrees to take this dog back at any time during this dog’s life.

Breeder has the first right to buy this dog at price that purchaser advertises to the general public or a price to be agreed upon by both purchaser and breeder. Should the breeder choose to not buy the dog, the breeder agrees to help the purchaser find the dog a new home.

Breeder must approve in writing of any third party that owns this dog. Purchaser shall give breeder this dog’s potential new owner’s name, number and address so that she may contact the potential new owner and determine if she approves of the new home for this dog.

Purchaser shall never sell, trade, or give this dog to any pet store, shelter, dog dealer, broker, or research laboratory.

I do not want to see this dog end up in a home I did not sell it to without my knowledge or approval! I take this policy very seriously.

Should you no longer want the dog at any time during its life for whatever reason, or if you are no longer able to keep the dog, I will take the dog back at any time if you want, and if you do not want to simply give me the dog back for some reason, I am willing to help you find a new home for the dog.

Maintenance and Care:

Purchaser shall maintain this dog in a healthy environment at all times. This includes adequate food, shade, shelter, clean fresh water, proper exercise, and medical care including vaccinations and medications as recommended by a licensed veterinarian.

Purchaser shall use appropriate preventative measures as recommended by a licensed veterinarian to keep this dog free of parasites including but not limited to fleas, ticks, and worms. Breeder recommends keeping this dog on monthly heartworm prevention.

Purchaser shall feed this dog a quality well balanced dog food with meat as the main ingredient.

Purchaser agrees to keep this dog at a healthy weight throughout this dog’s life.

Purchaser agrees to keep this dog under control as all times and socialize this dog with humans and other dogs or animals.

Purchaser agrees to never let this dog unrestrained without supervision at any time.

Initials of Breeder:_________________________________Date:___________

Initials of Purchaser:_______________________________Date:___________

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Transfer of Ownership and Responsibility:

Purchaser releases the breeder and her estates from any and all liabilities and/or damages by fault of this dog after the date of purchase of this dog. The breeder shall not be held responsible for any damages caused directly or indirectly by this dog to property, humans or other animals. Except for anything contained in the

Heath Guarantee, the breeder shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by this dog.

Effect and Violations of this Contract:

Any legal action in regards to this contract will take place in the breeder’s state and county of residence.

The breeder’s state of residence shall have jurisdiction over the parties in any lawsuit or claim alleging any violation of this contract.

The losing party shall pay the other party all attorney(s) fees, court costs, and any other related charges or expenses incurred by the prevailing party.

If the purchaser violates this contract, purchaser agrees that the breeder may reclaim this dog with no refunds being issued to the purchaser. Purchaser agrees to be responsible for any reimbursements or refunds to any third party that the purchaser has sold, traded, or given this dog to without the

breeder’s written approval (please see Return Home Policy).

Any violations of this contract, with the exception of state laws regarding the sale of dogs, will make all guarantees on behalf of the breeder in this contract null and void.

Keeping in Touch is Strongly Welcomed by Breeder:

Please keep in touch; I like to know how my dogs are doing. You are welcome to contact me with any questions or concerns.

By signing below, the purchaser and the breeder agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this contract in its entirety.

Signature of Breeder: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Signature of Purchaser: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Initials of Breeder:_________________________________Date:___________

Initials of Purchaser:_______________________________Date:___________
