Terms of Reference

Local coordinator for the project ‘Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission and
Improvement of Perinatal Outcomes among Drug-Addicted Pregnant Women and Their
Newborns’ in three cities of Ukraine
Level: NO-A
Fee: Part-time, 4 months; minimum 16 work days per month;
Duration: 1 March 2012 – 30 June 2012
1. Purpose of Special Service Agreement:
To coordinate activities related to the implementation of the pilot model of integrated care for drug
addicted pregnant women in Kiev, to facilitate the establishment of Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST)
points for pregnant IDUs at Kiev site and to strengthen integration of narcological and reproductive
health services within the project in Kiev.
In 2011 UNICEF supported the piloting of the innovative project ‘Prevention of Mother-to-Child
Transmission and Improvement of Perinatal Outcomes among Drug-Addicted Pregnant Women and
Their New-borns’ in three cities of Ukraine. The project aims to establish the linkages between PMTCT
and harm reduction services, including Opioid Substitution Therapy, family planning and STI
prevention services for pregnant drug addicted women. In accordance with the RWP for 2012 -2014 the
pilot project in three cities will be continued.
One of the sites selected for the pilot is Kiev City. Implementation of the project in Kiev has faced
some challenges which delayed the progress towards the planned outcomes in 2011. One of the reasons
was a continued pressure from the law enforcement agencies on the substitution treatment (OST)
programmes. OST is proved to be one of the key HIV prevention measures for drug users. It is an
important part of the package of services that should be provided to the drug addicted pregnant women
within the pilot project. Integration of services requires multisectoral approach. A lack of coordination
between reproductive health and narcological services in Kiev City has led to scaling down of the
substitution treatment programmes and has created difficulties in the establishment of the Centers for
the Integrated Care of Pregnant Women (CICP) in Kiev.
Documented and evaluated results of the project will be used for informing the Government in the
further rolling out of services at the national level. Therefore, there is a need for a local coordinator in
Kiev City, who, being an expert in the area of substitution treatment, will coordinate the project
implementation activities related to the component of OST and who will also facilitate integration of
narcological and reproductive health services within the project in Kiev.
2. Objective of the Special Service Agreement with expected results/outcome/products/sub
The overall objective of the SSA is to ensure a coordinated and effective implementation of the pilot
project on integrated care for drug addicted women in Kiev City through the establishment of the
functional partnership between narcological and reproductive health services at the city level.
Results expected: Relevant changes in the policies and regulatory framework address the complex
needs of pregnant drug-addicted women and their newborns in Kiev City. OST points are established
within the pilot Centers for the Integrated Care of Pregnant Women (CICP) in Kiev.
1. Assistance in the development of a regulatory framework related to the introduction of OST for
drug addicted women within the pilot project in Kiev City;
2. Technical support in the establishment of OST points in the Centers for the Integrated Care of
Pregnant Women (CICP) in Kiev;
3. Coordination and facilitation of the project activities related to integration of narcological and
reproductive health services with Kiev City health administration and partner organisations;
4. Documentation of the obtained results.
3. Deliverables based on the work plan (to be approved by UNICEF Ukraine HIV/AIDS Officer)
1. Draft of the guidelines on the establishment of the referral system for drug addicted and vulnerable
to HIV women in Kiev City pilot (coordination between narcological and reproductive health
facilities and NGOs) - by 20 March, 2012;
2. Submission of the draft Kiev City Health Administration Order on the establishment of OST points
in Kiev Centers for the Integrated Care of Pregnant Women (CICP) – by 25 April, 2012;
3. Reports on monitoring visits to Kiev City sites and meetings with Kiev City Health Administration
with findings, problems analysis and recommendations – 30 March, 30 April, 30 May, 2012;
4. Summary report with the achieved results and recommendations on the functioning of OST points at
Kiev Centers for the Integrated Care of Pregnant Women - by 30 June, 2012.
4. Details of how the work should be delivered:
The consultant has to develop and submit to UNICEF a summary report with the evaluation of
undertaken activities. All deliverables will be submitted to UNICEF in electronic form for feedback and
5. Performance indicators for evaluation of results:
The evaluation of the results will be based on the following indicators:
 Technical and professional competence (will be measured by the quality of the report provided to
 Scope of work (No. of information materials related to the project produced per month; No. of
meetings with national and local authorities and the Ministry of Health staff; No. of project
documents prepared by Kiev City Health Administration with the local coordinator’s support);
 Quality of work (timely submission of the intermediate monthly and final reports to UNICEF)
 Quantity of work (completing the assignments indicated in parts 2, 3, and 4 above)
 In addition such indicators as work relations, responsibility and communication will be taken into
account during the evaluation of the local coordinator’s work.
6. Qualifications/specialised knowledge/experience required to complete the task
 A university degree in Medicine or Public Health/Social Sciences;
 Experience in the development of regulatory framework in the respective area;
 At least 5 years of relevant work experience in the area of HIV/AIDS and narcology;
 Experience of work with the partners (Kiev City Health Administration, city health care institutions,
Kiev City AIDS Centre);
 Writing and presentation skills;
 Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team.
7. Definition of supervision arrangements
Consultant will be supervised by the HIV/AIDS Officer, UNICEF Ukraine.
8. Description of official travel involved
Travels are not envisaged.
9. Estimated cost of the contract and funding source by Grant
Fee: Part-time, 4 months; minimum of 16 work days per month;
10. UNICEF recourse in the case of unsatisfactory performance
In the event of unsatisfactory performance, UNICEF reserves the right to terminate the Agreement. In
case of partially satisfactory performance, such as serious delays causing the negative impact on
meeting the programme objectives, low quality or insufficient depth and/or scope of the assessment
completion, UNICEF is entitled to decrease the payment by the range from 30 to 50%.
11. Support provided by UNICEF
Day-to-day support for the assignment will be provided by the HIV/AIDS Officer and will include
relevant information sharing via e-mail, briefing and de-briefing sessions, and facilitation of the
consultant’s meetings with UNICEF counterparts when necessary.
The deadline for submission of applications is 27 February 2012.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Applicants that fulfil the above requirements are requested to complete a
United Nations Personal History Form (P. 11) which is available at a website www.unicef.org/employ and submit it together with a resume/CV and
a cover letter describing your professional interests in working for
Applications should be sent to:
UNICEF Office, 1, Klovskiy Uzviz, Kyiv, Ukraine
Fax No. 380-44-230-2506
E-mail: ttarasova@unicef.org