to the tender

Call for Proposals - Evaluation
August 2015
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 3
SECTION 4 SERVICE SPECIFICATION ............................................................................. 8
SECTION 5 GENERAL SUPPLIER INFORMATION .......................................................... 12
SECTION 6 CAPABILITY AND EXPERIENCE .................................................................. 14
SECTION 7 APPROACH TO QUALITY AND SERVICE DELIVERY ................................. 16
SECTION 8 FEES .............................................................................................................. 17
SECTION 9 UNDERTAKINGS ........................................................................................... 18
APPENDIX 2 PROFESSIONAL RISK INDEMNITY INSURANCE...................................... 20
APPENDIX 3 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICY ............................................................. 21
APPENDIX 4 PROJECT EVALUATION REPORT TEMPLATE ......................................... 22
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Section 1 Introduction
Winning Pitch’s Profile & History
Winning Pitch is one of the UK’s fastest growing high-growth entrepreneurial coaching
businesses - based in Manchester, with offices also in Gateshead, Leeds, Liverpool and
Winning Pitch strives to embed high-performance business growth solutions into
organisations ranging from start-ups through to FTSE100 companies.
Winning Pitch works with public sector organisations that are tasked with supporting the
high-growth and entrepreneurial agenda.
Winning Pitch works with entrepreneurs who have a growth wish and a desire to realise their
full potential.
Winning Pitch’s culture is driven by a passion to make a difference to entrepreneurs bringing fresh / disruptive thinking to their business’s in order to drive success and deliver
Winning Pitch has developed a suite of high-impact business growth tools that are proven to
deliver breakthrough performance.
In 2011, Winning Pitch, as part of the GrowthAccelerator Consortium, secured a contract to
deliver the GrowthAccelerator service, a flagship BIS initiative that will support 26,000 high
growth potential companies across England over the next three years. In April 2015 this was
re-launched as part of the Business Growth Service.
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Section 2 Instructions and information on procurement
These instructions are designed to ensure that all proposals are given equal and fair consideration.
It is important, therefore, that you provide all the information asked for in the format and order
specified. If there is any doubt as to what is required, or if you have difficulty in providing the
information requested, you should contact Mathilde Favre in accordance with the procedure for
raising queries set out in 2.3 below.
The information in this document provides an outline of the procurement process that Winning Pitch
intends to follow, although Winning Pitch reserves the right to amend this process or cancel the
procurement at any stage without prior consultation. Under no circumstances will Winning Pitch or
its advisers be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by applicants during the procurement
process. Expressions of interest are only sought from organisations that are agreeable to these
This Call for Proposals (CFP) is not an offer to enter into an agreement with any party, but rather a
request to receive proposals from persons interested in providing the service outlined. Winning
Pitch may reject all proposals, in whole or in part, and/or enter into negotiations with any party to
provide such services.
2.1 Timetable and Administration Arrangements
The envisaged key milestones for the procurement process are shown in the table below.
Issue of CFP
Deadline for acknowledgement of receipt of
Deadline for submission of questions
Deadline for reply to questions
Deadline for return of tenders
Assessment of tenders
Notification of Appointment
Award of Contract
Commencement of Service Delivery
Tuesday 18th August 2015
Thursday 20th August 2015
Thursday 20th August 2015 midnight
Friday 21st August 2015 close of business
Wednesday 26th August 2015 midnight
Thursday 27th August 2015
Thursday 27th August 2015
Friday 28th August 2015
Tuesday 2nd September 2015
Tuesday 2nd September 2015
2.2 Intention to submit tender
Suppliers must complete the “Acknowledgement of receipt of call for proposals” form (Appendix 1)
indicating their receipt of the procurement documents and intention to submit a proposal or
otherwise no later than Thursday 20th August 2015.
2.3 Queries
Winning Pitch will endeavour to deal with queries from suppliers during the procurement process.
Suppliers should be aware that, unless a query relates specifically to them, any questions they raise
during the procurement process, together with answers, will be circulated to all suppliers who have
expressed an interest.
Suppliers should send their questions via email to . All questions
should be received no later than Thursday 20th August 2015 midnight .
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Where relevant, responses to queries will be made anonymous and circulated to every organisation
that has acknowledged the Call for Proposals and opted to submit a proposal by Friday 21st August
2015 close of business.
2.5 Amendments to the procurement documents by Winning Pitch
Winning Pitch reserves the right to amend the enclosed CFP documents at any time prior to the
deadline for receipt of proposals. Where amendments are significant, Winning Pitch may at its
discretion extend the deadline for receipt of proposals.
2.4 Return of response
An electronic copy ONLY of the applicant’s Proposal in Microsoft Word format must be received by
Wednesday 26th August 2015 midnight to
Proposals should be submitted as one complete document, no separate attachments.
The applicant is responsible for obtaining all information necessary for the preparation of its
proposal. In addition, the applicant will bear all costs, expenses and liabilities incurred in connection
with the preparation of its submission and all further participation in the procurement process.
Any Proposal not received by the time and date specified, for whatever reason, will not be
2.5 Confidentiality
The contents of this Call for Proposals are confidential and should be treated as such by recipients.
Information contained within the CFP should only be disclosed to those employees, agents or subcontractors who are directly involved in responding to this document.
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Section 3 Conditions applying to the applicant’s tender
3.1 Incomplete proposal
Please ensure that all responses to questions are in full and are directly below the corresponding
question in the document. The first set of questions aims to establish the applicant’s capability
(selection criteria). The second set of questions aims to establish how the applicant would deliver
the service (award criteria).
All questions must be answered fully. However we do encourage suppliers to expand the scope of
their responses if there is benefit to be gained by Winning Pitch from this alternative view based on
other potential solutions or previous experience.
A Proposal may be rejected if all the information requested is not provided at the time of
3.2 Period for which tenders shall remain valid
Unless otherwise stated by the applicant, Proposals shall remain valid for 60 days from the closing
date for receipt of Proposals.
3.3 Evaluation criteria
The procurement process will be conducted to ensure that Proposals are evaluated fairly to
ascertain the most economically advantageous Proposal. The evaluation will be based on the
contents of the written document submitted to Winning Pitch. You may be contacted during this
stage to clarify the content and meaning of details within your response.
Responses to Winning Pitch’s requirements will be evaluated and scored under the following areas:
 Capability, experience of delivery of a similar service
[50 marks]
Examples of recent relevant work and experience in the area of the intervention. The team
of individuals that will be working on the contract, their skills and experience. Details of any
partnership arrangement to deliver the contract. In particular, Capacity to meet the delivery
 Approach to quality and delivery of the service being tendered for [90 marks]
Your understanding of the requirements outlined in this brief. An outline of the methodology
you would expect to use to deliver the service.
 Value for money
[60 marks]
A breakdown of all the costs associated with the contract for each phase, including daily
rates for each member of the project team and numbers of days planned to work on the
service and by which consultants.
After the scoring process based on written proposals, Winning Pitch will award the contract to the
supplier that produced the highest-scoring Proposal.
3.4 Confidentiality
Winning Pitch will not disclose to any third party information that is supplied in Proposals that is
marked as confidential. All other information supplied by suppliers to Winning Pitch will similarly be
treated in confidence except that references may be sought from banks, existing or past clients, or
other referees submitted by the Suppliers.
However, please note that this procurement exercise is being carried for a service that will
be funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). As such, we have to remain
compliant to audit standards that demand we produce evidence of procurement in support
of expenditure. This will include all tenders submitted for this exercise. The information will
be shared with funding bodies, such as but not limited to the Department for Communities
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and Local Government, Lancashire County Council, Liverpool City Council, Business
Growth Hub (Greater Manchester).
3.5 Group responses
Responses from multi-disciplinary organisations are encouraged, but all organisations must be
identified in the response to the CFP. Each group will be required to nominate a lead partner who
Winning Pitch can contact before contract award. In the case of group suppliers, each service
provider will be required to become jointly and severally responsible for the contract before
If the supplier is a member of a group of companies, they should provide information only about
themselves and not the Group as a whole (except where Group information is specifically requested
by the question).
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Section 4 Service Specification
4.1 Background Information
Winning Pitch is the lead partner for the GrowthAccelerator ERDF Business Development Coaching
Service (GA-ERDF) in the North of England. Winning Pitch has delivered ERDF projects across 4
sub-regions in the North-West:
Cheshire & Warrington (inc. Halton) (accountable body Winning Pitch),
Greater Manchester (accountable body Manchester Solutions for Business Growth Hub),
Lancashire (accountable body Lancashire County Council for Boost Growth Hub),
Merseyside (accountable body Liverpool City Council for Liverpool City Region Growth Hub)
(not including Halton).
The rationale of the GA-ERDF projects was to provide support to high-growth potential SMEs in the
shape of business coaching.
Outputs, results and impacts the projects were targeted to:
 Number of Businesses Assisted
 Number of Businesses with Improved Performance
 Number of Jobs created (m/f)
 Number of Jobs safeguarded (m/f)
 GVA Increase
 Net jobs created/ safeguarded
Breakdown of targets set and achievements will be notified to the successful tenderer.
Beneficiary groups: SMEs and individuals (employees).
Key strategic stakeholders:
 Funding bodies as specified above
 Managing authority: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
 Other members of the GrowthAccelerator Consortium, in particular Grant Thornton
Funding streams: ERDF through DCLG and BIS
Breakdown of total funding will be notified to the successful tenderer.
4.2 Objectives of the Service
To conclude the delivery of the GA-ERDF projects in the North-West, Winning Pitch wishes to
commission a specialist provider.
1. The object of the service being commissioned is to carry out a single independent
evaluation of the 4 GA-ERDF projects in the North-West, both individually and as a whole
2. The aim of the service being commissioned is to assess the impact of the projects, drive
continuous improvement and identify and share best practice.
3. Timeframe: August-September 2015. final report to be submitted by Tuesday 06/10/15.
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4.3 Requirements of the Service
Key evaluation tasks:
1. The service provider will review the impact of the support provided by the projects to
beneficiary SMEs and look for information that will drive future improvement for projects of
this nature. This will involve the following points (the list is not exhaustive):
Assessing the progress made by the projects in meeting their stated objectives (including
targeted outputs, results and impacts) and providing a summary of project achievements.
Assessing whether the projects still have a sound rationale
Reviewing the effectiveness of the project structure and/or delivery mechanisms and
summarising lessons learnt
Assessing the final net economic, environmental and social impacts
Recording the distribution of impacts, e.g. regional and local impacts
Assessing contribution towards Cross-Cutting Themes
Judging the distance travelled towards addressing market failure: Businesses find it difficult
to identify impartial sources of advice they can trust; Businesses cannot place a value on
external advice so are reluctant to pay for it; Businesses have doubts about the benefits of
external business advice.
Assessing Value for Money by cost per unit/rate of return on investment
Assessing Strategic added value
Identifying examples of good practice and project insights
Identifying exemplar case studies
Examining economic, environmental and social sustainability
Providing recommendations for the future direction of similar projects
Carry out a final review of the Risk Register, with emphasis on legacy
2. The evaluation of SME support will take place on 3 levels:
Desk analysis of project Documentation (Participating SMEs will complete a monitoring
a low-level telephone-based satisfaction survey on a representative sample of the
businesses supported (at least 10% of the businesses supported in each sub-region) and
a more in-depth telephone interview with 10% of the clients to gain more insight into the
client journey and experience.
The supplier will ensure that there is sufficient transparency of methodology calculation, sampling,
survey questions and sources of monitoring data used in order that the analysis incorporated in the
final report can be used during strategic level evaluations carried out by Winning Pitch or funding
bodies (dissemination).
3. Other activities will include:
Survey of delivery staff and stakeholders
Benchmarking Assessment against similar Projects
Cost Benefit Analysis for both the ERDF projects and the Impact of the clients supported
Impact Assessment
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The evaluation is to be compliant with the Impact Evaluation Framework, as interpreted by the BIS
Practical Guidance on Implementing the Impact Evaluation Framework.
Ongoing dialogue, attendance and participation at evaluation steering group meetings are expected
from the successful supplier during the evaluation.
Although this refers to the Humber area, you may find this guide useful:
4.4 Deliverables
1. A draft report to be submitted by Tuesday 22nd September 2015. (See template in Annex 4.)
2. A final report to be submitted by Tuesday 6th October 2015 and signed off, which will be
submitted to funding bodies with the final claim.
Both must adhere to the ERDF publicity guidance and display the ERDF logo.
4.5 Duration of Contract
From award of contract to 6th October 2015.
4.6 Service Budget
The Maximum Budget available for this assignment is £19,200.00 including VAT, inclusive of all
Invoice to be received by 22nd September 2015. Payment to be issued on 25/09/15.
This contract will be subject to ERDF funding.
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Section 5 General Supplier Information
5.1 General Business Information
Business Name
Business Address
Phone Number
E-mail address
Fax Number
Web Site
Registered Office Address
VAT Number
Company Registration Number
Can you receive payment by BACS?
If your organisation is a member of a
group of Businesses, give the name and
address of the holding company.
Please indicate the number of
employees in your organisation and
Businesses acting in partnership (where
relevant), who are engaged in providing
product or service related to that you
are proposing to supply. Please
separate full time employees from
contractors, by specified functions.
Has any director, partner or associate of
the Business ever been employed by
Winning Pitch? If so, please provide
Is any director, partner or associate of
the Business involved with another
Business applying for this contract? If
so, please provide details.
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5.2 Contact details of person dealing with Proposal
Full name
5.3 Resource and Location
Please provide details of the employee(s) you expect to use to manage the relationship. Also
include an account management structure indicating responsibilities and reporting lines.
Please provide answer here:
Management Team
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Section 6 Capability and Experience
[50 marks]
This section of the CFP details the information that you should provide about your Business’s
background and relevant experience. The Selection Criteria allow us to assess your ability to
perform the contract according to economic and financial capability and technical and/ or
professional ability.
6.1 Information as to economic and financial standing
The applicant shall prove that they have the resources necessary to perform the contract.
6.1.1 Introduction and Business profile
Please provide answer here: [maximum 250 words]
6.1.2 Evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance [Pass/Fail]
Please insert in Appendix 2.
6.2 Information as to technical or professional ability
The applicant shall prove that they have the necessary technical or professional ability, taking in
account their skills, efficiency, experience and reliability.
6.2.1 Skills, Systems and Infrastructure
Include average annual number of staff and managerial staff over the past 3 years and details of
systems used to support activity as outlined in this CFP. Please provide answer here: [maximum
250 words]
6.2.2 Quality commitment
Please provide information on any quality accreditation, strategy or plans that your organisation
Please provide answer here: [maximum 250 words]
6.2.3 Experience
Business track record in providing similar services to Winning Pitch or similar organisations in the
past 2 years.
If you have provided services in relation to GrowthAccelerator, please specify as you may be
awarded additional marks.
Please provide details here. Add rows as necessary.
Targets / Achievement
Nature of
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6.2.4 Customer Account Management and Management Reporting Procedure
Please provide answer here: [maximum 100 words]
6.2.5 References
Please provide details of 3 customers for whom you have delivered similar services to those
required by Winning Pitch within the past 2 years.
Customer name
and address
Contact name and
Telephone number
reference and
brief description
of service
Names of
and/ or
members and
their role
Note: Winning Pitch may elect to contact any of the above for a reference. Your permission to do so
will be assumed unless you explicitly state any objections.
6.3 Conflict of interest
Suppliers are required to confirm that they are not aware of any conflict of interest or any
circumstances that could give rise to a conflict of interest in the performance of the proposed
Please provide answer here: [maximum 100 words]
6.4 Equal Opportunities [Pass/Fail]
Does your organisation have a policy as an employer to comply with statutory obligations under the
Equality Act 2010? Please enclose a copy of your Equality & Diversity Policy in Appendix 3.
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Section 7 Approach to Quality and Service Delivery
[90 marks]
This section of the CFP details the information that you should provide about your business’s take
on the service to be delivered. The Award Criteria allow us to assess whether your proposal is the
most economically advantageous (balancing factors such as quality, price and delivery timeframe).
7.1 Geographical Scope
Please describe your capacity to supply the service in the regional areas concerned with this
Should you utilise more than one location, describe how you will ensure an effective relationship
management process across the various locations.
Please provide answer here: [maximum 100 words]
7.2 Process
Please provide a detailed outline of the process you intend to follow to deliver this service including
where appropriate process diagrams / numbered explanations of the process steps.
Please provide answer here: [maximum 250 words]
7.3 Quality
We are expecting the successful contractor to offer a quality and value for money approach to the
service supported by best practice. Please detail how you will ensure that the quality of the service
you will deliver to Winning Pitch will be maintained through each step of the process outlined above
in 7.2.
Please provide answer here: [maximum 250 words]
7.4 Mobilisation
We will be required to mobilise this service very quickly after contracting with a service provider.
Please provide outline details of your planned mobilisation tasks, actions and timescales. Please
also provide details of actions, tasks etc. you would envisage Winning Pitch providing access to to
ensure that your stated timescales can be met.
Please provide answer here: [maximum 250 words – though simplified project plan is acceptable]
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Section 8 Fees
[60 marks]
Please provide details of your fee proposal for providing the required service to Winning Pitch. A
breakdown of all the costs associated with the contract for each phase, including daily rates for
each member of the project team and numbers of days planned to work on the service and by
which consultants.
Please provide answer here: [maximum 500 words]
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Section 9 Undertakings
When you have completed the document, please ensure that:
 You have fully answered all appropriate questions.
 You have enclosed all documents requested.
 You have read and signed the section below.
This undertaking is to be signed by a senior person on behalf of the organisation making this
My/our organisation in completing this proposal has considered the Service Specification and I/we
certify that my/our organisation is interested in performing the services set out in it.
I/we certify that the information supplied is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge and that I/we
accept the conditions and undertakings requested in this document. I/we understand and accept
that the provision of false or inadequate information could result in the rejection of this application.
I/we declare that I am/ we are not aware of any conflict of interest or any circumstances that could
give rise to a conflict of interest in the performance of the proposed Contract.
This Proposal shall remain open for acceptance by Winning Pitch for a period of 60 days after the
due date for return of Proposals specified in your Call for Proposal.
In the capacity of:
Duly authorised to sign Proposals on behalf of:
Name of Business:
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Must be returned no later than Thursday 20th August 2015.
Please complete the following immediately on receipt of the ITT and return it to
Business Name and Address
Date of Receipt of Call for Proposals ………………………………….
Please check one of the following boxes to indicate your intention.
We intend to respond to the CFP
We do not intend to respond
Position in Organisation
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Appendix 4 Project Evaluation Report Template
Project Name and Number:
Date of Review:
Summary of learning points/reflections to share with others
Brief Project description
Brief summary of aims and activities.
Process issues
Brief account of project management and delivery arrangement, including any partnership working,
reflecting on any aspects which enabled success or which acted as barriers to success.
Reflection on any over or under performance.
Reflection on any issues around whether spend was as expected.
Results and Impacts
Consideration of the additional results and impacts specific to the projects priority which have been
created and which have not formed part of the contract targets.
Target beneficiary groups and reflections on whether – and how - targeted beneficiaries were
Strategic Fit
Reflection on how well the project fits with the Priority objectives.
Strategic Added Value
Considerations of strategic benefits from the project
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Consideration of how things would have been different if the project had not gone ahead, e.g. if the
project was creating jobs, would some of them have been created anyway or have they simply
displaced labour from a neighbouring location?
Comments on whether the risks were as expected and on the management of risks that arose.
Changing Environment/ Context (legal/ policy/ institutional)
Notes on any changes that the project had to take account of or adapt to in the wider context.
Environmental Sustainability
Reflection on the project’s contribution to environmental sustainability
Comment on any equality issues, e.g. if the project was targeting specific sections of the
community, whether it was successful or on benefits/impacts on specific groups.
Consideration of the financial sustainability of the project or the buildings, businesses etc. it has
contributed to, after the ERDF funding has ceased.
Summary of conclusions from conducting the evaluation.
Key learning points:
For this/ these projects
For ERDF projects more generally
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Contact Us
Winning Pitch
Building 8
Exchange Quay
Salford M5 3EJ
0161 876 4922
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