III International Seminar on Institutional Theory

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
Faculdade Nacional de Direito – FND
Graduate Program in Law – PPGD
Laboratory of Theoretical and Analytical Studies of Institutional Behavior - LETACI
III International Seminar on Institutional
Theory: Institutional Capacity and Deliberation
Selection Announcement for Scientific Work
Rio de Janeiro.
June, 2014.
The Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, the Faculdade Nacional de Direito
– FND, the Graduate Program in Law of the UFRJ - PPGD/UFRJ, the Laboratory of
Theoretical and Analytical Studies of Institutional Behavior – LETACI, and the General
Coordination Committee of the International Seminar on Institutional Theory – CGSITI,
with the purpose of stimulating Research and Scientific Production and to provide for the
Brazilian juridical debate new aspects of the Institutional Theory, especially, in the
analysis and comprehension of the Brazilian institutional phenomenon by comparison to
other institutional realities,
Releases the present call of Scientific Work for presentation in the III International
Seminar on Institutional Theory: Institutional Capacity and Deliberation, which
takes place November 6th and 7th, 2014, at the Faculdade Nacional de Direito of the UFRJ,
according to the disposed terms of the present announcement.
1.1. To demonstrate the relevance of the study about institutional aspects for the
construction of a constitutional theoretical mark that is adequate to the political and social
reality of contemporaneous societies;
1.2. To promote the debate of the constitutional legitimacy and the political and moral
values that is pursuit with the institutional arrangement of the contemporaneous
1.3. To analyze the institutional behavior that composes the juridical and political
structure of democratic societies and the way they relate and establish instrumental
conditions to public values;
1.4. To verify the main empirical problems that show itself in the Brazilian background
as the struggle for the legitimate acting of Brazilian Institutions;
1.5. To identify structures (composition, nomination) and Constitutional Courts decision
drawings and its deriving effects/influences;
The present announcement intends to contribute with the development of the institutional
theory debate that has occupied great ways in American political and juridical doctrines
and, recently, in the Brazilian doctrines. This debate has yet not been established
definitively the essential elements to the stability and efficiency of Institutions, which
concerns the performance of its activities. The originality of the study is based in the
attempt of identifying institutional phenomenons that present themselves as problems to
this activity, as well as to pursuit possible mechanisms to overcome these difficulties in
the interpretative and deliberative role of Brazilian Institutions. This perspective is
distinct compared to traditional studies when it comes to the discussion and evaluation of
the democratic constitutional reality that is current in Brazil, for the construction of a
more stable and balanced society, vis-à-vis the institutional behavior and its concerning
3.1. The abstracts will be received from June 15th, 2014 to September 15th, 2014.
3.2. The approval relation of abstracts for presentation will be publicized, unsurpassable,
at September 30th, 2014.
3.3. The works will be presented between November 6th and 7th, 2014, at the National
Faculty of Law, with a pre-established schedule from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
4.1 The applications will be performed before the abstract submission in the period
4.2. Each author may submit 1 (one), and only, abstract to be sent to:
4.3. The abstracts must be pointed as one of the Work Groups from the following:
1. WG Institutional Capacities: deals with aspects pertinent to institutional activities, in
formal, legal and material terms;
2. WG Deliberation: deals with decisional drawings, intra and extra institutional;
3. WG Constitutional Courts: deals with Court drawings (composition, decisional form)
and correlative character (legitimacy, counter-majoritarianism);
4. WG Democratic Theory and Constitutionalism: deals with the political and
economical perspectives of institutions;
5. WG Institutional Drawings
Sole Paragraph: The indication of the Work Group must be made in the e-mail body,
which will be used to submit the abstract.
4.4. Abstracts/Papers rules of submission:
I. The abstract must contain title, author, and institution;
II. The abstract may be composed with co-authorship;
III. The abstract must be typed in Times New Roman lettering, size 12, spacing 1,5;
IV. Must contain a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1000 words;
V. Must present the objectives of the work and its justification;
VI. Must indicate the theoretic base in which the work is inserted.
VII. Must indicate the bibliography
5.1. The abstracts will be selected with basis in the following criterion:
I. Clarity in the explanation of the objectives and methodology;
II. Indication of achieved conclusions, when applicable;
III. Originality;
IV. Thematic relevancy;
V. Scientific contribution;
5.2 The abstracts will be analyzed by a Scientific Committee formed by 3 (three)
Professors and/or Researchers of the thematic area of the Seminar.
5.3. The submitted work may be selected, in the presented form, or rejected if it does not
meet the standards disposed by the present Announcement.
5.4. Each proponent will receive a confirmation e-mail, stating the acceptance of its
6.1. Each selected work must be presented by its respective(s) author(s) at the days that
will be indicated by the schedule;
6.2. The presentation of the work will have a 15 minutes duration, must be presented by
verbal/oral form, and may have a PowerPoint presentation, as well.
7.1. The participants will receive a proper certificate.
7.2. The approved abstracts may be published in the Event Annals.
7.3. If any doubts or questionings please do make contact through the e-mail address:
Rio de Janeiro, June 1, 2014.