Spontaneous Generation Notes Outline

Spontaneous Generation Notes Outline
Spontaneous Generation
Who was the first person to come up with the idea of Spontaneous
o _______________________________________ (384 – 322 BC)
 Spontaneous Generation- the idea:
Spontaneous Generation is also known as known as ______________________________________
The idea of spontaneous generation lasted for almost 2000 years!
For centuries, what did people base their beliefs on?
They didn’t use the _______________________ __________________________ to arrive at answers to their
Their conclusions were based on _______________________ _________________________
Scientists Who Worked to Disprove Spontaneous Generation
1.)Francesco Redi
In 1668, Francesco Redi, an Italian physician, did an experiment with __________________ and
What did Francesco Redi do?
What was his hypothesis?
What did Redi observe from his experiment? What were his
Did Redi disprove Spontaneous Generation?
The results of Redi’s experiment ________________________ the idea of spontaneous generation
for ________________________ ________________________ (such as flies, mice, bees, etc.)
But people still thought ________________________ ________________________ like algae or bacteria
could arise through spontaneous generation.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Leeuwenhoek began making and looking through ______________________ ______________________
He often made a new microscope for each specimen
He examined water and visualized tiny animals, fungi, algae, and single celled protozoa
called ________________________
By end of 19th century, these organisms were called ________________________
John Needham
What did John Needham do?
Did Needham’s experiments prove spontaneous generation?
Lazzaro Spallanzani (1765)
Boiled soups for almost an hour and sealed
containers by melting the slender necks closed.
The soups remained clear.
Later, he broke the seals & the soups became
cloudy with microbes
Critics said sealed vials did not allow enough air
for organisms to survive and that prolonged
heating destroyed life force
*Therefore, spontaneous generation remained the theory of the time
The Theory Finally Changes!
How do Microbes Arise?
By 1860, the debate had become so heated that the Paris Academy of Sciences offered a prize
for any experiments that would help resolve this conflict
The prize was claimed in 1864 by ________________ ________________, as he published the results
of an experiment he did to disproved spontaneous generation in microscopic organisms
Pasteur’s Problem
What was Pasteur’s Hypothesis? :
Pasteur put broth into several special S-shaped flasks. Each flask was boiled and placed at
various locations
Pasteur’s Experiment – Step 1
What did he do?:
Pasteur’s Experiment – Step 2
What did he do?:
Pasteur’s Experiment – Step 3
What did he do?:
The Theory of Biogenesis
Pasteur’s S-shaped flask kept _________________________________________
Proved microbes only come from other microbes (life from life) - ________________________
Pasteur’s Experimental Results
The Cell Theory
Directions: Use the following websites to answer the questions below
about the contributors to the cell theory.
1. Cell Theory:
a. List the three parts of the Cell Theory.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
b. How does the Cell Theory disprove spontaneous generation? _______________________
*Use these websites to answer question 1
*Use these websites to answer questions 2-4
Schleiden, Schwann & Virchow:
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Schwann
 http://migration.wordpress.com/2007/03/02/basics-cell-theory/
 http://science.jrank.org/pages/6408/Spontaneous-Generation.html
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_Virchow
2. Matthias Schleiden:
a. When was Matthias Schleiden born? _________________________________________
b. When did he die? ____________________________________________________
c. What generalization made by Schleiden became part of the Cell Theory?
d. What idea did Schleiden have about how plant growth occurred?
e. Why might this idea be important for the Cell Theory?
3. Theodor Schwann:
a. When was Theodor Schwann born? _________________________________________
b. When did he die? _________________________________________
c. What two fields of science were unified by Schwann and Schleiden’s work?
d. What did they find that was similar between plants and animals?
e. How might Schwann’s observations about embryos have affected the theory of
spontaneous generation? ___________________________________________________
4. Rudolf Virchow:
a. When was Rudolf Virchow born? _________________________________________
b. When did he die? _________________________________________
c. What famous book did Virchow write? _________________________________
d. What idea did that book contribute to the Cell Theory? ________________________
e. How would this idea affect scientists’ acceptance of spontaneous generation? _________