Bemidji State University School of Graduate Studies Bemidji State University #48 1500 Birchmont Drive NE Bemidji, MN 56601-2699 Toll free: 1-888-386-8464 Phone: 1-218-755-2027 Fax: 1-218-755-2258 GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION FOR GRADUATION FOR THE APPLIED MASTERS *Required Fields NOTE: If you are a Master of Arts or Master of Science student, please complete the appropriate Form 4 for your program. Before a student submits application materials for graduation for an Applied Masters, the student must first meet the following requirements: I. Form 1-Application for Admission to Graduate Studies has been submitted, approved, and on file with the School of Graduate Studies; Form 2-Application for Admission to Candidacy has been submitted, approved, and on file with the School of Graduate Studies; Form 3-Graduate Project and Presentation Proposal Approval has been submitted, approved, and on file with the School of Graduate Studies; and All course work (core requirements and electives) has been completed prior to applying for graduation. Preliminary Curriculum Vita A preliminary curriculum vita must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies along with Form 4-Application for Graduation. A sample vita sheet and template are available to students on the School of Graduate Studies website. WARNING: If you have not yet completed your curriculum vita, do so now, as it will need to be attached before submitting your electronic Form 4-Application for Graduation. II. Form 4-Application for Graduation The Application for Graduation should be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies when the student registers for the final capstone course. III. Final Project and Presentation After the Application for Graduation has been submitted, students are strongly encouraged to work closely with their Advisor/Capstone Instructor to complete their final project and presentation. PRINT AND KEEP THIS PAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS October 2013 Bemidji State University School of Graduate Studies Bemidji State University #48 1500 Birchmont Drive NE Bemidji, MN 56601-2699 Toll free: 1-888-386-8464 Phone: 1-218-755-2027 Fax: 1-218-755-2258 Form 4 - APPLIED MASTER’S APPLICATION FOR GRADUATION *Required Fields NOTE: If you are a Master of Arts or Master of Science student, please complete the appropriate Form 4 for your program. I submit this application for graduation from Bemidji State University for the: Master of Education (M.Ed) OR Master of Arts in Master of Special *DEGREE PROGRAM: Teaching (MAT) Education (MSpEd) *at the close of: Fall Spring Master of Business Administration (MBA) Summer *Year *Total Semester Hours for the degree: *My name, as I want it printed on my diploma, is: Home Town Newspaper: *BSU ID #: I would like my diploma sent to: *Address *Home Telephone: *City *State *Zip Code *My current email address is: Final Graduate Committee (SIGNATURES are NOT required, only a listing of names): *Advisor/Instructor of Capstone Course *Member/Instructor of Capstone Course *Non-Departmental Member *Field Representative Date/Semester Written Examination Completed: (written verification needed from advisor) * I certify that the information I have provided on this application and all other materials is complete, accurate, and true to the best of my knowledge. *Date: 1-20-2015